The Messiah
"Repent and be Baptized in the
of YAHUAHSHUA the Messiah."
Write: YAHUAHSHUA the Messiah
P.O.Box 10089, Westway Centre
Post Office,
1735 Kipling Avenue, Etobicoke,
Ontario, M9R 4E2 CANADA
0.0) Introduction
1.0) Name of the Almighty and of the Messiah
1.1) Distortions of the Name thru Time and Language
1.2) The Messiah's Name thru Languages
1.3) The Only Tribe of Israel to carry the Father's Name
1.4) Names in the Hebrew O.T. with YAH or YAHU
2.0) The True Biblical Calendar
2.1) Intercalating the True Calendar of the Bible
2.2) The Feast Days of YAHUAH
2.3) Passover and the Crucifixion of the Messiah
3.0) Key to Understanding the Book of Revelation
3.1) The Great Tribulation
3.2) The Mark of the Beast
3.3) The Return of the Messiah
5.0) Chronology of the Messiah's Life on Earth
6.0) Important Variances in the N.T. Manuscripts
7.0) Tools to Study the Bible (including the Manuscripts)
8.0) Names in Paleo-Hebrew Script dated about 1000 BCE
9.0) The City of YAHUAH in the Center of the Hollow Earth
10.0) Lost Books of the Bible
12.0) Free Downloadable Powerful Bible Study Software
13.0) Revealing Light for the Last Days from the Dead Sea Scrolls
14.0) Signs that we are in the Last Days
15.0) More Signs that we are in the Last Days
16.0) Babylon, Great Whore and U.S.A. are One and the Same
18.0) The Identity of the 1st Beast Begins to Unfold
19.0) Monumental Pagan Symbols for the Last Days
20.0) Good News! The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
21.0) The 7 Laws of Noah will affect Believers in the Last Days
22.0) Danger! Warning! Beware of Copycat Websites!
23.0) Man's 6000 Year Time-Line
24.0) Jubilee Year Cycles from Adam to the End of the 6000 Years
25.0) The 7 Seals, 7 Trumpets, and 7 Vials Correlation Chart
26.0) Passover and Crucifixion Chart for the Messiah's Death in 30CE
27.0) Feast Days for the 364 Day Sacred Calendar- 2000CE to 2036CE
28.0) Comfort you My People
29.0) Having more than one wife or husband is wrong - it's Adultery
30.0) Keeping Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread
31.0) Keeping the Feast of Weeks (Feast of Pentecost)
32.0) End-Time Revelations related to the Messiah
33.0) The Hand Writing on the Wall of Daniel 5:25
34.0) O.T. Variances for All the Biblical Dead Sea Scrolls in New Book
35.0) Keeping the Feast of Trumpets (Yom Taruah)
36.0) The Last 10 Years to the End of the 6000 Years from Adam
37.0) The Sign of the Prophet Jonah in the Last Days
38.0) Bits and Pieces for the Last Ten Years
39.0) The Fall Feasts as a complete Block of 22 Days and the Last 10 Years
40.0) The 7 Thunders of Revelation and the Last Tabernacle Years
41.0) The Messiah the Aleph and the Tau, His 1st and 2nd Coming
42.0) The Abomination of Desolation of Daniel during the Great Tribulation
43.0) Iraq, Euphrates River, Armageddon, and the Last 22 Years
44.0) The First and Second Seals of Revelation 6:1-17 are OPEN!
45.0) The Third and the Seventh Heaven
46.0) Image in Daniel: Timeline between Neo-Babylonian Empire & Messiah's Return
47.0) The Rewards Promised to them that Overcome
48.0) Beginning of Sorrows of Matthew 24:8 starts Sacred New Year March 19, 2003
49.0) Countdown to the Messiah's Return
50.0) The Last 7 Years to the Messiah's Return and the Jubilees of Days
51.0) The Importance of the 2nd Month on the Sacred Calendar and the Last Days
52.0) 70 YEARS from the Atlantic Charter in 1941 to the Messiah's Return in 2011
53.0) Halley's Comet (Signs in the Stars) and the Messiah's 2nd Coming
54.0) Numerical Value of the Messiah's Two Names Related to His 2nd Coming
55.0) Scriptures related to the Last Days and the Messiah's Return
56.0) Flight of Believers in the Winter of 2008, During the Great Tribulation
57.0) The 70th Week of Daniel 9:24-27 is the 7 Years before the Messiah returns
58.0) Time for the Sealing of Believers and the Mark of the Beast upon Unbelievers
59.0) When will we call upon the Messiah using his future name of YAHUAHTSADAQ
60.0) The Time of Jacob's Trouble
61.0) The Grain Harvest, Feast of Weeks, the Messiah and the Last Days
62.0) The Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) and the Last 7 Years
63.0) The Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) a Key to the Pattern of the Last Days
64.0) Signs in the Heavens, the Times and the Seasons in the Last Days
65.0) The 3rd Seal of Revelation 6:5-6 will be Open in the Spring of 2007
66.0) Fall 2004 to Spring 2008: 3 1/2 Years Preparation for the Great Tribulation
67.0) Timeline for the Events during the Last 22 Years (7 Seals, 7 Trumpets, 7 Vials)
68.0) Feast of Trumpets in 2004 started the Beginning of Sorrows of Matthew 24:8
69.0) Storm Clouds on the Horizon
70.0) Time Before and After the Messiah's 2nd Coming
71.0) Last 7 Years of 52 Jubilees of Days Cycles to the Messiah's Return
72.0) Last 22 Years and the 120 Day Cycles to the End of the 6000 Years from Adam
73.0) Connection between Noah's Flood, and the Messiah's 1st and 2nd Coming
74.0) Security Features in the Sacred Calendar and the Two 7 Day Cycle Systems
75.0) Connection between the Feast Days and the Last 7 Years of Jubilees of Days
76.0) Sign in Constellation of Orion of pending 9.0 Earthquake and Tsunami in Asia
77.0) More on Time and Prophecy related to the Messiah's Crucifixion
78.0) Sealing of the Righteous from Spring 2007 to Spring 2008
79.0) Pattern of the Numbers 15 & 37 in the 7 Year Jubilees of Days to the Messiah
80.0) The 4 Seasons of Jubilees of Days in the Last 7 Years to the Messiah's Return
81.0) 2nd Passover, 2nd Feast of Unleavened Bread in 2nd Month and the Last Days
82.0) The 22 Letters of the Hebrew Alphabet and the Last 22 Years
83.0) Hurricane Katrina: Like the Days of Noah before the Coming of the Messiah
84.0) Last 7 Years viewed as 1 Year, and the Seasons in Prophecy
85.0) 2005 Atlantic Hurricane Season, another Sign for the Last Days
86.0) 2007 Pivotal and Preparation Year for the Great Tribulation
87.0) More on the Sealing of the Righteous from Spring 2007 to Spring 2008
88.0) The Last and 144th Hour of the 6000 Years from Adam
89.0) Sealing of the Righteous by the End of the 18th Year Confirmed
90.0) The Seal of Yahuah upon the Last 7 Years of 52 Jubilees of Days
91.0) Summer 2006, Abraham at 100 Years old and Patterns of 26 & 22
92.0) Manna, Wheat Harvest and the Last Days
93.0) The Year 2006, what time is it on Yahuah's Clock of Time
94.0) 70 Weeks of Daniel 9:24 and the Messiah's 2nd Coming
95.0) The Number 70 and the Last Days
96.0) The 3 1/2 Year Cycles in the 6000 Years from Adam
97.0) Preparing for the Great Tribulation
98.0) Believers Tabernacleling in the Wilderness for 3 1/2 Years in Last Days
99.0) Number 120 of Man, and the Terminators of 22 for the Last Days
100.0) Terminator of 22 Days in the Three related Calendar Time Systems
101.0) Three Distinct Time Systems that affect the Calendar Year
102.0) The Preparation Year 2007 and the Great Tribulation with Terminators
103.0) Seasonal Pattern of 21 + 49 + 21 Days and the Last 7 Years to the Messiah
104.0) Seasonal Pattern of 21 + 21 + 21 + 21 Months in the Last 7 Years to Messiah
105.0) The Sunspot Cycle and the Intercalation Year of the Sacred Calendar
106.0) Intercalation Year 2006/7, Pentecost 2007, Sealing and 1 1/2 Year Prophecy
107.0) 3 1/2 Year Great Tribulation is Wheat Harvest before the Messiah's Return
108.0) 3rd Seal of Revelation is now Open, Great Tribulation to begin Spring 2008
109.0) Countdown, 9 Months to the start of the Great Tribulation on March 20, 2008
110.0) Feast of Trumpets 2007 begins the preparation for the Great Tribulation
111.0) Trumpets 2007 countdown to Great Trib and the Messiah's 2nd Coming
112.0) Messiah's Future Name Key to understanding 1290 Day prophecy of Daniel
113.0) Understanding the 1335 Day Prophecy of Daniel 12:12
114.0) Lamentations of Jeremiah and the Great Tribulation
115.0) Rewards and consequences of not taking or taking the Mark of the Beast
116.0) The Great Tribulation began on March 20, 2008 but the Signs are subtle
117.0) Last Invitation for the Marriage Feast sent out and Wheat Harvest has begun
118.0) World preparing to receive Extraterrestrials - Satan and his Fallen Angels
119.0) The Seven 6 Month Semesters of the Great Tribulation
120.0) Progressive Intensity of the 7 Semesters of the Great Tribulation
121.0) 70 Weeks of Daniel and the Opening of the 5th Seal of Revelation
122.0) The 4 Phases of the Great Tribulation
123.0) The 4 Elements of the Beast System are quickly creeping upon us
124.0) 2300 Day Prophecy of Daniel and the Messiah's 2nd Coming
125.0) The 4th Semester of the Great Tribulation
126.0) Sealing of the 144,000 on the Day of Atonement on September 26, 2009
127.0) December 17, 2009 marked the midpoint of the Great Tribulation
128.0) End of Wheat Harvest and the Coming of the Messiah in the Last Days
129.0) Satan's Mind Control through Digital Technology & Final push for Power
130.0) 4th Seal of Revelation now Open and the Pale Horse is Riding
131.0) 10 Toes of Daniels's Prophecy is the Digital Age of Today
132.0) 2012 the Year of the Dragon
133.0) 2013 the Year of the Snake
134.0) 2015 is 2600 Years since the destruction of the 1st Temple in 586BCE
135.0) War of the Sons of Light versus the Sons of Darknesss
136.0) Opening of the Golden Gate at the Messiah's 2nd Coming
137.0) Joseph is the Biological Father of the Messiah
138.0) Last 7 Years to the Messiah's Return began with Feast of Trumpets Fall 2019
139.0) March 16, 2023 began the Great Tribulation with the return of Enoch and Elijah
Y YAHUAHTSADAQ Lion of the Tribe of Yahudah
Let's start first with the name of the Almighty and of His Beloved Son. The very first thing that you teach a child in worshiping is the Name of the one being worshiped.
Most people can figure out the name of the Almighty from the Old Testament, but very few know or understand what the Messiah's name is!
To those who are not too acquainted with the Hebrew Language; Hebrew is read from right to left while English is read from left to right.
Please keep in mind that due to the limitations of the space on this Web Page the articles here are just a short version. Any one of these topics could easily take up the entire Web Page and more.
Your comments are more than welcome, please write.
The Messiah carries the fullness of His Father's name of all four Hebrew letters of YOD, HE, VAV, HEwritten as YAHUAH in English. About 169 different names of people in the Old Testament carry two or three letters of the Father's name of YAH (yod, he) or YAHU (yod, he, vav) but never ever with the fourth Hebrew letter "he". The only exception being the Messiah himself as written in Jeremiah 23:6 & Jeremiah 33:16. There you will see the Messiah's future name of YAHUAHTSADAQ (yod, he, vav, he, tsaddi, daleth, qoph) with 7 Hebrew letters which is also the future name of New Jerusalem as also noted in Revelation 3:12 and means YAHUAH IS RIGHTEOUSNESS.
The Messiah's present name from the Hebrew is YAHUAHSHUA (yod, he, vav, he, shin, vav, ayin) with 7 Hebrew letters which means YAHUAH IS SALVATION and which can be proved using the Old Testament Hebrew & Greek manuscripts, and comparing them to the New Testament Greek manuscripts.
If you check the New Testament Greek manuscripts, you will find the Greek name used for the Messiah as IHCOYC(iota, eta, sigma, omicron, upsilon, sigma) and other variations such as IHCOY, IHCOYN, IHCOI depending on the grammatical structure of the sentence. This is a poor attempt to transliterate the name JOSHUA from the Hebrew O.T.. In the N.T. Greek manuscripts you will find the name IHCOYCand its variations abbreviated as IC,IN, IY or as IHC, IHN, IHY (also called the nomina sacra) with a line over the top of these abbreviated letters which can stand for a name, a word, or a number in the Greek manuscripts. It is very rare to see the name IHCOYC written out in full in the N.T. Greek manuscripts.
Now that we have some idea what the name for the Messiah looks like in the Greek. We have to go back to the Hebrew to look for his true name, for he was a Hebrew of Hebrew parents and he had a Hebrew name. We can't compare Greek with Hebrew but we can compare Greek with Greek. The Old Testament was translated into the Greek about 300 years before the Messiah in the Septuagint (LXX). So if we take the name for the Messiah in the Greek N.T. and we look for an identical name in the Greek O.T. we will find that the only name that does match is the name for JOSHUA and is also written as IHCOYC in the Old Testament Greek with its variations.
In the O.T. Greek the name IHCOYC is usually written out in full but there are manuscripts where it is also abbreviated just like in the N.T. Greek.
Now that we have established that the Messiah's name in the N.T. Greek is identical to the name of JOSHUA in the O.T. Greek, we must find out what the Hebrew name is.
The name of JOSHUAin the O.T. Hebrew is usually written as YOD, HE, VAV, SHIN, AYIN (five letters) and pronounced as YAHUSHUA. But is also written in its fuller form twice as YOD, HE, VAV, SHIN, VAV, AYIN (six letters) in Judges 2:7 & Deuteronomy 3:21 also pronounced as YAHUSHUA.
The only difference of whether the second VAV is visible or not is a cosmetic one. Since Hebrew is a consonantal language the vowels are visually put in as the reader reads the word. The second VAV is there in both cases but in the more common occurrence it is understood and put in while reading, while in the rare occurrence it is there visually. In both cases the name is identical and pronounced the same. For example, the word BEN in Hebrew means son and is spelled as BN (beth, nun) and the vowel sound of E is put in and pronounced while reading the word but is not there visually.
We have now established the name of JOSHUA in Hebrew as YAHUSHUA (yod, he, vav, shin, vav, ayin) with six Hebrew letters. We have also proved that the Messiah's name and Joshua's name are identical in the Greek. But there is one major difference between the names of these two men. And that difference is the fourth letter of the Father's name. Joshua only carries three letters of the Father's name as do other people in the O.T. . The Messiah carries the fullness of His Father's name with all four letters and so the Messiah's name is YAHUAHSHUA (yod, he, vav, he, shin, vav, ayin) with seven Hebrew letters. Some of the N.T. scriptures that prove the Messiah's unique name are: Acts 4:12; Ephesians 1:20,21; Philippians 2:9-11; Hebrews 1:4.
We also know that the Messiah's name is unique because there are other people in both the O.T. and in the N.T. with the name of Jesus. In Acts 7:45 and Hebrews 4:8 the Jesus here is Joshua the son of Nun. In Colossians 4:11 it is Jesus called Justus. In Acts 13:6 there is Bar-Jesus where the word Bar is Aramaic for son.
We are not saved through common names such as Jesus or Joshua. There are thousands of people even today in the Spanish speaking world that use the name of Jesus as their first or last name. Also in Israel, a lot of people have the name of Yahushua. The Messiah's name is unique and there is only one person with that name and that is the Messiah himself. There is no other name under heaven by which we can be saved. When we call upon the Messiah using his name, we are actually calling upon His Father because the Messiah's name carries the Father's name and means YAHUAH (the Father) is SALVATION. So when we pray to YAHUAH the Father we petition Him through His Beloved Son YAHUAHSHUA our High Priest after the Order of MelechiTsadaq and our Passover Lamb that perfect sacrifice who died for our sins that we may have Eternal Life.
Many people also say that no one knows the proper pronunciation of the Father's name of YAHUAH any more and that it has been lost. Which is not true. Anyone who can read Hebrew knows it but will not pronounce it and replaces the name with other words such as Elohim (the Mighty Ones), Adonai (Master), Ha Shem (The Name), or G_D. But there is a very easy and simple way to know and pronounce the Father's name. Most people know and pronounce the name of the Tribe of Judah which in the Hebrew is YAHUDAH (yod, he, vav, daleth, he). The only difference between the spelling for the name of YAHUDAH and the Father's name of YAHUAH is one letter the D (daleth). So if you remove the letter D from the name YAHUDAH you have the proper pronunciation for the Father's name of YAHUAH.
the name of God, Lord, Amen, the Tetragrammaton, Jehovah, Yahweh, Yahvah, Iao, Jesus, Christ, Yeshua, Yahshua, Adonai, Ha Shem, G_D, etc. just to name a few.
From the scriptures, it is very plain that the Father has one name and that name is YAHUAH (yod, he, vav, he).
With the hybrid forms of Jehovah, Yahweh and Yahvah we can quickly check to see that the distortions come over time because the value of the letters of the alphabet have changed. For instance, the letter J developed from the Roman letter I during the middle ages and at one time even was the same letter. The same can be said for the letter U and W which both are derived from the Roman letter V which originally carried an "oo" or "uu" sound. Even the name for the letter W still carries the old value of double UU or as it is called in French double V V. So back in the middle ages all three of these variations would have been pronounced as YAHUAH.
Yeshua (yod, shin, vav, ayin) is a short form of Yahushua.
All the different forms, variations and substitutes can be traced back in time. Again the word "God" is Teutonic and was used to worship stones and other pagan objects.
"Lord" is old English and comes from two words "half" meaning loaf and "weird" meaning guardian, essentially "guardian of the loaf".
"Amen" is an Egyptian god whose name literally means "hidden" and was used in conjunction with other Egyptian deities as "Amen-Ra" for example. The Hebrew word amen means "so be it" and we should say "so be it" when we agree to a prayer rather than the word "Amen". Even though the word Amen in both the Old and New Testaments is a clean and acceptable word and in Revelation the Messiah is also called the Amen. We should use the Father's name and the Messiah's name when we pray so that there is no confusion as to who we are praying to.
b) IESOUS = Latin, transliterated from the Greek.
c) IHCOYC = Greek, poor transliteration of the Hebrew name Joshua.
d) YOD, HE, VAV, SHIN, VAV, AYIN = Hebrew, properly translated to and pronounced in English as YAHUSHUA, the fullest form of the Hebrew name of Joshua and means YAHU is Salvation.
e) YOD, HE, VAV, HE, SHIN, VAV, AYIN = Hebrew, properly translated to and pronounced in English as YAHUAHSHUA, the full Hebrew name of the Messiah after his resurrection from the dead and means YAHUAH is SALVATION.
The name of the members of the tribe of YAHUDAH are called YAHUDI.
The Messiah was of the tribe of YAHUDAH and was a YAHUDI.
The Messiah carries the name of His Heavenly Father in his present name of YAHUAHSHUA as well as in his future name of YAHUAHTSADAQ.
The Messiah is our High Priest after the Order of MelechiTsadaq which from the Hebrew means MY KING is RIGHTEOUSNESS.
So you see, all the scriptures are interwoven with meaning and purpose to help us to understand more about our Heavenly Father and His Beloved Son.
a) ISAIAH = YESHAYAHU which means Salvation of YAHU and is the Messiah's present name backwards less one letter.
b) ZEDEKIAH = TSADAQYAHUwhich means Righteousness of YAHU and is the Messiah's future name backwards less one letter.
c) JOSHUA, JEHOSHUA, JEHOSHUAH = YAHUSHUA which means YAHU is Salvation and was the name of the Messiah while he was alive on this earth.
d) JEHOZADAK, JOSEDECH = YAHUTSADAQ which means YAHU is Righteousness which is the Messiah's future name less one letter.
e) ELIJAH = ALIYAHU which means My Mighty One is YAHU.
f) JOSEPH = YAHUCEPHwhich means YAHU will Add.
Originally people in the O.T. used the full form of YAHU in their own names but later started to shorten it to YAH (yod, he) or YU (yod, vav). An example of the use of YU in a name is in the name of Joseph which now is written as the shorter form YUCEPH. The fuller form of Joseph used to be YAHUCEPH.
As you can see, translating the Hebrew names into the English or any other language for that matter can create many variations for the same name, but in the Hebrew the name is consistent.
To further illustrate this, take an Israeli Telephone Book in English and check the names of people who carry the name YAHU as part of their own name. You will find YAHU translated as YAHU, YAHOO, IAHU, IAHOU, IAHOO, etc. but the Hebrew would still be the same three letters of YOD, HE, VAV.
Note: As an English speaking person you can quickly check the Hebrew and Greek names in the Bible using a "Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible" which has a Hebrew and Greek Dictionary at the back of it: You simply look up the English word or name in the English Concordance in the main section which will point you to the Hebrew or Greek which it stands for in the appropriate Dictionary at the back.
The true calendar has to be solar as the Feast Days are directly linked to the agricultural year. The true calendar also has to have the following units of time:
1 Day = night time + day time = 24 Hours (Gen.1:5, John 11:9)
1 Week = 7 Days (Gen.1:1-31; Gen.2:1-3)
1 Month = 30 Days (Gen.7:11,24; Gen.8:3,4; Rev.11:2,3; Rev.12:6; Rev.13:5)
1 Year = 12 Months (I Kings 4:7; I Chronicles 27:1-15)
1 Year = 12 Months x 30 Days = 360 Days
1st Day of the Year = 5th Day of the week (Gen.1:14-19; Since the solar year is based on the sun and the sun was created or reset on the 4th Day of the Week, it makes sense that the solar year starts with the 5th Day of the Week after the creation or resetting of the sun was complete. Sundown on Wednesday marks the end of the 4th Day, and begins the 5th Day of the Week. So the Year begins at sundown on Wednesday night with the beginning of the 5th Day of the Week.
The agricultural year is directly linked to the Feast Days and the Calendar (Ex.23:14-17; Ex.34:21-23).
1st Month = Passover, Feast of Unleavened Bread -beginning of the Barley Harvest with the Sheaf Offering (Ex.12:2; Lev.23:5-15).
3rd Month= Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) - end of the Wheat Harvest (Lev.23:16-22).
7th Month = Feast of Tabernacles - the end of the agricultural year and the ingathering of grapes, olives, pomegranates, dates, etc. (Lev.23:23-44).
Now that we know what units of time the true calendar consists of, we can now look for a calendar that meets these criteria.
The True Calendar of the Bible
The only Calendar that meets all of these criteria is the Solar Calendar found at Qumran mentioned in Mismarot from Cave IV, also mentioned in the Book of Enoch (I Enoch) Chap.72-75, as well as in the Book of Jubilees Chap.6:23-38, and has the following characteristics:
This calendar has 1 Week = 7 Days, 1 Month = 30 Days, 1 Year = 12 Months, 1 Year= 360 Days plus 4 intercalary days to make an even 364 Day Year which is perfectly divisible by the 7 day week to give 52 Weeks a year, 1st Day of the Year = 5th Day of the Week; 1st Month = start of the Barley Harvest.
This is a fixed Calendarwith the 1st Day of the Year and the 1st Day of each 3 month period falling on Wednesday night the beginning of the 5th Day of the Week. The dates of the feasts are also fixed with a particular day of any given month being on the same day of the week every year. One intercalary day is fixed at the end of each 3 month period and acts as a buffer or division point between the next season or 3 month period. Each season or 3 month period has exactly 13 weeks. Here is what the reconstructed calendar looks like (keeping in mind that as Sabbath is on Saturday but starts Friday night so all the days in this calendar start the night before):
The 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th Months
The 2nd, 5th, 8th, and 11th Months
The 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 12th Months
Reference: "Ten Years of Discovery in the Wilderness of Judea" by J.T.Milik 1959
For more info refer to:
Feast Days of Yahuah.
and the Crucifixion of the Messiah.
and Crucifixion Chart for the Messiah's Death in 30CE.
Days for the 364 Day Sacred Calendar - 2000CE to 2011CE.
Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread.
the Feast of Weeks (Feast of Pentecost).
The solar year consists of approximately 365 1/4 days per year. The beginning of the solar year also starts at the Spring or Vernal Equinox on about March 21. In scientific terms this is 0 degrees or 360 degrees. Since the length of the solar year is not evenly divisible by a whole number of days it is difficult to have a solar calendar line up with the solar year.
The Gregorian Calendar which most of us use, has 365 days. But to keep the calendar in line with the solar year the 1/4 day must be accounted for. To take care of this loss of 1/4 days per year, the Gregorian Calendar is intercalated every 4 years during which time 4 x 1/4 days = 1 day was lost. Therefore, every four years we have a leap year of 366 days and that extra day is added on February 29.
With the True Biblical Calendar a year consists of 360 days + 4 intercalary days to give 364 days per year. So 1 1/4 days is lost each year. Therefore, every 5 or 6 years this calendar is intercalated by one week.
This method is very simple and the calendar becomes self correcting. The calendar gets its starting point when the Spring Equinox is on the 4th Day of the Week Jerusalem Time between Tuesday sunset to Wednesday sunset. As 5 or 6 years pass, the Spring Equinox again is on the 4th Day of the Week. This is when the calendar is intercalated by one week. This keeps the calendar always within approximately one week from the Spring Equinox.
It is critical to keep the calendar synchronized with the Spring Equinox because the Feast Days along with the calendar are directly linked to the agricultural year which is in turn directly linked to the solar year.
For more info refer to:
Days for the 364 Day Sacred Calendar - 2000CE to 2011CE.
a) Sabbath - the weekly Sabbath on the 7th Day of the Week from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset.
b) Passover - on the 14th Day of the 1st Month from Tuesday sunset to Wednesday sunset. The Messiah observed the Passover with his disciples on Tuesday night after sunset; later was taken by the mob led by Judas Iscariot; and on Wednesday at 12Noon he was crucified and died at 3PM.
c) Feast of Unleavened Bread - from the 15th Day of the 1st Month to the 21st Day of the 1st Month, starting Wednesday sunset and ending a week later at Wednesday sunset. In the middle of the Feast of Unleavened Bread is the Sheaf Offering of the Barley on the 18thDay of the 1st Month and marks the beginning of the Barley Harvest.
d) Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) - 50 days from the time of the Sheaf Offering of Barley (the barley was offered on the 18th Day of the 1st Month the 1st Day of the Week). Then 7 Sabbaths (7 Sabbaths x7 days = 49 days) had to be complete, "even unto the morrow after the 7th Sabbath shall you number 50 days". So Pentecost was on the 7th Day of the 3rd Month on the 1st Day of the Week Sunday but actually started on Saturday night the night before at sunset. The name Pentecost derives its origin from the Greek word "Pente" which means 50. Pentecost celebrates the end of the Wheat Harvest. The Holy Spirit was poured out on the Day of Pentecost. The Wheat Harvest also represents the end of this system and the return of the Messiah (Matt. 13:18-30; Matt. 14:36-43).
e) Feast of Trumpets - on the 1st Day of the 7th Month. In the Hebrew it is called Yom Taruah or Day of Great (earth shattering) Noise. The scriptures indicate that this is the day on which the Messiah will return the second time.
f) Day of Atonement - on the 10th Day of the 7th Month. In the Hebrew it is called Yom Kippur or Day of Pitch (tar) in the sense of wiping out either our sins or our names from the Book of Life. It is also a Day of Judgement.
g) Feast of Tabernacles (or Booths) - from the 15th Day to the 21st Day of the 7th Month. This is the Harvest Feast that marks the end of the agricultural year. The 22nd Day of the 7th Month is the Last Great Day, a High Sabbath that signifies a transition from the completion of the old agricultural year to the beginning of a new one. The Messiah in John 7:37-39 talks about those who believe in him, out of their belly shall flow rivers of living water. In Ezekiel 47:1-12 we are told that living water shall flow from the sanctuary into the dead sea and the dead sea shall be healed. This I believe will happen in the last year of the 6000 years from Adam when the Messiah has established his Kingdom on this earth and ushers in the 1000 year Millennium of his reign.
For more info refer to:
and Crucifixion Chart for the Messiah's Death in 30CE.
#27.0)Feast Days for the 364 Day Sacred Calendar - 2000CE to 2011CE.
#30.0)Keeping Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread.
The Messiah kept the Passover with his disciples on Tuesday night after sunset on the 14th Day of the 1st Month (Luke 22:7-14; Lev.23:5; Matt.26:18-20).
All four of the Gospels indicate that the Messiah was crucified at 12Noon (6th Hour) on Wednesday still the 14th Day of the 1st Month. There was darkness from 12Noon (6th Hour) until 3PM (9th Hour) when the Messiah died. This is backed up in Matt.27:45-46,50; Mark 15:33-34,37; Luke 23:44-46; and John 19:14-18. Daniel prophesied that the Messiah would be cut off in the middle of the week (Daniel 9:26-27).
However, there is one scripture in Mark 15:25 which says that "it was the 3rd Hour (9AM) and they crucified him". Usually there are at least two scriptures to confirm something. And when there is only one, it should always be prayed about. Something else that makes this particular scripture suspect is the short and long version of Mark Chap.16 which the oldest and most reliable Greek manuscripts differ about. So Mark Chap.15 & 16 should always be looked at a little more closely.
We also know that Wednesday sunset would have started the High Sabbath of the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread the 15th Day of the 1st Month (John 19:31) which was not a regular Sabbath.
We also know that the Messiah had to be in the tomb for 3 days and 3 nights (Matt.12:40; Jonah 1:17). The evening of Wednesday would have been the 1st Night and Thursday the 1st Day. The evening of Thursday the 2nd Night and Friday the 2nd Day. The evening of Friday the 3rd Night and Saturday the 3rd Day.
So the Messiah rose from the dead on Saturday the regular Sabbath the 7th Day of the Week before sunset. After sunset would have started the 1st Day of the Week which agrees with Matt.28:1 "in the end of the Sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first of the week"; John 20:1 "the first of the week comes Mary Magdalene early, when it was yet dark". Again as stated earlier, Mark Chap.16 is problematic and Mark 16:2 is out weighed by the other scriptures.
The year that the Messiah died can be narrowed down by pooling information from scripture, the Talmud, historical events, the different calendars at the time, astronomical events at the time, etc. One sure reference point that we have is the destruction of Jerusalem in the year 70CE. The Messiah foretold in the dual prophecy of Matt.24:1-51 the destruction of Jerusalem in 70CE as well as his Second Coming in our time now. The Messiah said in Matt.24:34, "this generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled" and a generation in the Bible is 40 Years. So, 70CE less 40 years gives the year 30CE.
At the time of the Messiah's death, in Matt.27:51 we are told that the veil of the temple was rent in two from the top to the bottom and the earth did quake and the rocks rent. In the Talmud in Yoma 39b we are told, "Forty years before the Temple was destroyed (70CE - 40 years = 30CE) ...the gates of the Hekel (Holy Place) opened by themselves".
Pontius Pilate became governor of Judea in 26CE and died in 36CE.
The True Hebrew Solar Calendar and the Jewish Lunar-Solar Calendar are identical in the year 30CE for the 1st Month of the year and the 14th Day of the 1st Month which is Passover the day the Messiah was crucified was the same for both calendars in that year.
From scripture, we can assume that the year the Messiah was crucified was also a Jubilee Year. The Jubilee Year is a year of release when those that are in bondage, servitude or debt were given their freedom. In the larger picture, it is through the shedding of the blood of the Messiah our Passover Lamb that are sins are forgiven and we are made free from the bondage of sin. For without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin (Hebrews 9:1-28). With the Messiah's death, the prophecies in Isaiah 61:1-2 and Luke 4:18 are also fulfilled where it is written, "YAHUAH has anointed me...to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound; to proclaim the acceptable year of YAHUAH".
From other events in the Bible, we can also narrow down the age of the Messiah and when he died. We know that he started his ministry when he was 30 years old (Luke 3:23). We also know that he was not yet 50 years old (John 8:57). We know that he was born during the fall feasts because he was 6 months younger than his cousin John the Baptist (who was conceived soon after his father Zacharias a priest of the course of Abia served in the Temple - the timing of the course of Abia can be figured out). We know that the Messiah was born before Herod died in 5BCE. There is also a similarity to King David and the Messiah; because David began to reign when he was 30 years old and reigned 40 1/2 years (I Chronicles 3:4; II Samuel 5:4-5). The Messiah was 40 1/2 years old when he died and was the perfect sacrifice.
The scriptures back up the fact that the Messiah would have been at least 40 years old and stress the significance of the number 40. The children of Israel in the wilderness for one generation of 40 years; Moses and the Messiah both fasted for 40 days and 40 nights; the rains cleansed the earth for 40 days during the flood at the time of Noah; Miriam the Messiah's mother had to cleanse herself for 40 days after giving birth to the Messiah a male child; the wine that was offered up and presented in the temple had to be finished fermenting and be at least 40 days old.
In conclusion, the Messiah was 40 1/2 years old when he died. He also died on Wednesday at 3PM on April 5 in the year 30CE on Passover day the 14th Day of the 1st Month in a Jubilee Year.
For more info refer to:
and Crucifixion Chart for the Messiah's Death in 30CE
#30.0)Keeping Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread.
For more information refer
7 Seals, 7 Trumpets, and 7 Vials Correlation Chart.
The Book of Revelation goes into more detail with the duration in time of the Great Tribulation which will be 3 1/2 Years. All the following major events will happen during that 3 1/2 Years of the Great Tribulation:
a) The Two Witnesses will prophecy for 1,260 Days (Rev.11:3; Malachi 4:5). These two witnesses will be the two people in scripture that have never died but will have to come back to die and they are Elijah (ALIYAHU) and Enoch (HANUCH).
b) Jerusalem given unto the control of the Nations (United Nations?) for 42 Months (Rev.11:2).
c) Believers in the Wilderness for 1,260 Days (Rev.12:6).
d) Beast continues (makes war) for 42 Months (Rev.13.5).
e) Satan cast unto the earth for the 3 1/2 Years (Rev.12.9). Satan (the Dragon) is in league with the Beast (Rev.13:4) until Satan is bound for 1000 Years at the coming of the Messiah (Rev.20:1-6).
f) The 4th and 5th Seals (Rev.6:7-11).
g) The First Six Trumpets (Rev.8:7-12; Rev.9:1-21).
h) The First Six Vials (Rev.16:2-16).
To the best of our understanding at this time, the Great Tribulation will begin in the Spring of the Year 2008.
For more information refer
7 Seals, 7 Trumpets, and 7 Vials Correlation Chart.
The oldest record we have of Revelation 13:17,18 is in the Chester Beatty Biblical Papyri P47 dated the 3rd Century CE in which, the number 666 is written in Greek as three Greek letters Chi, Xi, Sigma with a single line across the top of these three letters.
In this particular N.T. Greek manuscript, the line across the top of these three letters means that these three letters together stand for a word, a name, or a number. In later Greek manuscripts this disappears completely and is replaced with the number "666" written out in full as three full words as "six hundred, sixty and six".
The only viable explanation for what this number 666 stands for is as follows:
In the old Roman world and even today, the Roman Alphabet letters stood for letters and for numbers. For example, the Roman counting system only used the Roman letters I, V, X, L, C, and D; while the letter M which stood for 1000 was originally two D's back to back to form what latter was perceived as the letter M and so is not an additional letter. So the Roman counting system consists of the following letters and values:
DICLUX: where DI is the Latin for GOD and C in Greek is the Roman equivalent of S which makes a word plural where DIC = GODS and where LUX is the Latin for LIGHT. So DICLUX stands for GODS OF LIGHT.
In our modern day hi-tech society this meaning and terminology makes a lot of sense. Cities all over the world never sleep and with the help of electricity there is artificial LIGHT 24 hours a day all year round.
There is also a small elite and secretive group that apparently control the world called the ILLUMINATI, the enlightened ones. And no wonder for in II Corinthians 11:14,15 we are told that Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light; therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness. We know that Satan temporarily controls the world (Luke 4:5,6) until his lease runs out and then the Messiah will return and establish the Kingdom of YAHUAH on this earth.
During the Great Tribulation there will be four aspects of the Beast that we as believers will have to avoid - namely the 1)IMAGE, 2)MARK, 3)NAME and 4)NUMBER of the Beast. We have to avoid worshiping the Image of the Beast; and avoid taking the Mark, Name or Number of the Beast to buy or sell (Rev.13:15-18; Rev.14:9-11; Rev.15:2).
The Great Day of YAHUAH and the Return of the Messiah is one and the same event (Rev.6:16-17; Rev.19:15; Rev.11:15-19; Rev.16:17-21).
a) The Great Day of YAHUAH represents the Wrath of YAHUAH: (Isa.13:19,13; Zeph.1:15; Joel 2:11; Zech.12:9; Jer.30:7-11; Dan.12:1-13; Ezek.7:1-27).
b) The Signs of the Messiah's Return are the same as the Great Day of YAHUAH (Rev.6:12-14; Matt.24:29; Isa.13:10; Joel 2:10; Joel 3:15; Mark 13:24; Luke 21:25; Zech.14:5-7; Isa.24:1-23,20-23).
c) The Messiah will come with an Army on the Great Day of YAHUAH and he will rule the earth (Rev.19:14,15,19; Isa.13:3,4-9,11-19; Zeph.1:7; Joel 2:1-9; Joel 3:2-14; Jer.25:30-37; Zech.12:9-10; Zech.13:6; Zech.14:2,4,5).
For more information refer
7 Seals, 7 Trumpets, and 7 Vials Correlation Chart.
12BCE - Haley's Comet at Perihelion on October 5.
7BCE - Wise men come and Herod kills the children of Bethlehem.
7BCE - Herod executes two of his own sons.
7BCE - Triple Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn on May 27, Oct. 6, & Dec. 1 (the Star of Bethlehem?).
7BCE - The Messiah is a young child of about 5 years old.
5BCE - Herod dies. Messiah is about 7 years old.
19CE - The Messiah starts his Ministry at 30 years of age.
26CE - Pontius Pilate appointed Governor of Judea.
30CE - The Messiah is Crucified on Wednesday April 5 at 12Noon and dies at 3PM.
30CE - Jubilee Year.
30CE - The Messiah is 40 1/2 years old.
Mark 16:9-20
Luke 22:43,44
Luke 23:34 [And Yahuahshua said,"Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do."]
John 7:53-8:11
b) Scriptures which are of DOUBTFUL AUTHENTICITY with regard to the Original Text:
Matthew 12:47 All of verse 47.
Matthew 16:2b-3 Half of verse 2 and all of verse 3.
Matthew 21:44 All of verse 44.
Luke 8:43 Part of verse 43.
Romans 16:25-27 All of verses
c) Scriptures DERIVED NOT FROM the Basic Textual Witnesses, BUT FROM Modern Editors:
Matthew 17:21 All of verse 21.
Matthew 18:11 All of verse 11.
Matthew 23:14 All of verse 14.
Mark 7:16 All of verse 16.
Mark 9:44,46 All of verses 44 & 46.
Mark 11:26 All of verse 26.
Mark 15:28 All of verse 28.
Luke 17:36 All of verse 36.
Luke 23:17 All of verse 17.
John 5:3b-4 Verses 3b-4.
Acts 8:37 All of verse 37.
Acts 15:34 All of verse 34.
Acts 24:6b-8a Verses 6b-8a.
Acts 28:29 All of verse 29.
Romans 16:24 All of verse
d) Miscellaneous Variances:
I John 5:7 (In the King James Bible) "For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one." This verse doesn't appear in the Greek Manuscripts.
Revelation 13:1a is actually Revelation 12:18 which changes the meaning.
Revelation 14:1 The Greek N.T. Manuscripts read "who had his name and his Father's name written on their foreheads."
The word Calvary comes from the Latin Vulgate and is not in the Greek N.T. Manuscripts.
Revelation 22:19 Should read
"Tree of Life" instead of "Book of Life".
Reference: "Greek-English New Testament" by Nestle-Aland 1993 (based on the 7th Printing of the 26th Edition of the Novum Testamentum Graece).
Now that you have chosen
a Bible version, you are now ready to gather other study books, keeping
in mind that some of these study tools are based on a particular Bible
version. Also, the following books are suggestions only as there are new
and more up-to-date books coming out all the time so please shop around
and check out the books before you buy them, as these can be expensive:
b) Hebrew Interlinear
"The Interlinear Hebrew/Greek
English Bible", by Jay Green 1979 (note: the O.T. Hebrew in 3 Volumes
is not too bad but the N.T. Greek in 1 Volume is poor).
c) Hebrew Lexicon (Hebrew
word/English meaning):
"Gesenius' Hebrew and Chaldee
Lexicon to the Old Testament", by Samuel P. Tregelles 1974
d) Hebrew Analytical Lexicon
(Hebrew word points to root word/English meaning ):
"The Analytical Hebrew and Chaldee
Lexicon", by Benjamin Davidson 1995
e) Hebrew Concordance (Hebrew
word/English listing of Biblical verses):
"Englishman's Hebrew and Chaldee Concordance
of the Old Testament", Published by, Samuel Bagster & Sons 1971
f) Hebrew Concordance (Hebrew
word/Hebrew listing of Biblical verses with Latin notes):
"The Mandelkern Biblical Concordance"
by Dr. Solomon Mandelkern 1896
g) Hebrew O.T. Manuscripts:
"The Text of the Old Testament", by
Ernst Wurthwein 1995 (in English)
b) Greek Interlinear (Greek/English):
"The New Greek/English Interlinear
New Testament", by R.K.Brown and P.W.Comfort 1993 (Note: based on
the "Greek New Testament" UBS 4th Edition, Nestle-Aland 26th Edition).
c) Greek Lexicon (Greek word/English
"Thayer's Greek-English Lexicon of
the New Testament", by Joseph H. Thayer 1997
d) Greek Analytical Lexicon (Greek
word points to root word/English meaning):
"The Analytical Greek Lexicon", Published
by, Samuel Bagster & Sons
e) Greek Concordance (Greek word/English
listing of Bible verses):
"The Englishman's Greek Concordance
of the New Testament", Published by Zondervan 1974
f) Greek N.T. Manuscripts:
"The Text of the New Testament", by
Kurt and Barbara Aland 1989
g) Greek N.T.Manuscript (Codex
B) (Interlinear):
"The Emphatic Diaglott", by Benjamin
Wilson 1942 (Note: copy can be obtained from the Jehovah's Witnesses).
b) Greek Concordance of the Septuagint
(Greek word/Greek listing of Biblical verses with some reference to the
"A Concordance to the Septuagint and
the Other Greek Versions of the Old Testament (including the Apocryphal
Books)" in 3 Vols., by Edwin Hatch 1983.
The oldest record we have of the Father's name of YAHUAH is in the Moabite Stone dated about 890 BCE in Paleo-Hebrew script and appears as follows:
The Messiah's present name of YAHUAHSHUA in Paleo-Hebrew script would appear as:
The fifth letter from the right, the shin "W" looks like a serpent which could signify the Messiah's victory over Satan (the Serpent) and the world. Also in Numbers 21:7-9 Moses was commanded to make a brass serpent and put it on a pole and the children of Israel who looked upon it were saved.
The sixth letter from the right, the vav "Y" could represent the upright pole that the Messiah was crucified on and also looks like a man praying with his arms stretched out in beseeching YAHUAH.
The seventh letter from the right, the ayin "O" could represent the circle of life of all mankind from birth to death.
The Messiah's future name of YAHUAHTSADAQ in Paleo-Hebrew script would appear as:
The fifth letter from the right, the tsaddi "h" could represent the throne chair on which the Messiah will sit on in Jerusalem when he rules as King of Kings for 1000 years on this earth.
The sixth letter from the right, the daleth "A" could represent an eye or the seven eyes which are the seven spirits of YAHUAH that the Messiah has (Rev.3:1; 4:5; 5:6; Isaiah 11:2).
The seventh letterfrom the right, the qoph "P" could represent the tree of life which we will have access to again through the Messiah.
The Messiah's future name
of YAHUAHTSADAQ has other hidden treasures in it. The numerical
value for this name is 220 which is 22 times 10. 10 is a number of judgement.
22 is a number of completion: the Fall Feasts have 22 days and the Hebrew
alphabet has 22 letters. The Messiah is the WORD OF YAHUAH (John
1:1,14) and he compares himself to the alphabet in Rev.1:8,11. There is
something very important in Genesis 1:1 which is not translated into English
in the King James Bible: first, there are seven Hebrew words in Genesis
1:1 and two of them are aleph-tau a two letter word that most scholars
don't know what it means. Some do have the right idea, that since aleph
is the 1st letter and tau is the 22nd letter of the
Hebrew Alphabet, that these two letters represent all 22 letters and consequently
WORD OF YAHUAH (the Messiah as well as the written word of YAHUAH),
as the entire Bible is composed of combinations of these 22 letters.
There are two other names
in the Paleo-Hebrew script important to know, the names of Elijah and Enoch.
I believe that these are the two witnesses mentioned in Rev.11:3-12 that
will appear on this earth with the start of the 3 1/2 Year Great Tribulation
as early as March in the year 2008 CE.
These two witnesses could
be using their old Paleo-Hebrew names and would appear as:
I believe that I am duty bound to reveal to the world the wonderful truth about the physical location of the Kingdom of Heaven. This knowledge will not affect your salvation but is a very real comfort to know and will help us to understand many things in scripture, that without which we would be kept in the dark. So here goes.
The earth is hollow with large openings at the North and South Poles. These two regions are covered by heavy cloud cover most of the time and difficult to see even from space. The interior of the earth has land and oceans and rivers. It flourishes with animals, plant life and beings similar to humans but larger. In the center of the interior of the earth is what most people understand to be a central sun. In reality, this so called sun is the City of YAHUAH which gives heat and light to the interior of the earth. There is no night there! It is daytime all the time. Because of the openings at the top and bottom to the interior of the earth, it is referred to in scripture as the Bottomless Pit!
The Hollow Earth
Evidence from the Bible:
1) Job 26:7-10 "He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing. He bindeth up the waters in his thick clouds; and the cloud is not rent under them. He holdeth back the face of his throne, and spreadeth his cloud upon it. He hath compassed the waters with bounds, until the day and night come to an end."
2)Revelation 21:23,25 "And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of YAHUAH did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof. And ... there shall be no night there."
3)Revelation 22:5 "And there shall be no night there; and they need no candle, neither light of the sun; for YAHUAH Elohim giveth them light ..."
4)Exodus 8:22 "...I am YAHUAH in the midst of the earth."
5)Psalm 74:12 "For YAHUAH is my King of old, working salvation in the midst of the earth."
6)Philippians 2:10 "That at the name of YAHUAHSHUA, every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth."
7)Revelation 5:3,13 "And no man in heaven, nor in earth, neither under the earth ..."
8)Exodus 20:4 "... in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth."
9)Isaiah 66:1 "...The heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool ..."
10)Matthew 5:35 "Nor by the earth; for it is his footstool ..."
11)Matthew 12:40 "For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth." Note:Please keep in mind that the tomb where the Messiah was laid was above ground level!
12)Revelation 9:1,2,11; 11:7; 17:8; 20:1,3 "And the fifth angel sounded, ... and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit."
13)Job 1:6,7 "Now there was a day when the sons of YAHUAH came to present themselves before YAHUAH, and Satan came also among them. And YAHUAH said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered YAHUAH, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it."
14)Revelation 21:1-27 "... the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from YAHUAH out of heaven ... the wall of the city had twelve foundations ... and the city lieth foursquare, and the length is as large as the breadth: ... and the breadth and the height of it are equal." Note: This description is of the physical City of YAHUAH in the center of the earth; the New Jerusalem that will come down from Heaven will be a spiritual City made up of the living stones (believers) with the Messiah as the chief corner stone -- I Peter 2:5-7; Matt.16:18; I Corinthians 3:9-17; Ephesians 2:19-22.
Note: Another Bible related source is "The Book of Enoch", by R.H. Charles 1972. In Chapter XIV 9-21 Enoch describes The City of YAHUAH: "... bore me into heaven. And I went in till I drew nigh to a wall which is built of crystals and surrounded by tongues of fire...And I went into the tongues of fire and drew nigh to a large house which was built of crystals: ... A flaming fire surrounded the walls, and its portals blazed with fire. ... And I looked and saw therein a lofty throne: ... And the Great Glory sat thereon, and His raiment shone more brightly than the sun and was whiter than any snow. None of the angels could enter and could behold His face by reason of the magnificence and glory, and no flesh could behold Him. The flaming fire was round about Him, and none around could draw nigh Him."
Physical Evidence and Proof:
1)Satellite Photos:
there are over 2000 U.S. Government Satellite photos of the poles. One
of the most clear, was taken by the ESSA-7 satellite on November 23, 1968
when there was almost no cloud cover; the ice fields on the surface can
be observed, and the hole at the North Pole can be clearly seen. (ESSA
= Environmental Science Services Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce)
Ref: A plate of this photo
appears in "Secret of the Ages: UFO's From Inside the Earth", by Brinsley
LePoer Trench 1974
2)Arctic Explorer Dr.
Fridtjof Nansen:
In the Record Log of the
voyage of exploration of the ship Fram (1893-96) on Friday February 16,
1894 at 80 degrees 1 minute North Latitude Dr.Nansen writes: "To-day another
noteworthy thing happened, which was that about midday we saw the sun,
or, to be more correct, an image of the sun, for it was only a mirage.
... I soon discovered that it could not be the sun itself. The mirage was
at first like a flattened-out glowing red streak of fire on the horizon;
later there were two streaks, the one above the other, with a dark space
between; and from the main top I could see four, or even five such horizontal
lines directly over one another, and all of equal length; as if one could
only imagine a square dull-red sun with horizontal dark streaks across
Note: on page 361
Dr. Nansen has a sketch of this square sun showing a third above the horizon,
the rest below the horizon.
Ref: "Farthest North", by
Fridtjof Nansen 1897 (consisting of 2 Volumes).
3)Rear Admiral Richard
E. Byrd of the U.S. Navy:
a)February 1947 before his
7 Hour flight of 1,700 Miles beyond the North Pole said, "I'd like to see
that land beyond the (North) Pole. That area beyond the Pole is the center
of the Great Unknown."
b)November 1955 he quoted: "This is the most important expedition in the history of the world." (before departing to explore land beyond the South Pole).
c)January 1956 Radio announcement from Byrd's Antarctic expedition, confirmed by the American press of February 5, 1956 : "On January 13th, members of the United States expedition accomplished a flight of 2,700 Miles from the base at McMurdo Sound, which is 400 miles west of the South Pole, and penetrated a land extent of 2,300 Miles beyond the Pole."
d)Before his death, Rear Admiral Byrd said: ..."that enchanted continent in the sky, land of everlasting mystery!"
These are strong indications
that Rear Admiral Byrd flew into the earth's interior both at the North
and South Poles.
Ref: "The Hollow Earth",
by Dr. Raymond Bernard 1976
4)Seismology and the Earth's
The main body of information
about the physics of the earth comes from studies of earthquake waves,
which provide the equivalent of X-ray pictures of the interior. It has
been determined from the P waves and S waves produced from
earthquakes that the interior of the earth has three main layers, the mantle,
the outer core and the inner core. If the earth was one solid medium the
waves would go through the earth in a straight line. But the waves are
refracted and reflected within the earth indicating three layers. Personally
I understand these three layers to be the thickness of the earth which
is the outer shell, the air inside the earth and the City of YAHUAH in
the center of the earth.
Ref: "Scientific American", March 1975
5)Airline Pilots fly around
the North and South Poles and not over them:
The magnetic north and south
poles are not a point. They are a circumference around the poles. When
a pilot tries to fly over the pole, the navigational instruments go haywire.
6)The Northern and Southern
The Aurora Borealis (Northern
Lights) and the Aurora Australis (Southern Lights) are luminous displays
of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres respectively. Visible in a variety
of colours and forms over areas near the geomagnetic poles. I believe that
these lights are radiating from the City of YAHUAH through the polar openings.
7)Norse Father and Son
sail into the Inner Earth:
A Norse father and son sailed
into the inner earth and spent 2 years there. They describe the people,
their religion and their sun.
Ref: "The Smoky God", by
Willis George Emerson
Other References:
"Phantom of the Poles",
by William Reed 1906
"A Journey to the Earth's Interior or Have the Poles Really been Discovered", by Marshall B. Gardner 1920
17)Jude 14,15 - quoted from the Book of Enoch Chap.1 verse 9 "And behold! He cometh with ten thousands of His holy ones to execute judgement upon all, and to destroy all the unrighteous: And to convict all flesh of all the works of their unrighteousness which they have unrighteously committed, and of all the hard things which unrighteous sinners have spoken against Him."
18)2 Timothy 3:8 - information from the Book of Jasher Chap. 79 verse 27.
B)Books of the Apocrypha included in the Old and New Testament Greek and in the King James Bible of (1611):
Books of the Apocrypha are contained in the Old and New Testament Greek in the Codex Vaticanus 1209 (Codex B - 4th century C.E.); Codex Sinaiticus (Codex Aleph - 4th century C.E.); and Codex Alexandrinus (Codex A - 5th century C.E.). The King James Bible of 1611 also had most of these books in it.
In the Old Testament:
1)1 Esdras
2)2 Esdras
to the Book of Esther
6)Wisdom of
(Wisdom of Yahushua Son of Sirach)
9)Letter of
10)The Prayer of
Azariah and the Song of the Three Young Men
12)Bel and the Dragon
13)The Prayer of
14)1 Maccabees
15)2 Maccabees
In the New Testament:
a) In the Codex Alexandrinus:
1)1 Clement
2)2 Clement
b) In the Codex Sinaiticus:
2)Hermas (Shepherd)
- Visions: A,B,C,D,E
3)Hermas (Shepherd)
- Commands: A,B,C,D
C)Ancient Books related to the Bible:
1)The Book of Enoch
(1 Enoch)
2)Secrets of Enoch
(2 Enoch)
3)Book of Jasher
4)Book of Jubilees
There are too many Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha Books of the Old and New Testaments to list here. It is important to know that these books exist or have been lost. We should always keep an open mind to learning new truth and to relearning lost truth. Both the Old and New Testaments are a collecion of books. Over the millennia books have been added and removed from both the Old and New Testaments. It truly is a miracle that we have the Bible today; and I believe that there is more than enough in it for salvation, guidance and comfort.
However, there are those that desire to learn as much as possible and dig relentlessly through the Lost Books of the Bible. There are definitely golden bits of truth to find but the enormous amount of material to sift through can be overwhelming and extremely time consuming for the little benefit that it will yield.
It is much better and more profitable to focus on studying the Old and New Testament Books that we already have. Heaven only knows how much we can learn from studying the Old and New Testaments in the Hebrew and the Greek, as well as in the English.
1)"The Book of Enoch",
by R.H.Charles 1972
2)"Book of Jasher"
3)"Book of Jubilees",
by Rev. George H. Schodde 1888
4)"The Lost Books
of the Bible and the Forgotten Books of Eden", 1974 [Note: includes
1 & 2 Clement; Barnabas; 1,2 & 3 Hermas - Visions, Commands, &
Similitudes; The Secrets of Enoch; etc.]
5)"The Book of the
Secrets of Enoch", by W.R. Morfill and R.H. Charles 1896
6)"The Oxford Annotated
Apocrypha: The Apocrypha of the Old Testament", by Bruce M. Metzger 1977
7)"The Old Testament
Pseudepigrapha: Apocalyptic Literature and Testaments" Vol.1 & 2, by
James H. Charlesworth 1983
8)Article: "Why Study
the Pseudepigrapha?", Biblical Archaeologist December 1983
9)Article: "Why Study
the Septuagint?", Biblical Archaeologist September 1986
11)"The Septuagint
with Apocrypha: Greek and English", by Sir Lancelot C.L. Brenton 1980
12)"An Introduction
to the Old Testament in Greek", by Henry Barclay Swete 1968
13)"The Apocryphal
New Testament", by Montague Rhodes James 1980
14)"New Testament
Apocrypha" Volume 1 (Gospels and Related Writings), by Edgar Hennecke 1963
15)"New Testament
Apocrypha" Volume 2 (Writings Relating to the Apostles Apocalypses and
Related Subjects), by Edgar Hennecke 1965
The beauty of the main Online Bible program is that you can call up several program modules on the screen at the same time. For instance, you can have the English King James Bible, the Hebrew Old Testament, and the Greek Old Testament on the screen all at the same time! And each is searchable like a concordance. You can also compare different versions of say the New Testament Greek such as the Textus Receptus (the Greek on which the King James Bible is based on) to the Westcott-Hort 1881 Greek New Testament (which is based on the most important collection of the New Testament Greek Manuscripts - the only better version of the Greek New Testament being the Nestle-Aland, "Greek-English New Testament", 27th Edition OR the United Bible Societies 4th Edition "The Greek New Testament").
You can do very powerful Bible searches and studies in English, Hebrew, Greek, Latin, and most other languages from around the world! If this is not a sure sign that we are in the last days, I don't know what is. We are told in scripture that His Word must first be preached in all the world and then shall the end come (Matthew 24:14).
Two Online Bible Web Sites - For Free Downloadable Software are as follows (both are different):
Note: Both of these two Online Bible Web Sites are different but the software modules are interchangeable depending on the version of the program and the version of the modules.
Suggestions Before Downloading the Software:
The Files you will download are Zipped(Compressed).
Create structured Directories on your C: Drive as follows:
a Main Directory called, Online Bible.
a Sub-Directory for each version, eg. Version 9.01.
a Sub-Sub-Directory for each Module that you will download, eg. KJB - King
James Bible.
Once you have created the Directory containers, then you can begin to download
each module in its own directory container.
d)Point#4: Once
the Zipped file is copied to its appropriate Directory container, you can
UnZip(Uncompress the file). This way you have all the Unzipped files for
that module in one container.
Now you can install the Main Online Bible Program. The program usually
requires at least one other Module eg. a Bible Module before it will install
properly. To install the individual modules, follow Steps #4 to #10 in
Point#6 when you get to the dialogue box while installing the main program.
you have installed the program, you can always add more modules as in Version
9.01 by:
on the Tools Menu.
click on User Module Tools.
click on Restore.
the dialogue box double click on C:\.
click on Online Bible Directory that you created.
click on Version 9.01 Sub-Directory that you created.
click on the Module Directory that you created of the module that you want
to install eg. KJB.
on the File that appears in the 2nd Window of the diaglogue box eg. av.101.
OK button.
10)when it finishes
installing the module click the EXIT button.
Important Online Bible Modules to Download:
1) A copy of the main Online Bible program. The most current version is 1.00 dated August 17,2000. The previous version 9.01 was very good. Some of the older versions such as 8.12 and 8.10.05 are still available. However, you have to watch the version of the modules that you will use with it. For example, some of the Bible modules and other software will only work with versions 8.12 or higher. And you also have to make sure you get the right version for your particular computer operating system, whether it is Windows 95/98/2000/NT or MacIntosh etc.
2) King James Bible in English or your preferred English or other language Bible (with or without links to Strong's Numbers).
3) BHS - Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (the Old Testament Masoretic Hebrew Text).
4) BHM - Biblia Hebraica Morphological (the Old Testament Masoretic Hebrew Text with the prefixes and suffixes of the Hebrew word separated by a colon).
5) Westcott-Hort 1881 Greek New Testament (a good N.T. Greek text based on important major N.T. Greek Manuscripts).
6) Textus Receptus (Greek New Testament on which the King James Bible is based on). Two versions are the 1550 Stephens or 1894 Scrivener. The Textus Receptus is based on poorer manuscripts and is not as reliable as Westcott-Hort 1881 or Nestle-Aland 27th Edition (or UBS4 - United Bible Societies 4th Edition), Greek New Testaments.
7) LXX Greek Old Testament Septuagint (in Greek). Which is usually based on the Codex Vaticanus 1209 Septuagint. The New Testament part of the Codex Vaticanus 1209 is one of the oldest most complete and valuable manuscripts we have for the Greek New Testament dated about the 4th Century C.E.(A.D.).
8) LXX Apocrypha of the Greek Old Testament Septuagint (in Greek).
9) LXXE English Translation of the Septuagint by Sir Lancelot Charles Lee Brenton 1851. Which is based on the Codex Vaticanus 1209 early 4th Century C.E.and supplemented by Codex Alexandrinus 5th Century C.E.(another very important major manuscript for the Old and New Testament Greek).
10) APC Apocrypha 1769 (in English) of the Old Testament by Oxford Press. This is missing 2Esdras 7:36-105 which is lacking from the standard editions of the Latin Vulgate and from the King James version. They are present in the Syriac, Ethiopic, Arabic, and Armenian versions, and in two Latin manuscripts. The section was probably deliberately cut out of an ancestor of most extant Latin manuscripts because of dogmatic reasons, for the passage contains an emphatic denial of the value of prayers for the dead. 3Maccabees and 4Maccabees is also missing.
11) RAPC Revised Apocrypha (in English). This version has 2Esdras 7:36-105, as well as 3Maccabees and 4Maccabees.
12) 1905 Syriac Peshitta New Testament (in Aramaic written with Hebrew characters). The Greeks had called Aramaic by a word they coined, "Syriac", and this artificial term was used in the West, but not in the East, where it has always been known by its own name, "lishana aramaya". A good source in book form is, "The New Covenant Aramaic Peshitta Text with Hebrew Translation", by the Bible Society in Jerusalem 1986.
13) Vulgate - Jerome's 405AD Latin Vulgate (in Latin). In Luke 23:33 in the King James Bible we have the only occurrence of the word, "Calvary" but in the Greek manuscripts it is the word "kranion" which means skull. So where do we get the word "Calvary" from? It comes from the Latin word "Calvariae" which also means skull. So the word Calvary comes from the Latin Bible. The terms used for the name of the Creator in the Latin Bible are Deus, Deo, Dei, Di etc. which in a good Latin Dictionary is the Greek god "Zeus"!!!
14) Hebrew Lexicon (Dictionary). To look up Hebrew words with the meaning given in English.
15) Greek Lexicon (Dictionary). To look up Greek words with the meaning given in English.
16) 1917 Jewish Publication Society Old Testament.
17) Easton's Bible Dictionary.
18) Original Strong's Lexicon.
19) Matthew Henry Concise Commentary.
20) Manual for your
particular version of the Online Bible Main Program. Please remember
if you download the manual in .PDF format, you will need Adobe Acrobat
to read it.
Hints when Searching the Hebrew and Greek Texts:
a) Searching the Hebrew Text:
Keep in mind that the Hebrew you are searching is the Masoretic Text which uses final letters and vowel points. There are 22 letters in the Hebrew Alphabet but the Masoretic Text introduces final letters for Kaph, Mem, Nun, Pe, and Tsaddi. The Final Letters are used at the end of words. To type the final letter, for example for Mem: to get the Final Mem, use Shift key + letter M key. For the vowel points, the only letter you have to watch out for is the Shin. Use the S key for the regular Shin, and the V key for the other Shin.
Hebrew also has prefixes and suffixes added to a word. So you should use the wild card asterisk * before a word for prefixes and and asterisk * after the word for suffixes otherwise the search will not pull up all the variant occurrences.
The other thing that you should keep in mind is that in Hebrew you may have several ways to spell the same word. That is why to get the meaning of a word, it is usually necessary to find the root word using an Analytical Hebrew Lexicon. Unfortunately, this will not help you to find all the possible different spellings for that particular word.
Just remember, Hebrew is
read from right to left.
b) Searching the Greek Text:
Searching the Greek Text is much easier than the Hebrew. In Greek there is only one final letter and that is the Final Sigma. To get the Final Sigma just press the V key on your keyboard. But again as in the Hebrew, Greek words can have a variety of spellings, so you will need to use an Analytical Greek Lexicon to find the root word and its meaning. Greek words don't have prefixes, but the endings of the words do change depending on the grammatical structure and context of the sentence. For example, the Messiah's name in Greek can be IHCOYC, IHCOY, IHCOYN, IHCOI, IHCOYE. In which case, his title of XPICTOC will change with it and match the ending. For example, IHCOYC XPICTOC, IHCOY XPICTOY, IHCOYN XPICTON, etc.. (Note: the Greek letter P is the letter Rho, with an R sound.). One way to call up these variety of different endings is to use the wild card asterisk * where the differences start. For example, IHCO* will bring up IHCOYC, IHCOY, IHCOI, IHCOYN, etc..
c) Tutorial Function in the Main Online Bible Program:
As you start up the Main Online Bible Program, the first window has a Tutorial Function button which will open to give you more info on how to use the Online Bible Program.
d) Manual for the Online Bible Program:
The manual will give you very valuable tools and commands on how to use the Online Bible Program more quickly and efficiently when doing searches.
These powerful tools to study
the Word of YAHUAH have only been made available in the last few years
and will enable us to speed things up considerably when studying His Word.
What would take me months or even a year of tedious searching and researching
literally takes me just minutes on the computer!!! And it really doesn't
make any difference whether you are using the English, Hebrew, Greek, Latin,
or some other language!
Praise be to YAHUAH for
the joy of having such wonderful tools to work with.
In the spring of 1947, Muhammed adh-Dhib discovered as many as eight scrolls in Cave 1 at Qumran near the Dead Sea. This discovery included the Great Isaiah Scroll (1QIsaa) which is the most complete and well preserved Biblical manuscript ever found at Qumran. To believers, this is a very important event because the name of Isaiah in Hebrew is YeshaYahu (means Salvation of Yahu) which is the Messiah's name backwards. The book of Isaiah also includes prophecies of the Messiah.
Near the Dead Sea, there were found about 800 manuscripts and 100,000 fragments. Of this number, approximately 230 manuscripts (about 30%) are Biblical. Of these 230, only a small number preserve a considerable part of the Biblical books. The rest are mostly poorly preserved but still valuable in helping us to understand the early Hebrew Old Testament. Included among the best preserved Biblical manuscripts are:
1)Isaiah 1QIsaa(1QIsaa
) (almost the entire 66 Chapters of Isaiah).
2)Isaiah 1QIsab
(1QIsab + 1Q8) (about 45 partial Chapters).
3)Exodus 4QpaleoGen-Exodl
(about 20 partial Chapters).
4)Exodus 4QpaleoExodm
(4Q22) (about 31 partial Chapters).
5)Leviticus & Numbers
4QLev-Numa (4Q23) (about 25 partial Chapters).
6)Numbers 4QNumb
(4Q27) (about 24 partial Chapters).
7)1&2Samuel 4QSama
(4Q51) (about 42 partial Chapters).
8)Minor Prophets 4QXIIg
(4Q82) (partial Chapters of 9 Books of the Minor Prophets).
9)Leviticus 11QpaleoLeva
(11Q1) (about 18 partial Chapters).
10)Psalms 11QPsa
(11Q5) (about 38 partial Chapters).
11)Job Aramaic Targum 11QtgJob
(11Q10) (about 25 partial Chapters).
12)Minor Prophets 8HevXIIgk
(8Hev1) (partial Chapters of 7 Books of the Minor Prophets).
13)Minor Prophets Mur XII
(Mur 88) (partial Chapters of 9 Books of the Minor Prophets).
Another important aspect of the Biblical manuscripts found in the Dead Sea area is their age. They are about 1000 years older than any other Hebrew Old Testament Biblical manuscripts ever found. We do not have any Hebrew manuscript of the entire Old Testament earlier than the tenth century. The oldest dated manuscript is the Codex Cairensis which only contains the Prophets and is dated 895 A.D..
In some of the Dead Sea Scrolls
the Father's name of YAHUAH stands out in a very special way, for
a) In the Psalms
Scroll 11QPsa the Father's name of YAHUAH is written in Old
Paleo-Hebrew script while the rest of the manuscript is in normal square
Hebrew script. The same can be seen in the Habakkuk Commentary 1QpHab.
Ref: 1)"The Dead
Sea Psalms Scroll", by J.A. Sanders 1967.
2)"The Dead Sea Scrolls of St.Mark's Monastery Vol.1: The Isaiah Manuscript
and the Habakkuk Commentary", by Millar Burrows 1950.
b) In the Greek Septuagint
Minor Prophets Scroll 8HevXIIgr from Nahal Hever (near the Dead Sea) the
Father's name of YAHUAH is written in Old Paleo-Hebrew script while the
rest of the manuscript is in Uncial Greek.
Ref: "Discoveries
in the Judaean Desert Volume 8: The Greek Minor Prophets Scroll from Nahal
Hever", 1990 by Emanuel Tov, R.A.Kraft & P.J.Parsons.
c) In the Greek Septuagint
Genesis and Deuteronomy (P.Fouad 266) papyri (not from the Dead Sea area)
dated 1st Century B.C.E. the Father's name of YAHUAH is written in square
Hebrew script while the rest of the manuscript is in Uncial Greek.
Ref: "Three Rolls
of the Early Septuagint: Genesis and Deuteronomy", by Zaki Aly and Ludwig
Koenen 1980.
d)In the Psalms fragments
of 1QPsb (1Q11) the Father's name of YAHUAH is written in Paleo-Hebrew
script while the rest of the manuscript is in square Hebrew script.
Ref: "Discoveries
in the Judaean Desert" Vol.1,1955, p.71.
e)In the Exodus fragments
of 2QExodb (2Q3) the Father's name of YAHUAH is written in Paleo-Hebrew
script while the rest of the manuscript is in square Hebrew script.
Ref: "Discoveries
in the Judaean Desert" Vol.3,1962, p.52-55.
f)In the Lamentations
fragments of 3QLam (3Q3) the Father's name of YAHUAH is written in Paleo-Hebrew
script while the rest of the manuscript is in square Hebrew script.
Ref: "Discoveries
in the Judaean Desert" Vol.3,1962, p.95.
The name of YAHUAH is the Key to understanding who the Creator is, who His son the Messiah is, who the Holy Spirit of YAHUAH is, in identifying His word, His Laws, His Sabbath, His Feast Days, His Calendar, etc. and the scribes understood this only too well! Just to give you an idea of the importance of His Name, His name of YAHUAH appears almost 7,000 times in the Hebrew Old Testament. His people and prophets carry two or three letters (YAH or YAHU) of His name. The numerical value of His name in Hebrew is 26, a number which occurs frequently in His Sacred 364 Day Calendar. In 6 months there are 7 Days X 26 Weeks. In the 3 1/2 Years Great Tribulation there will be 7 Half Years X 26 Weeks or 7 x 7 Days X 26 Weeks (49 Days X 26 Weeks -- counting the 4 Intercalary Days per year). When the Messiah returns on the Feast of Trumpets immediately after the 3 1/2 Years of Great Tribulation, that day will be exactly the 26th Jubilee of Days from the beginning of the Great Tribulation! From this understanding of the Calendar, I pray that YAHUAH will also enlighten us about the events that are unfolding in these last days, especially during the Great Tribulation.
B)The 1990-1991 Milestone:
Up to 1991 only about half
or 400 manuscripts of the Dead Sea Scrolls were made available or published
over 44 years since 1947. In 1991, the few scholars who had control over
the scrolls were forced by circumstance to make available the rest of the
scrolls. Important events at this time were:
1)1989 - Iron Curtain falls in Eastern Europe.
2)1990 - At the beginning of the Gulf War with Iraq, President Bush talks about the "New World Order" for the first time.
3)1990 - Was the Last Jubilee of the 6000 years from Adam; and the 1st Year of the Last 22 Years to the end of the 6000 years from Adam.
4)The Book of Isaiah has 66 Chapters, which could represent 66 years. From 1945 to 2011 is exactly 66 years. 1945 was the end of World War II, the creation of the United Nations, the start of mass immigration of the Jewish people to Israel (the first time in 2000 years to establish a homeland) and the dropping of the first atomic bomb which changed the world forever. 2011 is the end of the 6000 years from Adam. The discovery of the Great Isaiah Scroll 1QIsaa was the first of the scrolls to be found and also the most well preserved and complete of all the Biblical scrolls. Isaiah's name of YeshaYahu is the Messiah's name backwards. The Book of Isaiah has prophecies of the Messiah in it. The Messiah is the Aleph and the Tau which represents the 22 letters of the Hebrew Alphabet! The Book of Isaiah has 66 chapters which is equal to 3 X 22. And surprisingly enough, in these last days, the entire book of the Bible has exactly 66 books in it! And the last book of the Bible, the Book of Revelation has exactly 22 Chapters! From 1990 (the last Jubilee of the 6000 years from Adam), to 2011 (the end of the 6000 years from Adam) is the last 22 years!
5)i)1945 + 22 years = 1967: In 1967 was the Six Day War which gave Israel complete control of Jerusalem, the first time in almost 2,000 years!
ii)1967 + 22 years = 1989: In 1989 the Iron Curtain in Europe fell which ended Russian aggression and isolation from the rest of the world. The doors were now open to global unity.
iii)1989 + 22 years = 2011: In 1990, President Bush of the United States declares the New World Order in his speech during the Gulf War Crisis. In 1991, the 2nd half of the Dead Sea Scrolls are made available to the World.
iv)The Last 22 Years from 1990 to 2011: In this year 2000, we have already come to the 11th year, the half way point in the Last 22 years. From scripture, these Last 22 years are a type of the 22 Days of the Fall Feasts which occur in the 7th Month.
v)The Isaiah and Psalms
Manuscripts from the Dead Sea Area:
The largest number of Biblical
manuscripts found in the Dead Sea area were that of the Book of Isaiah.
The second largest number of Biblical manuscripts found in the Dead Sea
area were that of the Book of the Psalms. Of the approximately 142 Prophecies
of the Messiah in the Old Testament, 40 are in the Book of Isaiah, and
40 in the Book of Psalms. This accounts for about 56% of all the Messianic
prophecies of the Old Testament in just these two books! And there are
39 Books in the Old Testament. Again, the name Isaiah is the Messiah's
name backwards, YeshaYahu, and means Salvation of Yahu. This knowledge
from the Dead Sea Scrolls is a wake up call to the World, for the Great
Day of YAHUAH and the Return of the Messiah is drawing nigh!!!
C)Flood of Information
now available on 2nd Half of the Dead Sea Scrolls (since 1991):
There are a lot of variations
between the Biblical manuscripts of the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Hebrew
Masoretic Text, as well as the Old Testament Greek Septuagint . Most of
the variations are very minor but there are some that will definitely change
our understanding of the Old and New Testament scriptures. With this new
wealth of information now available to us, we can now study and find new
revelations of YAHUAH's word in the Old Testament.
Sources for Studying the Dead Sea Scrolls:
1)A Good Internet Web
Site, "Orion Center for the Study of the Dead Sea Scrolls and Associated
2)On CD-ROM:
a)"Dead Sea Scrolls Electronic
Reference Library, 2" (Non-Biblical, includes Dead Sea Scroll database),
by Emanuel Tov 1999 E.J.Brill Publisher $259.00U.S.
b)"The Dead Sea Scrolls Electronic
Reference Library on CD", Vol.1: CDD0019, Vol.2:CDD0099 (all 800 Texts
from 11 Caves) Note: This info was obtained from the Yale University
web site at:
3)Tools for Sourcing Material
on the DSS:
a)"The Dead Sea Scrolls
Catalogue: Documents, Photographs, and Museum Inventory Numbers", by Stephen
A. Reed,1994: SBL Resources for Biblical Study 32.
Comments: Excellent
for cross-referencing DSS manuscript inventory numbers.
b)"The Dead Sea Scrolls:
Major Publications and Tools for Study", Joseph A. Fitzmyer 1990.
Comments: Excellent.
c)"A Bibliography of the
Finds in the Desert of Judah 1970-95", by Florentino Garcia Martinez 1996.
Comments: Excellent.
d)"The Dead Sea Scrolls &
Modern Translations of the Old Testament", by Harold Scanlin 1993
Comments: Excellent!
Includes Chart of the Biblical Manuscripts, Textual Criticism, bibliography,
e)"The Unpublished Qumran Texts from Caves4 & 11", by Emanual Tov : Biblical Archaeologist June 1992.
4)Facsimiles and Transliteration
of 1QIsaa :
a)"The Great Isaiah Scroll
(1QIsaa ) A New Edition",
by Donald Parry and Elisha
Qimron 1999 in Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah Vol.32 E.J.Brill.
b)"The Dead Sea Scrolls of St.Mark's Monastery Vol.1: The Isaiah Manuscript and the Habakkuk Commentary", by Millar Burrows 1950.
c)"Scrolls from Qumran Cave1", by J.C.Trever 1972 (includes the Great Isaiah Scroll, Order of the Community, and Habakkuk Commentary).
5)Facsimiles and Transliteration
of 11QPsa :
a)"The Dead Sea Psalms Scroll",
by J.A.Sanders 1967.
6)"Discoveries in the
Judaean Desert" the Series:
This series of books consists
of 36 Volumes and costs about $100,000 per volume to publish. As of August
2000, 28 Volumes have been published. This is a very important source of
info. Here is a list of the volumes that have Biblical manuscripts and
have been published:
a)1955 - Vol.1: Cave1 Partials
of Biblical Texts.
b)1962 - Vol.3: A)Texts,
B)Plates, Small Caves of Qumran 2Q-7Q,&10Q Biblical Texts (in French).
c)1965 - Vol.4: Cave11 Psalms
w/plates 11QPsa .
d)1990 - Vol.8: Greek Minor
Prophets from Nahal Hever.
e)1992 - Vol.9: Cave4 Paleo-Gen.,Exod.,Deut.,Job;
LXX Greek Lev.,Num.,Deut.
f) 1994 - Vol.12: Cave4
g)1995 - Vol.14: Cave4 Deut.,Josh.,Judges,
h)1997 - Vol.15: Cave4 Isaa-r
,Jera-e ,Ezeka-c .
i) 2000 - Vol.16: Cave4
Psalms to Chronicles (Not Published till September 2000).
j) 1998 - Vol.23: Cave11
11Q2-8,20-31 Lev.,Deut.,Ezek.,Psa.,Jubilees, etc.
7)Facsimiles of the Dead
Sea Scrolls:
a)"The Dead Sea Scrolls
on Microfiche. A Comprehensive Facsimile Edition of the Texts from the
Judean Desert", by E.Tov and S.J.Pfann (E.J.Brill) 1993, 134 fiche.
b)"A Facsimile Edition of the Dead Sea Scrolls" Vol.1&2 1991, by R.H.Eisenman and J.M.Robinson.
c)"Companion Volume to the Dead Sea Scrolls Microfiche Edition", by Emanuel Tov and S.J.Pfann 1995.
8)Translation and Transliteration
of Most of the Dead Sea Scrolls and Reference to the rest:
a)"The Dead Sea Scrolls
Study Edition", Vol.1 1Q1-4Q273 1997; Vol.2 4Q274-11Q31 1998; by Florentino
Garcia Martinez and E.J.C.Tigchelaar.
Comments: Excellent.
Includes Index of Manuscripts by Name and by Inventory Number.
9)Textual Criticism:
a)"The Dead Sea Scrolls
and the Origins of the Bible", by Eugene Ulrich 1997
Comments: Good info
on the Paleo-Hebrew Biblical MSS from Qumran Cave4. Good comparison of
variants to the Masoretic Text. Good info on LXX Septuagint MSS from Qumran.
10)"Studies on the Texts
of the Desert of Judah" the Series:
This series of books is
also a good source of info for the Dead Sea Scrolls.
a)Example: "Time to Prepare
the Way in the Wilderness" 1995 : Studies on the Texts of the Desert of
Judah, Vol.16.
11)Qumran Messianism:
a)"Qumran - Messianism:
Studies on the Messianic Expectations in the Dead Sea Scrolls", by J.H.Charlesworth,
H.Lichtenberger, & G.S.Oegema 1998.
a)"Graphic Concordance to
the Dead Sea Scrolls", by James H. Charlesworth 1991.
b)"A Preliminary Concordance to the Hebrew and Aramaic Fragments from Qumran Cave II-X Including Especially the Unpublished Material from Cave 4", by R.E.Brown, J.A.Fitzmyer, W.G.Oxtoby, and J.Teixidor 1988.
a)"Calendars in the Dead
Sea Scrolls: Measuring Time", by James C. VanderKam 1998.
A lot of answers to
Old and New Testament questions will undoubtedly be found in this great
wealth of knowledge from the Dead Sea Scrolls.
B)Sign Number #2:
There is absolutely nothing
being reported in the news media at all about this second sign. Hard to
believe as it is, there is Major Construction going on, on the Temple
Mount in Jerusalem! It began in November of 1999 last year. The Waqf,
the Muslim religious trust responsible for the Temple Mount began in November
1999, in the dead of night, to dump hundreds of truckloads of earth from
the Temple Mount into the Kidron Valley and municipal garbage dumps. About
6,000 tons of earth were removed to open an authorized emergency exit for
the al-Marawani Mosque, creating a huge hole about 200 feet long and 75
feet wide. The exit, enlarged beyond the approved width, has become, ...'a
monumental entry gate'.
The Construction continued in the Spring of 2000, to open what was supposed to be simply an emergency exit for the al-Marawani Mosque, located in the underground area popularly called Solomon's Stables. Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak, though opposed by the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA), Israel's attorney general Elyakim Rubinstein and Jerusalem mayor Ehud Olmert, has signaled that he will not impede the Waqf's activities. Following a June 28,2000 meeting, a spokesman for Barak announced that the prime minister will allow paving work to continue along 600 feet of what is now an exposed earthen area inside the eastern wall of the Temple Mount. Barak rejected any limits on the extent of the paving. Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak, perhaps fearing that intervention would adversely affect peace talks with the Palestinians, has been unwilling to call a halt to the work.
This spring and early summer of 2000, trucks and tractors returned to the Temple Mount, bringing building materials in and carting earth away through the Lion's Gate, just north of the Temple Mount. For 200 yards along the inside of the Temple Mount's eastern wall, from the al-Marawani Mosque's new entrance to somewhat south of the Golden Gate, lie stacks of paving stones, scaffolding, wood and iron materials.
The Waqf's plans for building
on the Temple Mount are contained in a detailed report given to Barak and
revealed on June 18,2000 by Nadav Shragai, correspondent for the newspaper
Ha'aretz. Shragai writes that a master plan includes erecting another Muslim
prayer area on the Temple Mount, "along the eastern wall, a smaller version
of the Ka'aba Mosque in Mecca." Hardly mentioned in press reports is the
fact that there already is another Muslim prayer hall on the Temple Mount,
inaccessible to all but a few visitors and also prepared without archaeological
oversight by the IAA.
a)"More Temple Mount Antiquities
Destroyed, A Personal View", by Suzanne F. Singer : Biblical Archaeology
b)"Furor Over Temple Mount
Construction", by Strata : Biblical Archaeology Review,March/April,2000.
The areas we have to be focused on and closely monitor for signs of the approaching Great Tribulation are:
2)Unusual Global activities
in nature, such as the trees, grass, animals, rivers, and seas.
3)Unusual activities in
the Sun, Moon, and the Stars.
4)Unusual Global activities
affecting man, such as wars, famine, and disease.
5)Global organizations affecting
all mankind, such as the United Nations.
6)Global economic systems
for the Mark of the Beast.
Sign Number #4:
The current violence in Israel which as of November 5, 2000 has now killed over 185 people and injured 4,000 to 5,000 others was sparked by just one man, Ariel Sharon going onto the Temple Mount in Jerusalem on September 28, 2000. The only practical temporary solution seems to be the placement of United Nations troops in Jerusalem and other flash points in Israel to keep the two sides of Israelis and Palestinians apart. The presence of U.N. troops in Jerusalem, especially on the Temple Mount could be the beginning of the fulfilment of the prophecies of Luke 21:20; Matthew 24:15; Mark 13:14; Daniel 9:26,27; Revelation 11:2.
The fact that a person with the name of ARIEL sparked these monumental events happening in Israel especially on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is also prophetic. ARIEL in Hebrew means "LION of the Almighty". This is an indication of the Coming of the Messiah, as the Messiah is the "LION of YAHUDAH". ARIEL is also a symbolical name for Jerusalem.
A good source of current
up-to-date information of events in Israel is:
We can also prove that theGreat Whore of Revelation 17:1 is identical to Babylon the Great of Revelation 18:2. In Revelation 17:5 the Great Whore has on her forehead the name written, "Mystery, Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth". Also the description given in Revelation 17:2,4,6 of the Great Whore are identical to the description of Babylon the Great in Revelation 18:3,16,24.
Now that we have identified Babylon the Great (the Great Whore) with the United States of America, we can also see from the Bible the power structure that supports it.
The 1st Beast of Revelation 13:1 with the 7 Heads and 10 Horns carries the Great Whore (Rev.17:7). In turn the Great Red Dragon of Revelation 12:3 with the 7 Heads and 10 Horns gives his power, seat, and great authority to the 1st Beast (Rev.13:2,4). The 2nd Beast of Revelation 13:11 supports the 1st Beast.
With such powerful backing is it a wonder that there is no other nation on the face of the earth that can make war with the United States of America! (Rev.13:4).
To grasp the meanings and understanding of the prophecies in the Bible, we have to know the past, present and the future. To know the past, we study history. To know the present, we read the newspapers, listen to the radio, and watch T.V. for world news events. To know the future, we read Yahuah's word and pray that Yahuah will teach us and quicken us with His Holy Spirit. Then we can combine all three to give us a true understanding of what was, and is, and is to come. Most people live in the present with no clue as to the past or the future, and even block out the truth of the present as well. Pray that Yahuah will fill you with His Holy Spirit that you may understand.
The identity of the 1st
Beast is made easier once the relationships and characteristics of
the major players such as the 1st Beast, the Dragon, the Great Whore, Babylon
the Great, the 2nd Beast, and the False Prophet is more clearly understood.
Like a jigsaw puzzle all the pieces start to fall into place.
1)1st Beast (with
7 Heads & 10 Horns) carries the Great Whore (Rev.17:7).
2)The Dragon (with
7 Heads & 10 Horns) gives his power, his seat,
and great authority to the 1st Beast (Rev.13:2; 12:3).
3)Babylon the Great
is the Great Whore which is the United States of America as can be proved
from Revelation Chapters 17 & 18.
4)2nd Beast of Rev.13:11-18
is the False Prophet (Rev.16:13-14;19:20; 20:10).
a)Many Waters: the many waters that the Great Whore sits upon (Rev.17:1) are peoples, multitudes, nations, and tongues (Rev.17:15).
b)The 7 Heads: the seven heads are seven mountains or hills on which the Great Whore sits (Rev.17:9). These 7 Heads (mountains or hills) are 7 Major Nations around the world, most likely very powerful capitalistic nations like the U.S., Britain, France, Italy, Japan, Germany, etc.. Each nation has a Capital (Capitol) City where the power or government of that nation is represented and concentrated. The location of the national government buildings is usually on a site called the Capitol Hill. The origin and meaning of the term Capitol Hill has religious and political historical significance.
c)Capitol Hill: the word Capitol comes from the Latin word caput which means HEAD! Here are several meanings from different dictionaries for the word Capitol (and Capital - same word but different spelling):
1]Capital:Relating to the head. Of or pertaining to the head or top. Affecting the head or life.[Ref.The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary,Vol.1,A-M,1933].
2]Capital:The city or town which is the official SEAT of government in a country, state, or province, or of justice in a county. The head or uppermost member of anything.[Ref.The Century Dictionary,1889]
3]Capitol:In Rome, and in Roman cities and colonies, the precinct and temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus, the protector of the city. The Capitol at Rome, situated on the southwestern summit of the Capitoline Hill, was the center of the official religion of the state. Meetings of the Senate and other legislative bodies have been held in or on the Capitol in both ancient and modern times. Literary references or inscriptions prove the existence of a capitol on the model of that in Rome in more than twenty provincial cities of Italy, Gaul, Spain, Africa, and the East; there can be no doubt that a similar foundation was established in every regularly constituted Roman colony. The Roman capitol of Toulouse,...has been the chief seat of authority in that city from medieval times to the present day.[Ref.The Century Dictionary,1889].
4]Capitol:Literally, A citadel on the head or top of a hill. esp. The great national temple of Rome, dedicated to Jupiter Optimus Maximus, on the Saturnian or Tarpeian (afterwards called Capitoline) Hill; sometimes applied to the whole hill including the arx or citadel. Chambers Cycl. s.v., Anciently the name capitol was..applied to all the principal temples, in most of the colonies. U.S.-The edifice occupied by the congress of the United States in their deliberations. Also, in some states, the state-house in which the legislature holds its sessions. [Ref.The Oxford English Dictionary,Vol.2,C,1933].
5]Capitoline:Pertaining to any Roman Capitol, or to Jupiter the Protector, of whose worship the Capitol was the official seat; specifically, pertaining to the Capitol at Rome, or to the hill on which it stood.[Ref.The Century Dictionary,1889].
6]Capitoline Games:
in ancient Rome, annual games originally instituted by Camillus in honor
of Jupiter Capitolinus, and in commemoration of the preservation of the
Capitol from the Gauls. Later they were celebrated every fifth year.[Ref.The
Century Dictionary,1889].
1)The Goddess of Liberty
(in Washington,D.C.):
A colossal bronze statue
of the Goddess of Liberty stands on the dome of the Capitol in Washington,D.C..
The statue is 19 1/2 feet tall, weighs about 15,000 pounds, and faces
east, very difficult not to notice. Her left hand holds a laurel wreath
of victory. Her helmet features a crest composed of an eagle's head, feathers
and talons. This symbolism is not unlike the statue of Zeus in Olympia,
Greece, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world with a wreath around
his head and he held a figure of Nike the victory goddess in his right
hand. He held a scepter with an eagle in his left hand.
Another one of the seven wonders of the ancient world was the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus which was one of the largest and most complicated temples built in ancient times and resembles the buildings on Capitol Hill in Washington,D.C.. The Senate and Congress both are decorated with symbols from the ancient Roman world. (Ref.a)"The National Capitol",by G.C.Hazelton,1907; b)"The Statue of Liberty",by Marvin Trachtenberg,1976).
2)The Statue of Liberty
(in New York City):
Another one of the seven
wonders of the ancient world was the Colossus of Rhodes. The Colossus of
Rhodes was a huge bronze statue of the sun god Helios holding high a flaming
torch in his right hand and with a radiant crown on his head. It stood
about 120 feet tall - about as high as the Statue of Liberty with the same
symbolic features. (Ref.The World Book Encyclopedia,1986,Vol.17).
An older sister statue to the Statue of Liberty is the statue of Faith (also called Religion) which also has the familiar radiant crown of spikes of Helios the sun god. This statue of Faith is located in the Vatican at Rome, on the Monument to Clement XIII (created by the artist Canova) in the passage to St.Michel's Chapel. The statue of Faith has the worst form of blasphemy on her forehead -- in Hebrew it has the Father's Holy Name of Yahuah and reads, "Qadush Yahuah"! It's bad enough that the Father's Name is on this idol, but to read, Holy is Yahuah applied to an idol is blasphemy.
i)The Dragon: The
Dragon is Satan the Devil (the old serpent) (Rev.12:9; 20:2).
-The Devil shows the Messiah
the Kingdoms of the world and the glory of them (Matt.4:8,9).
-Has 7 Heads and 10 Horns
-Gives his power, seat,
and great authority to the 1st Beast (Rev.13:2).
-Dragon bound for 1000 years
-After 1000 years let loose
for a short time (Rev.20:7).
-The Devil cast into the
lake of fire (Rev.20:10).
ii)The 1st Beast:
The 1st Beast is a fallen angelic being which comes out of the bottomless
pit (Rev.11:7; 17:8).
-He also rises out of the
sea and has 7 Heads and 10 Horns (Rev.13:1).
-It is the image, mark,
name and number of this 1st Beast that we have to avoid (Rev.13:14-17).
-The Dragon gives him his
power, seat, and great authority (Rev.13:2).
-He will continue for 42
months (Rev.13:5).
-It is this Beast on which
the Great Whore sits (Rev.17:3).
-1st Vial - sores on men
that have the mark of this 1st Beast and worshipped his image (Rev.16:2).
-5th Vial - poured on the
seat of this Beast, his kingdom full of darkness and pain (Rev.16:10).
-1st Beast cast into the
lake of fire (Rev.19:20).
iii)The 2nd Beast (the
False Prophet): Comes up out of the earth (probably a fallen angelic
being) (Rev.13:11).
-Has all the power of the
1st Beast and causes all people on the earth to worship the 1st Beast (Rev.13:12).
-Deceives those that dwell
on the earth by miracles which he had power to do (Rev.13:14).
-Says to the people of the
earth to make an image to the 1st Beast (Rev.13:14).
-Has power to give life
onto the image of the 1st Beast and those that don't worship the image
should be killed (Rev.13:15).
-He causes all to receive
the mark of the 1st Beast, or his name or number of his name (Rev.13:16-18).
-Unclean spirits come out
of the Dragon, the 1st Beast, and the False Prophet working miracles
going unto the kings of the earth and the whole world to gather them to
Armageddon (Rev.16:13-16).
-The False Prophet wrought
miracles by which he deceived them that had received the mark of the 1st
Beast, and them that worshipped his image (Rev.19:20).
-Cast into the lake of fire
(Rev.19:20; 20:10).
iv)Nations and Empires
of the World: Satan wields his power on earth through the Nations
and Empires throughout time (Matt.4:8,9).
-The Four Great Beasts in
Daniel Chapter 7 that came up from the sea are Empires of the earth (Dan.7:1-28).
-The Fourth Beast of Daniel
7 had iron teeth which symbolizes the Roman Empire and it's 10 Horns relate
to the Last Days (Dan.7:7-27).
-The 1st Beast of Rev.13
has the 7 Heads and 10 Horns which are given to it by the Dragon (Satan)
-The 7 Heads (Nations) and
the 10 Horns (Remnants of the Roman Empire probably the European Common
Market) are described further in Rev.17:1-18.
-6th Vial - poured out,
the 1st Beast and the kings of the earth make war with the Messiah (Rev.16:12-16;
In conclusion, the deception is very strong. That is why we have to be diligent and be on the watch. It is written,"My people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge" (Hosea 4:6). We have to study to gain back the knowledge that was lost to us over the millennia. Just to give you an idea of how deceived the people are today. Pagan idolatry, symbolism, and practices are so interwoven into the fabric of our society and our daily lives, that most of the time we are oblivious to the meaning and understanding of what we are observing and practicing, bowing down to and giving into pagan practices such as Christmas (tree worship), Easter (fertility goddess of Spring with rabbits and eggs), etc.. Even simple things like the names of the week have pagan origin, such as Wednesday (the god Woden), Thursday (the god Thor), Friday (the goddess Freya), etc.. Also in what seems to be harmless sayings such as, "by Jove" which is actually taking an oath by the Roman god Jupiter.
We have to study, and study hard. We have to be on the alert. It's not a wonder that it is so difficult to understand what is going on in these last days. Satan (the Dragon, the Serpent, the Devil) has had thousands of years to weave his deception. Today the symbolism of thousands of years of pagan idolatry is still with us. But very difficult to see or understand because some symbolism has survived intact while others have been changed or added to. But with diligence and good detective work and especially with Yahuah's guidance and the quickening of Yahuah's Holy Spirit we won't be caught off guard. We will be able to know the truth and avoid the evil. As it is written, "Come out of her my people, that you be not partakers of her sins, and that you receive not of her plagues" (Rev.18:4). And how can we come out of her? By keeping Yahuah's Sabbath, Feast Days, and Laws; and forsaking the pagan customs, idolatry, and evil that saturates society today.
By keeping our minds and hearts focused on Yahuah and His Holy things, we will be able to recognize the Key players in these last days and be able to avoid taking the mark of the beast, his name or his number, or worshipping his image.
a)The Washington Monument (Washington,D.C.) is the Largest Obelisk in the World!
The Obelisk is a phallus symbol (male sex symbol) and also associated with sun worship. The Largest Obelisk in the World is an appropriate identifier of the Great Whore.
The Washington Monument is 555 Feet high and is the tallest free-standing masonry structure in the world. It has a pyramidic cap on the top of it. When it was built, donations of stone instead of money was given by individuals, cities, states, and countries from all over the world. The names of the contributors are on the stones throughout the structure. Fifty flags surround the base of the Monument, one for each State in the Union. The monument also acts as a giant sun dial casting its shadow a great distance during the day.
b)The U.S. Supreme Court Building (Washington,D.C.) - the Temple of Justice:
The architecture and design of the U.S. Supreme Court Building is typical of ancient Greek and Roman Temples. The goddess of Justice was called "Justitia" by the Romans and "Themis" by the Greeks. She was depicted as a stern looking woman, blindfolded and holding a pair of scales and a cornucopia. The cornucopia was a symbol of prosperity, represented as a curved horn overflowing with fruit, vegetables, grains, etc., also called a horn of plenty.
The West Pediment (triangular front face of the roof) of the U.S. Supreme Court Building has a central figure sculpture of the goddess Liberty enthroned. She is posed right above the word justice in the inscription and was probably designed to represent the goddess Justitia (Justice) as well. She is flanked on either side by Roman soldiers.
c)United States Capitol Building (Washington,D.C.) - the Temple of Liberty:
The most important public building in the United States is the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington,D.C.. It is one of the nation's most familiar landmarks. It is also the central starting point for the District of Columbia's street-numbering system. At the center of the U.S. Capitol Building is the Dome with the statue of the goddess of Liberty on top of it.
As they say, all roads lead to Rome, but in this case all roads in the U.S. lead to the heart of the nation which is the U.S. Capitol with the statue of Liberty at the center of it. It is quite understandable as the U.S. is noted for its motto of Freedom and Liberty. What better way to symbolize Freedom than with the goddess of Freedom (Liberty). The only objection is that it is pagan symbolism.
"The goddess of Liberty was known as early as the Roman republic, which built a temple on the Aventine Hill to her in the third century B.C.. But the ancient concept that she embodied was in origin personal rather than political. Liberty was simply the state of not being a slave. The Roman concept was embodied in art by a robed female holding a scepter (indicating sovereignty over herself), accompanied by a liberty-loving cat alongside a broken jug at her feet (symbol of confinement), and crowned by the Phrygian bonnet - the pilleus libertatis - bestowed upon slaves when granted freedom". (Ref.The Statue of Liberty, by Marvin Trachtenberg 1976).
We above all believers before us have real reason to rejoice. The Messiah truly is coming in our life time and possibly as soon as in the next few years. Throughout the ages, believers everywhere have longed for the 2nd Coming of the Messiah. To think that the Messiah is really coming so soon, we have much to rejoice about. He will usher in a time of Peace on Earth for 1000 years. He will establish the Kingdom of His beloved Father Yahuah on earth and rule from Jerusalem.
Remember the parable of the ten virgins. In Matthew 25:1-13 we read, "Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened to ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom. And five of them were wise, and five were foolish. They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them. But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps."
The oil represents the Holy Spirit of Yahuah which will guide us into all truth. The Holy Spirit will guide us to Yahuah, through Yahuahshua the Messiah His beloved Son. He will teach us His ways and we will walk in His paths (Isaiah 2:1-22; Rev.6:12-17).
The Messiah is the Word of Yahuah. Through the Messiah we receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit quickens us to understand Yahuah's written and living word. And they are the words of Eternal Life! "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path" (Psalm 119:105).
4)Illicit Intercourse.
7)Limb of a Living Creature.
It is the second of these laws, the one on Blasphemy that will affect us directly. This law relates to blaspheming Yahuah by misusing His Holy Name. Under this law an Israelite would be stoned to death but a Gentile would be decapitated (beheaded). This agrees with Revelation 20:4 which reads, "I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Yahuahshua, and for the word of Yahuah, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with the Messiah a thousand years".
You have to keep in mind that the Jewish people do not use or say the Father's Holy name of Yahuah. They use substitutes such as Elohim (means Mighty Ones), Adonai (means Master), HaShem (means The Name), etc.. And in the eyes of the Jewish people, anyone who believes in the Messiah of the New Testament is not a Jew (or Israelite), even if that person was born a Jew. The Jewish people do not believe in the Messiah of the New Testament. So in the eyes of the Jewish people, the fact that we believe in the Messiah of the New Testament and use the Messiah's true name of Yahuahshua which carries the Father's full name of Yahuah is considered Blasphemy. Of course it's not blasphemy, but that is their perception. And anyone outside of Judaism is a Gentile and subject to the 7 Laws of Noah.
We are commanded to call
upon the name of Yahuah and Yahuahshua for salvation. Yahuah's name is
very holy and we are to use it with great respect in worshipping Him and
His beloved Son. Here are a few of the many scriptures that show us how
important it is for us to know and call upon Him by His holy name:
-1Kings 8:43 - "that
all people of the earth may know thy name".
-Psalm 8:1 - "how
excellent is thy name in all the earth".
-Psalm 79:6 - "Pour
out thy wrath upon the heathen that have not known you, and upon the kingdoms
that have not called upon thy name".
-Psalm 91:14 - "Let
them praise thy great and fearful name for it is holy".
-Proverbs 30:4 -
"who has established all the ends of the earth? what is His name, and what
is His son's name, if you can tell".
-Isaiah 52:6 - "my
people shall know my name".
-Joel 2:32 - "whosoever
shall call on the name of Yahuah shall be delivered".
-Zechariah 13:9 -
"they shall call on my name, and I will hear them".
-Malachi 1:11 - "my
name shall be great among the Gentiles".
-Malachi 2:2 - the
priests that do not give glory to Yahuah's name shall be cursed.
-Matthew 28:19 -
we are commanded to make disciples of all nations immersing them into the
name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
-Luke 24:47 - "that
repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all
-John 1:12 - "But
as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of Yahuah,
even to them that believe on his name".
-John 3:18 - "condemned
already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten
Son of Yahuah".
-John 5:43 - "I am
come in my Father's name".
-Acts 4:12 - "there
is none other name ... whereby we must be saved".
-Ephesians 1:21 -
Messiah given a name above every name.
-Philippians 2:9,10
- "Yahuah also has ... given Him a name which is above every name".
-Hebrews 1:4 - "by
inheritance obtained a more excellent name".
-1John 3:23 - "that
we should believe on the name of His Son Yahuahshua".
-1John 5:13 - "These
things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of Yahuah;
that you may know that you have eternal life, and that you may believe
on the name of the Son of Yahuah".
The Messiah was crucified for being accused of blasphemy (Matt.26:65). And He said that we shall be hated of all men for His name's sake (Matt.10:22). Be of good cheer for we are in good company, for the apostles and the disciples of the Messiah also suffered for His name's sake (Acts 4:17-18; Acts 5:28,40-41; Acts 9:14). We will be sealed with the Messiah's name that carries His Father's name (Revelation 14:1 - New International Version).
The 7 Laws of Noah are Law in the State of Israel. There are indications that they are Law in the United States as well. And there is also a movement to have them made Law in the International Court of Law for the whole world.
1)"The Seven Laws
of Noah", by Aaron Lichtenstein 1981.
2)United States Congress
Public Law #102-14, March 20,1991, 102nd Congress, "Education Day, U.S.A.".
We only have one form of communication available and that is by the postal address at the top of this website.
We do not endorse, believe in, or approve of the methods, beliefs, or teachings on any other websites.
Less than 2 years ago, there were no websites at all teaching the Messiah's true name of Yahuahshua and only two that made reference to the Father's Holy name of Yahuah. That is what prompted us to create a website to proclaim and make known the true name of Yahuah and of His beloved Son Yahuahshua. Now on just one search engine, "Fast Search" for example (doing an All the Web Search), about 297 entries appear when searching using the Messiah's true name of Yahuahshua and about 1,177 entries appear when searching using the Father's true name of Yahuah. We are not saying that all other websites are wrong or that everything on those other websites are bad. But we caution and urge you to be careful to test and check that what they are saying is true and to make sure you know who they are (Matthew 7:15-20; Acts 20:29-31).
We rejoice that so many people have come to the knowledge of the truth of knowing who Yahuah and Yahuahshua really are! We praise Yahuah through His beloved Son Yahuahshua and by His Holy Spirit that He has opened our hearts and minds to know who He is! (Philippians 1:15-18). But as the Messiah and the Apostle Paul warned us, there will be false prophets and deceivers and if it were possible would deceive even the very elect.
Therefore, there is a great need to warn everyone, everywhere, of the growing dangers that lurk in the shadows. As the Messiah and Paul warned us, so we too warn you to be on the alert and to be wary of wolves in sheeps' clothing. By their fruits you shall know them. If they speak not according to His word it is because their is no truth or light in them. So please be careful.
To understand time and it's relation to man on earth, we have to piece together units of time from the Bible. Yahuah gives us definitions of time in His Word.
We know that Yahuah re-created life on earth and reset the heavenly clock of stars and planets in 6 Days and rested on the 7th Day. With Yahuah 1000 years is as one day. Therefore, His 7 Days of Re-Creation can represent 7000 years. The 7th Day Sabbath can also represent the 7th Millennium (1000 year Sabbath) during which time the Messiah will rule on earth for 1000 years when he returns at his 2nd Coming.
Adam was created on the 6th Day of the Week and was told that he would die on the day that he sinned. Adam lived to be 930 years old and died within the 1000 years per day definition. Man's time is also limited to 6 Days or 6000 years. So how can we determine where we are at the present in relation to this 6000 year plan? We have to find a reference point to which we can refer back to and to measure time from. This reference point is the time of the Messiah's death. The Messiah is the Key to understanding the 6000 year plan of man.
The Messiah is the Key:
The Messiah is the prophesied Son and Key of David. Through the Messiah our understanding is open to things kept hidden from the foundation of the world. Yahuah reveals all things to us through His beloved Son Yahuahshua by His Holy Spirit. The Messiah is the Word of Yahuah, the spokesman for the Father. The Messiah is the Key to unlocking the Mystery of the 6000 year Time of Man.
The Messiah's Death and Crucifixion is the Reference Point:
The Timing of the Messiah's Death and Crucifixion is the Reference Point from which we can go forward and backward in time. The Messiah's death is the most accurately recorded event in the entire Bible. We know the hour, day of the week, day of the month, the month, and the year. The Messiah was cut off in the middle of the week on Wednesday at 3PM Jerusalem Time, on the 14th Day of the 1st Month in a Jubilee Year (which was on April 5 in the year 30CE on the Julian Calendar). The Sacred Calendar and the Jewish Calendar synchronize perfectly for the Day of Passover in the year 30CE and both calendars celebrate Passover on the same day in that year. About 70% of Biblical scholars agree that the Messiah died in the year 30CE. See Topic #2.3)Passover and the Crucifixion of the Messiah, above for more details.
The Birth, Death, and Age of the Messiah in Structuring the 6000 Year Time-Line of Man:
All aspects of the Messiah's life is a map to understanding the 6000 years of man from Adam.
a)The Year of the Birth
of the Messiah:
We have figured out the
Spring of the year 30CE as the most probable time for the Messiah's death
and also his age to be most likely 40 1/2 years old. We then can go back
40 1/2 years to the Fall of 12BCE as the most probable year and time of
his birth. Keep in mind that all the bits and pieces of history, scripture,
astronomy and calendar information has to fit all at the same time. You
can't just move something without affecting something else somewhere else
-- everything is interlocked and will affect everything else in the time-line.
It all has to fit perfectly and it does.
The year 12BCE is very significant and perfectly fits the year for the Messiah's birth. We have the appearance of Halley's Comet in 12BCE. The Fall Equinox is on the Day of Atonement on September 25, 12BCE which is also a regular weekly Sabbath Day. The Messiah would have been born during the Fall Feasts and most likely on the Day of Atonement. The significance is that the Messiah is our High Priest after the order of Melchitsadak (King of Righteousness). Only the High Priest went into the Holy of Holies once in the year on the Day of Atonement and not without the shedding of blood for the sins of the people. Also, the Jubilee year was celebrated on the Day of Atonement.
We use both the Spring and Fall Equinoxes as factors when intercalating the calendar. The Spring Equinox started the year because the Sun was reset on the 4th Day of the Creation Week (Wednesday). The Messiah was Crucified on the 4th Day of the Week. It makes perfect sense that the Messiah was born on the Fall Equinox which was the Day of Atonement and also a Weekly Sabbath Day. The Messiah was also the master of the Sabbath Day and almost every occurrence of the number 7 has to do with the Messiah. On the Day of Atonement (the Day of Judgement) the Messiah will judge the world when he comes as King of Kings.
b)The Messiah Died
in a Jubilee Year:
In Luke 4:16-21, the Messiah
indicated that with his death he would set at liberty them that were bruised
for without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins and the
year of his death is a Jubilee Year when the captives were to be released
(Leviticus 25:8-10). So 30CE the year of his death was also a Jubilee Year.
c)Jubilee Cycles within the 6000 Years from Adam and the Age of the Messiah Determines the End of the 6000 Years:
Let us take the number 6000 and check to see how many Jubilee cycles there are in it. So 6000 divided by 49 will give us 122 Jubilees plus a remainder of 22 years (note also that 122 + 22 = 144). Adam was created on the 6th Day of the week and 6 Days x 24 Hours/Day = 144 Hours. The 6th Day is symbolic of the 6000 years of Adam and man.
The significance of the 22 years left over should be obvious to most students of the Bible. The Spring Feasts have been fulfilled which have 21 Days but the Fall Feasts which have 22 Days have yet to be fulfilled. They will be fulfilled at the time of the Messiah's return. The Fall Feasts last 22 Days in the 7th month. The Messiah said he was the first and the last, the Alpha (Hebrew Aleph) and the Omega (Hebrew Tau). The Hebrew Alphabet has 22 letters, the 1st is Aleph and the 22nd is Tau. So we can relate the 22 remainder years to the Fall Feasts and to the Messiah. The 1st year of the 22 years relates to the Feast of Trumpets, the 10th year to the Day of Atonement, the 15th to 21st to the Feast of Tabernacles, and the 22nd to the Last Great Day.
Using the year of the Messiah's death in 30CE which was a Jubilee year as our reference point and anchor, we can calculate Jubilees forward and backward in time. The Messiah told us in his word when he is returning. In Matthew 24:3 his disciples asked him, "what shall be the sign of thy coming (2nd Coming), and the end of the world". The Messiah replied in Matthew 24:29-34 that he would come immediately after the Great Tribulation and that this Generation (meaning himself - his generation or age being 40 1/2 years old) would not pass till those things would be fulfilled. Just as he prophesied the destruction of Jerusalem within his generation 30CE + 40 years = 70CE; so also his return. If we take 30CE and add 40 of his Generations in terms of Jubilee cycles we get: [40 x 49 years/Jubilee = 1960 years, plus 1/2 x 49 years/Jubilee = approximately 22 years (Note: It can't be more than 22 years because that is the only remainder of years in the 6000 years)] which brings us to the year 2011CE. Where 30CE + 1960 years = 1990CE (1990CE is a Jubilee year which is also the 1st year of the next Jubilee count). And 1989CE + 22 years = 2011CE where 2011CE is the 6000th year from Adam.
If 2011CE is the end of the 6000 years from Adam, then 2011CE minus 6000 years would give us the year 3989BCE when Adam was created (3989 + 2011 = 6000). We now have the beginning and end points of the 6000 years.
What is also special to note is that 1990CE would be the last Jubilee year in the 6000 years from Adam and that there seems to be a 490 year cycle as well as the Jubilee cycle of 49 years. From 30CE to 1990CE is 1960 years divided by 490 years = 4 cycles. From 30CE going back in time another 8 cycles of 490 years exist, back to 3891BCE. So there is a total of 12 cycles of 490 years. Note also that 490 years is actually 10 Jubilees = 10 x 49. But what seems to be strange is that one would expect this cycle to start from Adam and not 2 Jubilees after Adam. With further study one finds that Abel was killed in the 99th Year from Adam (Book of Jubilees Chapter 4:2), the very year when this 490 year cycle starts. In Luke 11:50-51 we are given a meaning for this starting point, "that the blood of all the prophets, which was shed from the foundation of the world, may be required of this generation; from the blood of Abel...". In Matthew 23:35 it is even clearer, "that upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel...". Also in Hebrews 12:24 "And to Yahuahshua the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel". So these 12 cycles of 490 years is a time related to the shedding of the blood of the RIGHTEOUS.
Keep in mind also that man's
life span was limited to 120 years old in Genesis 6:3. From the
death of Abel to the last Jubilee is 120 Jubilees. And if you add
the 1st two Jubilees from Adam which is 98 years plus the last 22 years
of the 6000 years, you get 120 years. It is like having the entire
history of man simplified from Adam to the end of the 6000 years into a
120 years.
3989BCE-Adam created. |
3891BCE-Abel slain. |
2333BCE-Year of Noah's Flood. |
951BCE-1st Temple completed. |
12BCE-Birth of the Messiah. |
30CE-Messiah crucified. |
2011/2012CE-6000thYear ofAdam |
From this plan the year 2000CE is the 11th year of the last 22 years of the 6000 years from Adam. Because the last 22 years are also similar to the 22 days of the Fall Feast days in the 7th Month which have not been fulfilled, we believe that there is a direct relationship in meaning. At this point, we don't know for sure exactly when the Messiah will return. However, we do know that the Messiah will return immediately after the Great Tribulation. Then the harvest festival of the Feast of Tabernacles would start on the 15th day of the 7th month. With time there will be more and more events that will surely show us exactly when the Great Tribulation will start. Once we know for sure when the Great Tribulation has started, we can then count 3 1/2 years to the coming of the Messiah. There are enough signs around the world now to show us that we are close, very close indeed. Rejoice and look up for your redemption draws nigh!
For example: 1 jubilee
= 49 + 1
2 jubilees = 49 + 49 + 1
3 jubilees = 49 + 49 + 49 + 1
During the 6000 years allotted to man, there will be 122 Jubilees plus 22 years left over (6000 divided by 49 = 122 jubilees + 22 years). After the 6000 years the Messiah will rule during the 7th Millennium for 1000 years when Satan will be bound.
Therefore, using the year 3989BCE as year #1 when Adam was created, the 122 Jubilees from Adam to the end of the 6000 years of man is as follows:
Jubilee Cycle and Jubilee Year Chart
The 4th & 5th Seals,
the First 6 Trumpets, and the First 6 Vials will all take place during
the 3 1/2 years of the Great Tribulation.
Great Tribulation (Begins Spring 2008) |
Luke 21:8-36 Mark 13:5-37 Luke 17:22-37 a)2 Witnesses:
b)Believers in
d)1st Beast:
e)Satan cast
f)Signs in
Rev.6:1-2 WHITE Horse Rider with bow & crown conquering. Opened in 1990. 2nd Seal:
3rd Seal:
Rev.8:7 Hail, fire, blood; upon Earth trees & grass burned. Wil start during Great Tribulation |
Rev.16:2 On Earth sore upon men with Mark of the Beast & on them which worship his image. Will start during Great Tribulation |
Rev.8:8-9 Sea blood; creatures in sea die. |
Rev.16:3 Sea blood; creatures in sea die. |
Rev.8:10-11 Rivers bitter, men die. |
Rev.16:4-7 Waters become blood. |
Rev.8:12 Sun, Moon, & Stars smitten. |
Rev.16:8-9 Vial on Sun, men scorched with fire. |
Rev.9:1-11 Unbelievers tormented 5 months. |
Vial on seat of beast; darkness, pains, & sores. |
Rev.6:7-8 PALE Horse Rider is Death. 1/4 of earth killed with sword, hunger, death, & beasts. Will open during Great Tribulation 5th Seal:
Rev.9:13-21 1 year, 1 month, 1 day, 1 hour. 1/3 of Men slain. |
Rev.16:12-16 Euphrates dried up, preparation for battle with Messiah: Armageddon. |
After the Great Tribulation: Matt. 24:26-31 Mark 13:24-27 Luke 17:23-24 Luke 21:25-28 Messiah Returns Sept.15, 2011 |
Rev. 6:12-17 Messiah Returns Sept.15, 2011 |
Rev.11:15-19 Messiah Returns Sept.15,2011 |
Rev.16:17-21 Messiah Returns Sept.15,2011 |
When we accept and keep Passover, we accept the Messiah, for the Messiah is our Passover (John 6:27-69; 1Corinthians 5:7).
Related scriptures for understanding the timing of the Passover: O.T. - Lev.23:5-15; Ex.23:14-17; Ex.34:18-26; Joshua 5:10-11; Ex.9:31-32; N.T. - Matt.26:2-75; Mark 14:1-72; Luke 22:1-71; John 13:1-38.
The Messiah was cut off on Wednesday in the middle of the Week, on the 4th Day of the Week (Daniel 9:26,27).
Note: Mark 16:9-20
is not in Codex Vaticanus 1209, Codex Sinaiticus or in many other ancient
copies of the Greek New Testament.
Also, Mark 16:9 translated
from the Greek reads, "Having risen and early first of week he appeared
first to Mary etc."
The Definition of a Day = Night + Day (Genesis 1:5,8,13).
For more info refer to:
Feast Days of YAHUAH
and the Crucifixion of the Messiah
Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread.
the Feast of Weeks (Feast of Pentecost).
Passover Chart for the Messiah's Death in 30CE
Day Lev.23:5 Deut.16:1-4 |
Lev.23:6 |
3 Nights & 3 Days Matt.12:40 Jonah 1:17 |
(Nisan) |
6:00PM N
Night Messiah
Night HIGH
Feast of
Night (Messiah
6:00AM D
Day April 5, 30CE 12Noon=
Day (Messiah
of the Week |
of the Week |
of the Week |
of the Week |
of the Week |
# = to observe
Passover meal on Tuesday night after sunset and note that the Messiah was
crucified at 12Noon the next day on Wednesday and died at 3:00PM that same
Wednesday afternoon.
Second Passover = observed only if the first Passover Day could not be kept at the appointed time, see Numbers 9:9-14.
= is a High Sabbath observed starting at sunset the night before
(this is to be observed similar to a regular Sabbath but keeping in mind
the significance of the Feast being observed).
364 Day Sacred Calendar Feast Days - Part 1
of Sacred Year |
Day |
Unleavened Bread |
Passover |
April 5* |
April 11* |
April 10* |
April 9* |
April 7* |
April 6* |
April 5* |
April 11* |
April 9* |
April 1 |
April 8* |
April 7* |
April 6* |
April 4* |
April 10* |
April 9* |
April 1 |
April 8* |
April 6* |
April 5* |
April 11* |
April 10* |
April 1 |
April 8* |
March 31 |
April 7* |
March 30 |
April 6* |
March 29 |
April 5* |
April 3 |
April 10* |
April 2 |
April 9* |
April 1 |
April 8* |
March 31 |
April 7* |
March 29 |
April 5* |
March 28 |
April 4* |
April 3 |
April 10* |
April 2 |
April 9* |
March 31 |
April 7* |
March 30 |
April 6* |
March 29 |
April 5* |
April 4 |
April 11* |
April 2 |
April 9* |
364 Day Sacred Calendar Feast Days - Part 2
Trumpets |
Atonement (Fast Day) |
Tabernacles |
Great Day (8th Day) |
Oct. 4 |
Oct. 10 |
Oct. 9 |
Oct. 8 |
Oct. 6 |
Oct. 5 |
Oct. 4 |
Oct. 10 |
Oct. 8 |
Oct. 7 |
Oct. 6 |
Oct. 5 |
Oct. 3 |
Oct. 9 |
Oct. 8 |
Oct. 7 |
Oct. 5 |
Oct. 4 |
Oct. 10 |
Oct. 9 |
Oct. 7 |
Oct. 6 |
Oct. 5 |
Oct. 4 |
Oct. 9 |
Oct. 8 |
Oct. 7 |
Oct. 6 |
Oct. 4 |
Oct. 3 |
Oct. 9 |
Oct. 8 |
Oct. 6 |
Oct. 5 |
Oct. 4 |
Oct. 10 |
Oct. 8 |
Reference Texts for
the 364 Day Sacred Calendar:
1)1Enoch 72:7-36.
2)Book of Jubilees 6:1-3,
14-15, 21-36.
3)Essene calendar substantiated
by texts from Qumran Cave 4 ("Ten Years of Discovery in the Wilderness
of Judea", by J.T.Milik 1959).
a)The Hebrew day is night
and day starting at sunset and finishing at sunset (Genesis 1:5).
b)The Sacred Year starts at sunset on Wednesday night (the beginning of the 5th Day of the Week according to Hebrew reckoning).
c)Intercalation:The Sacred Calendar is intercalated every 5th or 6th year by one week (7 days). Usually when the Spring Equinox is between Tuesday sunset (about 6:00PM) to Wednesday sunset (about 6:00PM) during the 4th day of the Hebrew week based on Jerusalem Time. However, on some years the Spring Equinox comes before Tuesday sunset or after Wednesday sunset such as the years 2001CE and 2002CE. In this case, there are two criteria that we look at. First, we make sure the intercalation doesn't happen after a 6th year (eg. stretched out to a 7th year) because every year 1 1/4 days is lost (difference between 365 1/4 day solar year vs. 364 day Sacred Calendar) and 6 X 1 1/4 days = 7 1/2 days. Second, there is a pattern that shows that the Day of Atonement and the Fall Equinox line up the year before the year to be intercalated, year 2000CE was such a year. Therefore, year 2001CE is the year that has to be intercalated.
d)The Day of Atonementis
a fast day and from sunset to sunset no food should be eaten -- you can
drink water for health reasons. But keep in mind that in ancient times
even water was abstained from. It may be wise for children to go only a
short time or only a part of the day without food.
The Lamb's Book of
People have a misconception
about the Book of Life. They wrongfully believe that it is by good works
and achievements that our names will be put into the Book of Life. But
in fact the names are already written in the Book of Life. The question
is not that we are worthy enough to have our names written into the Book
of Life but rather the Danger of having our Names Blotted
Out of the Book of Life! (Ex.32:32; Rev.3:5; Rev.13:8; Rev.21:27).
It is sin that separates us from Yahuah. Sin is the transgression of the
Law of Yahuah. For the wages of sin is death. Be of good cheer for through
the Messiah we have the forgiveness of sins and the gift of the Holy Spirit
to guide us into all truth.
Keeping Our Spirit
It is very important, and
also our responsibility to look after all three: the body, the mind and
the spirit. But the problem is that most people are starving and killing
their spirit without even knowing it. Most people don't even know that
they have a spirit. The Messiah clearly warns us of the dangers to our
spirit. In Matthew 10:28 the Messiah says, "Fear not them which kill the
body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able
to destroy both soul and body in hell" (Romans 8:1-39; 1John 2:15-17).
If you neglect your spirit, it will die. We are told not to quench the
spirit (1Thessalonians 5:4-24). So now comes the question, "How do we feed
and care for our spirit?
Feeding our Spirit:
Feed your spirit with Yahuah's
Word, invite Yahuah's Holy Spirit into your life, hang on for dear life
and never let His Spirit go. Be clothed with Yahuah's Holy Spirit. Keep
Yahuah's Sabbath and Feast Days. Forsake not the assembling of yourselves.
Worship Yahuah in spirit and in truth. Sing psalms to Yahuah and rejoice
before Him always. Read and study Yahuah's Word daily. Obey Yahuah. Forsake
the evil. Produce fruits of righteousness, having the fruit of the Holy
Spirit (Galatians 5:22-25). Put on the whole armour of Yahuah (Ephesians
6:10-18; Romans 13:12-14; 2Corinthians 6:1-10). A good habit to get into
is to read one chapter of the New Testament at breakfast, starting with
Matthew Chapter 1. Then read one chapter of the Old Testament at night
before going to sleep, starting with Genesis Chapter 1. By the end of the
year you would have read most of the Bible. By constantly reading His Word,
His Word will become a part of us.
When should we Start
to Feed our Spirit:
In 2Corinthians 6:2 it is
written, "Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day
of salvation". We have the opportunity to repent and change our ways up
to the day we die. Problem is, none of us knows when we will die. As soon
as we die, the books are closed and we are judged either to life eternal
or eternal damnation. Before you is life and death, choose which way you
will go. As for me and my House, we choose Life, we choose Yahuah through
Yahuahshua the Messiah, by His Holy Spirit.
Spiritual Warfare:
Satan is waging a spiritual
warfare. Once Satan has us hooked on fleshly and materialistic things,
our spirit gradually dies. To fight back, we have to strengthen our spirit
and clean house that the Spirit of Yahuah may dwell with us. Once our being
is in tune with Yahuah's Holy Spirit, we can do all things through the
Messiah (Philippians 4:13; Galatians 2:20; John 14:12-27). Once we have
true faith, we can move mountains and will be able to do what seems to
be impossible.
Satan wants to keep us in the dark. Satan is happy when we love our sins, when we are, excuse the expression, "Happy as pig in shit". It is time to awake and flee the sins that so easily beset us and drag us down. Take hold on life. Sins are what drag us down. Repent and accept Yahuah's forgiveness through Yahuahshua our High Priest. Forsake the lust and sins of this world. Take hold of Eternal Life and never let go.
The World Today:
Have you noticed that the
things of this world today are focused to control and deceive the mind!
By stages Satan has conquered man. From the time of the Industrial Revolution
starting around 1750, man was enticed to move from being an independent
farmer to an industrial slave. Now we are in the Information Revolution
which will take total control of our lives and the little freedom that
we have left. It will be extremely difficult to worship Yahuah in the years
to come. The jobs and lifestyle of today require very little physical work.
This is deliberate. Lack of exercise weakens the body. Overworking the
mind exhausts both body and mind resulting in sickness. We are overwhelmed
with technology. We are overwhelmed with information. The mind gets supersaturated
with information that can cause confusion and depression. We have to take
control of our lives. We have to focus on what is important - namely Yahuah's
Word, seeking His Kingdom, and His spiritual things. We still have to live
here, but we sure don't have to be a part of the evil that surrounds us.
As it is written, "Come out of her, my people, that you be not partakers
of her sins, and that you receive not of her plagues" (Rev.18:4). We are
a Holy Nation set apart (1Peter 2:1-25). Don't be surprised if the world
hate you, for so hated the world our beloved master Yahuahshua, the prophets,
and all the righteous from Abel.
Dealing with Fear:
There are different types
of fear. There is a good and natural fear that protects us from danger.
There is a righteous fear that helps us to worship Yahuah the true creator
with reverence and respect. But there is also a destructive fear that keeps
us in bondage. Destructive fears can cripple and stunt our physical, mental
and spiritual growth and retard our full potential in life. Throughout
the Old and New Testaments we are commanded not to be terrified by these
harmful types of fear. We were told in the Media that the number 2 cause
of death by the year 2000 would not be cancer or heart attack, but DEPRESSION.
And depression is usually caused by stress, worry and fear. Through the
Messiah we can do all things, even conquer fear. Yahuah gives us His written
word, His Holy Spirit, and the hope of Eternal Life through His beloved
Son Yahuahshua: to comfort us and to help us throughout our pilgrimage
during our life on earth. Here are some comforting and strengthening scriptures
to help us to deal with fear:
1) 1John 4:18 - "There
is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear: because fear has torment.
He that fears is not made perfect in love".
2) 2Timothy 1:7 -
"For Yahuah has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love,
and of a sound mind".
3) Isaiah 41:10-18
- "Fear not; for I am with you: be not dismayed; for I am your Elohim:
I will strengthen you; yea, I will help you; yea, I will uphold you with
the right hand of my righteousness".
4) Isaiah 43:1-5
- "Fear not ... When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and
through the rivers, they shall not overflow you: when you walk through
the fire, you will not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon you".
The greatest fear that most people face is the fear of death. And the Messiah frees us from even the fear of death. In Hebrews 2:9,14-15 it is written, "that through death he (the Messiah) might destroy him that had the power of death, that is the devil; And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage". The Messiah also reassures us of a place for us in the afterlife. In John 14:1-6 the Messiah says, "Let not your heart be troubled: you believe in Yahuah, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions: ... I go to prepare a place for you. ... Yahuahshua says unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes unto the Father, but by me".
In Matthew 19:3-12, the Messiah says, "For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh? Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore Yahuah has joined together, let no man put asunder." In the union of marriage, the Messiah talks of only two people, one husband and one wife.
In 1Corinthians 7:1-40 the apostle Paul too, only writes about one man and one woman in the union of marriage. Paul says that it is better to be single but it is not a sin to marry. Did you know that there is no such thing as pre-marital sex? But that sexual intercourse is the bond of marriage! Paul again writes in 1Corinthians 6:15-16, "Know you not that your bodies are the members of the Messiah? Shall I then take the members of the Messiah, and make them the members of an harlot? Yahuah forbid. What? Know you not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body? For two saith he, shall be one flesh."
Know you not that, "Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers Yahuah will judge" (Hebrews 13:4). Again, "But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone: which is the second death" (Revelation 21:8). And again, "Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loves and makes a lie" (Revelation 22:14-15).
So dearly beloved and fellow believers, partakers of the sufferings and death of our master Yahuahshua, flee the lusts of the flesh in this wicked and adulterous generation.
So it is very clear that we are to keep Yahuah's Laws. But if we do sin, we have an advocate with the Father through the blood of the Messiah.
So how about the Feast Days? The Feast Days are directly linked to the Messiah. Let's look at the Passover as an example. In 1Corinthians 5:7 Paul writes, "the Messiah our Passover is slain for us". And how important is it for us to keep the Passover? In John 6:53-56 the Messiah says, "Except you eat the flesh of the Son of Man, and drink His blood, you have no life in you. Whoso eats my flesh, and drinks my blood, has eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day. For my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed. He that eats my flesh, and drinks my blood, dwells in me, and I in him". What did the Messiah observe before He died? The Messiah observed Passover before He died, as it is written in Matthew 26:17-19. And what did the Messiah command us in how to keep the Passover? In Matthew 26:26-28, the Messiah tells us, "And as they were eating, Yahuahshua took bread, and blessed it and brake it and gave it to the disciples, and said, Take, eat; this is my body. And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, Drink you all of it; For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins". In Luke 22:19 the Messiah commands us to observe the Passover in remembrance of Him.
Events leading up to
the Passover:
To fully understand Passover,
we have to pull together other scriptures related to it. From John 12:1
we know that the Messiah had supper with Lazarus 6 days before the Passover
which would have been Friday night on the 9th Day of the 1st Month. The
next day, the 10th Day of the 1st Month, the Messiah made His triumphant
entry into Jerusalem riding on the colt of an ass.
Events that happened on the
10th Day of the 1st Month:
1)The Messiah's Triumphal
entry into Jerusalem (John 12:12-16).
2)The Passover Lamb
was chosen (Exodus 12:1-5).
3)Children of Israel
entered into the Promised Land (Joshua 4:19,1-24).
4)The Measuring of
the Temple in Jerusalem (Ezekiel 40:1; Ezekiel Chapters 40 to 48).
5)The Day of Atonement
which is on the 10th Day of the 7th Month is directly related to the 10th
Day of the 1st Month on the Sacred Calendar; as the 1st and 7th Months
are identical. The Day of Atonement is when the Messiah will judge the
world at His Second Coming.
Keeping the Passover:
Passover is to be kept on
the 14th Day of the 1st Month from Tuesday sunset to Wednesday sunset (Leviticus
23:5; Exodus 12:6-14; Numbers 9:1-14; Deuteronomy 16:1-7). The Passover
meal was observed just after sunset on Tuesday night. And if a person was
unclean and could not keep the Passover on the 14th Day of the 1st Month,
he still had to keep it on the 14th Day of the 2nd Month (Numbers 9:6-14).
When the children of Israel obeyed Yahuah and kept the Passover by putting
the blood of the lamb on their door posts, then the angel of death Passed
Over them and were saved (Exodus 12:7-14). Through the blood of the
Messiah, our Passover Lamb, we continue today to have the protection, forgiveness
of sins and the hope of eternal life when we keep Yahuah's Passover in
the light of the New Testament. But to fully understand Passover we still
have to be aware of why and how Passover was observed in the Old Testament.
A)Observing Passover
in the Old Testament:
1)Passover kept on the 14th
Day of the 1st Month.
2)Passover Lamb slain between
Tuesday sunset to Wednesday sunset.
3)Passover meal could be
observed between Tuesday sunset to Wednesday sunset. The 1st Passover in
Egypt was kept after sunset on Tuesday night.
4)The blood of the Passover
Lamb was to be put on the two side posts and on the upper door post of
the houses where they would eat the Passover meal.
5)The Passover Lamb was
roasted with fire and eaten that night with unleavened bread and with bitter
6)Children of Israel ate
the Passover meal in haste; with loins girded, shoes on their feet, and
their staff in their hand.
7)Children of Israel were
not allowed to go out of their houses until the morning.
8)At midnight all the firstborn
of man and beast in Egypt which were not in the houses that had the protection
of the blood of the Passover Lamb died.
B)Observing Passover
in the Light of the New Testament:
In Hebrews 10:4 it is written,
"For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and goats should take away
sins". The whole sacrificial system of the Old Testament was a foreshadow
of the Messiah's perfect sacrifice (Hebrews Chapters 1 to 10). The Messiah
shows us the new way to observe Passover. The Passover is still to be kept
on Tuesday night after sunset on the 14th Day of the 1st Month. But instead
of killing a lamb however, we are now for the Passover meal, to eat
unleavened bread which represents His broken body and to drink red wine
that represents His blood that He shed for us for the forgiveness and remission
of our sins. By observing Passover in this new way we acknowledge His sacrifice
of suffering and death for our sins (Matthew 26:18-28; Mark 14:12-24; Luke
Keeping the Feast of
Unleavened Bread:
In the New Testament it
can be a little confusing on when and how the Feast of Unleavened Bread
was kept. On the Passover Day on the 14th Day of the 1st Month only during
the Passover Meal was unleavened bread used; however, you can still eat
leavened bread the rest of that same day. It is on Wednesday night after
sunset which begins the 15th Day of the 1st Month that the Feast of Unleavened
Bread starts. The Feast of Unleavened Bread lasts 7 Days from the 15th
Day to the 21st Day of the 1st Month (Leviticus 23:5-16).
From scripture we know that leaven (yeast) represents sin. So at the time of the first Passover, unleavened bread was symbolic of the children of Israel coming out of sin (out of Egypt and away from idolatry). Going into the Promised Land was symbolic of believers going into the Kingdom of Yahuah.
Today, we still keep the Feast of Unleavened Bread as it was observed in the Old Testament. However, we observe the Feast in the light of the New Testament. We eat unleavened bread for 7 Days from the 15th Day to the 21st Day of the 1st Month. The 15th Day and the 21st Day both are High Sabbaths and are observed as Sabbaths (John 19:31; Leviticus 23:6-8). We keep in mind that our sins are washed away by the blood of the Messiah and we eat unleavened bread which is symbolic of our abstaining from sin.
We also keep in mind that the Messiah was in the tomb from Wednesday sunset (15th Day of the 1st Month) to Saturday just before sunset (17th Day of the 1st Month) for 3 Nights and 3 Days. The Messiah rose from the dead on Saturday just before sunset. Saturday sunset began the 18th Day of the 1st Month. The 18th Day of the 1st Month was the time when the Sheaf Offering of the Barley was observed and was also the 1st Day of the 50 day count to Pentecost (Feast of Weeks). The Messiah represents the First of the Firstfruit Offering of grain (barley) and the beginning of the barley harvest. Symbolically the Messiah is also the Bread of Life. The 18th Day of the 1st Month is also one of the three times in the year when all males were to present themselves before Yahuah and not to appear before Him empty handed (Exodus 23:14-17).
For more information please
refer to the following:
True Biblical Calendar.
Feast Days of Yahuah.
and the Crucifixion of the Messiah.
and Crucifixion Chart for the Messiah's Death in 30CE.
Days for the 364 Day Sacred Calendar - 2000CE to 2011CE.
the Feast of Weeks (Feast of Pentecost).
Determining the Day
of the Sheaf Offering of the Barley:
So how do we determine exactly
when the barley sheaf offering was offered up? From Leviticus 23:10-22
we know that it was offered on the 1st day of the week (Sunday). We know
that it was at the beginning of the barley harvest (green ears). In Deuteronomy
16:9 we read, "Seven weeks shall you number unto you: begin to number the
seven weeks from such time as you begin to put the sickle to the grain".
We know that this barley harvest had to be in the land of Israel from Leviticus
23:10, "when you come into the land which I give unto you". What is even
more amazing is the fact that the growing season for barley in Egypt where
the children of Israel were is identical to the earliest growing season
for barley in Israel even though the means of watering the crops is completely
different for the two countries. In Egypt the crops depend on the flooding
of the Nile. From Exodus 9:31-32, we know that at the time of the exodus
the barley was in the ear, "And the barley was smitten: for the barley
was in the ear,... but the wheat and the rie were not smitten: for they
were not grown up". In Israel the crops depend on the former (October/November)
and latter (March/April) rain. Keep in mind that in Israel there are 3
to 4 different growing seasons depending on the region, so we would have
to choose the earliest one which would be near Jericho in the Jordan Valley
because the children of Israel could not eat of the new grain until they
had offered up the sheaf offering.
There were three harvest festivals that the children of Israel were to keep each year (Exodus 23:14-17; Exodus 34:18-24; Deuteronomy 16:8-17). It was commanded that all males were to appear before Yahuah during these three festivals and not to appear before Him empty handed. The three harvest festivals are: 1) The Feast of Unleavened Bread (Beginning of Barlely Harvest starting with Sheaf Offering of Barley); 2)Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) (End of Wheat Harvest with the offering of two loaves of Wheat Bread); 3)Feast of Tabernacles (End of the Agricultural year with the offering of New Wine, Fresh Olive Oil, Pomegranates, etc.). So we also know that the right week for the Sheaf Offering of the Barley had to be during the Feast of Unleavened Bread. So the Sheaf Offering of the Barley had to be on the 18th Day of the 1st Month (Sunday).
This also makes sense as the 1st month of the year is the month of Abib (on the old Hebrew Calendar). The Hebrew word Abib means "green" as in "green ears of grain". So we know that it was in the month of Abib and on the 1st Day of week, on the 18th Day of the 1st Month (Sunday) that the barley sheaf offering would have been offered up . This is backed up in Joshua 5:10-12, when the children of Israel came into the promised land, "the children of Israel encamped in Gilgal, and kept the passover on the 14th Day of the Month at even in the plains of Jericho. And they did eat of the old grain of the land on the morrow (15th Day of the 1st Month) after the passover, unleavened cakes, and parched grain in the selfsame day. And the manna ceased on the morrow (16th Day of the 1st Month) after they had eaten of the old grain of the land; neither had the children of Israel manna any more; but they did eat of the fruit of the land of Canaan that year". And it is also written in Leviticus 23:14, "you shall eat neither bread, nor parched grain, nor green ears, until the selfsame day that you have brought an offering unto your Elohim". Also Deuteronomy 16:9, "seven weeks shall you number unto you: begin to number the seven weeks from such time as you begin to put the sickle to the grain".
Keeping the Feast of
Weeks (Pentecost):
So counting 50 days (7 complete
weeks) from the 18th Day of the 1st Month (Sunday) the day of the Barley
Sheaf Offering we come to the 7th Day of the 3rd Month (Sunday) which is
the Feast of Weeks (Day of Pentecost). The New Testament root origin of
the Greek word "Pentecoste" means the number "Fifty".
There is also a spiritual aspect of counting from the time of the Barley Sheaf Offering. The Barley Sheaf Offering represents the Messiah who became the perfect sacrifice for us just after he rose from the dead (he rose from the dead the day before the offering was made). The Messiah is also the first of the firstfruits, the first begotten of the Father and the first begotten of the dead representing the beginning of the grain harvest. After the Messiah rose from the dead he was seen for 40 days before he ascended up into heaven. The apostles and disciples were commanded to stay in Jerusalem for the next 10 days until the 50th day, the Feast of Weeks.
The Feast of Weeks is a High Sabbath and to be observed as a Sabbath. This is one of the three Feasts in the year when all males are to appear before Yahuah and not to appear before Him empty handed. It was on the Feast of Weeks (Day of Pentecost) that the Holy Spirit was poured out upon the believers that were gathered together to keep the Feast in Jerusalem. The Feast marks the end of the grain harvest and the Wheat Harvest in particular. The grain harvest started with the raw green ears of barley but finished with the finished product of baked wheat bread. Keep in mind that the Messiah is the Bread of Life! The Messiah was born in "Bethlehem" which from the Hebrew means "House of Bread". The Messiah said in John 6:35, "I am the bread of life: he that comes to me shall never hunger; and he that believes in me shall never thirst". When we eat the unleavened bread (which represents his body) and drink the wine (which represents his blood) during the Passover meal, the Messiah becomes part of us spiritually.
In Matthew 13:24-30,36-43 the Messiah gives us the parable of the Wheat and the Tares. This is a prophecy of the end of the world and of His Second Coming. The good seed of wheat represent the children of the kingdom. The Wheat Harvest represents the end of the world. By similar comparison the 3rd Seal of Revelation 6:5-6 could mean the testing of believers with the weighing in the balances of the barley and the wheat. And in Revelation 14:14-16 the grain harvest of believers is indicated. While in Revelation 14:17-20 the harvest of the grapes of wrath indicates the harvest of unbelievers and those that do evil.
For more information please
refer to the following:
True Biblical Calendar.
Feast Days of Yahuah.
and the Crucifixion of the Messiah.
and Crucifixion Chart for the Messiah's Death in 30CE.
Days for the 364 Day Sacred Calendar - 2000CE to 2011CE.
Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread.
A)Hidden Treasures
in the Messiah's Two Names:
As believers on earth, we
pray to Yahuah through the Messiah using the Messiah's name of Yahuahshua
(which means Salvation of Yahuah). When the Messiah returns the
scriptures in Jeremiah 23:6; 33:16, and in Revelation 3:12 indicate that
He will use His new name of Yahuahtsadaq (which means Righteousness
of Yahuah). But what is the Messiah's name now in Heaven? I believe
that in Heaven the Messiah is called Yahuahtsadaq and sits at the right
hand of Yahuah Himself. When we pray on earth, we are beseeching or begging
Yahuah for forgiveness and salvation through His beloved Son Yahuahshua.
But in Heaven the Messiah is acknowledged as the Righteousness of Yahuah
and uses the name of Yahuahtsadaq. There are many places in the Old Testament
where you will find the combined attributes of Salvation and Righteousness
used to describe Yahuah. For example, in Psalms 24:5; 71:15; etc.. The
grain harvest of believers started with the death and resurrection of the
Messiah in the year 30CE. We are saved by Yahuah through the blood of the
Messiah but if we deny the Messiah, we will die in our sins. So this process
of salvation will continue until He returns. When the Messiah returns as
King of Righteousness He will be called Yahuahtsadaq on earth and in Heaven.
In the Year 11CE the Messiah was 22 years old and the Year 11CE is also the Year 4000 from Adam. The Messiah was born in 12BCE within the 4000 years from Adam. So the Messiah was born in the 4th Millennium and brought up under the Old Covenant. The Messiah died on the 4th Day of the Week and carries the 4th Letter of the Father's name of Yahuah. The Messiah died in the Year 30CE which is in the beginning of the 5th Millennium and the New Covenant began with His death. In the New Covenant Yahuah through Yahuahshua shows us the Spirit of the Law and opened to us the way of Salvation and Righteousness.
The Messiah is our High Priest
of the Order of Melchitsadaq (King of Righteousness). The Messiah carries
both the name of Yahuahshua and Yahuahtsadaq. These two names could represent
the 10 Commandments: The 1st four letters in each name carries the Father's
name of Yahuah and could represent the 1st four Commandments as to how
we are to love Yahuah. The last three letters in each name combined adds
up to 6 Hebrew Letters containing Shua (Salvation) and Tsadaq (Righteousness)
which could represent the last 6 Commandments on how to love our neighbour.
![]() Ayin=70 Circle of Life. Span of Man complete. |
![]() Vav=6 Symbol of man praying. Man created 6th Day and dies on 6th Day. |
![]() Shin=300 Like the brasen serpent symbol of salvation. Num.21:8 |
![]() He=5 |
![]() Vav=6 |
![]() He=5 |
![]() Yod=10 |
![]() Qoph=100 Tree of Life. |
![]() Daleth=4 Eye. 7 Eyes represent 7 Spirits of Yahuah. |
![]() Tsaddi=90 Throne chair. Messiah on throne in Heaven. |
![]() He=5 |
![]() Vav=6 |
![]() He=5 |
![]() Yod=10 |
Salvation and Righteousness through the Messiah. The Spirit of the Law. |
The Letter of the Law and the Prophets. |
B)Parable of the 50
Days of Grain Harvest and the End of the World:
In Matthew 13:24-30; 13:36-43,
the Messiah gives us the parable of the Wheat and the Tares. The Wheat
which are the believers are sown by the Messiah since His first coming.
The harvest is the end of the World. From the parable in Matthew 13:18-23
of the sower and the seed, the seed is also the Word of Yahuah. The Grain
Harvest is 50 Days from the Sheaf Offering of the Barley to the Feast of
Weeks (Pentecost) on the 50th Day. This 50 Days consists of 7 Weeks, the
1st 3 1/2 Weeks for the Barley Harvest and the next 3 1/2 Weeks for the
Wheat Harvest.
50Days of Grain Harvest
50th Day - Pentecost (Sunday - 7th Day of 3rd Month) |
Week |
Week |
Week |
Offering of Barley (Sunday - 18th Day of 1st Month) |
(3 1/2 Weeks) |
2nd Half of Week Wheat |
(3 1/2 Weeks) |
(14th Day of 2nd Month) |
1)The Great Tribulation will last 3 1/2 years.
2)Barley Harvest is 3 1/2 Weeks.
3)Wheat Harvest is 3 1/2 Weeks.
4)Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) is the 50th Day of the Grain Harvest and is on the 7th Day of the 3rd Month. If you multiply 7 X 50 = 350 which is a 3 1/2 ratio of 3.5 X 10 (350 is half of 700).
5)The Last Letter of the Messiah's name of Yahuahshua is the Letter Ayin which has a numerical value of 70. In Luke 10:1-24 the Messiah chose 70 disciples in pairs or 35 pairs (3.5 X 10), to go before Him. The Messiah here talks about sending these disciples as labourers into Yahuah's Harvest.
6)The Messiah was crucified in the middle of a 7 Day Week, 7 Days divided by 2 = 3 1/2 Days. The middle of the Week is also on the 4th Day of the Week. This middle point of a 7 is also significant and usually deals with the Messiah. For example, it is the 4th letter in both of the Messiah's names, the letter He, that makes the Messiah's names unique and above every name because it carries the fullness of His Father's name of Yahuah.
7)The Menorah has 7 lamps. The middle one is the main one which feeds the other 6 with oil. The Messiah has the 7 Spirits of Yahuah (Revelation 5:6). In Isaiah 11:1-2 we are given a list of the 7 Spirits of Yahuah. The main spirit is the Spirit of Yahuah, and the other 6 are in pairs.
8)The Messiah was born in the 4th Millennium from Adam, which is the middle of the 7000 years from Adam.
9)When the Messiah returns, he will judge the world. The Messiah will be that critical pivotal middle point so crucial to the balance of the scales of justice, weighing the heart of every person of the living and the dead.
In Conclusion:
We still don't know everything
about the future. But we do have the comfort of Yahuah's Word and of His
Holy Spirit to guide us. We praise Yahuah for His great mercy and love
that He shows us through His beloved Son Yahuahshua and the gift of His
Holy Spirit. Also for opening our hearts and our minds to understand so
many wonderful truths. HalleluYah! Toda Aba Yahuah!
The beginning of the Great Tribulation will start with the prophecy of Daniel 9:27. As the Messiah says in Matthew 24:15-29 (also Luke 21:20-27) , "When you therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place ... for then shall be Great Tribulation ... etc.".
The Messiah's Second Coming is also foretold in Daniel 2:31-45, where the stone (the Messiah) will smite the image. And this stone will smite the toes of clay and iron of the image and will destroy the image. Then the Messiah will establish the Kingdom of Yahuah on the earth at His Second Coming. In Daniel 4:30, Nebuchadnezzar the King of Babylon brags about creating great Babylon (or Babylon the Great). In Revelation Chapters 16-19, again we are told that Babylon the Great of our time will fall just before the Second Coming of the Messiah. So there is a lot of info that we can glean from in the Book of Daniel for our time.
Note also that the word "Babylon" in the Old Testament Hebrew is spelled as beth,beth,lamed or better known as "Babel". So there is a direct connection between the Tower of Babel of Nimrod in Genesis 10:9-10; 11:1-32; Nebuchadnezzar's Babylon and Babylon the Great of our present time in Revelation 17:5. We get the spelling for the word Babylon as we know it from the Greek Old Testament (the Septuagint LXX) where it is spelled as beta,alpha,beta,upsilon,lambda,omega,nu in the Greek. The other thing to keep in mind is that the terms Babylonian and Chaldean are synonymous and are one and the same. Abraham was from Ur of the Chaldees and was a Chaldean and consequently a Babylonian. Abraham gave us an example in that he came out of Babylon. So we too have to come out of modern Babylon.
The Hand Writing on
the Wall:
The hand writing on the
wall in Daniel 5:25, I believe is also related to our time. The hand writing
is made up of 4 Hebrew words and consists of 15 Hebrew Letters. The 1st
Word is the word "MENE (MINA)" with 3 Hebrew letters (mem=40, nun=50,
aleph=1) with a total numerical value of 91. 91 is exactly one quarter
of the 364 Day Sacred Calendar year (counting the intercalary days) or
equal to one Season. If we divide 91 by the numerical value of Yahuah's
name of 26 we get 3 1/2. The 2nd Word is also the word "MENE (MINA)"
with a value of 91, and divided by 26 again gives 3 1/2. Note:
2 X 91 = 182 = 7 X 26. The 3rd Word is "TEKEL" with 3 Hebrew
letters (tau=400, qoph=100, lamed=30) with a total numerical value of 530.
The 4th Word is "UPHARSIN" (root word is PHARAS) with 6 Hebrew
letters (vav=6, pe=80, resh=200, samech=60, yod=10, nun=50) with a total
numerical value of 406. The total for all 15 letters in the phrase is 1118
= 43 X 26, perfectly divisable by 26!
This is the way Daniel interprets
the hand writing in Daniel 5:25-28:
MENE (MINA) = the
Almighty has NUMBERED your kingdom and finished it. (Note:
the common Mina is equal to 50 shekels or 1000 gerahs).
TEKEL = you are WEIGHED on the scales and found lacking.(Note: With Yahuah a just weight is perfectly balanced. In this case a MENE (MINA) should equal a MENE (MINA) when placed on the scales and weighed; but doesn't because of corruption and injustice).
PERES = your kingdom is DIVIDED and given to the Medes and Persians. (Note: The word "Peres" (Pharas) (Pe,Resh,Samech) is the root singular of UPHARSIN (the "vav" at the beginning of the word means"and"). The word Peres means: 1)to rend, to tear, as a garment. 2)to break bread, to any one; to give or distribute to, to cleave, divide the hoof. 3)to divide. 4)the osprey, a species of eagle. 5)proper name of Persia, Persians.).
A)First Meaning for
our Time:
So what could this Hand
Writing on the Wall mean for us today? I believe that it refers to Daniel
9:27 for our time and means the abomination of desolation when there will
be a confirmation of a covenant for one week (7 Days) and in the midst
of the week (in 3 1/2 Days) he shall cause the sacrifice to cease. The
1st MENE (MINA) represents 3 1/2 Years; the 2nd MENE (MINA) represents
3 1/2 Years; for a total of 7 Years. And the last of these two 3 1/2 Year
blocks will probably be the Great Tribulation. You can even picture the
Messiah's two names, Salvation on one scale and Righteousness
on the other. The Messiah was still in the flesh for the 1st 3 1/2 Days
of the Week, then crucified on the 4th Day of the Week; then in the spirit
for the 2nd 3 1/2 Days of the Week. Right now, we are still in the process
of salvation, and we have the hope of salvation. As the Messiah said, "he
that endures unto the end shall be saved". This flesh of corruption must
put on the incorruption of the spirit. You can also think of it as the
idea of separating the unclean from the clean. Keep in mind too that
they weighed out 30 pieces of silver for the Messiah and we too are bought
with a price, by the precious blood of the Messiah to cleanse us of our
B)Second Meaning for
our Time:
There is a second meaning
of the Hand Writing on the Wall for our Time. If you put both Minas on
one scale and Babylon on the other, so that you weigh one against the other.
Then the two Minas (one Mina equals 1000 gerahs) together will be 2000
gerahs or 2000 years. The year 11CE is the end of the 4000 years from Adam
and the Messiah was 22 years old in 11CE. The Messiah was born 22 years
before the end of the 4000 years from Adam. From 11CE to 2011CE is the
last 2000 years. 2011CE is the end of the 6000 years from Adam. We also
have a 22 year period before the end of the 6000 years from Adam which
ends in 2011CE. Babylon the Great of our Time will be judged and destroyed
at the Second Coming of the Messiah at the end of the 6000 years from Adam.
In Conclusion:
We are constantly given
bits and pieces of truth and revelations for the last days. The closer
we get to the end, the clearer and more focused will be the full picture.
Be of good courage dear friends and fellow pilgrims, we are sure to succeed
if we faint not. Remember, Yahuah is our hope, strength and salvation through
the Messiah Yahuahshua. If Yahuah be for us who can be against us. Like
the Messiah said in John 10:25-29, "My sheep hear my voice ... neither
shall any pluck them out of my hand. My Father, which gave them to me,
is greater than all; and none is able to pluck them out of my Father's
hand". Be of good cheer, the Messiah has overcome the world! And we can
do all things through the Messiah who strengthens us.
The title of this new book
"The Dead Sea Scrolls
Bible: The Oldest Known Bible Translated for the First Time into English",
by Martin Abegg,Jr., Peter Flint, and Eugene Ulrich. Published in 1999
by HarperCollins Publishers Inc. ISBN 0-06-060063-2 (Hard Cover). Note:
Paper Back version will not be released until November 2002.
This is such a fantastic book! There is a special introduction to each book of the Bible in regard to the Biblical Dead Sea Scrolls related to it. The variances are noted in italics which makes them very easy to spot. Important commentaries are given in the text. Valuable footnotes indicate sources for variations and what the variations are from what source.
All in all this is a very important tool for understanding the development of the Old Testament and what variations there are compared to our modern Bible. There are a lot of variations but the majority are very minor and does not change the text of the Old Testament. More than anything else, the accuracy and soundness of the Old Testament as we know it is reinforced.
Keeping the Feast of Trumpets (Yom Taruah):
The Feast of Trumpets (Yom
Taruah) is observed on the 1st Day of the 7th Month. It is a High Sabbath
to be kept as a Sabbath, keeping in mind the significance particular to
it. No heavy work is to be done. The people assembled together on this
Feast Day. In Nehemiah 8:1-12 the Book of the Law of Moses was brought
before the people and read to them on the 1st Day of the 7th Month. The
people rejoiced in hearing the words of the law. The people rejoiced with
great joy, feasting in eating the fat, and drinking the sweet and sent
portions to whom nothing was prepared. The people began to keep the Feast
Days of Yahuah in the 7th month by hearing the word of Yahuah from the
Book of the Law of Moses and heard it with great joy.
Better Understanding the Hebrew word "TARUAH":
In Leviticus 23:24 the Feast is called, "Zikrun Taruah" which in the English means Remembrance of Great Noise. In Numbers 29:1 from the Hebrew the Feast is called, "Yom Taruah" which translated into the English means Day of Great Noise (ear splitting, ear shattering, extremely loud sound or noise). The wordTaruah (Tau, Resh, Vav, Ayin, He) in the Old Testament Hebrew is used in several ways to denote very loud sound; which can be produced by a shofar (ram's horn) or other musical instrument, the human voice, etc.. Some examples on how the word Taruah is used in scripture are:
1)Leviticus 23:24 and Numbers 29:1 - The name of the Feast Day (Yom Taruah) celebrated on the 1st Day of the 7th Month.
2)Leviticus 25:9 - Blast(Taruah) of the shofar (ram's horn) in a Jubilee Year on the Day of Atonement to proclaim freedom, restoration of land and restoring those in bondage back to their families.
3)Numbers 10:5,6 - To strike an alarm or signal (Taruah) for the children of Israel to move their camps and to go on their journey.
4)Numbers 23:21 - Yahuah is with him and the shout (Taruah) of a king is in him (perhaps a king like a lion roars with power).
5)Joshua 6:5,20 - By the great shout (Taruah) of the children of Israel (about 1 million people) the walls of Jericho fell down.
6)Ezra 3:11-13 - Children of Israel shout (Taruah) with great joy when the foundation of the 2nd Temple was laid after returning from the captivity.
7)Psalm 33:1-3 - The righteous rejoicing with musical instruments and singing a new song unto Yahuah skillfully playing with a loud noise (Taruah).
8)Jeremiah 4:19 -
For the sound of the ram's horn I have heard. O my soul, the alarm (Taruah)
of war!
The Return of the Messiah on the Feast of Trumpets:
The Feast of Trumpets is synonymous with the Great Day of Yahuah, the day on which the Messiah will Return. We can prove this as follows:
The 1st Beast of Revelation 13:4-5 will rule for the full duration of the Great Tribulation which will last 3 1/2 Years. From Matthew 24:21,27-30 we know that the Messiah will Return IMMEDIATELY after the Great Tribulation which will last 3 Years and 6 Months. So immediately after the 6th Month is the 1st Day of the 7th Month which is the Feast of Trumpets!
We also know that the Messiah will Return at the 6th Seal (Revelation 6:12-17); the 7th Trumpet (Revelation 11:15-19); and the 7th Vial (Revelation 16:17-21). The 6th Seal, the 7th Trumpet, and the 7th Vial are all one and the same event, namely, the Return of the Messiah!
Just as we have 6 days of work then comes the 7th Day weekly Sabbath. So we also have after 6 months a type of 7th Month Sabbath. After 6 years we have the 7th Year Sabbath. After 6000 years from Adam, we have the 7th Millennium Sabbath during which time Satan will be bound and the Messiah will rule for 1000 years!
Introduction:37.0) The Sign of the Prophet Jonah in the Last Days:These Last 10 Years starting from March 21, 2002 to March 14, 2012 has everything to do with the Return of the Messiah. March 15, 2012 will be the First Day of the Beginning of the 7th Millennium when Satan will be bound and the Messiah will rule for a thousand years. Some time during these Last 10 Years and most likely toward the end of it, the 3 1/2 Year Great Tribulation will take place and immediately after the Great Tribulation, the Messiah will Return.
The Year 2002, starting from March 21, 2002 is the 13th Year of the Last 22 Years to the end of the 6000 Years from Adam and is also the 1st Year of the Last 10 Years to the end of the 6000 Years from Adam. The number 10 is the number of Judgement in scripture.
The children of Israel searched out the Promised Land for 40 Days. Because of fear they refused to go into it. Therefore, Yahuah made them wander in the wilderness for 40 Years, a year for a day. It was a time of cleansing when all the unbelievers died out and were not permitted to go into the Promised Land. Revelation 2:10 says that believers will have tribulation for 10 Days. I believe that the 10 Days referred to in Rev.2:10 are these Last 10 Years, a year for a day. It will be a time of trial and testing not just for believers but for the whole world. At the end of the 40 years in the wilderness, Yahushua the son of Nun (Joshua) who is a type of the Messiah led the remaining children of Israel into the Promised Land. In the same way, Yahuahshua the Messiah (perhaps using his future name of Yahuahtsadaq when he returns) will lead the remnant of believers into the Kingdom of Yahuah. These Last 10 Years will be a duration of 40 Seasons: where 1 Season = 91 Days, or 13 Weeks, or 3 Months.
The Messiah carries His Father's name of Yahuah in both his present name of Yahuahshua and his future name of Yahuahtsadaq. The Messiah's present name of Yahuahshua equates with the 1st six months of the Year when he was here on the earth at his 1st Coming when the Spring Feasts and Pentecost were fulfilled. The Messiah's future name of Yahuahtsadaq equates with the 2nd half of the year starting with the 1st Day of the 7th Month and the Fall Feasts which have not been fulfilled yet. The Father's name of Yahuah has a numerical value of 26. The 1st six months of the year = 13 Weeks + 13 Weeks = 26 Weeks or 2 Seasons. The 2nd half of the year = 13 Weeks + 13 Weeks = 26 Weeks or 2 Seasons. For the whole year giving 26 Weeks + 26 Weeks = 52 Weeks. 7 Years = 52 Weeks x 7 Years = 364 Weeks. 3 1/2 Years = 26 x 7 Weeks = 26 x 49 Days. In 3 1/2 Years there are 26 Jubilees of Days with the Last Jubilee actually being the 1st Day of the 7th Month.
Each Season of the year consists of 13 Weeks or 91 Days. The 91st Day of each Season is an Intercalary Day which is always on a Wednesday the 4th Day of the Week when the Messiah was crucified. The 91st Day of each Season represents the Messiah. This 91st Day or Intercalary Day is the Messiah that both separates and also is a bridge between the Seasons. Yahuah has created all things through His beloved son Yahuahshua and gives us our food from the earth through the Seasons, through His beloved Son. As it is written, the Messiah is the Bread of Life. The Messiah is also the bridge between the Old and New Covenants (Testaments).
The Last 10 Years in Units of Time:
a)10 Years = 10 x 12 Months = 120 Months.
120 Months = 40 + 40 +40.
120 Months = 40 x 3 Months.
120 Months = 98 + 22 = 49 + 49 + 22.
(also: 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15=120)Note: Abel (the first righteous person to die) died in the 99th year from Adam in the year 3891BCE which was a Jubilee year at the age of 22 years old. The 1st of the twelve 490 year cycles in the 6000 years from Adam starts with Abel's death in 3891BCE and the 12th 490 year cycle ends in 1989CE. 1990CE is the Last Jubilee year and starts the Last 22 years of the 6000 years from Adam. This can be summed up as 6000 years = 49 + 49 + (12 x 490) + 22. Where 120 (49 + 49 + 22) is the number of years of man (Genesis 6:3). Now there is also a similar pattern in these Last 10 years which equals 120 Months (49 + 49 +22).
b)10 Years = 10 x 52 Weeks = 520 Weeks.
520 Weeks = 40 x 13 Weeks.c)10 Years = 10 x 360 Days (without counting the Intercalary Days) = 3600 Days.
3600 Days = 25 x 144 Days.10 Years = 10 x 364 Days (counting the Intercalary Days) = 3640 Days.
3640 Days = 70 x 52 Days.
3640 Days = 140 x 26 Days.
3640 Days = 40 x 13 x 7 Days.
3640 Days = 40 x 26 x 3 1/2 Days.
3640 Days = 40 x 91 Days.There are strong connections between these Units of Time and Biblical Perfect Numbers such as:
120 = Maximum life span of man in years.
40 = A Generation, a time of cleansing.
50 = A Jubilee, a new beginning.
49 = A Time of completion (7 x 7).
91 = A Season in Days (4 Seasons x 91 Days = 364 Days).
13 = A Season in Weeks (4 Seasons x 13 Weeks = 52 Weeks)
3 = A Season in Months (4 Seasons x 3 Months = 12 Months)
26 = The numerical value of the Name of Yahuah.
22 = The number of Letters in the Hebrew Alphabet.
The Significance of the Number 91 and 13:
Even mathematically, the numbers 91 and 13 are directly linked. For example, if you take all the numbers in sequence from 1 to 13 and add each one, one after the other as:
1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13 = 91
you get a total of 91!
In the Sacred Calendar, 91 Days or 13 Weeks (91 Days divided by 7 Days = 13 Weeks) is equal to One Season.In the Sacred Calendar of Yahuah which consists of 360 Days plus 4 Intercalary Days giving a Total of 364 Days per Year, the numbers 91 and 13 signify One Season. One Season is 1/4 of the Year, or 91 Days, or 13 Weeks, or 3 Months. The Fact that there were Four Seasons per Year in the Land of Israel is backed up by such archaeological finds as the Synagogue Mosaics from Sepphoris (5th Century CE), Hammat-Tiberias (4th Century CE), Beth Alpha and Na'aran (6th Century CE) and Ussfiyeh.
The Hebrew word Amenin the Old and New Testaments has a numerical value of 91. The Messiah is the Amen of the Old and New Testaments. In Revelation 3:14 the Messiah is speaking and says, "these things says the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of Yahuah". The Hebrew word Amen consists of three Hebrew Letters, Aleph, Mem, Nun. Aleph is the 1st Letter of the Hebrew Alphabet and has a numerical value of 1. Mem is the 13th Letter with a value of 40. Nun is the 14th Letter with a numberical value of 50. So the total numerical value of Amen is 91 (1+40+50). 91 = 7 x 13 or 26 x 3 1/2.
The Messiah is also the Aleph and the Tau, the 1st and 22nd Letter of the Hebrew Alphabet. In Amenthe 1st Letter Aleph has a numerical value of 1 and makes it possible for the word Amen to have a total value of 91. The 91st Day in a Season is an Intercalary Day which both separates and links the Seasons to each other. The Mem is the 13th Letter of the Hebrew Alphabet and has a numerical value of 40. If you multiply 40 x 13 you get 520 which could represent the 520 Weeks of these Last 10 Years.
The Numbers 40 and 50:
There is also a direct connection of the word Amen to the Books of Genesis and Exodus. Genesis symbolizes Creation and a new beginning which has 50 Chapters (50 = a Jubilee). Exodus symbolizes cleansing by the coming out of Egypt (a fleshly corrupt life) and after 40 Years in the Wilderness going into the Promised Land (spiritual life). Exodus has 40 Chapters (40 = a Generation). Yahushua the son of Nun (Joshua) is a type of the Messiah who led Israel into the Promised Land.
In the Sacred Calendar, the 7th Jubilee of Days (a 50th) which is on Sunday the 28th Day of the 12th Month is symbolic of the 1st Day of Creation. Monday the 29th Day of the 12th Month would be a 51st Day. While Tuesday the 30th Day of the 12th Month would be the 52nd Day and also the Last Day in the Year. These facts confirm that we have the right calendar, the correct way to intercalate the calendar and the way we determine the Feast of Pentecost is also correct.
Each Season has 91 Days. Amen has a total numerical value of 91 where Aleph = 1, Mem = 40, and Nun =50. So if you take Aleph to represent the Intercalary Day, the 1st Day of the Season, then the Mem would represent the next 40 Days, and Nun the remaining 50 Days. In this way, the 40 Days would always end on the 10th Day of the 2nd, 5th, 8th, and 11th Months of the Year. While the 50 Days would always end on the 30th Day of the 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th Months. Now what is significant about this is that the 40 + 10 Combo equals 50. For example, on the 10th Day of the 2nd Month (also the 40th Day) Noah and his family moved into the Ark and were warned of the Flood waters that would come in 7 Days (it started to rain on the 17th Day of the 2nd Month). The rain lasted for 40 Days finishing on the 26th Day of the 3rd Month still in the 1st Season of the Year. Another example is, on the 10th Day of the 5th Month (also the 40th Day) the 1st Temple was Destroyed. The number 40 is a time of cleansing, while the number 10 is the number of Judgement, and the number 50(Jubilee) is the number of a new beginning or new creation. Another example is when the children of Israel were in the wilderness for 40 Years and entered into the Promised Land on the 10th Day of the 1st Month. Also, the Messiah ascended up into heaven 40 Days after His resurrection which was 10 Days before the Feast of Pentecost (50th Day). Again, the Jubilee Year (a 50th year) is observed on the 10th Day of the 7th Month.
Coincidences with the number 91 and 13 are:
1)Abel died in the year 3891BCE.
2)The Year 2002 is the 1st of the Last 10 Years, the year 5991 from Adam, the 13th Year in the Last 22 Years.
3)The Last 10 Years is 40 x 13 Weeks.
4)The Last 10 Years is 40 x 91 Days.
5)In the word Amen,which represents the Messiah, the Letter Mem is the 13th Letter of the Hebrew Alphabet with a numberical value of 40 where 40 x 13 equals number of Weeks in the Last 10 Years.
6)Revelation 9:13-21 - four angels loosed for 1 Year, 1 Month, 1 Day, 1 Hour to slay 1/3 of men on earth = 13 Months or 391 Days (360 Days per Year).
Other coincidences with numbers:
1)The Messiah's future name of Yahuahtsadaq has a numerical value of 220 (10 x 22) and the two World Trade Towers which were distroyed on September 11, 2001 both had a height of 110 Stories high each, where 2 x 110 = 220.
2)The Messiah is the Aleph and the Tau, the 1st and 22nd Letter of the Hebrew Alphabet. Tau is the 22nd Letter with a numerical value of 400 where 400 x 22 = 8,800. 8,800 = 40 x 220. The Tribute in Light at Ground Zero in New York City consists of two light beams, made up of 88 intense searchlights arrayed in two side-by-side 50-foot squares.
3)Revelation 9:1-11 - unbelievers tormented for 5 Months = 150 Days (like in the days of Noah waters prevailed upon the earth for 150 Days).The British Royal Family and the Last 10 Years:
Many believe that Queen Elizabeth II sits on the throne of David and she is a direct descendant of King David. The Messiah also is a descendant of King David and will inherit his throne when he returns. So events related to the British Monarchy relate to the Messiah's Return as well.
King George VI died on February 6, 1952 and Queen Elizabeth II was declared Queen the same day. So February 6, 2002 is the Queen's 50th Jubilee. The number 50 dominates the events related to the British Royal Family in the year 2002. The Queen's sister, Princess Margaret died on February 9, 2002, 50 years after her father King George VI. February 9, 2002 was also a Sabbath and the 22nd Day of the 11th Month in the 11th year to the 6000th year from Adam. The Queen's mother, the Queen Mother died on March 30, 2002 exactly 50 days after Princess Margaret! March 30, 2002 is the 10th Day of the 1st Month, a Sabbath. The 10th Day of the 1st Month is when the Passover Lamb was chosen, and when the Messiah made His triumphal entry into Jerusalem. The 1st and 7th months on the Sacred Calendar are identical so there is a direct connection between the 10th Day of these two months. The 10th Day of the 7th Month is the Day of Atonement, a day of Judgement and also the day on which the Jubilee Year (50th Year) was celebrated.
There are also other connections numerically to the British Royal Family. Yahuah's name has a numerical value of 26. Queen Elizabeth II became Queen when she was 26 years old. She was born on April 21,1926. And her parents were married on April 26,1923.
The Last 10 Years equals a division of 5 Years + 5 Years:
There are indicators both in the Old and New Testaments that these Last 10 Years will be equally divided into two blocks of 5 Years each. In Matthew 25:1-13, the Messiah gives us the Parable of the 10 Virgins. 5 were Wise, 5 were Foolish and this parable relates specifically to the Messiah's 2nd Coming. In the same way, there are three different objects in Solomon's Temple that relate to these Last 10 Years as well.
In the Holy of Holies, 1Kings 7:49 & 2Chronicles 4:7, there were 10 lampstands, 5 on the right side of the Ark of the Covenant and 5 on the left side. The Ark had the Mercy Seat which represents the presence of Yahuah and of the Messiah. The Messiah will judge the world and the divide the sheep (believers) on the right hand side, from the goats (unbelievers) on the left hand side, when He returns. 5 Menorahs x 7 Lamps each = 35 Lamps on the right. 5 Menorahs x 7 Lamps each = 35 Lamps on the left. For a total of 70 lamps = 7 x 10 = 3 1/2 x 2 x 5 x 2. Where 5 Menorahs = 7 x 5 = 35 OR 3 1/2 x 10.
In Solomon's Temple, 1Kings 7:38 & 2Chronicles 4:6, there were 10 lavers of brass where each laver contained 40 baths. 5 lavers on the right side of the house and 5 lavers on the left.
2Chronicles 4:8, Solomon also made 10 Tables and placed 5 on the right and 5 on the left side in the Temple.
In Daniel 5:25-26, we have the example of the Hand Writing on the Wall of MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN. Which represents a Judgement Scale with 50 Shekels on one side and 50 Shekels on the other side. (Note: a Mene is equal to 50 Shekels).
In Matthew 27:51, when the Messiah was crucified in the middle of the week on the 4th day of the week as soon as he died, the veil of the temple was rent in two from the top to the bottom. Here again is this division of splitting into two parts. The Messiah said that he would cause division. Dividing the clean from the unclean.
The numbers related to the Messiah, His beloved Father, the Calendar, and the Events unfolding now, correlate just too perfectly. These next 10 Years to 2012 will be a time of Judgement. It will also be a time of cleansing which will be 40 Seasons (91 Days per Season). And that Last Year of the 6000 Years from Adam, the 22nd Year (March 2011 to March 2012) will be a new beginning with the Messiah ruling the Earth as King of Kings. These are signs to us to get ready for the Messiah's Return. Let's pray that through the Messiah, Yahuah will consider us to be worthy to enter into His Kingdom. The Messiah is at the door knocking. Will you allow Him to come into your life or will you ignore and reject the author of life a second time.
In Matthew 12:38-41 the scribes and the Pharisees asked the Messiah for a sign. The Messiah replied that an evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the Prophet Jonah. For as Jonah was 3 Days and 3 Nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of Man be 3 Days and 3 Nights in the heart of the earth. Also in Luke 11:29-32 the Messiah says that, "For as Jonah was a sign unto the Ninevites, so shall also the Son of Man be to this generation".38.0)Bits and Pieces for the Last 10 Years:In Jonah 1:2, Jonah was commanded by Yahuah to go to the Great City of Nineveh and to cry against it; for their wickedness was great before Yahuah. Instead, Jonah ran away and was swallowed up by a great fish. And Jonah was in the belly of the fish for 3 Days and 3 Nights. Then Jonah prayed to Yahuah and was vomited out of the fish unto the dry land. So Jonah went to Nineveh and preached that after 40 Days, Nineveh would be destroyed. But the Ninevites repented of their evil and Yahuah didn't destroy them.
As Jonah was sent to Nineveh to preach unto the people to turn from their evil ways, so through the Messiah we are commanded to repent and receive forgiveness for our sins. The sign to us is the same as it was to Jonah's generation. After his death, the Messiah was 3 Days and 3 Nights in the heart of the earth. After his resurrection from the dead, the Messiah was seen for 40 Days, before he ascended up into heaven (Acts 1:3). The 1st Day of these 40 Days started on the 18th Day of the 1st Month, the 1st Day of the Week (Sunday) which was the Firstfruit Offering of the Barley Sheaf. At the end of the 40 Days when the Messiah ascended up into heaven, the two angels said to his disciples that, "Yahuahshua which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as you have seen him go into heaven" (Acts 1:11). From the time the Messiah ascended into heaven to Pentecost is 10 Days. Pentecost marked the end of the Wheat Harvest. Pentecost is the 50th Day from the beginning of the grain harvest from the time the Messiah rose from the dead. The 1st 25 Days is the Barley Harvest and the 2nd 25 Days is the Wheat Harvest. In the Messiah's parable of the Wheat and the Tares (Matthew 13:24-30,34-43), the end of the Wheat Harvest (Pentecost - 50th), represents the end of the world system when he will return to rule the world for 1000 Years. The 10 Days to Pentecost represents these Last 10 Years! (from Sping of 2002CE to Spring of 2012).
Note: In Matthew 24:29-34, the Messiah says, "this generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled". The Messiah was 40 1/2 Years old when he died, so his age (generation) was 40 1/2 Years. Matthew 24:29-31 refers to the Wheat Harvest at his coming immediately after the 3 1/2 years Great Tribulation. The Messiah died in the year 30CE. From 30CE to 1990CE was 40 Jubilees. From 1990CE to 2012CE is approximately 1/2 of a Jubilee (where 50 years is one Jubilee). Keep in mind that the Jubilee Year was the 50th year and also the 1st year of the next Jubilee cycle. For example, where 2 Jubilees = 49+50; 3 Jubilees = 49+49+50; 4 Jubilees = 49+49+49+50; etc..
Note: From the 1st Day of Creation, on the 1st Day of the Week (Sunday) in the 1st week of the Year to the 18th Day of the 1st Month is 22 Days. The Messiah is represented by the number 22, as he said he is the Aleph and the Tau, the Hebrew Alphabet which has 22 Letters. The 18th Day of the 1st Month is also the 4th Day in the middle of the 7 Days of the Feast of Unleavened Bread. The 4th Day of a 7 Day week also refers to the Messiah. As the Messiah was crucified on the 4th Day of the Week. The 4th item in a 7 item string also refers to the Messiah: for example, the 4th Lamp of the Menorah feeds the other 6 Lamps; the 4th Hebrew Letter of the Messiah's present and future names is the most critical Letter which carries the fulness of His Father's name and which makes His name unique; etc..
1)The 10 Commandments given in the 4th or 5th Month:39.0) The Fall Feasts as a complete Block of 22 Days and the Last 10 Years:
Keep in mind that the Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) is on the 7th Day of the 3rd Month. From Exodus 19:1,2 we know that the children of Israel came to Mount Sinai in the 3rd Month. Israel had to sanctify themselves for 3 Days (Ex.19:10,11). The glory of Yahuah abode on Mount Sinai and the cloud covered it for 6 Days (Ex.24:16). And on the 7th Day Yahuah called unto Moses out of the midst of the cloud. Moses went up into the cloud and was in the mount for 40 Days and Nights (Ex.24:18). After the 40 Days and Nights, Yahuah gave the 10 Commandments (Deut.9:11). The earliest time that the 10 Commandments could have been given once the children of Israel were at Mount Sinai is 3 + 7 + 40 = 50 Days from the 1st Day of the 3rd Month which would be the 20th Day of the 4th Month. The latest would be the 20th Day of the 5th Month if counting the 50 Days from the 30th Day of the 3rd Month. So the most likely time that the 10 Commandments were given would be sometime during the 4th Month.2) The Lifespan of Man is set at 120 Years:
The number 120 is interwoven in the fabric of the life of man. The number 120 keeps coming up throughout the 6000 Years of Man from Adam and at the end of it.
-6000 Years = 120 Jubilees x 50 Years.
-6000 Years = 120 Jubilees x 49 Years + 120 Years.
-The Last 10 Years = 10 Years x 12 Months = 120 Months.
-One Year = 360 Days = 3 x 120 Days.
-Moses lived to be 120 Years old and after he died, Joshua a type of the Messiah led the children of Israel into the Promised Land.3) The Messiah's Two Names of Salvation and Righteousness, the 10 Commandments and the Last 10 Years:
a)The Messiah's Two Names:
The Messiah's present name of Yahuahshua contains 7 Hebrew Letters. 3 Letters for Shua which means Salvation and 4 Letters for the Father's name of Yahuah. The Messiah's future name of Yahuahtsadaq also contains 7 Hebrew Letters. 3 Letters for Tsadaq which means Righteousness and 4 Letters for the Father's name of Yahuah. In all there are 10 unique Hebrew Letters representing the Messiah's two names if we count the Father's name once. So we have Shua (Salvation) = 3 Letters, Tsadaq (Righteousness) = 3 Letters, and Yahuah (the Father's Name) = 4 Letters to give a total of 10 Hebrew Letters.b) The Messiah's Two Names and the 10 Commandments:
The Messiah's two names can be broken down into 10 Hebrew Letters and grouped into two distinct parts. The 1st part is the 4 Hebrew Letters of the Father's name which is in both of the Messiah's two names. And the 2nd part contains the endings in both of the Messiah's two names which when added together gives 6 Hebrew Letters and stands for Salvation and Righteousness.Broken down in this manner, we can directly co-relate the Messiah's two names to the 10 Commandments. The Father's name represents the 1st four Commandments and how we love and worship Him. And the endings of the Messiah's two names of Salvation and Righteousness combined relate to the last 6 Commandments and how we love our fellow man.
All the scriptures and the Holy Things of Yahuah always include the Messiah in one way or another. The Messiah said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man comes unto the Father, but by me" (John 14:6).
c) The Messiah's Two Names and the Last 10 Years:
The 4 Years at the end of the Last 10 Years from 2008 to 2011 seems the most likely to contain the 3 1/2 Years Great Tribulation. Those 4 Years represent the Father's Name. While the 1st 6 Years represent the Messiah's two names of Salvation and Righteousness.In relating the calendar to the Last 4 Years we get:
360 Days/Year x 4 Years = 1440 Days or 10 x 144!
Where the number 10 is Judgement and the 144 stands for the 144,000 Righteous from the 12 Tribes of Israel.d) The Messiah's Two Names related to the 1st 7 Months of the Year:
Each of the Messiah's two names as we have already said has 7 Hebrew Letters. The first 4 Letters in each of His names contain the Father's name and the last 3 the Messiah's unique distinguishing names. These 7 Hebrew Letters can be directly related to each of the first 7 Months of the Year. Keep in mind that the Feast Days in the first 3 Months of the Year have been fulfilled with Passover, Feast of Unleavened Bread, and the Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) which contain 3 High Sabbaths. But the Fall Feasts which represent the Father's Name and contain 4 High Sabbaths have not been fulfilled as yet.So the first 7 Months of the Year can be related to the letters of the Messiah's two names in reverse order. For example, the Last Letter of Aiyn in Yahuahshua and the Last Letter Qoph in Yahuahtsadaq represent the 1st Month of the Year. Vav and Daleth the 2nd Month. Shin and Tsaddi the 3rd Month. He the 4th Month. Vav the 5th Month. He the 6th Month. Yod the 7th Month. Keep in mind that the Yod has a numerical value of 10 which signifies Judgement and corresponds to the 10th Day of the 7th Month which is the Day of Atonement. And in the Sacred Calendar, from time to time, the Fall Equinox will be on the Day of Atonement.
The most significant letter in both of the Messiah's two names is the 2nd He (the 4th Letter of the Father's name) which makes the Messiah's two names unique from any other person that has ever lived or will live, as he carries with that 4th Letter the fullness of His Father's name of Yahuah and proves to the world as to who he is. That 4th Letter of the Messiah's two names represents the 4th Month of the Year. The 1st Day of the 4th Month is the 26th Day from the Feast of Weeks (Pentecost). Again, the numerical value of the Father's name is 26! The 1st Day of the 4th Month also starts the 2nd Season of the Year. I believe also that the two tablets of the 10 Commandments were also given sometime during the 4th Month. It is also interesting to note that the 40 Days of Noah's Flood started on the 17th Day of the 2nd Month and ended on the 26th Day of the 3rd Month. Another very important factor relating to the 1st Day of the 4th Month is that last year in the year 2001 when the Sacred Calendar was Intercalated, the Summer Solstice was on Thursday June 21,2001 9Hours 38Minutes 56Seconds (Jerusalem Time) on the 1st Day of the 4th Month!
In Conclusion:
Our beloved Father Yahuah through His wonderful son Yahuahshua and by His Holy Spirit is comforting us and revealing His truth to us in these Last Days. Never in the History of the World has man encountered the exponential increase in knowledge as our generation is experiencing now. As it is written in Daniel 12:4; "But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased".
The meaning of the Fall Feasts changes when observed collectively as a Block of 22 Days as opposed to observing them as seperate entities. For example, there is very little in the Bible as to the meaning and the way we are to observe Yom Taruah (the Feast of Trumpets). However, if Yom Taruah is taken as the 1st Day of a Block of 22 Days where all the Fall Feasts are treated as being part of a complete whole of 22 Days, then the meaning changes completely and is much clearer.Significance of the number 22 in the Bible:
The Hebrew Alphabet has 22 Letters. It is clear from Revelation 1:8,11 that the Messiah is represented by the Aleph and the Tau the first and last letter of the Hebrew Alphabet (not the Greek Alphabet, as the Messiah was a Hebrew not a Greek). Even the Book of Revelation has 22 Chapters in it, which contains revelations related to his return. The 6000 years from Adam consists of 122 Jubilees + 22 Years (122 x 49 + 22 = 6000). These Last 22 Years (from 1990 to 2011) relate to the Messiah's Return. In Genesis 1:1 the word Aleph,Tau appears twice (but is not translated in the King James Bible). So from Genesis to Revelation the Messiah is being referred to at times directly and sometimes indirectly. Most of the prophecies regarding the Messiah are in the Psalms and the Book of Isaiah. Psalm 119 has the Hebrew Alphabet in acrostic form in it and Isaiah (YeshaYahu) which is the Messiah's name backwards consists of 66 Chapters (22 x 3). Lamentations also has 22 x 7 verses in it. References to the Messiah are interwoven throughout the fabric of the Bible and the number 22 relates to the Messiah.Yom Taruah (Feast of Trumpets):
Yom Taruah is the 1st Day of the 7th Month and begins the 22 Days of the Fall Feasts. The Messiah will Return on Yom Taruah September 15 in 2011. This is the Great Day of Yahuah which is talked about in the Old and New Testaments. It will be a day for believers to rejoice but a day of fear and terror for unbelievers (Revelation 6:12-17). The 10 Days from Yom Taruah to the Day of Atonement is a time of repentance and judgement just as it is for these Last 10 years.Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement):
Yom Kippur is the Day on which the Messiah will judge the world. The Hebrew word Kippur means to cover with pitch (tar). So the Messiah will judge the living and the dead on the Day of Atonement when he returns. One of two things will happen to each individual that is judged. Either his/her sins will be blotted out through the Blood of the Messiah or his/her name will be blotted out of the Book of Life through his/her sins that have not been washed by the Blood of the Messiah. A decision that will affect each person into eternity!Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles):
Sukkot is the 3rd and Last Harvest Feast in the Year. It will be a time of Great Rejoicing as Satan will be bound for 1000 years. The 4 days leading up to the Feast is a time of preparation for the Feast.The Last Great Day:
The Last Great Day, the 22nd Day of the 7th Month is the last day of the Fall Feasts. The Last Great Day completes the Fall Feasts. The Last Great Day is symbolic of the 22nd year, the Last Year of the 6000 years from Adam, which will be the year 2011. This Last Year is when the Messiah will Return and Rule the World (the Great Day of Yahuah is synonymous with this Last Great Year of Yahuah). 2011 marks the end of Satans rule on earth and his presence in heaven. Spring of 2012 begins the Millennium when the Messiah will Rule on earth for 1000 years.The Last 10 Years from 2002 to 2011:
In Revelation 22:13 the Messiah said, "I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last." In 2011 the Messiah will return on the 1st Day of the 7th Month on Yom Taruah and which will be in the 22nd year of the Last 22 years. The tragic event of September 11,2001 in the U.S. was exactly 10 days before Yom Taruah which was on September 20,2001. From Yom Taruah on September 20,2001 to Yom Taruah on September 15,2011 when the Messiah will return is exactly 10 Years! According to Revelation 2:10 believers will have tribulation for 10 days which I believe are these Last 10 Years. Since the number ten signifies Judgement, then 2002 marks the beginning of judgement until the Messiah Returns when he will truly judge the World.In Conclusion:
We are beginning to see what is coming. September 11,2001 is a wake up call to the world of the 2nd Coming of the Messiah! Today is the Day of Atonement September 28,2002 which means that the 1st of these last 10 years is gone already and only 9 years remain before the coming of the Messiah. The Great Tribulation is 3 1/2 years before his return. This means that from today, it is 5 1/2 years to the beginning of the Great Tribulation which will start on March 20,2008. These dates are not absolute but will be more accurate and sure as the days go by. Signs of the coming of the two witnesses, the Mark of the Beast and the 1st Beast's rule which will be at the beginning of the Great Tribulation along with other events will enable us to more clearly identify the time frame that we are in. Time to get ready and be prepared to meet our maker!
INDEX OF TOPICS:40.0) The 7 Thunders of Revelation and the Last Tabernacle Years:
The 7 Thunders:41.0) The Messiah the Aleph and the Tau, His 1st and 2nd Coming:The 7 Thunders of Revelation 10:3-4 were revealed to John but he was told to seal up the things that the 7 Thunders uttered. These 7 Thunders are relevant for our time and will happen just before the Messiah Returns. We know this because in Revelation 10:7 we are told that the 7 Thunders were just before the 7th Trumpet. The Messiah will return at the 7th Trumpet. The knowledge in the Book of Daniel will also be sealed up to the time of the end. We are now in the End Times and the things in the Books of Ezekiel, Daniel and Revelation will be open in our time! For these are the Last Days and the Time of the End!
In Revelation 10:1-11 the 7 Thunders are related to a little open book which John ate and which was sweet as honey in his mouth and in his belly bitter. A parallel scripture to this is in Ezekiel 2:9,10 where Ezekiel is given a book full of lamentations, mourning, and woe. Ezekiel was told to eat this book which was sweet as honey in his mouth (Ezek. 3:1-27). Chapters 4 to 7 of Ezekiel suggests that the 7 Thunders contain the woes of famine, disease and war that will come upon the entire world just before the Messiah Returns and especially during the 3 1/2 Years of Great Tribulation just before His Return. Ezekiel 8:16-18 shows one of the abominations of the House of Yahudah where they have turned their backs to the House of Yahuah and face the east to worship the sun, could this be in front of the Wailing Wall (Western Wall) of Jerusalem in our time where worshipers bow and pray toward the east?
The Tabernacle Years from 2004 to 2010:
If you compare the Last 22 Years to the Fall Feasts, then 2004 is the 15th year and the 1st of the 7 Tabernacle years. 2010 is the 21st year and 2011 is the Last Great Year (22nd Year) when the Messiah will Return.
The 7 Tabernacle Years with a half year shift towards 2011 can be compared to a set of weigh scales. The whole world will be weighed in the balance. Like the hand writing on the wall in Daniel 5:1-31. 2007 is the 18th year, the pivotal year. If you can picture the scales of Justice with the 1st 3 1/2 years from the Fall of 2004 to Spring of 2008 being weighed against the 2nd 3 1/2 years from the Spring of 2008 to the Fall of 2011 (Great Tribulation). Then the Messiah returning in the Fall of 2011 in the Last Great Year.
The 18th Year in the Year 2007 Begins the Tsaddi Year:
The Fall Feasts and these Last 22 Years can be equated with the 22 Letters of the Hebrew Alphabet. So the 18th year which is from the Spring of 2007 to the Spring of 2008 is the Tsaddi Year. The letter Tsaddi relates to Righteousness and Justice. This can be seen in Psalm 119 which is acrostic. Psalm 119 is divided up into 22 blocks representing the 22 letters of the Hebrew Alphabet. Each block contains 8 verses and the first letter of each verse starts with the Hebrew Letter which that block represents. So for the letter Tsaddi, verses 137 to 144 start with the letter Tsaddi. Notice how many times the word Righteous(ness) and Justice appears. Notice also that the last verse for this letter is verse 144 which represents the 144,000 Righteous believers who will be Sealed with the Name of the Messiah from the 12 Tribes of Israel (Revelation Chapters 7 and 11). When the Messiah Returns, he will not use his present name of Yahuahshua (Salvation of Yahuah), but instead will use the name of YahuahTsadaq (Righteousness of Yahuah). By the end of the 18th year (Spring of 2008) it is possible that the Sealing of the 144,000 could be complete along with the countless other Righteous believers who are not of the blood line of Israel. Then the believers would be Sealed and prepared to face the 3 1/2 years Great Tribulation which will begin in the Spring of 2008.
This 18th year is a critical year for believers. This 18th year is the 4th year (or middle year) in the 7 Tabernacle Years. It is a pivotal year. The significance and importance of the 4th in the middle of a set of 7 can be seen in:
1)4th Day of the Week (middle of the week) - Messiah Crucified.
2)4th Day of the Week - In the creation week the Sun and Moon created (reset) so life on earth can begin and the agricultural year starts.
3)4th Day of Unleavened Bread - Messiah Risen from the Dead and Messiah represented by the Sheaf Offering of the Barley which begins the grain Harvest.
4)4th Day of the Feast of Tabernacles - Messiah talks of Righteous Judgement (John 7:14-36).
5)4th Letter of the Messiah's two 7 Letter names of Yahuahshua and YahuahTsadaq which makes both these names unique and all powerful, the Messiah being the only person beside Yahuah the Father Himself to carry the fullness of Yahuah's full 4 Letter name.
6)4th Lamp of the Menorah feeds the other six with oil.
7)Middle pivotal post of a weigh scale that enables things to be divided and to be weighed in the balance. Like the scales of Justice.
8)4th of the 7 Spirits of Yahuah is the Holy Spirit of Yahuah and the other 6 Spirits are paired to either side of it. Just as the 4th Lamp of the Menorah feeds the other six, so the Holy Spirit of Yahuah feeds the other six spirits (Isaiah 11:1,2 and Revelation 1:4; 5:6).The 4th of a set of 7 divides, balances, and/or joins. During the 7 Days of the Feast of Unleavened Bread: the Messiah is dead and in the flesh for the 1st three days (in the Tomb), 4th day he is risen and is made the perfect offering before Yahuah (Sheaf Offering of the Barley), then next 3 days he is in a spiritual state. The Flesh is weighed against the Spirit. I believe the same will happen during the 7 Years before the Return of the Messiah. From the Fall of 2004 to the Spring of 2008 will be 3 1/2 years: for believers it will be a time of preparation and the sealing with the Messiah's name of YahuahTsadaq. Believers will have to be extremely strong spiritually to be able to endure the next 3 1/2 years of the Great Tribulation (from Spring 2008 to Fall 2011). I believe that Yahuah will prepare us and will give us the strength to deal with whatever we will have to endure. Our time on this earth is so short. But what is that compared to eternal life with Yahuah and Yahuahshua (YahuahTsadaq) in His Kingdom.
In Conclusion:
There are difficult years ahead of us. But we have the protection, the love, the joy, the peace, the strength, the faith, the forgiveness, the mercy, the comfort of His Word, the promises and the hope that Yahuah gives us through Yahuahshua and by His Holy Spirit. Just remember that there will be a calm after the storm. The birth pangs will probably start in the Fall of 2004 and the painful birth during the Great Tribulation. But once the child is born, what indescribable joy! Look up and rejoice for your redemption draws nigh! (Luke 21).
From Revelation 1:8,11 we know that the Messiah is the Aleph and the Tau which are the first and last letters of the Hebrew Alphabet (the Messiah was a Hebrew not a Greek so we refer to the Hebrew Alphabet and not the Greek Alphabet). The Messiah says that he is the beginning and the ending, who is (alive now in heaven), who was (when he came the 1st Time), and who is to come (when he comes at his 2nd coming). The Messiah is the first and the last. So the Messiah compares himself to the 22 Letter Hebrew Alphabet. There are things in the true Biblical Calendar and time that relate to the Messiah's number of 22. Even the Book of Revelation which prophesied of His 2nd coming has 22 Chapters in it and is the Last Book in the Bible. The Fall Feasts have 22 Days. If you divide the 6000 years from Adam by 49 you get 122 Jubilees with a 22 year remainder. And we are now in these last 22 years, in particular this year 2002, is year 13. All this information can be compared together.42.0) The Abomination of Desolation of Daniel during the Great Tribulation:You can relate the Hebrew Alphabet and the Fall Feasts to the Last 22 Years. For instance, The Aleph Year which is the Yom Taruah Year (Feast of Trumpets Year) is the 1st of the 22 years. The Tau Year is the Last Great Day Year which is the 22nd year of the 22 years.
The year 11CE is the 4000th year from Adam and also the year in which the Messiah was 22 years old! The Messiah was born in the year 12BCE at His 1st Coming. So the Messiah was born in the Aleph Year (the Yom Taruah Year) the 1st year of the 22 years before the end of the 4000 years from Adam.
The year 2011CE is the 6000th year from Adam, the year in which the Messiah will Return at His 2nd Coming. The year 2011CE is the Tau Year (the Last Great Day Year) the 22nd year of the 22 years before the end of the 6000 years from Adam.
Abel died in the 99th year from Adam when he was 22 years old. In Matthew 23:35 and Luke 11:51 we are told that the shedding of righteous blood starts from the death of Abel. In the 6000 years from Adam, the twelve 490 Year Cycles run from the death of Abel in the year 3891BCE to 1989CE. If you remove these 490 Year Cycles you have the first 98 years from Adam plus the Last 22 years at the end of the 6000 years which are from 1990CE to 2011CE. Added together, 98 + 22 = 120 Years which are the life span expectancy of man in Genesis 6:3.
In Conclusion, at His 1st Coming, the Messiah came in the Aleph Year (12BCE) (1st Year of 22 Years) when He was born as the Lamb of Yahuah but will return at His 2nd Coming in the Tau Year (2011CE) (22nd Year of 22 Years) and will come as the Lion of Yahuah and will judge and rule the world! The Messiah is the Aleph and the Tau, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the Ending!
Introduction:Believers throughout the ages have wondered about the Abomination of Desolation of Daniel 9:27. This is now revealed to us in these End Times.
The Time and Duration of the Abomination of Desolation:
In Daniel 9:27 we read, "And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consumation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate". This week that is talked about is 7 years. We know this from Daniel 12:11 which talks about the 2nd half of this 7 year period. Daniel 12:11 reads, "And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days (1290 Days = approximately 3 1/2 years)". We know that this will be in the End Times from Daniel 12:1-4,9.
From Matthew 24:15,21,29-30 (Mark 13:14-26), we know that the abomination of desolation will be during the Great Tribulation. Matthew 24:15 reads, "When you therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place". Verse 24:21 reads, "For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be". Verses 24:29-30 read, "Immediately after the tribulation of those days ... And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory".
The Messiah will come immediately after the Great Tribulation. The 2 Witnesses will prophesy for 1260 Days (3 1/2 years) before the Messiah's Return (Rev.11:1-19).
Jerusalem will be trodden down of the Gentiles for 42 months (3 1/2 years) before the Messiah Returns from Luke 21:20-28 and Revelation 11:1-2. This treading down and pollution of Jerusalem (especially the Temple Mount) by the Gentiles is the Abomination of Desolation.
The 1290 Days and 1335 Days of Daniel 12:11-12:
Daniel 9:27 talks about a 7 year period. The second half of which is the 3 1/2 year Abomination of Desolation which will be during the Great Tribulation. But in Daniel 12:11-12 there is a discrepancy of 30 days which is the difference between 1290 days verses 1260 days (3 1/2 years). Then there is the 1335 days which isn't explained enough for us to understand what it refers to. However, if we add the two numbers together, it does become clearer. 1290 days + 1335 days = 2625 days. 2625 = 1260 days + 1260 days + 105 days. 2625 days = 3 1/2 years + 3 1/2 years + 3 1/2 months. The only clue that we are given as the meaning of the 1335 days is in Daniel 12:12 which reads, "Blessed is he that waits, and comes to the 1335 days". The main event that believers are waiting for and rejoice for is the Return of the Messiah when the dead believers will be raised from the dead and the living believers changed in the twinkling of an eye. The Return of the Messiah is immediately after the 3 1/2 years Great Tribulation. So how does this 3 1/2 months remainder fit in? Since counting back from the Messiah's Return we have to have two consecutive blocks of 3 1/2 years which gives one cohesive 7 year block.
Two possible ways in which this combined number of 2625 days can be interpreted are as follows:
1) The 2625 days = 3 1/2 months + 7 years. So counting the full 2625 days back from the Messiah's Return on September 15, 2011, we first count the two 3 1/2 year blocks, then the 3 1/2 month remainder. In this way, we end up on the 16th day of the 3rd month in 2004 (June 1, 2004) which is exactly 10 days after the Feast of Pentecost in 2004.
2) The 2625 days = 7 years (+ 3 1/2 months) , where the 3 1/2 months remainder is counted within and at the end of the 2nd 3 1/2 years, at the end of the 7 year period immediately before the Messiah's Return. In this case the 3 1/2 months would start on the 16th day of the 3rd month in 2011 (May 31, 2011) which again is exactly 10 days after the Feast of Pentecost in 2011. This could be significant in relation to the two witnesses who will prophesy for 3 1/2 years and whose dead bodies will be on display for 3 1/2 days before the Messiah Returns (Revelation 11:1-19). This 3 1/2 months would have something to do with the two witnesses at the end of the Great Tribulation just before the Messiah's Return. The 7 years would run from the Fall of 2004 to the Fall of 2011.
Meeting the Messiah when He Returns:
When the Messiah Returns on the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011 immediately after the Great Tribulation, the believers that have died will be raised from the dead and the living believers will be changed: both will be given immortal bodies (Matthew 24:31; 1Corinthians 15:50-58). Note Matthew 24:30-31, "... they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other". Note also 1Corinthians 15:51-52, "... we shall all be changed. In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed". This again confirms that the Messiah will Return on the Feast of Trumpets which is also the time of the 7th Trumpet of Revelation 11:15,18.
In Conclusion:
It is truly wonderful to have some idea of what is coming and when, so that we can prepare for it. With the Great Tribulation being possibly just 5 1/2 years away from today (today is October 27, 2002). We can at least plan ahead for an escape route and a place of refuge with Yahuah's guidance. When that time comes, it will be too late. We will have to leave the cities. In Revelation 12:6 we read, "And the woman (the believers) fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared of Yahuah, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days (1260 days = 3 1/2 years)". Matthew 24:15-22, "Let them which be in Yahudah flee into the mountains ... But pray you that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day: For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened." I am sure that the believers at the time of the destruction of the 2nd Temple in Jerusalem in 70CE would have had plenty of warning and would have fled from the city long before it was surrounded. Noah was given 7 days warning before the rains for the flood came. We today are given the warning now and should start preparing for the move out of the cities. The event of September 11, 2001 in the U.S.A. was our wake up call!
INDEX OF TOPICS:43.0)Iraq, Euphrates River, Armageddon, and the Last 22 Years:
Introduction:Iraq is prominent in world news today. The threat of war between the United States of America and Iraq is causing global concern and will affect the entire world. But how does this relate to Bible Prophecy for these Last 22 Years?
The Identity of Iraq in the Bible:
Modern day Iraq is the Old Babylonian Empire. The largest and most important historical portions of both the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers are in Iraq. The Old City of Babylon was located on the Euphrates River in Iraq, while modern day Baghdad is on the Tigris River in Iraq. The ruins of the City of Babylon are about 65 miles south of Baghdad. The Babylonian Empire and the Chaldaean Empire are synonymous. Iraq has played and will play a very important part in Bible Prophecy. Abraham was born in Ur of the Chaldees in Iraq and was a Chaldaean (Babylonian) (Genesis 11:26-31).
The Importance of the Euphrates River in Bible History and Prophecy:
The first time that the Euphrates River is mentioned in the Bible is in Genesis 2:10-14. The Euphrates River is one of the four branches of the river that watered the Garden of Eden! The Euphrates River is the northern border of the Promised Land that was given to Israel (Genesis 15:18; Deut.1:7-8; Deut.11:24; Joshua 1:2-4). One of the two sources of the Euphrates River is near Mount Ararat where Noah's Ark rested after the Flood.
The Euphrates River is one of the largest rivers in the world. From its source in the Armenian mountains to the Persian Gulf, into which it empties, it has a course of about 1,700 miles.
Just before the Messiah Returns, major events will happen at the Euphrates River. The 6th Trumpet of Revelation 9:14-21 reads, "... Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates. And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of man". The 6th Vial of Revelation 16:12-16 reads, "And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared. ... go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that Great Day of Yahuah. ... And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon".
Jeremiah 46:10 "For this is the Day of Yahuah of armies, a day of vengeance, that he may avenge him of his adversaries: and the sword shall devour, and it shall be satiate and made drunk with their blood: for Yahuah of armies has a sacrifice in the north country by the river Euphrates".
Jeremiah 51:1-64, verses :63-64 reads, "And it shall be, when you have made an end of reading this book, that you shall bind a stone to it, and cast it into the midst of Euphrates: And you shall say, Thus shall Babylon sink, and shall not rise from the evil that I will bring upon her".
The Last 22 Years:
1989 was a 49th year, a year of completion (as the number 7 is a number of completion: 7 x 7 = 49). The significance of 1989 is that in that year, the USSR started to collapse and the Iron Curtain fell.
1990 was a Jubilee year, the 122nd and Last Jubilee from Adam. 1990 was also the 1st Year of the Last 22 Years. It is interesting to note that the major global event of 1990 relates to Iraq with the invasion of Kuwait on August 2, 1990! Now get this, on September 11, 1990 then President George Bush uses the term New World Order for the first time in his speech to Congress. This speech was in response to Iraq's invasion! Here are some extracts from Bush's speech:
1)["We stand today at a unique and extraordinary moment. The crisis in the Persian Gulf, as grave as it is, also offers a rare opportunity to move toward an historic period of cooperation. Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective -- a New World Order -- can emerge: a new era -- freer from the threat of terror, stronger in the pursuit of justice, and more secure in the quest for peace. An era in which the nations of the world, East and West, North and South, can prosper and live in harmony. A hundred generations have searched for this elusive path to peace, while a thousand wars raged across the span of human endeavor. Today that new world is struggling to be born, a world quite different from the one we've known. A world where the rule of law supplants the rule of the jungle. A world in which nations recognize the shared responsibility for freedom and justice. A world where the strong respect the rights of the weak. This is the vision that I shared with President Gorbachev in Helsinki. He and other leaders from Europe, the Gulf, and around the world understand that how we manage this crisis today could shape the future for generations to come"].
2)["At this very moment, they (Americans) serve together with Arabs, Europeans, Asians, and Africans in defense of principle and the dream of a New World Order"].
So this crisis with Iraq in 1990 made the Birth of the New World Order possible and gave the United Nations real teeth for the first time on a scale never before seen in human history. President George Bush in his March 6, 1991 speech to Congress sums it up very nicely:
["Until now, the world we've known has been a world divided - a world of barbed wire and concrete block, conflict and cold war.
Now, we can see a New World coming into view. A world in which there is the very real prospect of a New World Order. In the words of Winston Churchill, a "world order" in which "the principles of justice and fair play ... protect the weak against the strong ..." A world where the United Nations, freed from cold war stalemate, is poised to fulfil the historic vision of its founders. A world in which freedom and respect for human rights find a home among all nations.
The Gulf war put this new world to its first test, and, my fellow Americans, we passed that test.
For the sake of our principles, for the sake of the Kuwaiti people, we stood our ground. Because the world would not look the other way, Ambassador [Saud Nasir] al-Sabah, tonight, Kuwait is free.
Tonight as our troops begin to come home, let us recognise that the hard work of freedom still calls us forward. We've learned the hard lessons of history. The victory over Iraq was not waged as "a war to end all wars." Even the new world order cannot guarantee an era of perpetual peace. But enduring peace must be our mission ..."]
On September 11, 2001, the tragic event at the World Trade Center in New York City was exactly 11 years from President Bush's speech on September 11, 1990! The number 11 is repeated many times over again, related to this tragic event. The first plane that hit the north tower of the World Trade Center was American Airlines Flight #11, which had 11 crew members. Each of the two towers was 110 stories high (11 x 10 = 110). And the two towers side by side had a silouette of the number 11 against the sky. This gives a total of 26 x 11's, or 13 x 22. Something else worthy of note is the fact that almost all Western countries use the 365 Day Solar Gregorian Calendar while in Islam the 354 Day Lunar Calendar is used, with a difference of 11 Days! Do you think that all these occurrences of the number 11 is a coincidence? I think not. The significance of the number of 11 in the Bible is related to the number 22 (22 = 11 x 2), these Last 22 Years, to the Messiah (who is the Aleph and the Tau = 22 Letters) and to His Return! Shortly after the event of September 11, 2001, there was already rumours that the United States would attack Afghanistan and Iraq to protect itself from terrorism.
Today is November 13, 2002 and another crisis of war between Iraq and the United States looms.
2011 is the 22nd Year of the Last 22 Years. The Messiah will return on September 15, 2011 on the Feast of Trumpets. And just before His return, the Euphrates River again comes into the picture! Since the Euphrates River is 1,700 miles long and runs through Armenia, Turkey, Syria and Iraq the events of the 6th Trumpet and the 6th Vial of Revelation can happen in any one of these countries but most likely it will be in Iraq.
From Revelation 9:14-21 we know that at the 6th Trumpet, the four angels will be loosed from the River Euphrates to slay the third part of men. This will start an hour, a day, a month, and a year before the Messiah's Return. By counting 396 days back from September 15, 2011 we come to the 30th Day of the 5th Month which is Sunday August 15, 2010. So these four angels will be loosed on Sunday August 15, 2010.
From Revelation 16:12-16 we know that at the 6th Vial the water of the River Euphrates will be dried up that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared. The Spirits of devils will go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world to gather them to the battle of that Great Day of Yahuah. The Great Day of Yahuah is when the whole earth will come down to make war with the Messiah when he Returns. Verse :16 reads, "And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon". The Hebrew is acually, Har Meggido, which means Mountain of Megiddo a place south east of Mount Carmel in Israel.
In Conclusion:
It is hard to see into the Future. But Yahuah in His mercy allows us to see into the Future through His written Word the Bible and by His Holy Spirit. This year, the year 2002 is the 13th Year in these Last 22 Years. Although it is hard to be certain on what is before us, we can look back to confirm where we are now on Yahuah's timeline. The events that are happening now with Iraq and the events that have already happened since 1989 confirms that we are in the Last Days. As the threats of terrorism increases, governments are moving closer and closer to biotechnology for identifying everyone of their citizens. One step closer to the Mark of the Beast and the Great Tribulation which is about 5 1/2 years away from now. Look up and rejoice for our redemption draws nigh! Watch you therefore, and pray always, that you may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.
INDEX OF TOPICS:44.0) The First and Second Seals of Revelation 6:1-17 are OPEN!:
Introduction:45.0) The Third and the Seventh Heaven:The old saying, "ignorance is bliss" fits our generation perfectly. Just as the ostrich buries its head in the sand with the approach of danger, so the people of this generation ignore the warnings of the soon approaching Great Tribulation. Even those that are religious give reasons not to heed the warnings. They point to one scripture without taking all the other scriptures into consideration, thereby distorting the word of Yahuah. For example, they take Matthew 24:36 out of context which reads, "But of that day and hour knows no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only." But if you continue to read the rest of the chapter, it is clear that Yahuah does tell us about the time by His word and through His Holy Spirit. It will be those that are not watching that will not know or understand as noted in the following scriptures:
1)Matthew 24:42-51, "But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up."
2)1Thessalonians 5:1-11, "For yourselves know perfectly that the Day of Yahuah so comes as a thief in the night. ... But you, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief."
3)Revelation 3:3, "If therefore you shall not watch, I will come on you as a thief and you shall not know what hour I will come upon you."
We know from Acts 1:6,7 that it was not meant for the early believers to understand the timing for the last days. But it is meant for us to know as we are in the Last Days. Even Daniel 12:8-10 backs this up, "Go your way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. ... none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand." Be not deceived brethren, Yahuah is faithful and will not leave us in the dark about the evil that is here now in our time. Even Noah was given a 7 day warning before the rains came (Genesis 7:4). I have gone through this lengthy introduction to show you from scripture, that it is meant for us to know what is happening and what will happen in these Last Days and that we are not meant to be kept in the dark.
Figuring out the Time for the Seals of Revelation 6:1-17:
The Seals, Trumpets, and Vials of Revelation are related. But we have to sort out the relation between them and the order of the sequence of events to get a sense of the timing involved. The 6th Seal, 7th Trumpet, and the 7th Vial are all the same event and will happen at the same time, namely, the Return of the Messiah on the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011 at 12 Noon.
The first 6 Trumpets and the first 6 Vials will happen during the 3 1/2 Years Great Tribulation immediately before the Messiah Returns. We know this because the 1st and 5th Vials talk about the Beast and the Trumpets run parallel to the Vials. But the Seals are different. Only the 4th and 5th Seals will happen during the Great Tribulation. The Great Tribulation will start in the Spring of 2008. That leaves 3 Seals that have to happen some time before the Spring of 2008, but when? With the event of September 11, 2001, we finally are given the answer.
First and Second Seal of Revelation 6:1-17 are OPEN!:
The key to understanding the opening of the first 3 Seals are directly related to the event of September 11, 2001 with the tragic attack on the World Trade Center in New York City. We have to find a connection to the Sacred Calendar. In 2001, the Feast of Trumpets was on September 20, 2001. The Feast of Trumpets represents the day that the Messiah will Return. September 11, 2001 was exactly 10 days before the Feast of Trumpets in that year. The number 10 also represents Judgement. But this info by itself is not enough. Another important link to September 11, 2001 is exactly 11 years before it, on September 11, 1990.
In 1989, the Iron Curtain fell and the Cold War ended. In 1990, the U.S.S.R. was collapsing leaving only one Super Power left in the world and that was the United States of America. On September 11, 1990, President Bush Sr. declared the New World Order. Again in 1990 the Feast of Trumpets was on September 20, 1990 exactly 10 days later. 1990 is the last Jubilee (122nd Jubilee) of the 6000 years from Adam. 1990 is also the 1st year of the last 22 years to the end of the 6000 years. The Messiah is the Aleph and the Tau, which are the 1st and the 22nd letter of the Hebrew Alphabet. 1990 represents this first letter of Aleph and it is the Messiah that opens the Seals. The Messiah opened the 1st Seal in 1990. The United States in 1990 declared war on Iraq which started the Gulf War. In 1990 the United States, the only Super Power left in the World is the White Horse riding, conquering and to conquer, thus the 1st Seal of Revelation was open. This conquering continued with Bosnia, Somalia, Afghanistan, etc..
Both in 1990 and 2001, September 11 marks spectacular and historic events that have affected the whole world. In both these two years the Feast of Trumpets was also on September 20 exactly 10 days later. Is there a pattern in the Sacred Calendar that stands out and relates to the date September 11? Yes, there is. Checking the years between 1981 to 2011, there was an outstanding find. There are only 3 years in which the Feast of Trumpets is on September 20 (which is 10 days after September 11) and those years are 1990, 2001, and 2007! Since the first 3 Seals of Revelation have to be open before the start of the Great Tribulation in the Spring of 2008; we now know exactly in which years they will be open. The 1st Seal with the White Horse (rider going about conquering and to conquer) was open in 1990. The 2nd Seal with the Red Horse (President Bush Jr. declares War on Global Terrorism) was open in 2001. And the 3rd Seal with the Black Horse (famine and food rationing) will be open in 2007.
Third Seal of Revelation will be open in 2007:
In the last few years, there has been severe drought in Canada, the U.S. and Australia. These are three of the worlds largest grain producing countries. With drought, these countries have produced only about half their normal yield. Other food sources such as the oceans are just about depleted and oil spills are making the situation even worse. When you take into consideration other factors such as insect infestations, flooding, crop diseases, unusual heat and cold, exponential population growth, etc. it gives a grim picture indeed of what the world has to look forward to in the next few years in regard to our food supplies. The year 2007 is a good candidate for food rationing world wide. We don't need to wait much longer to find out. Once countries around the world start creating and enforcing laws in regard to food rationing, we will know for sure.
The 3rd Seal of Revelation 6:1-17 reads, "A Black Horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand. ... A measure of wheat for a penny; and three measures of barley for a penny."
Intervals between the Seals:
From the 1st Seal in 1990 to the 2nd Seal in 2001 = 11 Years.
From the 2nd Seal in 2001 to the 3rd Seal in 2007 = 6 Years.
From the 3rd Seal in 2007 to the 6th Seal in 2011 = 4 Years.As a brother in the faith quite accurately pointed out: these intervals resemble birth contractions. The closer together, the more painful. 1Thessalonians 5:3 reads, "For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction comes upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape."
The very last interval of note is the death and exposure of the bodies of the two witnesses. Since the Messiah will Return on the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011; then the two witnesses would probably be killed on September 11, 2011 which would be 3 1/2 days before His Return. The two witnesses will witness for 3 1/2 years and will then be killed. After they are killed, their bodies will be on display for 3 1/2 days before they are raised from the dead (Revelation 11:3-19).
In Conclusion:
Knowledge is power. As it is written, "My people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge". Now that we know from Yahuah's word what is coming, we can prepare for it. The most important thing that we can do is to be spiritually prepared and strong in Yahuah to meet whatever challenges that lay ahead of us. We can also plan to some extent in a material way by having some place of refuge prepared in advance that is outside of the cities and far away enough that we may escape the devastation that is soon coming. We can plan now. We can prepare now. But when that time comes we will have to flee for our very lives with very little time to even think. Yahuah in His love, warns us now to get ready.
In light of this new knowledge, Topic 25.0) The 7 Seals, 7 Trumpets, and 7 Vials Correlation Chart: has been changed accordingly.
Introduction:46.0) Image in Daniel: Timeline between Neo-Babylonian Empire & Messiah's Return:What prompted this article is the ignorance and the lack of knowledge of Bible preachers teaching about the different Heavens of the Bible. The first indication that we get that there is even more than one Heaven is from Genesis 1:1 which in the Hebrew reads, "In the beginning created Elohim Aleph-Tau the Heavens and Aleph-Tau the Earth". So the King James Bible has a mistranslation which only reads a singular Heaven instead of the plural Heavenswhich is really there in the Hebrew. The next reference we have as to some idea of what number of heavens there are, is in 2Corinthians 12:2-4 which reads, "I knew a man in the Messiah above 14 years ago ... such an one caught up to the Third Heaven. ... How that he was caught up into Paradise ...". The only real source of information that we have about the different Heavens of the Bible is in The Book of the Secrets of Enoch (2Enoch). The Book of the Secrets of Enoch clearly talks about 7 Heavens!
Now before we get into a detailed description of these 7 Heavens I would like to say a few words about Enoch. Enoch was the 7th from Adam and Enoch was 365 years old when Yahuah took him (Enoch never died). The only other man that did not die is the prophet Elijah. These two prophets Enoch (Hanuch) and Elijah (AliYahu) are the two witnesses mentioned in the book of Revelation that will witness for 3 1/2 years during the Great Tribulation. In the other book that Enoch wrote, in The Book of Enoch (1Enoch) in the very first verse of chapter 1, Enoch talks about the Great Tribulation that will start in just over 5 years from now in the Spring of 2008. At the end of this chapter 1 in verse 9, Enoch talks about the Return of the Messiah with ten thousands of His Holy ones immediately after the Great Tribulation. Note that Jude 14-15 in the New Testament of the Bible is a direct quote from The Book of Enoch (1Enoch) Chapter 1 verse 9! Note also that among the Dead Sea Scrolls at Qumran, 20 manuscripts of Enoch were found (as many as the book of Genesis) and all of them in Aramaic!
The Seven Heavens:
Here is a description of the 7 Heavens from The Book of the Secrets of Enoch (2Enoch):
1st Heaven (Chapters 3-6):
In the 1st Heaven is the Great Sea, where there are the elders, and the rulers of the orders of the stars. There are 200 angels who rule the stars and their heavenly service. Here are also the treasuries of the snow, ice, clouds, and dew.2nd Heaven (Chapter 7):
In the 2nd Heaven is Darkness, where there are the fallen angels suspended, reserved for and awaiting the eternal judgement.3rd Heaven (Chapters 8-10):
The 3rd Heaven contains two seperate areas: 1)Paradise with the Garden of Eden (for the Righteous) and 2)The Northern Region a place of Darkness (for the Unrighteous).1)Paradise: Has the Garden of Eden with the Tree of Life. A delightful place with all manner of fruit trees. The trees and fruit give off a sweet fragrance. And it is beautiful, more than any created thing. There are 300 angels who keep the garden and who sing with blessed voices unceasing. This Paradise is prepared for the righteous who endure every kind of attack in their lives for the sake of righteousness.
2)The Northern Region:Is a terrible place. And there is all sorts of tortures in this place. Savage darkness and impenetrable gloom; and there is no light there, but a gloomy fire is always burning. And all that place has fire on all sides, and on all sides cold and ice, thus it burns and freezes. It is a place prepared for evil doers and the unrighteous.
4th Heaven (Chapters 11-17):
In the 4th Heaven is the Course of the Sun and the Moon, the comings and goings forth and all the rays of the light of the sun and moon. The sun has a light 7 times greater than the moon. Enoch shown the twelve gates of the sun.5th Heaven (Chapter 18):
In the 5th Heaven are the Giants, followers of Satan reserved for punishment at the Great Day of Yahuah. There is no service in the 5th Heaven.6th Heaven (Chapter 19):
In the 6th Heaven are the 7 Bands of Archangels very bright and glorious who:
1)Arrange and study the revolutions of the stars, and the changes of the moon, and the revolutions of the sun, and superintend the good or evil condition of the world.
2)Arrange teachings, and instructions, and sweet speaking, and singing, and all kinds of glorious praise.
3)Are appointed over the angels.
4)Hold in subjection all living things both in heaven and earth.
5)Are over seasons and years, over rivers and the sea, over the fruits of the earth, over every herb, giving all kinds of nourishment to every living thing.
6)Are over all souls of men, who write down all their works and their lives before the face of Yahuah.In the midst of the archangels are seven phoenixes and seven cherubims, and seven six-winged creatures, being as one voice and singing with one voice; and it is not possible to describe their singing, and they rejoice before Yahuah at His footstool.
7th Heaven (Chapters 20-22):
In the 7th Heaven is the Throne of Yahuah. There is in the 7th Heaven, a very great light and all the fiery hosts of great archangels, and incorporeal powers and lordships, and principalities, and powers; cherubim and seraphim, thrones and the watchfulness of many eyes. Enoch shown Yahuah from afar sitting on His lofty throne. And all the heavenly hosts who approach stood on ten steps, according to their rank: and made obeisance to Yahuah. And so they proceeded to their places in joy and mirth, and in boundless light singing songs with low and gentle voices, and gloriously serving Him. They leave not nor depart day or night standing before the face of Yahuah, working His will, cherubim and seraphim, standing round His throne. And the six-winged creatures overshadow all His throne, singing with a soft voice before the face of Yahuah: "Holy, Holy, Holy: Yahuah Elohim of Sabaoth! heaven and earth are full of Thy glory!". Gabriel the Archangel and Michael the chief captain bring Enoch before the face of Yahuah. Enoch anointed with Yahuah's Holy oil and clothed with raiment of Yahuah's glory. And the appearance of that oil was more than a great light, and its anointing was like excellent dew; and its fragrance like myrrh, shining like a ray of the sun. In appearance, Enoch was like one of Yahuah's glorious ones.In Conclusion:
Of the 7 Heavens, the ones that will affect man the most are the 3rd Heaven with Paradise and the Northern Region and the 7th Heaven with the Throne of Yahuah.
As human beings, we will all have to face three judgements. The 1st Judgement immediately at the point of death. The 2nd Judgement at time of the Messiah's Second Coming. And the 3rd Judgement, the Great White Throne Judgement of Yahuah at the end of the 7th Millennium. So we better get our act together and turn from our evil ways, repent and start doing that which is right before Yahuah. It really doesn't matter whether we believe or not. We shall all reap what we sow.
As Paul reminds us in Hebrews 6:8-12, "But that which bears thorns and briers is rejected, and is nigh unto cursing; whose end is to be burned. But beloved, we are persuaded better things of you, and things that accompany salvation, though we thus speak. For Yahuah is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which you have showed toward His name, in that you have ministered to the saints, and do minister. And we desire that every one of you do show the same diligence to the full assurance of hope unto the end: That you be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises".
Before you is life and death, choose which way you will go and who you will serve.
1)"The Book of Enoch" (1Enoch), Translated by R.H.Charles, 1972.
2)"The Book of the Secrets of Enoch" (2Enoch), Translated from the Slavonic by W.R.Morfill, 1896.
Introduction:47.0) The Rewards Promised to them that Overcome:The Great Image in Daniel 2:28-45 is a direct reference to the Messiah's 2nd Coming! Daniel says in verse :28, "But there is a Mighty One in heaven that reveals secrets, and has made known to the king Nebuchadnezzar what shall be in the Latter Days". This prophecy is for our time! Most Bible scholars will agree, that the Stone that will smite the 10 toes of the image is the Messiah at His 2nd Coming! So how can we figure out the timing bewteen the gold head of the image which is the Neo-Babylonian Empire and the 10 toes at the time of the Messiah's 2nd Coming! We are already given the answer in Daniel 12:11-12 which has a dual meaning and has a dual prophecy. The 1st meaning relates to the time just before the Messiah's 2nd Coming and is measured in Days to give 1290 Days + 1335 Days = 2625 Days. The 2nd meaning relates to the time between the Neo-Babylonian Empire to the Messiah's 2nd Coming and is measured in Years to give 1290 Years + 1335 Years = 2625 Years (a Year for a Day).
From the previous studies that we have done on the True Bible Calendar, we have come to the conclusion that the Messiah will Return in the Fall of 2011CE. But counting 2625 years back from 2011CE, can we connect to any historical events related to Nebuchadnezzar to prove this prophecy of the Great Image? The answer is a definite YES!First we have to study the history of the Neo-Babylonian Empire and its beginnings.
The Beginning of the Neo-Babylonian Empire:
The date for the beginning of the Neo-Babylonian Empire varies among Historians. Some say that it began with Nebuchadnezzar's father Nabopolassar when he revolted against the Assyrians and made himself king of the Sealand in 626BCE. Others say it began with the fall of Nineveh the Assyrian capital in 612BCE which was only possible with the combined armies of the Medes and the Babylonians. The true date however, seems to be 614BCE. Now what makes the year 614BCE so special? Prior to 614BCE, the Medes and the Babylonians attacked the Assyrians seperately but neither had enough strength or power to defeat the Assyrians.
In 614BCE, Cyaxares the king of the Medes signed an alliance with Nabopolassar and this agreement was cemented when Nebuchadnezzar his son married Cyaxares' daughter. It was due to this marriage union that their united armies destroyed Nineveh in 612BCE. This marriage is historically recorded as one source states:
"In 614 (BCE), they (the Medes) succeeded where the Babylonians had failed during the preceding year: they took Assur. Nabopolassar arrived too late to help the Medes, but he managed to conclude a treaty with their king Umakishtar, who is better known as Cyaxares. The Babylonian historian Berossus (third century BCE) tells us that the alliance was cemented by a royal wedding: the Babylonian crown prince Nabu-kudurru-usur, also known as Nebuchadnezzar,married Amytis, the daughter of Cyaxares' son Astyages. This is impossible (Astyages was too young); probably, Amytis was the daughter of Cyaxares himself."
So the Neo-Babylonian Empire really started in 614BCE with Nebuchadnezzar's marriage to Cyaxares' daughter which made it possible to defeat the Assyrians.
The Timeline from the Head of Gold to the 10 Toes:
In Daniel 2:38, Daniel clearly identifies Nebuchadnezzar as the Head of Gold which also represents the Neo-Babylonian Empire. This Neo-Babylonian Empire starts with the alliance with the Medes and with the marriage of Cyaxares' daughter to Nebuchadnezzar in 614BCE.
Now if you take the two numbers in Daniel 12:11-12 and add them together, you get 1290 + 1335 = 2625. As we said before, these numbers can have a dual meaning, of days or years. And in this instance we are treating the numbers as years. So if you take the year 614BCE and add 2625 years to it, you come to exactly the year 2011CE (614 + 2011 = 2625 years)! This is another confirmation that the Messiah will return in the year 2011CE.
The Identification of the 10 Toes in our Time:
Most Bible scholars will acknowledge that the legs of iron of the image represents the two halves of the Roman Empire. The Western half represents Europe and the Eastern half represents the Middle East which can be confirmed from historical maps of the Roman Empire. The dividing point between the two halves is Constantinople which is modern day Istanbul in Turkey. Europe represents the Christian world while the Middle East represents the World of Islam. When the Messiah Returns, the armies that will come up against Him will consist of 5 Kings or Kingdoms from Europe and 5 Kings or Kingdoms from the Middle East.
In Revelation 17:12-18, we are told that 10 Kings will receive power as kings for one hour with the Beast. These 10 Kings will hate the Great Whore (Babylon the Great) and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire. These 10 Kings of Revelation are the 10 Toes of Daniel Chapter 2. And the Stone in Daniel 2:34-35,44-45 is the Messiah that will smite the 10 Toes so that the whole image will be destroyed. So the Messiah will not fight against Babylon the Great when he comes. He will fight against the Beast and these 10 Kings! In Revelation 17:14 it reads, "These (10 Kings) shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Master of Masters, and King of Kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful." This war of the 10 Kings with the Messiah will be Armageddon (Rev.16:16)!
In Conclusion:
Yahuah is so merciful to us. In countless ways, He asks us to turn from our evil ways that we may worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. He has warned man since the time of Adam to turn to Him. He is warning us now of what is soon to come to pass. The signs are all around us. The two of the four horsemen are already riding, do you not hear the hoof beats of their horses?
In Revelation Chapters 2 and 3 there is a list of Rewards Promised to them that Overcome. Yahuah will give us these Rewards through the Messiah (Rev. 1:1). Overcome what? As the Messiah said in John 16:33, "Be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." But how can we overcome the world? By overcoming evil and Satan. In Romans 12:21 we read, "Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good." In 1John 2:13-17, we read, "because you have overcome the wicked one." "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passes away, and the lust thereof: but he that does the will of Yahuah abides for ever." So how do we overcome? By doing the will of Yahuah. And how do we do the will of Yahuah? By obeying Yahuah and keeping His commandments. 1John 4:4,1-21, "You are of Yahuah, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.48.0) Beginning of Sorrows of Matthew 24:8 starts Sacred New Year March 19, 2003:In 1John 5:1-5,10-19, we read, "Whosoever believes that Yahuahshua is the Messiah is born of Yahuah: and every one that loves him that begat loves him also that is begotten of him. By this we know that we love the children of Yahuah, when we love Yahuah, and keep his commandments. For this is the love of Yahuah, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous. For whatsoever is born of Yahuah overcomes the world: and this is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith. Who is he that overcomes the world, but he that believes that Yahuahshua is the Son of Yahuah?"
"And this is the record, that Yahuah has given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. He that has the Son has life; and he that has not the Son of Yahuah has not life. These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of Yahuah; that you may know that you have eternal life, and that you may believe on the name of the Son of Yahuah."
"We know that whosoever is born of Yahuah sins not; but he that is begotten of Yahuah keeps himself, and that wicked one touches him not. And we know that we are of Yahuah, and the whole world lies in wickedness."
He or She that overcomes will receive not just one, but ALL of the Rewards in Revelation Chapters 2 & 3!
The List of Rewards in Revelation Chapters 2 & 3 to them that Overcome:
1)To him that overcomes will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of Yahuah (Rev.2:7).
2)He that overcomes shall not be hurt of the second death (Rev.2:11).
3)To him that overcomes will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knows saving he that receives it (Rev.2:17).
4)And he that overcomes, and keeps my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations: And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father. And I will give him the morning star (Rev.2:26-28).
5)He that overcomes, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels (Rev.3:5).
6)Him that overcomes will I make a pillar in the temple of my Mighty One, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my Mighty One, and the name of the city of my Mighty One, which is new Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from my Mighty One: and my new name (Rev.3:12).
7)To him that overcomes will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne (Rev.3:21).
In Conclusion:
Our life in these mortal bodies is short and temporary. We all know that we are all going to die one day, which is certain. And yet people are paralyzed all their lives by the fear of death which is inevitable anyways. Yahuah sets us free from the fear of death by offering us eternal life through his beloved Son Yahuahshua and by his Holy Spirit. The Messiah came in the flesh to show us the way and that it is possible to overcome the world. In Hebrews 2:14-15,18 we read, "Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil; And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage. ... For in that he himself has suffered being tempted, he is able to succour them that are tempted."
The Messiah shows us how to overcome in his Father's Word (The Bible). So let us follow in his footsteps and keep the commandments of Yahuah. Trust and believe in Yahuah through Yahuahshua, for he is able to help us in any situation. For if Yahuah be for us, who can be against us!
Introduction:49.0) Countdown to the Messiah's Return:The New Year on the Sacred Calendar started on Wednesday March 19, 2003 with sunset at 6:12PM Eastern Standard Time in the Eastern Standard Time Area.
The Ultimatum Deadline by U.S. President Bush for Iraq's Saddam Hussein to disarm was Wednesday March 19, 2003 at 8PM Eastern Standard Time. At 7:12PM President Bush gave the order to attack Targets of Opportunity in Baghdad in the attempt to decapitate Saddam's regime. 40 Cruise Missiles and bombs by U.S. Bombers were dropped on selected targets in Baghdad at about 9:30PM. So began the War on Iraq. In the wider picture of history and prophecy, sunset March 19, 2003started the Beginning of Sorrows of Matthew 24:8.
The Coming of the Messiah:
In Matthew 24:3 the Messiah's disciples asked, "Tell us, when shall these things be? And what shall be the sign of your coming, and of the end of the world?"
In Matthew 24:6-8 the Messiah replies, "And you shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that you be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in different places. All these are the beginning of sorrows."
The Beginning of Sorrows will last for 5 years from Spring of 2003 to Spring of 2008. In the Spring of 2008 the Great Tribulation will start which will last for 3 1/2 years. At the end of the Great Tribulation in the Fall of 2011 on the Feast of Trumpets, the Messiah will Return.
The Timing for the Messiah's Return given in Prophecy:
In Matthew 24:29-35 we are told that after the Great Tribulation the Messiah will Return. In verse :34 we read, "Truly I say unto you, This Generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. The generation the Messiah was referring to is Himself. The generation of the Messiah from His birth in the Fall of 12BCE to His death in the Spring of 30CE is 40 1/2 years. The Messiah was 40 1/2 years old when he died. The term "This Generation" in verse :34 has a dual prophecy: the 1st was fulfilled in 70CE when the Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed by the Romans, about 40 1/2 years later; the 2nd will be in the Fall of 2011 when the Messiah Returns. The year 30CE was a Jubilee Year: 30CE plus 40 Jubilees (40 X 49 = 1960 years) brings us to the year 1990CE (30CE + 1960 years = 1990CE); plus 1/2 Jubilee (approximately 22 years) gives the year 2011CE (30CE + 1960 + 22 = 2011CE). This is a very simplified summary to figure out the timing for the Messiah's Return. There is a tremendous amout of knowledge and information about the Sacred Calendar that is taken into consideration, much of which is given in detail in the many topics given above on this Web Page.
The Warnings given to prepare for the Messiah' Return:
There are many parables given by the Messiah to warn us and to tell us how to prepare for His Return. One such parable is in Matthew 25:1-13 which reads, "Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom. And five of them were wise, and five were foolish. They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them: But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps."
From 1Corinthians 3:16-17 we know that the lamp is the vessel of our body. And the oil is the Holy Spirit. In verses :16-17 we read, "Know you not that you are the temple of Yahuah, and that the Spirit of Yahuah dwells in you? If any man defile the temple of Yahuah, him shall Yahuah destroy; for the temple of Yahuah is holy, which temple you are."
So how can we prepare for the Messiah's Return? We can prepare by keeping ourselves undefiled from the world and by keeping the commandments of Yahuah. Revelation 18:4 reads, "Come out of her, my people, that you be not partakers of her sins, and that you receive not of her plagues".
Again, Revelation 22:11-17 reads, "He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still. And behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loves and makes a lie. I Yahuahshua have sent my angel to testify unto you these things in the assemblies. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star. And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that hears say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely."
Are you getting ready to meet your Maker!
Introduction:50.0) The Last 7 Years to the Messiah's Return and the Jubilees of Days:To understand the meaning of the major events that are happening now we have to understand their connection to the Sacred Calendar and Yahuah's reckoning of time. Yahuah's definition of time is measured in different increments of time. From scripture we know that Yahuah has given us a range of units of time to measure from short to longer periods of time. Some of the units of time are the hour, day, week, month, season, year, Sabbath year, Jubilee Year, millennium, etc.. The least understood or used is the unit of the season. So how does the season time measurement relate to the last years to the coming of the Messiah?
From previous studies, we know that the Messiah will return on the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011. And the end of the 6000 years from Adam will be in the Spring of 2012. The time frame that we are interested in is the last 10 years. Ten years equals 40 Seasons. One Season equals 3 Months (91 Days) with 4 seasons per year. The number 10 denotes JUDGEMENT and we know that the Great Tribulation and other judgements will occur just before the Messiah's Return. Now the question is where to start the last 10 years from. There are two possibilities, we can start the count from Spring of 2002 to Spring of 2012 which ends the 6000 years from Adam; or we can start the count from Fall of 2001 to Fall of 2011 when the Messiah Returns. Both are valid for different reasons. If we start from Spring of 2002 the Messiah will return on the 1st Day of the 39th Season (keep in mind that the Messiah received 40 lashes lest one or 39 lashes and by his stripes we are healed). If we start from the Fall of 2001 we have exactly 40 seasons to the Messiah's Return. The one that is more revealing is the 40 seasons immediately before his return starting from the Fall of 2001. So this is the one that we will look at in more detail.
The 40 Seasons from the Fall of 2001 to Messiah's Return in the Fall of 2011:
The first major event that confirms that we are on the right track is the tragic event of September 11, 2001. The Feast of Trumpets was exactly 10 days later on September 20, 2001. So we will start our count of seasons to the Messiah's Return from September 20, 2001.
Let's look at the most significant seasons of the 40 seasons before the Messiah's Return:
1st Season: Starts September 20, 2001 the 1st Day of the 7th Month: ten days after September 11, 2001.7th Season: Starts March 19, 2003 at sunset the 1st Day of the 1st Month: U.S. attacks Iraq and begins the war with Iraq.
10th Season: Starts December 18, 2003 the 1st Day of the 10th Month: (Note: the significance of the 10th Month is again Judgement; eg. the seige of Jerusalem began on the 10th Day of the 10th Month and the 1st Temple was destroyed 18 Months later in 586BCE).
13th Season:StartsSeptember 16, 2004 the 1st Day of the 7th Month: this starts the last 7 years before the Messiah's Return. The U.S. Presidential Elections will be held about this time.
22nd Season: Starts December 14, 2006 the 1st Day of the 10th Month: the 3rd Seal of Revelation with the Black Horse of Famine could be open at this time or at the time of the 26th Season. The number 22 is a number of completion.
26th Season: Starts December 20, 2007 the 1st Day of the 10th Month: the 3rd Seal of Revelation with the Black Horse of Famine could be open at this time. The number 26 is the numberical value of the name of Yahuah. The 26th Season is the Last Season before the Great Tribulation. The Great Tribulation lasts 14 seasons (3 1/2 Years) and begins in the Spring of 2008.
40th Season: Starts June 16, 2011 the 1st Day of the 4th Month and ends the day before the Messiah Returns. The 40th Season also ends the 3 1/2 Year Great Tribulation. The Messiah Returns on September 15, 2011 the 1st Day of the 7th Month.
The seasons are milestones marking the events that lead up to the coming of the Messiah. The Sacred Calendar and the units of time in scripture help us to identify these milestones.
Three of the seasons are significant because they start in the 10th month (December) of the year which is in the winter, and are namely the 10th, 22nd and 26th Seasons. These three are also significant because of their Biblical perfect numbers where 10 = judgement, 22 = Hebrew Alphabet and completion, 26 = name of Yahuah. Even on the old Julian Calendar, December was the 10th month of the year. The word December comes from the Latin word which means 10, just as September = 7, October = 8, November = 9. Matthew 24:20-21 and Mark 13:18-19 talk about a time during these last 10 years and we read, "But pray you that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day: For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no nor ever shall be."
These last 40 seasons in our time can also be compared to the 40 years that the children of Israel were in the wilderness. The children of Israel had just come out from the house of bondage in Egypt. So why did they have to stay in the wilderness for 40 years (Numbers 13:1-33; 14:1-45)? 12 men, a ruler from each tribe searched the Promised Land for 40 days. 10 of these men gave an evil report of the land but Caleb and Joshua gave a good report of the Land. But because of their fear and unbelief the 10 men that gave an evil report discouraged the people from going into the Promised Land. So the people rebelled against Yahuah. Consequently they were forced to roam in the wilderness for 40 years, a year for each day that they searched out the land until all those that murmured against Yahuah died in the wilderness except for Caleb and Joshua (Yahushua) son of Nun who gave a good report to the people of the Promised Land.
Note that it was the Messiah in the form of the pillar of a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night who led the children of Israel through the wilderness (1Corinthians 10:1-4; Exodus 13:21-22). It was the Messiah who was a wall of protection between the Egyptians and the children of Israel when the Egyptians pursueded them (Exodus 14:19-20). And it is the Messiah who will protect us and lead us into the Kingdom of Yahuah during these last 40 seasons .
So dear believers in the Messiah, take heed to the warnings given by the Apostle Paul in Hebrews 3:7-19; 4:1-11 where we read, "But with whom was he grieved forty years? Was it not with them that had sinned, whose carcases fell in the wilderness? And to whom sware he that they should not enter into his rest, but to them that believed not?"
These Last 40 Seasons will be a time of trial and tribulation. A time of the testing of our faith in Yahuah and in Yahuahshua. It will be a time that will challenge and test us Spiritually, Mentally, and Physically to our limits. Therefore, put on the full armour of Yahuah that you may be able to stand in the evil day and to stand against the wiles of the devil (Ephesians 6:10-17; Romans 13:11-14; 2Corinthians 6:4-10, 17-18). So that at the end of these 40 seasons, the Messiah will lead us into the Kingdom of Yahuah as Joshua also led the children of Israel into the Promised Land.
We have to begin to prepare to leave the cities before the 26th Season which will start in December of 2007. The recent outbreak of SARS in the Spring of 2003 is just a reminder how vulnerable we are in the cities. The World Health Organization (WHO) issued a global alert on SARS on March 12, 2003 just 7 days before the beginning of the Sacred New Year (not counting the Intercalary Day). The quarantine period for SARS is also 10 Days which is the number of judgement. The signs are all around us to get ready to leave the cities. The warning is given in Revelation 18:4 where we read, "Come out of her, my people, that you be not partakers of her sins, and that you receive not of her plagues."
Introduction:51.0) The Importance of the 2nd Month on the Sacred Calendar and the Last Days:To understand Time, we have to have Yahuah's Sacred Calendar and Yahuah's measurements of Time. Once we have the right Calendar, we still need to know how the knowledge of Yahuah's Word and Truth relates directly to His Calendar. For instance, once we have Yahuah's true name we can determine the numerical value of His name which is a key that opens our minds to understand Yahuah's plan of events in these Last Days. The numerical value of Yahuah's name is 26 and relates directly to His Sacred Calendar. The number 26 is Yahuah's stamp or seal of authority that it is His.
Review of Some of Yahuah's Measurements of Time:
1)Yahuah's Sacred Calendar:
1 Year = 12 Months = 52 Weeks = 364 Days (360 Days + 4 Intercalary Days).
1/2 Year = 6 Months = 26 Weeks = 7 Days X 26 Weeks = 182 Days.
7 Years = 84 Months = 364 Weeks = 7 Days X 364 Weeks = 2548 Days.
3 1/2 Years = 42 Months = 7 Weeks X 26 Weeks = 182 Weeks = 49 Days X 26 Weeks = 1274 Days (1260 Days + 14 Intercalary Days).
Conclusions from the Above Measurements of Time:
Note:1 Year = 364 Days. 7 Years = 364 Weeks.
1/2 Year = 182 Days. 3 1/2 Years = 182 Weeks.
1/2 Year = 7 Days X 26 Weeks. 3 1/2 Years = 7 Weeks X 26 Weeks.
3 1/2 Years = 49 Days X 26 Weeks.So what can we conclude from these numbers and what importance do they have? First, let's look at the Great Tribulation which is the Last 3 1/2 Years before the Messiah Returns. These Last 3 1/2 years are exactly 26 Jubilees of Days to the Messiah's Return! Counting from the 1st Day of the 1st Month to the Feast of Trumpets 3 1/2 years later. That last 26th Jubilee of Days is exactly on the Feast of Trumpets in the Fall of 2011 the very day on which the Messiah will Return! Even the Last 6 Months before he Returns is exactly 26 Weeks!
Two Types of Jubilee of Days:
There are two types of Jubilees of Days. Both are valid but used in different ways.
The First Type of Jubilees of Days is based on the weekly cycle. The Feast of Pentecost which is the 1st Jubilee of Days on the Sacred Calendar is an example of this first type. There are 7 Jubilees of Days + 21 Days in each 364 Day Year. The weekly cycle starts with the 1st Day of Creation in the 1st Week of the Year on the 1st Day of the Week (Sunday) which is also the 7th Jubilee of Days on the Sacred Calendar. This can get a little confusing. Keep in mind that the Sacred Calendar and the Weekly cycle are two seperate systems with different starting points but are still linked together. The Weekly cycle starts on the 1st Day of Creation (beginning at sunset Saturday night) while the Sacred Calendar starts on the 5th Day of Creation (beginning at sunset Wednesday night).
The Second Type of Jubilees of Days is based on the 1st Day of the Sacred Calendar Year (beginning at sunset Wednesday night). The Last 3 1/2 Years to the Messiah's Return is based on this type of Jubilees of Days.
The Concept of the Jubilee:
The mechanism of the Jubilee cycle is not 50 + 50 + 50 etc.. even though a Jubilee is a 50th! Rather it is 49 + 49 + 1 where the last Jubilee in the sequence has the 1 added to it to make 50. For example, 2 Jubilees = 49 + 49 + 1; where as 3 Jubilees =49 + 49 + 49 + 1. In addition, the 50th is also the 1st of the next Jubilee cycle. The same can be said for the number 22. The 22nd is equivalent to and synonymous to a Jubilee. Just as we have (7 X 7) + 1 = 50 where seven times seven (49) is complete and plus one makes the 50th a Jubilee. In the same way (3 X 7) + 1 = 22 where three times seven (21) is complete and plus one makes 22. This explanation is given to help you to understand when 22 is used in combination with the Jubilee cycle.
The Weekly cycle in the Sacred Calendar starts with the 1st Day of Creation which is also the 7th Jubilee of Days. From the 1st Day of Creation to the 18th Day of the 1st Month is 22 Days. From the 18th Day of the 1st Month to Pentecost is the 1st Jubilee of Days. Then the rest of the Jubilees of Days follow in sequence. So we have 21 + 49 + 49 + 49 + 49 + 49 + 49 + 49 = 364 Days per Year. Where the 1st of each cycle is also the 22nd or 50th of the previous cycle.
So what does this all mean? Well now we can start making sense of all the numbers and cycles related to the Sacred Calendar and Time. For example, the 6000 Years from Adam:
6000 divided by 7 is 5999 with a one as a remainder. That one remainder, the 6000th Year is the 22nd Year which is a type of Jubilee.6000 Years = 120 Jubilees (49 X 120 = 5880) + 120 Years
6000 Years = 98 Years + 120 Jubilees + 22 Years
Abel was murdered in the 99th Year ( a Jubilee Year) from Adam at age 22.In Conclusion:
Everything in Yahuah's Time frame points to the Messiah's Return. The Messiah will Return on the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011. 2011 is the 6000th Year from Adam and is the 22nd Year. The Last 6 Months to the Messiah's Return = 7 Days x 26 Weeks. The Last 3 1/2 Years to the Messiah's Return = 26 Jubilees of Days. The Last 7 Years to the Messiah's Return = 52 Jubilees of Days. Of the 40 Seasons before the Messiah's Return, 26 Seasons are complete just before the Great Tribulation.
Using the year as a template we have 52 Weeks in a Year. 26 Weeks = 1st 6 months which is symbolic of the first 6 Days of Creation. The 1st 6 Months also represents the Messiah's present name of Yahuahshua which means Yahuah the Father is our Salvation. The 6000 Years from Adam is the time of Salvation. But the 1st Day of the 7th Month, the Feast of Trumpets, is symbolic of Sabbath (the 7th Day) and the beginning of the 2nd 6 Months of the year which represents the Messiah's Future name of Yahuahtsadaq which means Yahuah the Father is Our Righteousness.
The Last 7 Years to the Messiah's Return is from the Feast of Trumpets September 16, 2004 to the Feast of Trumpets September 15, 2011. These Last 7 Years equals two 3 1/2 Year Periods. Each 3 1/2 Year Period consists of 26 Jubilees of Days. Which gives a total of 52 Jubilees of Days for the 7 Years.
Since the calendar is intercalated by 1 week every 5 or 6 years, there is a gap or space of 7 days between the 3 1/2 Year cycles. This gives the familiar 7 - 26 combo. So after 26 Jubilees of Days there is a 7 day space to seperate between the next 26 Jubilees of Days. Just as there is the combo of 7 Days X 26 Weeks = 6 Months; or 7 Weeks X 26 Weeks = 3 1/2 Years. This 7 Day gap is similar to the Intercalary Day that seperates the seasons. The 7 - 26 combo represents the Father whose name has the numerical value of 26 and the Messiah with whom we always associate the number 7 (whose two names have 7 Hebrew Letters).
In Mark 13:14 we are told that when you see the abomination of desolation, those that are still in Judea should flee to the mountains. The abomination of desolation starts with the Great Tribulation in Spring of 2008. In Mark 13:18 we are told that we should pray that our flight be not in the winter. The 26th Season starts on December 20, 2007 which begins the winter just before the Great Tribulation. So the warning is to be out of the cities before the winter of 2007. Hopefully we will leave the cities at latest by the Spring or Summer of 2007. Before the 2nd Temple was destroyed in 70CE, those living in Jerusalem were given ample warning to leave the city. The revolt of the Israelites against the Romans began in 66CE so the people had 4 years to leave. Just as we now too have 4 years to get ready to leave the cities.
Introduction:52.0) 70 YEARS from the Atlantic Charter in 1941 to the Messiah's Return in 2011:The Messiah gives us hints and clues in the New Testament and points us to the Old Testament as well concerning his 2nd Coming and the Events leading up to his Return. In Matthew 24:37 the Messiah says, "But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." So the Messiah basically tells us to read Genesis Chapters 7 and 8 where it talks about Noah to get clues about his 2nd Coming. Also the Messiah gives us the parable of the Wheat and the Tares in Matthew 13:1-58 where the Wheat Harvest is the end of the world. The end of the world in Noah's day began on the 10th Day of the 2nd Month when he and his family entered into the Ark just before the Flood. Also the beginning of the Wheat Harvest was in the 2nd Month. The Wheat Harvest marks the end of the world for our time. So the 2nd Month has important significance to the Last Days and the Messiah's 2nd Coming.
List of Events that occurred in the Bible in the 2nd Month:
1st Day - Num. 1:1 Moses - the people numbered (2nd year).
2nd Day - 1Ki. 6:1,37; 2Chr. 3:2 Solomon - Solomon begins to build 1st Temple (4th year).
10th Day - Gen. 7:4,10 Noah - Noah's family enter the ark (600th year).
14th Day - Num. 9:11 Moses - Second Passover (2nd year).
14th Day - 2Chr. 30:2-15 Hezekiah - Second Passover.
15th Day - Ex. 16:1 Moses - Israel in wilderness of Sin (1st year).
15th Day - 2Chr. 30:13 Hezekiah - Second Feast of Unleavened Bread.
16th Day - Ex. 16:13 Moses - Mana given in 1st year of 40 years in the wilderness.
17th Day - Gen. 7:11 Noah - waters of Flood start (600th year).
20th Day - Num. 10:11 Moses - Israel leaves wilderness of Sinai (2nd year).
21st Day - 2Chr. 30:21 Hezekiah - Second Feast of Unleavened Bread ends.
22nd Day - 2Chr. 30:23 Hezekiah - people celebrate an additional 7 days.
27th Day - Gen. 8:13 Noah - earth dried (601st year of Noah).
27th Day - Acts 1:3-11 Messiah - ascends up into heaven after 40 days.
28th Day - Hezekiah - celebration of 7 additional days ends.
------ Day - 1Ki. 6:1,37 Solomon - the month Zif (Zu).
------ Day - 1Chr. 27:4 David - 2nd course of servants, Dodai, Mikloth.
------ Day - Ezra 3:8 Zerubbabel - began the work on the 2nd Temple (2nd year - 537BCE).
What can we glean from the above Events in the 2nd Month:
At the time of the Flood, from the 1st Day of the 10th Month (Gen.8:5) to the 1st Day of the 1st Month (Gen.8:13) is the winter season. From Mark 13:18 and Matthew 24:20 we are told, "But pray you that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the Sabbath day." The 26th Season to the Messiah's return starts in the winter season on December 20, 2007 and ends in the Spring of 2008 when the Great Tribulation starts.
Noah enters the Ark on the 10th Day of the 2nd Month. The 10th Day of the 2nd Month is exactly 40 Days from the 1st Day of the Year. The 2nd Month is a mirror image of the 1st Month. As the Passover Lamb was chosen on the 10th Day of the 1st Month. So Noah and his Family were chosen on the 10th Day of the 2nd Month. Out of all mankind they were the only ones saved.
The Second Passover was on Friday the 14th Day of the 2nd Month. This is probably why the early Christians confused the Messiah's crucifixion being on Friday instead of the correct Wednesday on the 14th Day of the 1st Month.
The only record we have in scripture of the Second Feast of Unleavened Bread even being observed is by Hezekiah in 2Chronicles 30:1-27. This is very significant as it will help us to establish when the Sheaf Offering of the Wheat was observed. The Sheaf Offering of the Barley was observed on the 1st Day of the Week (Sunday) on the 18th Day of the 1st Month during the Feast of Unleavened Bread. The giving of the Mana (a type of Unleavened Bread) was on the 1st Day of the Week (Sunday) on the 16th Day of the 2nd Month during the Second Feast of Unleavened Bread. This would be the most logical time to observe the Sheaf Offering of the Wheat. If this is the case and I believe that it is, then the Wheat Harvest is exactly 22 Days long from the 16th Day of the 2nd Month to Pentecost on the 7th Day of the 3rd Month. The Grain Harvest is 50 Days long, which would make the Barley Harvest 28 Days long and the Wheat Harvest 22 Days long.
The waters of the Flood start on the 17th Day of the 2nd Month and last 40 days. The Messiah rose from the dead on the 17th Day of the 1st Month and was seen for 40 Days.
The Flood ends on the 27th Day of the 2nd Month when the earth is dried in the 601st Year of Noah. The Messiah ascends up into heaven on the 27th Day of the 2nd Month after having been seen for 40 Days after he rose from the dead.
Flood begins and ends in the 2nd Month.
The building of both the 1st and 2nd Temples began in the 2nd Month.
Note: The 1st, 8th, 15th, and 22nd Days of the 2nd Month are all on a regular Sabbath Day.
The Mana was given on the 16th Day of the 2nd Month in the 1st Year of the 40 years in the wilderness. The Mana ceased on the 16th Day of the 1st Month in the Promised Land in the 40th Year.
The entire 2nd Month is Grain Harvest and is perfectly split in half: From the 1st Day to the 15th Day of the 2nd Month is Barley Harvest (15 Days) and from the 16th Day to the 30th Day of the 2nd Month is Wheat Harvest (15 Days). The Barley Harvest starts with the Sheaf Offering of the Barley on the 18th Day of the 1st Month and ends on the 15th Day of the 2nd Month for a total of 28 Days of harvest. The Wheat Harvest starts with the Sheaf Offering of the Wheat on the 16th Day of the 2nd Month and ends on the Feast of Pentecost on the 7th Day of the 3rd Month for a total of 22 Days of harvest.
In Conclusion:
From Matthew 13:25 it is clear that the Messiah is talking about the Wheat Harvest in his parable about the Wheat and the Tares. From Matthew 13:39 it is also clear that the Wheat Harvest is the End of the World. Now that we know that the Wheat Harvest is 22 Days Long, we can directly relate these Last 22 Years to the Wheat Harvest as well. So these Last 22 Years is the Wheat Harvest! Keep in mind that the 22nd Day of the Wheat Harvest is the Feast of Pentecost. The offering on the Day of Pentecost was two loaves of bread. And the Messiah is the Bread of Life. Through the Messiah we have life. So which do you prefer to be harvested as, wheat which gives life or as tares of evil which will be burned with everlasting fire. Get ready for the harvest! The choice is yours!
Introduction:The Atlantic Charter of 1941 is the most important agreement of the Last Days. This Charter is the corner stone of the New World Order. It paves the way for all the events during the 70 YEARS prior to the Messiah's Return in 2011.
The Atlantic Charter of 1941:
The Atlantic Charter was the product of the Atlantic Conference, which was an historic meeting between President Franklin D. Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill.
The Meeting began on August 12,1941, in great secrecy aboard the U.S. heavy cruiser U.S.S. Augusta and the British battle cruiser H.M.S. Prince of Wales, the two leaders and their staffs discussed the general strategy of the war against the Axis Powers of World War II. The location for the Meeting was just off the coast from Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada. The major public outcome of the Atlantic Conference was the Atlantic Charter, issued by President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill on August 14,1941. The Atlantic Charter formed the basis of the United Nations Charter!
At the time, Great Britain was an Empire and was reluctant to sign this agreement which would mean the end of its Empire. But facing annihilation by the Nazis, Britain agreed.
The Charter is a one page document with 8 articles. All 8 articles form the basis of the New World Order. However, it is article #3 that nations pointed to, to claim the right for independence and reads, "Third, they respect the right of all peoples to choose the form of government under which they will live; and they wish to see sovereign rights and self government restored to those who have been forcibly deprived of them."
The Events before the Messiah's Return:
Since 1941 we have seen the formation of the United Nations in 1945. We have seen the formation of many global organizations that now govern the world. These are all in preparation for the Great Tribulation when the 1st Beast of Revelation Chapter 13 will rule the World for 3 1/2 Years immediately before the Messiah Returns. The fact that it is exactly 70 years from 1941 to the Messiah's Return in 2011 is also significant. The number 70 in the Bible is a number of JUDGEMENT and COMPLETION. 70 = 7 x 10 where the number 7 always relates to the Messiah and is a number of COMPLETION; and the number 10 is the number of JUDGEMENT. When the Messiah Returns in 2011, he will JUDGE THE WORLD!
The number 70 also strikes a chord with the 70 Weeks Prophecy of Daniel 9:24-27. This prophecy in Daniel talks about the Messiah's Return and the Abomination of Desolation that will happen during the Great Tribulation just before His 2nd Coming.
The signs are all around us. What will it take to wake people up! The earth is being destroyed at an alarming rate as never in the history of the world. These are all signs of the Last Days before the Messiah's Return. Yahuah in His great mercy has shortened the days. For if he didn't shorten the days, there should no flesh be left. It is Satan, who for the lust of POWER is actually destroying this earth. It is Yahuah who will save this earth from destruction by His beloved son Yahuahshua the Messiah at His 2nd Coming. The Messiah will restore the earth and will rule over it for 1000 Years. During this 7th Millennium, the earth will be at peace and at rest, because Satan will be bound and will be unable to influence the world for these 1000 Years .
So come Yahuahshua! The sooner the better!
Praise be to Yahuah for His Great Love and Mercy!
HalleluYah! Hallelu Yahuah abinu!
INDEX OF TOPICS:53.0) Halley's Comet (Signs in the Stars) and the Messiah's 2nd Coming:
Halley's Comet ushered in the Messiah's birth in 12 BCE at his 1st Coming. The Messiah was born on the Day of Atonement on September 25, 12 BCE. Halley's Comet would have been visible to the naked eye prior to the Messiah's birth and Halley's Comet was at Perihelion on October 5, 12 BCE.54.0) Numerical Value of the Messiah's Two Names Related to His 2nd Coming:Halley's Comet was also a portend to the destruction of the 2nd Temple. Halley's Comet was at Perihelion on January 26, 66 CE. The rebellion against Roman Rule began by the Israelites in 66 CE. The 2nd Temple was destroyed in 70 CE.
Halley's Comet was a portend to World War 1. Halley's Comet was at Perihelion on April 20, 1910. World War 1 began on June 28, 1914.
The Messiah's 2nd Coming:
Halley's Comet is now a portend to the Messiah's 2nd Coming in our time. Halley's Comet's first closest approach to earth was on November 27, 1985 but was visible to the naked eye prior to that time. Halley's Comet was at Perihelion on February 9, 1986 and it's 2nd closest approach to the earth was on April 11, 1986. The importance of these dates is as follows:
1) From the Fall of 1985 to the Fall of 2011 when the Messiah Returns is 26 Years! The number 26 is the numerical value of the name of Yahuah. The Messiah carries the fulness of His Father's name in His present name of Yahuahshua and in His future name of Yahuahtsadaq.
2) From the Spring of 1986 to the Spring of 2008 is 22 Years. Spring of 2008 begins the 3 1/2 Years Great Tribulation. The number 22 relates to the Messiah and is a number of completion.
3) From the Spring of 1986 to the Spring of 2012 is 26 Years. The Spring of 2012 marks the end of the 6000 Years from Adam and the beginning of the 7th Millennium. The 7th Millennium is the time that the Messiah will rule the world for 1000 Years during which time Satan will be bound and no longer able to deceive the nations.
We are now in the year 2003, just 4 1/2 years before the Great Tribulation starts. In scripture, we are told that these last days will be a time of perplexity. As we read in Luke 21:25-28, "And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draws nigh."
Just how close is it you may wonder. Well, just this year, we have been hit with SARS, the West Nile Virus and Mad Cow's disease. Not to mention the devastating forest fires around the world, and the heat waves that have scorched Europe and other parts of the earth. Now to add to that, on August 14, 2003 at 4:11PM (ET) Ontario, Canada and seven States in the U.S. had the worst power blackout in North American history. This blackout is affecting over 50 Million people, has shut down 100 power plants including 22 nuclear ones in just 9 seconds! In his address to the nation, U.S. President George W. Bush said that this is a Wake Up Call! Are you still asleep or are you going to wake up and get ready for the Messiah's Return?
Introduction:55.0) Scriptures related to the Last Days and the Messiah's Return:In the Hebrew language the letters that make up the Messiah's two Hebrew names have numerical values. The numerical totals for each name can then be broken down into combinations of unique perfect Biblical numbers. These unique Biblical numbers can in turn be related to the true Biblical Sacred Calendar and the Messiah's 2nd Coming.
The Messiah's Present Name of Yahuahshua:
The Messiah's present name of Yahuahshua is made up of 7 Hebrew letters. Hebrew is read from right to left and the Messiah's present name is written as Yod, He, Vav, He, Shin, Vav, Aiyn where the numerical values are: Yod=10, He=5, Vav=6, He=5, Shin=300, Vav=6, Aiyn=70 which gives a TOTAL of 402. Now at first glance, the Total of 402 doesn't seem to be significant at all. However, once broken down into the different possible combinations that make up the number 402 we see unique Biblical numbers. 402 = 350 + 52. 402 = (3.5 x 10 x 10) + (26 +26). 402 = (7 x 50) + 52. Keep in mind the significance of these perfect numbers. 26 = Numerical Value of the Father's Name of Yahuah. 10 = Number of Judgement. 52 = Number of Weeks in the Year. 3.5 = 1/2 of 7: Messiah crucified in the middle of the week; Messiah will Return immediately after the 3 1/2 Years Great Tribulation. 7 = Number of completion and always relates to the Messiah. 50 = one Jubilee.
So how do these numbers relate to the Sacred Calendar and the Messiah's 2nd Coming? We know that the Messiah will Return on September 15, 2011 on the Feast of Trumpets which is the 1st Day of the 7th Month. The year 2011 is the 22nd Year of the Jubilee Count. The number 22 is a number of completion; 2011 is the 6000th Year from Adam where 6000 = 120 x 50 (where 120 is the life span limitation for man from Genesis 6:3) making 2011 a type of Jubilee Year.
Keep in mind that when the Messiah Returns, he will be coming as the Lion of Yahudah as King of Kings to Rule the World and will be using his future name of Yahuahtsadaq (Yahuah is Righteous). He will only use his present name of Yahuahshua (Yahuah is Salvation) as the Lamb of Yahuah sacrificed for our sins, up to the point of his Return when the door of repentance will be closed to man . The Messiah will only use his name of Yahuahshua up to the end of the 3 1/2 Years Great Tribulation which is indicated by the number 3 1/2 in the combination of his present name and is a portend of the judgement to come by the number 10 and sealed by the authority of Yahuah the Father by the number 26 (402=(3.5 x 10 x 10) + 26 + 26). The fact that the number 26 appears twice could indicate the Messiah's two names, each of which carries the Father's full name of Yahuah. The 1st name of Yahuahshua being superseded by the 2nd, namely Yahuahtsadaq when he Returns. In addition, the 1st number 26 could indicate the first 6 months (26 weeks) of the year during which time the Messiah using his present name of Yahuahshua had completed the feasts of Passover, Unleavened Bread, and Pentecost. While the 2nd number 26 could indicate the second 6 months (26 weeks) of the year (starting with the Feast of Trumpets) when the Messiah Returns using his future name of Yahuahtsadaq and will complete the Feast of Trumpets, Day of Atonement, Feast of Tabernacles, and the Last Great Day.
The Messiah's Future Name of Yahuahtsadaq:
The Messiah's future Hebrew name of Yahuahtsadaq has 7 Hebrew letters. The Messiah's future name is written as Yod, He, Vav, He, Tsaddi, Daleth, Qoph where the numerical values are: Yod=10, He=5, Vav=6, He=5, Tsaddi=90, Daleth=4, Qoph=100 which gives a TOTAL of 220. With the different possible combinations that make up the number 220 we see unique Biblical numbers. 220 = 144 + 50 + 26. 220 = 22 x 10. 220 = 120 + (10 x 10). The significance of these perfect numbers are: 144 = Represents the 144,000 Righteous from the 12 Tribes of Israel that will Return with the Messiah (Rev.14:1); see Psalm 119:137-144 which represents the Hebrew Letter Tsaddi which stands for Righteousness. 50 =one Jubilee. 26 = Numerical value of Yahuah's name. 22 = Represents the Messiah, the Letters of the Hebrew Alphabet, and the 22nd Year of Jubilee Count in 2011 which is the 6000th year from Adam. 10 = Judgement.120 = Limit of Life Span of Man.
When the Messiah Returns on the Feast of Trumpets in 2011, he will be coming using his future name of Yahuahtsadaq. The name Yahuahtsadaq has the total numerical value of 220. If you count 220 Days (not counting intercalary days) from the 1st Day of the 1st Month (beginning of the year) you will end up on the 10th Day of the 8th Month. From the 1st Day of the 7th Month when the Messiah Returns to the 10th Day of the 8th Month is exactly 40 Days! From scripture we know that 40 is a number of cleansing. So this could indicate the length of time that the Messiah will use to conquer the world after he Returns or to cleanse it.
Also, there are only four surviving names for the months of the original Biblical Sacred Solar Calendar in the Bible. And these are namely for the 1st Month = Abib (Deut. 16:1)(Babylonian Name = Nisan), 2nd Month = Zu (Zif in King James Bible, 1Kings 6:1)(Babylonian Name = Iyyar), 7th Month = Atanim (Ethanim in King James Bible, 1Kings 8:2)(Babylonian Name = Tishri), and 8th Month = Bul (1Kings 6:38)(Babylonian Name = Marchesvan). Note: the 8th Month name of Bul (Beth, Vav, Lamed) comes from the root word "Yabal" which is also the same root word for the word "Yubal = Jubilee".
The 1st and 2nd Months are reciprocal and so are the 7th and 8th months. This is based on the fact that the 1st and 7th Months are identical and so are the 2nd and 8th Months. Also the events in the 1st Month are parallel to those in the 7th Month (eg. Passover Lamb selected on 10th Day of 1st Month verses Day of Atonement on 10th Day of 7th Month; Feast of Unleavened Bread verses Feast of Tabernacles etc.). For example, if Passover which is normally kept on the 14th of 1st Month could not be kept at its appointed time then it was kept on the 14th of 2nd Month. The same could be true for the 10th of 7th Month (Day of Atonement) and the 10th Day of 8th Month which could also be reciprocal. So it is possible that the Messiah could Judge the World on the 10th Day of the 8th Month which is reciprocal of the Day of Atonement. Or these 40 Days from the 1st Day of the 7th Month to the 10th Day of the 8th Month could be a time of cleansing before the Messiah establishes his Father's Kingdom on this earth. The Jubilee Year was celebrated on the Day of Atonement. However, since the 8th Month carries the meaning of Jubilee it could be that the Messiah will actually celebrate the year 2011 as a Jubilee Year in the 8th Month instead of the 7th Month.
The Messiah's two names in 2011 can also be viewed as being weighed on the Scales of Justice. With Yahuahshua (Yahuah is Salvation) which carries the Father's name (Yahuah = 26) on one scale of the 1st six months (26 weeks) verses Yahuahtsadaq (Yahuah is Righteous) which also carries the Father's name (Yahuah = 26) on the other scale of the 2nd six months (26 weeks) starting with the Feast of Trumpets at his Return.
This does give us more knowledge and understanding regarding the Messiah's 2nd Coming. But as Paul says in 1Corinthians 13:9-10, "For we know in part, and we prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away." As we prepare for the Messiah's Return, we glean from all sources to help us to understand what is coming. We rejoice with every bit of new information that Yahuah quickens to us.
The 1st Seal of Revelation 6:1-2 was open in 1990. The 1st Seal unleashed the rider on the White Horse who went forth conquering, and to conquer. The year 1990 was the 1st Year of these Last 22 years.
The 2nd Seal of Revelation 6:3-4 was open on September 11, 2001. The 2nd Seal unleashed the rider on the Red Horse to take peace from the earth. The year 2001 was the 12th Year of these Last 22 years.
The 3rd Seal of Revelation 6:5-6 will be open sometime between 2004 and Spring of 2008, most likely in 2007. The 3rd Seal will unleash the rider on the Black Horse which will cause food to be so scarce that the food will have to be rationed and will be very expensive. The year 2007 will be the 18th Year of these Last 22 years.
The 4th and 5th Seals of Revelation 6:7-11 will be open during the 3 1/2 Years Great Tribulation from the Spring of 2008 to Fall of 2011. The 4th Seal will unleash the rider on the Pale Horse. The rider on the Pale Horse is Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given to him over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth. The 5th Seal shows the souls of the those that were slain for the word of Yahuah, and for the testimony which they held. Their fellow brethren killed as they were is fulfilled. The years 2008 to 2011 will be the 19th to 22nd Years of these Last 22 years.
The 6th Seal of Revelation 6:12-17 will be open on September 15, 2011 on the Feast of Trumpets in 2011 when the Messiah Returns. The year 2011 will be the 22nd Year of these Last 22 years.
As you can appreciate, we now have less than 8 years to go to the Messiah's Return. All the knowledge in the world by itself will not save us. Yahuah is our salvation through His beloved Son Yahuahshua and by His Holy Spirit. Yahuah quickens us by His Holy Spirit to understand all truth. Yahuah will not abandon us. He stretches out His loving arms toward us daily so we can seek Him with all our being. He commands us to repent and to forsake the evil of this world. His Word, His knowledge and understanding is a comfort to us that we may worship Him in Spirit and in truth.
Introduction:56.0) Flight of Believers in the Winter of 2008, During the Great Tribulation:The purpose of this study is to collect as many scriptures as possible that relate to these Last Days and the Messiah's Return. There are four main groupings, namely:
1) The Great Tribulation
2) The Messiah Returns
3) The Millennium
4) After the MillenniumNote: This list of scriptures is not complete but it is an attempt to start to collect them together.
1) The Great Tribulation:
Old Testament:
Jeremiah 21:3-10; 30:4-9,23-24; 38:2-3.
Ezekiel 7:1-27.
Daniel 7:2-7,8,17,19,20,21,23-25; 12:1-13.
Malachi 4:5-6.New Testament:
Matthew 24:3-26,40-41.
Mark 13:4-23.
Luke 4:25; 17:20-37; 21:7-24.
Romans 11:2-4.
2Thessalonians 2:3-12.
2Timothy 3:1-13.
Revelation 3:10-11; 6:7-11; 7:1-17; 8:2-13; 9:1-21; 11:1-14; 12:1-17; 13:1-18; 15:1-8; 16:1-16; 17:1-13,15-18.
2) The Messiah Returns:
Old Testament:
Genesis 3:14-15.
Job 19:25.
Psalm 2:1-12.
Isaiah 2:1-5,10-22; 4:1-6; 13:3-22; 14:4-17; 16:1-5; 21:9; 24:1-23; 29:1-8.
Jeremiah 23:5,6; 25:29-38; 33:15-16.
Ezekiel chapters 36 to 48; 47:1-12.
Daniel 7:9-14,18,22,26-27.
Joel 1:1-20; 2:1-32; 3:1-21.
Amos 9:11.
Micah 4:1-13.
Zephaniah 1:2-18; 2:1-3.
Haggai 2:6-9.
Zechariah 13:1-9; 14:1-21.
Malachi 4:1-6.New Testament:
Matthew 13:24-50; 21:33-41; 22:2-14; 24:27-51; 25:1-46.
Mark 4:26-29; 12:1-9; 13:24-37.
Luke 12:35-48; 13:6-9; 14:16-24; 20:9-16; 21:25-36.
John 5:21-30; 6:39-40.
Acts 2:17-21; 10:42; 15:16; 17:31.
Romans 2:5-16.
1Corinthians 1:8; 4:5; 5:5; 15:20-25,51-52.
2Corinthians 1:14; 5:10.
Philippians 1:6,10.
Colossians 3:4.
1Thessalonians 1:10; 2:19; 3:13; 4:14-17; 5:1-10,23.
2Thessalonians 1:7-10; 2:1-17.
2Timothy 3:1-13; 4:1-8.
James 5:1-20.
2Peter 3:3-15.
1John 2:22,28; 3:2.
Jude 14-15,6-25.
Revelation 1:7; 2:7,11,17,26-28; 3:4-5,12,21; 5:10; 6:12-17; 10:1-11; 11:13-19; 14:1-20; 16:17-21; 17:14-18; 18:1-24; 19:1-21; 22:20-21.
3) The Millennium:
Old Testament:
Deuteronomy 28:1-14.
Isaiah 1:18-19,26-27; 2:1-5; 4:1-6; 11:1-16; 12:1-6; 14:1-8; 17:7-8; 18:7; 19:17-25; 24:14-23; 25:6-10; 26:1-19; 27:5-13; 28:5; 29:17-24; 31:4-9; 32:1-20; 33:5-24; 35:1-10; 40:15-31; 41:8-20; 42:8-16; 43:1-25; 44:1-27; 46:13; 49:8-13; 51:1; 54:7-14; 55:11-13; 60:1-22; 61:4-9; 62:1-12; 65:18-25; 66:1-14.
Jeremiah 15:21; 23:3-8; 24:6-7; 30:3,8-10; 31:1-14; 32:37-44; 33:6-9,12-18; 46:27-28.
Hosea 1:10-11; 2:14-23; 3:5; 6:1-3; 11:11.
Amos 9:11-15.
Obadiah 1:17-21.
Micah 4:1-7.
Habakkuk 2:14.
Zephaniah 3:12-20.
Zechariah 2:4-5; 8:3-8,12-13; 14:7-20.
New Testament:
Revelation 5:10; 8:1; 20:1-4,6.
4) After the Millennium:
Old Testament:
Isaiah 60:1-22; 65:17-25.
Daniel 7:9-12.New Testament:
2Peter 3:7-13.
Revelation 3:12; 20:5,7-15; 21:1-27; 22:1-19.
Introduction:From previous studies, we know that the Great Tribulation will start in the Spring of 2008 and will last for 3 1/2 Years up to the Fall of 2011 when the Messiah will Return. In Matthew 24:20-21 (also Mark 13:18-19) we read, "But pray you that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the Sabbath day; For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be." These scriptures refer to believers in the Last Days during the Great Tribulation. But the question is when will the believers flee? The answer can be found in understanding Yahuah's Sacred Calendar and the units of time related to it.
The Last 22 Years:
The Last 22 Years to the end of the 6000 Years from Adam runs from Spring of 1990 (which was a Jubilee Year) to the Spring of 2012. Spring of 2012 begins the 7th Millennium. This is one way to look at the Last 22 Years. Another way to view these Last 22 Years is to start from the Fall of 1989 to Fall of 2011 when the Messiah Returns. Both are valid and each can give us an insight into these Last Days. Since the Messiah's Return is the Major Event that all believers are longing for and waiting for, let us look more closely at this second way.
The Last 22 Years to the Messiah's Return:
Using the Messiah's Return in the Fall of 2011 as our reference point, we can count 22 Years backward and will come to the Fall of 1989. The significance of 1989 is that it was: 1) a 49th Year in the Jubilee count; 2) number 49 = 7 x 7 where the number 7 always refers to the Messiah as does the number 22; 3) in the Fall of 1989, on November 11, 1989 the Iron Curtain in Europe fell, which opened the door for the New World Order.
To give us a sense of time for these Last 22 Years, we have to consider different units of time. Besides the unit of Years, we also have to consider Months as well as Seasons. Let us plot out these Last 22 Years using units of Years, Months and Seasons to see if there are any unique and important Biblical numbers that exist and that we can identify. Let's look at all three units of time for significant years:
1) Fall 1989 to Fall 2011 = 22 Years = 264 Months = 88 Seasons (4 x 22). 1989 (49th Year). November 11, 1989 - Iron Curtain Falls in Europe.
2) Fall 1990 to Fall 2011 = 21 Years (3 x 7) = 252 Months = 84 Seasons. 1990 (1st Year)is the Last Jubilee Year from Adam; 1990 is also the 1st Year in the Last 22 Years to the end of the 6000 Years from Adam. Iraq invades Kuwaiton August 2, 1990 which sets the stage for the Gulf War. On September 11, 1990 then President George Bush uses the term New World Orderfor the first time in his speech to Congress.
3) Fall 1996 to Fall 2011 = 15 Years = 180 Months = 60 Seasons. 1996 (7th Year).
4) Fall 1998 to Fall 2011 = 13 Years = 156 Months = 52 Seasons. 1998 (9th Year).
5) Fall 1999 to Fall 2011 = 12 Years = 144 Months = 48 Seasons. 1999 (10th Year).
6) Fall 2000 to Fall 2011 = 11 Years = 132 Months = 44 Seasons. 2000 (11th Year). On September 28, 2000 Ariel Sharon of Israel goes onto the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.
7) Fall 2001 to Fall 2011 = 10 Years = 120 Months = 40 Seasons. 2001 (12th Year). On September 11, 2001 the World Trade Center Towers in New York City are destroyed.
8) Fall 2004 to Fall 2011 = 7 Years = 84 Months = 28 Seasons. 2004 (15th Year). Fall 2004 starts the last 7 Years to the Messiah's Return. U.S. Presidential Election in the Fall of 2004.
9) Spring 2008 to Fall 2011 = 3 1/2 Years = 42 Months = 14 Seasons. 2008 (19th Year). Great Tribulation starts in the Spring of 2008.
10) Fall 2011 the Messiah Returns. 2011 (22nd Year).
Some of the Years from above that stand out:
A) Fall 1989 to Fall 2011 = 22 Years = 88 Seasons (4 x 22) = 4 Blocks of 22 Seasons. 1989 (49th Year). Iron Curtain Falls. The 1st Seal of Revelation 6:1-2 opened, either with the Fall of the Iron Curtain in 1989 or with the attack on Kuwait by Iraq in 1990. The White Horse rides conquering, and to conquer.B) Fall 1999 to Fall 2011 = 12 Years = 144 Months. 1999 (10th Year). The number 10 is the number of Judgement and is a foreshadow of what is to come.
C) Fall 2000 to Fall 2011 = 11 Years = 44 Seasons (2 x 22) = 2 Blocks of 22 Seasons. 2000 (11th Year). On September 28, 2000 Ariel Sharon goes onto the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. One half of the Last 22 Years is complete.
D) Fall 2001 to Fall 2011 = 10 Years = 120 Months = 40 Seasons. 2001 (12th Year). On September 11, 2001 the World Trade Center Towers in New York City are destroyed. The 2nd Seal of Revelation 6:4 is opened and the Red Horse rides taking peace from the earth (World Terrorism begins). Fall 2001 begins the Last 10 Years to the Messiah's Return and the Years of Judgement begins. The number 120 is the number of the lifespan of man (Genesis 6:3). The number 40 represents a generation (the Last Generation).
E) Fall 2004 to Fall 2011 = 7 Years = 28 Seasons. 2004 (15th Year). 2004 is the 1st of the Seven Tabernacle Years. The Last 7 Years to the Messiah's Return begins. U.S. Presidential Election in Fall 2004.
F) Spring 2008 to Fall 2011 = 3 1/2 Years = 42 Months = 14 Seasons. 2008 (19th Year). Great Tribulation begins in the Spring of 2008.
The 88 Seasons = 4 Blocks of 22 Seasons:
From Fall 1989 to Fall 2011 = 22 Years = 88 Seasons or 4 Blocks of 22 Seasons. 22 Seasons = 5 1/2 Years. 44 Seasons = 11 Years. Plotted out, the 4 Blocks of 22 Seasons looks like this:
1) 1st Block of 22 Seasons = Fall 1989 to Spring 1995.
2) 2nd Block of 22 Seasons = Spring 1995 to Fall 2000.
3) 3rd Block of 22 Seasons = Fall 2000 to Spring 2006.
4) 4th Block of 22 Seasons = Spring 2006 to Fall 2011.So how does this relate to scripture and Bible prophecy you may ask. Well, consider that in Matthew 24:20 (also Mark 13:18) we are told to pray that our flight be not in the winter. Winter is a Season! So to figure out what winter Season it could be, we have to think and calculate using the Season Unit of Time. Consider also that the Winter Season that we are interested in will take place during the 3 1/2 Years Great Tribulation sometime between Spring of 2008 to Fall of 2011. So there are only three possible years, namely 2008, 2009, or 2010. Now consider also that perfect sacred numbers that relate to the Messiah like 7 and 22 are split. For example, the Great Tribulation is one half of 7 to give 3 1/2 Years. The Year 2000 is also the 11th Year and from Fall 2000 to Fall 2011 is one half of the Last 22 Years. In the same manner, if you take the 4th (the last) Block of 22 Seasons which runs from Spring 2006 to Fall 2011 and split it into two halves of 11 Seasons, it looks like this:
A) 1st half of 4th Block of 22 Seasons = Spring 2006 to Winter 2008 = 11 Seasons.
B) 2nd half of 4th Block of 22 Seasons = Winter 2008 to Fall 2011 = 11 Seasons.
Note that the Winter of 2008 is the first Winter of the Great Tribulation! Winter 2008 starts on the 1st Day of the 10th Month which is December 18, 2008 (Thursday). The 1st Sabbath of the Winter of 2008 is on December 20, 2008. The Winter Season in 2008 will run from the 1st Day of the 10th Month (December 18, 2008) to the 30th Day of the 12th Month (March 17, 2009).
Considering the information above about the Sacred Calendar, as believers, our Flight during the Great Tribulation could be the very first Sabbath in the Winter of 2008 on Sabbath December 20, 2008. Note also that from the beginning of the Great Tribulation in the Spring of 2008 (1st Day of 1st Month) to the start of the Winter of 2008 (1st Day of the 10th Month) is exactly 9 Months. 9 Months is the time span for human gestation. 9 Months is the average time for a woman to give birth to a child. At the time of birth the woman will have birth pains. In 1Thessalonians 5:1-6 we read, "But of the times and seasons, brethren, you have no need that I write unto you. For yourselves know perfectly that the day of Yahuah so comes as a thief in the night. For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction comes upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. But you brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief."
Yahuah in His great love and mercy will not keep us in darkness but asks all to repent and to turn to Him with all our heart. He will help us and protect us from the evil that is coming upon the whole world. Yahuah is our refuge and salvation through His beloved Son Yahuahshua. Seek Him early while He may still be found and that He may help you to get ready for what is shortly coming to pass.
INDEX OF TOPICS:57.0) The 70th Week of Daniel 9:24-27 is the 7 Years before the Messiah Returns:
Introduction:The Book of Daniel has been sealed until now. But we are now in the time of the end and Yahuah in His great mercy has opened to us the Book of Daniel in these Last Days.
The 70th Week of Daniel 9:24-27:
From Daniel 9:24 we know that the Messiah will Return immediately after the 70th Week. Daniel 9:24 talks about the Messiah's Return when the Messiah will bring in everlasting Righteousness.
From previous studies, we know that the Messiah will Return on the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011. So to determine when the 70th Week will begin, we just have to count back 7 Years which leads us to the Feast of Trumpets on September 16, 2004.
The 70th Week of Daniel 9:24-27 confirmed by the New Testament:
Matthew 24:15-29; Mark 13:14-24; and Luke 21:20-36 refers to Daniel 9:27. Matthew, Mark and Luke make it clear that the Abomination of Desolation spoken of by Daniel 9:27 will happen during the 3 1/2 Years Great Tribulation immediately before the Messiah's Return. The 3 1/2 Years Great Tribulation will be the 2nd half of this 7 Year period (70th Week) immediately before the Messiah's Return.
More clarity from the Septuagint (LXX):
The Septuagint is the Old Testament in Greek and was written about 300BCE which makes it about 1000 years older than the Hebrew Masoretic Text of the Old Testament. In many ways the Septuagint is clearer for Daniel 9:24-27. The following is taken from the Septuagint by Sir Launcelot Lee Brenton which is based on the Codex Vaticanus 1209 with missing sections supplemented by the Codex Alexandrinus:
Daniel 9:24 "Seventy weeks have been determined upon thy people, and upon the holy city, for sin to be ended, and to seal up transgressions, and to blot out the iniquities, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal the vision and the prophet, and to anoint the Most Holy."
9:25 "And thou shalt know and understand, that from the going forth of the command for the answer and for the building of Jerusalem until the Messiah the prince there shall be seven weeks, and sixty-two weeks: and then the time shall return, and the street shall be built, and the wall, and the times shall be exhausted."
9:26 "And after the sixty-two weeks, the anointed one shall be destroyed, and there is no judgement in him: and he shall destroy the city and the sanctuary with the prince that is coming: they shall be cut off with a flood, and to the end of the war which is rapidly completed he shall appoint the city to desolations."
9:27 "And one week shall establish the covenant with many: and in the midst of the week my sacrifice and drink-offering shall be taken away: and on the temple shall be the abomination of desolations; and at the end of the time an end shall be put to the desolation."
The temple in Daniel 9:27 refers to the temple or temple mount (holy place) in Jerusalem.
Jerusalem and the Temple Mount are like a thermometer, warning the whole world of events that are soon coming:
On Wednesday February 11, 2004 at 10:15AM there was an earthquake that rocked most of Israel and was felt from the north to the northern Negev. Cracks were reported to have formed in some buildings, including the Knesset. The epicenter of the earthquake was in the northern part of the Dead Sea and measured 5.0 on the Richter scale. The shaking of the earth was felt in Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and even in Egypt. This earthquake by itself would not be anything special. However, since it happened on the 26th Day of the 11th Month (February 11, 2004) it is significant. Wednesday is the 4th Day of the week and relates to the Messiah. The number 26 is the numerical value of the name of Yahuah.
On Sabbath February 14, 2004 (Valentine's Day) there was a very unusual and heavy snowfall in Jerusalem. This heavy snowfall caused a 10 meter wide section of the embankment near the Western Wall of the Temple Mount to collapse. The embankment, which leads to the Mughrabim Gate, one of the main entrances to the Temple Mount, runs between the prayer area in front of the Western Wall and the archaeological excavations at the foot of the wall, to the south of the prayer area. Pieces of the collapsed embankment slid into the women's section of the prayer area. A few months earlier, the western wall of the Temple Mount's Museum of Islam, which is also near the Wall, collapsed.
For the past two years, Antiquities Authority experts and a delegation from Jordan have been working to fix a growing bulge in the southern wall of the Temple Mount compound, a job that has still not been completed. Recently, the Jordanian Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs and Holy Places announced that it also intends to fix an older bulge in the compound's eastern wall. This bulge has been there for decades, but recently fears have grown that it is no longer stable.
What makes the snowfall special is that such a heavy snowfall only happens on the average of once every 7 Years. And from Spring 2003 to Spring 2004 is a 7th Year, a Sabbath Year, the 14th Year of the Jubilee Count.
Spring 2004 will start the 15th Year in the Jubilee Count which is also the first of the 7 Tabernacle Years. Fall 2004 will start the last 7 years before the Messiah's Return.
Conclusion:58.0) Time for the Sealing of Believers and the Mark of the Beast upon Unbelievers:The Feast of Trumpets on September 16, 2004 will begin the last 7 years (70th Week of Daniel) before the Messiah's Return. This Fall in 2004 will also be special in several other ways as well. In the Fall of 2004 both the Sacred Calendar and the Jewish Calendar line-up so most people in the world who keep the Feast Days will keep them at the same time. Also Christmas Day, December 25 will be on Sabbath on the 10th Day of the 10th Month. The significance of this is that the siege of Jerusalem in 588BCE began on the 10th Day of the 10th Month which signifies JUDGEMENT! The siege ended on the 10th Day of the 5th Month in 586BCE with the Destruction of the 1st Temple. The U.S. Presidential Elections will also take place in the Fall of 2004. So this should be an interesting year.
Introduction:As we as believers draw closer to the Great Tribulation the one event that concerns us most is the Mark of the Beast. Those that accept the Mark of the Beast will not be able to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. So we have to have some idea when the Mark of the Beast will be issued. We should also be quite clear as to the consequences of taking the Mark of the Beast. When the Great Tribulation comes, all the people in the entire world will have to make a fatal choice: either take the Mark of the Beast or be sealed with the seal of Yahuah, there will be no other choices available to man. For if we take the Mark of the Beast, we will not be sealed with the seal of Yahuah. Revelation 18:4, "And I heard another voice from heaven saying, Come out of her my people, that you be not partakers of her sins, and that you receive not of her plagues."
The Righteous (Believers) and the Number 144:
In the Hebrew, the word Tsadaq (Tsaddi, Daleth, Qoph) means Righteous or Righteousness. The Messiah's future name, the name with which he will return is YAHUAHTSADAQ. The numerical value of the Hebrew word Tsadaq is Tsaddi=90, Daleth=4, Qoph=100 for a total of 194 = 144 + 50. The number 144 is an integral part of Biblical prophecy and time. Man was created on the 6th Day of the Week, where 6 Days x 24 Hours = 144 Hours. In scripture, 1 Day = 1000 Years, so the time of man is 6 Days x 1000 Years = 6000 Years. Spring 2012 marks the end of the that 6000 Years. Also, 1 Day = 24 Hours x 60 Minutes = 1440 Minutes = 10 x 144 Minutes. Also, 4 Years = 4 x 360 Days (not counting the Intercalary Days) = 1440 Days = 10 x 144 Days. Psalm 119 is acrostic which means that it is made up of 176 verses, which breaks down into 22 blocks of 8 verses each, each block of 8 verses starts with one of the 22 Letters of the Hebrew Alphabet in sequence. For instance, verses 1 to 8 all start with the Hebrew Letter Aleph. Verses 9 to 16 start with the Hebrew Letter Beth, etc. Note that verses 137 to 144 all start with the Hebrew Letter Tsaddi!
Time for the Sealing of Believers and the Mark of the Beast upon Unbelievers:
From previous studies, we know that the Great Tribulation will start in the Spring of 2008 and will end 3 1/2 Years later in the Fall of 2011 when the Messiah will Return. But when will the Sealing and the Marking take place? The answer is during the first 9 Months of the Great Tribulation. (see Topic #56 above for more details). The beginning of the 10th Month in 2008 begins the Winter when the believers will flee. And why will the believers flee? Because the believers will refuse to take the Mark of the Beast! So from March 20, 2008 (the 1st Day of the Sacred Year in 2008) to December 16, 2008 (the 30th Day of the 9th Month in 2008) the Believers will be sealed with the Messiah's future name of YAHUAHTSADAQ which is also the future name of New Jerusalem (Jeremiah 23:6; Jeremiah 33:16; Revelation 3:12; Revelation 14:1; Revelation 7:1-17; Revelation 22:4). The Unbelievers will will be marked with the Mark of the Beast during the same first 9 months of the Great Tribulation.
The 4 Years from the beginning of the Great Tribulation in the Spring of 2008 to the Spring of 2012 will be a true time of Righteousness. A time of trial and testing of the Righteous during the first 3 1/2 Years of the Great Tribulation and the setting up of Yahuah's Kingdom on earth by His son Yahuahtsadaq during the last 6 months. 4 Years = 4 Years x 360 Days (not counting the Intercalary Days) = 1440 Days = 10 x 144 Days. Where the number 10 denotes Judgement and the number 144 denotes Righteousness.
From Revelation 7:1-3 we know that the plagues and the wrath of Yahuah which are contained in the 7 Trumpets (Revelation 8:1 to 11:19) and the 7 Vials (Revelation 16:1-21) can not begin until the believers are sealed. The 7 Trumpets and the 7 Vials run parallel to each other and take place during the Great Tribulation and will not begin until the Unbelievers have also taken the Mark of the Beast (Revelation 16:2).
The first 9 Months of the Great Tribulation is an open window of opportunity for both believers and unbelievers to choose whether to take the Mark of the Beast or not. Believers will refuse to take the Mark of the Beast and will flee the Beast System.
Who will be Sealed with the Seal of Yahuah?:
There will be 144,000 believers from the 12 Tribes of blood-line Israel with 12,000 from each Tribe that will be sealed. In addition to this 144,000 there will be a great multitude of spiritual Israelites, which no man could number of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues which will also be sealed (Revelation 7:3-17). These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.
There are two ways in which we will be sealed. The first is with the Holy Spirit of Yahuah (Ephesians 1:13; Epesians 4:30). The second is with the future name of the Messiah which is YAHUAHTSADAQ (Revelation 14:1, Note: the King James Bible here is mistranslated. The oldest and most reliable Greek New Testament manuscripts read: "having his name (Messiah's name) and the name of his Father written on their foreheads". The Messiah's present name of YAHUAHSHUA and his future name of YAHUAHTSADAQ both carry the fullness of His Father's name of Yahuah.)
Before You is Life and Death: Choose which way you will go:
Which ever way we choose, whether we take the Mark of the Beast or are Sealed with the Seal of Yahuah: it will be a choice of Life or Death. Both choices carry benefits and consequences. If we choose to worship and obey Yahuah, we will suffer the wrath of the Beast. But on the other hand if we choose to worship and obey the Beast, we will suffer the wrath of Yahuah. With the Beast we will have temporary comforts but will suffer eternal damnation. With Yahuah we will have temporary suffering but will inherit Eternal Life. Let us take a closer look at the benefits and consequences of both of these choices.
Benefits of Choosing Yahuah:
From Revelation Chapters 2 and 3 we know that whoever overcomes:
1)Will eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of Yahuah.
2)Shall not be hurt of the second death (will not be thrown into the Lake of Fire).
3)Will be given to eat of the hidden manna, and will be given a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knows saving he that receives it.
4)Will be given power over the nations.
5)Shall be clothed in white raiment and his/her name will not be blotted out of the Book of Life, but the Messiah will confess his/her name before Yahuah and His angels.
6)Will be made a pillar in the temple of Yahuah, and he shall go no more out: and the Messiah will write upon him the name of Yahuah, and the name of the city of Yahuah, which is new Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from Yahuah: and the Messiah will write upon him his new name.
7)Will be granted to sit with the Messiah to sit with him in his throne, even as the Messiah also overcame, and is set down with his Father in his throne.
Revelation 21:1-27
1)Yahuah shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain; for the former things are passed away.
2)"He that overcomes shall inherit these things; and I will be his Elohim, and he shall be my son."Consequences of Choosing Yahuah:
1)Matthew 10:22-42, "And you shall be hated of all men for my name's sake; but he that endures unto the end shall be saved. But when they persecute you in this city, flee you into another; for truly I say unto you, you shall not have gone over the cities of Israel, till the Son of Man is come. And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul; but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven".
2)Matthew 24:8-9, "All these are the beginning of sorrows. Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you; and you shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.
3)Daniel 7:21, "I beheld, and the same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against them."
4)Revelation 6:9-11, "And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of Yahuah, and for the testimony which they held. And they cried with a loud voice saying, How long, O Yahuah, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth? And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellow servants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled."
5)Revelation 12:11-17, "And they overcame him (Satan) by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of Yahuah, and have the testimony of Yahuahshua the Messiah."
6)Revelation 13:15-18, "...and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. And he causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."
7)Revelation 20:4-6, "...I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Yahuahshua, and for the word of Yahuah, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with the Messiah a thousand years. But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection. Blessed and holy is he that has part in the first resurrection; on such the second death has no power, but they shall be priests of Yahuah and of the Messiah, and shall reign with him a thousand years."
Benefits of Choosing the Beast:
Revelation 13:1-18, Those that choose to worship the image of the Beast, to take the mark, or the name, or number of the name of the Beast will not be killed by the Beast. They will be able to buy and sell in the Beast System.
Consequences of Choosing the Beast:
1)Revelation 9:4-6, (5th Trumpet) "And it was commanded them that they should not hurtthe grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; butonly those men which have not the seal of Yahuah in their foreheads. And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he strikes a man. And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them."
2)Revelation 14:9-11, "...If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of Yahuah, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment ascends up for ever and ever; and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receives the mark of his name."
3)Revelation 16:2-21, (1st Vial) "...and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the Beast, and upon them which worshipped his image. (2nd & 3rd Vial)...For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and you have given them blood to drink; for they are worthy. (4th Vial) And men were scorched with great heat and blasphemed the name of Yahuah, which has power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory. (5th Vial) And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast; and his kingdom was full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues for pain. And blasphemed the Elohim of Heaven because of their pains and their sores, and repented not of their deeds."
4)Revelation 18:8, "Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is Yahuah Elohim who judges her."
5)Revelation 19:2-3, "For true and righteous are his judgements: for he has judged the great whore, which did corrupt the earth with her fornication, and has avenged the blood of his servants at her hand. And again they said, HalleluYah. And her smoke rose up for ever and ever."
6)Revelation 19:19-21, "And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army. And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone. And the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their flesh."
7)Revelation 21:8, "But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone: which is the second death."
The time is at hand. Let us take hold of righteousness and forsake the evil. Put on the whole armour of Yahuah.
Romans 13:11-12,14, "And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light. But put you on the master Yahuahshua the Messiah, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof."
2Corinthians 6:2-10, "For he says, I have heard you in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured you: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation. Giving no offence in any thing, that the ministry be not blamed: But in all things approving ourselves as the ministers of Yahuah, in much patience, in afflictions, in necessities, in distresses, in stripes, in imprisonments, in tumults, in labours, in watchings, in fastings; By pureness, by knowledge, by longsuffering, by kindness, by the Holy Spirit, by love unfeigned, By the word of truth, by the power of Yahuah, by the armour of righteousness on the right hand and on the left, By honour and dishonour, by evil report and good report: as deceivers, and yet true; As unknown, and yet well known; as dying, and behold, we live; as chastened, and not killed; As sorrowful, yet alway rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, and yet possessing all things."
Ephesians 6:10-17, "Finally, my brethren, be strong in Yahuah, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of Yahuah, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of Yahuah, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; And your feet shod with the preparation of the glad tidings of peace; Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith you shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of Yahuah."
Revelation 18:4, "Come out of her, my people, that you be not partakers of her sins, and that you receive not of her plagues."
INDEX OF TOPICS:59.0) When will we call upon the Messiah using his future name of YAHUAHTSADAQ:
This question must have come into the mind of almost every believer at one time or another. We know that the Messiah's present name is YAHUAHSHUA which means Yahuah is Salvation. We also know that the Messiah's future name when he returns will be YAHUAHTSADAQ which means Yahuah is Righteous. So when do we stop using his name of YAHUAHSHUA and begin to use his future name of YAHUAHTSADAQ? The answer is, sometime during the 3 1/2 Years Great Tribulation just before the Messiah's Return.60.0) The Time of Jacob's Trouble:At the present time, we are baptized in the name of YAHUAHSHUA and call upon Yahuah in the name of YAHUAHSHUA for the forgiveness of our sins. We also worship Yahuah and pray to Yahuah through His beloved son in the name of YAHUAHSHUA. At present we are also sealed with Yahuah's Holy Spirit. However, there are no scriptures in the Old or New Testaments that state that we are actually sealed in the name of YAHUAHSHUA.
Revelation 3:12 states that him that overcomes will have the name of New Jerusalem and the Messiah's new name written upon him. From Jeremiah 23:5,6 and Jeremiah 33:15,16 we know that the Messiah's new name and the name of New Jerusalem are one and the same name, and that name is the name YAHUAHTSADAQ. So the Messiah's future name of YAHUAHTSADAQ will be written upon the foreheads of those who overcome the world and the Beast system (the image, name, number and mark of the Beast). The Beast and Satan will make war with the saints who are sealed with the Messiah's future name and who keep Yahuah's laws and commandments (Revelation 12:17).
From Revelation 3:12; 7:1-17; 14:1 and 22:4 we know that 144,000 Israelites along with believers from all nations will be sealed in the forehead with the Messiah's future name of YAHUAHTSADAQ. This sealing with the Messiah's future name of YAHUAHTSADAQ will take place before the 7 Trumpets and 7 Vials can begin. So this sealing with the Messiah's future name of YAHUAHTSADAQ has to take place during the first 9 Months of the 3 1/2 Years Great Tribulation (see Topics #56 and #58 above).
Now the question comes to mind: Can we call upon the Messiah's present name of YAHUAHSHUA and at the same time be sealed with the Messiah's future name of YAHUAHTSADAQ? The answer is yes! The idea of sealing is to distinguish Yahuah's servants from those of Satan and the Beast. The High Priest of Yahuah had a gold plate on the front of his mitre which read, "Qodesh La Yahuah" which means "Holiness to Yahuah". This set him apart from the priests of Baal or any other pagan worshippers. The Kings of Israel also had signet rings with their name on the ring with which they sealed documents. This seal with the name of the King gave weight, power and authenticity to the document. In many cases, these sealed documents carried the power of life and death. For once the King sealed it, the document became law and carried the power and force to carry out the King's command. A modern day example of such authority is a person's signature. Today, if we sign a cheque, a will, a deed for land or a house, or any other legal document, it becomes law and carries the full weight of the law. So when we will be sealed with the Messiah's future name of YAHUAHTSADAQ, it will be a sign to the world and to the angels that we are Yahuah's servants. Once we are sealed with Yahuah's seal, we will be immune to the wrath of Yahuah and will have Yahuah's protection. Those that carry the Mark of the Beast will endure the full wrath of Yahuah.
At this point in time, to the best of our understanding, during the Great Tribulation we will be sealed with the Messiah's future name of YAHUAHTSADAQ but we will continue to pray in the Messiah's present name of YAHUAHSHUA. When the Messiah actually returns using his future name of YAHUAHTSADAQ, then we probably will be calling upon him using his future name. The two witnesses, Elijah (EliYahu) and Enoch (Hanuch) will be here for the full 3 1/2 Years Great Tribulation. When they come, hopefully they will enlighten us on how to more perfectly worship Yahuah our beloved Father in Heaven and our friend and master Yahuahshua.
There are so many theories and debates as to when the time of Jacob's Trouble will take place. The reference to Jacob's Trouble is in Jeremiah 30:7. The time of Jacob's Trouble will be a time of trouble that there will be none like it. And that time will be the 3 1/2 Years Great Tribulation just before the Messiah Returns! The name of the Patriarch Jacob was changed to the name Israel and hence through his 12 sons we get the 12 Tribes of Israel. Jeremiah 30:4 states very clearly that Jacob's Trouble will relate to Israel and Judah (Yahudah). The time of Jacob's Trouble will be during the full 3 1/2 Years Great Tribulation. There will be 144,000 from the 12 Tribes of Israel that will be sealed. In addition to this number, there will be a great multitude of spiritual Israelite believers from all nations that will be sealed. All the true believers of Yahuah that are sealed with the seal of Yahuah (sealed with the Messiah's future name of YAHUAHTSADAQ) will suffer persecution during the Great Tribulation, theTime of Jacob's Trouble.61.0) The Grain Harvest, Feast of Weeks, the Messiah and the Last Days:Revelation 7:13-14, "What are these which are arrayed in white robes? And whence came they? ... These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb."
Revelation 12:17, "And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of Yahuah, and have the testimony of Yahuahshua the Messiah."
Revelation 14:12-13, "Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of Yahuah, and the faith of Yahuahshua. ...Blessed are the dead which die in Yahuah, from henceforth: yea, says the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them."
Introduction:62.0)The Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) and the Last 7 Years:Fear and anxiety seem to be the norm for our time. And there is a reason for this. As a woman is in labour and the time of birth draws near, the more she is in pain. The contractions get closer and the pain intensifies accordingly. So it is in our time! The closer we get to the Messiah's Return, the harder the road and the sharper the pain. But when the child is born, there is great joy and the pain is forgotten. So it will be when the Messiah Returns. First comes the storm and then comes the calm.
Fear and anxiety is worse when we don't know what is happening or why. To find a solution to a problem, you first must know what the problem is. Then you can find the solution. What man has today is fear of the unknown. All man sees today is the turmoil, uncertainty and evil that is so much a part of our modern world. Man refuses to humble himself and to pray for the wisdom, understanding and knowledge to know what is going on in our world today and how to deal with the problems that are part of our daily lives. Satan has a lease on this world but his lease is coming to an end and he is quickly running out of time. Satan's rage will intensify the closer we get to the Messiah's Return. He will make war with those that obey Yahuah and who keep Yahuah's commandments. The Messiah said the righteous will have tribulation. But Yahuah will shorten the time for the elect's sake. It is a comfort to know that our troubles and tribulation are but for a moment and that through Yahuahshua, we have the hope of eternal life. Yahuah protects us and will give us the strength to deal with whatever comes.
That brings us to the question, how long before the Messiah Returns? This article is written to pull together information that will help us to understand when the Messiah will return. We are strengthened and comforted when we know what is going on and when.
The Messiah and the prophets have prophecied about the events that are happening now and will happen just before the Messiah Returns.
The Messiah has revealed to us in his parables things that have been hidden since the foundation of the world. A good example is the Parable of the Wheat and the Tares. In Matthew 13:24-30,35-43, the Messiah clearly states the field is the world; the good seed (Wheat) are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one; the enemy that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels. The Messiah compares the end of the world and his return to the Wheat Harvest. So we must glean and search the scriptures for information relating to the Wheat Harvest to help us to get a better understanding about the Messiah's Return.
The Wheat Harvest:
From Leviticus 23:9-21 we know that the grain harvest is in the Promised Land of Israel. The grain harvest consists of two parts. The 1st Part is the Barley Harvest and the 2nd Part is the Wheat Harvest.
The grain harvest begins with the Sheaf Offering of the Barley on the 18th Day of the 1st Month (Sunday). From the Sheaf Offering of the Barley to the end of Wheat Harvest is 50 Days. These 50 Days consist of the Barley and Wheat Harvests combined. The first 28 days is the Barley Harvest and the Last 22 Days is the Wheat Harvest. The 50th Day is the Day of Pentecost. The Feast of Pentecost is also called the Feast of Weeks. The Feast of Weeks consists of 7 complete Weeks. 4 Weeks for the Barley Harvest and 3 Weeks for the Wheat Harvest. The Day of Pentecost is not part of the 7 Weeks, it follows immediately after the 7th Week.
This pattern of 7 = 4 + 3 is also in the Messiah's two names. The Father's name of Yahuah = 4 Hebrew Letters in the 1st Part of the Messiah's two names. The Last or 2nd Part of the Messiah's two names = 3 Hebrew Letters (Shua = Salvation, and Tsadaq = Righteousness).
The Wheat Harvest begins on the 16th Day of the 2nd Month with the Sheaf Offering of the Wheat. From the 16th Day of the 2nd Month to the Day of Pentecost on the 7th Day of the 3rd Month is exactly 22 Days. The 22nd Day is the Feast of Pentecost (Sunday). The Day of Pentecost marks the end of Wheat Harvest.
The Last 22 Years:
From the Parable of the Wheat and the Tares, we know that the end of Wheat Harvest marks the end of the world and the Messiah's Return. The Wheat Harvest lasts 22 Days. These 22 Days symbolize the Last 22 Years.
In the Last Days, there are two ways to look at the Last 22 Years and both are valid. First, there are the Last 22 Years at the end of the 6000 Years from Adam, which starts in the Spring of 1990 and ends Spring 2012. Then begins the 7th Millennium. Second, there are the Last 22 Years to the Messiah's Return which starts in the Fall of 1989 and ends in the Fall of 2011.
The Last 7 Years to the Messiah's Return:
The Feast of Trumpets on September 16, 2004 is the first day of the Last 7 Years to the Messiah's Return. The Messiah will Return on the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011. The Last 3 1/2 Years of this 7 Year period is the Great Tribulation. This 7 Year period is also the 70th Week of Daniel 9:24-27. The last and 7th Week of the Feast of Weeks and the 70th Week of Daniel are one and the same.
Manna, Bread from Heaven:
In John 6:31-58 the Messiah says that he is the "Bread of Life". He said he is the Bread of Yahuah which comes down from Heaven and gives life unto the world. He also calls Manna, the Bread from Heaven.
There are 3 types of Bread in scripture and all three are related to the Messiah. The 3 types of Bread are Barley, Wheat, and Manna.
The Messiah rose from the dead on Sabbath on the 17th Day of the 1st Month. On the next day on the 18th Day of the 1st Month (Sunday),he was represented by the Sheaf Offering of the Barley, the firstfruit offering of the Barley which began the Barley Harvest. This was on the 4th day, in the middle of the 7 day Feast of Unleavened Bread. The Barley Harvest lasts 28 days. The grain harvest (Barley and Wheat) lasts 7 weeks ending with the Feast of Pentecost on the 50th Day.
The Sheaf Offering of the Wheat was on the 16th Day of the 2nd Month (Sunday) and began the Wheat Harvest. The Wheat Harvest lasted 22 Days and ended on the Feast of Pentecost the 50th Day. The Wheat also represented the Messiah.
There is a similarity between the 1st Passover on the 14th Day of the 1st Month and the 2nd Passover on the 14th Day of the 2nd Month. Both are preludes to a grain harvest, the first to Barley and the second to Wheat. The Messiah gave a Parable of the Marriage Feast of a King for his Son in Matthew 22:1-14. In this Parable, there are two invitations sent out bidding the guests to come to the marriage. They made light of the first invitation which represents the Messiah's 1st Passover and his 1st Coming when they crucified him. The second invitation represents the 2nd Passover and these Last 22 Years, in essence the Last Call before the Marriage Feast. The 2nd Passover was to be kept by those who were not able to keep the first one and shows Yahuah's great love and mercy for us. The 2nd invitation is immediate and sudden.
The Manna was given on the 16th Day of the 2nd Month just as the Sheaf Offering of the Wheat and the two are synonymous. The Manna represents the Messiah as the Bread from Heaven. Interestingly enough, there is a gap of 30 Days from the beginning of the Manna on the 16th Day of the 2nd Month in the 1st Year in the Wilderness to the 16th Day of the 1st Month which marked the end of the 40th Year in the Wilderness. This 30 Day gap represents the Barley Harvest. The interpretation here could be that Barley represents the flesh and the Wheat (Manna) represents the spirit. Barley grain is a coarse grain and is less desirable. Wheat grain on the other hand is a finer grain and most desirable. When the children of Israel came out of Egypt, they were coming out of paganism and sin. Even the Feast of Unleavened Bread is symbolic of getting rid of yeast from the bread, where yeast represents sin. The 40 years in the Wilderness was a time of cleansing where the old and unbelieving generation died in the wilderness but the young (unleavened) went into the Promised Land.
Confirmation that the Last 7 Years will be Special:
From personal observation the Last 7 Years to the Messiah's Return will be special. These Last 7 Years will begin with the Feast of Trumpets on September 16, 2004. Today is May 5, 2004.
Going over past receipts, I have noticed that the receipt for the first Ad that we put into a major local newspaper with the Messiah's Hebrew name of Yahuahshua (in Hebrew and English) was dated September 22, 1982. The actual Ad appeared on October 2, 1982, on Sabbath the 17th Day of the 7th Month during the Feast of Tabernacles. September 22, 1982 was on the 7th Day of the 7th Month in that year and on the 4th Day of the Week (Wednesday). The numbers 7 and 22 always relate to the Messiah, and the 4th Day of the Week as well. Note that September on the old Roman Calendar was the 7th Month. So with September 22, 1982 we have a 7 - 22 combo. That is about the same time that the spirit moved us to start to study the Sacred Calendar in depth.
From Fall 1982 to Fall 1989 equals 7 years. Fall 1989 was when the Iron Curtain fell in Europe. This paved the way for the New World Order. From Fall 1989 to Fall 2011 when the Messiah will Return is 22 Years exactly. So we have this 7 - 22 combo again. If you count 22 years from Fall 1982 you come to Fall 2004. From Fall 2004 to Fall 2011 is exactly 7 Years to the Messiah's Coming. So you have 22 - 7 combo in reverse. The study for the Sacred Calendar which started in Fall 1982 took 3 1/2 Years to complete or half of the 7 Years to Fall 1989. There is a similar pattern to the last 7 Years to the Messiah's Coming where the last 3 1/2 Years is the Great Tribulation.
These are indications to us as servants of Yahuah and disciples of Yahuahshua that it is not by our own righteousness or studying that we come to the knowledge of Yahuah. But rather we are in Yahuah's plan for our lives long before we know or even understand Yahuah's purpose for us and how we fit into His plans. Praise be to Yahuah for opening our hearts and minds to understand.
Double Confirmation of the Last Days and the Messiah indicated on the Sacred Calendar:
The Sacred Calendar has many hidden secrets in it that relate to our time and to the Messiah.
Let's check the Sacred Calendar and see what it has to say about the Wheat Harvest which is synonymous with End of the World and the Messiah's 2nd Coming.
Man's history starts with the 1st Day of Creation. So let's start there. In Ephesians 3:8-9 we read, "Unto me, who am less than the least of all saints, is this grace given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of the Messiah; And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in Yahuah, who created all things by Yahuahshua the Messiah". So the Messiah was there from Creation.
Again in Colossians 1:15-19, "(Yahuahshua) Who is the image of the invisible Almighty, the firstborn of every creature: For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him and for him: And he is before all things, and by him all things consist. And he is the head of the body, the church (the assembly): who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence. For it pleased the Father that in him should all fulness dwell."
The 1st Day of Creation on the Sacred Calendar is represented by the 28th Day of the 12th Month (on Sunday the 1st Day of the Week) in the 1st Week of the Year. The 1st Day of Creation is also the 7th and Last Jubilee of Days of the Year. If we count from the 1st Day of Creation to the 18th Day of the 1st Month we get exactly 22 Days. Again, the number 22 represents the Messiah. The 18th Day of the 1st Month is the next day after the Messiah rose from the dead and is also the Sheaf Offering of the Barley, the beginning of Barley Harvest. Counting from the Sheaf Offering of the Barley to Pentecost is 50 Days which is a Jubilee. So we get a 22 + 50 pattern.
Counting from the 1st Day of Creation to the 16th Day of the 2nd Month (Sunday) is exactly 50 Days, a Jubilee. The 16th Day of the 2nd Month is the Sheaf Offering of the Wheat and the beginning of the Wheat Harvest (also the start of the giving of the Manna). Counting from the 16th Day of the 2nd Month to Pentecost is exactly 22 Days. Pentecost marks the end of Wheat Harvest. So we get a 50 + 22 pattern.
The number 22 again represents the Messiah. And considering these two patterns of 22 Days: from the 1st Day of Creation to Pentecost we have 22 Days + 28 Days + 22 Days (22 + 50 OR 50 + 22) where the 1st 22 Days represents the Messiah and the Last 22 Days represents the Messiah. The middle 28 Days represents the Barley Harvest. It begins with the Messiah and ends with the Messiah. The Messiah is the beginning and the end, the first and the last. Note also that 22 + 50 + 50 + 22 = 144!
Some interesting Observations:
a) Significance of the 40 Days rain during the Flood:
At the time of Noah's Flood, the rain started on the 17th Day of the 2nd Month and ended 40 days later on the 26th Day of the 3rd Month. The number 40 represents a time of cleansing. Note that the numerical value of the Father's name is 26 and the rains ended on the 26th Day of the 3rd Month. A reminder of Yahuah's presence, power and judgement. From the 1st Day of Creation to the 26th Day of the 3rd Month is 90 Days which is one Season (not counting intercalary day). 90 = 50 + 40 Days where 50 = a Jubilee, and 40 = a generation and a time of cleansing. Book of Genesis = 50 Chapters, and Exodus = 40 Chapters.b) The Messiah's Ascension after 40 Days:
The Messiah ascended up into Heaven 40 Days after his resurrection from the dead. The Messiah's Ascension was on the 27th Day of the 2nd Month. Pentecost was 10 Days after the Messiah's ascension. 40 + 10 = 50 where 40 = time of cleansing, 10 = judgement, and 50 = Jubilee (a time of release from bondage). The Messiah ascended in the middle of Wheat Harvest, on the twelveth day of the harvest. The wheat harvest is 22 days = 11 + 11 days. He ascended on the 1st Day of the 2nd block of 11 days.c) From 1st Day of Creation to Pentecost is 10 Weeks (70 Days):
From the 1st Day of Creation to Pentecost is 10 Weeks or 70 Days. 10 = Judgement, 70 = the lifespan of a king. The Prince or King of this world now is Satan. Satan's time on this earth is short and his lease is just about run out. Both King Saul and King David each lived for 70 years.Conclusion:
September 16, 2004 is the Feast of Trumpets this Fall and will begin the Last 7 Years to the Messiah's Return. Remember the 10 Virgins, 5 were wise and 5 were foolish. The wise Virgins prepared for their master's return, they had oil in their lamps. The oil represents the Holy Spirit of Yahuah. Will your lamp be filled with the Holy Spirit of Yahuah or will it be empty when the Messiah Returns. Look up and rejoice for your Redemption draws nigh.
Introduction:The Sacred Calendar has many hidden truths. There are built in truths in the Sacred Calendar that will help us to understand these Last Days before the Messiah's Return. The Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) is synonymous with the Messiah's Return. In his parable of the Wheat and the Tares in Matthew 13:24-30,34-43 the Messiah clearly states that the Wheat Harvest is the end of the world. So let us take a closer look at the Feast of Pentecost on the Sacred Calendar. Note that Pentecost is on the 7th Day of the 3rd Month on the 1st Day of the Week (Sunday) and the number 7 always relates to the Messiah. The first 7 days of the 3rd Month lead up to Pentecost where the 7th Day is the Day of Pentecost. These 7 Days represent the Last 7 Years that lead up to the Messiah's 2nd Coming.
Three Ways to Understand the Last 7 Years:
There are three ways to understand the Last 7 Years and all three are different but valid.
1) The 7 Tabernacle Years:
The 6000 Years from Adam consists of 122 actual Jubilees plus 22 years left over (122 x 49 + 22 = 6000). The 122nd Jubilee was in the year 1990 CE. These Last 22 Years represent the 22 Days of the Fall Feasts. The Feast of Tabernacles is from the 15th Day to the 21st Day of the 7th Month. So the Tabernacle Years are from the 15th Year (starting Spring 2004) to the 21st Year (ending Spring 2011). The 22nd Day in the Fall Feasts is the Last Great Day which is represented by the 22nd Year which is from Spring 2011 to Spring 2012. This Last Great Day is the Last Great Year, the 6000th Year from Adam. The 7 Tabernacle Years follow the actual Jubilee cycle and the Sabbath year cycle.
2) The 7 Last Years to the Messiah's Return:
The 7 Last Years to the Messiah's Return are from Fall 2004 to Fall 2011. The Messiah will return on the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011.
3) The 7 Last Years of the 6000 Years from Adam:
The Last 7 Years to the end of the 6000 Years from Adam are from Spring 2005 to Spring 2012. The 7 days to the Feast of Pentecost on the Sacred Calendar is a pattern of the time for the Last 7 Years of the 6000 Years from Adam.
The Day of Pentecost represents the Last Year of the 6000 Years from Adam, the 6000th Year. This Last Year is a 7th Year, an 8th Year (Last Great Year), a 22nd Year (Last Great Year), a 50th Year (Pentecost Year, Prophetic Jubilee Year) and also the 6000th Year. Note: 1990 CE is the last actual Jubilee Year, however, if you divide 6000 by 50 you get 120. So 6000 = 120 x 50. The 6000th Year is the 120th Prophetic Jubilee. This is also backed up in Acts 1:15 when 120 believers were gathered together at the time of the Messiah's ascension which was 10 Days before Pentecost. They were commanded to stay in Jerusalem until the Day of Pentecost. The Day of Pentecost is 50 Days from the Messiah's rising from the dead. So on the Day of Pentecost (50th Day), these 120 believers would have gathered together where 120 x 50 = 6000! From Genesis 6:3 we know that man's life span was limited to 120 Years. Pentecost is a type of Jubilee. The 6000th Year is a type of Jubilee when the Messiah will release the slaves and captives from the bondage of Satan's Rule.
A Closer Analysis of the 7 Days before the Day of Pentecost:
So often we pray to Yahuah that He will open our hearts and minds to understand His Word. Many times we come before Him expecting a simple answer or explanation. But sometimes the answer is complex and hard to understand. We like children have for example a simple knowledge of Mathematics knowing only addition and subtraction. But to understand the make up of the Universe we need to know many disciplines of Science like Quantum Phyisics etc. and even then our understanding is lacking. So it is not surprising that we don't know everything in His Word or the depths of His Sacred Calendar. But the truth is there and Yahuah will reveal things to us that have been hidden since the foundation of the world if we seek Him with all our heart.
The question comes to mind, how can Pentecost be a 1st, 7th, 8th, and 50th all at the same time? Like a diamond that has a brilliant cut with 58 facets, it depends on how you look at it. You get a different brightness and sparkle of light depending on the angle from which you view the gem. Pentecost is on the 1st Day of the Week, on the 7th Day of the 3rd Month, since it comes after the 7th Day Sabbath it could be also considered an 8th Day, and it is the 50th Day since the Messiah's rising from the dead.63.0) The Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) a Key to the Pattern of the Last Days:Of the 7 days to Pentecost, the 4th Day is of interest. This is the 4th Day of the 3rd Month. It is the mid point of the 7 days. Like the 4th Letter of the Messiah's two names, the center lamp of the Menorah, the 4th Day of the Week on which the Messiah was crucified etc., it is significant. It is like the balance beam on which the scales of justice pivot. It is like the mid point of the Last 7 Years to the Messiah's coming where the Last 3 1/2 Years is the Great Tribulation. This 4th Day of the 3rd Month is always on Thursday the 5th Day of the Week. The 5th Day of the Week begins the 4 Seasons of the Year including the 1st Day of the Year and the Feast of Trumpets.
The Word of Yahuah Present in the World Today:
Yahuah makes His presence known in ways that we are usually ignorant of. For instance, in these Last Days, the English Language is the International Language of the World. The English Alphabet contains 26 Letters. Yahuah's name has a numerical value of 26. The origin of the English Alphabet is Hebrew! The English Alphabet comes from the Latin, the Latin comes from the Greek, and the Greek comes from the Hebrew. And the Hebrew Alphabet has 22 Letters. The Messiah is the Aleph and Tau. The Aleph and Tau are the 1st and the Last letters of the 22 Letter Hebrew Alphabet and represent all 22 Letters. The English Alphabet is just an extension of the Hebrew Alphabet. This theme of numerical extension of 22 to 26 is also noticeable in the Sacred Calendar.
The Father's name has 4 Hebrew Letters. The Messiah is represented by the Hebrew Alphabet which equals 22 Hebrew Letters. 4 + 22 = 26. This pattern is there in the Sacred Calendar. The first 4 days of Creation represents the Father. The first 22 days of the Sacred Calendar represents the Messiah. From the First Day (Sunday, 28th Day of the 12th Month) of the Creation Week to the 22nd Day of the 1st Month = 26 Days. This pattern is the same for the 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th Months (the beginning of the 4 Seasons of the Year). The 1st Month however, is not complete as the Feast of Unleavened Bread only goes to the 21st Day of the 1st Month and not to the 22nd Day. But the Fall Feasts are complete which end on the 22nd Day of the 7th Month the Last Great Day. The 22nd Day of each of these 4 Months could have great significance for the Last 7 Years.
The Messiah is at the door knocking. Will you let him into your life before it is too late. Up until the time of our death, each one of us can repent and turn to Yahuah with all our heart. As it is written in John 3:14-21 "And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up: That whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life. For Yahuah so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For Yahuah sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. He that believes on him is not condemned: but he that believes not is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of Yahuah. And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For every one that does evil hates the light, neither comes to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. But he that does truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in Yahuah."
The Sacred Calendar of Yahuah is filled with hidden treasures. The Feast of Weeks (the Day of Pentecost) is one of these treasures. In previous studies we have learned that Pentecost is symbolic of the end of the world (final harvest) and the Messiah's 2nd Coming. And as such it is a reference point from which we can calculate time. Something also to keep in mind is that the numbers 7 and 22 always relate to the Messiah; and that the number 26 always relates to Yahuah the Father. Keeping these things in mind, let us explore what the Feast of Pentecost and the Sacred Calendar will reveal to us.64.0) Signs in the Heavens, the Times and the Seasons in the Last Days:Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) and the 4 Seasons of the Year:
Pentecost is on the 7th Day of the 3rd Month of the year. Pentecost is exactly 26 Days to the 1st Day of the 2nd Season which is on the 1st Day of the 4th Month. And this pattern repeats for all 4 Seasons. The 7th Day of the 3rd Month of each Season is exactly 26 Days to the 1st Day of the next Season. The 4 Seasons begin with the 1st Day of the 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th Months of the Year. So there are 26 Days before each of the 4 Seasons of the Year as follows:
1) 7th Day of the 3rd Month (Pentecost) to the 1st Day of the 4th Month (1st Day of the 2nd Season [SUMMER]) = 26 Days.
2) 7th Day of the 6th Month to the 1st Day of the 7th Month (Feast of Trumpets; 1st Day of the 3rd Season [FALL]) = 26 Days.
3) 7th Day of the 9th Month to the 1st Day of the 10th Month (1st Day of the 4th Season [WINTER]) = 26 Days.
4) 7th Day of the 12th Month to the 1st Day of the 1st Month (New Year's Day; 1st Day of the 1st Season [SPRING]) = 26 Days.
The importance of this pattern is that Pentecost represents the end of the world and the Messiah's 2nd Coming. Pentecost is 26 Days to the 1st Day of the next Season. The Feast of Trumpets fits this pattern and is on the 1st Day of the 3rd Season. The Messiah will return on the Feast of Trumpets. The connection is between the Feast of Pentecost, the Feast of Trumpets, and the number 26. The number 26 indicates the full power and presence of Yahuah the Father Himself. The Messiah will come in the full power of His beloved Father and will execute judgement on behalf of His Father when he returns.
Pentecost and the Pattern of the Jubilees of Days in the Sacred Calendar Year:
The Feast of Pentecost is the 1st Jubilee of Days, the 1st 50th in the year. The count to Pentecost starts just after the Messiah's resurrection from the dead on the 18th Day of the 1st Month (the 22nd Day from the 1st Day of Creation).
Combining the pattern above of the 7th Day of the 3rd Month of each Season to the Jubilees of Days we get a very unique Pattern that relates to the Last Days, the Fall Feasts and the Last 22 Years. Let us count the number of days from the 7th Day of the 3rd Month of each of the 4 Seasons to the nearest Jubilee of Days. Starting from the 1st Jubilee of Days (Pentecost) here is what we get:
1) From the 7th Day of the 3rd Month (Pentecost) to the nearest Jubilee of Days (Pentecost is the 1st Jubilee of Days) = 1 Day. The Feast of Pentecost and the 1st Jubilee of Days are both on the 7th Day of the 3rd Month, on the same day.
2) From the 7th Day of the 6th Month to the 3rd Jubilee of Days (14th Day of the 6th Month) = 8 Days.
3) From the 7th Day of the 9th Month to the 5th Jubilee of Days (21st Day of the 9th Month) = 15 Days.
4) From the 7th Day of the 12th Month to the 7th Jubilee of Days (1st Day of Creation, 28th Day of the 12th Month) = 22 Days.
This Pattern of 1, 8, 15, 22 is similar to the Pattern of the Fall Feasts: with the Fall Feasts being on the 1, 10, 15, 22. The Last 22 Years of the 6000 Years from Adam follows this same Pattern. The other interesting thing to note is that, 1 +7 = 8, 8 + 7 = 15, 15 + 7 = 22. Notice the three 7's. This Pattern relates to these Last 22 Years where the 1st Year = 1990 (Last Actual Jubilee Year in the 6000 Years from Adam), 8th Year = 1997, 15th Year = 2004, 22nd Year = 2011.
The Sacred Calendar has 364 Days = 7 x 49 + 21, which is 7 Jubilees of Days plus 21. Note the 21 left over = 7 + 7 + 7. 364 is perfectly divisible by 7 and the Sacred Calendar is a solar calendar. Even the fact that the solar year is 365 whole days which equals 7 x 49 + 22 shows that the true calendar has to be solar and not lunar. All these things indicate that the Sacred Calendar is the right calendar. Like it is written in the Books of Enoch, the people that use a Lunar or Solar-Lunar calendar will be in error.
The Messiah is the Aleph and the Tau (the 1st to the 22nd Letters of the Hebrew Alphabet), the First and the Last. Pentecost is the 1st Jubilee of Days which also represents the Last Prophetic Jubilee when the Messiah will return in 2011. The 7th Jubilee of Days which is the Last on the Sacred Calendar also represents the 1st Day of Creation, the First. Even though the Messiah is the First and the Last, yet Yahuah the Father (represented by the number 26) encompasses ALL, even the Messiah. 1990 was the Last Actual Jubilee Year yet it is also the 1st Year of the Last 22 Years.
The Weekly Cycle starts with the 1st Day of Creation (Sunday) in the 1st Week of the Sacred Calendar Year. From the 1st Day of Creation to the 18th Day of the 1st Month is 22 Days. The 18th Day of the 1st Month is the Day of the Firstfruit Offering of the Sheaf Offering of the Barley which represents the Messiah as the perfect sacrifice to Yahuah the day just after the Messiah rose from the dead. The count for the Jubilee of Days and the Feast of Pentecost starts from the 18th Day of the 1st Month. Pentecost is the 1st Jubilee of Days.
The Spring of 2004 began the 7 Tabernacle Years. This Fall in 2004 on the Feast of Trumpets begins the Last 7 Years to the Messiah's Return. The Messiah will return on the Feast of Trumpets September 15, 2011. This Fall promises to be one very exciting time. The Jewish and the Sacred Calendar line up this Fall so we will be observing the Fall Feasts at the same time. The U.S. Presidential Elections are this Fall and who knows what other special event will happen, terrestrial and/or celestial.
As the Messiah said in Matthew 16:3, "O you hypocrites, you can discern the face of the sky; but can you not discern the signs of the times?" The Messiah commands us to be on the watch and to be always ready for his return.
In the Fall of 1982, I was moved by Yahuah's Holy Spirit to publish the Messiah's Hebrew name in a major newspaper. At the same time I was moved to study and to learn about Yahuah's Sacred Calendar because as believers, we need to know and to use the right calendar to keep Yahuah's Feast Days. From Fall 1982 to Fall 2004 is 22 Years. 22 is a number of completion. Fall 2004 will begin the Last 7 Years to the Messiah's Return. From Fall 1982 to Fall 2008 is 26 Years. Fall 2008 will be 6 Months into the Great Tribulation.
Wake up people and smell the roses before it is too late. Noah was given 7 days warning (Genesis 7:4) to get into the Ark before the Flood Waters began. Starting this Fall in 2004 we will have 7 years before the Messiah Returns. When the Messiah Returns he will judge the living and the dead. He will separate his sheep from the goats. His sheep will enter into the Kingdom of Yahuah. But the goats will enter into Eternal Damnation.
As it is written in Amos 8:11-13, "Behold, the days come, says Yahuah Elohim, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of Yahuah: And they shall wander from sea to sea, and from the north even to the east, they shall run to and fro to seek the word of Yahuah, and shall not find it. In that day shall the fair virgins and young men faint for thirst."
Get your fill now of Yahuah's word and quench your thirst now for after 6 Months into the Great Tribulation there shall be a famine for the Word of Yahuah. By the Winter of 2008 starting with the 1st Day of the 10th Month on the Sacred Calendar (December 15, 2008) the believers would have gone into the Wilderness to escape the wrath of the Beast.
"Seek Yahuah while He may be found, call you upon Him while he is near" (Isaiah 55:6). "I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me" (Proverbs 8:17). Seek Yahuah with all your heart while you still have time.
Introduction:The Messiah tells us that there shall be great signs in the heavens before his 2nd Coming. In Luke 21:25 he says, "And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. And then shall they see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draws nigh." These heavenly signs have already started and have been happening for some time. Let's look at some examples.
Halley's Comet and the Messiah's 1st and 2nd Coming:
Halley's Comet ushered in the Messiah's 1st Coming in 12BCE at his birth in the Fall of 12BCE. Halley's Comet in 1985/6 points to the Messiah's 2nd Coming which will be in the Fall of 2011. Please refer to Topic 53.0) above. Halley's Comet was visible in the Fall of 1985 and the 1st closest approach to earth was on November 27, 1985. It was at perihelion on February 9, 1986. The 2nd closest approach to earth was on April 11, 1986. Keeping the 22 and 26 combo pattern in mind, here is how Halley's Comet in 1985/6 relates to the Messiah's 2nd Coming:
1) Fall 1985 + 22 years = Fall 2007, possible opening of the 3rd Seal of Revelation 6:5-6 which will be FAMINE.
2) Fall 1985 + 26 years = Fall 2011, 2nd Coming of the Messiah.
3) Spring 1986 + 22 years = Spring 2008, beginning of the Great Tribulation.
4) Spring 1986 + 26 years = Spring 2012, end of the 6000 years from Adam and the beginning of the 7th Millennium. Note: The Mayan Calendar ends abruptly in 2012 for no reason at all and Historians have no idea why.
The Seasons in the Last 10 Years to the Messiah's Return:
The 22 and 26 combo pattern also applies to the Last 10 Years which consists of 40 Seasons (10 Years x 4 Seasons = 40 Seasons) to the Messiah's Return. The Last 10 Years to the Messiah's Return stretches from Fall 2001 (911) to Fall 2011.
a) Fall 2001 + 22 Seasons = Spring 2007, possible opening of the 3rd Seal of Revelation 6:5-6 which is FAMINE.
b) Fall 2001 + 26 Seasons = Spring 2008, beginning of the Great Tribulation.
22 Seasons = 22 Seasons x 3 Months per Season = 66 Months.
66 Months = 22 Months + 22 Months + 22 Months.
Fall 2001 + 22 Months = 1st Day of 5th Month 2003 (Summer 2003).
Summer 2003 + 22 Months= 1st Day of 3rd Month 2005 (Spring 2005).
Spring 2005 + 22 Months = 1st Day of 1st Month 2007 (Spring 2007).26 Seasons = 26 Seasons x 3 Months per Season = 78 Months.
78 Months = 26 Months + 26 Months + 26 Months.
Fall 2001 + 26 Months = 1st Day of 9th Month 2003 (Fall 2003).
Fall 2003 + 26 Months = 1st Day of 11th Month 2005/6 (Winter 2005/6).
Winter 2005/6 + 26 Months = 1st Day of 1st Month 2008 (Spring 2008). Great Tribulation begins.
The 7 Seals of Revelation 6:1-17; 8:1
1) 1st Seal Open: Fall 1990, White Horse rides conquering and to conquer. New World Order begins. Gulf War starts. 1990 is the last Jubilee Year. Jubilee Year celebrated on the Day of Atonement in Fall 1990.
2) 2nd Seal Open: Fall 2001, Red Horse rides taking peace from the earth (terrorism begins). Terrorists hit New York City on September 11, 2001.
3) 3rd Seal will Open: Spring or Fall 2007,Black Horserides spreading Famine throughout the world.
4) 4th Seal will Open: Sometime During the Great Tribulation (Spring 2008 to Fall 2011), Pale Horse rides with the power to kill the fourth part of the world with sword, hunger, death, and with the beasts of the earth.
5) 5th Seal will Open: Sometime During the Great Tribulation (Spring 2008 to Fall 2011), the killing of believers fulfilled.
6) 6th Seal will Open: September 15, 2011 on the Day of the Feast of Trumpets (Fall 2011), the Messiah Returns.
Note: The time span between the 1st Seal and the 2nd Seal is 11 Years. This is one half of the Last 22 Years. The 1st Seal was opened in 1990. 1990 is the 1st of the Last 22 Years and begins the 1st eleven years. The 2nd Seal was opened in 2001. 2001 is the 12th Year of the Last 22 Years and begins the 2nd eleven years. The affects of the Seals are accumulative.
At this point we don't know if the 3rd Seal will be open in the Spring or the Fall of 2007. If in the Spring of 2007 then from the 2nd Seal to the 3rd Seal will be 5 1/2 Years or again one half of 11 Years.
We know that the Messiah will come in the Fall of 2011 with the opening of the 6th Seal. So that still leaves the 4th Seal and the 5th Seal which will be open during the 3 1/2 Years Great Tribulation, from Spring 2008 to Fall 2011.
The unit of time between the 1st Seal and the 2nd Seal is in Years (11 years). But the units of time between the 2nd Seal and the 6th Seal which is 10 Years (Messiah's Return) is in Seasons (40 Seasons) and Months (120 Months). So from the 1st Seal to the 6th Seal is 11 Years + 10 Years = 21 Years. 21 = (3 x 7) or (7 + 7 + 7) where the number 7 always represents the Messiah.
The 1st Seven Years is from Fall 1990 to Fall 1997.
The 2nd Seven Years is from Fall 1997 to Fall 2004.
The 3rd Seven Years is from Fall 2004 to Fall 2011.
The Transit of Venus on June 8, 2004:65.0) The 3rd Seal of Revelation 6:5-6 will be Open in the Spring of 2007:There was a very exciting celestial event that happened on June 8, 2004: the "Transit of Venus". The planet of Venus came between the Sun and the Earth on June 8, 2004 at 9AM UT and was visible from most parts of the world. Venus appeared as a black dot moving across the lower surface of the Sun. Here are some stats that makes this a very special and rare occurrence:
1) Last time this happened was 122 years ago in 1882. Next time that it will happen is in 2012. And after 2012 it will happen in 2117.
2) From 1882 to 2004 = 122 years. In the 6000 years from Adam, there are 122 Jubilees and the last one was in 1990. And 1990 was the 1st Year of the Last 22 Years.
3) The next time that the Transit of Venus will happen is in 2012. Spring 2012 ends the 6000 years from Adam and begins the 7th Millennium.
Other Comets worthy of Note:
Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 collided with the planet Jupiter in 1994. From July 16 to July 22, 1994, fragments of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 collided with Jupiter. This was the first collision of two solar system bodies ever to be observed. Shoemaker-Levy 9 consisted of 20 discernable fragments with diameters estimated at up to 2 kilometers, which impacted the planet. The impacts resulted in plumes thousands of kilometers high.
Comet Hyakutake discovered in January 1996. Passed within 0.1 AU of Earth on March 25, 1996. At perihelion on May 1, 1996. Orbital Period is approximately every 40,000 years. Comet Hyakutake passed between the Big and the Little Dipper where the Tail of Draco the Dragon is when viewing it from earth. (Note: Revelation 12:3-4 talks about the Tail of the Dragon). The significance of the year 1996 is that it was the 7th Year of the Last 22 Years and it was a Sabbath Year.
Comet Hale-Bopp discovered in July 1995. Bright comet, made closest approach to Earth on March 22, 1997. At perihelion on March 31, 1997. Orbital Period is every 4,000 years. It is one of the brightest comets to reach the inner solar system in history.
We can look forward to the 3rd Seal being opened as early as the Spring of 2007.
Just to remind you how short the time is, this is where we are at, today is June 24, 2004 which is:
1) the 8th Day of the 4th Month in the 15th Year of the Last 22 Years of the 6000 Years from Adam.
2) in the 2nd Season of the Year.
3) in the 12th Season of the Last 40 Seasons, and the 34th Month of the Last 120 Months (Sacred Calendar Months), in the Last 10 Years (from Fall 2001 to Fall 2011) to the Messiah's Return.These continuous signs in the sky and in the heavens are a strong reminder to us that we are truly in the Last Days.
About 2000 years ago on the Day of Pentecost, the Apostles warned us that these things would happen in the Last Days. In Acts 2:16-21 we read a quotation from the prophet Joel, "But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel: And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith Yahuah, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy: And I will show wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke: The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and notable day of Yahuah come: And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of Yahuah shall be saved."
Introduction:Continuing on the theme of Topic 64.0) above, let's look at the Last 10 Years from Fall 2001 to Fall 2011 more closely. Fall 2001 was the opening of the 2nd Seal of Revelation 6:1-17 and Fall 2011 will be the opening of the 6th Seal with the 2nd Coming of the Messiah. So when can we expect the opening of the next Seal, the 3rd Seal? We know that the 4th and 5th Seals will be open during the 3 1/2 Years Great Tribulation from Spring 2008 to Fall 2011. So the 3rd Seal will be open sometime between Fall 2001 to Spring 2008, but when? The answer can be found in the numerical combinations of time related to the Last 10 Years.
The Last 10 Years are equivalent to 40 Seasons (4 Seasons per Year) or 120 Months (10 Years x 12 Months per Year). The number 40 represents a generation and also a time of cleansing. The number 120 represents the maximum life span of Man (Genesis 6:3) and a reminder of his mortality.
There are a set of perfect numbers from Fall 2001 toward the Messiah's 2nd Coming that indicate that the 3rd Seal will be open in the Spring of 2007:
Fall 2001 to Spring 2007 = 22 Seasons.
Fall 2001 to Spring 2007 = 22 + 22 + 22 = 66 Months.
Fall 2001 to Spring 2007 = 40 + 26 = 66 Months.Note:Spring 2008 would be too late for the 3rd Seal to be open as Spring 2008 starts the Great Tribulation during which time the 4th and 5th Seals will be open.
Fall 2001 to Spring 2008 = 26 Seasons. The number 26 indicates Yahuah's presence and His soon coming judgement upon the world.The Number 66, the Messiah, and the Last Days:
The number 66 is related to the Messiah and the Last Days. More than one half of all the prophecies about the Messiah are in just two books of the Bible, the Book of Psalms and the Book of Isaiah. The Book of Isaiah has 66 Chapters (66 = 3 x 22). The number 22 and it's multiples always relate to the Messiah. The name of the prophet Isaiah in Hebrew is YeshaYahu which means Salvation of Yahu which is the Messiah's present name backwards. The Messiah's present name is Yahuahshua which means Yahuah is Salvation (Salvation of Yahuah).
The King James Bible has a total of 66 Books! The Old Testament has 39 Books and the New Testament has 27 Books. This is very close to the 40 + 26 = 66 combo. The slight discrepancy can be explained in relation to the Messiah. Before the Messiah died, he was scourged. He should have received 40 lashes but because of the danger of giving more than 40, the custom was to give 40 less one which equals 39 (Deuteronomy 25:3; 2Corinthians 11:24). The New Testament then would have over compensated by one so the total for the Old and New Testaments combined would equal 66 Books. The number 66 is so perfect because it contains the number 22 three times which represents the Messiah, and also the number 26 which represents Yahuah the Father when combined as 40 + 26 = 66. And so it is written in 1Peter 2:24, "by whose (the Messiah's) stripes you were healed".
1945 was a turning point in the History of Man. It was the begining of the end for Man. 1945 was the year in which the first Atomic Bomb was used to kill human beings when it was dropped on two cities in Japan, on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945 and Nagasaki on August 9, 1945. Ever since then, the super powers have had the capability to destroy the earth thousands of times over with these weapons of mass destruction. A Damocles Sword has been hanging over the world ever since. Here are some significant timelines and events from Fall 1945 to Fall 2011:
Fall 1945 to Fall 2011 = 66 Years = 22 + 22 + 22.
1) 1945 to 1967 = 1st 22 Years: 1945 marked the end of World War 2, but it also ushered in the Nuclear Age. In 1967 was the Six Day War which gave Israel complete control of Jerusalem, the first time in about 2000 years.
2) 1967 to 1989 = 2nd 22 Years: In 1989 the Iron Curtain fell in Europe. This opened the door to global unity through the United Nations and other global organizations.
3) 1989 to 2011 = 3rd 22 Years: In 1990, President Bush declares the New World Order in his speech during the Gulf War Crisis. The count down to the Messiah's coming begins. In the Fall of 2011 the Messiah Returns.Fall 1945 to Fall 2011 = 66 Years = 40 + 26.
1) 1945 to 1985 = 40 Years: A generation of 40 years is complete. The Messiah's 1st Coming was ushered in by Halley's Comet at his birth in the Fall of 12BCE. Halley's Comet in the Fall of 1985 is a portend of the Messiah's 2nd Coming 26 Years into the future in Fall of 2011. The number 26 indicates Yahuah's presence and His judgement upon the world with the Messiah's coming.
2) 1985 to 2011 = 26 Years: The number 26 is the numerical value of Yahuah's name. The number 26 is a sign and a seal to the world of Yahuah's presence and the imminent return of His personal representative in the form of His beloved Son Yahuahshua in the Fall of 2011.The Last 120 Months (10 Years) to the Messiah's Return:
The Last 120 Months can be broken down into some of the following possible combinations:
120 Months = 40 + 40 + 40
120 Months = 30 + 30 + 30 +30
120 Months = 49 + 49 + 22 (98 + 22)
120 Months = 50 + 70 (50 + 35 + 35)
120 Months = 110 (5 x 22) + 10
The tail end of these combinations (40, 30, 22, 35, 10) will be important in understanding events during the 3 1/2 Years (42 Months) Great Tribulation.66.0) Fall 2004 to Spring 2008: 3 1/2 Years Preparation for the Great Tribulation:Let us look at the possible significance of some of these combinations:
a) 120 Months = 40 + 40 + 40 This combination is very significant for our time. If we search the scriptures we find this combination in the life span of Moses. Moses was 120 Years old when he died. Moses died just before the children of Israel went into the promised land. The life of Moses is also broken up into 3 blocks of 40 years. He grew up in Egypt and was there for the 1st 40 Years where he was being groomed to rule as a son of Pharaoh. The 2nd 40 Years he spent in Midian as a shepherd where he married one of the seven daughters of Jethro the Prince of Midian. The 3rd 40 Years he spent in the Wildernesswith the children of Israel before going into the promised land. This 3rd 40 Years equates with the last 40 Months before the Messiah's 2nd Coming when believers will flee from the Beast System into the Wilderness and will be there until the Messiah's coming.
This is how the Last 120 Months in 3 blocks of 40 Months works out:
1st 40 Months: From Fall 2001 (Feast of Trumpets September 20, 2001) to Winter 2004 (30th Day of the 10th Month January 14, 2005).
2nd 40 Months: From Winter 2004 (1st Day of the 11th Month January 15, 2005) to Spring 2008 (30th Day of the 2nd Month May 18, 2008).
3rd 40 Months: From Spring 2008 (1st Day of the 3rd Month May 19, 2008) to Fall 2011 (30th Day of the 6th Month September 13, 2011). The Messiah will return on the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011.
b) 120 Months = 49 + 49 + 22 (98 + 22) This combination is similar to the 6000 Years from Adam where 6000 = 98 + (490 x 12) + 22. The end 22 months of the 120 Months would be the Last 22 Months before the Messiah's Return during the Great Tribulation. If you add the first 98 Years plus the last 22 Years of the 6000 Years from Adam you get 120 Years. This 120 Years is a summary in a capsule of Man's time on earth.
In Conclusion:
The next event will be this Fall in 2004. The Feast of Trumpets on September 16, 2004 will begin theLast 7 Years to the Messiah's Return which will be in the Fall of 2011. In the days of Noah, Noah was given 7 days warning before the door of the Ark was closed and the Flood waters began. In these Last Days we are given 7 Years warning from the Fall of 2004 before the Return of the Messiah. The Messiah will judge the world when he returns.
After the Fall of 2004 the next major event that we as believers will take note of is the opening of the 3rd Seal. The 3rd Seal will be open in the Spring of 2007, most likely on the 1st Day of the 1st Month, the 1st Day of the New Year on March 22, 2007. The 3rd Seal will usher in a time of scarcity of food. It will be a time of high cost of food and the rationing of food. In other words there will be FAMINE for masses of people around the world.
Truly the storm will come first. But there will be a great calm after the storm.
In Romans 8:35-39 we read, "Who shall separate us from the love of the Messiah? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of Yahuah, which is in the Messiah Yahuahshua our Master."
Introduction:67.0) Timeline for the Events during the Last 22 Years (7 Seals, 7 Trumpets, 7 Vials):The Feast of Trumpets on September 16, 2004 begins the Last 7 Years to the Messiah's return. The Messiah will return on the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011. These Last 7 Years can be split into two parts. The 1st 3 1/2 Years is the time of preparation for the Great Tribulation. The 2nd 3 1/2 Yearsis the time of the Great Tribulation. The 3 1/2 Years preparation for the Great Tribulation will begin with the Feast of Trumpets on September 16, 2004 and will end on March 19, 2008. The Great Tribulation will begin March 20, 2008 and will last for 3 1/2 Years.
How can we prepare for the Great Tribulation? We will have these 3 1/2 Years to prepare ourselves, our family, and anyone that will listen in three ways: 1) Spiritually, 2) Mentally, and 3) Physically.
1) Spiritual Preparation for the Great Tribulation:
We should always be prepared spiritually during our entire life. However, it will be even more difficult to be spiritually strong during the Great Tribulation, as the Great Tribulation will be a time of trouble as this world has never seen since the creation of Adam (Man)! So how can we prepare spiritually?
Just as the phyical body needs physical food to live, so our spirit needs spiritual food to survive. Most people do not know what spiritual food is. Spiritual food is nourishment that will help and enable our spirit to live and to be healthy. Yahuah has created us and He also sustains us and gives us the hope of eternal life.
Prayer is our open communication line to our creator. We can always petition Him for all our needs and to seek His protection, forgiveness and healing.
The Word of Yahuah is food for our spirit, mind and soul. The Word of Yahuah can be found in the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. The Word of Yahuah is Eternal.
The Spirit of Yahuah teaches and comforts our spirit. The Spirit of Yahuah quickens our mind and spirit to understand the laws and commandments of Yahuah and draws us closer to Yahuah our beloved Creator. In John 14:16-17,26 the Messiah said, "And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it sees him not, neither knows him; but you know him; for he dwells with you, and shall be in you. But the Comforter, which is the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you."
Pray that Yahuah will fill you with His 7 Spirits which we have through His beloved son Yahuahshua (Revelation 1:4; 3:1; 5:6). The 7 Spirits of Yahuah are from Isaiah 11:2, the Holy Spirit of Yahuah, the spirit of Wisdom and Understanding, the spirit of Counsel and Might, the spirit of Knowledge and of the Fear of Yahuah.
If we have the Holy Spirit of Yahuah then it stands to reason that we will also manifest the Fruit of the Holy Spirit of Yahuah. In Galatians 5:22-23 we are told that, "But the fruit of the Spirit is Love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance (self control): against such there is no law."
To prepare for the spiritual battle to come we have to put on the whole Spiritual Armour of Yahuah. In Ephesians 6:10-18 we are told, "Finally, my brethren, be strong in Yahuah, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of Yahuah, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of Yahuah, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with the truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith you shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of Yahuah."
Note that all believers are sealed with the name of Yahuahshua which carries the Father's name and are also sealed with the Holy Spirit of Yahuah.
The 3 1/2 Years preparation for the Great Tribulation is the time to study and memorize the word of Yahuah. This is a time of spiritual plenty. A time to gourge ourselves with the Word of Yahuah. For during the Great Tribulation, there will be a time of famine in the land, not for bread, but for the Word of Yahuah! Bibles and other study books will be either confiscated or just not available.
2) Mental preparation for the Great Tribulation:
Mental preparation is tied in with the Spiritual and Physical because it is a state of mind. Therefore by being Spiritually and Physically prepared, we are also strong mentally knowing who we are as servants of Yahuah, being filled with Yahuah's Holy Spirit, holding fast to the hope of Eternal Life which we have through Yahuahshua and being prepared physically to flee the cities which will take the brunt of all the evil and destruction that is coming. The opportunity is now to obtain the knowledge, wisdom and understanding that you will need to clear the hurdles that you will certainly encounter during the Great Tribulation.
3) Physical preparation for the Great Tribulation:
Physical preparation consists of things needed for physical survival which will include the basics of life such as clean drinking water, food, shelter, clothing, medical supplies, toiletries, accessories like flashlights, batteries, etc. tools like a good hunting knife, axe, saw, hammer, nails, etc., maps, books on First Aid, books on edible and poisonous plants, Animals, Insects etc..
Whether you live in a city or in the country, you should pray for guidance as to the best possible place that you and your family can flee to once the chaos begins. The place of choice will be far enough away from heavily populated areas. The place will have access to clean water, good soil for growing food, trees for building and for heating fuel. The place of choice should be well researched to make sure it will be as safe an area as possible. It should be far enough away that it will not be easily accessible by others who will also be fleeing the cities.
You now also have the time and resources to study the area of choice for possible dangers from weather, natural disasters, animals, insects, man made dangers, etc. You also have the time to prepare the neccessary tools, medical supplies, clothing etc. to prepare for such things as insect bites, severe cold or heat, ways to purify water for drinking, building a shelter, etc. You can plan now on what you will need to grow food (knowledge to grow food, have seeds for planting, etc.).
Most cities and towns around the world have libraries where you can access the knowledge that you need. On the internet you can find information on any topic that you want. A very precious resource are the seniors and elderly in your family or community. They have knowledge and experience that you can tap into as well.
Go to the place of choosing and do some camping there, start a vegetable garden, take walks in the area and really get to know the environment and the people in the area.
Investing the time and energy now in preparing for what is coming will save you and your family a lot of grief and suffering and even severe injury or death.
More insight into the Time and Events related to the Sacred Calendar during the 3 1/2 Years Preparation for the Great Tribulation:
There are things hidden in the Sacred Calendar that will help us to understand and prepare for the events that are coming up soon.
The numbers related to time and the Sacred Calendar are so perfect. Just to give you an idea as to how perfect let's look at the Last 22 Years from Spring 1990 to Spring 2012. The number 22 is a perfect number related to the Messiah while the number 26 is a perfect number related to Yahuah the Father. The 1st 11 Years is equal to 11 Years x 52 Weeks = 22 x 26 Weeks which is from Spring 1990 to Spring 2001. The 2nd 11 Years is 22 x 26 Weeks from Spring 2001 to Spring 2012. There are so many perfect numerical combinations related to Yahuah's Time and Calendar. Below is another one to consider.
We know that the Messiah will return on the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011. On the Sacred Calendar, from the 3rd Jubilee of Days which is on the 14th Day of the 6th Month to the Last Great Day which is the end of the Fall Feasts on the 22nd Day of the 7th Month is 40 Days exactly. From the 3rd Jubilee of Days to the Feast of Trumpets is 18 Days and from the Feast of Trumpets to the Last Great Day is 22 Days which combined gives 18 + 22 = 40 Days. The 18 Days before the Feast of Trumpets represents 18 Seasons before the Messiah returns. (Note: Today is Sunday August 29, 2004 the 14th Day of the 6th Month, the 3rd Jubilee of Days). From the 22nd Day of the 5th Month to the 3rd Jubilee of Days is 22 Days. So from the 22nd Day of the 5th Month to the Feast of Trumpets is 40 Days which consists of 22 + 18 = 40 Days. The 22 Days to the 3rd Jubilee of Days represents the 22 Seasons from Fall 2001 to Spring 2007. So the Last 10 Years from Fall 2001 to Fall 2011 is equal to 40 Seasons, 22 Seasons to Spring 2007 and 18 Seasons from Spring 2007 to the Messiah's return in the Fall of 2011 where22 Seasons + 18 Seasons = 40 Seasons.
This is how the Last 10 Years before the Messiah returns breaks down from Fall 2001 to Fall 2011. 10 Years = 40 Seasons (4 Seasons per Year). From Fall 2001 which was the opening of the 2nd Seal of Revelation to Spring 2007 which will be the opening of the 3rd Seal is 22 Seasons. From Spring 2007 to Fall 2011 is 18 Seasons. 22 Seasons + 18 Seasons = 40 Seasons.
The number 18 breaks down into 6 + 6 + 6 = 18. The 18 Seasons can be broken down into 3 blocks of 6 Seasons (6 + 6 + 6 = 18 Seasons) where each block consists of 6 Seasons x 3 Months per Season = 18 Months. 18 Months then is again 6 + 6 + 6 = 18 months. Each 6 Months = 26 Weeks! So you can also have 26 + 26 + 26 = 78 Weeks = 18 Months = 6 Seasons. The 1st 6 Seasons would be from Spring 2007 to Fall 2008. The 2nd 6 Seasons would be from Fall 2008 to Spring 2010. The 3rd 6 Seasons would be from Spring 2010 to Fall 2011. So the signet of the number 26 which is the number of Yahuah's name is very present to let the world know of the righteous judgements of Yahuah that are soon coming on the earth starting from the Spring of 2007 with the opening of the 3rd Seal. From Fall 2001 to Spring 2008 = 26 Seasons, another sign to the world of Yahuah's judgement to come with the beginning of the Great Tribulation in the Spring of 2008.
The Number 18 is the number of Righteousness:
The Number 18 is the number of Righteousness. Although 18 = 6 + 6 + 6 the only connection to the Mark of the Beast of 666 is that anyone who does not take the Mark of the Beast will be doing an act of Righteousness. The 144,000 of the 12 Tribes of Israel and a great multitude will refuse to take the Mark of the Beast during the Great Tribulation.
The Number 18 is also significant in the Sacred Calendar in other ways. The Offering of the Barley Sheaf was made on the 18th Day of the 1st Month. The Sheaf Offering of the Barley began the grain harvest and the 50 Day count to the Feast of Weeks (Pentecost). The Feast of Weeks marks the end of the Wheat Harvest and the end of the world system and the return of the Messiah. From the Day of Creation to the 18th Day of the 1st Month is 22 Days. The 18th Day of the 1st Month is the 4th Day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread exactly in the middle of the Feast. On the 18th Day of the 1st Month the Messiah would have been the perfect offering before His beloved Father Yahuah after he rose from the dead. The Messiah ascended up into heaven 40 Days after he rose from the dead. In John 7:2,14 the Messiah went up into the temple to teach on the 18th Day of the 7th Month on the 4th Day of the Feast of Tabernacles exactly in the middle of the Feast. Both the Feast of Unleavened Bread and the Feast of Tabernacles have 7 Days and the middle of these two Feasts is the 4th Day. The Messiah's two names both have 7 Hebrew Letters and it is the 4th Letter in both that makes the Messiah's two names unique because the 4th Letter carries the fullness of the name of Yahuah the Father and Yahuah's name has a numerical value of 26.
The 18th Letter of the Hebrew Alphabet is the Letter Tsaddi and the Hebrew word for Righteous or Righteousness is TSADAQ spelled Tsaddi, Daleth, Qoph! (see Psalm 119:137-144 and note the number 144!). When the Messiah returns, he will come using his future name of YAHUAHTSADAQ which means Righteousness of Yahuah.
Spring 2007 also begins the 18th Year of the Last 22 Years! The Last 22 Years are similar to the Fall Feasts which consist of 22 Days. Just as the 18th Day of the 7th Month is the 4th Day of the 7 Day Feast of Tabernacles and is in the middle of the Feast, so the 18th Year of the Last 22 Years is the 4th Year of the 7 Tabernacle Years and is in the middle of the Tabernacle Years. The number 4 relates to Yahuah the Father while the number 7 relates to the Messiah. The 4th item in a string of 7 items relate to the presence of Yahuah the Father whether it is days, Years, the Menorah, the Messiah's two names, etc. The Messiah was crucified on the 4th Day of the Week, in the middle of the week. His death closed the door to the fleshly world and opened the door to the spiritual world and to the presence of Yahuah. The 4th Lamp is the middle one of the 7 Lamp Menorah and feeds the other 6 Lamps. The 4th Lamp of the Menorah stands by itself and the other 6 are paired and draw their strength from it. In Isaiah 11:2 when the 7 spirits of Yahuah are read, the Holy Spirit of Yahuah is mentioned first, then the remaining 6 in pairs as if the Holy Spirit of Yahuah is the main one on which the other 6 rest or draw from as in the case of the 7 Lamp Menorah. The 4th Letter in the Messiah's two names carries the fullness of the Yahuah's 4 Letter name which makes his two names unique and separates from the common to the immortal. The 4th is a pivot on which the other 6 are balanced as in the scales of justice with 3 on either side of it. The 4th is a separator between death and life, flesh and spirit, evil and good, etc. When the Messiah returns as the representative of his Father Yahuah, he will judge the world and separate the righteous from the unrighteous, the clean from the unclean.
The Last 18 Seasons from Spring 2007 to the Messiah's return and the 3 blocks of 18 Months each has something to do with the Messiah's Future name of Yahuahtsadaq (Righteousness of Yahuah) and the 144,000 Righteous mentioned in Revelation 7:1-17 and 14:1-20. Could this mean the sealing of the 144,000 of the 12 Tribes of Israel along with the great multitude of believers starting in the Spring of 2007?
Whether we have money or not, we all have a duty and responsibility to ourselves and our families to prepare for the Great Tribulation starting now. The very existence and survival of ourselves and our family in the coming years will depend on our efforts now in conjunction with the great love and mercy of Yahuah. Pray and ask Yahuah for the knowledge, wisdom, understanding and counsel to prepare you for the Great Tribulation.
In 70CE the 2nd Temple was destroyed in Jerusalem. The rebellion of Israel against Rome began in 66CE. So believers would have had 3 1/2 to 4 years warning to leave Jerusalem and Israel to flee the destruction that certainly came in their time. We in our time now have 3 1/2 Years warning to get out of the cities before the Great Tribulation begins in Spring 2008.
Introduction:68.0) Feast of Trumpets in 2004 started the Beginning of Sorrows of Matthew 24:8The closer we get to the end, the clearer our understanding of the timing for the events before the Messiah's 2nd Coming. From previous studies, we know that there are 22 Years before the 6000 years from Adam ends and the 7th Millennium begins. During these Last 22 Years the prophecies of the Book of Revelation and other scriptures of the Bible will be fulfilled. These Last 22 Years begin with Spring 1990 and end in Spring 2012. Spring 2012 begins the 7th Millennium.
Here is the Timeline for the Events during the Last 22 Years:
Spring 1990 began the 1st Year of the Last 22 Years. 1990 was the Last Jubilee of Years from Adam. In Fall 1990 the 1st Seal of Revelation 6:1-2 was opened which was the White Horse with he that sat on him going forth conquering and to conquer. The Gulf War with Iraq began in August 1990. President Bush Senior declared the New World Order on September 11, 1990. 1990 began the New World Order.
Spring 2001 began the 12th Year of the Last 22 Years. In Fall 2001 the 2nd Sealof Revelation 6:3-4 was opened which was the Red Horse and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another and there was given unto him a great sword: this began Global Terrorism. The tragedy of September 11, 2001 in New York City in the United States is forever burned into the mind of the whole world. Fear and terrorism is the tool that Satan is using to prepare the ground for all the people in the world to more willing give up their freedom and accept the coming Mark of the Beast in the name of security and safety. Fall 2001 begins the Last 10 Years to the Messiah's 2nd Coming which will be in the Fall of 2011. From Fall 2001 to Fall 2011 = 10 Years, 40 Seasons, 120 Months.
Spring 2004 began the 15th Year of the Last 22 Years. The 15th Year is the 1st of the 7 Tabernacle Years. Fall 2004 begins the Last 7 Years to the Messiah's 2nd Coming. Fall 2004 begins the 3 1/2 Years of preparation for the Great Tribulation. The Olympic Games were in August 2004. The U.S. Presidential Election will be in November 2004. In 2004 the Fall Feasts on both the Sacred Calendar and on the Jewish Calendar are lined up and are on the same days.
Spring 2007 begins the 18th Year of the Last 22 Years. The 18th Year is the 4th and middle Year of the 7 Tabernacle Years. Scripture and the Calendar point to Spring 2007 as the time for the opening of the 3rd Seal of Revelation 6:5-6 which is the Black Horse and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand...a measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see you hurt not the oil and the wine. The 3rd Seal indicates FAMINE and the scarcity of food. The 18th Letter of the 22 Letter Hebrew Alphabet is the Letter Tsaddi which is symbolic for the word RIGHTEOUSNESS. This is probably when the 144,000 of the 12 Tribes of Israel and the great multitude of Revelation 7:1-17 will be sealed. From Fall 2001 to Spring 2007 is 22 Seasons and from Spring 2007 to the Messiah's return in Fall 2011 is 18 Seasons giving a total of 40 Seasons. From Fall 2001 to Spring 2008 is 26 Seasons. From Spring 2007 (22 Seasons) to Spring 2008 (26 Seasons) are the 4 Seasons in which the Righteous will be sealed just before the Great Tribulation which will start in the Spring of 2008.
Spring 2008 begins the 19th Year of the Last 22 Years. Spring 2008 begins the Great Tribulation which will last for 3 1/2 Years. From Fall 2001 to Spring 2008 is 26 Seasons. The Beast of Revelation 13:1-18 will Rule the World for 3 1/2 Years during the Great Tribulation. Satan and his fallen angels will be booted out of heaven and will raise hell on earth for these 3 1/2 Years. The 4th and 5th Seals of Revelation 6:7-11 will be open during the Great Tribulation. The 4th Seal is a Pale Horse and his name that sat on him was Death and Hell followed with him and power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth. The opening of the 5th Seal shows that under the altar are the souls of them that were slain for the word of Yahuah, and for the testimony which they held. These souls are told to wait until their fellowservants and their brethren should be killed during the Great Tribulation. The first 6 Trumpets and the first 6 Vials (which are one and the same) of Revelation 8:6-13; 9:1-21; 15:1-8; 16:1-16) will all occur during the Great Tribulation. The Olympic Games will come again in 2008 and the U.S. Presidential Election will also be in the year 2008.
Spring 2011 begins the 22nd Year of the Last 22 Years. On September 15, 2011 on the Feast of Trumpets in the Fall of 2011 the Messiah will Return! The 6th Seal, 7th Trumpet and the 7th Vial of Revelation 6:12-17; 10:7; 16:17-21) are all one and the same even -- the Return of the Messiah!
Spring 2012 ends the 6000th Year from Adam and begins the 7th Millennium. The Messiah begins his 1000 Year reign on the earth. Satan is bound for 1000 years.
The time is passing by very quickly. Are you ready for the Messiah's Return? Are you preparing for the Great Tribulation? Are you on Yahuah's side, or on Satan's side? Are you sitting on the sharp picket fence that divides the two? Sooner or latter you will be knocked off the fence and will land on one side or the other. Which side do you want to be on. On Satan's side you will have the pleasures of this life for a short season. To choose Satan is to choose death and eternal damnation. To choose Yahuah is to choose life and eternal life. The choice is yours.
Introduction:69.0) Storm Clouds on the Horizon:The Feast of Trumpets on September 16, 2004 started the Beginning of Sorrows of Matthew 24:8. This is the beginning of the Last 7 Years to the Messiah's return. The 1st 3 1/2 Years is the Beginning of Sorrows, the time of preparation for the Great Tribulation. The 2nd 3 1/2 Years is the Great Tribulation. Then the Messiah will come immediately after the Great Tribulation.
To usher in the Beginning of Sorrows, 4 Hurricanes hit the West Indies and the U.S.A. in succession. The fallout from these Hurricanes was close to 2,000 dead and over $25 Billion in property damage. These Hurricanes made landfall (mainland U.S.A.) on the following dates: Charley - August 13, 2004; Frances - September 5, 2004; Ivan - September 16, 2004; and Jeanne - September 26, 2004. The Feast of Trumpets was on September 16, 2004! The Day of Atonement was on September 25, 2004.
Time that Israel was supposed to enter the Promised Land the 1st Time Revised:
From previous studies the indication was that the children of Israel searched the Promised Land for 40 Days starting on the 14th Day of the 6th Month (3rd Jubilee of Days) to the 22nd Day of the 7th Month. This should now be revised based on a better understanding from scripture and the calendar as follows:
If the children of Israel searched the Land starting on the 1st Day of the 6th Month to the 9th Day of the 7th Month (40 Days) then they would have entered into the Promised Land on the Day of Atonement, the 10th Day of the 7th Month. This makes perfect sense. Israel came out of Egypt in 1343BCE which was a Jubilee Year. The Jubilee Year was celebrated on the Day of Atonement, when freedom was given to those in bondage or in debt. Israel came out of bondage from Egypt in a Jubilee Year and would have been free to enter the Promised Land on the Day of Atonement (Leviticus 25:1-55).
Because of their fear and disobedience, Israel was forced to wander in the wilderness for 40 years. Then they entered the Promised Land on the 10th Day of the 1st Month. The 1st Month and the 7th Month are identical and templates of each other.
Israel came out of Egypt in the 54th Jubilee from Adam which was also the 52nd Jubilee from the death of Righteous Abel (52 = 2 x 26). From Adam to the Last Jubilee is 122 Jubilees. The Last Jubilee was the 122nd Jubilee in 1990CE. From the death of Righteous Abel to the Last Jubilee is 120 Jubilees! Abel was the 1st Righteous Man to die and he was a type of the Messiah. In Matthew 23:35 and Luke 11:51 we read, "That upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel...". Abel died in 3891BCE the 2nd Jubilee from Adam, in the 99th Year from Adam. From Adam to the death of Abel is 98 Years. Abel was 22 Years old when he died. At the end of the 6000 Years from Adam after the Last Jubilee Year in 1990CE we have 22 Years left over. So from Adam to the death of Abel is 98 Years plus 22 Years at the end of the 6000 Years = 120 Years. 1990CE was also the 120th Jubilee from the death of Abel. From Genesis 6:3 we know that the life span of man was 120 Years.
When the Messiah returns, he will lead us into the Kingdom of Yahuah (the Promised Land).
We are no longer waiting for things to happen. They are already happening. And now with the start of the Beginning of Sorrows, we can expect things to get worse and harder as well.
Here is what the Messiah told his disciples when they asked him about his 2nd Coming. In Matthew 24:3-14 we read, "And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world? And Yahuahshua answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am the Messiah; and shall deceive many. And you shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that you be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows. Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and you shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake. And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come."
The information about the timing for the going into the Promised Land the first time by Israel and the counting from the death of Abel was added in this article as it came in the spirit. All these bits and pieces of info may not necessarily come at one time in a cohesive and sequential way, but it does add to the overall pool of info that we need to better understand what is going on now and that is soon to come.
Introduction:70.0) Time Before and After the Messiah's 2nd Coming:The signs of the storm are already here but the full force of the storm will come with the start of the Great Tribulation in the Spring of 2008. The Feast of Trumpets on September 16, 2004 started the Beginning of Sorrows. With all the evil that will be unleashed by Satan in the next 7 years, what can the Righteous do? We can take comfort in Yahuah's Word and by being filled by Yahuah's Holy Spirit to take courage and to rest and trust in Yahuah. Yahuah will give us the strength to bear whatever will come.
Although we are now in the Beginning of Sorrows, we are told in scripture to look up and to rejoice for our redemption draws nigh. The reality is that the trials and tribulations will start with the household of Yahuah. We can expect members of our own families to be against us. The Messiah said it very plainly in Matthew 10:36, "And a man's foes shall be they of his own household." We are also told in 1Peter 4:12-14, "Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you: But rejoice, inasmuch as you are partakers of the Messiah's sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, you may be glad also with exceeding joy. If you be reproached for the name of the Messiah, happy are you; for the spirit of glory and of Yahuah rests upon you: on their part he is evil spoken of, but on your part he is glorified."
The greatest danger to believers in the next 7 years is to get discouraged and to go back into the world. It is written that the hearts of many shall grow cold because of the evil that shall come upon this world. So take heart dear brethren and be renewed in the spirit. The Apostle Paul encourages us in Romans 8:35-39 when he said, "Who shall separate us from the love of the Messiah? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? As it is written, For your sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of Yahuah, which is in the Messiah Yahuahshua our Master."
There is no escaping the fact that much evil and trouble is coming to this world during the next 7 years. And believers will be exposed to it. So take courage and rest in Yahuah. Let the light of Yahuah shine in your hearts. Be filled with the Holy Spirit of Yahuah. The Word of Yahuah strengthens and comforts us to prepare for what is coming. In Isaiah 41:10 we read, "Fear you not; for I am with you; be not dismayed; for I am your Elohim: I will strengthen you; yea, I will help you; yea, I will uphold you with the right hand of my righteousness." And again in Isaiah 43:2-3, we read, "When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow you; when you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon you. For I am Yahuah your Elohim, the Holy One of Israel, your Saviour."
Just remember, there are only two possible choices. Either we will choose Yahuah and follow Him, or we will choose Satan and follow him. It is a life or death decision. Yahuah promises us Eternal Life and a life free of pain and death in the next life. But to choose Satan is certain death and Eternal Damnation in the Lake of Fire. So choose carefully.
Sometime during the Great Tribulation we will be forced to either accept or reject the Mark of the Beast. If we reject the Mark of the Beast, we will certainly face persecution and possibly death. But if we accept the Mark of the Beast out of fear we will certainly be rejected by Yahuah and will suffer the consequences of siding with Satan and the Beast. We are warned in Revelation 14:9-13, "And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand. The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of Yahuah, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascends up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receives the mark of his name. Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of Yahuah, and the faith of Yahuahshua. And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in Yahuah from henceforth: Yea, says the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them."
The Messiah told us plainly that we will suffer for his sake in Matthew 5:10-14 we read, "Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for their's is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceedingly glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you." Also in John 16:2,33 we read, "They shall put you out of the synagogues; yea, the time comes, that whosoever kills you will think that he does Yahuah service. These things I have spoken unto you, that in me you might have peace. In the world you shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."
The time is quickly approaching when we will be forced to choose, so choose ever so carefully. For to choose Satan and the Beast is death, but to choose Yahuah and Yahuahshua is Life Everlasting!
Introduction:71.0) Last 7 Years of 52 Jubilees of Days Cycles to the Messiah's Return:The Sacred Calendar is so perfect. Yahuah in His great love and mercy continually opens our hearts and minds to understand His plan for Man with the aid of His Sacred Calendar and His definitions of Time and to help us to get ready for His beloved Son's return. Here are two more revelations connecting the Sacred Calendar with the Days just Before and just After the Messiah's 2nd Coming.
Time Before the Messiah's 2nd Coming:
The Sacred Calendar has 364 Days = 52 Weeks = 7 x 49 + 21 Days. A Solar Year has 365 + 1/4 Days or 365 whole Days where 365 Days = 7 x 49 + 22. The perfect numbers of 7 and 22 always relate to the Messiah. The number 21 is a number of completion while the number 22denotes a new beginning; just as the number 49 is a number of completion while the number 50 (a Jubilee) denotes a new beginning. The Spring Feasts were fulfilled with the Messiah's 1st Coming. The Messiah fulfilled Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread. The Feast of Unleavened Bread ends on the 21st Day of the 1st Month which indicates completion. The Fall Feasts on the other hand relate to the Messiah's 2nd Coming and end on the Last Great Day the 22nd Day of the 7th Month which indicates a new beginning. The Feast of Tabernacles celebrates the end of the agricultural year and the Last Great Day points to the new agricultural year. The Last Great Day the 22nd Day of the 7th Month is the transition point between the old and the new.
The countdown of the Last 7 Years to the Messiah's 2nd Coming started with the Feast of Trumpets on the 1st Day of the 7th Month this year on September 16, 2004 and will end with his return on the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011. One Sacred Year = 364 Days = 7 x 49 + 21. However if you count from the Feast of Trumpets to the Feast of Trumpets it is actually 365 Days = 7 x 49 + 22. These Last 7 Years, year by year, all point to and remind us of his coming on the Feast of Trumpets. So the Feast of Trumpets is the 1st and 22nd just as the Messiah is represented by the 1st and 22nd Letter of the Hebrew Alphabet the Aleph and the Tau. The Messiah said in Revelation 1:8,11 that he is the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End, the Aleph and the Tau.
This gives us a new way to look at the Sacred Calendar which can also be used similar to the Jubilee Count. Just as the Jubilee Count dove tails where the 50th is also the 1st of the next 50 count (e.g. 49 + 49 + 49 + 1 etc.). So the Sacred Calendar dove tails into the next year to give a completion of 365 Days on the Feast of Trumpets which represents the Messiah's 2nd Coming (e.g. 364 + 364 + 364 +1). Even though the Sacred Calendar has 364 Days = 7 x 49 + 21, by counting from the Feast of Trumpets to the next Feast of Trumpets this will give 365 Days = 7 x 49 + 22. This will give the number of 22 which represents the Messiah and is another indicator that the Messiah will return on the Feast of Trumpets.
The Feast of Trumpets (Yom Taruah)(Rosh Hashana) takes on several values at the same time:
1) It is the beginning and the start for the count to the Messiah's 2nd Coming.
2) It is the veryday on which the Messiah will return at his 2nd Coming.
3) It is the 1st Day of the 7th Month and the beginning of the Fall Feasts; the 1st Day of the 22 Days of the Fall Feasts.
4) It is the Last Day in the completion of the solar year number 365, from Feast of Trumpets to Feast of Trumpets.
5) It is the Last Day, the 22nd Day in the completion of the solar year number where 365 = 7 x 49 + 22.
Just as in the Jubilee Cycle, the Jubilee is both the 1st of the next Jubilee Cycle as well as the 50th of the present Jubilee Cycle. So the Feast of Trumpets is the 1st Day, the beginning of the count to the Messiah's 2nd Coming as well as the Last Great Day (the Great Day of Yahuah) when the Messiah will return at his 2nd Coming on the 22nd Day,the 365th Day from the previous Feast of Trumpets where 365 = 7 x 49 + 22. The Messiah's 2nd Coming will also be in the 22nd Year, the 6000th Year from Adam where 6000 = 122 x 49 + 22.Keep these thoughts in mind and let's plot out a Sacred Calendar Year (364 Days = 7 x 49 + 21) to see how some other sequences of numbers relate to the Messiah. Starting from the Feast of Trumpets, by counting out 7 x 49 Days = 343 Days we land on the 10th Day of the 6th Month which is Wednesday the 4th Day of the Week. The significance here is that the Messiah was crucified on the 4th Day of the Week and the number 10 denotes Judgement. The remaining 21 Days of the Year goes from the 11th Day of the 6th Month to the Intercalary Day just before the Feast of Trumpets. Keep in mind that the number 7 also represents the Messiah. Note that 343 = 7 x 49 = 7 x 7 x 7 and 21 = 7 + 7 + 7. These series of 7's lead up to the Feast of Trumpets when the Messiah will return. The Feast of Trumpets is the 22nd Day at the end of the year and the 365th Day from the previous Feast of Trumpets the year before.
Enoch was the 7thfrom Adam and was 365 Years old when he was taken by Yahuah. Enoch is pointing to the 7 Final Years where the 365th Day always ends on the Feast of Trumpets and relates to the Messiah's 2nd Coming on the Feast of Trumpets. These 7 Final Years will end with the death of Enoch and Elijah who have never died. These two witnesses EliYahu (Elijah) and Hanuch (Enoch) will witness for 3 1/2 Years in the 2nd half of these 7 Final Years and will be killed just before the Messiah returns and their dead bodies will be on display for 3 1/2 Days. The 3 1/2 Days before the Messiah's return is the18th Day of the 22 Days to the Feast of Trumpets and would be on Sunday the 1st Day of the Week, on the 28th Day of the 6th Month. The number 18 signifies the 18th Letter of the Hebrew Alphabet, the Letter Tsaddi, which is synonymous with the Hebrew word "Tsadaq" (Righteousness).
Time After the Messiah's 2nd Coming:
The Messiah will return on theFeast of Trumpets on the 1st Day of the 7th Month in 2011. He will judge the world on the Day of Atonement on the 10th Day of the 7th Month. The marriage feast of the Lamb (Messiah) will last for 7 days during the Feast of Tabernacles which is from the 15thto the 21st Day of the 7th Month.
The Jubilee Year was observed on the Day of Atonement the 10th Day of the 7th Month. The Jubilee Year was the year of release from bondage and debt. From the Day of Atonement on the 10th Day of the 7th Month to the 4th Jubilee of Days on the 2nd Day of the 8th Month is 22 Days. From the Last Great Day on the 22nd Day of the 7th Month to the 4th Jubilee of Days is 10 Days.
The original name for the8th Month on the Old Hebrew Solar Sacred Calendar is "Bul" Beth, Vav, Lamed (1Kings 6:38) from the root word "Yabal" Yod, Beth, Lamed which is the same root word for the word "Jubilee". Yabal means "to flow", a stream, a river, a continuous blast of the trumpet, etc. So the prophecy in Ezekiel 46:1-12 of water flowing from the Sanctuary of the Temple in Jerusalem down to the Dead Sea, healing the Dead Sea could be fulfilled sometime from the Last Great Day the 22nd Day of the 7th Month to the 4th Jubilee of Days.
These again are perfect numbers and numerical sequences that are unique and notable with special meaning for events just after the Messiah's return. But at this time we do not know their true significance or meaning.
These are truly exciting times. Yahuah is preparing us for His beloved Son's return and His Kingdom. Events will happen in the next 7 Years that have not happened since the creation of Adam.
A major event was on last night's news. Yassar Arafat the head of the Palestinians is seriously ill. If he dies, the way will be open for peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians. This is on schedule for the Peace Plan for 2005. The way then could be open for the building of the Third Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Ariel Sharon has also ordered the dismantling of Jewish Settlements in the Gaza Strip which is also in line with the 2005 Peace Plan. These are all signs pointing to the Messiah's return.
This new concept of seeing the Feast of Trumpets both as a 1st Day and a Last Day (a 22nd Day) makes sense when the Messiah said that he is the 1st and the Last. The Feast of Trumpets, the day on which the Messiah will return is also known as the Great Day of Yahuah and is also synonymous with the Last Great Day the 22nd Day of the 7th Month. There is a reciprocal connection between the 1st Day (Feast of Trumpets) and the 22nd Day (Last Great Day) of the 7th Month.
So the Messiah will return on the Great Day of Yahuah on the Feast of Trumpets, which can be considered the 1st Day of the 22 Day Fall Feasts and a 22nd Day (365th Day = 7 x 49 + 22 - From Feast of Trumpets to Feast of Trumpets) in the 22nd Year (6000th Year from Adam) on September 15, 2011.
Note: This new understanding does not change the Sacred Calendar in any way. The Sacred Calendar still begins on the 1st Day of the 1st Month in the Spring and the Feast Days are unchanged. However, what does change is the Last 7 Year count to the Messiah's 2nd Coming which starts with the Feast of Trumpets and will end with the Messiah's return on the Feast of Trumpets.
Introduction:72.0) Last 22 Years and the 120 Day Cycles to the End of the 6000 Years from Adam:The closer we get to the Messiah's Return, the more Yahuah reveals to us about His Sacred Calendar and Time. In these Last 7 Years to the Messiah, there are exactly 52 Perfect Jubilees of Days. 7 Years = 7 Years x 364 Days per Year = 2,548 Days = 2,548 Days divided by 49 = 52 Jubilees of Days. 49 x 52 Jubilees of Days = 2,548 Days. Keep in mind that the 50th is also the 1st for the next Jubilee count. 3 1/2 Years = 49 x 26 Jubilees of Days (Yahuah's name has a numerical value of 26!). The 26th Jubilee of Days is on the 1st Day of the 1st Month on March 20, 2008 the 1st Day of the Great Tribulation! The 52nd Jubilee of Days is on the 1st Day of the 7th Month the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011 the very day on which the Messiah will return. Please note that the Sacred Calendar is Intercalated in the Spring of 2007 by one week and this one week of Intercalary Days is not counted. The 7 Day Intercalation in the Spring of 2007 is necessary every 5 or 6 years to bring the Sacred Calendar back in line with the Solar Year but does not affect the observance of or the calculations regarding the 364 Day Sacred Calendar. The Yearly Sacred Calendar has 7 Jubilees of Days in it related to the Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) which always occur on the 1st Day of the Week (Sunday). But the Messiah will return on the Feast of Trumpets which is always on the 5th Day of the Week (Thursday). Therefore all the 52 Jubilees of Days of the Last 7 Years which is a count down to the Messiah's return will always be on the 5th Day of the Week (Thursday). The two seperate sets of Jubilees of Days should not be confused with each other. The Last 7 Years of 52 Jubilees of Days count down to the Messiah's return starts with the Feast of Trumpets on September 16, 2004.
The Last 7 Years of 52 Jubilees of Days:
Here is how the 52 Jubilees of Days count down to the Messiah's return looks when plotted out:
Year JubileeSacred Calendar Roman Calendar Event
1st Start 1st Day 7th Month Sept. 16, 2004 Trumpets
1st 1st 50 20th Day 8th Month Nov. 4, 2004
1st 2nd 50 8th Day 10th Month Dec. 23, 2004
1st 3rd 50 27th Day 11th Month Feb. 10, 2005
1st 4th 50 15th Day 1st Month Mar. 31, 2005 Unleavened
1st 5th 50 4th Day 3rd Month May 19, 2005
1st 6th 50 22nd Day 4th Month July 7, 2005
1st 7th 50 11th Day 6th Month Aug. 25, 2005
2nd 8th 50 29th Day 7th Month Oct. 13, 2005
2nd 9th 50 18th Day 9th Month Dec. 1, 2005
2nd 10th 50 6th Day 11th Month Jan. 19, 2006
2nd 11th 50 25th Day 12th Month Mar. 9, 2006
2nd 12th 50 13th Day 2nd Month April 27, 2006
2nd 13th 50 1st Day 4th Month June 15, 2006 26th Day
2nd 14th 50 20th Day 5th Month Aug. 3, 2006
3rd 15th 50 8th Day 7th Month Sept. 21, 2006
3rd 16th 50 27th Day 8th Month Nov. 9, 2006
3rd 17th 50 15th Day 10th Month Dec. 28, 2006
3rd 18th 50 4th Day 12th Month Feb. 15, 2007
3rd 19th 50 22nd Day 1st Month April 12, 2007
3rd 20th 50 11th Day 3rd Month May 31, 2007
3rd 21st 50 29th Day 4th Month July 19, 2007
3rd 22nd 50 18th Day 6th Month Sept. 6, 2007
4th 23rd 50 6th Day 8th Month Oct. 25, 2007
4th 24th 50 25th Day 9th Month Dec. 13, 2007
4th 25th 50 13th Day 11th Month Jan. 31, 2008
4th 26th 50 1st Day 1st Month Mar. 20, 2008 Great Trib.
4th 27th 50 20th Day 2nd Month May 8, 2008
4th 28th 50 8th Day 4th Month June 26, 2008
4th 29th 50 27th Day 5th Month Aug. 14, 2008
5th 30th 50 15th Day 7th Month Oct. 2, 2008 Tabernacles
5th 31st 50 4th Day 9th Month Nov. 20, 2008
5th 32nd 50 22nd Day 10th Month Jan. 8, 2009
5th 33rd 50 11th Day 12th Month Feb. 26, 2009
5th 34th 50 29th Day 1st Month April 16, 2009
5th 35th 50 18th Day 3rd Month June 4, 2009
5th 36th 50 6th Day 5th Month July 23, 2009
5th 37th 50 25th Day 6th Month Sept. 10, 2009
6th 38th 50 13th Day 8th Month Oct. 29, 2009
6th 39th 50 1st Day 10th Month Dec. 17, 2009
6th 40th 50 20th Day 11th Month Feb. 4, 2010
6th 41st 50 8th Day 1st Month Mar. 25, 2010
6th 42nd 50 27th Day 2nd Month May 13, 2010 Ascension
6th 43rd 50 15th Day 4th Month July 1, 2010
6th 44th 50 4th Day 6th Month Aug. 19, 2010
7th 45th 50 22nd Day 7th Month Oct. 7, 2010 LastGreatDay
7th 46th 50 11th Day 9th Month Nov. 25, 2010
7th 47th 50 29th Day 10th Month Jan. 13, 2011
7th 48th 50 18th Day 12th Month Mar. 3, 2011
7th 49th 50 6th Day 2nd Month April 21, 2011
7th 50th 50 25th Day 3rd Month June 9, 2011
7th 51st 50 13th Day 5th Month July 28, 2011
7th 52nd 50 1st Day 7th Month Sept. 15, 2011 TrumpetsSummary:
1) Feast of TrumpetsSeptember 16, 2004 begins 7 Year count to the Messiah's return.
2) 4th Jubilee of Days March 31, 2005 is on the 1st Day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread.
3) 13th Jubilee of Days June 15, 2006 is 26 Days from the Feast of Weeks (Pentecost).
4) 26th Jubilee of Days March 20, 2008 is the 1st Day of the Year and the 1st Day of the Great Tribulation, and also 26 Jubilees of Days to the Messiah's return.
5) 30th Jubilee of Days October 2, 2008 is the 1st Day of the Feast of Tabernacles and 22 Jubilees of Days to the Messiah's return.
6) 42nd Jubilee of Days May 13, 2010 is the day that the Messiah ascended up into Heaven (27th Day of the 2nd Month), 10 Days to the Feast of Weeks (Pentecost), and 10 Jubilees of Days to the Messiah's return.
7) 45th Jubilee of Days October 7, 2010 is on the Last Great Day (22nd Day of the 7th Month), and is 7 Jubilees of Days to the Messiah's return.
8) 52nd Jubilee of Days September 15, 2011 is the Feast of Trumpets and the Day on which the Messiah will return.Pattern of 52 Jubilees of Days every 7 Years during the 6000 Years from Adam:
If you divide 6000 years by 7 you will get 857 with 1 year as a remainder, where 857 x 7 + 1 = 6000 years (857 x 7 = 5999). Counting by 7 year blocks from the Messiah's 2nd Coming back to Adam there is a 1/2 year period at the begining and a 1/2 year period at the end of the 6000 years from Adam. Another way to look at 1/2 year is 1/2 Year = 6 Months = 26 Weeks. So the 6000 Years can now be seen as 26 Weeks + 7 Years + 7 Years + 7 Years + 7 Years + .... + 7 Years + 26 Weeks = 6000 Years. Again, the number 26 represents Yahuah the Father and the number 7 represents the Messiah. This is quite in line with the scripture in 1Corinthians 15:22-28 where we read, "For as in Adam all die, even so in the Messiah shall all be made alive. But every man in his own order: the Messiah the firstfruits; afterward they that are the Messiah's at his coming. Then comes the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to Yahuah, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power. For he must reign, till he has put all enemies under his feet. The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. For he has put all things under his feet. But when he says all things are put under him, it is manifest that he is excepted, which did put all things under him. And when all things shall be subdued unto him, then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him, that Yahuah may be all in all."
So the Jubilees of Days count started in the Fall on the Feast of Trumpets in the 1st Year of Creation. From the 1st Day of the New Year on the 1st Day of the 1st Month in the Creation Week on the 5th Day of Creation to the Feast of Trumpets in the 1st Year of Creation is 1 /2 Year = 6 Months = 26 Weeks. When the Messiah returns on the Feast of Trumpets in 2011 there is still 1/2 Year = 6 Months = 26 Weeks to the end of the 6000 Years from Adam in Spring 2012. So Yahuah the Father is all in all from the beginning to the end because it is Yahuah the Father's name that carries the numerical value of 26! Yahuah has declared the end from the beginning.
The 7 Year Block of 52 Jubilees of Days always on a Thursday and covers the full 52 Weeks of the Year!
Because the Messiah will return on the Feast of Trumpets which is always on a Thursday (5th Day of the Week), then all the 52 Jubilees of Days in the 7 Years to his return has to be on a Thursday. This means that since the very first Feast of Trumpets in the 1st Year of Creation this pattern has existed with the 26th Jubilee of Days always on the 1st Day of the 1st Month, New Year's Day and the 52nd Jubilee of Days always on the 1st Day of the 7th Month on the Feast of Trumpets every 7 Years. This pattern has been heralding the beginning of the Messiah's reign on Earth as King of Kings since the 1st Year of Creation. The Messiah will rule the Earth at his 2nd Coming!
All 52 Jubilees of Days are always on the 5th Day of the Week (Thursday). If you plot out all 52 Jubilees of Days on a Single Sacred Calendar Year (even though they are spread over 7 Years), you will find that they cover every week of the year without missing or repeating a week. Because of this, you can treat the 52 Jubilees of Days as one year and draw from the pattern and sequence of numbers that they generate.
So if you take each Month of the Year and take the number of the Jubilees of Days that land on the 5th Day of the Week (Thursday) of each week for that Month, you will get a unique pattern of mathematical numbers and sequences:
1st Season:
1st Month: 26 + 41 + 4 + 19 + 34 = 124 (124 = 2 x 49 + 26)
2nd Month: 49 + 12 + 27 + 42 = 130 (130 = 10 x 13 or 5 x 26)
3rd Month: 5 + 20 + 35 + 50 = 110 (110 = 5 x 22)
Total = 364 = 124 + 130 + 110!2nd Season:
4th Month: 13 + 28 + 43 + 6 + 21 = 111 (111 = 2 x 49 + 13)
5th Month: 36 + 51 + 14 + 29 = 130 (130 = 10 x 13 or 5 x 26)
6th Month: 44 + 7 + 22 + 37 = 110 (110 = 5 x 22)
Total = 351 = 111 + 130 + 110 (Note: 351 + 13 = 364)3rd Season:
7th Month: 52 + 15 + 30 +45 + 8 = 150 (150 = 3 x 50)
8th Month: 23 + 38 + 1 + 16 = 78 (78 = 3 x 26)
9th Month: 31 + 46 + 9 + 24 = 110 (110 = 5 x 22)
Total = 338 = 150 + 78 + 110 (Note: 338 + 13 + 13 = 364)4th Season:
10th Month: 39 + 2 + 17 + 32 + 47=137(137 = 2 x 49 +13 +26)
11th Month: 10 + 25 + 40 + 3 = 78 (78 = 3 x 26)
12th Month: 18 + 33 + 48 + 11 = 110 (110 = 5 x 22)
Total: 325 = 137 + 78 + 110 (Note: 325 + 13 + 13 + 13 = 364)Notice how the Last Month at the end of each Season has a total of 110! The Messiah's future name of Yahuahtsadaq has a numerical value of 220 = 2 x 110 = 10 x 22! The number 22 always relates to the Messiah. And even the difference of 13 between Seasons is significant because the name of Yahuah the Father has a numerical value of 26 = 2 x 13! Again this pattern holds true since the Feast of Trumpets in the 1st Year of Creation! Note also that each Season = 13 Weeks! All these perfect numbers show us that we have the right Calendar! Yahuah's Sacred Calendar is so perfect! Yahuah's Sacred Calendar is like a very fine Swiss Watch on a Spiritual level helping us to understand Yahuah's Time.
With these revelations about His Sacred Calendar, Yahuah is comforting our hearts not to be anxious or fearful when the time of trial and tribulation comes. For Yahuah knows the end from the beginning. He is more than able to help us in times of trouble. We have to learn to trust in Him and to believe that He is more than able to help us. Our brother in the faith, the Apostle Paul confirms the solid hope that we have in Yahuah through Yahuahshua when he writes in 2Corinthians 4:7-18, "But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of Yahuah, and not of us. We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed; Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Master Yahuahshua, that the life also of Yahuahshua might be made manifest in our body. For we which live are alway delivered unto death for Yahuahshua's sake, that the life also of Yahuahshua might be made manifest in our mortal flesh. So then death works in us, but life in you. We having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak; Knowing that he which raised up the Master Yahuahshua shall raise up us also by Yahuahshua, and shall present us with you. For all things are for your sakes, that the abundant grace might through the thanksgiving of many redound to the glory of Yahuah. For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day. For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, works for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal."
Introduction:73.0) Connection between Noah's Flood, and the Messiah's 1st and 2nd Coming:The Sacred Calendar is a 360 Day, a 364 Day and a 365 Day per Year Calendar all rolled into one. This is a hard concept to understand at times. We use the 360 Days per year (not counting the 4 Intercalary Days) when observing 6 out of the 7 High Sabbaths and the Feast Days of Yahuah. We are told in Leviticus 23:1-44 on what month and on what day of the month they fall on. For example, Passover, Feast of Unleavened Bread, Feast of Trumpets, Day of Atonement, Feast of Tabernacles, and the Last Great Day all fall on set, fixed, and appointed days of the year. However, the seventh High Sabbath, the Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) does not follow this pattern. We have to calculate the Feast of Weeks by counting 7 Weeks from the Sheaf Offering of the Barley. So for the Feast of Weeks we have to use 364 Days per year which has 52 perfect Weeks (counting the 4 Intercalary Days) to figure out what day it is to be observed on. 364 Days divided by 7 = 52 Weeks per Year. The Sacred Calendar is also a 365 Day Solar Calendar as the Sacred Calendar is Intercalated every 5 or 6 years by one week to bring it back in line with the Solar Year. Note that 364 Days = 49 x 7 + 21; 365 Days = 49 x 7 + 22; 360 Days = 12 Months x 30 Days = 3 x 120 Days.
The prophecies in Revelation 11:2 = 42 Months; Revelation 11:3 = 1260 Days; Revelation 12:6 = 1260 Days; Revelation 13:5 = 42 Months; and Genesis 7:11,24; 8:3-4 = 150 Days are all based on 30 Day Months where 12 Months x 30 Days = 360 Days per Year. The 360 Days per year also equals 3 x 120 Days where the number 120 (Years) is the Life Span of Man (Genesis 6:3). The 6000 Years from Adam is the Time of Man where 6000 Years = 50 x 120 Years. So the number 120 is another perfect number that we have to consider in prophecy for the Last Days to the Messiah's Return.
The Last 22 Years has 66 Cycles of 120 Days:
The Last 22 Years to the End of the 6000 Years from Adam is from Spring 1990 to Spring 2012. Using 360 Days per year = 3 x 120 Days; the Last 22 Years = 3 x 120 Days x 22 Years = 66 x 120 Days. So there are 66 Cycles of 120 Days in the Last 22 Years. So let's plot out these 66 Cycles of 120 Days to see how they appear.
66 Cycles of 120 Days
The 66 Cycles of 120 Days breaks down into 3 Blocks of 22 Cycles of 120 Days.
1st Block of 22 Cycles of 120 Days:
Starts 1st Day of the 1st Month on March 22, 1990 and ends on 30th Day of the 4th Month on July 18, 1997.2nd Block of 22 Cycles of 120 Days:
Starts 1st Day of 5th Month on July 19, 1997 and ends on 30th Day of the 8th Month on November 14, 2004.3rd Block of 22 Cycles of 120 Days:
Starts 1st Day of 9th Month on November 15, 2004 and ends on 30th Day of 12th Month on March 13, 2012.The Last and 3rd Block of 22 Cycles of 120 Days:
1st 120 - 1st Day 9th Month Nov.15, 2004 to 30th Day 12th Month Mar.15, 2005.
2nd 120 - 1st Day 1st Month Mar.17, 2005 to 30th Day 4th Month July 15, 2005.
3rd 120 - 1st Day 5th Month July 16, 2005 to 30th Day 8th Month Nov. 13, 2005.
4th 120 - 1st Day 9th Month Nov. 14, 2005 to 30th Day 12th Month Mar. 14, 2006.5th 120 - 1st Day 1st Month Mar. 16, 2006 to 30th Day 4th Month July 14, 2006.
6th 120 - 1st Day 5th Month July 15, 2006 to 30th Day 8th Month Nov. 12, 2006.
7th 120 - 1st Day 9th Month Nov. 13, 2006 to 30th Day 12th Month Mar. 13, 2007.8th 120 - 1st Day 1st Month Mar. 22, 2007 to 30th Day 4th Month July 20, 2007.
9th 120 - 1st Day 5th Month July 21, 2007 to 30th Day 8th Month Nov. 18, 2007.
10th 120 - 1st Day 9th Month Nov. 19, 2007 to 30th Day 12th Month Mar. 19, 2008.11th 120 - 1st Day 1st Month Mar. 20, 2008 to 30th Day 4th Month July 18, 2008.
12th 120 - 1st Day 5th Month July 19, 2008 to 30th Day 8th Month Nov. 16, 2008.
13th 120 - 1st Day 9th Month Nov. 17, 2008 to 30th Day 12th Month Mar. 17, 2009.14th 120 - 1st Day 1st Month Mar. 19, 2009 to 30th Day 4th Month July 17, 2009.
15th 120 - 1st Day 5th Month July 18, 2009 to 30th Day 8th Month Nov. 15, 2009.
16th 120 - 1st Day 9th Month Nov. 16, 2009 to 30th Day 12th Month Mar. 16, 2010.17th 120 - 1st Day 1st Month Mar. 18, 2010 to 30th Day 4th Month July 16, 2010.
18th 120 - 1st Day 5th Month July 17, 2010 to 30th Day 8th Month Nov. 14, 2010.
19th 120 - 1st Day 9th Month Nov. 15, 2010 to 30th Day 12th Month Mar. 15, 2011.20th 120 - 1st Day 1st Month Mar. 17, 2011 to 30th Day 4th Month July 15, 2011.
21st 120 - 1st Day 5th Month July 16, 2011 to 30th Day 8th Month Nov. 13, 2011.
22nd 120 - 1st Day 9th Month Nov. 14, 2011 to 30th Day 12th Month Mar. 13, 2012.Summary:
The most significant of these cycles is the 21st Cycle of 120 Days. It is during this cycle that the Messiah will return. This cycle also completes 7 Years from the start of the 3rd Block of 22 Cycles of 120 Days.
To get a better idea how important this 21st Cycle of 120 Days is, we need to take a closer look at the 360 Day Sacred Calendar and its 12 Months.
1 Year = 360 Days = 120 + 120 + 120.
360 Days = 4 Months + 4 Months + 4 Months.
120 Days = 4 Months (4 x 30 Day Months).The Numerical Signet of Yahuah and Yahuahshua in the 12 Month Year:
You can see the signature of Yahuah's name which carries the numerical value of 26 in the structure of the 12 Month Year and of the Messiah represented by the number 7. Keep in mind that both of the Messiah's names of Yahuahshua and Yahuahtsadaq both carry the fulness of Yahuah's name consequently the number 26 as well. If you give each Month its particular numerical value and add them together based on the three 120 Day Cycles where each 120 Day Cycle = 4 Months, then you will get the following:
Where the 1st Month has a value of 1, 2nd Month a value of 2, 3rd Month a value of 3, etc.
1st 120 Days = 1st 4 Months of the Year = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10.
2nd 120 Days = 2nd 4 Months = 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 = 26.
3rd 120 Days = 3rd 4 Months = 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 = 42.
Notice how it is the middle 120 Days that stands out and carries the value of 26 and that is when the Messiah will return. Notice also that if you add up all three values of 10 + 26 + 42 you get 78 = 3 x 26 or 26 + 26 + 26!Note also that the Messiah will return on the 1st Day of the 7th Month so the first 6 Months before his return represent the Creation of Man by Yahuah through Yahuahshua (John 1:1-10). Man was created on the 6th Day of the Week, Man's time on Earth is 6000 Years and the first 6 Months of the Year also represents Man's Creation by Yahuah through Yahuahshua. This is apparent with the number sequence of the first 6 Months of the Year which = 1+ 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 = 21 = 7 + 7 + 7 where the number 7 always represents the Messiah. So with the first 6 Months of the Year we get 21 = 7 + 7 + 7 which suggests the presence of the Messiah who became Man and for all 12 Months of the Year we get 78 = 26 + 26 + 26 which represents the presence of Yahuah the Father.
The Hand Writing on the Wall in Daniel 5:25-28 is Symbolic of the Judgement of the World by the Messiah at his 2nd Coming:
There is a link between the Hand Writing on the Wall in Daniel 5:23-31 with the 21st Cycle of 120 Days when the Messiah will return. The Writing was, "MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN." MENE is a weight which is equal to 50 or 60 Shekels depending on whether it is a Royal Mene or a Common Mene. The Royal Mene = 60 Shekels while the Common Mene = 50 Shekels. The Chaldean spelling for Mene is Mem,Nun,Aleph or Mem,Nun,He while in Hebrew it is Mem,Nun,He. In English it is translated as Mene, or Mina, or Maneh. In Ezekiel 45:12 the Mene used is clearly the Royal Mene = 60 Shekels so we will give the Mene a value of 60 Shekels. Now if you take the 21st 120 Days in the middle of the year when the Messiah will return, it covers the 4 Months of the 5th + 6th + 7th + 8th Months in 2011. The 5th + 6th Months = 60 Days and the 7th + 8th Months = 60 Days where 60 + 60 = 120 Days. Similarly Mene + Mene = 60 Shekels + 60 Shekels = 120 Shekels.
The Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin in Daniel is clearly explained in Daniel 5:25-28. Where:
MENE: Yahuah has numbered your kingdom and finished it.
TEKEL:You are weighed in the balances, and art found wanting.
UPHARSIN (PERES): Your kingdom is divided, and given to the Medes and Persians.So clearly this writing is talking about a weigh scale and Judgement where the two Mene are weights of 60 Shekels each. With one Mene weighed against the other. This represents the 1st 60 Days of the 5th and 6th Months in 2011 (1st Mene) at the End of the Great Tribulation under the Beast System and the 2nd 60 Days of the 7th and 8th Months in 2011 (2nd Mene) under the rule of the Messiah at his 2nd Coming. The Intercalary Day that separates the 6th and 7th Months is the pivot point of the weigh scale. In the bigger picture it is Evil (Satan) that is being weighed against Yahuah's Righteousness (Yahuahtsadaq).
1 Year = 360 Days = 120 + 60 + 60 + 120.
1 Year = 12 Months = 1-4 + 5-6 + 7-8 + 9-12You can picture the scales of justice where the Last 60 Days of the Beast System are weighed in Judgement against the First 60 Days of the Messiah's reign at his return when he conquers and judges the world in Righteousness by the authority of Yahuah the Father. Yahuah will unleash His wrath against the evildoers during the 21st 120 Days when the Messiah returns as indicated in Revelation 6:15-17. Even the number 60 = 10 + 50 carries the meaning of Judgement = 10 and Freedom = 50 (Jubilee). Judgement for the Unbelievers and Freedom and Salvation for Believers. Damnation for Unbelievers in the Lake of Fire for eternity and Eternal Life for Believers in the Kingdom of Yahuah.
We are slowly running out of time. Every time sequence that keeps cropping up in the Sacred Calendar is now counting down to the Messiah's 2nd Coming. Have you made your peace with Yahuah through Yahuahshua? Have you repented and turned to Yahuah with all your heart? Are you ready to face the trials and tribulations of the next few years? One thing for sure, if you try to go it alone on your own strength, you will fail for sure. But if you rely on Yahuah for your strength and hope, you will never fail. For if Yahuah be for us, who can be against us.
Paul warns us in 2Corinthians 5:10-11, "For we must all appear before the judgement seat of the Messiah; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he has done, whether it be good or bad. Knowing the terror of Yahuah, we persuade men." And again Paul writes in 2Corinthians 5:17-21, "Therefore if any man be in the Messiah, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. And all things are of Yahuah, who has reconciled us to himself by Yahuahshua the Messiah, and has given to us the ministry of reconciliation; To wit, that Yahuah was in the Messiah, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and has committed unto us the word of reconciliation. Now then we are ambassadors for the Messiah, as though Yahuah did beseech you by us; we pray you in the Messiah's stead, be you reconciled to Yahuah. For he has made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of Yahuah in him."
Introduction:74.0) Security Features in the Sacred Calendar and the Two 7 Day Cycle Systems:In Matthew 24:36-51 (also Luke 17:26-37) the Messiah gives us more clues about his 2nd Coming. In these scriptures, the Messiah makes a conncection between Noah's Flood and his 2nd Coming. Matthew 24:37 reads, "But as the days of Noe (Noah) were, so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be." So let us take a closer look at the facts surrounding Noah's Flood and see if we can find any connection to the Messiah's 2nd Coming.
Review of the Units of Time During Noah's Flood:
1) 10th Day of 2nd Month began 7 Days warning before the Flood rain started.
2) 17th Day of 2nd Month in the 600th Year of Noah's Life the 40 Days of rain started.
3) Waters prevailed upon the earth for 150 Days.
4) After the end of the 150 Days the waters were abated.
5) On the 17th Day of 7th Month the Ark rested upon the mountains of Ararat.
6) Waters decreased continually until the 1st Day of the 10th Month when the tops of the mountains were seen.
7) At the end of40 Days (10th Day of 11th Month being the 40th Day?) Noah sent forth a raven. Noah also sent forth a dove which came back to him.
8) Noah waited 7 Days more (17th Day of 11th Month being the 7th Day?) and sent forth the dove again and the dove returned with an olive leaf in its mouth.
9) Noah waited another 7 Days (24th Day of the 11th Month being the 7th Day?) and sent forth the dove again and this time the dove did not return.
10) On the 1st Day of the 1st Month in the 601st Year of Noah's Life the waters were dried up from off the earth and Noah removed the covering of the Ark.
11) On the 27th Day of the 2nd Month was the earth dried and Yahuah commanded Noah to come out of the Ark.Noah's Flood:
In Genesis Chapters 6,7 & 8 we are given a description of the events surrounding the Flood in great detail. From Genesis 7:11 we know that the Flood waters started in the 600th Year of Noah's Life and began on the 17th Day of the 2nd Month. The rain was upon the earth for 40 Days. From Genesis 7:24 we know that the waters prevailed upon the earth for 150 Days. According to Genesis 8:3, the waters receded after the end of the 150 Days. And the Ark rested on the mountains of Ararat on the 17th Day of the 7th Month (Genesis 8:4). In Genesis 8:14-16 we are told that the earth was dried in the 601st Year of Noah's Life on the 27th Day of the 2nd Month and Noah was told at this time to leave the Ark which marked the end of the Flood.
So let's sum up the meaning of these detailed facts of time during the Flood. The 150 Days is from the 17th Day of the 2nd Month to the 17th Day of the 7th Month in the 600th Year of Noah's Life which indicates 5 Months x 30 Days. Which means that we have to use 360 Days per Year (not counting the 4 Intercalary Days). The end of the Flood was on the 27th Day of the 2nd Month in the 601st Year of Noah's Life. So now we know that the time between the 17th Day of the 2nd Month in the 600th Year to the 27th Day of the 2nd Month in the 601st Year is 1 Year plus 10 Days which equals 360 Days + 10 Days = 370 Days. This can also be shown as 40 Days + 110 Days + 220 Days = 370 Days. The 40 Days = time of the rains, 150 Days (40 + 110 = 150 Days) = time that the water was on the earth, 220 Days = time that water was receding and the healing of the earth was taking place to the point that it was dry and Noah left the protection of the Ark. Now here is the significance of these numbers. The number 40is a time of cleansing. The numbers 110 and 220 both refer to the Messiah because both are divisible by 22. 110 = 5 x 22. 220 = 10 x 22. Note the Messiah's future name of Yahuahtsadaq has a numerical value of 220! The 220 Days relates to the Messiah's 2nd Coming. The Messiah ascended up into Heaven on the 27th Day of the 2nd Month which is the end of the 220 Days. The Messiah will use his future name of Yahuahtsadaq at his 2nd coming. In Acts 1:9-11 at the time of the Messiah's ascension the two angels that were present tell us that just as the Messiah ascended into Heaven, so shall he also come in like manner.
The Connection Between Noah's Flood and the Messiah:
The connection between Noah's Flood and the Messiah is the 27th Day of the 2nd Month. The Flood ended on the 27th Day of the 2nd Month. The Messiah ascended up into Heaven on the 27th Day of the 2nd Month which ended his time on earth. The Messiah rose from the dead on the 17th Day of the 1st Month and was seen for 40 Days and ascended up into Heaven on the 40th Day, the 27th Day of the 2nd Month. The 27th Day of the 2nd Month is also 10 Days before the Feast of Weeks (Pentecost). Pentecost is the end of Wheat Harvest which represents the end of the world system when the Messiah will return at his 2nd coming. Pentecost is the 50th Day a type of Jubilee. This shows the connection between Noah's Flood and the Messiah's 1st Coming but how is it related to his 2nd Coming? There is a connection. Let's take a closer look.
The Last 7 Years of Jubilees of Days to the Messiah's 2nd Coming:
The 27th Day of the 2nd Month is also connected to the Messiah's 2nd Coming. In Topic 71.0) above we discussed in detail the 52 Jubilees of Days in the Last 7 Years to the Messiah's 2nd Coming. We also noted that these 52 Jubilees even though they stretch across 7 Years cover each week of the year where each Jubilee of Days covers every one of the 52 weeks of the year without repeating. Keeping this in mind, it is the 42nd Jubilee of Days that lands on the 27th Day of the 2nd Month on May 13, 2010. From the 42nd Jubilee of Days on May 13, 2010 it is 10 Jubilees of Days to the Messiah's 2nd Coming. The Messiah will return on the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011, the 52nd Jubilee of Days. The time frame from the 42nd Jubilees of Days to the 52nd Jubilees of Days is 10 Jubilees of Days x 49 Days = 490 Days. Note that 490 Days = 18 x 26 + 22 Days. The meaning here is 18 = Righteousness or the Righteous, 26 = Yahuah the Father, 22 = the Messiah. What this suggests is that these Last 10 Jubilees of Days will be a time of trial and great tribulation for the Righteous believers who will still be alive at that time. But this also suggests that we who will be left at that time will have the protection and strength of both Yahuah and Yahuahshua to deal with whatever challenges will come our way.
At the time of Noah's Flood, in Genesis 8:5 we are told that the waters decreased continually until the 1st Day of the 10th Month when the tops of the mountains were seen. The 1st Day of the 10th Month is the 1st Day of the Winter Season and is the day on which the 39th Jubilee of Days will be during the Last 7 Years on December 17, 2009. Note that from the 1st Day of the 10th Month to the 27th Day of the 2nd Month is 147 Days which equals exactly 3 Jubilees of Days = 3 x 49. The 42nd Jubilee of Days will be on the 27th Day of the 2nd Month. If you add 3 Jubilees of Days to the 39th Jubilee of Days you get 42 Jubilees of Days! It is incredible how accurate this is and how exactly it lines up considering that the Jubilees of Days from week to week plotted out over one calendar year are sporadic and don't seem to follow any special order and yet they do. For example, on the Thursday of the 1st Week of the Year you have the 26th Jubilee of Days on the 1st Day of the 1st Month; on the Thursday of the 2nd Week you have the 41st Jubilee of Days on the 8th Day of the 1st Month; on the Thursday of the 3rd Week you have the 4th Jubilee of Days on the 15th Day of the 1st Month; etc. for the full 52 Weeks of the Year which covers the full 52 Jubilees of Days to the Messiah's 2nd Coming.
On the 1st Day of the 1st Month in the 601st Year of Noah's Life the waters were dried up from off the earth and Noah removed the covering of the Ark. This could be pointing to the 1st Day of the Great Tribulation which will also be on the 1st Day of the 1st Month in 2008CE which will also be the 26th Jubilee of Days and the beginning of the Spring Season.
Something else that is so beautiful is that the Jubilees of Days on the 1st Day of each of the 4 Seasons is a multiple of 13!
Spring = 1st Day 1st Month = 26th Jubilee of Days = 2 x 13
Summer = 1st Day 4th Month = 13th Jubilee of Days = 1 x 13
Fall = 1st Day 7th Month = 52nd Jubilee of Days = 4 x 13
Winter = 1st Day 10th Month = 39th Jubilee of Days = 3 x 13
This is significant because the numerical value of the Father's name of Yahuah is 26 which is a multiple of 13! If you add the numbers of the Jubilees of Days for all four Seasons you get 26 + 13 + 52 + 39 = 130 = 5 x 26. From the 42nd Jubilees of Days on the 27th Day of the 2nd Month on May 13, 2010 to the Messiah's Return is exactly 10 Jubilees of Days = 490 Days = 360 Days + 130 Days.The Year 30CE in which the Messiah Died:
The Year in which the Messiah died is packed with info related to our time. The Messiah died in the Year 30CE which was a Jubilee Year. The Year 30CE was also the 7th Year in the Jubilees of Days Cycles. In 30CE the Messiah ascended up into Heaven on the 27th Day of the 2nd Month. 10 Days later was the Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) which was on the 7th Day of the 3rd Month which was the end of Wheat Harvest and the day on which the Holy Spirit was given. The 52nd Jubilees of Days would have been observed on the Feast of Trumpets in 30CE which is a foreshadow of his 2nd Coming on the Feast of Trumpets in 2011 that will also be a 52nd Jubilee of Days. The Jubilee Year in 30CE would have been observed on the Day of Atonement on the 10th Day of the 7th Month. Captives and those in bondage would have been set free on the Day of Atonement in a Jubilee Year. The Messiah paid the ultimate price for our freedom with his life when he died and shed his blood to wash away our sins in 30CE a Jubilee Year. The Messiah will judge the World on the Day of Atonement in 2011 at his 2nd Coming. So there are parallels between the Year 30CE which was a Jubilee Year in which the Messiah died, rose from the dead and ascended up into Heaven and these Last Days; especially in relation to the 22nd Year in 2011CE that will be a type of Jubilee Year when he will return at his 2nd Coming.
The Jubilee Year Cycle starts in the Spring of 3989BCE in the Creation Year while the 7 Year Jubilees of Days Cycles starts in the Fall on the Feast of Trumpets in the Creation Year. So these two systems are offset by exactly 6 Months or 1/2 Year. Therefore the Jubilee Year in 30CE begins on the 1st Day of the 1st Month in 30CE. While the 7th Year of the Jubilees of Daysstarts on the Feast of Trumpets in 29CE and goes to the Feast of Trumpets in 30CE. The Feast of Trumpets in 30CE ends the 7th Year of the Jubilees of Days and also starts the 1st Year of the Jubilees of Days and would be the 52nd Jubilee of Days just as it will be in 2011CE.
This is a lot of information to digest and at this point may be a little hard to understand. But in the days, months, and years ahead it will become easier and more apparent what all this means especially as major events happen and lock on specific dates related to the Sacred Calendar.
Immediately after the Flood, in Genesis 9:8-17 Yahuah made a covenant with Noah and his descendants and with every living creature on the earth that He would not again destroy the earth with a Flood of waters and He gave the Rainbow as a sign of this covenant. But Yahuah will cleanse the earth with fire in the Last Days as the Apostle Peter tells us in 2Peter 3:1-18 and refers back to Noah's Flood as an example. In 2Peter 3:1-18 we read, "Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation. For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the Word of Yahuah the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished: But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the Same Word are kept in store, reserved unto FIRE against the Day of Judgement and perdition of unrighteous men."
So don't get discouraged as the days ahead get more evil for all these things must come to pass. But be strong in Yahuah and be patient for the Messiah's 2nd Coming. The Apostle Paul encourages us in 2Corinthians 6:1-10,17-18, when he says, "We then, as workers together with him, beseech you also that you receive not the grace of Yahuah in vain. (For he says, I have heard you in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured you: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.) Giving no offence in any thing, that the ministry be not blamed: But in all things approving ourselves as the ministers of Yahuah, in much patience, in afflictions, in necessities, in distresses. In stripes, in imprisonments, in tumults, in labours, in watchings, in fastings; By pureness, by knowledge, by longsuffering, by kindness, by the Holy Spirit, by love unfeigned, By the word of truth, by the power of Yahuah, by the armour of righteousness on the right hand and on the left, By honour and dishonour, by evil report and good report: as deceivers, and yet true; As unknown, and yet well known; as dying, and behold, we live; as chastened, and not killed; As sorrowful, yet alway rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, and yet possessing all things. Wherefore come out from among them, and be you separate, says Yahuah, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you. And will be a Father unto you, and you shall be my sons and daughters, says Yahuah the Almighty."
Introduction:75.0) Connection between the Feast Days and the Last 7 Years of Jubilees of Days:In modern times, one of the biggest problems with monetary currency is counterfeit bills. One of the ways that governments try to combat such fraud and forgery is to embed Security Features in the Bills. Satan similarly counterfeits Yahuah's Holy things. For this reason, Yahuah has embedded Security Features in His Sacred Calendar. These Security Features reflect the identity of Yahuah and His beloved Son Yahuahshua in the form of perfect numbers that are unique to them. For instance, the numerical value of Yahuah's name is 26, while the numbers 7 and 22 always represent the Messiah. So to authenticate Yahuah's Sacred Calendar, we should be able to find the numbers 26, 7 and 22 along with numerical sequences related to them embedded in the right calendar and we do.
Security Features in the Sacred Calendar:
The Sacred Calendar is three calendars in one. It is a 360 Days per Year Calendar (not countingthe 4 Intercalary Days), a 364 Days per Year Calendar (counting the 4 Intercalary Days) and a 365 Days per Year Calendar because it is also a Solar Calendar. Notice how the Sacred Calendar has embedded in it perfect numbers that relate to Yahuah and the Messiah.
360 Days = 3 x 120 Days where 120 = the time of Man and multiples of 360 where two years = 2 x 360 = 720 = 5 x 144 where 144 = represents the 144,000Righteous of Revelation 14:1.
364 Days = 7 Days x 52 Weeks where 7 = the Messiah and 52 = 2 x 26 Weeks where 26 represents Yahuah the Father. 364 Days = 7 x 49 + 21 which is 7 Jubilees of Days plus 21 Days. Each Season here is 13 Weeks or 91 Days where the number 13 is one half of 26 = 2 x 13. Note also that mathematically if you take the number 13 and add the numbers 1 through 13 in sequence you get 91! (1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13 = 91).
365 Days = 7 x 49 + 22 which is 7 Jubilees of Days plus 22 Days.
The fact that the true calendar has only 12 Months in the year is reflected in the embedded feature where if you add the numbers 1 through 12 (1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12 = 78) you get 78 = 3 x 26! Also if you add the months in pairs, taking the month with the highest number and add it to the month with the lowest number in sequence you get: 12+1 = 13, 11+2 = 13, 10+3 = 13, 9+4 = 13, 8+5 = 13, 7+6 = 13. Note how you always get a total of 13 for each pair which is related to Yahuah's name which carries the value 26 (2 x 13 = 26).
There are 4 Seasons in the Year where each Season is 13 Weeks or 91 Days (7 Days x 13 Weeks = 91 Days and 4 Seasons x 91 Days = 364 Days). The 1st Season starts with the 1st Day of the 1st Month; the 2nd Season starts with the 1st Day of the 4th Month; the 3rd Season starts with the 1st Day of the 7th Month; the 4th Season starts with the 1st Day of the 10th Month. If you add together the number of the first month of each Season you get 1 + 4 + 7 + 10 = 22!
The Two Different 7 Day Cycles related to the Sacred Calendar:
There are Two Distinct 7 Day Cycles related to the Sacred Calendar. The First and most obvious is the 7 Day Week which is defined by the Creation Week of 7 Days. This Cycle starts with the 1st Day of Creation with the 1st Day of the Week from Sunset Saturday night to Sunset Sunday night. This Cycle determines the keeping of the 7th Day Sabbathfrom Friday Sunset to Saturday Sunset. The calculation for the keeping of the Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) is based on this system. This system is related to but is separate from the Sacred Calendar Year.
The Sacred Calendar Year is a Solar Year and is defined based on Genesis 1:14-19. Here Yahuah clearly shows that the Sun was created or re-set on the 4th Day of the Creation Week which is from Sunset Wednesday night to Sunset Thursday night. Yahuah states that the Lights were to be for Signs, and for Seasons, and for Days, and Years! The Sun which is the greater Light was to rule the Day and consequently to define the Seasons, Days and Years. Therefore, the Solar Year could only start on the 5th Day of the Creation Week once the Sun and the Stars were created or re-set. The 5th Day of the Week is from Sunset Wednesday night to Sunset Thursday night. So the Sacred Calendar Year Starts on the 5th Day of the Week and is related to but distinct from the Creation Weekly Cycle.
The Feast Days with the exception of the Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) are all based on the Sacred Calendar Year which is a Solar Calendar. Hence each Feast Day is defined and fixed to a set Day and Month of the Sacred Calendar again with the exception of the Feast of Weeks. The Sacred Calendar amazingly enough has its own 7 Day Cycle within it which is separate from the 7 Day Creation Weekly Cycle. The 7th Day Sabbath is based on the Creation Weekly Cycle and not on the 7 Day Cycle based on the Sacred Calendar. The Two 7 Day Cycles are related but are different. The 7 Day Cycle of the Sacred Calendar starts with the 1st Day of the 1st Month which is the 1st Day of the Year and continues to the end of the Year. This 7 Day Cycle has 52 x 7 Days = 364 Days. Since this 7 Day Cycle starts with the 5th Day of the Week from Sunset Wednesday night then the 1st 7 Day Cycle ends on the 4th Day of the Week at Sunset Wednesday night. So the 7th Day of this Cycle will always be on the 4th Day of the Week in all 52 Weeks of the Year. The significance of this is that the Messiah was crucified on the 4th Day of the Week. Both the 4th Day of the Creation Week Cycle and the 7 Day Cycle of the Sacred Calendar which are both on the same day relate to the Messiah. So Wednesday (Tuesday Sunset to Wednesday Sunset) is both the 4th Day of the Creation Week and the 7th Day on the Sacred Calendar. But we still observe Sabbath based on the 7th Day of the Creation Weekly Cycle.
The connection to the Messiah is that he used the name Yahushua with 6 Hebrew Letters while alive in the flesh which includes only 3 Hebrew Letters of the Father's name. But once he died on the 4th Day of the Week, then he had the right to use the full 4 Hebrew Letters of his Father's name. Using the Father's full name completes the Messiah's name of Yahuahshua which then has 7 Hebrew Letters, just as the Week has 7 Days. The 4th Hebrew Letter in both of the Messiah's two names of Yahuahshuaand Yahuahtsadaq carry the fullness of the 4 Hebrew Letter name of Yahuah the Father.
So the two 7 Day Cycles clealy relate to the Messiah when the two systems intersect on the Wednesday, the 4th Day of Creation which is also the 7th Day on the Sacred Calendar. The number 7 relates to the Messiah when he is no longer in the flesh because then his two names both carry the fullness of his Father's name and then they both contain 7 Hebrew Letters. The Sun gives light to the earth and hence gives life to all living creatures upon the earth. In the same sense, the Messiah is the Light of the World and the glory of Yahuah the Father. So every week shows the presence ofYahuah and Yahuahshua. The Messiah came in his Father's name and the Messiah is the representative of Yahuah on Earth. Keep in mind that everytime we call upon the Messiah using his two names, we actually call upon Yahuah the Father because the Messiah's two names mean: Yahuahshua = Yahuah is Salvation; and Yahuahtsadaq = Yahuah is Righteousness. This is not blaspheme as some may consider it. The children of Israel carried 2 or 3 Hebrew Letters of the Yahuah's name and were called by the name of Yahuah. Take for example the names of the prophets like Isaiah= YeshaYahu = Salvation of Yahu, Zedekiah = TsadaqYahu = Righteousness of Yahu, etc.
Arguments as to which of the Two 7 Day Weekly Cycles to use for the Starting Point for the Sacred Calendar:
It is obvious and straight forward from Genesis 1:1-31; 2:1-2 that the Creation Weekly Cycle starts with the 1st Day of Creation but that the Solar Sacred Calendar Year has to start with the 5th Day of the Creation Week. For some people may think that the Calendar Year should start with the 1st Day of Creation. Another reason against starting the Calendar Year from the 1st Day of Creation is that the Passover which is on the 14th Day of the 1st Month would then be on a regular 7th Day Sabbath (Saturday) which is contrary to the New Testament scriptures that point to the Messiah dying on Passover Day on the 4th Day of the Week (Wednesday) in the middle of the week which is backed by Daniel 9:26-27. So the 7 Day Creation Cycle starts with the 1st Day of Creation but the 7 Day Cycle of the Sacred Calendar Year starts with the 5th Day of Creation. Therefore the Two 7 Day Cycles are both valid but are offset from each other by 4 Days and work in harmony yet independent of each other. Note: Sabbath is still observed on the 7th Day of the Creation Week Cycle (Saturday) and not on the 7th Day Cycle (Wednesday) of the Sacred Calendar.
Arguments as to where to start the 7 Year Jubilees of Days Cycle:
The 7 Day Cycle of the Sacred Calendar starts with the 1st Day of the Sacred Calendar on the 1st Day of the 1st Month. The first 7th Day is on the 7th Day of the 1st Month on the 4th Day of the Week (Wednesday). And every other 7th Day will always be on the 4th Day of the Week for the full 52 Weeks of the Year. The Jubilees of Days will always be on the 5th Day of the Week (Thursday) for the full 52 Weeks of the Year.
However, the 7 Year Jubilees of Days Cycle starts with the Feast of Trumpets. This is based on the time of the Messiah's 2nd Coming. We know that the Great Tribulation will last for 3 1/2 Years. We also know that the Messiah's 2nd Coming has to be on the Feast of Trumpets on the 1st Day of the 7th Month immediately after the Great Tribulation. The 7 Year Jubilees of Days Cycle has to end at the same point that it starts. So if we start on the 1st Day of the 1st Month it will end on the 1st Day of the 1st Month 7 Years later which would point to the Messiah's return on the 1st Day of the Year which is not possible because it can't be a whole year, has to be a half year (e.g. 31/2Years). That is why the 7 Year Jubilees of Days has to start on the Feast of Trumpets on the 1st Day of the 7th Month in 2004 exactly 7 Years before the Messiah's return. Therefore because the Feast of Trumpets is on the 5th Day of the Week, each Jubilee of Days that follows will always be on the 5th Day of the Week (Thursday). These Jubilees of Days even though stretched over 7 Years will actually cover every week of the year without repeating.
The 4 Seasons and the Sacred Calendar:
The Sacred Calendar is a Solar Calendar. The Solar Year is divided up into 4 Seasons. Each Season is 13 Weeks or 91 Days. Each Season starts on the 5th Day of the Week. The Seasons are important. New Year's Day on the 1st Day of the 1st Month starts Spring the 1st Season. Summer begins on the 1st Day of the 4th Month which starts the 2nd Season. The Feast of Trumpets is on the 1st Day of the 7th Month and starts Fallthe 3rd Season. Winter begins on the 1st Day of the 10th Month which starts the 4th Season. The numbers related to the Seasons also suggest their importance. If you add the numbers of the beginning month of each Season you get 1 + 4 + 7 + 10 = 22! The 1st Day of each Season is also related to the Jubilees of Days and are significant. If you add the number of the Jubilees of Days on the 1st Day of each Season together you get 26 + 13 + 52 + 39 = 130 = 5 x 26!
In Conclusion:
To sum up our findings, there are Security Features in Yahuah's Sacred Calendar that tell us that it is the true Calendar. And the latest revelation shows us that the Sacred Calendar has its own 7 Day Cycle within it (separate from the 7 Day Creation Week Cycle) where the 7th Day is always on the 4th Day of the Week on all 52 Weeks of the Year. The significance of this is that the middle or 4th in a unit of 7 always carries the weight of Yahuah the Father but also represents the Messiah. For example, the 4th middle Lamp of the 7 Lamp Menorah is the key Lamp that feeds the other 6. The 4th Hebrew Letter in the Messiah's two names makes the Messiah's two names unique because the 4th Hebrew Letter carries the fullness of Yahuah the Father's name. The Messiah was crucified on the 4th Day of the Week in the middle of the Week. The number 7 in itself always represents the Messiah. So the fact that in the Sacred Calendar there is a 7 Day Cycle that is always on the 4th Day of the Week for the full 52 Weeks of the Year and which is at the same time in the middle of a 7 is a reminder of the presence of both Yahuah the Father and the Messiah. The fact that the Seasons also have the numbers 7, 22 and 26 associated with them suggests the presence of both Yahuah the Father and the Messiah.
Jonah the prophet was sent to warn Nineveh that if the people did not repent of their evil ways that the city of Nineveh would be destroyed in 40 Days. In the same way the Whole World in these Last Days from September 11, 2001 (Fall 2001) to the Messiah's 2nd Coming (Fall 2011) have 40 Seasons (10 Years) warning to repent. Today is December 14, 2004 which ends the First 13 Seasons. From now to the beginning of the Great Tribulation in the Spring of 2008 will end the Second 13 Seasons. So from September 11, 2001 (Fall 2001) to the Great Tribulation is 26 Seasons. The Great Tribulation will last 3 1/2 Years which is 14 Seasons. These 14 Seasons will also be split into two parts, 7 Seasons + 7 Seasons. It seems that the second half of each split of time in the Last Days is always the worse one of the two halves. For example, the Last 7 Years to the Messiah's return from Feast of Trumpets 2004 to Feast of Trumpets 2011 is split into two halves, the 1st 3 1/2 Years is the Beginning of Sorrows while the Great Tribulation is the 2nd 3 1/2 Years. Even the Great Tribulation will be split into two halves of 7 Seasons + 7 Seasons where the 2nd half will be worse than the 1st half. The 3 1/2 Years of the Great Tribulation could also be seen as 26 Jubilees of Days which in turn can be split into two parts of 13 Jubilees of Days + 13 Jubilees of Days. The importance of recognizing these different times and time combinations is to be able to hopefully to identify events prophesied for the Last Days.
These new revelations about the Calendar are a comfort and are an indication that Yahuah and Yahuahshua are ever with us to comfort and protect us. The beauty of Yahuah is all around us in His Creation and in His Word and in His Holy things like the Sacred Calendar.
In these Last Days we will need much courage to endure the hardships that are coming. The Apostle Paul encourages us in Ephesians 6:10-18 where we read, "Finally, my brethren, be strong in Yahuah, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of Yahuah, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of Yahuah, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; And your feet shod with the preparation of the glad tidings of peace; Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith you shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of Yahuah: Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perserverance and supplication for all saints."
Introduction:76.0) Sign in Constellation of Orion of pending 9.0 Earthquake and Tsunami in Asia:In Topic 71.0) above we noted that some of the Jubilees of Days during the Last 7 Years to the Messiah's Return fall on the Feast Days. These act as markers for the events coming up during the 7 Last Years to the Messiah's Return. Let us list the Feast Days that have a Jubilees of Days connected with them.
List of Feast Days that have Jubilees of Days connected with them:
Start 1st Day 7th Month Sept.16,2004 Feast of Trumpets.
4th 50th 15th Day 1st Month Mar.31,2005 1stDayUnleavened.
26th 50th 1st Day 1st Month Mar.20,2008 1st Day Great Trib.
30th 50th 15th Day 7th Month Oct.2,2008 1stDayTabernacles
45th 50th 22nd Day 7th Month Oct.7,2010 Last Great Day.
52nd 50th 1st Day 7th Month Sept.15,2011 Feast ofTrumpets.Let us analyze these Feast Days and the Jubilees of Days connected with them to try to get some understanding as to how this will relate to the end times. First, the count of the Jubilees of Days for the Last 7 Years to the Messiah's Return STARTS with the Feast of Trumpets on September 16, 2004 which is on the 1st Day of the 7th Month. From this point to the next Feast Day which has a Jubilees of Days connected with it is the 1st Day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread on March 31, 2005 the 4th Jubilees of Dayson the 15th Day of the 1st Month. This 4th Jubilees of Days becomes a reference point. The number 4 represents Yahuah the Father as there are 4 Hebrew Letters in the Father's name. On the 15th Day of the 1st Month on the 1st Day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the children of Israel came out of Egypt. Egypt represents pagan idolatry. Leaven represents sin. Unleavened means free from sin. The Feast of Unleavened Bread signified a time of cleansing and the abstinence from sin. So coming out of Egypt represents coming out of sin. For our time March 31, 2005 represents a time for believers to start coming out of modern Babylon and the evils connected with it.
The recent 9.0 Earthquake and Tsunami in Asia on December 26, 2004 is a good example of judgement that has come upon an area that practices idolatry and sexual immorality. Such sexual immorality as selling children and orphans to the sex trade that is commonly utilized by foreign tourists. None of us are immune while taking part in such evil. Even if we are innocent of such evil but visit such areas are subject to the judgement that comes upon such places. We should stay away from such places. Even common sense tells us to stay away from areas that are infected with diseases for fear of catching the illness. We will all likewise perish unless we repent and turn from our evil ways. In Revelation 18:4 we read, "Come out of her, my people, that you be not partakers of her sins, and that you receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and Yahuah has remembered her iniquities."
From the 4th Jubilees of Days on March 31, 2005 to the next important event, the beginning of the Great Tribulation is 22 Jubilees of Days. The Great Tribulation will begin on the 1st Day of the 1st Month on March 20, 2008 which is the 26th Jubilees of Days, where 26 Jubilees of Days minus 4 Jubilees of Days equals 22 Jubilees of Days (26th 50 - 4th 50 = 22 Jubilees of Days).
From the 4th Jubilees of Days on March 31, 2005 the 1st Day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread on the 15th Day of the 1st Month to the next Feast Day with a Jubilees of Days connected with it is the 30th Jubilees of Days on October 2, 2008 the 1st Day of the Feast of Tabernacles on the 15th Day of the 7th Month with a span of 26 Jubilees of Days (30th 50 - 4th 50 = 26 Jubilees of Days).
From the 30th Jubilees of Days on October 2, 2008 to the 52nd Jubilees of Days which is the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011 when the Messiah will Return is 22 Jubilees of Days (52nd 50 - 30th 50 = 22 Jubilees of Days).
The next Feast Day which has a Jubilees of Days connected with it is the 45th Jubilees of Days on October 7, 2010 which is the Last Great Day on the 22nd Day of the 7th Month. From the 45th Jubilees of Days to the 52nd Jubilees of Days when the Messiah will Return on the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011 is 7 Jubilees of Days (52nd 50 - 45th 50 = 7 Jubilees of Days).
Summary of Data:
Start 1st Day 7th Month Sept.16,2004 Feast of Trumpets.
4th 50th 15th Day 1st Month Mar.31,2005 1stDayUnleavened.
26th 50th 1st Day 1st Month Mar.20,2008 1st Day Great Trib.
30th 50th 15th Day 7th Month Oct.2,2008 1stDayTabernacles
45th 50th 22nd Day 7th Month Oct.7,2010 Last Great Day.
52nd 50th 1st Day 7th Month Sept.15,2011 Feast ofTrumpets.4th 50 to 26th 50 = 22 Jubilees of Days.
4th 50 to 30th 50 = 26 Jubilees of Days.
26th 50 to 52nd 50 = 26 Jubilees of Days.
30th 50 to 52nd 50 = 22 Jubilees of Days.
45th 50 to 52nd 50 = 7 Jubilees of Days.Another item to note is the fact that between the 15th Day of the 1st Month which is the 1st Day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread to the 15th Day of the 7th Month which is the 1st Day of the Feast of Tabernacles is exactly 6 Months = 26 Weeks. Note that the 15th Day of the 1st Month = 4th Jubilees of Days and the 15th Day of the 7th Month = 30th Jubilees of Days where the span between the 4th and 30th Jubilees of Days = 26 Jubilees of Days! Also 6 Months = 26 Weeks = 182 Days. 182 Days = 7 x 26 Weeks = 70 Days x 2.6 = 7 x 10 x 2.6 where 10 = Judgement, 7 = the Messiah, 2.6 = 1/10th of 26 where 26 = Yahuah the Father. The significance of the number 70 is judgement. For all the evil that Israel did, they were taken away and put into captivity in Babylon for 70 Years = 7 x 10.
Yahuah shows us through His Word what is coming and warns us all to repent and to get ready for His Kingdom and the Return of His beloved Son Yahuahshua.
People keep misquoting the scriptures and say that nobody knows the time. Yet the very scriptures that they quote say very clearly that believers will know the time. The reason that many will not know the time is that they are not on the watch. In Revelation 3:3 we read, "If therefore you shall not watch, I will come on you as a thief, and you shall not know what hour I will come upon you." Again in 1Thessalonians 5:1-6 we read, "But of the times and the seasons, brethren, you have no need that I write unto you. For yourselves know perfectly that the day of Yahuah so comes as a thief in the night. For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction comes upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. But you brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. You are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness. Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us WATCH and be sober."
Introduction:77.0)More on Time and Prophecy related to the Messiah's Crucifixion:In Luke 21:11,25-27 we are told that there will be signs in the stars in the Last Days before the Coming of the Messiah: "And great earthquakes shall be in different places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven. And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory."
The Sign of the Constellation Orion in the East under a near Full Moon:
On the night of December 24, 2004 there was a sign in the stars of pending doom and judgement. In the year 2004, December 25, 2004 (Christmas Day) was on the 10th Day of the 10th Month. The number 10 is judgement. In history, the seige of Jerusalem began on the 10th Day of the 10th Month in the 9th Year of Zedekiah in 588BCE (Jer.52:4; Ezek.24:1; 2Ki.25:1) with the destruction of the 1st Temple 19 Months later. The sign on the night of December 24, 2004 was a near Full Moon high in the sky in the East with the Constellation of Orion just below it in the shape of a huge "X". The Constellation of Orion has 2 stars wide apart at the top, 3 stars tightly together running diagonally in the center (belt of Orion), and 2 stars wide apart at the bottom, made up of 7 stars. The Latin Letter "X" has a numerical value of 10 and the Paleo Hebrew Letter Tau is also in the shape of an "X" which is the22nd Letter of the Hebrew Alphabet. Note the presence of the numbers 10 = Judgement, 7 & 22 = the Messiah. In Christianity and in Dictionaries, it is an acceptable practice to use the English Letter "X"as an abbreviated form for the terms, "Christ" as in"Xmas", "Christian or Christianity" as in "Xn., Xtian., or Xnty., Xty.", or the word "Cross" as in "X-C = Cross-Country", "X-ref. = Cross-Reference".
The Significance of the Large "X" of the Constellation of Orion:
As noted above, the sign of the Letter or Mark of "X" has several meanings. In Paleo Hebrew, the Letter Tau is in the shape of an "X" which is the 22nd Letter of the Hebrew Alphabet and represents the Messiah. The Latin Letter "X" stands for the False Messiah, Christ and Christianity. But there is also a third meaning which is strongly tied to the Great Tribulation. In the earliest Greek New Testament manuscript of the Book of Revelation the Mark of the Beast consists of 3 Letters, "X" Chi, Xi, and "C" Sigma. See Topic 3.2) above for a picture of these Greek Letters. These 3 Letters in Greek represent the total numerical value of 666 which is the Number of the Beast. The Constellation of Orion in the shape of an "X" represents the soon coming of the False Messiah, the Mark of the Beast and the True Messiah. Note that the shape of the Constellation of Orion can take on the shape of both the Greek Letters of "X" Chi or Xi depending on how you connect the dots of the 7 stars that make up the constellation.
The Full Moon was on Boxing Day December 26, 2004. The 9.0 Earthquake hit on December 26, 2004 at 7:00AM local time in Asia. A 9.0 Earthquake is rare. The last time such an earthquake hit was in 1964, Forty Years earlier. Note also that the deadly earthquake that hit Bam, Iran was exactly one year earlier also on December 26, 2003. Also the Month of December was the 10th Month on the Old Roman Calendar as its name suggests. Again, the number 10 = Judgement. Note also that the earthquake hit on the 26th of December, where 26 = Yahuah and December = 10 = Judgement. These are signs on both the Sacred and Roman Calendars that Judgement has come and will continue to come upon the earth because of the evil that Man is doing.
The Destruction caused by the December 26, 2004 Earthquake and Tsunami that followed:
The destruction that this December 26, 2004 Earthquake caused in Asia is horrific. The death toll from the Tsunami spawned by the 9.0 Earthquake as of today January 6, 2005, is 150,000 dead, 500,000 injured, and 5 Million homeless. The largest relief operation in history is taking place to help the people in the devastated areas. The world finds it hard to cope with such a massive catastrophe. But it is not over by a long shot. Now there is fear of disease caused by all the dead bodies, contaminated drinking water, and famine from lack of food. Yet this is just a tiny sample of the death toll that will happen in these Last 7 Years before the Messiah's Return. From scripture it is clear that 1 in 2 will die mostly during the Great Tribulation. That 1 in 2 ratio represents 3 Billion people who will die from war, famine, disease and natural disasters in the years to come.
Prophecy in Isaiah foretells of Earth reeling to and fro like a Drunkard before the Messiah's 2nd Coming:
In Isaiah 24:1-23 we are told that the people of the earth shall be destroyed because they transgress against the Laws of Yahuah and the earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard before the coming of the Messiah. CNN News reported that the 9.0 Earthquake was so strong that it made the whole earth wobble on its axis and actually sped up the rotation of the earth.
This terrible and horrific tragedy in Asia has happened for an example to the whole world to repent before it is too late. All the nations of the world are being warned to turn from their evil ways and to turn to Yahuah with all their hearts and to learn to love their neighbour as themselves for upon these two commandments hang all the laws and the prophets.
Yahuah in His mercy has warned the people to turn from their evil ways in His written word the Bible and in outward signs. Yahuah had given an outward sign in the stars before this tragedy happened. Even the experts are saying that if the people in the devasted areas had been warned and taken action that the lives of many would have been spared. Yahuah warns us in His Word of what is coming. We all have the right to choose whether we will heed those warnings or not. The destruction that is coming during the Great Tribulation will be greater than anything that this world has ever experienced. Are you heeding the warnings. Are you preparing yourself and your family for what is quickly coming? This horrific destruction in Asia is just another wake up call to repent and to turn to Yahuah with all our being and to seek Yahuah's guidance and protection.
Introduction:78.0) Sealing of the Righteous from Spring 2007 to Spring 2008:The Messiah's Crucifixion is the most detailed event in the entire Bible. In many of the Topics above, we have already discussed the most obvious details related to the timing of the Messiah's death and crucifixion. However, there are more details that have come to us in the spirit that also relate to the Messiah's 2nd Coming. Let us explore these new revelations.
The 24 Hour Clock and the Hours of the Crucifixion:
According to Hebrew reckoning, there are 12 Hours Night and 12 Hours Day that make up a 24 Hour Day. The Messiah was crucified close to the Spring Equinox when the number of hours of the night would have been equal to the number of hours in the day. We know that the Messiah was crucified in the middle of the week on Wednesday at the 6th Hour of the Day which is 12Noon. The Hebrew Day starts with sunset at 6PM. From 6PM Tuesday Night to 12Noon Wednesday is 18 Hours on the 24 Hour Clock. The Messiah died at the 9th Hour of the Day at 3PM which is the 21st Hour on the 24 Hour Clock. The Messiah was on the torture stake for 3 Hours from the 18th Hour to the 21st Hour on the 24 Hour Clock. Both these numbers have scriptural meaning: 18 is the number of Righteousness which corresponds to the Letter Tsaddi, the 18th Letter of the Hebrew Alphabet; while 21 corresponds to the Letter Shin, the 21st Letter of the Hebrew Alphabet. The Last part of the Messiah's present name of YahuahShua starts with the Letter Shin where Shua means Salvation. While the Last part of the Messiah's future name of YahuahTsadaq starts with the Letter Tsaddi where Tsadaq means Righteousness. What is really amazing is that when you add these two numbers together of18 + 21 you get 39! The numerical value for the Letter Tsaddi = 90 while the value for the Letter Shin = 300 to give a total of90 + 300 = 390 = 39 X 10! We are told in scripture that we are healed by the Messiah's stripes and he received 40 stripes less one which equals 39! (1Peter 2:24; 2Corinthians 11:24).
In prophecy, the prophet Ezekiel was told to simulate a siege against Jerusalem in Ezekiel 4:1-8 where he was to lie on his left side for 390 Days (390 = 39 X 10) for the unrighteousness of the House of Israel and to lie on his right side for 40 Days for the unrighteousness for the House of Yahudah. These numbers 390 and 40 are playing a part in the events in these Last Days. The judgements of Yahuah against Israel in these Last Days are prophesied in Ezekiel Chapters 4 to 8. Note: the House of Israel is normally considered to consist of 10 Tribes of Israel while the House of Yahudah is normally considered to consist of the 2 Tribes of Yahudah and Benjamin.
The Last 10 Yearswhich equals 40 Seasons can be looked at two different ways and both are valid. First, if we count the Last 10 Years to the End of the 6000 Years from Adam starting from Spring 2002, then the 1st Day of the 39th Season of the Last 40 Seasons will be the exact day on which the Messiah will return on the 1st Day of the 7th Month on the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011! Second, if we count the Last 10 Years to the Messiah's return, then the Messiah will come immediately after the completion of the 40th Season. In this second scenario the 40 Seasons start in the Fall of 2001 on the Feast of Trumpets just after the tradgic event of September 11, 2001 (911) in New York City.
Note: There are 39 Books in the Old Testament in the King James Bible.
This number 39 during the Messiah's crucifixion could also point to the 39th Jubilee of Days before his 2nd Coming. The 39th Jubilee of Days will be on the 1st Day of the 10th Month on December 17, 2009. The 1st Day of the 10th Month is the 1st Day of the Winter Season. The 10th Month represents judgement. December 17, 2009 will be in the 2nd Year of the Great Tribulation. This could be when the 5th Angel will pour out his Vial upon the seat of the Beast and the Beast's kingdom will be full of darkness (Revelation 16:10).
The 3 Hours of Darkness during the Messiah's Crucifixion:
It must have been very eerie for the people that witnessed the crucifixion when darkness came upon the whole land for 3 Hours from 12 Noon the normally brightest part of the day to 3 PM when the Messiah died (Matthew 27:45). The number 3 in relation to darkness is also found in the 10 Plagues that came upon Egypt during the Exodus. In Exodus 10:22-23 we read, "...and there was a thick darkness in all the land of Egypt three days: They saw not one another, neither rose any from his place for three days: but all the children of Israel had light in their dwellings." During the Great Tribulation, the kingdom of the Beast will be full of darknesswhen the 5th Angel will pour out his Vial upon the seat of the Beast.
The Paleo-Hebrew Letter Tau the 22nd Letter of the Hebrew Alphabet:
In Topic 76.0) above we have already discussed the connection between the Paleo-Hebrew Letter Tau which looks like the English capital letter "X"and the Greek letter Chi = X, and the Latin letter X. At the time of the Messiah's crucifixion, in Luke 23:38 and John 19:20 we are told that, an inscription was written over him in letters of Greek, and Latin, and Hebrew, "THIS IS THE KING OF THE YAHUDI". The Letter "X" in these three languages all point to the Time of the Messiah's 2nd Coming. The Paleo-Hebrew Letter Tau = X is the 22nd Letter of the Hebrew Alphabet and represents the Messiah. TheMark of the Beast in Revelation 13:18 in the oldest Greek Manuscript consists of three Greek letters starting with the letter Chi = X. The Latin letter "X" has a numerical value of 10 which stands for Judgement. The Constellation of Orion in the night sky looks like a large "X" and is a sign and foreshadow of the 2nd Coming of the Messiah and the events surrounding it. Note that even when you add the numerical values of these Letters from each of the three languages you get: Hebrew "X" = 400, Greek "X" = 600, and Latin "X" = 10 which equals 400 + 600 + 10 = 1010. Notice the 10 10! This is also a reference to the 10th Day of the 10th Month on which in 2004 people observed the pagan celebration of Christmas on December 25, 2004 when the Constellation of Orion as a huge "X" appeared in the night sky just below a Full Moon in the Eastern Sky. The next day on December 26, 2004 the disastrous 9.0 Earthquake hit and a Tsunami devastated a part of Asia killing close to 200,000 people. The number 10 = Judgement! So the Constellation of Orion which looks like a large "X" is a sign of Judgement, the Beast System, and the soon coming of Yahuahshua (Yahuahtsadaq) the King of Kings!
Even Revelation 1:7-11 reminds us of his 2nd Coming and refers to his crucifixion and to the fact that the Hebrew Letters Aleph and Tau represent him as the First and the Last. The Paleo-Hebrew Letter Tau is the 22nd and Last Letter in the Hebrew Alphabet. The Messiah will return in the 22nd Year, in the Last Year of the 6000 Years from Adam on the Feast of Trumpets in 2011.
Note: The Latin Alphabet comes from the Greek Alphabet which in turn originates from the Hebrew Alphabet. The Greek letter Chi "X" = 600 = 60 x 10 where 10 = judgement and from Adam to the Messiah is 60 Generations and 6 = the number of man. The Hebrew letter Tau "X" = 400 = 40 x 10 where 10 = judgement and 40 = a generation where the Messiah lived on the earth for 40 1/2 Years or one generation. The Latin letter "X" = 10 = judgement.
It is beautiful and comforting how Yahuah reveals His truths to us. In Daniel 12:4 we read, "But you, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased." We are now in the time of the end and knowledge is being increased and revealed to us. The scientists stated that the earth wabled on its axis when the 9.0 Earthquake hit on December 26, 2004. In Isaiah 24:20,23 we read, "The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard...Then the moon shall be confounded, and the sun ashamed, when Yahuah of Armies shall reign in Mount Zion, and in Jerusalem, and there shall be glory before his ancients." These are scriptures for our time and a reminder of the soon coming of the Messiah.
There was alarming news about a deadly new strain of HIV in New York City recently. HIV normally takes 10 Years to reach a full blown stage but this new strain was full blown in a man in just 2 Months!! This is just another subtle sign that we are in the Last Days.
In 1Peter 1:3-7 Yahuah comforts our hearts in these Last Days when we read, "Blessed be Yahuah the Father of our Master Yahuahshua the Messiah, which according to his abundant mercy has begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Yahuahshua the Messiah from the dead, To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fades not away, reserved in heaven for us. Who are kept by the power of Yahuah through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. Wherein you greatly rejoice, though now for a season, if need be, you are in heaviness through manifold temptations: That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perishes, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Yahuahshua the Messiah."
Introduction:79.0) Pattern of the Numbers 15 & 37 in the 7 Year Jubilees of Days to the Messiah:The Righteous will be sealedwith the Messiah's present name of Yahuahshua which carries the name of Yahuah the Father and with the Holy Spirit of Yahuah before the Great Tribulation begins. The Great Tribulation will begin in the Spring of 2008.
Sealing of the 144,000 plus the Great Multitude:
From Revelation 7:1-17 we know that there will be 144,000 Israelites (with 12,000 from each Tribe of Israel) that will be sealed. In addition to this number, there will also be a great multitude of all nations that will be sealed. (Note:In 2Chronicles 3:3-4 we are told that the size of the 1st Temple, the House of Yahuah, was 60 X 20 x 120 = 144,000 cubic cubits!) It is this 144,000 of Israel plus the Great Multitude that will be clothed in white robes and who will come out of Great Tribulation, and will wash their robes, and make them white in the blood of the Lamb (Messiah).
In Revelation 7:1-3 the angels were commanded not to hurt the earth and the sea, nor the trees, until the servants of Yahuah are sealed in their forehead. We have already established from previous studies that the 4th and 5th Seals of Revelation 6:7-11 will occur during the Great Tribulation and so will the First 6 Trumpets (Rev.8:6-13; 9:1-21; 10:7; 11:1-14) and the First 6 Vials (Rev.15:1-8; 16:1-16). So the 4th Seal,1st Trumpet, and the 1st Vial will all start with the beginning of the Great Tribulation. And because the 4th Seal, 1st Trumpet, and 1st Vial all begin the destruction of the earth, sea and trees, this means that the Sealing of the Righteous has to happen before the Great Tribulation begins.
Time frame for the Sealing of the Righteous:
From the above scriptures we know that the Sealing of the Righteous has to happen before the Great Tribulation but when? We are given the answer by the characteristics of the year before the Great Tribulation. The Great Tribulation will begin in the Spring of 2008 and will last 3 1/2 Years ending in the Fall of 2011 just before the Feast of Trumpets when the Messiah will Return. The Year immediately before the Great Tribulation is the 18th Year of the Last 22 Years of the 6000 Years from Adam. This 18th Year represents the 18th Letter of the Hebrew Alphabet, the Letter "Tsaddi". The Hebrew Letter Tsaddi represents RIGHTEOUSNESS! How appropriate that the Righteous servants of Yahuah will be sealed in this 18th Yearwhich represents Righteousness! The 18th Year is from Spring 2007 to Spring 2008 and is also the 4th Year of the 7 Tabernacle Years.
The 4th Tabernacle Year is in the middle of the 7 Tabernacle Years. The 4th in the middle of a 7 represents the Messiah and things related to him. The Messiah was crucified on the Day of Passover the 4th Day of the 7 Day Week on the 14th Day of the 1st Month. From the 1st Day of Creation, Passover is the 18th Day and always falls on the 4th Day of the Week. It is the 4th Letter of the two 7 Hebrew Letter names of the Messiah which is critical and carries the fullness of Yahuah the Father's name. It is the 4th Lamp of the 7 Lamp Menorah that feeds the other 6 Lamps with oil. The 4th is the middle in a 7, and is a pivotal pointas in the scales of justice and judgement.
Messiah crucified at the 18th Hour of the 24 Hour Day:
The Messiah was crucified at the 6th Hour of the Day at 12 Noon which is also the 18th Hourof the 24 Hour Day! Again, 18 is the number of Righteousness. The18th Hour is the brightest part of the day when the Light of the sun is at it's strongest. The crucifixion was aslo on the 18th Day from the 1st Day of Creation on the 4th Day of a 7 Day Week. The Messiah's crucifixion points to the 18th Year of the Last 22 Years from Spring 2007 to Spring 2008 when the Great Tribulation will begin with the persecution of the Righteous. The Righteous will be sealed before the Great Tribulation starts.
Darkness and the Death of the 1st Born:
At the time of the exodus from Egypt, the 9th Plague was 3 Days of Darkness. The 10th Plague was the Death of the 1st Born at Passover. The Messiah was the 1st Born in his family. The Messiah was crucified at the 18th Hour. There was Darkness for 3 Hours from the time he was crucified at the 18th Hour (6th Hour of the Day = 12 Noon) until the time that he died at the 21st Hour (9th Hour of the Day = 3 PM) (Matthew 27:45-50). The Messiah was in the tomb for 3 Days (again Darkness) from the 18th Day to the 21st Day from Creation. The 22nd Day from Creation (the 18th Day of the 1st Month) was the Sheaf Offering of the Barley (the Firstfruit Offering). In our time, the Darkness will occur from the beginning of the 19th Year (starting Spring 2008) to the 22nd Year when the Messiah will return on the Feast of Trumpets in 2011. The sealed Righteous will die or be changed in the twinkling of an eye between Spring 2008 to Fall 2011. This will represent the Firstfruits (1st Born) unto Yahuah.
Connection between 1st Day of Creation and Sacred Calendar:
There is a direct connection between the 1st Day of Creation and the Sacred Calendar Yearthat confirms the presence of Yahuah the Father and His beloved Son Yahuahshua.
1)New Year's Day is on the 1st Day of the 1st Month on the 5th Day of the Week = 5th Day from 1st Day of Creation.
2)Selection of Passover Lamb is on the 10th Day of the 1st Month on the 7th Day of the Week = 14th Day from 1st Day of Creation.
3)Passover is on the 14th Day of the 1st Month on the 4th Day of the Week = 18th Day from 1st Day of Creation.
4)Sheaf Offering of Barley (Firstfruits) is on the 18th Day of the 1st Month on the 1st Day of the Week = 22nd Day from 1st Day of Creation.
5)22nd Day of 1st Month on the 5th Day of the Week = 26th Day from 1st Day of Creation. Note: The 1st and 7th Months are identical and templates of each other. In the 1st Month, the Last Day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread is on the 21st Day of the 1st Month while the Last Day of the Feast of Tabernacles is on the 21st Day of the 7th Month. But the Last Great Day in the 7th Month is on the 22nd Day which is as a template of the 1st Month also the 26th Day from the 1st Day of Creation and is a form of completion. Notice how the Last Great Day carries both the number of Yahuah the Father of 26 as well as the number of the Messiah of 22. Both are numbers of perfection and completion just as the Last Great Year, the 22nd Year in 2011 will be.
Even in the bigger picture, the presence of the Messiah can be seen. The 7 Day Creation Week represents 7,000 Years. With Yahuah 1 Day = 1000 Years. At his 1st Coming the Messiah came in the 4th Day towards the end of the 4,000 Years from Adam. The 4,000th Year from Adam was the Year 11CE when the Messiah was 22 Years old. The 4th 1,000 Year period is the middle of the 7,000 Years from Adam. The 4th in a 7 represents the Messiah.
7 Days of the Feast of Unleavened Bread represents coming out of Egypt (sin) while 7 Days of the Feast of Tabernacles represents going into the Promised Land (Kingdom of Yahuah):
At the time of the Exodus, the Children of Israel were completely out of Egypt by the end of Passover Day, at the end 14th Day of the 1st Month. The 7 Days of Unleavened Bread was a time of cleansing symbolic of being cleansed from the idolatry picked up by Israel during their time in Egypt. Then Yahushua (Joshua) son of Nun along with representatives from each of the 12 tribes searched the Promised Land for 40 Days. From the fruits that they brought back, such as the grapes, pomegranates, and figs (Numbers 13:17-25), we know that this had to be at the time of the Fall Feasts. So the Children of Israel would have entered into the Promised Land during the Fall Feasts. But because of their fear and disobedience, they were forced to wander in the wilderness for 40 Years, a Year for each Day that they searched out the land. The Feast of Tabernacles is a remembrance that Yahuah made the Children of Israel to dwell in tents (Tabernacles) for 40 Years. The Last Great Day, the 22nd Day of the 7th Month is when Israel would have entered into the Promised Land had they obeyed Yahuah the 1st Time. Note: On the Sacred Calendar, from the 3rd Jubilee of Days on the 14th Day of the 6th Month to the Last Great Day on the 22nd Day of the 7th Month is exactly 40 Days which follows a natural Jubilee Cycle!
As it is, Israel entered the Promised Land 40 Years after the Exodus on the 10th Day of the 1st Month.
The Messiah's two names and the pattern of Salvation:
The Messiah's present name of Yahuahshua means, Yahuah is Salvation. The Messiah is our Passover Lamb and it is the shedding of his blood when he was crucified that cleanses us from sin. We are at present still under the blood and call upon him using his name of Yahuahshua. Mankind is still in the process of coming out of sin and Yahuah makes this possible through His beloved son Yahuahshua. It is by the name of Yahuahshua that we will be sealed in the 18th Year from Spring 2007 to Spring 2008. This sealing has to take place before the Great Tribulation begins in Spring 2008 (Revelation 7:1-17).
The Righteous will only be sealed with the Messiah's new name of Yahuahtsadaq which means Yahuah is Righteous once they have overcome the world (Revelation 3:12). It is during the Great Tribulation that the Righteous will have to refuse to worship the Beast and his image, and to refuse to take the Mark of the Beast in their forehead, or in their hand.
The Messiah's Two Names represent Two Doors:
The Messiah's present name of Yahuahshua represents the DOOR that leads us out of sin. The Messiah's future name of Yahuahtsadaq represents the DOOR that leads us into the Kingdom of Yahuah.
In John 10:1-9 the Messiah clearly states that he is the DOOR! "Truly, truly, I say unto you, He that enters not by the DOOR into the sheepfold, but climbs up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber. But he that enters in by the DOOR is the shepherd of the sheep. ... To him the porter opens ... Truly, truly, I say unto you, I am the DOOR of the sheep. ... I am the DOOR: by me if any man enter in, he shall be SAVED, and shall go in and out, and find pasture."
In the Third Book of Enoch (3Enoch) also called the "Hebrew Book of Enoch" there is an angelic being called Metatron. Metatron is the name by which the Messiah was known in Heaven before his 1st Coming to earth. This angel is the DOOR keeper of the 7th Hall in the 7th Heaven where the Throne of Yahuah is. And no person or angel can go before the presence of Yahuah unless this angel allows it. This fits perfectly with what the Messiah says in John 10:1-9 where he says that he is the DOOR! (Note: The Messiah is the only begotten Son of Yahuah and now sits at the right hand of Yahuah in Heaven. The Messiah is above every angel.)
At Passover at his 1st Coming, the Messiah opened the DOOR of Salvation by his sacrifice enabling us to get out of the bondage of sin (Egypt). In the Last Great Year, which is the 22nd Year in the Fall of 2011 at his 2nd Coming, the Messiah will make it possible for us to enter the DOOR of Righteousness into his Father's Kingdom. Yahuah opens the DOOR for us to escape bondage and He also opens the DOOR for us to enter into His Kingdom through His beloved Son. Like the Messiah said in John 14:6, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes unto the Father, but by me."
The Great Tribulation is the End of Wheat Harvest:
The Messiah gives us the parable of the Wheat and the Tares in Matthew 13:24-30. He explains the parable in Matthew 13:36-43 that the Wheat Harvest is the End of the World.
The grain Harvest is 7 Weeks (50 Days) beginning with the Sheaf Offering of the Barley and ending with the Wheat Harvest. The Barley Harvest is the First 4 Weeks (28 Days) while the Wheat Harvest is the Last 3 Weeks (22 Days). The Wheat Harvest is these Last 22 Years from Spring 1990 to Spring 2012. The Righteous will be sealed with the Messiah's present name of Yahuahshua from Spring 2007 to Spring 2008. The winnowing of the Wheat will be during the 3 1/2 Years Great Tribulation from Spring 2008 to Fall 2011. During the Great Tribulation the Wheat will be separated from the chaff and the Righteous will shine forth as the sun.
In Matthew 3:7-12 we read, "O generation of vipers, who has warned you to flee from the wrath to come? ... And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees: therefore every tree which brings not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. ... He (Messiah) shall baptize you with the Holy Spirit, and fire: Whose fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly purge his (threshing) floor, and gather his WHEAT into the garner; but he will BURN up the CHAFF with unquenchable fire."
What is the conclusion of the matter? Draw close to Yahuah and Yahuah will draw close to you. The deception is strong but Yahuah is stronger. Repent for the Kingdom of Yahuah is at hand. We are now in the Beginning of Sorrows and the Great Tribulation is quickly coming. Keep your mind on Yahuah and he will give you perfect Peace. Trust in Yahuah and He will sustain you even through the hell that is soon to come on this earth. Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. Prepare for the battle that is coming. Put on the whole armour of Yahuah (Romans 13:12-14; 2Corinthians 6:1-10; Ephesians 6:10-18). Keep in mind and be comforted by the words and promises of Yahuah and of the Messiah (Matthew 5:3-16). We are not ignorant of Satan's tricks and devices to trip us up. We must always be focused on Yahuah and Yahuahshua. The knowledge of the End of the World and of the Great Tribulation is useless unless we abide in the Love of Yahuah and are under His protection. During the Great Tribulation, we will shout (Taruah) the praises of Yahuah continually, singing with all our heart of His great Love, Mercy, and Forgiveness and for the Blessed Hope of Eternal Life that He promises us through Yahuahshua His beloved Son.
Other Notes of Interest:
1) Pope John Paul II dies after reigning for 26 Years.2) World Pride Parade will take place in Jerusalem on August 25, 2005. Jerusalem is Yahuah's Holy City. August 25, 2005 is the 7th Jubilee of Days to the Messiah's Return. August 25, 2005 is exactly 22 Days to the Feast of Trumpets.
3) The Name of the new Pope is Benedict XVI (the 16th). Notice the 3 Roman Numerals which starts with the Latin Letter "X" which equals 10 = Judgement. Please refer to previous articles on the significance of this Letter "X" and the connection to the Mark of the Beast of 666. It took a two thirds majority to elect this Pope which equals 66.6 Percent! This may or may not be the very last Pope but this is another indication that we are close to the end. The Pope is not the Beast but is certainly a key player for the Last Days.
4) Connection between Enoch and the Messiah: From the Creation of Adam to birth of Enoch is 622 Years. The numerical value of the two names of the Messiah is Yahuahshua (402) + Yahuahtsadaq (220) = 622! Enoch is one of the two witnesses (Elijah the other) that will prophecy for 3 1/2 Years before the Messiah's 2nd Coming.
Introduction:80.0) The 4 Seasons of Jubilees of Days in the Last 7 Years to the Messiah's Return:In Article 71.0) above, we have discussed in detail the 52 Jubilees of Days contained in the Last 7 Years to the Messiah's 2nd Coming. Yahuah in His mercy and love quickens us to understand even more about these Last 52 Jubilees of Days to the Messiah's Return. There is a pattern related to the numbers of these 52 Jubilees of Days when plotted out on the yearly Sacred Calendar. The sequence of the numbers and the pattern of them are perfect which carry the signature of Yahuah the Father and of the Messiah and show a pattern leading up to the Messiah's Return.
As pointed out before, the Father's name of Yahuah in Hebrew has a numerical value of 26 and the number 22 always relates to the Messiah as does the number7. Let us take a closer look at these 52 Jubilees of Days in the Last 7 Years to the Messiah's coming and see if we can find the numbers26, 22, and 7 in them.
The Existence of a Pattern:
If you take a copy of the yearly Sacred Calendar and plot out all 52 Jubilees of Days for the Last 7 Years to the Messiah you will find a pattern. Go to Article 71.0) and transfer the Number of the Jubilee of Days to its corresponding week of the year to the appropriate Day and Month for all 52 Jubilees of Days for all 52 Weeks of the Year. The starting point is the Feast of Trumpets on the 1st Day of the 7th Month on September 16, 2004. The 1st Jubilee of Days is on the 20th Day of the 8th Month on November 4, 2004. So enter the Number 1 on the 20th Day of the 8th Month (the Number 1 stands for the 1st Jubilee of Days). The 2nd Jubilees of Days is on the 8th Day of the 10th Month on December 23, 2004. So enter the Number 2 on the 8th Day of the 10th Month (the Number 2 stands for the 2nd Jubilee of Days). Continue to do this until all 52 Jubilees of Days are plotted on the single Yearly Sacred Calendar. Now you are ready to compare the Number of the Jubilee of Days from one week to the next. At first the numbers seem erratic. For instance, for the 7th Month the Numbers for the Jubilees of Days are 52, 15, 30, 45, 8. But there is definitely a regular pattern there.
Note that the Jubilees of Days are always on Thursday the 5th Day of the Week. Even though the 52 Jubilees of Days is spread over 7 Years, they can be plotted on a single yearly Sacred Calendar because they cover all 52 Weeks of the Year with a different Jubilee of Days each Week. For instance, the 52nd Jubilee of Days is on the Feast of Trumpets on the 1st Day of the 7th Month in 2011 so you plot it on the 1st Day of the 7th Month. The 15th Jubilee of Days is on the 8th Day of the 7th Month in 2006 which is plotted on the following Thursday on the 8th Day of the 7th Month. The 30th Jubilee of Days is on the 15th Day of the 7th Month in 2008 which is plotted on the following Thursday on the 15th Day of the 7th Month etc. etc.
Of the 7 High Feast Day Sabbaths in the Year, 4 are on Thursday the 5th Day of the Week and which represent a Jubilee of Days:
1) 1st Day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread on the 15th Day of the 1st Month (15th Jubilee of Days).
2) Feast of Trumpets on the 1st Day of the 7th Month (52nd Jubilee of Days).
3) 1st Day of the Feast of Tabernacles on the 15th Day of the 7th Month (30th Jubilee of Days).
4) Last Great Day on the 22nd Day of the 7th Month (45th Jubilee of Days).
Once you have plotted all 52 Jubilees of Days which covers every week in the year then you can start working with the numbers. As an example, take the 1st Day of the 7th Month which is the 52nd Jubilee of Days. The next Jubilee of Days in the next week on the 8th Day of the 7th Month is the 15th Jubilee of Days. Note the difference between the two numbers 52 (52nd Jubilee of Days) - 37 (minus 37) = 15 (15th Jubilee of Days). The week after that is the 30th Jubilee of Days on the 15th Day of the 7th Month. So you take the previous week and again compare the two numbers which is 15 (15th Jubilee of Days) + 15 (plus 15) = 30 (30th Jubilee of Days). The following week is the 45th Jubilee of Days on the 22nd Day of the 7th Month and you get 30 (30th Jubilee of Days) + 15 (plus 15) = 45 (45th Jubilee of Days). The pattern is that from one week to the next the difference between the two Jubilee of Days numbers is always either -37(minus 37) or +15 (plus 15) for all 52 Jubilees of Days!
What is amazing is that if you count the number of times that the difference of -37 (minus 37) occurs for the 52 Jubilees of Days is 15 times (Note:37 + 15 = 52 = 2 x 26) and that the difference of +15 (plus 15) occurs is 37 times (Note: 15 + 37 = 52 = 2 x 26), which is an exact reciprocal number of each other!
Significance of the Numbers 15 and 37:
Note that 15 + 37 = 52 = 2 x 26! This carries Yahuah the Father's number of 26! The number 37 breaks down into 15 + 22 = 37! Note that the number 22 represents the Messiah! And again, the number 22 can be broken down further into 15 +7 = 22 where the number 7 also represents the Messiah. The difference between any two Jubilee of Days is always either +15 or -37 and 15 + 37 = 52 which represents the 52 Jubilees of Days that make up the Last 7 Years to the Messiah's Return! The fact that 37 breaks down into 15 + 22 = 37 and 22 breaks down into 15 + 7 = 22 indicates the presence of the Messiah. Note how the number 15 is always present.
The two numbers of15 and 22in combination point to only two Feast Days on the Sacred Calendar namely the1st Day of the Feast of Tabernacles on the 15th Day of the 7th Month and the Last Great Day on the 22nd Day of the 7th Month. The only other Feast that would be possible is the Feast of Unleavened Bread which begins on the 15th Day of the 1st Month but ends on the 21st Day of the 1st Month which does not correspond to the number 22. So the number 37 which equals 15 + 22 points to the Fall Feasts and in particular to the time between the 1st Day of the Feast of Tabernacles and the Last Great Day.
Meaning for our Time and the Last Days:
The Fall Feasts which consist of 22 Days point to the Last 22 Years in our time. And if this is the case, which it is, then the numbers 15 + 22 refer to the Last 7 Years to the Messiah's return. The Last 7 Years to the Messiah begins on the Feast of Trumpets on the 1st Day of the 7th Month on September 16, 2004 in the middle of the 15th Year of the Last 22 Years which is the 1st Tabernacle Year. This 7 Year period will end on the Feast of Trumpets on the 1st Day of the 7th Month on September 15, 2011 in the middle of the 22nd Year, the Last Great Year of the Last 22 Years.
Of the 15 occurrences where -37 is the difference between two Jubilees of Days only two stand out relating to any of the Feast Days. These two occurrences are the Feast of Trumpets which is the 52nd Jubilee of Days (52 -37 = 15) and the Last Great Day which is the 45th Jubilee of Days (45 - 37 = 8)! So we are again being pointed to the Fall Feasts where both the First and the Last of the Fall Feast Days have the number 37 associated with it of 15 + 22 = 37!
Possible Time Line of Events:
These Last 7 Years consist of exactly 52 Jubilees of Days. This in turn can be broken down into blocks suggested by the existing pattern of +15 and -37 which makes up the number 52 where 15 + 37 = 52 or 15 + 15 + 22 = 52 or 15 + 15 + 15 + 7 = 52! So now we can set up milestones that will lead up to the Messiah's Return and this is the way that it looks:
1) 15th Jubilee of Days, 8th Day of 7th Month = September 21, 2006. 37 Jubilees of Days to the Messiah's Return. This represents the end of the 1st 15 Jubilees of Days (15 = 15).
2) 30th Jubilee of Days, 15th Day of 7th Month = October 2, 2008, 1st Day of Feast of Tabernacles, 6 1/2 Months into the Great Tribulation, 22 Jubilees of Days to the Messiah's Return. This represents the end of the 2nd 15 Jubilees of Days (15 +15 = 30).
3) 45th Jubilee of Days, 22nd Day of 7th Month = October 7, 2010, Last Great Day, 7 Jubilees of Days to the Messiah's Return. This represents the end of the 3rd 15 Jubilees of Days (15 + 15 + 15 = 45).
4) 52nd Jubilee of Days, 1st Day of 7th Month = September 15, 2011, Feast of Trumpets, Messiah Returns. This represents the end of the Last 7 Jubilees of Days (15 + 15 + 15 + 7 = 52).
Note: All Four of these milestones are in the 7th Month during the Fall Feasts, on the 1st, 8th, 15th and 22nd Day of the 7th Month! Note the progressive sequence by the number 7 from one day to the next in the 7th Month and they are all on Thursday the 5th Day of the Week. From the Feast of Trumpets the 1st Day of the 7th Month to the Last Great Day the 22nd Day of the 7th Month the progression is by the number 7 which represents the Messiah. This progression starts with the 1st Day of the 7th Month, adding 7 Days brings us to the 8th Day of the 7th Month, adding 7 Days more brings us to the 15th Day of the 7th Month, and finally adding 7 Days more brings us to the 22nd Day of the 7th Month! In the Last 22 Years the 1st Year = 1990, 8th Year = 1997, 15th Year = 2004, 22nd Year = 2011.
The Number 15 which is so dominant in the Pattern:
In scripture, numbers have meaning. And the Number 15 is no exception. However, at this time it is not certain exactly what the full meaning is for the Number 15. We can make limited conclusions about the Number 15 at this time based on some of the most obvious uses of it in the Sacred Calendar. We know that the Number 15 is used for the 1st Day of the Feast of Unleavened which starts on the 15th Day of the 1st Month and which is a part of a 7 Day Feast. Also the Number 15 is similarly used for the 1st Day of the Feast of Tabernacles which starts on the 15th Day of the 7th Month and which is again a part of a 7 Day Feast.
The number 15 can be broken down into 3 x 5 = 15 where 5 is a prime number. The prime number 5 also appears related to the Day of Atonement which is on the 10th Day of the 7th Month as well as Judgement which is represented by the number 10 and which breaks down into 2 x 5 = 10 with the presence of the prime number 5.
Another connection is the fact that both the 1st Day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread and the 1st Day of the Feast of Tabernacles are both on the 15th Dayof their respective Months and are both on a Thursday the 5th Day of the Week.
Some of the other important notable Days on the Sacred Calendar that are on the 5th Day of the Week are the 1st Day of the Year which is on the 1st Day of the 1st Month, Feast of Trumpets on the 1st Day of the 7th Month, and the Last Great Day which is on the 22nd Day of the 7th Month.
These Last 7 Years of 52 Jubilees of Days are a countdown to the Messiah's 2nd Coming.
A significant Jubilee of Days coming up will be this year on August 25, 2005 which is the 7th Jubilee of Days. The significance of this 7th Jubilee of Days is that it will be the day on which the World Pride Parade will be held in Yahuah's Holy City of Jerusalem this year! The rest of the Jubilees of Days to the Messiah's Return are also ones to watch out for. Since the beginning of these 52 Jubilees of Days last Fall on the Feast of Trumpets on September 16, 2004 we have seen the death of Yassar Arafat which opened the door to new peace talks with Israel and the soon possible building of the 3rd Temple. We also observed the death of Pope John Paul II and the election of a new Pope, Pope Benedict XVI whose name carries the Latin letter "X" which is significant for the Last Days.
Things are happening but are hard to see at times. It is like lapse time photography where you have to string together the changes over a period of time to appreciate the full impact of the changes.The Messiah commands us to be on the watch, always to be alert so we are not taken unawares by Satan and his deception.
Praise be to Yahuah for opening our hearts and our minds to understand what is coming and for helping us to get ready and to prepare for the events that are already unfolding in the world today.
Another Point of Interest Related to the Sacred Calendar:
There are 7 High Feast Day Sabbaths in the Year. If you add together the number of the Day on which they fall on, you will get the perfect number 91. The 7 High Sabbaths are:
1) 1st Day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread on the 15th Day of the 1st Month.
2) Last Day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread on the 21st Day of the 1st Month.
3) Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) on the 7th Day of the 3rd Month.
4) Feast of Trumpets on the 1st Day of the 7th Month.
5) Day of Atonement on the 10th Day of the 7th Month.
6) 1st Day of the Feast of Tabernacles on the 15th Day of the 7th Month.
7) Last Great Day on the 22nd Day of the 7th Month.Adding together the Days of the Month on which they fall, you get 15 + 21 + 7 + 1 + 10 + 15 + 22 = 91. The number 91 is a perfect number which equals 7 x 13 = 91. The number 7 represents the Messiah, while the number13 represents Yahuah the Father whose number is 26 which equals 2 x 13 = 26. The number 91 also represents One Season which equals 91 Days or 13 Weeks where 7 Days per Week x 13 Weeks = 91 Days. This finding just reinforces the fact that the Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) is on the 7th Day of the 3rd Month which is calculated while the other 6 High Days are stated. This also confirms that each Season has 3 Months of 30 Days with one Intercalary Day added at the end of the 3rd Month. This also points to a 360 Day Year with 4 Intercalary Days where the true Sacred Calendar has 364 Days per Year with 52 Weeks or 4 x 91 Days = 364 Days.
Introduction:81.0)2nd Passover, 2nd Feast of Unleavened Bread in 2nd Month and the Last Days:There are more combinations within the Last 52 Jubilees of Days that will help us to understand the milestones leading up to the Messiah's return. In Topic 79.0) above, we have shown that there is a pattern of 15 and 37 related to the Jubilees of Days and other combinations such as 15 + 37 = 52; 15 + 15 + 22 = 52; 15 + 15 + 15 + 7 = 52. There are also unique combinations where the Jubilees of Days relate to the Seasons.
We know that these Last 7 Years to the Messiah equal 52 Jubilees of Days. These Last 7 Years are split into two halves where the 1st 3 1/2 Years is the Beginning of Sorrows and the 2nd 3 1/2 Years is the Great Tribulation. Each 3 1/2 Years equals 26 Jubilees of Days. In turn each of these two 3 1/2 Years is again split into two halves of 13 Jubilees Days each. 13 Jubilees of Days equates with One Season in the same way that 13 Weeks equals One Season in a Sacred Calendar Year.
The 4 Seasons in a Regular Sacred Calendar Year:
In a regular Sacred Calendar Year, there are 364 Days, 52 Weeks, and 4 Seasons. The 4 Seasons are Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter. Each Season equals 13 Weeks or 91 Days.
The 4 Seasons of Jubilees of Days in the Last 7 Years to the Messiah:
In the Last 7 Years, there are 364 Weeks, 52 Jubilees of Days, and 4 Seasons of Jubilees of Days. Each Season of Jubilees of Days equals 13 Jubilees of Days or 91 Weeks.
When plotting out the 52 Jubilees of Days for the Last 7 Years on a single Sacred Calendar Year, a unique pattern emerges related to the Seasons. In a regular Sacred Calendar Year there are 4 Seasons with each Season equaling13 Weeks. So a year of 4 Seasons equals 13 + 13 + 13 + 13 = 52 Weeks. The 4 Seasons are Spring = 13 Weeks,Summer = 13 Weeks, Fall = 13 Weeks, and Winter = 13 Weeks.
The Last 7 Years can also be divided up into 4 Seasons of Jubilees. The Last 52 Jubilees of Days = 13 + 13 + 13 + 13 to give 4 Seasons of Jubilees of Days where each Season equals 13 Jubilees of Days.
The 4 Seasons in the Year start as follows:
Spring starts with the 1st Day of the 1st Month.
Summer starts with the 1st Day of the 4th Month.
Fall starts with the 1st Day of the 7th Month.
Winter starts with the 1st Day of the 10th Month.Note that in the Last 52 Jubilees of Days there are only Four occurrences of multiples of 13 and these Four all fall on the 1st Day of the beginning of each of the 4 Seasons in the Year! For instance:
26th Jubilee of Days is on the 1st Day of the 1st Month.
13th Jubilee of Days is on the 1st Day of the 4th Month.
52nd Jubilee of Days is on the 1st Day of the 7th Month.
39th Jubilee of Days is on the 1st Day of the 10th Month.Note how all four numbers 26, 13, 52, and 39 are all multiples of the number 13! 13 = 1 x 13; 26 = 2 x 13; 39 = 3 x 13; 52 = 4 x 13. And of course, Yahuah the Father's name has a numerical value of 26 which is 2 x 13 where the number 13 is a prime number!
Note also how the number of the 1st Month in each Season when added up equals 22: 1 (1st Month) + 4 (4th Month) + 7 (7th Month) + 10 (10th Month) = 22. The number 7 and 22 always relate to the Messiah. So the presence of the numbers 13 (where 2 x 13 = 26) and the number 22 refer to the presence of Yahuah the Father and of the Messiah.
Note again, in the 40 Seasons of the Last 10 Years to the Messiah's Return, the 26th Season which is a Winter Season will end just before the 1st Day of the 1st Month March 20, 2008. The 1st Day of the 1st Month on March 20, 2008 is also the 26th Jubilee of Days of the Last 7 Years to the Messiah and is the 1st Day of the 3 1/2 Years Great Tribulation.
It truly is amazing how all these different cycles and factors of the Sacred Calendar compliment each other and fit together so precisely and function like an extremely well made clock of time.
The SUMMER Season in prophecy and in the Last 52 Jubilees of Days:
In the regular Sacred Calendar Year SUMMER is defined as the time from the 1st Day of the 4th Month to the 1st Day of the 7th Month which is 13 Weeks or 91 Days. When the 52 Jubilees of Days are plotted out, the 13th Jubilee of Days is on the 1st Day of the 4th Month which marks the beginning of Summer while the 52nd Jubilee of Days is on the 1st Day of the 7th Month which marks the end of Summer and the beginning of Fall. What this suggests is Two Ways of looking at the definition of SUMMER in the Last 52 Jubilees of Days.
The First Way is to view the Last 52 Jubilees of Days as consisting of 4 Seasons of Jubilees of Days where Spring = 13 J.D. (Jubilees of Days), Summer = 13 J.D., Fall = 13 J.D., and Winter = 13 J.D..
The Second Way is to view the Last 52 Jubilees of Days with the 1st 13 Jubilees of Days equaling Spring. But the next 39 Jubilees of Days equaling ONLY SUMMER! In this Second Way, Summer would be defined as being from the 1st Day of SUMMER starting on the 1st Day of the 4th Month with the 13th Jubilee of Days and ending with the 52nd Jubilees of Days on the 1st Day of the 7th Month with the Messiah's Return. On the Yearly Calendarthis would be a regular Summer but in the Last 7 Years would represent 39 Jubilees of Days where 52 Jubilees of Days minus 13 Jubilees of Days = 39 Jubilees of Days.
Both ways are valid at the same time. Note that in both cases, the 13th Jubilee of Days begins the Summer Season. Note also that from the Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) on the 7th Day of the 3rd Month to the 1st Day of the 4th Month which begins Summer is exactly 26 Days!
The Four Milestones defined by the 4 Seasons of Jubilees of Days are:
13th Jubilee of Days1st Day 4th Month June 15, 2006.
26th Jubilee of Days 1st Day 1st Month March 20, 2008.
39th Jubilee of Days1st Day 10th Month Dec. 17, 2009.
52nd Jubilee of Days 1st Day 7th Month Sept. 15, 2011.The Position of the 4 Seasonal Jubilees of Days:
When plotted out, the position of the two Jubilees of Days namely the 13th J.D. on the 1st Day of the 4th Month which ends Spring and begins Summer, and the39th J.D. on the 1st Day of the 10th Month which ends Fall and begins Winter are in their normal positions as they would be on the Yearly Calendar Year. However, the other two are the reverse to each other. The 26th J.D. is on the 1st Day of the 1st Month which begins Spring but which normally would be on the 1st Day of the 7th Month. While the 52nd J.D. is on the 1st Day of the 7th Month which normally would be on the 1st Day of the 1st Month.
The only possible reason for this reversal of the 26th J.D. and 52nd J.D. is that the 26th J.D. is a mid point which begins the last 3 1/2 Years Great Tribulation which marks the middle of the Last 7 Year period. While the 52nd J.D.is the end point at the end of the Last 7 Years which ends on the Feast of Trumpets on the 1st Day of the 7th Month when the Messiah will return. So it all makes sense.
The SUMMER Fruit Harvest:
Summer for all intense and purposes marks the end of the Agricultural Year. The Summer Fruit Harvest includes Grapes, Figs, Pomegranates, and Olives. The first three fruits are exactly the same three fruits the spies brought back when Israel was supposed to go into the Promised Land the first time.
A general school boy record of the Agricultural year in Ancient Israel can be found in the Gezer Calendar. The Gezer Calendar is one of the oldest Hebrew inscriptions ever found. The Gezer Calendar is written in Paleo-Hebrew script and is dated to about 950BCE. The text of the Gezer Calendar, translated by W.F.Albright, is as follows:
TranslationGregorian Calendar Jewish Calendar
2 Months are (olive) harvest. Aug.-Sept. Ab 15 -Tishri 15
2 Months are planting (grain). Oct.-Nov. Tishri 15 -Kislev 14
2 Months are late planting. Dec.-Jan. Kislev 15 -Shebat15
1 Month is hoeing up of flax. Feb. Shebat 15 -Adar 14
1 Month is harvest of barley. March Adar 15 -Nissan 14
1 Month is harvest & feasting. April Nissan 15 -Iyar 14
2 Months are vine tending. May-June Iyar 15 -Tammuz 14
1 Month is summer fruit. July Tammuz 15 -Ab 14SUMMER in scripture and in Prophecy:
The number 40 in scripture indicates a generation and a time of cleansing. The Messiah received 40 stripes less one which equals 39 stripes. The Last 39 Jubilees of Days from the 13th Jubilee of Dayson June 15, 2006 to the 52nd Jubilee of Days on September 15, 2011 represents the Last Generation. It also represents a time of Judgement and Punishment. Stripes for punishment was supposed to be 40 stripes but was deliberately made 39 stripes so that there would be no mistake in giving more than 40 stripes (Deut. 25:3; 2Cor. 11:24).
The Last 39 Jubilees of Days also represents the Summer Season and Summer Fruit. The 1st Day of Summer starts with the 1st Day of the 4th Month. The 13th Jubilee of Days is on the 1st Day of the 4th Month which ends Spring and begins Summer. The Summer Season is up to the 1st Day of the 7th Month. The 52nd Jubilee of Days is on the 1st Day of the 7th Month which ends Summer and begins the Fall Season.
Here are some scriptures regarding the Summer Season and the Last Days:
Jeremiah 8:20 "The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved."
Daniel 2:34-35 (Note: In this scripture, the stone that strikes the image of iron and clay is the Messiah at his 2nd Coming.) "Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold, broken to pieces together, and became like thechaff of the summer threshing floors; and the wind carried them away, that no place was found for them; and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth."
Amos 8:1-14 "Thus has Yahuah showed unto me: and behold a basket of summer fruit. And he said, Amos, what do you see? And I said, A basket of summer fruit. Then said Yahuah unto me, The end is come upon my people of Israel; I will not again pass by them any more. And the songs of the temple shall be howlings in that day, says Yahuah: there shall be many dead bodies in every place; they shall cast them forth with silence. ... And I will turn your feasts into mourning, and all your songs into lamentations; and I will bring up sackcloth upon all loins, and baldness upon every head; and I will make it as the mourning of an only son, and the end thereof as a bitter day."
Micah 7:1-4 "Woe is me! for I am as when they have gathered the summer fruit, as the grapegleanings of the vintage: there is no cluster to eat: my soul desired the firstripe fruit. ...The best of them is as a brier: the most upright is sharper than a thorn hedge: the day of your watchmen and thy visitation comes; now shall be their perplexity."
Matthew 24:32-34 (Mark 13:28-30; Luke 21:29-32) "Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is nigh; So likewise you, when you shall see all these things, know that it (he) is near, even at the doors. Truly I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled."
In the Last 10 Yearsto the Messiah's Return from September 2001 to September 2011 is 40 Seasons. The Great Tribulation will begin immediately at the end of the 26th Season. The 1st Day of the Great Tribulation is on March 20, 2008 on the 1st Day of the 1st Month which is also the 26th Jubilee of Days!
If you add the number of the Jubilees of Days on the 1st Day of each Season from the 1st Month to the 7th Month together you get 26 + 13 + 52 = 91which equals 3 1/2 x 26! The Beginning of Sorrows is 3 1/2 Years which equals 26 Jubilees of Days. The Great Tribulation is 3 1/2 Years which also equals 26 Jubilees of Days. Yahuah's reckoning of Time and Yahuah's Sacred Calendar is so beautiful and so complex yet so simple all at the same time.
We now have more ways to view these Last 7 Years. These new units of time will help us to better understand the events soon to come to pass. The 4 Seasons of Jubilees of Days and the idea of the Last 39 Jubilees of Days representing a type of Summer in the Last 7 Years will hopefully help us to identify events before they happen and to avoid a lot of the evil that is surely coming upon this tired old world. Satan's lease on this world will end with the Messiah's Return and then we will have true joy and peace on this earth.
The importance of having all these different units of time is to better understand time and to better prepare for what is coming. Just as we have units of time such as seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, etc. in the world to be able to function in the Worldly System, so too Yahuah has His units of time to understand His Calendar, and His plan for Man and the World.
Introduction:82.0) The 22 Letters of the Hebrew Alphabet and the Last 22 Years:Yahuah is very merciful and forgiving. Yahuah gives us forgiveness of our sins through Yahuahshua His beloved Son. It is by the death and the shedding of the blood of Yahuahshua at Passover that our sins are washed away. The Messiah is our Passover Lamb (1Corinthians 5:6-8). It is vital to keep the Passover. Yahuah in His great love and mercy even gives us a 2nd Chance to keep the Passoverin the 2nd Month if we are unable to keep it in the 1st Month. Normally, we keep Passover on the 14th Day of the 1st Month. However, if we are not able to keep Passover in the 1st Month, then we are to keep it on the 14th Day of the 2nd Month (Numbers 9:1-14).
The Passover is closely tied to the Feast of Unleavened Bread. So we have to keep both. Leaven (yeast) is symbolic of sin. The shedding of the blood of the Messiah washes us of sin but then it is up to us to keep ourselves clean of sin (leaven). The 7 Days of the Feast of Unleavened Bread follows immediately after the Passover and is a time to be free of sin (leaven).
When Israel was coming out of Egypt, Israel had been immersed in pagan idolatry for over 400 years. The blood of the Passover Lamb washed the particpant of sin. But then it was up to the individual to refrain from eating bread with leaven for the next 7 Days during the Feast of Unleavened Bread from the 15th Day of the 1st Month to the 21st Day of the 1st Month. These 7 Days of the Feast was a time of cleansing and symbolic of Israel coming out of sin to prepare a people for Yahuah. For Yahuah says, "Be you Holy for I am Holy." (1Peter 1:16; Leviticus 11:44-45).
If we keep the 2nd Passover, then we also have to keep the 2nd Feast of Unleavened Bread in the 2nd Month. The 2nd Passover is kept on the 14th Day of the 2nd Month and the 2nd Feast of Unleavened Bread is kept from the 15th Day to the 21st Day of the 2nd Month. In 2Chronicles Chapters 29 and 30 King Hezekiah cleansed the Temple of Yahuah but the people missed the 1st Passover because they were unclean so they had to keep the 2nd Passover in the 2nd Month. They also kept the 2nd Feast of Unleavened Bread in the 2nd Month. In 2Chronicles 30:2,3,13,22 we read, "For the king had taken counsel ... to keep the Passover in the second month; ... And there assembled at Jerusalem much people to keep the Feast of Unleavened Bread in the second month; ... and they did eat throughout the Feast seven days, ..."
The 1st Feast of Unleavened Bread in the 1st Month begins the Barley Harvest. The 2nd Feast of Unleavened Bread in the 2nd Month begins Wheat Harvest. Wheat Harvest represents the Last Days. The Grain Harvest begins with the Sheaf Offering of the Barley which represents the resurrection from the dead by the Messiah who is the First of the Firstfruits.
1st Feast of Unleavened Bread in the 1st Month begins Barley Harvest:
The 18th Day of the 1st Month (Sunday - 1st Day of the Week) begins Barley Harvest with the Sheaf Offering of the Barley. From this point to Pentecost is exactly 50 Days. The Grain Harvest is these 50 Days. The Barley Harvest is the first 28 Days (4 Weeks). The Wheat Harvest is the Last 22 Days (3 Weeks).
The 18th Day of the 1st Month is the middle of the 7 Day 1st Feast of Unleavened Bread. It is also 22 Days from the 1st Day of Creation on the Sacred Calendar.
The 1st Feast of Unleavened Bread marks the beginning of the Barley Harvest and represents the early believers from the time of the Messiah's 1st Coming. Barley is a coarser grain but a more hardy grain as were the early believers.
2nd Feast of Unleavened Bread in the 2nd Month begins Wheat Harvest:
The 16th Day of the 2nd Month (Sunday - 1st Day of the Week) begins Wheat Harvest with the Sheaf Offering of the Wheat. From this point to Pentecost is exactly 22 Days. In the parable of the Wheat and the Tares the Wheat Harvest represents the End of the World (Matthew 13:24-30,34-43). The 22 Days of Wheat Harvest represents the Last 22 Years from Spring 1990 to Spring 2012 (the Last 22 Years of the 6000 Years from Adam).
The 2nd Feast of Unleavened Bread marks the beginning of Wheat Harvest and the Last Day believers. In the Last Days there will be more knowledge (Daniel 12:4). Wheat is a finer grain but more delicate as are the Last Day believers.
The connection between the 1st and 2nd Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Feast of Tabernacles and the Last Days:
The 1st Month and the 7th Month on the Sacred Calendar are identical. The 1st Feast of Unleavened Bread in the 1st Month begins the 1st Harvest Festival of the Agricultural year while the Feast of Tabernacles in the 7th Month marks the 3rd and Last Harvest Festival at the end of the Agricultural year. The Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) in the 3rd Month marks the 2nd Harvest Festival of the Agricultural year with the end of Wheat Harvest.
The 2nd Passover and the 2nd Feast of Unleavened Bread in the 2nd Month represent the 2nd and Last Chance for Eternal Life. The meaning of Passover is the idea of the Death Angel Passing over us when he sees the blood of the Passover Lamb (Messiah) on the door posts of our tabernacle (our body). That is why it is so critical to keep the 2nd Passover if we miss the 1st Passover in the 1st Month. It is only through the blood of the Messiah that we have the remmision of our sins and it is through the Messiah that we have the hope of Eternal Life.
The 2nd Passover and 2nd Feast of Unleavened Bread is the Last and Final opportunity to keep the Feast and to obey Yahuah.
The Fall Feasts represent the Last 22 Years. The Wheat Harvest also represents the Last 22 Years. The 2nd Feast of Unleavened Bread again represents the Last 22 Years. The Last 22 Years are from Spring 1990 to Spring 2012. The pattern of the Fall Feasts and the Spring Feasts are similar and by extension so are the Feasts in the 2nd Month. The Fall Feasts in the 7th Month = 22 Days, theSpring Feasts in the 1st Month = 21 Days, the Feasts in the 2nd Month = 21 Days. The 1st and 2nd Feast of Unleavened Bread and the Feast of Tabernacles each consist of 7 Days. These 7 Days represent the 7 Years from 2004 to 2010 in the Last Days. The Year 2004 was the 15th Year of the Last 22 Years and is the 1st of the 7 Tabernacle Years. While the Year 2010 is the 21st Year of the Last 22 Years and is the 7th and Last of the 7 Tabernacle Years.
From the 1st Day of Creation in the Sacred Calendar to the 18th Day of the 1st Month is 22 Days. From the 18th Day of the 1st Month to the Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) is 50 Days. From the 1st Day of Creation to the 16th Day of 2nd Month is 50 Days. From the 16th Day of 2nd Month to Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) is 22 Days. The 18th Day of the 1st Month is the Sheaf Offering of the Barley and the beginning of Barley Harvest. The 16th Day of 2nd Month is the Sheaf Offering of the Wheat and the beginning of Wheat Harvest. Notice how the number 22 comes up at the Beginning from the 1st Day of Creation and also at the duration of Wheat Harvest which represents the End of the World. The number 22 represents the Messiah. It is 22 Days from the beginning of Creation to the start of Barley Harvest. The Sheaf Offering of the Barley is symbolic of the Messiah being the First of the Firstfruits. Just after the Messiah rose from the dead he became the perfect Firstfruit Offering to Yahuah.
From the 1st Day of Creation to the death of Abel is 22 Years. Abel was a type of the Messiah and the 1st Righteous person to be killed (Matthew 23:35; Luke 11:51). From the birth of the Messiah in 12BCE to the end of the 4000 Years from Adam is 22 Years. In the 6000 Years from Adam there are 122 Jubilees plus 22 Years left over. So there are 22 Years at the end of the 6000 years from Adam. The 18th Day of the 1st Month just after the Messiah's resurrection from the dead represents the beginning of Barley Harvest. From the death of the Messiah in 30CE to the Last and 122nd Jubilee in 1990 was 40 Jubilees. The number 40 equates with one generation. The Last 22 Years is from 1990 to 2011. These Last 22 Years of the 6000 Years from Adam represents the Wheat Harvest. The Fall Feasts have 22 Days. The Last 22 Years will take on the character of the 22 Day Fall Feasts which have never been fulfilled. The Hebrew Alphabet has 22 Letters. Again the Last 22 Years will take on the character of the 22 Letter Hebrew Alphabet. The Messiah's future name of Yahuahtsadaq has a numerical value of 220 = 10 x 22, where 10 = Judgement and 22 = Completion. In that Last 22nd Year in 2011 the Messiah will be using his future name of Yahuahtsadaq when he returns at his 2nd Coming to judge the World.
The Importance of the 2nd Month:
16th Day of 2nd Month: Wheat Harvest begins, 22 Days to Pentecost, exactly 50 Days from 1st Day of Creation. The 16th Day of 2nd Month represents the Year 2005.
17th Day of 2nd Month: Rains for Noah's Flood begin (Genesis 7:11-16). Noah and his family shut in the Ark. 17th Day of 2nd Month represents the Year 2006.
18th Day of 2nd Month: Middle of 7 Day Feast of 2nd Feast of Unleavened Bread and 52 Daysfrom the 1st Day of Creation. 18th Day of 2nd Month represents the Year 2007.
27th Day of 2nd Month: Messiah ascends up into Heaven, 10 Days to Pentecost. 40 Days from beginning of Barley Harvest.
Note: The idea of having the crucifixion of the Messiah on a Friday stems from early believers keeping the 2nd Passover on the 14th Day of the 2nd Month which is always on a Friday. Hence the idea of the Friday crucifixion. But the Messiah was actually crucified on Wednesday the 4th Day of the Week on the 14th Day of the 1st Month.
The Last 7 Years to the Messiah's Return:
The Last 7 Years to theMessiah's 2nd Coming is again indicated by the beginning of Wheat Harvest on the 16th Day of the 2nd Month. From the 16th Day of the 2nd Month to the 22nd Day of the 2nd Month is 7 Dayswhich represents the 7 Years from 2005 to 2011. The 16th Day of the 2nd Month represents the Year 2005. The 22nd Day of the 2nd Month represents the Year 2011 with the symbolic end of Wheat Harvest and the Messiah's 2nd Coming.
The 1st and 2nd Invitation for the Wedding Feast:
In the parable of the Wedding Feast, the First Invitation for the Wedding (Matthew 22:1-14) is synonymous with the beginning of Barley Harvest. But most people who were invited made light of it and refused to come. So a Second Invitation was sent out saying, "My oxen and my fatlings are killed, and all things are ready: come unto the marriage..." The Second Invitation is urgent and immediate as there was no refrigeration in those days and once the animals were killed they had to come quickly to eat the dinner at the Wedding Feast. The Second Invitation represents the Wheat Harvest and the Last 22 Years just before the Messiah's 2nd Coming.
This Year 2005, is the 16th Year of the Last 22 Years and marks the beginning of the Last 7 Years to the end of the 6000 Years from Adam. Just as Noah was given 7 Days warning before the door of the Ark was closed so we too have 7 Years to get ready for the Kingdom of Yahuah. The 1st invitation for the Wedding Feast was sent out almost2000 Years ago with the beginning of Barley Harvest. Many have refused to heed the 1st invitation and have rejected the Messiah. The 2nd invitation for the Wedding Feast started in the Spring of 1990. This 2nd invitation is urgent and immediate and is a short 22 Years. We are now in the Year 2005and just 7 Years to the end of the 6000 Years from Adam. Keep in mind the parable of the Wedding Feast where there was a guest who showed up at the Feast but did not have on a wedding garment. This guest was thrown into outer darkness because he was unclean and unprepared for the wedding. Remember also the parable of the 10 virgins (Matthew 25:1-13). The 5 foolish virgins ran out of oil (Holy Spirit) and were late for the Wedding Feast. The foolish virgins missed their master's coming, the doors were closed and they were shut out of the Kingdom of Yahuah. So the cry goes out to the whole world to to heed the 2nd Invitation and to have on a clean wedding garment prepared to meet the Messiah at his 2nd Coming.
Introduction:83.0) Hurricane Katrina: Like the Days of Noah before the Coming of the Messiah:The 22 Letters of the Hebrew Alphabet also represent the Last 22 Years of the 6000 Years from Adam. The Hebrew Alphabet shows us the intensity level of the punishment and the judgement that will happen in these Last 22 years from 1990 to 2011. The intensity level increases dramatically the closer we get to the end of the Last 22 Years. The Hebrew Letters each have their own numerical value and represent one particular Year as we clearly show in the chart below:
Year Letter Position Letter Value Intensity Level
1990 1st Letter Aleph 1 x1 1x1=1
1991 2nd Letter Beth 2 x1 2x1=2
1992 3rd Letter Gimel 3 x1 3x1=3
1993 4th Letter Daleth 4 x1 4x1=4
1994 5th Letter He 5 x1 5x1=5
1995 6th Letter Vav 6 x1 6x1=6
1996 7th Letter Zayin 7 x1 7x1=7
1997 8th Letter Heth 8 x1 8x1=8
1998 9th Letter Teth 9 x1 9x1=91999 10th Letter Yod 10 x10 1x10=10
2000 11th Letter Kaph 20 x10 2x10=20
2001 12th Letter Lamed 30 x10 3x10=30
2002 13th Letter Mem 40 x10 4x10=40
2003 14th Letter Nun 50 x10 5x10=50
2004 15th Letter Samek 60 x10 6x10=60
2005 16th Letter Ayin 70 x10 7x10=70
2006 17th Letter Pe 80 x10 8x10=80
2007 18th Letter Tsaddi 90 x10 9x10=902008 19th Letter Qoph 100 x100 1x100=100
2009 20th Letter Resh 200 x100 2x100=200
2010 21st Letter Shin 300 x100 3x100=300
2011 22nd Letter Tau 400 x100 4x100=400Notice how the 1st Level in the 1st 9 Years have an intensity of 1 Times or x1. The 2nd Level in the next 9 Years have an intensity of 10 Times or x10. And the 3rd Level in the Last 4 Years have an intensity of 100 Times or x100 (100 = 10 x 10). Note that it is in the 10th Year of both 1999 and 2008that the intensity increases by a Factor of 10! The number 10 stands for Judgement! The 1st 9 Years were mild. The next 9 Years are 10 Times more severe than the 1st Level. The Last 4 Years which starts with and includes the full 3 1/2 Years Great Tribulation will be so severe that it will be like this world has never experienced in History! The Last 4 Years will be 10 Times more severe than the previous level and 100 Times more severe than the 1st Level. Notice how the increase is always by 10 Fold!
The Culmination of Judgement with the Return of the Messiah in the 22nd Year in 2011:
The Letter "X" signifies Judgement. In Latin the Letter X has a numerical value of 10. The Last Letter in the Hebrew Alphabet, the 22nd Letter is the Letter Tau. The Letter Tau in the old Paleo-Hebrew script looks like the Letter X. The English Alphabet has 26 Letters. The 22nd Letter of the English Alphabet is the Letter X. The English Alphabet comes from the Latin which comes from the Greek which comes from the Hebrew. The modern Greek Alphabet has 26 Letters. The 22nd Letter of the Greek Alphabet is the Letter X (Chi). In the oldest New Testament Greek Manuscript of the Book of Revelation the Mark of the Beast in Revelation 13:18 is written as 3 Greek Letters - X (Chi), Xi, Sigma. The culmination of judgement will occur when the Messiah is going to judge the world in the Last and 22nd Year in 2011 when he returns.
Introduction:84.0) Last 7 Years viewed as 1 Year, and the Seasons in Prophecy:In Matthew 24:37-39 and Luke 17:26-27 we are told that it will be like the Days of Noah before the Coming of the Messiah. Of course, mass Flooding and Destruction are associated with the Days of Noah. Hurricane Katrina caused similar mass Flooding and Destruction, the worst natural disaster in U.S. history. This Hurricane caused the Flooding of 80 Percent of the Major City of New Orleans. This disaster displaced over 1 Million people. It caused massive damage to oil facilities that made gas prices throughout North America to soar. Damage to a major U.S. port facility such as New Orleans will also have a severe affect on food and other import prices for months and years to come. Insurance Companies are reeling from the huge financial burden of Billions of Dollars damage. The logistics of relocating and taking care of over 1 Million people is mind boggling. People in the U.S., Canada, and other Western Nations are used to seeing natural disasters hitting other parts of the world but never so close to home. It was disheartening to see so many people suffer and die, to see tens of thousands of people so helpless and desperate in the richest country in the world. This is a great shock and wake up call felt all over the world. This is just another sign to man that the Coming of the Messiah is drawing near.
Hurricane Katrina:
The National Hurricane Center issued a statement on August 23 saying that a tropical depression had formed over the southeastern Bahamas. This depression was named Tropical Depression Twelve which later would become Hurricane Katrina.
The numbering of this system was debated, as Tropical Depression Twelve formed partially out of the remnants of Tropical Depression Ten. The naming and numbering rules at the NHC require a system to keep the same identity if it dies then regenerates, which would have normally caused this storm to remain numberedTen. However, the NHC gave this storm a new number because a second disturbance merged with the remains of Tropical Depression Ten on August 20, and there is no way to tell whether the remnants of Tropical Deression Ten should be credited with this storm. Note:Tropical Depression Ten formed on August 13, 2005.
Tropical Depression Twelvewas upgraded to Tropical Storm Katrina on the morning of August 24, 2005. Tropical Storm Katrina became the fourth hurricane of the 2005 season onThursday August 25, 2005 at which time it became Hurricane Katrina. Hurricane Katrina made landfall later that day on Thursday August 25, 2005 around 6:30PM between Hallandale Beach and North Miami Beach, Florida dumping up to 18 inches of rain and killing 11 people.
Katrina spent only a few hours over southern Florida, and soon regained hurricane strength after emerging into the Gulf of Mexico. Combined with its slow movement and the extremely warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico, Katrina rapidly intensified. It became a major hurricane on Saturday August 27, 2005 and attained Category 5 status on the morning of Sunday August 28, 2005 with 175 mph sustained winds and a minimum pressure of 902 mb. This made Katrina the fourth most intense hurricane on record in the Atlantic basin, surpassing Hurricane Camille of the 1969 season, which was the most powerful hurricane ever to hit the United States. Katrina spent all of Sunday August 28, 2005 at Category 5 status despite some weakening, but by the early morning of August 29, had declined to a very powerful Category 4 storm.
A slight deviation in the hurricane's path to the east on August 29, 2005 avoided a direct hit on the city of New Orleans, sparing it the worst damage from the storm.
Praise be to Yahuah for His great love and mercy. Hurricane Katrina downgraded to a Category 4hurricane from a Category 5 before hitting New Orleans and making landfall. Hurricane Katrina also made a deviation to the east and avoided a direct hit on the city of New Orleans which would have caused even more massive damage and greater loss of life.
The Sacred Calendar and Coming Events:
The timing of Hurricane Katrina is very significant. Tropical Storm Katrina became a hurricaneon ThursdayAugust 25, 2005 and hit Florida the same day causing 11 deaths. The origin of Hurricane Katrina from Tropical Depression Ten is also significant as the number 10 is the number of JUDGEMENT!
As believers, we were expecting something to happen on August 25, 2005 which is the 7th Jubilee of Days of the 52 Jubilees of Days to the Messiah. Thursday August 25, 2005 was the scheduled date set for the World Pride Parade in Jerusalem but the date was changed due to public pressure. On the Sacred Calendar the Yearly 3rd Jubilee of Days was on Sunday August 28, 2005 when Hurricane Katrina sustained a Category 5 status the whole day. Hurricane Katrina hit the city of New Orleans the next day on Monday August 29, 2005.
In the News, a U.S. Government Official stated that they were expecting to spend $500 Million per day on this disaster but in reality were spending $1 Billion per day. The government is also now projecting and estimating that the cost of the disaster will be $150 Billion. You do the Math, at this rate the $150 Billion will be used up in just 150 Days or 5 Months (30 Day Months). Does this ring a bell in relation to Noah's Flood? From Genesis 7:24 we read, "And the waters prevailed upon the earth an hundred and fifty days (150 Days!)".
The Jubilees of Days and Soon Coming Future Events:
150 Days = 3 x 50 Days or approximately 3 Jubilees of Days.
From previous Topics above we have noted perfect Scriptural Numbers related to the Jubilees of Days and Upcoming Events.
The Last 7 Years to the Messiah began on the Feast of Trumpets on September 16, 2004. From that point to the Messiah is 7 Years or 52 Jubilees of Days. Thursday August 25, 2005 was the 7th Jubilee of Days. The next major event points to the 10th Jubilee of Days on Thursday January 19, 2006. From the 7th Jubilee of Days to the 10th Jubilee of Days is 3 Jubilees of Days which is approximately 150 Days.Here are some significant Jubilees of Days to look forward to (see Topic 71.0) above):
7th Jubilee of Days = Aug. 25, 2005: Hurricane Katrina.
10th Jubilee of Days = January 19, 2006: Judgement.
13th Jubilee of Days = June 15, 2006: End of 1st Season.
15th Jubilee of Days = September 21, 2006.
22nd Jubilee of Days = September 6, 2007.
26th Jubilee of Days = March 20, 2008: 1st Day Great Trib.
39th Jubilee of Days = Dec. 17, 2009: End of 3rd Season.
52nd Jubilee of Days = Sept. 15, 2011: End of 4th Season.Note: In a regular year there are 52 Weeks and 4 Seasons of 13 Weeks per Season. In the same way the Last 52 Jubilees of Days to the Messiah can be broken up into 4 Seasons where Each Season equals 13 Jubilees of Days. The 13th Jubilee of Days on June 15, 2006 on the 1st Day of the 4th Month will end the 1st Season (Spring). The 26th Jubilee of Days on March 20, 2008 on the 1st Day of the 1st Month will end the 2nd Season (Summer)and will begin the 1st Day of the Great Tribulation. The 39th Jubilee of Days on December 17, 2009 on the 1st Day of the 10th Month will end the 3rd Season (Fall) in the middle of the Great Tribulation. The Messiah will return on the 52nd Jubilee of Days on September 15, 2011 on the 1st Day of the 7th Month at the end of the 4th Season (Winter).
Something of interest. The 7th Jubilee of Days was on August 25, 2005 the 11th Day of the 6th Month. The 10th Jubilee of Days will be on January 19, 2006 the 6th Day of the 11th Month, just the reverse. The 7th Jubilee of Days is also the Last Jubilee of Days in the 1st Year of the 7 Years to the Messiah. The Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2005 begins the 1st Day of the 2nd Year of the Last 7 Years to the Messiah.
These are troubled times. There have been many warnings in the News that the cost of heating fuels will even double for this Winter in 2005. With the increase of the price of oil the cost of other essential commodities such as Food, etc. will surely rise as well. This is going to be a tough Winter. But this is just a warm up for what is really coming in the years to come. These increasing costs are gearing up for the opening of the 3rd Seal of Revelation 6:5-6 in the Spring of 2007 with the high cost of Food and Food Rationing.
We are not the only ones thinking on these lines for the near future. There was a good article in the Toronto Star Newspaper dated September 10, 2005 Page A3 titled, "An Unlikely Duke of Hazard", by Lynda Hurst which you might want to check out.
Since we are on the topic of near future events. There is a very important event coming up on September 14, 2005. This is the 2005 World Summit of the United Nations in New York City. This will be a meeting of 170 Heads of State and Governments from all over the World, the largest gathering of its kind in history! They will be suggesting and making changes to the United Nations and the New World Order. This just happens to coincide with the Feast of Trumpets. The Feast of Trumpets begins on Wednesday night after sunset on September 14, 2005.
We are certainly not alone in our understanding as to what is coming. But there are very few that are paying attention as to what is happening. Most people like ostriches prefer to bury their heads in the sand and hope that the problem will just go away. We are commanded to be on the watch and to prepare for what is already here and for what is quickly coming. May Yahuah have mercy upon us all.
Introduction:85.0) 2005 Atlantic Hurricane Season, another Sign for the Last Days:The Last 7 Years to the Messiah can be superimposed onto a Single Sacred Calendar Year. This makes it easier to see and understand where we are in relation to the Messiah's return and also to better understand some of the Prophecies that use the term Season in conjunction to the Messiah's return.
Viewing the Last 7 Years as a Single Sacred Calendar Year:
The Last 7 Years = 364 Days per Year x 7 Years = 364 Weeks; 364 Weeks = 52 Jubilees of Days; 52 Jubilees of Days = 4 Seasons; Each Season = 13 Jubilees of Days.
A Single Sacred Calendar Year = 364 Days; 364 Days = 52 Weeks; 52 Weeks = 4 Seasons; Each Season = 13 Weeks.
13 Weeks on the Single Sacred Calendar Year equates with 13 Jubilees of Days during the Last 7 Years to the Messiah which also equals One Season on both.
The 4 Seasons on the Single Sacred Calendar Year:
Spring:begins with 1st Day of 1st Month and includes the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Months which consists of 13 weeks = 91 Days.
Summer: begins with 1st Day of 4th Month and includes the 4th, 5th, and 6th Months which consists of 13 weeks = 91 Days.
Fall: begins with 1st Day of 7th Month and includes the 7th, 8th, and 9th Months which consists of 13 weeks = 91 Days.
Winter: begins with 1st Day of 10th Month and includes the 10th, 11th, and 12th Months which consists of 13 weeks = 91 Days.
The Last 7 Years to the Messiah represented as 4 Seasons:
Spring: begins with the 1st Day of 7th Month September 16, 2004 and has a duration of 21 Months = 13 Jubilees of Days (13 x 49) = 91 Weeks = 637 Days (91 Weeks x 7 Days) = 7 Sacred Calendar Seasons .
Summer: begins with the 1st Day of 4th Month June 15, 2006 and has a duration of 21 Months = 13 Jubilees of Days (13 x 49) = 91 Weeks = 637 Days (91 Weeks x 7 Days) = 7 Sacred Calendar Seasons.
Fall: begins with the 1st Day of 1st Month March 20, 2008 and has a duration of 21 Months = 13 Jubilees of Days (13 x 49) = 91 Weeks = 637 Days (91 Weeks x 7 Days) = 7 Sacred Calendar Seasons.
Winter: begins with the 1st Day of 10th Month December 17, 2009 and has a duration of 21 Months = 13 Jubilees of Days (13 x 49) = 91 Weeks = 637 Days (91 Weeks x 7 Days) = 7 Sacred Calendar Seasons.
Converting the Last 7 Years to the Messiah onto a Single Sacred Calendar Year:
To convert a point in time during the Last 7 Years to the Messiah's return onto a Single Sacred Calendar Year, simply multiply the nearest Jubilee of Days of the 52 Jubilees of Days by 7. For example, the 7th Jubilee of Days was on August 25, 2005. The 7th J.D. x 7 = 49 Days on the Single Sacred Calendar Year. Using the 1st Day of the Year on the 1st Day of the 1st Month as our reference point we can figure out where the 49 Days are by counting out the days. 49 Days = 30 Days for the 1st Month, then 19 Days in the 2nd Month. Therefore August 25, 2005 is the 19th Day of the 2nd Month on the Single Sacred Calendar Year. To figure out days between Jubilees of Days, just use a ratio of 1:7 where 1 Day on the Single Sacred Calendar Year = 7 Days on the Last 7 Years. For instance 2 Days on the Single Sacred Calendar Year = 14 Days on the Last 7 Years time period.
Note: We have to take care in our calculations. The Last 7 Years are exactly 7 Times that of a Single Sacred Calendar Year. So we are always using a 7:1 or 1:7 ratio when converting from one to the other. 7 Days on one equals 1 Day on the other and vice versa. Therefore, when doing our calculations, we have to be careful that when using the quick formula above by multiplying the Jubilee of Days by 7, we do not count the 50th Day which is the actual Jubilee of Days. The formula is a simplified one for convenience sake. So the 7th Jubilee of Days even though it equals 49 + 49 + 49 + 49 + 49 + 49 + 50 = 344 Days, we only count by 7's so we don't count the last day, the 50th Day. In the quick formula above we equate 7 Jubilees of Days as 49 + 49 + 49 + 49 + 49 + 49 + 49 = 343 Days to the day immediately before the Jubilee of Days.
The True Mechanical Formula for Converting from 7 Years to 1 Year and vice versa:
1) Converting from 7 Year to 1 Year:
Count the days from the Feast of Trumpets September 16, 2004. Take the total number of days and divide by 7. Then take the result and using the 1st Day of the 1st Month on the Single Sacred Calendar Year as a starting point count out the days.2) Converting from 1 Year to 7 Year:
Count the days from the 1st Day of the 1st Month on the Single Sacred Calendar Year. Multiply the total by 7. Then taking the result and using the Feast of Trumpets September 16, 2004 as a starting point count out the days.It is important to be able to convert from the Last 7 Years to the Single Sacred Calendar Year and back again. Just to give you an example related to a recent event. Hurricane Katrina became a Hurricane on the 7th Jubilee of Days on August 25, 2005. Hurricane Katrina caused catastrophic flooding in New Orleans on August 29, 2005 the worst in U.S. history. The experts say that the birth of Hurricane Katrina was Tropic Depression Ten on August 13, 2005. Now if you move back 14 Days from August 25, 2005 you get August 11, 2005. These 14 Days converts to 2 Days on the Sacred Calendar Year to the 17th Day of the 2nd Month. The significance of the 17th Day of the 2nd Month is that that was the Day that the Flood Waters of Noah began!
The term Season in Prophecies for the Last Days:
For the Last Days the Seasons play a prominent role. So it is important to understand when the Seasons begin and their duration. In a Single Sacred Calendar Year: One Season = 3 Months = 13 Weeks = 91 Days. In the Last 7 Years: One Season = 13 Jubilees of Days (less one Day) = 13 x 49 = 91 Weeks = 637 Days (Not 638 Days!). Here are some examples where the term Season is used in Prophecy for the Last Days:
1) Parable of the Vineyard in Luke 20:9-16:
This is a parable for our time. This parable indicates a time just before the Messiah's return. In verse 20:10 we read, "And at the season he sent a servant to the husbandmen, that they should give him of the fruit of the vineyard." The fruit of the vine is grapes. Grapes were ripe in July and August in Israel which is considered Summer fruit (Micah 7:1-4). However, in ancient times fresh grapes would spoil in a few days. So the fruit that is being referred to is wine or raisins. After the grapes are crushed in the winepress, it takes 40 days of fermentation before it becomes wine and acceptable for an offering in the Temple in Jerusalem. So this fruit of the vineyard was a finished product of wine for the Fall Feast of Tabernacles. So the Season referred to in Luke 20:10 is the Fall Season!
Since this Parable refers to these Last Days, when does this Fall Season begin. From our study above, the Fall Season begins on March 20, 2008which is the 1st Day of the Great Tribulation. This also makes sense because in this Parable, the Master sends servants for the Fruit of the Vineyard. The two witnesses EliYahu (Elijah) and Hanuch (Enoch) are the two servants that will come and prophecy for the 3 1/2 Years during the Great Tribulation seeking the spiritual fruit of repentance and righteousness for Yahuah. After the Great Tribulation ends, the Messiah the heir himself will come and claim his inheritance.
2) Flight in the Winter in Matthew 24:20 and Mark 13:18:
This prophecy is for our time and it will be during the Great Tribulation but when? In Matthew 24:20-21 we read, "But pray you that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the Sabbath day; For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be." The flight of believers will be at the start of the Great Tribulation which will begin on March 20, 2008. Believers will be in the Wilderness for 3 1/2 Years during the Great Tribulation (Revelation 12:6). So the prophecy here is that you pray that your flight be not in the Winter which will be in the middle of the Great Tribulation during the peak and most intense part of the tribulation. From our study above, the Winter Season will begin on the 1st Day of the 10th Month on December 17, 2009 and will last until the Messiah returns on September 15, 2011.
The Fall Feasts and the Last Days:
The Fall Feasts which consist of 22 Days represent the Last 22 Years at the end of the 6000 Years from Adam. The Fall Feasts point to the Last Days and the Messiah's 2nd Coming. The Feast of Tabernacles in particular is kept as a reminder that Yahuah made the children of Israel to dwell in Tabernacles (tents) for 40 Years. The Feast of Tabernacles is also the 3rd and Last Harvest Festival in the Year. So the Feast of Tabernacles has meanings for our time in these Last Days. The Feast of Tabernacles represents the Marriage Feast of the Messiah at his coming. In ancient times a Marriage Feast lasted 7 Days. For believers the Marriage Feast will be a time of rejoicing and feasting. This Marriage Feast will last for 6 Months from the time of the Messiah's return on September 15, 2011 to the start of the 7th Millennium in the Spring of 2012. The Feast of Tabernacles also represents the 3 1/2 Years that believers will be in the wilderness before his coming (Revelation 12:6).
The indications for this understanding of the 6 Months Marriage Feast and the 3 1/2 Years in the Wilderness is found in the number of animal sacrifices used for the burnt offering during the Feast of Tabernacles. During the 7 Day Feast of Unleavened Bread the burnt offering of animal sacrifices equals 70 (Numbers 28:17-25; 14 bullocks, 7 rams, 49 lambs = 70 in all). While during the 7 Day Feast of Tabernacles the burnt offering of animal sacrifices equals 182 (Numbers 29:12-34; 70 bullocks, 14 rams, 98 lambs = 182 in all). The significance of the number 182 is two fold. The 182 can be 182 Days which equals 1/2 Year on the Sacred Calendar which would represent the 6 Month (26 Weeks)Marriage Feast of the Messiah at his coming. Or 182 can be 182 Weeks which equals 3 1/2 Years (26 Jubilees of Days) and would represent the 3 1/2 Years Great Tribulation when the believers will be in the wilderness in Tabernacles before the Messiah's return. The Last 7 Years to the Messiah's return started on the Feast of Trumpets in Fall 2004 in the middle of the 1st Tabernacle Year which is the 15th Year of the Last 22 years. The Last 7 Years to the Messiah's return will end in the middle of the 22nd Year in the Last Great Year in Fall 2011 thus covering all the Last 8 Years from the 15th to the 22nd Year.
Believers will know the Times and the Seasons:
In Thessalonians 5:1-5 we read, "But of the times and the seasons, brethren, you have no need that I write unto you. For yourselves know perfectly that the day of Yahuah so comes as a thief in the night. For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction comes upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. But you, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. You are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness." Winter is a time of least light in the year and a time of darkness. So the Winter Season starting on the 1st Day of the 10th Month on December 17, 2009 will begin the darkest and worst days of mankind and will last until the Messiah returns on the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011.
So where are we in relation to the Messiah's return? As of October 13, 2005 we are in the 2nd Year of the Last 7 Years to the Messiah. October 13, 2005 is the 8th Jubilee of Days of the 52 Jubilees of Days to the Messiah. October 12, 2005 the Day before the 8th Jubilee of Days converts to the 26th Day of the 2nd Month on the Single Sacred Calendar Year and which is in the Spring Season.
This past year has been tough with such events as Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita. But things are going to get worse. This winter promises to be a trying one with high heating fuel costs, etc. There is also a warning of a Flu pandemic on the horizon. Recently, Hurricane Stan caused 1400 deaths in Central America and a 7.6 Earthquake killed more than 22,000 in Pakistan and India leaving more than 4 Million homeless. And we are just in the budding stage of the Spring Season.
The Messiah warns us in Matthew 24:32-33, Mark 13:28-29 and Luke 21:29-31 where he says, "Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, you know that Summer is nigh: So likewise you, when you shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors."
We only have 2 1/2 Years left before the Great Tribulation begins. We should treat the next 2 1/2 Years as a Fire Drill planning our escape route. We should use the time to pickup medical and survival skills. Even the authorities are warning the people that during a major emergency situation you will likely be on your own for at least the first 76 Hours. Hurricane Katrina and New Orleans is a real example for us. We are advised to have blankets, bottled water, food, a First Aid Kit, flashlight, batteries, radio, etc. at hand at all times.
Only the foolish will wait until the middle of the Great Tribulation (Winter) before leaving the big cities.
We are no longer waiting for the Last Days, we are already in them. Granted we are in the early stages but the time is running out. In 2Corinthians 6:2 we read, "For he says, I have heard you in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured you: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation." So don't put it off until it is too late. Repent and turn to Yahuah with all your heart and accept Yahuahshua before it is too late.
Introduction:86.0)2007 Pivotal and Preparation Year for the Great Tribulation:The 2005 Atlantic Hurricane Season is unprecedented. The 2005 Season has had more named storms than in any other year since records began to be kept in 1855. The previous year for the most named storms was in 1933 which had 21 named storms. The 2005 Season has had 26 named storms. 2005 also had the most costly Hurricane ever to hit the United States in U.S. history with Hurricane Katrina causing over $200 Billion dollars in damage.
The 2005 Season had 13 Hurricanes, 21 Storms with the names of people, 5 Storms with Greek Alphabet Letters, and 3 numbered Storms.
Meaning and Significance of the Names and Numbers of the Storms:
The 2005 Storms are significant in their number and in the meaning of their numbers. Note that the name of Yahuah the Father has a numerical value of 26! The number 13 is a prime number of Yahuah's name.
It is the 4th Letter of Yahuah's Hebrew name that makes it unique and this 4th Letter is the Hebrew Letter "He". The people of Israel carried the 1st two or three Hebrew Letters of Yahuah's name of Yah (Yod, He), or Yahu (Yod, He, Vav). But they never ever carried the fullness of Yahuah's 4 Letter name of YAHUAH (Yod, He, Vav, He) with the 4th Letter He, except the Messiah himself. The Messiah's two names of Yahuahshua and Yahuahtsadaq both carry the 4th Letter He of Yahuah's name. Keep this in mind as we explore the numbers and names of the 2005 Season.
In any year the maximum number of named Storms in the Atlantic Region using people's names is 21. After 21 the system switches to a new set of names, the Greek Letters of the Greek Alphabet. 2005 is the 1st time in recorded history that the Greek Letters were used to name Storms. The 5 Storms with Greek Letters in 2005 are Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, and Epsilon. In Greek the Letters also represent numbers: Alpha = 1, Beta = 2, Gamma = 3, Delta = 4, and Epsilon = 5. The Greek Alphabet originated from the Hebrew Alphabet so we can equate the two Alphabets where: Alpha = Aleph, Beta = Beth, Gamma = Gimel, Delta = Daleth, and Epsilon = He! The Hebrew Letter "He" also has a numerical value of 5 and is the 5th Letter of the Hebrew Alphabet.
Yahuah's name has 4 Hebrew Letters where the numerical values are Yod = 10,He = 5, Vav = 6, He = 5 to give a total of 26. The 1st three letters = 21 plus the 4th Letter = 5 to give 26. Any Israelite can incorporate just the 1st three letters of the Father's name into their own name which is acceptable, making it a common name. However, when the 4th Letter He is added, the name becomes so unique that it can only apply to Yahuah the Father or the Messiah. Now consider that there were 21 Storms with people names and 5 Storms with Greek Letter names and when added together gives a total of 26 named Storms. Notice the similarity? Can you see how this can only point to Yahuah the Father or the Messiah?
The 3 numbered Storms (Tropical Depressions) are Tropical Depression 10, Tropical Depression 19, and Tropical Depression 22. The number 10 = Judgement, while the number 22 always relates to the Messiah and the Hebrew Alphabet.
The number of named Storms, the introduction of Greek Letter named Storms and the devastating effect of the 2005 Atlantic Hurricane Season all point to a Storm Season never before seen in recorded history and point to the Messiah's soon return.
1933 held the previous record for the most named Storms since 1855 with 21 Storms. Again,21 = 3 x 7 where the number 7 represents the Messiah. From 1933 to 2011 is 78 Years. 78 Years = 3 x 26 Years. From 1933 to 1959 = 1st 26 Years, from 1959 to 1985 =2nd 26 Years, and from 1985 to 2011 = 3rd 26 Years.1933 was during the Great Depression. Halley's Comet in 1985 heralded the Last 26 Years to the Messiah's 2nd Coming. It was Halley's Comet in 12BCE that heralded the birth of the Messiah at his 1st Coming. Note that both of the Messiah's two names consist of 7 Hebrew Letters and both carry the fullness of the Father's name of Yahuah which has a numerical value of 26.
Notice also how the two unique numbers 13 and 26 come up in combination. 13 Hurricanesand 26 named Storms gives a combination that when added together equals 39. Again the number 39 refers to the suffering and death of the Messiah. The Messiah was scourged with the Roman lash before he was crucified. It was customary to give 40 lashes less one to give 39. By the stripes of the Messiah we are healed (1Peter 2:24; 2Corinthians 11:24; Deuteronomy 25:3). Revelation 1:7 talks about the Messiah's 2nd Comingbut refers back to his suffering and crucifixion. This number 39 comes up in the Last Days before his return. The 39th Jubilee of Days begins the Last Season, the Winter Season which will last for 13 Jubilees of Days before the Messiah comes back. The 39th Jubilee of Days is on the 1st Day of the 10th Month on December 17, 2009. The Last 10 Years to the end of the 6000 Years from Adam consists of 40 Seasons. The 39th Season in these Last 10 Yearswill begin with the Messiah's return on the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011.
The 2005 Atlantic Hurricane Season is just another in a series of Events that will usher in the Messiah's return:
The 2005 Atlantic Hurricane Season was 6 Months long ending on November 30, 2005. Note: 6 Months = 26 Weeks! The last day of the season is a 49th which is a number of completion as 49 = 7 x 7. The number 7 is a number of the Messiah. The next day, December 1, 2005 is the 9th Jubilee of Days of the 52 Jubilees of Days to the Messiah's return in 2011 and is a 50th, a Jubilee. From the 1st Day of the Last 7 Years to the 9th Jubilee of Days = 441 Dayswhich is the reverse of 144 which is a number of Righteousness. December 1, 2005 is also the 18th Day of the 9th Month where the number 18 again is a number of Righteousness. December 1, 2005 was also a New Moon. November 30, 2005 marks the end of another milestone to the Messiah's return. While December 1, 2005is a New Moon and a Jubilee, the beginning of another new step to the Messiah's coming.
Step by step, event by event we are drawing ever closer to the Messiah's 2nd Coming. The closer we get, the harder it will get. The closer we get, the more the believers will rejoice. For our redemption draws nigh and the Messiah will usher in an age of joy and peace like this world has never seen.
It is interesting to note that from the start of the Last 7 Years to the Messiah from the Feast of Trumpets in 2004 people have had the same attitude, disaster after disaster. At first the world was awakened and shaken by the Tsunami disaster on December 26, 2004. Then after a few months forgot about it, rolled over and went back to sleep until the next major disaster. The next disaster was Hurricane Katrina that caused such massive destruction. But again after a while the people forgot about it. The next one was the Earthquake in Pakistan which left more than 3 Million homeless. And again the people after a while just went right back to whatever they were doing and treat the disaster as if it never happened. What will it take for the people to acknowledge their Creator and to turn from the evil of their ways. These have been very mild reprimands but nothing compared to what is coming during the Great Tribulation beginning in the Spring of 2008. The next major disaster that looms on the horizon could very well be the Flu Pandemic of Bird Flu which will engulf the whole world.
It took 10 Plagues to convince Pharoah of Egypt to let the children of Israel go free. What will it take to convince the World that the Messiah is really coming back and coming back soon? The prophet Jonah prophesied to the people of Nineveh to repent. Jonah said that Nineveh would be destroyed in 40 Days unless they repented of the evil of their ways. The people repented and Yahuah spared Nineveh. The Word of Yahuah through the translation and distribution of the Bible has now covered the whole World and is now available to every Nation in their own language. The availability of the Bible to the whole World was only possible in our time and is a sign of the end of the World system and the beginning of the Kingdom of Yahuah on Earth. The Messiah prophesied about this in Matthew 24:14 which deals with the Last Days and reads, "And this glad tidings of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come." The World no longer has any excuse not to repent. If the World does not repent and turn from the evil that it does, Yahuah will bring His full wrath upon it.
Introduction:87.0)More on the Sealing of the Righteous from Spring 2007 to Spring 2008:January 1, 2006 will be upon us in just a few short weeks. Then in just a year we will be in the year 2007. The year 2007 will be the Last Call before the Great Tribulation begins. Are you preparing for what is coming? Are you prepared Spiritually, Mentally, and Physically for what is coming upon this earth? We are running out of time.
Spring 2007: Opening of the 3rd Seal of Revelation:
Spring 2007 will begin the 18th Year of the Last 22 Years of the 6000 Years from Adam. This 18th Year is the 4th Year of the 7 Tabernacle Years. The middle of these 7 Tabernacle Years will be in the Fall of 2007. The 3rd Seal of Revelation will be open some time during this 18th Year, probably in the Spring of 2007.
Fall 2007: Pivotal Point of the 7 Tabernacle Years:
Fall 2007 will be the mid point, the pivotal point of the 7 Tabernacle Years. This point will end the 1st 3 1/2 Years of the 7 Tabernacle Years and begin the Last 3 1/2 Years of the 7 Tabernacle Years.
In John 7:2,14-36 in the middle of the Feast of Tabernacles (4th Day of the 7 Days of the Feast of Tabernacles, 18th Day of the 22 Days of the Fall Feasts) the Messiah went up into the Temple in Jerusalem and taught. The authorities tried to take and kill him for teaching the people. This could mean that in the Fall of 2007 believers may be persecuted or arrested for teaching the truth. This could be the beginning of the persecution of believers when believers will begin to flee into the wilderness. The 18th Year carries the number 18 which is the number of Righteousness. So the persecution of the Righteous will begin sometime between Spring 2007 to Spring 2008, but most assuredly this persecution will be in earnest during the Great Tribulation.
Spring 2008: Pivotal Point of the 7 Years to the Messiah:
Spring 2008 will be the mid point, the pivotal point of the 7 Years to the Messiah. This point will end the 1st 3 1/2 Years of the 7 Years to the Messiah's return. The 1st 3 1/2 Years are the Beginning of Sorrows. Spring 2008 will end the 18th Year (the preparation year) and will begin the Great Tribulation. The Great Tribulation will begin in the Spring of 2008 and will Last 3 1/2 Years. At the end of the Great Tribulation the Messiah will return on the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011.
In Conclusion:
As believers we are the Bride of the Messiah. And as such, it is time for the Bride of the Messiah to get ready for the Wedding Feast. The Wedding Feast will take place when the Messiah returns in the Fall of 2011. The Bride should be spotless from the world by keeping the Commandments of Yahuah. As true believers we are to love Yahuah with all our being and love our neighbour as ourselves for upon these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. In John 15:10,12 Yahuahshua says, "If you keep my commandments, you shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in his love. This is my commandment, That you love one another, as I have loved you."
Their is no fear in love, so we have to learn to conquer our fears. In the next few years to the Messiah's return the whole world will be paralyzed with fear and terror. Yahuah rules with love, as it is written in John 3:16, "For Yahuah so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." In 1John 4:18 we read, "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear: beacause fear has torment. He that fears is not made perfect in love." Again in 2Timothy 1:7 we read, "For Yahuah has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."
Satan on the other hand rules by fear and terror. Satan will persecute the believers who keep the commandments of Yahuah. In Revelation 12:17 we read, "And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of Yahuah, and have the testimony of Yahuahshua." So we should be prepared to fight Satan with love and righteousness putting on our spiritual armour. Romans 13:12 reads, "The night is far spent, the day is at hand; let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light." In 2Corinthians 6:3-7 there is a code of conduct for believers.
And in Ephesians 6:10-18we have a description of our spiritual armour: "Finally, my brethren, be strong in Yahuah, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of Yahuah, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of Yahuah, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; And your feet shod with the preparation of the glad tidings of peace; Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith you shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of Yahuah: Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints."
The world will cringe with fear because of the evil that is coming upon it. But we will rejoice with thanksgiving for the Messiah is soon to return and our redemption draws nigh.
Introduction:88.0)The Last and 144th Hour of the 6000 Years from Adam:In Topic 78.0) and other Topics above, we have discussed the reasons that point to the 18th Year of the Last 22 Years as the Year in which the sealing of the 144,000 of the 12 Tribes of Israel and the Great Multitude Righteous will be complete. The 18th Year is from Spring 2007 to Spring 2008 on the Sacred Calendar. More has come to light in the Spirit that confirms this.
Perfect Numbers and Psalm 119:
The number 144 = 8 X 18, where 8 = New Beginning, 18 = Righteousness. Note when added together, 8 + 18 = 26! The number 26 is the number of Yahuah's Name. We will be sealed by the name of the Messiah which carries the Father's full name of Yahuah. It is the Messiah's present name of Yahuahshua that is the more likely of the Messiah's two names by which we will be sealed. The Messiah is our Passover Lamb and the Angel of Death passed over when he saw the blood of the Passover Lamb on the door posts of the House of the believer. We believers will still be in the process of Salvation until the Messiah actually returns. But we will be sealed with the Messiah's name and with the Holy Spirit of Yahuah before the Messiah's coming. The present name of the Messiah means Yahuah is Salvation (Yahuahshua = Salvation of Yahuah).
Psalm 119 enters the picture as this Psalm is acrostic and contains the 22 Letters of the Hebrew Alphabet in sequence. The 176 verses in Psalm 119 break down into 8 verse blocks where each line of the 8 verse block begins with same Letter of the Hebrew Alphabet for that block. The 18th Letter of the Hebrew Alphabet is the Letter "Tsaddi" which stands for Righteousness. In Psalm 119 the Letter Tsaddi is the 18th Hebrew Letter and consists of a block of 8 verses where the Last verse in the block is the 144th verse! Note again that 144 = 8 X 18 and the 18th Hebrew Letter in Psalm 119:137-144 has all 3 numbers consisting of the 144th verse, the block of 8 verses and the 18th Hebrew Letter Tsaddi.
So how does this all relate to our time and the Last Days? The 22 Letters of the Hebrew Alphabet represent the Last 22 Years of the 6000 Years from Adam. The Last 22 Years go from Spring 1990 to Spring 2012. The 18th Letter of the Hebrew Alphabet represents the 18th Year. The 18th Year goes from Spring 2007 to Spring 2008.
Spring 2008 will begin the Great Tribulation so it makes sense that the sealing of the 144,000 and the Great Multitude Righteous will be sealed before it begins. This is also confirmed in Revelation 7:1-17 where we are told that the sealing will happen before the devastation would begin on the earth. The 7 Trumpets and the 7 Vials of Revelation will begin the devastation and that will happen during the Great Tribulation. So the sealing has to be finished before the Great Tribulation begins in the Spring of 2008.
If you equate the 18th Letter of the Hebrew Alphabet (Tsaddi) with the 18th Year of the Last 22 Years, then you can use Psalm 119:137-144 as a pattern for the Sealing. The 18th Year is from Spring 2007 to Spring 2008 and represents the 18th Hebrew Letter. This means that the sealing will happen during the whole year of the entire 18th Year. The sealing will be complete by the end of the 18th Year namely by the Spring of 2008. Then immediately after the sealing is finished, the Great Tribulation will begin in the Spring of 2008 on March 20, 2008 which is the 1st Day of the 19th Year of the Last 22 Years of the 6000 Years from Adam.
In Conclusion:
Today is March 5, 2006. In less than 2 weeks, the 17th Year of the Last 22 Years will begin on March 16, 2006. So the 18th Year will begin next Spring in 2007 just a short year away. It is near, very near, even at the door. So what persons should we be? Time to put aside all forms of evil and malice. Time to cleanse ourselves of the wickedness of this world. Time to put on holiness and righteousness. Time to prepare for the coming of the Messiah that we may be able to enter into the Kingdom of Yahuah and to be found worthy to partake in the Wedding Feast when the Messiah returns in the Fall of 2011. Truly the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. All the more reason to be in prayer and to daily read and study the Word of Yahuah. Praise be to Yahuah for His great love and mercy! Even so come Yahuahshua, the sooner the better.
Introduction:89.0) Sealing of the Righteous by the End of the 18th Year Confirmed:Yahuah will not leave us in darkness in the Last Days. Just as knowledge is increasing in the world at an exponential rate, so is Yahuah's truth to strengthen and to comfort His people. So our understanding of Yahuah's Calendar and Time is being magnified and revealed to us.
We know from Genesis Chapters 1 and 2 that Yahuah created/recreated the heaven and the earth in 6 Days and He rested on the 7th Day (Sabbath). We also know that with Yahuah, 1 Day is as a 1000 Years, and 1000 Years as 1 Day (2Peter 3:8; Psalm 90:4). So we can equate the Creation/Recreation Week of 7 Days with 7000 Years.
Man was created on the 6th Day of Creation which has a dual prophecy. Adam lived to be 930 Years old. But because of Adam's sin, he was told that he would die in the day that he sinned. So Adam died within the same day as 1 Day = 1000 Years. But Man's time of sin and the time to rule on Earth is limited to 6 Days = 6000 Years. The 7th Day, the Sabbath Day equates with the 7th Millennium of 1000 Years when Yahuah will take back control of the Earth and the Messiah will rule it for 1000 Years. During this 7th Millennium, Satan will be bound and the Earth will rest.
The number 144 and the Last Hour:
In Topic 87.0) above, we discussed the Sealing of the 144,000 of the 12 Tribes of Israel and of the Great Multitude Righteous. We also noted that the number 144 is directly related to the 18th Hebrew Letter "Tsaddi" which is synonymous with the Hebrew word Tsadak (Tsaddi, Daleth, Qoph) which means "Righteousness". The Sealing of the Righteous will be complete by the time the Messiah returns. Once the Messiah returns, he will lead the Righteous into the Kingdom of Yahuah and the Righteous will rule with the Messiah on the Earth for 1000 Years. During this 7th Millennium Sabbath the land will rest and there will be peace since Satan will be bound for this 1000 Years.
In 6 Days, there are exactly 144 Hours! 6 Days X 24 Hours = 144 Hours! Since we can equate 6 Days with 6000 Years, then we should be able to figure out the length of the Last 144th Hour and how long it is within the 6000 Years. 6000 Years divided by 144 = 41.666 Years or 41 Years + 8 Months. So the Last 144th Hour of the 6000 Years from Adam equals 41 Years plus 8 Months.
We know that the 6000 Years from Adam will end in the Spring of 2012. So the Last 144th Hour can be determined by counting 41 Years + 8 Months back from Spring 2012. This Last 144th Hour is from the 1st Day of the 5th Month in July of 1970 to the Last Day of the 6000th Year from Adam on March 14, 2012. March 15, 2012 is the 1st Day of the 7th Millennium.
The Last 144th Hour and the Messiah's Return:
Here is something really beautiful! When you divide 6000 Years by 144 you get 41 Years + 8 Months. So 1 Hour = 41 Years + 8 Months. But this in turn breaks down into another perfect number where 1 Hour = 41 Years + 8 Months = 41 Years X 12 Months/Year + 8 Months = 500 Months! Now, the Messiah will come exactly 6 Months before the end of the 6000 Years from Adam. So we subtract 6 Months from 500 Months to get 494 Months. Therefore, from the beginning of the Last 144th Hour to theMessiah's return is 494 Months. This 494 Months = 19 X 26! Here again, we have Yahuah's perfect number of 26! And the 6 Months from the Messiah's return to the Spring of 2012 is again equal to 26 Weekswhich is again the Father's number of 26!
Units of Time in Yahuah's Creation Clock:
1 Day=1000 Years (2Peter 3:8; Psalm 90:4).
1 Hour = 500 Months (1000 Years divided by 24 Hours).
1 Minute = 250 Days (500 Months divided by 60 Minutes).
1 Second = 100 Hours (250 Days divided by 60 Seconds).The Last Minute before the 6000 Years from Adam:
The Last Minute to the end of the 6000 Years from Adam is 250 Days = 8 Months + 10 Days. Let's take a closer look at this Last Minute. The Messiah always seems to be a reference point and/or pivotal point in Yahuah's figuring of time. Now 6 Months back from Spring 2012 gives us the return of the Messiah on the Feast of Trumpets on the 1st Day of the 7th Month on September 15, 2011. The Messiah's return falls in the midst of this Last Minute. The Last Minute, 8 Months + 10 Days less 6 Months = 2 Months + 10 Days. So the Last Minute begins exactly 2 Months + 10 Days = 70 Days immediately before he returns. This gives us a new perspective on the Beginning of Sorrows which is 3 1/2 Years = 1260 Days = 70 Days x 18 and the Great Tribulation which is also 3 1/2 Years = 1260 Days = 70 Days x 18. There will be exactly 18 blocks of 70 Day periods during both the 3 1/2 Year time of the Beginning of Sorrows as well as the time during the 3 1/2 Year Great Tribulation.
The number 70 is the number of Judgement and Punishment. The children of Israel were in bondage in Babylon for 70 Years as punishment for the evil that they did. The number 10 is a number of Judgement. The number 7 represents the Messiah. The number 18 stands for Righteousness. Note how the numbers 70 and 18 in combination come up during the two halves of the 7 Year period before the Messiah's coming. The 6 Months from his return to the end of the 6000 Years is also 180 Days = 18 x 10 (note the number 18 for Righteousness).
The Number 144 points to the end of the 6000 Years from Adam:
1) 6 Days = 6000 Years. 6 Days = 24 Hours/Day x 6 Days = 144 Hours.
2) 6000 Years = 122 Jubilees + 22 Years where 122+22 = 144.
3) The 144,000 of the 12 Tribes of Israel plus the Great Multitude Righteous will be sealed just before the Great Tribulation begins near the end of the 6000 Years from Adam.Conclusion:
Today is March 18, 2006. We are now in that Last 144th Hour! The Last 144th Hour extends from July 1970 to March 14, 2012. Of this last hour, 51 Minutes + 21.6 Seconds have already passed by. We only have 8 Minutes + 38.4 Secondsleft to go to the end of the 6000 Years from Adam and 7 Minutes + 55.2 Seconds to go to the Messiah's return.
March 16, 2006 was the 1st Day of the 1st Month of the 17th Year of the Last 22 Years to the end of the 6000 Years from Adam. From March 16, 2006 to March 14, 2012is exactly 6 Years. 6 Years x 12 Months/Year = 72 Months. The Last 144th Hour = 500 Months. From March 16, 2006 to March 14, 2012 is 72 Months divided by 500 Months = 0.144 Hours! The Holy Spirit is telling us in so many ways that we are in the Last of the Last Days!
We are also already 1 1/2 Years into the 3 1/2 Year Beginning of Sorrows. Yahuah's Clock is ticking and He calls all both small and great to repent and to cease from doing evil. Behold the day is at hand, even at the door. Come out of her, my people, that you be not partakers of her sins, and that you receive not of her plagues. Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.
Introduction:90.0) The Seal of Yahuah upon the Last 7 Years of 52 Jubilees of Days:More things have come to light that show a relationship between the Creation Week, the Feast Days, the Sacred Calendar, the Agricultural Year, the 6000 Years from Adam, Halley's Comet, the Messiah's Two Comings, the Seasons, the Jubilees of Days, the Sealing of the Righteous and the Last Days. Let us break down all these things, group them and then find the common links between them. As we do this study, keep in mind that the number 18 = Righteousness and the Righteous, 7 and 22 = the Messiah, and 26 = Yahuah the Father.
A) The Agricultural Year:
The Agricultural Year can be broken down into three distinct Harvest Festivals. During each of these three Harvest Festivals, all males are to appear before Yahuah and not to appear before Him empty handed.
1) Feast of Unleavened Bread: a 7 Day Harvest Festival from the 15th Day of the 1st Month to the 21st Day of the 1st Month. In the middle of the Feast on the 4th Day of the 7 Day Feast is the 18th Day of the 1st Month on which the Sheaf Offering of the Barley was offered which officially began the First Harvest of the Agricultural Year namely Barley Harvest. The Sheaf Offering of the Barley represents the Messiah as that perfect Offering before Yahuah after his resurrection from the Dead. The Messiah is the First of the First Fruits unto Yahuah.
2) Feast of Weeks (Pentecost): a Harvest Festival which marks the End of the Wheat Harvest and thereby the End of the Grain Harvest. From the Sheaf Offering of the Barley on the 18th Day of the 1st Month to the end of the Wheat Harvest on the Day of Pentecost on the 7th Day of the 3rd Month is 50 Days. The first 28 Days is Barley Harvest, while the last 22 Days is Wheat Harvest. The entire grain harvest is 28 + 22 = 50 days.
3) Feast of Tabernacles: a 7 Day Harvest Festival which marks the end of the Agricultural Year. This last ingathering festival consisted of such produce offerings as wine, olive oil, pomegranates, etc. It was on the 18th Day of the 7th Month on the 4th Day of the 7 Day Feast that the Harvest Offering would have been made. This is suggested by the Sheaf Offering of the Barley which is similar.
Therefore, the harvest for the entire Agricultural Year was from the 18th Day of the 1st Month (Beginning of Barley Harvest) to the 18th Day of the 7th Month (Last Ingathering Harvest Offering). The significance here is that the number 18 = Righteousness. From the 18th Day of the 1st Month to the 18th Day of the 7th Month = 6 Months = 180 Days = 18 x 10 Days (not counting Intercalary Days) = 26 Weeks (counting Intercalary Days). Notice how many times the number 18 appears as well as the Yahuah's number of 26. Note also how from the Sheaf Offering of the Barley on the 18th Day of the 1st Month to Pentecost = 50 Days and from Pentecost to the 18th Day of the 7th Month = 130 Days = 5 x 26!
B) Creation Week, the Feast Days, and the Sacred Calendar:
1st Month of the Year:
1st Day of Creation is on the 1st Day of the Week (Sunday). 1st Day of the Sacred Calendar Year is on the 5th Day of the Week (Thursday). The beginning of Barley Harvest begins on the 18th Day of the 1st Month which is also 22 Days from the 1st Day of Creation (Sunday). Note how 18 + 22 = 40 where 40 is a number of cleansing. The 22nd Day of the 1st Month would be 26 Days from the 1st Day of Creation (Sunday). But the Feast of Unleavened Bread ends on the 21st Day and not on the 22nd Day of the 1st Month which suggests incompleteness in the Spring Feast Days.
7th Month of the Year:
The 1st Month and the 7th Month are identical to each other. One is the same template as the other. Again, the 18th Day of the 7th Month would also be 22 Days from the 1st Day of Creation (Sunday). Note how again 18 + 22 = 40. Now however, the Last Day of the Fall Feasts is on the 22nd Day of the 7th Month which is 26 Days from the 1st Day of Creation (Sunday). So while the Spring Feasts are incomplete with only 21 Days, the Fall Feasts are complete with 22 Days. The Spring Feasts and Pentecost have been fulfilled but the Fall Feasts have not been fulfilled. The Fall Feasts will be fulfilled in these Last Days and with the 2nd Coming of the Messiah.
C) The 6000 Years from Adam, Halley's Comet, and the Messiah's Two Comings:
At the Messiah's 1st Coming, he was born in the Fall of 12BCE. Halley's Comet appeared at the same time as his birth, in 12BCE to herald his coming. The 4000th Year from Adam ended in 11CE. In 11CE the Messiah was 22 Years old. So the Messiah was born 22 Years before the end of the 4000 Years from Adam.
Halley's Comet again is heralding the Messiah's 2nd Coming in our time. Halley's Comet appeared in Fall 1985. The Messiah's 2nd Coming will be in the 6000th Year from Adam in the Fall of 2011. From Fall 1985 to Fall 2011 is 26 Years! The Fall Feasts are directly related to the Last 22 Years. Therefore by extention as the 22nd Day of the 7th Month is also the 26th Day from the 1st Day of Creation, so the 22nd Year of the Last 22 Years is also a 26th Year! Halley's Comet represents the 1st Day of Creation. Just as the 18th Day of the 7th Month is also the 22nd Day from the 1st Day of Creation, so the 18th Yearof the Last 22 Years is 22 Years from Halley's Comet in Fall 1985.
The 6000 Years from Adam can be broken down into 122 Jubilees + 22 years. So at the end of the 6000 Years from Adam is 22 Years which represent the 22 Daysof the Fall Feasts. The 4th and middle year of the 7 Tabernacle Years is the 18th Year of the Last 22 Years. From Halley's Comet in Fall 1985 to Fall 2007 in the 18th Year is 22 Years! Note how 18 + 22 = 40. In the Fall Feasts the 18th Day of the 7th Month ended the Agricultural Year with the Last Harvest Offerings. The 18th Year (4th Tabernacle Year) will end with the Sealing of the Righteous being Complete.
D) The Last 10 Years of 40 Seasons from 911 to the Messiah's Return:
From the Feast of Trumpets on September 20, 2001 just 10 Days after 911 in New York City to the Return of the Messiah on the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011 is exactly 10 Years. These 10 Years are equal to 40 Seasons. From Fall 2001 to Spring 2007 is 22 Seasons. From Spring 2007 to the Return of the Messiah in Fall 2011 is 18 Seasons. Note how 22 + 18 = 40 Seasons. Spring 2007 begins the 18th Year of the Last 22 Years. Note again how 18 + 22 = 40.
E) The Last 7 Years of 52 Jubilees of Days from Fall 2004 to the Messiah's Return:
The Last 7 Years to the Messiah equals 52 Jubilees of Days. The first 3 1/2 Years = 26 Jubilees of Days = the Beginning of Sorrows. The second 3 1/2 Years = 26 Jubilee of Days = the Great Tribulation. The18th Jubilee of Days ends on February 15, 2007 just 28 Days before the 18th Year of the Last 22 Years begins. The 18th Year begins on March 22, 2007. Every 5 or 6 Years the Sacred Calendar is Intercalated by 7 Days to bring the Calendar back in line with the Solar Year. It just so happens that the Calendar is Intercalated by 7 Days between the 17th and 18th Year in 2007.
In the Sacred Calendar, the Intercalary Days can be either counted or not counted (they are there but invisible) depending on how it is used and either way it is acceptable. For example, when using 52 Weeks in the 364 Day Year the Intercalary Days are counted. But in prophecy such as in Revelation 11:2-3; 12:6; and 13:5 where 30 Day Months, 360 Day Years are used, the Intercalary Days are not counted. Again both ways are valid.
In the Calendar Year there are 4 Seasons. Each Season consists of 90 Days + 1 Intercalary Day. The Intercalary Day acts as a marker or spacer separating the Seasons from each other. Spring 2007 is the last time that the Calendar is Intercalated by 7 Days before the Messiah Returns in Fall of 2011. This 7 Day Intercalation is a special spacer or marker. This 7 Day Intercalation splits the 19th Jubilee of Days in two. The first half of the 19th Jubilee of Days is at the tail end of the 17th Year and consists of 28 Days. The second half of the 19th Jubilee of Days consists of the first 22 Days of the 18th Year from the 1st Day to the 22nd Day of the 1st Month. Again, it is the 7th Month that has 22 Days for the Fall Feasts. So this suggests that the Wheat Harvest will begin Spring 2007 and end Fall 2011 with the Messiah's Return. If you add the two halves of the 19th Jubilee of Days together you get 28 + 22 = 50 Days. This is directly related to the Grain Harvest where the 1st 28 Days = Barley Harvest and the Last 22 Days to Pentecost = Wheat Harvest. The meaning of all this is that spiritually the end of the 17th Year marks the end of Barley Harvest which began with the Messiah just after his resurrection from the dead in 30CE on the 18th Day of the 1st Month which was the Sheaf Offering of the Barley and the beginning of Barley Harvest. The 1st Day of the 1st Month on March 22, 2007 marks the beginning of Wheat Harvest. The 18 Seasons from Spring 2007 to Fall 2011 when the Messiah will return is the Wheat Harvest of the Righteous in the Last Days. The Messiah gives us the parable of the Wheat and the Tares to describe the Last Days just before his 2nd Coming in Matthew 13:24-30 and explains it in Matthew 13:35-43 where he clearly states that the Wheat Harvest is the end of the World.
F) Sealing of the Righteous and the Last Days:
The 18th Year of the Last 22 Years is from Spring 2007 to Spring 2008. The number 18 = Righteousness. The Last 22 Years are synonymous with the Fall Feasts, therefore the 18th Day of the 7th Month is equivalent to the 18th Year of the Last 22 Years. As the 18th Day of the 7th Month marks the end of the Agricultural Year Harvest, so the 18th Year marks the end of the Sealing of the Righteous before the Great Tribulation begins. The Great Tribulation will begin in the Spring of 2008. This is backed up in Revelation 7:1-17 where we read, "Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our Elohim in their foreheads." The 4th and 5th Seal, all 7 Trumpets, and all 7 Vials of Revelation will happen during the 3 1/2 Years of Great Tribulation when the earth, the sea, and the trees will be hurt.
All the units of time in Yahuah's Sacred Calendar point to the 18th Year as the Year when the Sealing of the Righteous will end and Wheat Harvest of the Righteous will begin. Note how many times in the above you get the 18 + 22 = 40 combination where the number 40 signifies cleansing. The cleansing will be the sifting of the Wheat when the chaff and the tares are removed by the wind. The Wheat are the Righteous, and the chaff and the tares are the wicked and unbelievers. The children of Israel should have entered into the Promised Land at the time of the Fall Feasts after searching out the Land for 40 Days. But because of their fear and rebellion were forced to live in the Wilderness for 40 Years until the unbelieving and disobedient died off. The number 40 is the number of cleansing.
Another indicator that the 18th Year is the Year of the Righteous is that 18 Years x 360 Days per Year (not counting the Intercalary Days) = 6480 Days = 45 x 144!
Note also how many times the 18th is the 4th in the middle of the 7th. The Messiah was crucified on the 4th Day in the middle of the 7 Day Week. The Sheaf Offering of the Barley represents the Messiah on the 18th Day of the 1st Month, on the 4th Day of the 7 Day Feast of Unleavened Bread, the beginning of all the Harvests. The Last Harvest also represents the Messiah on the 18th Day of the 7th Month on the 4th Day of the 7 DayFeast of Tabernacles. The Last Harvest of the Wheat (believers) will begin in the 18th Year on the 4th Year of the Last 7 Tabernacle Years and will end with the death of the Two Witnesses (Olive Trees) just before the Messiah Returns at the end of the Great Tribulation.
From Revelation 7:2-3 we know that the sealing of the Righteous has to be finished before the Last 3 1/2 Year Great Tribulation can begin. From Revelation 14:1-20 we know that the reaping of both the Righteous and the Wicked will be complete with the end of the Great Tribulation and with the Messiah's Return. The Righteous are the Wheat Harvest, while the Wicked are the grapes of wrath cast into the great winepress of the wrath of Yahuah. In 1Peter 4:17-19 we read, "For the time is come that judgement must begin at the House of Yahuah: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the Glad Tidings of Yahuah? And if the Righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the unrighteous and the sinner appear? Wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of Yahuah commit the keeping of their souls to him in well doing, as unto a faithful Creator."
Introduction:91.0) Summer 2006, Abraham at 100 Years old and Patterns of 26 & 22:The Seal of Yahuah is His Name and His Holy Spirit. But His Holy Numbers also reflect His Name, Majesty and Presence. In these Last Days Satan will deceive many with counterfeits. So how do we know if something is of Yahuah or not? The world deals with counterfeit monetary bills for example by inserting safety features into the legal bills to prove their authenticity. In the same way, Yahuah has safety features built into His Word and into all things Holy that relate to Him.
In worship, you have to have a name for the one being worshiped. To express a name you have to have a language and an alphabet to write it. Yahuah revealed Himself to the Hebrew people in the Hebrew language and by the Hebrew Alphabet (eg. the 10 Commandments - written in Hebrew containing Yahuah's name in Hebrew). The Hebrew Alphabet is used to write Hebrew Words but it is also used to express numbers and mathematics. And to understand the Hebrew language and the Hebrew Alphabet as it relates to Yahuah, you have to have Yahuah's Holy Spirit to reveal things that relate to Him.
In these Last Days, Yahuah has built into His true Sacred Calendar and into His true Units of Time safety features that prove their authenticity. Yahuah's name is revealed in the Hebrew language and with the Hebrew Letters of His name which gives a total numerical value of 26 (Yod=10, He=5, Vav=6, He=5, = 26). Other Holy Numbers of Yahuah which are of importance are the numbers 7 and 22 which relate to the Messiah (eg. 7 Days of Creation, 22 Letters of the Hebrew Alphabet, etc.). The Messiah carries the fullness of Yahuah's name in both of his two names. So the Messiah's name of Yahuahshua and Yahuahtsadaq both are made up of 7 Hebrew Letters plus have Yahuah's name which has the numerical value of 26 in them.
The Last 7 years to the Messiah's 2nd Coming has built-in features that only a Mathematical genius could have created. The main feature is the numerical value of Yahuah's name of 26 throughout. Keep in mind Yahuah's Holy number of 26as we do the following study.
The Single Sacred Calendar Year:
The Single Sacred Calendar Year has 360 Days + 4 Intercalary Days to give a total of 364 Days per Year. 364 Days = 7 Days x 52 Weeks. One Year equals 52 Weeks = 2 x 26 Weeks. 26 Weeks = 6 Months.
The Last 7 Years of 52 Jubilees of Days:
The Last 7 Years to the Messiah's Return run from the Feast of Trumpets on the 1st Day of the 7th Month on September 16, 2004 to the Feast of Trumpets on the 1st Day of the 7th Month on September 15, 2011. The Messiah will return on September 15, 2011.
7 Years = 364 Days per Year x 7 Years = 364 Weeks = 52 Jubilees of Days. 1 Jubilee of Days = 49 Days + 1 Day = 50 Days. The 50th Day is the Jubilee Day but is also the 1st Day of the count for the next Jubilee of Days. For example, 2 Jubilees of Days = 49 + 49 + 1; 5 Jubilees of Days = 49 + 49 + 49 + 49 + 49 + 1; etc.
The Last 7 Years of 52 Jubilees of Days plotted on a Single Calendar Year:
The Last 7 Years of 52 Jubilees of Days listed in sequence are listed in Topic 71.0) above. These 52 Jubilees of Days can be plotted on a Single Calendar Year. When plotted, these 52 Jubilees of Days cover all 52 Weeks of the Year perfectly with one Jubilee of Days on each week of the Year without repeating. However, when they are plotted, the numbers appear erratic since the calendar year represents only one year but the 52 Jubilees of Days are spread over 7 Years. Since the Starting Point is the Feast of Trumpets September 16, 2004 which is on a Thursday, all the following 52 Jubilees of Days will always be on Thursday. Below is a list of how all 52 Jubilees of Days appear when plotted on a Single Sacred Calendar Year:
1st Day of the 1st Month = 26th Jubilee of Days.
8th Day of the 1st Month = 41st Jubilee of Days.
15th Day of the 1st Month = 4th Jubilee of Days.
22nd Day of the 1st Month = 19th Jubilee of Days.
29th Day of the 1st Month = 34th Jubilee of Days.6th Day of the 2nd Month = 49th Jubilee of Days.
13th Day of the 2nd Month = 12th Jubilee of Days.
20th Day of the 2nd Month = 27th Jubilee of Days.
27th Day of the 2nd Month = 42th Jubilee of Days.4th Day of the 3rd Month = 5th Jubilee of Days.
11th Day of the 3rd Month = 20th Jubilee of Days.
18th Day of the 3rd Month = 35th Jubilee of Days.
25th Day of the 3rd Month = 50th Jubilee of Days.1st Day of the 4th Month = 13th Jubilee of Days.
8th Day of the 4th Month = 28th Jubilee of Days.
15th Day of the 4th Month = 43rd Jubilee of Days.
22nd Day of the 4th Month = 6th Jubilee of Days.
29th Day of the 4th Month = 21st Jubilee of Days.6th Day of the 5th Month = 36th Jubilee of Days.
13th Day of the 5th Month = 51st Jubilee of Days.
20th Day of the 5th Month = 14th Jubilee of Days.
27th Day of the 5th Month = 29th Jubilee of Days.4th Day of the 6th Month = 44th Jubilee of Days.
11th Day of the 6th Month = 7th Jubilee of Days.
18th Day of the 6th Month = 22nd Jubilee of Days.
25th Day of the 6th Month = 37th Jubilee of Days.1st Day of the 7th Month = 52nd Jubilee of Days.
8th Day of the 7th Month = 15th Jubilee of Days.
15th Day of the 7th Month = 30th Jubilee of Days.
22nd Day of the 7th Month = 45th Jubilee of Days.
29th Day of the 7th Month = 8th Jubilee of Days.6th Day of the 8th Month = 23rd Jubilee of Days.
13th Day of the 8th Month = 38th Jubilee of Days.
20th Day of the 8th Month = 1st Jubilee of Days.
27th Day of the 8th Month = 16th Jubilee of Days.4th Day of the 9th Month = 31st Jubilee of Days.
11th Day of the 9th Month = 46th Jubilee of Days.
18th Day of the 9th Month = 9th Jubilee of Days.
25th Day of the 9th Month = 24th Jubilee of Days.1st Day of the 10th Month = 39th Jubilee of Days.
8th Day of the 10th Month = 2nd Jubilee of Days.
15th Day of the 10th Month = 17th Jubilee of Days.
22nd Day of the 10th Month = 32nd Jubilee of Days.
29th Day of the 10th Month = 47th Jubilee of Days.6th Day of the 11th Month = 10th Jubilee of Days.
13th Day of the 11th Month = 25th Jubilee of Days.
20th Day of the 11th Month = 40th Jubilee of Days.
27th Day of the 11th Month = 3rd Jubilee of Days.4th Day of the 12th Month = 18th Jubilee of Days.
11th Day of the 12th Month = 33rd Jubilee of Days.
18th Day of the 12th Month = 48th Jubilee of Days.
25th Day of the 12th Month = 11th Jubilee of Days.The 52 Jubilees of Days with Yahuah's Holy Number of 26 in mind:
In Genesis Chapters 1 & 2, Yahuah clearly states that He is the Creator and He tells us how He created all things in 7 Days. His 7 Day Creation pattern carries on throughout all levels of His Units and Calculations of Time. For instance, we have the 7 Day Weekly Cycle throughout His Sacred Calendar Year which helps us to determine the Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) and other Jubilees of Days within the regular Calendar Year. We also have a 7 Year Sabbatical Cycle which helps us to figure out the Jubilee Year Cycles. We also have the 7th Millennium Sabbath from Adam. In addition, we also have the 7th Month of the Year which is a type of Sabbath too.
Just as the Creation Week has 6 Days of Creation and the 7th Day is the Sabbath Day. Similarly the1st Six Months represent the 1st Six Days of Creation and the 7th Month represents the 7th Day of Creation, a type of Sabbath.
So a natural way to arrange a Single Calendar Year is to split it into two halves. This will give us a perfect 26 Weeks + 26 Weeks = 52 Weeks because 6 Months = 26 Weeks. This follows a natural pattern. 1 Year = 26 Weeks + 26 Weeks. 7 Years = 26 Jubilees of Days + 26 Jubilees of Days. Both the 52 Weeks and the 52 Jubilees of Days fit perfectly onto a Single Sacred Calendar Year.
So now we can set up Two Columns of 26 Weeks side by side for comparison. When we do this, the 1st Column will consist of the 1st 26 Weeks of the Sacred Calendar Year, which also contains 26 Jubilees of Days. The 2nd Column will consist of the 2nd 26 Weeks of the Sacred Calendar Year, which also contains 26 Jubilees of Days. 26 Weeks = 6 Months or 1/2 Year and 26 Jubilees of Days = 42 Months = 3 1/2 Years. Keep in mind that the Jubilees of Days are not in sequence when plotted onto a Single Sacred Calendar Year as the 52 Jubilees of Days are spread over 7 years. Once we place the 1st 26 Weeks of 26 Jubilees of Days side by side with the Last 26 Weeks of 26 Jubilees of Days, we can see a very amazing pattern. We can now pair the Jubilees of Days which are side by side into 26 Pairs. Here is where we can clearly see Yahuah's built-in feature stating with absolute certainty His Seal upon it for authenticity. All the way down from top to bottom, each Pair of all 26 Pairs of Jubilees of Days have a perfect difference of 26! Some have a +26 difference and others -26 difference but still definitely a difference of 26! Below are the Two Columns of 26 Weeks containing the 26 Pairs of Jubilees of Days in an abbreviated form to be able to get each pair on a single line:
(Note: 1)1D 1M = 26JD is the 1st Week of the Year, 1st Day of the 1st Month = 26th Jubilee of Days; 26JD +26 = 52JD is the 26th Jubilee of Days +26 (Difference) = 52nd Jubilee of Days; 27)1D 7M = 52JD is the 27th Week of the Year, 1st Day of the 7th Month = 52nd Jubilee of Days)
1st 26 WeeksDifferenceLast 26 Weeks
1)1D 1M = 26JD 26JD +26 = 52JD 27)1D 7M = 52JD
2)8D 1M = 41JD 41JD -26 = 15JD 28)8D 7M = 15JD
3)15D 1M = 4JD 4JD +26 = 30JD 29)15D 7M = 30JD
4)22D 1M = 19JD 19JD +26 = 45JD 30)22D 7M = 45JD
5)29D 1M = 34JD 34JD -26 = 8JD 31)29D 7M = 8JD6)6D 2M = 49JD 49JD -26 = 23JD 32)6D 8M = 23JD
7)13D 2M = 12JD 12JD +26 = 38JD 33)13D 8M = 38JD
8)20D 2M = 27JD 27JD -26 = 1JD 34)20D 8M = 1JD
9)27D 2M = 42JD 42JD -26 = 16JD 35)27D 8M = 16JD10)4D 3M = 5JD 5JD +26 = 31JD 36)4D 9M = 31JD
11)11D 3M = 20JD 20JD +26 = 46JD 37)11D 9M = 46JD
12)18D 3M = 35JD 35JD -26 = 9JD 38)18D 9M = 9JD
13)25D 3M = 50JD 50JD -26 = 24JD 39)25D 9M = 24JD14)1D 4M = 13JD 13JD +26 = 39JD 40)1D 10M = 39JD
15)8D 4M = 28JD 28JD -26 = 2JD 41)8D 10M = 2JD
16)15D 4M = 43JD 43JD -26 = 17JD 42)15D 10M = 17JD
17)22D 4M = 6JD 6JD +26 = 32JD 43)22D 10M = 32JD
18)29D 4M = 21JD 21JD +26 = 47JD 44)29D 10M = 47JD19)6D 5M = 36JD 36JD -26 = 10JD 45)6D 11M = 10JD
20)13D 5M = 51JD 51JD -26 = 25JD 46)13D 11M = 25JD
21)20D 5M = 14JD 14JD +26 = 40JD 47)20D 11M = 40JD
22)27D 5M = 29JD 29JD -26 = 3JD 48)27D 11M = 3JD23)4D 6M = 44JD 44JD -26 = 18JD 49)4D 12M = 18JD
24)11D 6M = 7JD 7JD +26 = 33JD 50)11D 12M = 33JD
25)18D 6M = 22JD 22JD +26 = 48JD 51)18D 12M = 48JD
26)25D 6M = 37JD 37JD -26 = 11JD 52)25D 12M = 11JDNote: The above pattern is only possible with each unique pair of numbers. This will not work with any other combination of numbers. This shows Yahuah's Mathematical Genius with numbers. Considering how interwoven the numbers and the mechanics are and how the Sacred Calendar and Time is all uniquely related, it is a miracle how it all works.
Note how the 1st Pair of Jubilees of Days is actually a summary for the entire 7 Years of 52 Jubilees of Days. The 1st Number of the 1st Pairof Jubilees of Days in the 1st Week, at the Top of the 1st Column, represents the end of the 1st 26 Jubilees of Days which equals the 1st 3 1/2 Years. The 2nd Number of the 1st Pair of Jubilees of Days in the 27th Week, at the Top of the 2nd Column represents the end of the 2nd 26 Jubilees of Days which equals the 2nd 3 1/2 Years ending with the Messiah's return.
Each Column has 26 Weeks and consists of 26 Jubilees of Days. Each Column represents 6 Months = 26 Weeks as well as 3 1/2 Years = 26 Jubilees of Days = 7 x 6 Months = 7 x 26 Weeks. When the two columns are in parallel and the pairs of Jubilees of Days are compared, the difference is always 26 for each pair. The Pairs of Jubilees of Days are perfectly matched where no other numbers will give a difference of 26 when each pair is compared. The 26th Jubilee of Days marks the end of the 1st 26 Jubilees of Days and the Beginning of the Great Tribulation. The 52nd Jubilee of Days marks the end of the 2nd 26 Jubilees of Days and the End of the Great Tribulation with the return of the Messiah.
Notice how the numerical value of Yahuah's Name of 26 keeps coming up.
Yahuah is pre-warning us of the evil days that are surely coming. He is not keeping us in the dark. He is revealing to us an understanding of time to prepare us. We are more than 1 1/2 years into these Last 7 Years to the Messiah's return. These Last 7 Years of 52 Jubilees of Days are important and we should be aware of them.
These Last 7 Years to the Messiah's return also contains 4 Seasons where each Season consists of 13 Jubilees of Days. This summer in 2006, the 13th Jubilee of Days will be complete on the 1st Day of the 4th Month on June 15, 2006. The first 13 Jubilees of Days represents the Spring Season. So June 15, 2006 of this year ends the 1st 13 Jubilees of Days and will begin the next 13 Jubilees of Days which is the Summer Season. In the Spring Season we saw the budding of natural disasters starting with the Tsunami of December 26, 2004. Now with the Summer Season we will see the maturing of the fruit.
In Topic 89.0) above we discussed the Sealing of the Righteous which will be complete by the end of the 18th Year that runs from Spring 2007 to Spring 2008, and how the Great Tribulation will begin in the Spring of 2008. Some time during the Great Tribulation the Mark of the Beast will be introduced. Laws have already been passed in the United States that will make it mandatory to have a biometric Identification Card or biometric Passport by January 2008 in order to cross the border into the United States. Possible strikes by terrorists could act as a catalyst to force the Mark of the Beast on citizens of all nations in the name of protection and safety.
The 17th Jubilee of Days this year on the 15th Day of the 10th Month on December 28, 2006 will begin the count for the 18th Jubilee of Days. From this point to the 1st Day of the 1st Month on March 22, 2007 is exactly 78 Days (not counting the 7 Day Intercalary Days). 78 Days = 3 x 26 Days. The 18th Jubilee of Days leading up to the 18th Year indicates something related to believers. This could be a time of preparation before the opening of the 3rd Seal of Revelation which is due in the Spring of 2007. The 3rd Seal is the Black Horse with the rider that has the balances in his hand and suggests a high cost for food. With the spike in oil and energy prices today, the price of oil is over $ 72 U.S. per barrel. This sharp increase in energy prices indicates that we are right on schedule for the opening of the 3rd Seal in Spring 2007. China's hunger for energy and the instability in the Middle East and in other parts of the world is forcing prices for everything related to energy ever so higher which will affect the cost of food directly.
With all the trouble that is already here and the evil that is yet to come it is hard to be positive. As it is written, the hearts of many shall grow cold. But we have much to rejoice about. The sooner we get through the storm the sooner the calm after the storm. The Messiah is coming very soon and it is time to get ready. Do not get discouraged because of the evil. Do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with good. Be filled with the Love, Joy and Peace of Yahuah's Holy Spirit and wait with patience for the Messiah Yahuahshua who will set things right when he returns.
Introduction:92.0) Manna, Wheat Harvest and the Last Days:As we draw ever closer to the Messiah's return, Yahuah comforts our hearts and our minds with more knowledge and understanding of time in these Last Days. Yahuah warns us of and prepares us for the trials and tribulations soon to be unleashed upon the earth.
Summer 2006 is another important milestone to the Messiah's Return:
Yahuah reveals important markers for these Last Days in His written word. In the Old Testament we are told that Abraham was 100 Years old when Isaac was born (Genesis 21:5). Abraham is a type of Yahuah the Father and Isaac is a type of the Messiah. Abraham was ready to sacrifice his own son which was a foreshadow of Yahuah sacrificing His Son for the sins of the world. 100 = 26 + 26 + 26 + 22. 26 is the number of Yahuah's name while 22 is the number of the Messiah.
There are similar patterns in Yahuah's plan of Time which certify His true units of time and also point to the Messiah. Some examples are:
One Solar Year = 365 whole days = 49 x 7 + 22 = 7 Jubilees of Days + 22 Days.
One Sacred Calendar Year = 364 Days = 26 x 14 (counting the 4 Intercalary Days).
One Sacred Calendar Year= 360 Days = 13 x 26 + 22 (not counting the 4 Intercalary Days).
4000 Years from Adam = 153 x 26 + 22. The 4000th Year from Adam was in 11CE when the Messiah was 22 Years old at his 1st Coming. The Messiah was born in 12BCE which is 153 x 26 Years from Adam.
6000 Years from Adam = 49 x 122 + 22 = 122 Jubilees of Years + 22 Years. The Last 22 Years is just before the Messiah's 2nd Coming.
Let us take a closer look at the significance of Abraham being 100 Years old when Isaac was born. 100 = 26 + 26 + 26 + 22. Yahuah's name has a numerical value of 26. The only three beings to carry the full four letter Name of Yahuah are Yahuah the Father, the Messiah, and the Holy Spirit of Yahuah. While the number 22 always represents the Messiah. This clearly shows Yahuah's plan from the very beginning. The Messiah pre-existed so he carried his Father's full name before he came to the earth. The 22 at the end of the 4000 and 6000 Years from Adam represents the Messiah's 1st and 2nd Coming respectively. It was Yahuah's plan from the beginning to save all mankind after Adam's fall through His beloved Son. In John 3:16 we read, "For Yahuah so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
From scripture, we know that with Yahuah a day can represent a year and a year can represent a day. Abraham's age of 100 years old can also represent 100 Days. If we assume that the Messiah was born on the Day of Atonement on the 10th Day of the 7th Month we can then count 100 Days back from the Day of Atonement and will come to the 1st Day of the 4th Month. This Summer in 2006, the 1st Day of the 4th Month (June 15, 2006) is the 1st Day of Summer and the 13th Jubilee of Days of the Last 7 Years to the Messiah. It is also the 1st Day of the 2nd Season (Summer) of the 4 Seasons of 13 Jubilees of Days each of the Last 7 Years to the Messiah.
From the 1st Day of the 4th Month to the Day of Atonement on the 10th Day of the 7th Month is exactly 100 Days (not counting the Intercalary Day). If you plot out these 100 Days using 26 + 26 + 26 + 22 you will get all perfect numbers in descending order:
1st 26 Days ends on the 26th Day of the 4th Month.
2nd 26 Days ends on the 22nd Day of the 5th Month.
3rd 26 Days ends on the 18th Day of the 6th Month.
Last 22 Days ends on the 10th Day of the 7th Month.From the beginning of the Great Tribulation to the Messiah's return is 26 Jubilees of Days. So this descending order can also pertain to the Last 26 Jubilees of Days to the Messiah's Return.
If plotting the Last 26 Jubilees of Days to the Messiah in descending order, this is what we get:
26 (26th JD) = 1st Day 1st Month March 20, 2008.
22 (30th JD) = 15th Day 7th Month October 2, 2008.
18 (34th JD) = 29th Day 1st Month April 16, 2009.
10(42nd JD) = 27th Day 2nd Month May 13, 2010.Note: The Messiah ascended up into Heaven on the 27th Day of the 2nd Month which is 40 Days after his resurrection from the dead. From the 27th Day of the 2nd Month to Pentecost is 10 Days. From the 42nd Jubilees of Days on the 27th Day of the 2nd Month May 13, 2010 to the Messiah's return is exactly 10 Jubilees of Days! 10 is the number of Judgement.
The Last 7 Years of Jubilees of Days can be plotted onto a single calendar year. So we can look at the 100 Days as stretching from the Summer of 2006 to the Day of Atonement in 2011 when the Messiah will judge the World. It is literally a count down to the Judgement of the World.
If plotting the Last 26 Seasons to the Messiah in descending order, this is what we get:
26 (26th Season) = Spring 2005.
22 (22nd Season) = Spring 2006.
18 (18th Season) = Spring 2007.
10 (10th Season) = Spring 2009.Note: From Spring 2009 to the Messiah's return in Fall 2011 is exactly 10 Seasons. 10 is the number of Judgement.
If plotting the Last 26 Years to the Messiah in descending order, this is what we get:
26 (26th Year) = Fall 1985 (Halley's Comet).
22 (22nd Year) = Fall 1989 (Fall of Iron Curtain).
18 (18th Year) = Fall 1993.
10 (10th Year) = Fall 2001 (911 in New York City).Note: From Fall 2001 to the Messiah is 40 Seasons. Spring 2007 begins the 18th Year of the Last 22 Years. Spring 2007 is also the 18th Season in descending order but the 22nd Season in ascending order. From Fall 2001 to the Messiah's return in Fall 2011 is exactly 10 Years. 10 is the number of Judgement. 40 is the number of cleansing.
Beginning with the 1st Day of Summer this year in 2006 marks the start of a special countdownto the Messiah's 2nd Coming. Even the way the 360 Day Yearly Calendarbreaks down emphasizes the importance of the beginning of something grand this year. 360 Days = 1 Sacred Calendar Year (not counting the 4 Intercalary Days). 360 = 13 x 26 + 22. The 13 represents 13 Jubilees of Days of the Summer Season of the Last 7 Years to the Messiah's 2nd Coming. The 26 represents the 26 Jubilees of Days of the Great Tribulation. The 22 represents the Messiah, the Last 22 Years before his return and the 22nd Year in which he will actually return.
Yahuah declares the end from the beginning. The Yearly Sacred Calendar is a good example of this. These Last Days have been prophesied from the beginning.
One Sacred Calendar Year = 13 x 26 + 22 = 360 Days (not counting the 4 Intercalary Days):
The Number 13 = 13 Jubilees of Days = Summer Season of the Last 7 Years to the Messiah's 2nd Coming.
The Number 26 = 26 Jubilees of Days = The Great Tribulation before the Messiah's 2nd Coming.
The Number 22 = Last 22 Years of the 6000 Years from Adam before the Messiah's 2nd Coming and the 22nd Year in which he will actually return.
This again points to the start of the Summer Season of 13 Jubilees of Days of the Last 7 Years to the Messiah's 2nd Coming which will begin on June 15, 2006.
In Revelation 1:7 we read, "Behold, he comes with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him." Before the Messiah was crucified, he was tortured. He received 40 less one stripes = 39 Stripes. 13 + 26 = 39. June 15, 2006 is the kickoff that will begin the Last 39 Jubilees of Days to his return. This will be a reminder to the people of the world that they crucified and killed the prince of peace. And the people will be in terror of his coming because the Messiah will judge the world for their evil and wickedness.
Introduction:93.0) The Year 2006, what time is it on Yahuah's Clock of Time:Yahuah shows man His power throughout scripture. Think about what power it took to water and feed over 1 Million people in the wilderness for 40 Years when the children of Israel came out of Egypt. After about a month in the wilderness the people ran out of food. Then they cried unto Yahuah for help. Yahuah came to their rescue by giving them Manna to eat. In the 1st Year on the 16th Day of the 2nd Month Yahuah gave the people Manna to eat (Exodus 16:1-18,35). The 16th Day of the 2nd Month is the 1st Day of the Wheat Harvest. The Wheat Harvest lasted 22 Days from the 16th Day of the 2nd Month to the 7th Day of the 3rd Month (Pentecost). At the end of the 40 Years, the Manna ceased on the 16th Day of the 1st Month just 30 Days short of the time that it began on the 16th Day of the 2nd Month (Joshua 5:10-12). This leaves a gap of 30 Days. This 30 Days from the 16th Day of the 1st Month to the 16th Day of the 2nd Month is Barley Harvest. So by conclusion Manna represents Wheat and the Wheat Harvest.
The Messiah gives us the parable of the Wheat and the Tares (Matthew 13:24-30; 34-43) to teach us about the Harvest of Believers in the Last Days. So there is a lesson to be learned from the Manna which represents the Wheat Harvest.
This suggests that in the Last Days in our time now, Yahuah will also protect and sustain us as He did the children of Israel for 40 Years in the Wilderness. But keep in mind that the children of Israel were tested and tried during those 40 Years. The Messiah likens the Last Days in our time to the Wheat Harvest in the Parable of the Wheat and the Tares. As the children of Israel had the protection of the cloud by Day and the fire by Night which was the Messiah. So we too now have Yahuah's protection through the Messiah. The two witnesses will be here for the 3 1/2 Years Great Tribulation and they will also comfort and strengthen our hearts through a time that will test and try the whole world.
The Agricultural Harvests of the Year and their relation to the Sacred Calendar Year:
1) First Fruit Offerings during the Agricultural Year:
18th Day 1st Month = First Fruit Sheaf Offering of the Barley.
18th Day 2nd Month = First Fruit Sheaf Offering of the Wheat.
7th Day 3rd Month = Conclusion of Wheat Harvest (Pentecost).
18th Day 7th Month = First Fruit Offering of Wine, Olive Oil, etc.
2) Harvests:
a) Barley Harvest:
1st Passover = 14th Day of the 1st Month.
1st Feast of Unleavened Bread = 15th Day to 21st Day of 1st Month.
1st Passover and 1st Feast of Unleavened Bread = Start of Barley Harvest and Messiah's 1st Coming.
16th Day of 1st Month = Manna ceases after 40 Years.
18th Day of 1st Month = Sheaf Offering of the Barley.b) Wheat Harvest:
2nd Passover = 14th Day of the 2nd Month.
2nd Feast of Unleavened Bread = 15th Day to 21st Day of 2nd Month.
2nd Passover and 2nd Feast of Unleavened Bread = Start of Wheat Harvest and Messiah's 2nd Coming.
16th Day of 2nd Month = Wheat Harvest begins. First time Manna given.
17th Day of 2nd Month = Waters of Flood start in 600th Year of Noah.
18th Day of 2nd Month = Sheaf Offering of the Wheat.
27th Day of 2nd Month = Messiah ascends up into Heaven 40 Days after his resurrection from the dead just 10 Days before Pentecost. Earth dried in 601st Year of Noah.c) Ingathering at the End of the Year:
1st Day of 7th Month = Feast of Trumpets and Messiah's 2nd Coming.
10th Day of 7th Month = Day of Atonement. Day Messiah born at 1st Coming. The Day when the Messiah will judge the World at his 2nd Coming. Jubilee Year celebrated on the Day of Atonement.
Feast of Tabernacles = 15th Day to 21st Day of 7th Month.
17th Day of 7th Month = Ark rests on Mountains of Ararat in 600th Year of Noah.
18th Day of 7th Month = First Fruit Offering of Wine, Olive Oil, etc.
22nd Day of 7th Month = Last Great Day, Messiah returns in the 22nd Year in the 6000th Year from Adam.Note: All the Agricultural Harvests take place between the 1st Month and the 7th Month. These First 7 Months represent the 7 Days of Creation. The 1st Harvest of Barley is celebrated with the Sheaf Offering of the Barley on the 18th Day of the 1st Month. The Last Harvest is celebrated with the Ingathering Offering on the 18th Day of the 7th Month. The distance between the 18th Day of the 1st Month to the 18th Day of the 7th Month is 26 Weeks!
3) Connection to Events and the Last Days:
Barley Harvest which begins in the 1st Month pertains to the Messiah's 1st Coming. The Messiah is the First of the First Fruits. The Messiah is the First and he is the Last. The Sheaf Offering of the Barley represents the Messiah's perfect offering and the beginning of the grain harvest. Wheat Harvest which begins in the 2nd Month pertains to the Messiah's 2nd Coming. The Wheat Harvest represents the end of the grain harvest and the Messiah's return at his 2nd Coming. The Fall Feasts also pertain to the Messiah's 2nd Coming.The 1st and 2nd months are overlaps of each other and the 7th Month is a mirror image of the 1st Month. So all three months are related and connected to each other.
In the parable of the Wedding Feast in Matthew 22:1-14 there are two invitations sent out to the guests. Those that were first invited refused to come. The 1st Invitation represents Barley Harvest which began the day after the Messiah rose from the dead in the year 30CE (1st Month). The 2nd Invitation represents Wheat Harvest and the Last 22 Years before his 2nd Coming (2nd Month and 7th Month). The 2nd Invitation is the Last and Final Call to come to the Marriage Feast.
The 2nd Passover was only observed if the 1st Passover could not be kept at it's appointed time.
The 18th is the 4th of the 7 in the following:
The 18th Day of the 1st Month is the 4th Day of the 7 Day 1st Feast of Unleavened Bread and is the First Fruit Offering of the Barley which represents the Messiah's 1st Coming.
The 18th Day of the 2nd Month is the 4th Day of the 7 Day 2nd Feast of Unleavened Bread and is the First Fruit Offering of the Wheat which represents the Messiah's 2nd Coming.
The 18th Day of the 7th Month is the 4th Day of the 7 Day Feast of Tabernacles and is the Ingathering Offering of Wine and Olive Oil which also represents the Messiah's 2nd Coming.
The 18th Year of the Last 22 Years is the 4th Year of the 7 Year Feast of Tabernacle Years and will be the start of the Ingathering of End Time Believers before Messiah's 2nd Coming.
Confirmation Numbers:
From 1st Day Creation to 18th Day 1st Month = 22 Days.
From 1st Day Creation to 22nd Day 1st Month = 26 Days.
From 1st Day Creation to 18th Day 2nd Month = 52 Days.
From 1st Day Creation to 16th Day 2nd Month = 50 Days.
From 16th Day 1st Month to Pentecost = 52 Days.
From 18th Day 1st Month to Pentecost = 50 Days.
From 16th Day 2nd Month to Pentecost = 22 Days.
From 18th Day 1st Month to 18th Day 7th Month = 26 Weeks.Note: These are all perfect and Holy Numbers where: 50 = Jubilee. 26 = Name of Yahuah. 22 = Number of the Messiah. 52 = 2 x 26. These Confirmation Numbers certify and authenticate Yahuah's Sacred Calendar as genuine and point to events in Yahuah's Time Plan.
In all the studies that we have done regarding the Sacred Calendar, it is very clear that Yahuah uses extremely well organized and precise numbers and mathematics in creating His time plan.
The children of Israel were fed with Manna which represents Wheat, for 40 Years. The Wheat Harvest ended soon after the Children of Israel crossed the Jordan River into the Promised Land on the 10th Day of the 1st Month. The carcasses of the unbelievers fell during the 40 Years in the wilderness and were not allowed to enter into the Promised Land. The time when we will know if we will make it into Yahuah's Kingdom in these Last Days will be on the Day of Atonement in 2011 on the 10th Day of the 7th Month. (The distance from the 10th Day of the 1st Month to the 10th Day of the 7th Month is exactly 26 Weeks!) On the Day of Atonement in 2011 the Messiah will separate the sheep from the goats and will Judge the World.
Introduction:94.0)70 Weeks of Daniel 9:24 and the Messiah's 2nd Coming:The Year 2006 is a major transition year on Yahuah's Clock of Time. 2006 is a Pivotal Year and Midpoint. There are Three Key Points to watch for during the Year 2006.
The 1st Key Point is June 15, 2006 which is the 1st Day of the 4th Month and the 13th Jubilee of Days of the 52 Jubilees of Days to the Messiah's 2nd Coming in the Fall of 2011. It is also the 1st Day of the Summer Season.
The 2nd Key Point is September 14, 2006 which is the 1st Day of the 7th Monththe Feast of Trumpets. It is the Midpoint of the Last 10 Years from the Feast of Trumpets on September 20, 2001 (10 Days after 911 in New York City) to the Messiah's 2nd Coming on September 15, 2011. It is also the 1st Day of the Fall Season.
The 3rd Key Point is December 14, 2006 which is the 1st Day of the 10th Month. It is the 1st Day of the Winter Season. It is the beginning of the22nd Season from the Feast of Trumpets on September 20, 2001 of the Last 10 Years to the Messiah's 2nd Coming. The Last 10 Years to the Messiah's return consists of 40 Seasons (4 Seasons per Year). This 22nd Season (Winter) ends just before the 1st Day of Spring in 2007. Spring 2007 begins the 18th Year of the Last 22 Years. Spring 2007 also begins the Last 18 Seasons to the Messiah's return. Note how 22 Seasons + 18 Seasons = 40 Seasons, and 18th Year + 22 Years = 40.
Note how each Key Point is the 1st Day of each consecutive Season and is indicative of the Last 3 Seasons of 13 Jubilees of Days each (Summer, Fall, Winter) of the Last 7 Years to the Messiah.
Let's go into more detail on each one of these Three Key Points:
1st Key Point, June 15, 2006 the 1st Day of the Summer Season:
June 15, 2006 is the 1st Day of the Summer Season on the Yearly Sacred Calendar. It is also the 13th Jubilee of Days of the Last 7 Years to the Messiah's 2nd Coming. These Last 7 Years consist of 52 Jubilees of Days. June 15, 2006 marks the end of the 13th Jubilee of Days and begins the Last 39 Jubilees of Days to the Messiah's return. These Last 39 Jubilees of Days can be broken down into 13 + 26 = 39 Jubilees of Days where the 13 = Summer Season, and the 26 = Fall & Winter Seasons (during the Great Tribulation).
Just as the Regular Sacred Calendar Year which has 52 Weeks consists of 4 Seasons of Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter where each Season has 13 Weeks. So the Last 7 Years which has 52 Jubilees of Days consists of 4 Seasons of Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter where each Season has 13 Jubilees of Days. June 15, 2006 marks the end of the 1st 13 Jubilees of Days which represents Spring. June 15, 2006 also begins the next 13 Jubilees of Days which is the Summer Season.
We are witnessing the fulfillment of Matthew 24:32-34, Mark 13:28-30 and Luke 21:29-32 now in our time. The Summer Season talked about in these scriptures will begin on June 15, 2006 and is 13 Jubilees of Days long. This Summer Season is just before the Great Tribulation and we read in Matthew 24:32-34, "Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is nigh: So likewise you, when you shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. Truly I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled." The Summer talked about in this parable will begin with the 1st Day of Summer this Year on June 15, 2006. A Generation = 40 Years. So in this parable a Generation could just as easily refer to 40 Jubilees of Days. From June 15, 2006 the 13th Jubilee of Days to September 15, 2011 the 52nd Jubilee of Days = 39 Jubilees of Days. However, September 15, 2011 ends the 39th Jubilees of Days from June 15, 2006 and also begins the 40th Jubilee of Days.
The 1st 13 Jubilees of Days is the Spring Season from the Feast of Trumpets September 16, 2004 to the 1st Day of Summer on June 15, 2006 which is the 13th Jubilee of Days.
The 2nd 13 Jubilees of Days is the Summer Season from the 1st Day of Summer on June 15, 2006 to the 1st Day of the 1st Month on March 20, 2008 which is the 26th Jubilee of Days and which begins the Great Tribulation.
The 3rd 13 Jubilees of Days is the Fall Season from the 1st Day of the Great Tribulation on March 20, 2008 to the 1st Day of the 10th Month on December 17, 2009 which is the 39th Jubilee of Days. The 3rd 13 Jubilees of Days is the First Half of the Great Tribulation.
The 4th 13 Jubilees of Days is the Winter Season from the 1st Day of Winter on the 1st Day of the 10th Month on December 17, 2009 to the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011 which is the 52nd Jubilee of Days when the Messiah will return. The 4th 13 Jubilees of Days is the Second Half of the Great Tribulation.
The above pattern is encapsulated in the numerical breakdown of the Yearly Sacred Calendar of 360 Days. 360 Days = 13 x 26 + 22 where the 13 = 2nd 13 Jubilees of Days = Summer Season; the 26 = 3rd & 4th 13 Jubilees of Days = Fall & Winter Seasons = Great Tribulation; and the 22 = Last 22 Years. Note: 13 + 26 = 39 which equals the Last 39 Jubilees of Days to the Messiah beginning from June 15, 2006.
The number 39 emphasizes the Winter Season especially the Winter Season of 13 Jubilees of Days just before the Messiah's return. On the Yearly Calendar, the 39th Week ends Fall and begins Winter. In the Last 7 Years, the 39th Jubilee of Days ends the Fall Season and begins the Winter Season. The number 39 also brings to mind the stripes the Messiah received before he was crucified. He received 40 stripes less one = 39 Stripes. The number 40 also represents One Generation and a time of cleansing.
2nd Key Point, Feast of Trumpets September 14, 2006 the Midpoint of the Last 10 Years to the Messiah's return:
The Feast of Trumpets September 14, 2006 is the 1st Day of the 7th Month. It is also the 1st Day of the Fall Season. The Feast of Trumpets on September 14, 2006 is the exact Midpoint of the Last 10 Years to the Messiah which is from the Feast of Trumpets September 20, 2001 to the Feast of Trumpets September 15, 2011. From Fall 2001 to Fall 2006 is 5 Years. From Fall 2006 to Fall 2011 is 5 Years. Fall 2006 (Feast of Trumpets September 14, 2006) is the Midpoint. These Last 10 Years could be split into the First 5 Good Years verses the Last 5 Bad Years.
What comes to mind is the Hand Writing on the Wall in Daniel 5:23-28. The greatest ruler in the world at the time of Daniel lifted up himself against the Creator of Heaven and Earth and polluted His Holy Vessels and worshipped idols of gold, silver, etc. instead of the Creator. Man has done exactly the same thing now in these Last Days. Since that terrible day on September 11, 2001 has man humbled himself before his Creator and repented of all the evil that he does on the face of the earth? No, on the contrary man is destroying this beautiful world that Yahuah has created. Yahuah has said in His word that he will destroy those that destroy the earth. So for the Last 5 Years things have not gotten better. On the contrary things have gotten even worse.
The Hand Writing on the Wall is interpreted by Daniel. The Hand Writing reads, "Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin". "Mene" = Yahuah has numbered thy kingdom, and finished it. Mene (Mina) is a fixed weight which equals 50 shekels. So two Mene equals 100 shekels = 26 + 26 + 26 + 22. "Tekel"= You are weighed in the balances, and are found wanting. Tekel means to balance and to weigh. "Peres" = Your kingdom is divided. Peres means to break in pieces, to split, to divide.
This Hand Writing in Daniel is applicable whenever time is evenly split or divided into two equal parts. For example, in the Last 22 Years to the Messiah, the 1st Half is the 11 Years from 1990 to 2000 and the 2nd Half is the 11 Years from 2001 (911 in New York City) to 2011. In the Last 10 Yearsto the Messiah, the 1st Half is the 5 Years from Fall 2001 to Fall 2006 and the 2nd Half is the 5 Years from Fall 2006 to Fall 2011. In the Last 7 Years to the Messiah, the 1st Halfis 3 1/2 Years from Fall 2004 to Spring 2008 (Beginning of Sorrows) and the 2nd Half is 3 1/2 Years from Spring 2008 to Fall 2011 (Great Tribulation). Notice how in each case, the First Half is the Good Part while the Last Half is the Bad Part.
In the Last 5 Yearsfrom the Feast of Trumpets on September 14, 2006 to the Feast of Trumpets September 15, 2011 there will be such destruction as this world has never seen. The Last 3 1/2 Years will be the Great Tribulation which will see the death of 1/2 the population of the entire world, which is about 3 Billion people from war, disease, famine, natural disasters, etc. Yahuah in His great love and mercy keeps giving Man the opportunity to repent and to turn from the evil of his ways. And at each stage weighs his response in the balances and rewards Man according to his ways.
The number 10 is the number of Judgement. When the number 10 is split into two then the scales of justice is indicated.
3rd Key Point, December 14, 2006 the beginning of the 22nd Season from 911:
December 14, 2006 is the 1st Day of the 10th Month, the 1st Day of Winter. It will begin the 22nd Season from the Feast of Trumpets September 20, 2001 and will end just before the Spring of 2007. The Last 10 Years from Fall 2001 to Fall 2011 = 40 Seasons. From Fall 2001 to Spring 2007 = 22 Seasons. From Spring 2007 to Fall 2011 = 18 Seasons. Spring 2007 also begins the 18th Year of the Last 22 Years. The number 18 = Righteousness.
The number 22 always has to do with the Messiah. So the 22nd Season is an indicator of the Messiah's soon return.
The Last 7 Years and the Great Tribulation:
The Last 7 Years is split into two parts. The 1st Half is the Beginning of Sorrows and is 3 1/2 Years long. The 2nd Half is the Great Tribulation and is 3 1/2 Years long. The 2nd Half begins with the 1st Day of the 1st Month on March 20, 2008 which is the 1st Day of the Great Tribulation. March 20, 2008 is also the end of 26 Regular Seasons from the Feast of Trumpets on September 20, 2001. From September 20, 2001 to the Messiah's return is 10 Years which equals 40 Regular Seasons. To March 20, 2008 is 26 Regular Seasons, and from March 20, 2008 to the Messiah's return on September 15, 2011 is 14 Regular Seasons. So the Great Tribulation is 3 1/2 Years, 14 Regular Seasons and 26 Jubilees of Days long.
The Great Tribulationof 3 1/2 Years can be again further split or divided into two parts. Each Half consists of 7 Regular Seasons = 13 Jubilees of Days = One 7th Year Season. So the 1st Half of the Great Tribulation is the Fall Season = 7 Regular Seasons = 13 Jubilees of Days. While the Last Half is the Winter Season = 7 Regular Seasons = 13 Jubilees of Days. Note how the number 7 always refers to the Messiah and the number 13 is a prime number of the name of Yahuah the Father.
If the Last Half of the Last 7 Years to the Messiah breaks down this way then so does the 1st Half. The 1st Half is from the Feast of Trumpets on September 16, 2004 to March 20, 2008. The 1st Half = 14 Regular Seasons = 26 Jubilees of Days = Two 7th Year Seasons namely Spring and Summer. The Midpoint of the 1st Half is June 15, 2006 which is the end of the 1st 13 Jubilees of Daysand is the 1st Day of Summer.
Weighed in the Balances of Daniel 5:23-28:
The Weighing in the Balances are applicable to the Major Events in the Last 22 Years to the Messiah's 2nd Coming. With each block of time judgement is made and Man is weighed in the balances. With each graduated block of time to the Messiah the intensity increases with each judgement. The closer we get to the Messiah's return, the harsher the punishment. It is always the 1st Half verses the 2nd Half of each time block. In James 2:13 we read, "For he shall have judgement without mercy, that has showed no mercy; and mercy rejoices against judgement." Yahuah shows us mercy first and then if we don't repent, the rod of correction and punishment.
For example, the first block of time is the Last 22 Years to the Messiah. These Last 22 Years are weighed, split into two equal parts and judged. The First 11 Years are the merciful or lenient side. The Second 11 Years are the severe side of the judgement. The Hand Writing on the Wall is clearly explained in Daniel 5:23-28. The Mene Mene are two equal and fixed weights. The Tekel is the weighing in the balances and is found wanting. The Peres is the dividing into two parts. This can be applied to each of the Blocks of Time in the Last Days to the Messiah's 2nd Coming as follows:
Last 22 Years = 11 Years + 11 Years.
Last 10 Years = 5 Years + 5 Years.
Last 7 Years = 3 1/2 Years + 3 1/2 Years.
Last 3 1/2 Years= 7 Regular Seasons + 7 Regular Seasons.Note:It is interesting how the numbers 22 + 10 + 7 = 39.
The Last 22 Years began with Spring 1990. The 2nd Half of 11 Years began in Spring 2001 (Note: 911 in New York City was the beginning of the judgement that was part of the start of the second 11 Years). Themidpoint for the Last 10 Years is the Feast of Trumpets September 14, 2006. The midpoint for the Last 7 Years is March 20, 2008 which is the 1st Day of the Great Tribulation. The midpoint for the Last 3 1/2 Years of the Great Tribulation is the 1st Day of the Winter Season which will last 13 Jubilees of Days = 7 Regular Seasons to the Messiah's return. From Spring 1990 to Fall 2011 at each midpoint of each block of time the intensity of judgement increases sharply.
The greatest and most severe judgement will be during the Winter Season starting on December 17, 2009 which is the 39th Jubilee of Days on the 1st Day of Winter on the 1st Day of the 10th Month during the Last Half of the Great Tribulation. The Judgement during this Last Winter Season will be the greatest that the world will have ever experienced since the beginning of the world! This Last Winter is the fulfillment of the Winter talked about in Matthew 24:20-21 where we read, "But pray you that your flight be not in the WINTER, neither on the sabbath day; For then shall be Great Tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be."
A reminder to us about the significance of the 10th Month as the Month of Judgement is the start of the siege of Jerusalem before the destruction of the 1st Temple of Yahuah and Jerusalem. The siege of Jerusalem began on the 10th Day of the 10th Month (Jeremiah 52:4, Ezekiel 24:1, 2Kings 25:1). The number 10 is the number of Judgement.
The Opening of the 7 Seals:
It is possible that the 7 Seals have been and will continue to be open at the beginning of each of the time blocks.
1st Seal open 1990 with start of Last 22 Years.
2nd Seal open 2001 with start of Last 10 Years to Messiah.
3rd Seal open 2004 with start of Last 7 Years to Messiah?
4th Seal open 2008 with start of Last 3 1/2 years to Messiah.
5th Seal open 2009 with start of Last Half Great Tribulation.
6th Seal open 2011 with Return of Messiah.More Confirmation Numbers:
From Pentecost to Day of Atonement = 126 Days = 4 x 26 + 22.
From Pentecost to Day of Atonement = 18 Weeks = 126 Days.
From Pentecost to Last Great Day = 138 Days = 2 x 49 + 40.
From Creation to Pentecost = 10 Weeks = 70 Days.
From Creation to Last Great Day = 204 Days = 7 x 26 + 22.
From 1st Day Summer to 1st Day Winter = 26 Weeks.
From 23rd Day 7th Month to 18th Day 1st Month = 178 Days = 6 x 26 + 22.
From Creation to 18th Day 1st Month = 22 Days.
From 18th Day 1st Month to Last Great Day = 187 Days = 3 x 49 + 40.
1 Regular Yearly Season = 13 Weeks = 91 Days = 7 x 13 Days = 3 1/2 x 26 Days.
One 7th Year Season = 13 JD = 91 Weeks = 7 x 13 Weeks = 7 x 7 x 13 Days = 3 1/2 x 26 Weeks.The Great Tribulation = 3 1/2 Years = 26 Jubilees of Days. Note how One 7th Year Season = 3 1/2 x 26 Weeks which is one half of the 3 1/2 Year Great Tribulation = 26 Jubilees of Days, yet the signet numbers of 26 = Yahuah the Father and the 3 1/2 = the Messiah are still present. The number 7 and the Half of a Seven = 3 1/2 both represent the Messiah. This just confirms again how perfect Yahuah's Sacred Calendar is.
Note: The New Agricultural Year begins on the 23rd Day of the 7th Month. The 18th Day of the 1st Month begins the Agricultural Year Harvest. From the 23rd Day of the 7th Month to the 18th Day of the 1st Month = 178 Days = 6 x 26 + 22. This 178 Days is the distance to the beginning of harvest. The Yearly Agricultural Harvest begins with the Barley Grain Harvest. The 18th Day of the 1st Month = the Sheaf Offering of the Barley which represents the Messiah as the First of the Firstfruits. From Creation to the 18th Day of the 1st Month = 22 Days. This is an important revelation to understand the true starting point for the Yearly Sacred Calendar Jubilees of Days.
There are 7 Jubilees of Days plus 21 Days during a Single Sacred Calendar Year. 1 Year = 364 Days = 7 x 49 + 21. The 22nd Day is the 1st Day of the 1st Jubilee of Days. The 1st Day of the 1st Jubilee of Days begins the Agricultural Year Harvest and is the 22nd Day from the 1st Day of Creation.
The Sacred Calendar has 364 Days with 52 Weeks. We know that the weekly cycle has to start with the 1st Day of Creation. We also know that 364 Days = 7 x 49 + 21. But what we don't know right off is where should the 21 Days be placed during the year and where should the 1st Jubilee of Days begin. The distance from the beginning of the New Agricultural Year to the Beginning of Harvest which equals 178 = 6 x 26 + 22 answers this question. We know that the Jubilee of Days to Pentecost has to start with the 18th Day of the 1st Month. But what we don't know is which of the 7 Jubilees of Days is the one to Pentecost. The connection of the Messiah's perfect offering on the 18th Day of the 1st Month to the beginning of the Agricultural Harvest confirms that the 22 Days has to be from the 1st Day of Creationand that Pentecost has to be the 1st Jubilee of Days of the 7 Jubilees of Days during the Year.
The7 Day Weekly Cycleand the Sacred Calendar are two different but related systems. The Sacred Calendar begins on the 5th Day of the Week. While the 7 Day Weekly Cycle begins with the 1st Day of Creation. The Jubilees of Days Cycles begin with the 18th Day of the 1st Month and the Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) is the 1st Jubilee of Days. The fact that there are exactly 22 Days from the 1st Day of Creationto the 18th Day of the 1st Month again confirms that the Calendar of Yahuah is true and perfect, and that the Messiah is the First of the Firstfruits and co-creator with Yahuah the Father. Keep in mind that the number 22 always relates to the Messiah and the number 18 = Righteousness.
Another way to look at the Last 22 Years:
The Last 22 Years can also be broken down into 26 Weeks + 7 Years + 7 Years + 7 Years + 26 Weeks = 22 Years. In this scenario the 3rd 7 Years is the Last 7 Years to the Messiah's 2nd Coming. The Feast of Trumpets on September 14, 2006 this year will end the First 2 Years of these Last 7 Years and will begin the Last 5 Years to the Messiah's return.
The Year 2006 sets the stage for the Last 3 Seasons: Summer, Fall and Winter, each 13 Jubilees of Days in length of the Last 7 Years to the Messiah's 2nd Coming.
The Year 2006 has a Triple warning for the World of the soon return of the Messiah.
Note: The Autumnal Equinox is on the Day of Atonement on September 23, 2006 which is another indicator of the importance of this year.
Note how each one of the above Three Key Points begins a Season in sequence: June 15, 2006 = 1st Day of Summer; September 14, 2006 = 1st Day of Fall; and December 14, 2006 = 1st Day of Winter. Which is indicative of the Last 3 7th Year Seasons to the Messiah.
June 15, 2006 begins the Last 39 Jubilees of Days to the Messiah's 2nd Coming.
September 14, 2006 is the Midpoint of the Last 10 Years to the Messiah's 2nd Coming.
December 14, 2006 starts the 22nd Season of the Last 40 Seasons (of the Last 10 Years) to the Messiah's 2nd Coming.
The Messiah warns us in Matthew 24:20-21 and Mark 13:18-20 that we pray that our flight be not in the WINTER nor on the Sabbath Day. The Winter that he is talking about is the Winter Season of 13 Jubilees of Days which is the Last Half of the Great Tribulation. This Winter Season is from December 17, 2009 to September 15, 2011. The Messiah will return on the Feast of Trumpets September 15, 2011. In Matthew 24:20-21 we read, "But pray you that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day: For then shall be Great Tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be."
Introduction:95.0) The Number 70 and the Last Days:The 70 Weeks of Daniel 9:24 equals 490 Days. 70 Weeks x 7 Days per Week = 490 Days. 490 Days = 18 x 26 + 22! Could this again relate to the Last 22 Years and the Messiah's 2nd Coming? Where 18 = the 18th Year of the Last 22 Years, 26 = the 26 Jubilees of Days of the Great Tribulation and 22 = the 22nd Year of the Last 22 Years. The Messiah will return on September 15, 2011 in the 22nd Year of the Last 22 Years and he will fulfill the prophecy of Daniel 9:24 where we read, "Seventy weeks are determined upon your people and upon your holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy."
The 70 Weeks also breaks down into 70 Weeks = 2 x 26 + 18. From Pentecost to the Day of Atonement is 18 Weeks. The Messiah will judge the world on the Day of Atonement on September 24, 2011 at his 2nd Coming. Now that we have the end point as the Day of Atonement on September 24, 2011, we can work backwards to determine the start of the 70 Weeks. In 2011 the Feast of Pentecost will be on May 22, 2011. From May 22, 2011 to September 24, 2011 = Last 18 Weeks. That leaves us with 2 x 26 Weeks = 52 Weeks which is exactly 1 Year. So 1 Year back from the Feast of Pentecost on May 22, 2011 will take us back to the Feast of Pentecost on May 23, 2010. So the 70 Weeks of Daniel 9:24 will begin on the Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) on May 23, 2010 and will terminateon the Day of Atonement September 24, 2011 at the Messiah's 2nd Coming when he will Judge the World!
Going further with this train of thought we can now also figure out the meaning of the 69th Week in Daniel 9:25. In Daniel 9:25 we read, "Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: ..." The Messiah will return on the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011 which is the 5th Day (Thursday) of the 69th Week!
From Revelation 11:1-2 we know that during the 3 1/2 Years Great Tribulation a Temple will exist on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. In Daniel 9:26 we are told that after the 62nd Week the Temple in Jerusalem and the City of Jerusalem will be destroyed. This 62nd Week will begin on Sunday July 24, 2011 which is the 9th Day of the 5th Month. Note: The 1st Temple of Yahuah was destroyed on the 10th Day of the 5th Month in 586 BCE (2Kings 25:8,9; Jeremiah 52:12; Ezekiel 20:1)!
More Confirmation Numbers:
144 = 4 x 26 + 40.
144 = 122 + 22.
6000 Years = 122 Jubilees + 22 Years.Note:In the Jubilees of Days count during the Sacred Calendar Year, the Last Great Day is the 40th Day. From the 3rd Jubilee of Days on the 14th Day of the 6th Month to the Last Great Day on the 22nd Day of the 7th Month is 40 Days exactly. From the 1st Day of the 3rd Month to the Last Great Day = 144 Days. From the 1st Day of the 3rd Month to the Intercalary Day at the end of the 6th Month = 122 Days. From the 1st Day of the 7th Month to the 22nd Day of the 7th Month = 22 Days. 122 Days + 22 Days = 144 Days. The Fall Feast Days of 22 Days represents the Last 22 Years of the 6000 Years from Adam. Note the parallel between the 144 Days from the 1st Day of the 3rd Month to the Last Great Day which equals 122 Days + 22 Days = 144 Daysand the 6000 Years from Adam which equals 122 Jubilees + the Last 22 Years = 122 + 22 = 144!
It is suggested from Exodus 19:1-2 that the children of Israel came before the Mountain of Yahuah in the wilderness of Sinai on the 1st Day of the 3rd Month. It was at Mount Sinai that the 10 Commandments of Yahuah was given. 144 Days later is the Last Great Day on the 22nd Day of the 7th Month which is representative of the 22nd Year of the Last 22 Years when the Messiah will return.
We are truly living in exciting times. Yahuah will not leave us in the dark in regards to what is coming. Yahuah is revealing to us the understanding of time for the Last Days. The fulfillment of many prophecies of the scriptures are being fulfilled in our time now and in the short time that we have before the Messiah returns at his 2nd Coming.
Did the believers have time to pack up and leave Jerusalem before its destruction and the destruction of the 2nd Temple of Yahuah in 70 CE? Of course they did. The rebellion against Rome began in 66 CE which was 3 1/2 Years to 4 Years before the destruction. They had plenty of warning. We too are being warned now. Question is will we heed the warning and act upon it!
Introduction:96.0) The 3 1/2 Year Cycles in the 6000 Years from Adam:Numbers of perfection and mathematical sequences is a way that Yahuah uses to put His personal stamp and signature on His Sacred Calendar and Time. Perftect numbers like 7 & 22 = the Messiah, 13 and 26 = Yahuah the Father, 18 = Righteousness, 49 & 50 = the Jubilee which is symbolic of Freedom from bondage and oppression, 10 = Judgement, 40 = Time of cleansing, etc. appear throughout Yahuah's Sacred Calendar and Time. Both the numbers 40 & 70 can represent a Generation. The number 70 represents the fullness of Age as we read in Psalm 90:10, "The days of our years are threescore years and ten." The Last 70 Years to the Messiah represents the Last Generation to his return. These Last 70 Years run from Fall 1941 which is a Jubilee Year to Fall 2011 when the Messiah will return.
Because the Messiah will return in the middle of the year, on the Feast of Trumpets on the 1st Day of the 7th Month in 2011, there is a half year shift. The Last 70 Years to the Messiah starts in the Fall and runs from Fall 1941 to Fall 2011 instead of starting from the Spring of 1941 and the 1st Day of the 1st Month. Similarly there is a half day shift when looking at the 70 Days from the 1st Day of Creation to the Feast of Pentecost. A Hebrew Day is 12 Hours Night (Darkness) and 12 Hours Day (Light). If you begin your count from the Day Light part of the Day then from Day Light of the 1st Day of Creation to Day Light of the Feast of Pentecost is exactly 70 Days. Yahuah is Light. And the Messiah is of the Light. The Messiah is of the Day and not of the Night. In John 8:12 the Messiah said, "I am the Light of the World." So even the idea of starting from the Light makes sense.
The Number 70 plays a prominent role in the Last Days. Here are some of the combinations that relate to the Number 70.
70 = 26 + 26 + 18.
70 = 49 + 21.
70 = 22 + 26 + 22.
70 = 7 x 10.
70 Weeks = 7 Days per Week x 70 Weeks = 490 Days.
70 Weeks = 490 Days = 49 Days x 10 = 10 Jubilees of Days.70 = 26 + 26 + 18 Combination:
In Topic 94.0) above we showed how the 70 Weeks of Daniel 9:24-27 apply directly to the 70 Weeks that lead up to the Day of Atonement on the 10th Day of the 7th Month on September 24, 2011 when the Messiah will Judge the World at his 2nd Coming. Here we used the 70 = 26 + 26 + 18 combination. With this combination the 70 Weeks count starts with the Feast of Pentecost on May 23, 2010. Feast of Pentecost May 23, 2010 (7th Day 3rd Month) + 26 Weeks to November 21, 2010 (7th Day of the 9th Month), then + 26 Weeks to the Feast of Pentecost on May 22, 2011 (7th Day 3rd Month), then + 18 Weeks to the Day of Atonement on September 24, 2011 (10th Day 7th Month). Notice how even the addition of the numbers of the months involved give a perfect number, where the 3rd Month + 9th Month + 3rd Month + 7th Month =3 + 9 + 3 + 7 = 22, where 22 = the Messiah! Even the numbers of the Days tell a story, where the 7th Day + 7th Day + 7th Day + 10th Day = 7 + 7 + 7 + 10 = 31 = 18 + 13 point to the Messiah = 7, Jugement = 10, Righteousness = 18, and 13 = Prime Number of Yahuah the Father's Name.
Even if you keep the same combination but reverse the numbers you still get perfect numbers. For example, if you keep the end points the same but reverse the internal numbers you get 70 = 18 + 26 + 26. In this case, the starting point is still the Feast of Pentecost May 23, 2010. But this time we get the Feast of Pentecost May 23, 2010 (7th Day 3rd Month) + 18 Weeks to the Day of Atonement September 25, 2010 (10th Day 7th Month), then + 26 Weeks to March 26, 2011 (10th Day 1st Month), then + 26 Weeks to the Day of Atonement September 24, 2011 (10th Day 7th Month). Again, the end point remains the same as the Day of Atonement September 24, 2011. Now the addition of the numbers of the Months give 3rd Month + 7th Month + 1st Month + 7th Month = 3 + 7 + 1 + 7 = 18 where 18 = Righteousness. In this case the numbers of the Days give 7th Day + 10th Day + 10th Day + 10th Day = 7 + 10 + 10 + 10 = 37 = 15 + 22, where 7 & 22 = the Messiah, 10 = Judgements, 15 & 22 = the Feast of Tabernacles and the Last Great Day.
Note: The 70 Weeks of Daniel has to start with the 1st Day of the Week (Sunday) and has to end with the 7th Day Sabbath (Saturday) to get 70 Complete Weeks. Pentecost is the only High Sabbath that is on the 1st Day of the Week. While the Day of Atonement is the only High Sabbath that is on the 7th Day of the Week. So it makes sense that the 70 Weeks of Daniel has to start with the Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) and end with the Day of Atonement.
70 = 49 + 21 Combination:
This combination follows the natural cycle of 7. So it can be used with the 7 Day Weekly Cycle as well as the 7 Year Sabbath Cycle.
With the 7 Day Weekly Cycle we start with the 1st Day of the 7 Day Creation Week. From the1st Day of Creation we count out 49 Days to the 15th Day of the 2nd Month which ends the Barley Harvest. The 50th Day from the 1st Day of Creation is on the 16th Day of the 2nd Month which begins the Wheat Harvest and is 21 Days to Pentecost. The 22nd Day is the Day of the Feast of Pentecost.
With the 7 Year Sabbath Cycle we start with 1941 which is a Jubilee Year, a 50th Year, and is also the 1st Year of the next Jubilee Cycle. From 1941 to 1989 is 49 Years. The 50th Year is 1990 which is the Last Jubilee Year of the 6000 Years from Adam. 1990 is also the 1st Year of the Last 22 Years. From 1990 to 2011 is 22 Years. 2011 is the 22nd and Last Year of the 6000 Years from Adam.
The actual distance from the 1st Day of Creation to Pentecost is 71 Days = 49 + 22 Days. While the distance from Spring 1941 to the end of the 22nd Year in Spring 2012 is also 71 Years = 49 + 22 Years. From the example of the Feast of Pentecost the numbers 49 & 22 are reversible. From the 1st Day of Creation to the 18th Day of the 1st Month is 22 Days. From the 18th Day of the 1st Month to Pentecost is 50 Days. Pentecost is the 50th Day from the Sheaf Offering of the Barley. Pentecost is also the end of the 22 Day Wheat Harvest, consequently the 22nd Day.
The number 7 is the number of completion. For example, the 7th Day of Creation marked the end of the Creation Week. The 7th Day Sabbath (Saturday) is an end point. The Day of Atonement is on a regular 7th Day Sabbath which is a mark of completion. In the normal weekly cycles, a 49th Day has to land on a regular Sabbath Day and indicates completion. The 1st Day of the Week (Sunday) is a starting point such as the 1st Day of Creation. The Feast of Pentecost is a 50th, a type of Jubilee, and is on the 1st Day of the Week. Pentecost is a starting point for the next Jubilee of Days. Pentecost is also the 22nd and Last Day of the Wheat Harvest.
70 = 22 + 26 + 22 Combination:
Keep in mind that the Hebrew Day = 12 Hours Night + 12 Hours Day. So from the start of the 12 Hours Day on the 1st Day of Creation to the end of the 12 Hours Night on the Feast of Pentecost is exactly 70 Days. This is based on a half day shift. The 1st 22 Days ends on the 18th Day of the 1st Month with the Sheaf Offering of the Barley which marks the beginning of the grain harvest. The next 26 Days is Barley Harvest. And the Last 22 Days is Wheat Harvest.
In the Last Days, the Last 70 Years goes from Fall 1941 a Jubilee Year to Fall 2011 which is the Last and 22nd Year. So the 1st 22 Years is from Fall 1941 to Fall 1963. The next 26 Years goes from Fall 1963 to Fall 1989. And the Last 22 Years goes from Fall 1989 to Fall 2011 when the Messiah will return.
This combination can also be shuffled and is still valid. If we use 70 = 22 + 22 + 26 then this is how it looks. The 1st 22 Years goes from Fall 1941 to Fall 1963. The next 22 Years runs from Fall 1963 to Fall 1985. Then the Last 26 Years goes from Fall 1985 to Fall 2011. Note how Halley's Comet came in Fall 1985 which was a foreshadow of the Messiah's return. Halley's Comet also came in Fall 12BCE when the Messiah was born at his 1st Coming.
Significant Years and their related events:
1941 - December 7, 1941 U.S. enters WW2, Pearl Harbour.
1941 to 1963 = 22 Years.
1963 - J.F.Kennedy assasinated on November 22, 1963.
1963 to 1985 = 22 Years.
1985 - Fall 1985 Halley's Comet, sign of Messiah's Coming.
1985 to 2011 = 26 Years.
1989 - Fall 1989 collapse of Berlin Wall, end of Cold War.
1989 to 2011 = 22 Years.
2000 - Ariel Sharon visits Temple Mount Sept. 28, 2000.
2000 to 2011 = 11 Years (2nd Half of Last 22 Years to Messiah).
2011 - Fall 2011 Messiah returns.70 = 7 x 10 Combination:
The 70 Years to the Messiah's 2nd Coming stretches from Fall 1941 which is a Jubilee Year to Fall 2011. These Last 70 Years can be broken down into 7 Blocks of 10 Years or 10 Blocks of 7 Years. Both ways are correct and acceptable.
The 7th and Last Block of 10 Years runs from Fall 2001 to Fall 2011. September 11, 2001 with the destruction of the Two Towers in New York City was a precursor for the beginning of these Last 10 Years which actually began with the Feast of Trumpets on September 20, 2001. The half way point is Fall 2006 which splits the Last 10 Years into two 5 Year periods. The number 10 is the number of Judgement. These Last 10 Years can be compared to the scales of Justice with 5 Years on either side, with the First 5 Years being weighed against the Last 5 Years. The Messiah will return on September 15, 2011 and will Judge the World on the Day of Atonement on September 24, 2011.
The 10th and Last Block of 7 Years runs from the Feast of Trumpets in the Fall of 2004 to the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011 when the Messiah will return. The 1st 3 1/2 Years of these Last 7 Years is the Beginning of Sorrows and runs from Fall 2004 to Spring 2008. The Last 3 1/2 Years is the Great Tribulation which runs from Spring 2008 to Fall 2011.
70 Weeks = 7 Days per Week x 70 Weeks = 490 Days:
The significance of the number 490:
70 Weeks = 490 Days. The prophecy of the 70 Weeks of Daniel relates to the Last Days. As such it is suggestive and is tied in with the bigger picture of time where the number 490 is dominant in the numerical break down of the 6000 Years from Adam. The 6000 Years from Adam breaks down into 6000 Years = 98 Years + 12 x 490 Years + 22 Years.The 490 Year Cycle begins in the 99th Year from Adam. The 99th Year was a Jubilee Year in which Abel was murdered. This is the first time that human blood was spilled. The Messiah states in Matthew 23:35-36, "That upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel unto the blood of Zacharias son of Barachias, whom you slew between the temple and the altar. Truly I say unto you, All these things shall come upon this generation." The 490 Year Cycles began with the death of Abel when he was 22 Years old.
The 12 Units of 490 Years can be broken down into 3 Blocks of 4 x 490 Years = 40 x 49 Years = 40 Jubilees of Years. Each 490 Years = 10 x 49 Years = 10 Jubilees of Years. 40 Years is a Generation so 40 Jubilees of Years is a Generation of Jubilees. This is how they break down:
1st Block = 4 x 490 Years = 40 Jubilees.
Begins with the death of Abel in the 99th Year from Adam in 3891BCE when Abel was 22 Years old.2nd Block = 4 x 490 Years = 40 Jubilees.
Begins when Abraham is 110 Years old (110 = 5 x 22) in 1931BCE.3rd Block = 4 x 490 Years = 40 Jubilees.
Begins with the crucifixion of the Messiah in 30CE. 30CE is a Jubilee Year. Ends with the Last 490th Year in 1989CE.The 12th and Last 490 Year Cycle ended in 1989. 1990 was the 122nd and Last Jubilee Year. 1990 was also the 1st Year of the Last 22 Years. 1941 began the Last Generation of 70 Years to the Messiah's return.
12 Cycles of 490 Years = 120 Jubilee Years.
At the front end of the 6000 Years is 98 Years, and at the back end is 22 Years. 98 + 22 = 120 Years.
Man's Life is limited to 120 Years.
In Genesis 6:3 we read, "And Yahuah said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years."
Last 10 Years = 120 Months = 40 Seasons.
120 = 49 + 49 + 22.70 Weeks = 490 Days = 49 Days x 10 = 10 Jubilees of Days:
The Last 70 Weeks stretches from the Feast of Pentecost on May 23, 2010 to the Day of Atonement on September 24, 2011. This distance is also 490 Days which is 49 Days x 10 or 10 Jubilees of Days.
The Feast of Pentecost is also called the Feast of Weeks. It is written in Leviticus 23:15-16 that the count to Pentecost after the Sheaf Offering of the Barley on the 1st Day of the Week (Sunday) has to be 7 complete weeks. 7 Weeks = 7 Days per Week x 7 Weeks = 49 Days. So the 49 Day count has to start with the 1st Day of the Week (Sunday) and has to end on the regular 7th Day Sabbath (Saturday) which would give 49 Days. The 50th Day, Pentecost, is on the 1st Day of the Weekwhich is also the 1st Day of the next Jubilee of Days count.
There is only one High Sabbath in the year that is on the 1st Day of the Week and that High Sabbath is the Feast of Pentecost. There is also only one High Sabbath in the year that is on the 7th Day Weekly Sabbath and that High Sabbath is the Day of Atonement. So for the 70 Week count of Daniel 9:24-26 it makes good sense to start the count with the Feast of Pentecost and end on the Day of Atonement. This would give exactly 70 perfect and complete Weeks. Especially since 70 Weeks = 490 Days = 49 x 10 = 10 Jubilees of Days where the Jubilee Cycle is a natural continuance from the Feast of Pentecost. The Feast of Pentecost itself being a natural Jubilee of Days. The Day of Atonement is also significant since the Jubilee Year, the 50th Year is celebrated on the Day of Atonement.
It was puzzling that the Last Day of the 70 Weeks is a 49th Day and not a 50th Day. But the answer is in Revelation 1:12-20 where the Messiah is standing in the midst of 7 golden candlesticks. These candlesticks are actually 7 Menorahs where each Menorah has 7 Lamps. So in Revelation 1:12 the 7 golden Menorahs = 7 Menorahs x 7 Lamps each = 49 Lamps. The Messiah himself would have been the 50th Lamp of Light! Is it a wonder as the Messiah said that he is the LIGHT OF THE WORLD in John 8:12 and in Revelation 1:16 it reads, "his (Messiah's) countenance was as the sun shines in his strength."
In 1Kings 7:49 there were 10 golden candlesticks in the Temple of Solomon with 5 on the right side and 5 on the left side. Again in Solomon's Temple these were 10 Menorahs = 10 Menorahs x 7 Lamps each = 70 Lamps!So there is that number 70 again.
More Confirmation of Numbers:
The Messiah ascended up into Heaven 40 Days after his resurrection from the dead. He ascended on the 27th Day of the 2nd Month which was 10 Days before Pentecost. Pentecost was the 50th Day from the Messiah's resurrection from the dead. In Acts 1:10-11 we are told that the Messiah will come in like manner as you have seen him go into heaven. The Messiah will return on the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011 on the 1st Day of the 7th Month. From the 27th Day of the 2nd Month to the 1st Day of the 7th Month is 126 Days = 18 Weeks. 126 Days = 4 x 26 + 22! Notice the numbers of 26 = Yahuah the Father and where 22 = the Messiah.
1914 began World War 1. 1939 began World War 2. If you mark 1914 as Year 1, then 1939 will be Year 26! Nuclear fission was discovered in 1939 and thus began the Nuclear Age. In 1939 the splitting (fission) of the uranium nucleus by Germany was confirmed. On August 2, 1939 Albert Einstein writes President Franklin Roosevelt about developing the Atomic Bomb using Uranium. This led to the creation of the Manhattan Project. On October 11, 1939 U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt is presented with a letter signed by Albert Einstein urging the United States to rapidly develop the atomic bomb.
From Cyrus's proclaimation to rebuild the Temple in 538BCE to the end of the 6000 Years in 2011CE = 2,548 Years = 7 x 364 Years = 49 x 52 = 52 Jubilees of Years.
From the completion of the 1st Temple in 951BCE (62nd Jubilee Year from Adam) to the destruction of the 1st Temple in 586BCE = 365 Years = 7 x 49 + 22 Years. The 1st Temple was completed in 951BCE (62nd Jubilee Year from Adam). The 1st Temple was destroyed in 586BCE during the 70th Jubilee Year Cycle from Adam. 69th Jubliee Year = 608BCE. 70th Jubilee Year = 559BCE. The Destruction of the 1st Temple in 586BCE was 22 Years into the 70th Jubilee Year Cycle.
Everywhere you turn in relation to Yahuah's Calendar and Time you can't but notice Yahuah's signature in numbers and sequences. Some more examples are: 52 Weeks per Year = 2 x 26, and the number 52 itself is composed of 5 + 2 = 7; 364 Days per Year = 7 x 26 x 2, and the number 364 itself is composed of 3 + 6 + 4 = 13; 49 = 7 x 7, and the number 49 itself is composed of 4 + 9 = 13; 70 = 7 x10, and the number 70 itself is composed of 7 + 0 = 7; etc. etc.
7 Day Weekly Cycle and Sacred Calendar are Two Different yet related Systems:
The 7 Day Weekly Cycle and the Sacred Calendar are two different independent yet related systems.
The Weekly Cycle starts with the 1st Day of Creation on Sunday, the 1st Day of the Week in the 1st Week of the Year and ends on the 7th Day of the Week on the 27th Day of the 12th Month. The Weekly Cycles = 364 Days per Year and consist of 52 Complete Weeks with 7 Days per Week.
The Sacred Calendar Year on the other hand begins with the 5th Day of the Week starting Wednesday night after sunset which is the 1st Day of the 1st Month and is the 1st Day of the Calendar Year. The Sacred Calendar Year ends on the Intercalary Day on the 4th Day of the Week just before the 1st Day of the Year. The Sacred Calendar has 360 Days plus 4 Intercalary Days and consists of 4 Seasons with 91 Days per Season. The Sacred Calendar has 12 Months with each month having 30 Days.
The Weekly Cycles came first, then the Sacred Calendar was superimposed onto the Weekly Cycles.
As the saying goes, All Roads lead to Rome. So in our case, All combinations of time lead to Yahuah and Yahuahshua. And why not? Yahuah is the Creator of Heaven and Earth. Just as Engineering Drawings carry the ideas, designs, and mathematical computations of the Design Engineer, so likewise all things in creation carry the character, design, personal stamp and signature of the Creator Himself.
The 1st Day of Creation to the Feast of Pentecost equals 70 Days or 10 Weeks which is the foreshadow of the Last Days. This is the perfect model for the Last Days. The 1st Day of Creation marks the beginning, while Pentecost is the end of Wheat Harvest and is symbolic of the end of the World and the 2nd Coming of the Messiah.
In these Last Days Cows are spliced with human genes to produce milk for people who are lactose intolerant. The genes of pigs are re-engineered for body parts for transplants. Is man not playing the role of "GOD"? More correctly, is not Satan proclaiming himself to be God behind the scenes? The next step is to patent human genes. The Patent shows ownership. Are we not going in a direction where man is going to sell his genes for profit? Are we not going back to slavery and bondage? Satan said, he will be like the Most High. Is this what the Messiah said would happen when he said in Matthew 16:26, "For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?"
Are not all these signs that we are coming to the end of Man's (Satan's) system. The Almighty Himself will have to intervene soon to prevent the total corruption and destruction of all life on this planet. There are many that are protesting in the world because they see and understand what is going on but to no avail for their cry is falling on deaf ears. Remember that song from the 1960's or 1970's called, "The Eve of Destruction". Well we are now truly coming to the end. This world can no longer bear or tolerate what is destroying it. Praise be to Yahuah that the Messiah is soon to return to restore all things.
World War 1 saw the end of Monarchies and Empires all over the World. World War 2 saw the establishment of Republics and Democracies and the rule by the people. 1990 began the New World Order and the global village. The Nations of the World are united and controlled under the global umbrella of the United Nations. But the real power is held by the multinational corporations that have the power to control world affairs and even some governments. With the fear of terrorism, the individual is again losing hard won freedoms by new laws being passed continually, to control the individual. The only bright spot on the horizon is the soon return of the Messiah and the re-establishment of Yahuah's Kingdom on earth. With the Messiah's return we will have real security, real freedom and real joy.
Just as the Roman Empire imploded because of corruption, so these Last 22 Years is witnessing the internal collapse of many Nations due to religious and ethnic inhouse conflict and turmoil. Global domination by the few, by multinational Corporations is a reality. Control by privatization of the basic necessities of life such as public lands, public resources, water, air, food and life itself (DNA, etc.) is already part of the fabric of our modern world. The only reason for a Corporation to exist is to make money. A Corporation does not have a conscience, only the bottom line and profit. We are witnessing control by the few rich and powerful over the poor and enslaved masses of people of the world, in short World Domination by Satan.
It is now legal to patent life forms. Patent means ownership! We have come a long way since Dolly the Sheep was cloned. We are now eating BMO products (biologically modified organisms). For example, tomatoes are spliced with fish genes to stop spoilage, etc.
True ownership of all things belongs to Yahuah the Creator of Heaven and Earth who created all things. So our praise and worship should be directed to Him alone. Satan has a temporary lease on this earth which is soon to expire. When the Messiah returns he will take full control of the earth and re-establish his Father's Kingdom on this earth. Then we will have peace and harmony for 1000 Years.
Yes we have to weather the storm that is coming. But we are not to fear as those that have no hope. For we have the Hope of Eternal Life and the comfort of Yahuah's Holy Spirit along with all the wonderful blessings that Yahuah showers upon us daily. As it is written, "This is the Day that Yahuah has made, we shall rejoice and be glad in it." And again, "His compassions fail not for they are new every morning." Praise be to Yahuah for His great love and mercy.
Introduction:97.0) Preparing for the Great Tribulation:Yahuah's Holy Calendar always seems to have a new surprise for us giving us a better understanding of time. Within the 6000 Years from Adam, there is a 3 1/2 Year Cycle. This 3 1/2 Year Cycle can be displayed in two ways, both of which are valid. The First Way consists of multiples of 49 Days where3 1/2 Years = 26 x 49 Days = 26 Jubilees of Days. The Second Way consists of multiples of 26 Days where 3 1/2 Years = 49 x 26 Days = 1 Jubilee of 26 Days'.
The 6000 Years from Adam divided by 3 1/2 Years = 1714 x 3 1/2 Years + 1 Year. 1714 x 3.5 Years = 5999 Years. 6000 Years = 5999 Years + 1 Year. Since the Messiah will return in the Fall of 2011 there is a half year from his return to the end of the 6000 Years from Adam. The 1 Year remainder is split in two where one half year is at the end of the 6000 Years and the other half year is at the beginning of the 6000 Years. So the 3 1/2 Year Cycles begin on the Feast of Trumpets in the 1st Year of Creation and end on the Feast of Trumpets in 2011 with the Messiah's 2nd Coming.
Both ways of reckoning the 3 1/2 Year Cycles are valid during the 5999 Years. However, only one of the two ways continues and covers even the 1 Year remainder. It is only the Cycles of 26 Days that start with the 1st Day of Creation and extend all the way to the end of the 6000 Years from Adam terminating with the very Last Day of the 6000th Year from Adam.
Note: The Sacred Calendar has to be Intercalated every 5 or 6 Years by 1 Complete Week to bring it back in line with the Solar Year. This does not disrupt the Weekly Cycles from the 1st Day of Creation. However, these Intercalary Days are not counted when determining the 3 1/2 Year Cycles.
1/2 Year = 182 Days = 26 Weeks.
1 Year = 364 Days (Counting the 4 Intercalary Days).
1 Year = 52 Weeks.
3 1/2 Years = 7 Half Years x 26 Weeks x 7 Days per Week.
3 1/2 Years = 7 x 7 x 26 = 49 Days x 26 = 26 Jubilees of Days.
3 1/2 Years = 49 x 26 Days = 1 Jubilee of 26 Days'.1 Jubilee of 26 Days' = 49 x 26 Days = 26 Days + 26 Days + ... + 26 Days - 49 Times = 1274 Days = 1260 Days + 14 Intercalary Days = 42 Months = 3 1/2 Years.
1 Block of 26 Jubilees of Days = 26 x 49 Days = 49 Days + 49 Days + ... + 49 Days - 26 Times = 1274 Days = 1260 Days + 14 Intercalary Days = 42 Months = 3 1/2 Years.
6000 Years divided by 3.5 Years = 1714 x 3.5 Years + 1 Year.
6000 Years = 1714 Cycles of 3.5 Years + 1 Year remainder.
6000 Years = 1714 Jubilees of 26 Days' + 1 Year.
6000 Years = 1714 Blocks of 26 Jubilees of Days + 1 Year.
5999 Years = 1714 Jubilees of 26 Days'.
5999 Years = 1714 Blocks of 26 Jubilees of Days.Explanation:
The Great Tribulation is 3 1/2 Years long. The Great Tribulation runs from Spring 2008 to Fall 2011. The Messiah will return on the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011 immediately after the Great Tribulation. The Year 2011 is the 6000th Year from Adam and runs from Spring 2011 to Spring 2012.
The Great Tribulation is the Last and the 1714th Jubilee of 26 Days' which is alsothe 1714th Block of 26 Jubilees of Days and ends in the middle of the 6000th Year from Adam. Therefore, there is still a half year left in the 6000th Year. This is where the 1 Year remainder comes in.
Since half of this 1 Year remainder is at the end of the 6000 Years from Adam, then the other half year has to be at the beginning. So the First Half of the Remainder Year is the First Half of the 1st Year of the Creation of Adam. Hence the 1714 Cycles of Jubilees of 26 Days' and the 1714 Blocks of 26 Jubilees of Days both start with the Feast of Trumpets in 3989 BCE in the 1st Year of the Creation of Adam and both end with the Feast of Trumpets at the Messiah's 2nd Coming on September 15, 2011.
The Last Cycle of 3 1/2 Years is the Great Tribulation:
The Last Cycle of 3 1/2 Years will be the Great Tribulation and will culminate with the return of the Messiah. How bad will the Great Tribulation be? We are given the answer in Matthew 24:21-22 where we read, "For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened."
3 1/2 Years = 360 Days per Year (not counting the 4 Intercalary Days) x 3.5 Years = 42 Months = 1260 Days. In the Book of Revelation we are shown some of the events that will take place during the Great Tribulation:
1) 42 Months = Revelation 11:2 - The court which is without the temple will be given unto the Nations; and the holy city (Jerusalem) shall they tread under foot for 42 months.
2) 1260 Days = Revelation 11:3-13 - The Two Witnesses will prophesy for 1260 Days. At the end of their ministry they will be killed and their dead bodies will be on display for 3 1/2 Days. These 3 1/2 Days are the last 4 Days of the 6th Month in 2011. They will come back to life on the 30th Day of the 6th Month on September 13, 2011 and ascend up into heaven. The Messiah will return on the 1st Day of the 7th Month on the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011.
3) 1260 Days = Revelation 12:6-17 -Believers will flee into the wilderness to a place prepared for them of Yahuah and they will be fed there for 1260 Days. Satan and his fallen angels will be cast out of heaven unto the earth. Satan will make war with the believers which keep the commandments of Yahuah and who have the testimony of Yahuahshua.
4) 42 Months = Revelation 13:1-8 - The First Beast will rule for 42 Months. This Beast will make war with the Saints. Unbelievers will take the Mark of the Beast.
These events will clearly last the full 3 1/2 Years of the Great Tribulation. Other events of note that will happen during the Great Tribulation will be the opening of the 4th and 5th Seals of Revelation 6:7-11; the First 6 Trumpets of Revelation 8:6-13; 9:1-21; and the First 6 Vials of Revelation 15:1-8; 16:1-16.
At the end of the Great Tribulation the Two Witnesses will be killed. We know exactly when this will happen. We know that they will witness for 1260 Days = 3 1/2 Years (not counting the Intercalary Days) which is the entire length of the Great Tribulation. After they are killed they will be on display for 3 1/2 Days and then ascend up into Heaven. They will be killed on SabbathSeptember 10, 2011 and will ascend up into Heaven on September 13, 2011 on the 30th Day of the 6th Month on the very Last Day of the 1260 Days = the 3 1/2 Year Great Tribulation. The next day is September 14, 2011 which is an Intercalary Day. While September 15, 2011 is the Feast of Trumpets, the 1st Day of the 7th Month when the Messiah will return at his 2nd Coming.
Note that from the 1st Day of the 6th Month to the 22nd Day of the 7th Month is 52 Days = 2 x 26 Days (not counting the Intercalary Day). From the 1st Day of the 6th Month to the 26th Day of the 6th Month = 26 Days. Then from the 27th Day of the 6th Month to the 30th Day of the 6th Month = 4 Days during which time the Two Witnesses will be killed and will be on display for 3 1/2 Days. Then from the return of the Messiah on the 1st Day of the 7th Month to the Last Great Day on the 22nd Day of the 7th Month = 22 Days.
So it is quite clear that the Last Cycle of 3 1/2 Years which is the Great Tribulation will be a time of great trouble not experienced before in the history of the world!
Summer Season of the Last 7 Years a preparation for the Last Cycle of 3 1/2 Years, the Great Tribulation:
In most countries around the world, Summer is the time when preparations are made for the up coming Winter. Summer is when the hay and grain crops are brought in from the field and stored in the barn ready for the harsh Winter. Repair and maintenance work that can not be done in the Winter is also done during the Summer months.
The Last 7 Years to the Messiah's return can be broken down into 4 Seasons. Each Season consists of 13 Jubilees of Days. The Spring Season began in the Fall of 2004 and ended June 14, 2006. The Summer Season began June 15, 2006 with the end of the 13th Jubilee of Days and will last 13 Jubilees of Days culminating with the 1st Day of the Great Tribulation on March 20, 2008 which is the 26th Jubilee of Days. The 1st Day of the Great Tribulation is the 1st Day of the Fall Season. What this means to to us is that we now have these 13 Jubilees of Days, the Summer Season to prepare for the Great Tribulation. Woe be to those that will be caught off guard and ignore this crucial time to prepare for the Great Tribulation. Remember the Parable of the 10 Virgins in Matthew 25:1-13 how 5 were foolish not being ready when the Master came. Remember also the 7 Years of plenty and the 7 Years of famine in Genesis 41:1-57 during the rule of Joseph in Egypt. We have the time now to prepare for the Great Tribulation. Will you be caught sleeping now in this time of harvest?
In Conclusion:
We are now in the 3 1/2 Year Beginning of Sorrows which is the 1713th Jubilee of 26 Days' and also the 1713th Block of 26 Jubilees of Days that runs from Fall 2004 to Spring 2008. The 3 1/2 Year Great Tribulation is the Last and 1714th Jubilee of 26 Days' and also the 1714th Block of 26 Jubilees of Days that will be from Spring 2008 to Fall 2011. The Messiah will return on the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011 which is the Last and 26th Jubilee of Days marking the end of the Last Jubilee of 26 Days' that is also the end of the Last Block of 26 Jubilees of Days. From the Messiah's return to the end of the 6000 Years is still 1/2 Year = 6 Months = 26 Weeks = 7 Days per Week x 26 Weeks.
Note how the number 26 is present which represents Yahuah the Father along with the number 7 which represents the Messiah.
The Messiah is present at the beginning and at the end of the 6000 Years from Adam. The Messiah said that he is the First and the Last, the Beginning and the Ending. The 1st Half Year from the 1st Day of Creation = 7 Days per Week x 26 Weeks represents the Messiah's present name of Yahuahshua which has 7 Hebrew Letters and carries his Father's full name of Yahuah which has a numerical value of 26. The Last Half Year at the end of the 6000 Years from Adam will begin with the Messiah's 2nd Coming when he will use his future name of Yahuahtsadaq which has 7 Hebrew Letters and carries his Father's full name of Yahuah with a numerical value of 26.
Here is a way to view this numerically:
6000 Years = (1/2 Year) + (1714 x 3.5 Years) + (1/2 Year).
6000 Years = (7 x 26) + (1714 x 49 x 26) + (7 x 26).
6000 Years = (7 Days x 26 Weeks) + (1714 x 49 Days x 26) + (7 Days x 26 Weeks).
6000 Years = (7 Days x 26 Weeks) + (1714 x 49 x 26 Days) + (7 Days x 26 Weeks).The 3 1/2 Year Cycles of the Jubilee of 26 Days' and of the Blocks of 26 Jubilees of Days start with the Feast of Trumpets in the 1st Year of Creation and end on the Feast of Trumpets in 2011 with the Messiah's 2nd Coming.
The Messiah will return on the 26th Jubilee of Days at the end of the Last Cycle of 3 1/2 Years on the Feast of Trumpets in 2011.
This again shows us how close we are to the end of this age and the soon return of the Messiah.
Introduction:98.0) Believers Tabernacleling in the Wilderness for 3 1/2 Years in the Last Days:As we draw ever closer to the Great Tribulation, there are markers that flag how close we are. The Feast of Trumpets on September 14, 2006 marks the half way point in the Last 10 Years to the Messiah. The Last 10 Years is from the Feast of Trumpets 2001 to the Feast of Trumpets 2011. The 2006 Feast of Trumpets is the point of no return and begins the Last 5 Years to the Messiah. From the 2006 Feast of Trumpets to the beginning of the Great Tribulation is 1 1/2 Years. The 1st Half Year from Fall 2006 to Spring 2007 is the time for all believers to clean house and to get their act together. The Last 1 Year from Spring 2007 to Spring 2008 is the time to prepare for the Great Tribulation. The Great Tribulation will begin in the Spring of 2008. The sealing of the believers has to finish before the Great Tribulation begins. The Last 1/2 Year before the Great Tribulation begins will be the time when the sealing of the Righteous will be complete.
In Matthew 24:32-33 we read, "Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is nigh: So likewise you, when you shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors." We are now at the threshold of the Great Tribulation.
Fall 2006 to Spring 2007:
The 6 Months from the Feast of Trumpets on September 14, 2006 to the 1st Day of the Year in 2007 on March 22, 2007 is the time that we have to clean up our act and to get our House in Order.
Spring 2007 to Spring 2008:
The 1 Year from Spring 2007 to Spring 2008 is the 18th Year of the Last 22 Years and is the Year of the Righteous. The 18th Letter of the Hebrew Alphabet is the Letter Tsaddi which stands for Righteousness.
Some time during this 1 Year period the sealing of the Righteous will be complete. The sealing of the Righteous has to take place before the Great Tribulation begins in the Spring of 2008.
The opening of the 3rd Seal of Revelation 6:5-6 will take place in the Spring of 2007.
Fall 2007 to Spring 2008:
The Final Sealing of the remainder of the 144,000 of the 12 Tribes of Israel and the great multitude of the Righteous will have to be finished during the 6 Months just before the Great Tribulation begins.
Spring 2008 to Fall 2011:
The Great Tribulation will begin in the Spring of 2008 and will last 3 1/2 Years ending in the Fall of 2011 with the Messiah's 2nd Coming on the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011.
During the Great Tribulationthe following will happen:
1) 4th and 5th Sealsof Revelation 6:7-11 will be open.
2) 1st 6 Trumpets of Revelation 8:1-13; 9:1-21 will occur.
3) 1st 6 Vials of Revelation 15:1-8; 16:1-16 will happen.
4) Satan will be booted out of Heaven (Rev. 12:3-13) and will be on the earth for the duration of the 3 1/2 Years Great Tribulation.
5) Believers will be in the Wilderness for 1260 Days = 3 1/2 Years (Rev.12:6).
6) The Two Witnesses will prophesy for 1260 Days = 3 1/2 Years (Rev. 11:3-13).
7) The Court of the Temple in Jerusalem will be given unto the Nations and the Holy City of Jerusalem will be tread under foot by the Nations for 42 Months = 3 1/2 Years (Rev. 11:1-2).
8) The 1st Beast will rule for 42 Months = 3 1/2 Years (Rev. 13:1-10).On the Feast of Trumpets September 15, 2011 the Messiah will Return:
Immediately after the Great Tribulation the Messiah will return on September 15, 2011 on the Feast of Trumpets.
Indications that we are in the Last Days and that the Time of the Messiah is drawing near:
Every day in the news we hear of continuous fighting taking place in the Middle East. All the big powers like the United States, Russia, China, India and others are pushing to grab oil that is concentrated in the Middle East. Wars are ongoing in Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Israel, etc. According to prophecy, the big war will take place in connection with the River Euphrates. Iran and Iraq border the River Euphrates.
The 6th Trumpet of Revelation 9:14-18 will sound starting at the end of the 5th Month of the Sacred Calendar in the Year 2010 . Revelation 9:14-18 reads, "Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates. And the four angels were loosed, which are prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of man. And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand (200 Million): and I heard the number of them."
The 6th Vial of Revelation 16:12-16 is the same prophecy and reads, "And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared."
Iran is believed to be in the process of producing nuclear weapons. The United States wants to neutralize this threat but can not because Russia and China are backing Iran. So for the time being it is a stalemate.
The President of Iran is a key player. He is a Shia Muslim and would like nothing better than to hasten the coming of the Muslim Messiah the Mahdi (Mehdi). The Mahdi, according to majority Sunni and Shi'ite tradition, will arise at some point before the day of judgement, institute a kingdom of justice, and will in the last days fight alongside the returned Christian Messiah against the Dajjal (Antichrist or false Messiah).
The 1 1/2 Years just before the Great Tribulation consists of Three Half Year Periods:
1) 1st Half Year = 6 Months = 26 Weeks = 182 Days = 2 Seasons (Fall and Winter) = from Fall 2006 to Spring 2007. This is a time for believers to get their House in Order.
2) 2nd Half Year = 6 Months = 26 Weeks = 182 Days = 2 Seasons (Spring and Summer) = from Spring 2007 to Fall 2007. The opening of the 3rd Seal of Revelation 6:5-6 will happen in the Spring of 2007. Believers will begin to prepare for the Great Tribulation starting in the Spring of 2007.
3) 3rd Half Year = 6 Months = 26 Weeks = 182 Days = 2 Seasons (Fall and Winter) = from Fall 2007 to Spring 2008. During this last 6 months before the Great Tribulation begins, the Sealing of the Righteous will be complete.
1 1/2 Years = 6 Months + 6 Months + 6 Months = 18 Months.
1 1/2 Years = 26 Weeks + 26 Weeks + 26 Weeks = 78 Weeks.
1 1/2 Years = 182 Days + 182 Days + 182 Days = 546 Days.The number 18 signifies Righteousness. From the Feast of Trumpets on September 14, 2006 to the beginning of the Great Tribulation on March 20, 2008 is 18 Months. The Year before the Great Tribulation is the 18th Year of the Last 22 Years and runs from Spring 2007 to Spring 2008. The 18th Letter of the Hebrew Alphabet is the Letter Tsaddi which stands for Righteousness.
We know that the Sealing of the Righteous has to be complete before the Great Tribulation begins according to Revelation 7:2-3. We also know that when using 360 Days per Year (not counting the 4 Intercalary Days), every 2 Years is perfectly divisible by 144. So 2 Years x 360 Days = 720 Days = 5 x 144 Days. The Great Tribulation is 3 1/2 Years which is short by 1/2 Year to give a perfect 4 Years which is divisible by 144 Days. So that shortfall of 1/2 Year has to be just before the Great Tribulation begins and runs from Fall 2007 to Spring 2008. The perfect 4 Years= 1/2 Year + 3 1/2 Years = 1,440 Days = 10 x 144 Days. The number 144 represents Righteousness and the number 10 represents Judgement. As it is written in 1Peter 4:17-18, "For the time is come that Judgement must begin at the House of Yahuah: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gladtidings of Yahuah? And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the unrighteous and the sinner appear?"
The 1 1/2 Years before the Great Tribulation also breaks down into Jubilees of Days. 1 1/2 Years = 364 Days per Year (counting the 4 Intercalary Days) x 1 1/2 Years = 546 Days. 546 Days = 11 x 49 Days + 7 Days. If you count out 11 Jubilees of Days from the Feast of Trumpets on September 14, 2006 you will end up on the 25th Day of the 12th Month. In the Jubilees of Days Cycles for the Last 7 Years to the Messiah's return, the11th Jubilee of Days is on the 25th Day of the 12 Month! Is this just a coincidence? By no means! It is by design. From the 25th Day of the 12th Month to the 1st Day of the Great Tribulation is exactly 7 Days and that is where the + 7 Days remainder comes in. At the time of Noah's Flood, Noah was given 7 Days warning before the flood waters began. These last 7 Days before the Great Tribulation is the last warning to believers. The number 7 also represents the Messiah.
In Conclusion:
Yahuah is warning us of the things to come. It is time to wake up and to get ready.
We are told in scripture that the Last Days will be like in the Days of Noah. In Matthew 24:37-38,44,50-51 and Luke 17:26-27 we read, "But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. ... Therefore be you also ready: for in such an hour as you think not the Son of man comes. ... The Master of that servant shall come in a day when he looks not for him, and in an hour that he is not aware of, And shall cut him asunder, and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth."
In Genesis 7:1-10 we are told that Noah was given 7 Days warning to get into the Ark before the rains began. Because the 1 1/2 Years before the Great Tribulation breaks down into 11 x 49 Days + 7 Days = 546 Days, this indicates that the remainder of 7 Days is immediately before the Great Tribulation. This is similar to the warning that Noah received. The Last 7 Days warning that we have before the Great Tribulation begins are from Thursday March 13, 2008 to Wednesday March 19, 2008. These Last 7 Days will be the Last Call for believers to flee into the Wilderness just before the 3 1/2 Year Great Tribulation begins on March 20, 2008.
It is time to set your alarm clock now so that when the time comes you will not be caught sleeping. Praise be to Yahuah for His great love and mercy and for warning us of the wrath to come.
Introduction:99.0) Number 120 of Man, and the Terminators of 22 for the Last Days:In Revelation 12:6 we are told that the woman (believers) fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared of Yahuah, that they should feed her there 1260 Days = 3 1/2 Years. This will take place in the Last Days. In verse :14 we read further, "And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent." Continuing in verse :17 it reads, "And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of Yahuah, and have the testimony of Yahuahshua the Messiah." From this and other scriptures we know that the 3 1/2 Years in the wilderness is a temporary sanctuary. From Revelation 13:7 it is obvious that the 1st Beast will make war with the saints and will overcome them sometime during the end of the 3 1/2 Year Great Tribulation.
Question is when will the believers flee into the wilderness and when will they be killed? Part of the answer is in Revelation 6:9-11 where we read, "And when he had opened the Fifth Seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of Yahuah, and for the testimony which they held: And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Yahuah, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth? And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellow servants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled." The 6th Seal of Revelation 6:12-17 marks the return of the Messiah at his 2nd Coming. So the 5th Seal is just before the Messiah's return. Therefore, sometime after the 3 1/2 Years in the Wilderness and just before the coming of the Messiah, the believers will be killed.
Once we get deeper into this study, we will see that the timing will get clearer. The believers will flee into the Wilderness starting on the Feast of Trumpets on September 20, 2007 and will be there for 3 1/2 Years until the Spring of 2011. Then for the next 6 Months from Spring 2011 to Fall 2011 the 1st Beast will make war with them and overcome them. It is during this time just before the Messiah's return that most of the believers on the earth along with the Two Witnesses will be killed.
Events Locked-in and completely in sync for the Full 3 1/2 Years of the Great Tribulation:
1) 1st 6 Trumpets of Revelation 8:2-13; 9:1-21.
2) 1st 6 Vials of Revelation 15:1-8; 16:1-16.
3) 1st Beast rules for 42 Months = 3 1/2 Years (Rev. 13:1-18).
4) Two Witnesses prophesy for 1260 Days = 3 1/2 Years (Rev. 11:3-13).
5) Court of the Temple in Jerusalem tread under foot by the Nations for 42 Months = 3 1/2 Years(Rev. 11:1-2).Events Not completely Locked-in with, but still related to the Great Tribulation:
1) Believers flee into the Wilderness and are there for 1260 Days = 3 1/2 Years but which is offset by 6 Months in relation to the Great Tribulation (Rev. 12:6-17). The believers will flee into the Wilderness 6 Months before the Great Tribulation begins.
The Fall Feasts and the Last 22 Years of the 6000 Years from Adam:
The Fall Feasts have never been fulfilled as yet. But they will be during the Last 22 Years of the 6000 Years from Adam. The Fall Feasts consist of 22 Days from the 1st Day of the 7th Month to the 22nd Day of the 7th Month. The Fall Feasts are reflected in the Last 22 Years. The Fall Feast of Tabernacles runs from the 15th Day to the 21st Day for 7 Days in the 7th Month. Similarly, the 7 Tabernacle Years run from the 15th Year (Spring 2004 to Spring 2005) to the 21st Year (Spring 2010 to Spring 2011). Yahuah made the children of Israel to dwell in Tabernacles for 40 Years, a Year for every Day that the spies searched out the Promised Land for 40 Days, as punishment for their disobedience of refusing to enter into the Promised Land. In the same way, in these Last Days, each Day of the Feast of Tabernacles represents 1 Year, a Year for every Day.
In Leviticus 23:34-44 Yahuah tells us that the meaning of the Feast of Tabernacles is that it is a reminder that He made the children of Israel to dwell in Tabernacles in the Wilderness when He brought them out of the land of Egypt.
Now we are starting to see a connection and meaning between the Woman (believers) fleeing into theWildernessfor 1260 Days = 3 1/2 Years and the Feast of Tabernacles. 3 1/2 Days is exactly one half of the 7 Days of the Feast of Tabernacles or the middle, midpoint of the Feast. In Yahuah's great love and mercy He said that He will cut the time short otherwise no flesh shall be saved. And He has cut the time short to one half of the 7 Tabernacle Years.
In John 7:1-39 the Messiah talks about the Feast of Tabernacles and in verse :14 in the midst of the Feast he went up into the temple, and taught. The Messiah confronted them at that time in the middle of the Feast of Tabernacles and asked them, in verse :19 "Why go you about to kill me?" In verse :30 we read, "Then they sought to take him:". And again in verse :32 "the Pharisees and the chief priests sent officers to take him." In the same way, the world will seek to destroy the believers during the 2nd half of the 7 Tabernacle Years and that is why they will have to flee and Yahuah will provide temporary sanctuary for them for 3 1/2 Years.
The Last Half of the 7 Tabernacle Years is from the Feast of Trumpets on September 20, 2007 to the 1st Day of the 1st Month on March 17, 2011. From March 17, 2011 to the Messiah's return on the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011 is still 6 Months that is left of the Great Tribulation. It is during this Last 6 Months before the Messiah returns that most of the believers will be killed.
The Last 7 Tabernacle Years follow a natural 3 1/2 Year Cycle from the 1st Day of Creation:
The Last 7 Tabernacle Years follow a natural 3 1/2 Year Cycle from the 1st Day of Creation. The 2nd Half of the 7 Tabernacle Years of 3 1/2 Years is the very Last Cycle of 3 1/2 Years from Creation. The 6000 Years from Adam divided by 3 1/2 Years = 3.5 Years x 1714 + 1 Year. 3.5 Years x 1714 = 5999 Years. The 5999th Year from Adam is the 7th and Last Year of the 7 Tabernacle Years. The 1 Year remainder is the 6000th Year from Adam which runs from Spring 2011 to Spring 2012. The 6000th Year is also the 22nd Year of the Last 22 Years and is a type of Jubilee Year. The Messiah will return in the middle of the 6000th Year on the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011.
Sealing of the Righteous before the Great Tribulation begins:
The Sealing of the Righteous has to happen before the Great Tribulation begins. So the fleeing of the believers into the Wilderness 6 Months before the Great Tribulation begins makes perfect sense.
Daniel 12:1-13 prophesied of the time just before and during the Great Tribulation:
It is quite clear that Daniel Chapter 12 prophesied of the Great Tribulation as well as a short time before it. The Great Tribulation is 1260 Days = 3 1/2 Years. So verse :11 which talks about 1290 Days begins 30 Days before the Great Tribulation. While verse :12 which talks about 1335 Days starts 45 Days before the Great Tribulation. The end point for all three: the 1260 Day Great Tribulation, the 1290 Days and the 1335 Days is one and the same event, namely the return and 2nd Coming of the Messiah.
Harvest of the Believers in the Last Days compared to the Grain Harvest:
The Grain Harvest begins on the 18th Day of the 1st Month in the middle of the 7 Day Feast of Unleavened Bread with the Sheaf Offering of the Barley. The 7 Day Feast of Tabernacles is comparable to and a template of the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Similarly the middle of the 7 Day Feast of Tabernacles is the 18th Day of the 7th Month. This 18th Day of the Feast of Tabernacles translates into the 18th Year of the Last 22 Years. The 18th Year is the middle of the 7 Tabernacle Years. The Last Half of the 7 Tabernacle Years consists of 3 1/2 Years and begins on the Feast of Trumpets on September 20, 2007 in the middle of the 7 Tabernacle Years. The number 18 stands for Righteousness. The Sealing and the fleeing of the Righteous into the Wildernesswill happen in this 18th Year, 6 Months just before the Great Tribulation begins.
After the 7 Tabernacle Years, there is still 6 Months to the Messiah's return. During this 6 Months, most of the believers will be killled. The Messiah explains this 6 Month time period as the Harvest of the Wheat and the Tares. In the Parable of the Wheat and the Tares, the Messiah gives us a vision of the Last Days. In Matthew 13:24-30; 36-43 the Messiah explains that the Wheat are the good seed, the children of the Kingdom. While the Tares are the children of the wicked. The field is the world. The harvest is the end of the world and the reapers are the angels. The harvest of the Wheat and the Tares will take place during the Last 6 Months before the Messiah returns.
6 Months = 26 Weeks = 7 Days x 26 Weeks = 182 Days = 180 Days + 2 Intercalary Days where 180 Days =10 Days x 18. Notice all the perfect numbers of 7, 10, 18, and 26. The Messiah also tells us that we will have Tribulation for 10 Days. In Revelation 2:10 we read, "Fear none of those things which you shall suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that you may be tried; and you shall have tribulation ten days: be you faithful unto death, and I will give you a crown of life."
In Conclusion:
If Yahuah was able to feed, clothe, and shelter more than 1 Million People that came out of Egypt, who wandered in the Wilderness for 40 Years, how much more will He provide for His small remnant of believers in the Last Days for 3 1/2 Years!!
The children of Israel were commanded to live in a Sukkah during the Feast of Tabernacles. The Sukkah is a temporary shelter made of boughs of trees etc. The Feast itself is called "Hag Sukkot" which means the "Feast of Sukkahs" where the word "Sukkot" is the plural form of "Sukkah". So it makes sense that the believers will be in the Wilderness during the Last Half of the 7 Tabernacle Years for 3 1/2 Years.
After the 7 Tabernacle Years, there is still 6 Months to the Messiah's return. During this 6 Months, most of the believers will be killled. The Messiah explains this 6 Month time period as the Harvest of the Wheat and the Tares. In the Parable of the Wheat and the Tares, the Messiah gives us a vision of the Last Days. In Matthew 13:24-30; 36-43 the Messiah explains that the Wheat are the good seed, the children of the Kingdom. While the Tares are the children of the wicked. The field is the world. The harvest is the end of the world and the reapers are the angels. The harvest of the Wheat and the Tares will take place during the Last 6 Months before the Messiah returns.
The 6th Trumpet of Revelation gives us more detail of what will happen during the Last 6 Months of the Great Tribulation. In Revelation 9:14-15 we read, "Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates. And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of man." So during this Last 6 Months, not only believers will be killed, but also a very large number of unbelievers in the world.
The 6th Vial of Revelation 16:12-16 is the same event as the 6th Trumpet so we can again draw more details from the 6th Vial for the Last 6 Months. In Revelation 16:13-14 we read, "And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the Dragon, and out of the mouth of the Beast, and out of the mouth of the False Prophet. For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that Great Day of Yahuah the Almighty." And of course, the Great Day of Yahuah will be when the Messiah comes back to the earth at his 2nd Coming and the Nations of the World will come down and make war with him.
The 4th and 5th Seals of Revelation 6:7-11 also tell us what will happen during the Last 6 Months before the Messiah returns. The 4th Seal: "And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto him over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth." The 5th Seal: "And when he had opened the Fifth Seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of Yahuah, and for the testimony which they held: And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Yahuah, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth? And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellow servants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled."
Along with these scriptures there are many others that indicate that by the end of the Great Tribulation one in two of the entire population of the earth will die. That is a horrific and staggering number of 3 Billion people (3,000 Million people) that will die by the end of the Great Tribulation and after the clash of the Nations with the Messiah at his 2nd Coming.
With 5 Years yet to go to the Messiah's coming, all this seems so remote and impossible. Yet we know that the First World War happened. We also know that the Second World War happened. Now on the horizon is the Third World War and a time of fear and trouble as there never was since the beginning of the World.
Yahuah is more than able to protect us and to help us to cope with the evil and the trouble that is ahead. Even if we have to suffer and die, He will give us the strength and means to bear with whatever comes our way. For He has promised that He will never leave us nor forsake us. So do not be grieved or fearful as those in the world that have no hope. But on the contrary rejoice and be glad for great is your reward in heaven. And when the Messiah returns, he will restore order and there will be peace and joy on the earth for 1000 Years. So look up and rejoice for your redemption draws nigh.
Introduction:100.0) Terminator of 22 Days in the Three related Calendar Time Systems:Yahuah has declared the End from the Beginning. Yahuah has limited Man's time to 120 Years. In Genesis 6:3 we read, "And Yahuah said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years."
This time limitation for Man is clearly noted in the 6000 Years from Adam. The number 120 is repeated 3 times in the mathematical makeup of the number 6000:
1) 6000 = 50 x 120. Where 50 = a Jubilee, and 120 = Time Limitation of Man. 6000 Years = 120 prophetic Jubilees.
2) 6000 = 98 + 49 x 120 + 22. 98 Years = Years from Adam to the death of Abel. Abel was Righteous and the first Human Being descendant of Adam to die. Abel died in the 99th Year from Adam which started the 490 Year Cycles (49 x 120 = 490 x 12). After Abel's death there are exactly 120 actual Jubilees of Years = 49 Years x 120, plus 22 = the Last 22 Years.
3) 6000 = 98 + 490 x 12 + 22. The Messiah said that the First shall be Last and theLast shall be First. The First 98 Years added to the Last 22 Years = 120 Years which shows the 6000 Years of Man encapsulated into 120 Years.
The Last Year of the 6000 Years from Adam, the 6000th Year represents the very Last 120th Year of Man. The Messiah will return in the 6000th Year on the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011.
The Last 7 Years to the Messiah's 2nd Coming is a miniature version of the 6000 Years from Adam. The Last 7 Years = 52 Jubilees of Days = 98 + 49 x 50; Plus 22 Days from the Feast of Trumpets with the Messiah's return to the Last Great Day of the Fall Feasts in 2011. This gives 98 + 49 x 50 + 22 Days. The First 98 Days + the Last 22 Days = 120 Days. The Last Great Day on October 6, 2011 is the 120th Day, in the 120th Year (the 6000th Year from Adam).
The Last 7 Years to the Messiah's Return:
The Last 7 Years to the Messiah's Return started on the Feast of Trumpets on September 16, 2004. Following the formula of 98 + 49 x 50 + 22, the First 98 Days from September 16, 2004 lands on December 22, 2004. The next day, December 23, 2004 was the 2nd Jubilee of Days which is symbolic of Abel's death. Christmas Day on December 25, 2004 just 2 Days later was on the 10th Day of the 10th Month. The number 10denotesJudgement. The very next Day on December 26, 2004 was the Tsunami in Indonesia which killed over 200,000 people and caused massive damage. This was the beginning of what was to come.
Since then we have had other major catastrophes such as Hurricane Katrina and the deadly Earthquake in Pakistan. These First 3 1/2 Years of the Last 7 Years to the Messiahare just the Beginning of Sorrows. The Last Half is the 3 1/2 Year Great Tribulation which will witness the worst devastation in Human History. Our time is the only time in Human History that Man has had the ability to totally annihilate itself with the use of nuclear weapons. Add to this the fact that the population of the earth has doubled from 3 Billion to 6 Billion in just 40 Years from 1963 to 2003. Even logic tells us that this earth can not sustain such an explosive population growth. Global warming, depleted fish stocks, natural disasters, wars and rumours of wars are all pointing to the same thing: the soon return of the Messiah Yahuahshua. If Yahuah does not shorten the time, no flesh will remain left alive on this earth. But Yahuah in His great love and mercy has shortened the time and He will intervene in the affairs of Man. The return of the Messiah will bring peace, stability, and joy to the earth once again. So there is good news for all mankind, for after the storm, there will be a great calm.
The Different Units of Time, the Number 120, and their Terminators of 22:
The most common Units of Time in the Life of Man is the Year, Season, Month, and Day. For 3 of these Units of Time namely the Year, Month, and Day, there is a Jubilee Pattern along with the Number 22 as a Terminator Number. For the Season Unit of Time there is a Pattern of the Number 10 for Judgement along with the Number 10 as a Terminator Number.
a) The Year Unit of Time: Keep in mind that the Number of Man is the Number 120. The Number 120 breaks down into 49 + 49 + 22 = 120. The Number 49 represents a Jubilee where the 50thJubilee Year is actually the 1st Year of the next 49. In the 6000 Years of Man there are 122 x 49 Years + 22 Years = 6000 Years. The Last 22 Years are the Terminator Years. The 6000 Years also breaks down into 98 + 49 x 120 + 22 or 98 +12 x 490+ 22 where the First 98 Years + Last 22 Years = 120 Years. But the 98 Years just preceeding the Last 22 Years can also be added and used to give the Total of 120 Years. Which ever way that you add the numbers, The Last 22 Years still remain the Terminator Years.
22 Year Terminator: At the end of the 6000 Years from Adam there is the 22 Year Terminatorwhich is the Last 22 Years. 6000 Years = 98 + 12 x 490 + 22 Years. The 22 Year Terminator started in 1990. 1990 was the Last Jubilee Year in the 6000 Years. 1990 began the New World Order.
b) The Month Unit of Time: The Last 10 Years to the Messiah also has the Terminator Number of 22. 10 Years = 12 Months per Year x 10 Years = 120 Months = 49 + 49 + 22 Months. The Last 22 Terminator Months before the Messiah's return start from the 1st Day of the 9th Month on November 16, 2009which is roughly in the middle of the Great Tribulation and goes to the Messiah's return. These Last 22 Terminator Months will begin something major during the Beast System. The Believers will be persecuted during this time and at the end of the 22 Terminator Months the Two Witnesses will be killed and the Messiah will return.
c) The Season Unit of Time: The Last 10 Years also consists of 40 Seasons at 4 Seasons per Year. These Last 40 Seasons run from the Feast of Trumpets in the Fall of 2001 (just after 911) to the Feast of Trumpets in the Fall of 2011 when the Messiah will return. 40 Seasons = 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 Seasons. In this case the Last 10 Seasons is the Terminator and runs from the 1st Day of the 1st Month on March 19, 2009 to the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011 in the Fall of 2011. These Last 10 Seasons are the Last 2 1/2 Years of the 3 1/2 Year Great Tribulation. At the end of the Last 40th Season, from the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011 when the Messiah returns to the Day of Atonement is another 10 Days. The Number 10 stands for Judgement. Notice how many times the Number 10 comes up with the Last 10 Years, Last 10 Seasons, and theLast 10 Days to Judgement Day on the Day of Atonement in 2011 when the Messiah will Judge the World.
The 10 Commandments also fit into this picture. The First 26 Seasons run up to the start of the Great Tribulation. The Number 26 represents Yahuah the Father. The 26 Seasons before the Great Tribulation = 10 + 10 + 6 Seasons. The Great Tribulation lasts 14 Seasons = 4 + 10 Seasons. The 10 Commandments break up into 4 + 6 = 10, where the First 4 Commandments are how we are to worship Yahuah and the Last 6 Commandments as to how we are to love our fellow Man. The Messiah said that the First shall be Last and the Last shall be First. The Beast will Rule the World during the 3 1/2 Year Great Tribulation. When the Great Tribulation begins, the Nations of the World will be breaking especially the First 4 Commandments by worshipping the Beast and his image. In Revelation 13:6 we read that the Beast "opened his mouth in blasphemy against Yahuah, to blaspheme His name, and His tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven." The Last 10 Seasons at the latter end of the Great Tribulation will be a time of Judgement as this World has never seen.
There is another way that connects the 10 Commandments, the Messiah's 2 Names, and the Last 10 Years to his return. Again, the 10 Commandments break down into 4 + 6 = 10. The Messiah's 2 Names both consist of the Father's 4 Letter Hebrew Name of Yahuah, his 3 Letter Hebrew Name ending of Shua, and his 3 Letter Hebrew Name ending of Tsadaq. The Letters of the Messiah's 2 Names add up to 4 + 3 + 3 = 4 + 6 = 10. If applied to the Last 10 Years we can equate the Messiah's Name ending of Shua (Salvation) from Fall 2001 to Fall 2004; the ending of Tsadaq (Righteousness) from Fall 2004 to Fall 2007; and the Father's Name of Yahuah from Fall 2007 to Fall 2011. These Last 4 Years to the Messiah's return consist of 1/2 Year from Fall 2007 to Spring 2008 which is the Final Sealing of the Righteous and their fleeing into the Wilderness. While the remaining 3 1/2 Years from Spring 2008 to Fall 2011 is the Great Tribulation. All of this points to Judgement and the return of the Messiah in 2011.
d) The Day Unit of Time: The Last 7 Years to the Messiah consists of 52 Jubilees of Daysbased on 364 Days per Year. Add to these 52 Jubilees of Days the Fall Feast Days and you will get a Terminator of 22 Days. The Fall Feast Days in 2011 become the Last 22 Terminator Days. 7 Years = 52 Jubilees of Days = 52 x 49 = 98 + 50 x 49. Plus the 22 Days of the Fall Feasts and you get 98 + 50 x 49 + 22 Days or 98 + 5 x 490 + 22 Days. 49 + 49 + 22 = 120 Days as does 98 + 22 = 120 Days. From the 50th Jubilee of Days on the 25th Day of the 3rd Month to the Last Great Day on the 22nd Day of the 7th Month is 120 Days. The Last 22 Terminator Days of the Fall Feast Days will begin the Kingdom of Yahuah on Earth with the return of the Messiah on the 1st Day of the 7th Month on the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011.
Start of the Last Day Clock:
The Last Day Clock takes on the functions of a very precise and accurate chronograph clock:
1) First Clock Hand: The end of World War 2 began the Last Day Clock with the dropping of the Atomic Bomb on two cities in Japan. From 1945 to 2011 to the Messiah's return is 66 Years which breaks down into 22 + 22 + 22 Years. The First Clock Hand Unit of Time is in 22 Year Blocks. The third and Last 22 Year Block is the 22 Year Terminator which is the Last 22 Years of the 6000 Years from Adam.
2) Second Clock Hand: The Last Jubilee Year of the 6000 Years from Adam was in 1990. 1990 began the Last 22 Years to the end of the 6000 Years from Adam. This Second Clock Hand Unit of Time is in Years but it can also be measured in 120 Day Cycles. The Last 22 Years consists of 66 Blocks of 120 Days each. Where 22 Years = 3 x 120 Days per Year x 22 Years = 66 x 120 Days based on 360 Days per Year (not counting the 4 Intercalary Days). These Last 22 Years also represent the 22 Days of the Fall Feast Days. So Each of the Last 22 Years takes on the meaning and significance of the Fall Feast Days.
The 66 Cycles of 120 Days in the Last 22 Years:
These 66 Cycles of 120 Days can be broken down into 22 + 22 + 22 = 66. Each 120 Days also = 30 Days per Month x 4 Months = 4 Months. The Last 22 Years = Spring 1990 to Spring 2012.
22 Cycles x 120 Days = 1st Month 1990 to 5th Month 1997.
22 Cycles x 120 Days = 5th Month 1997 to 9th Month 2004.
22 Cycles x 120 Days = 9th Month 2004 to 1st Month 2012.
The Last 22 Cycles of 120 Days is the Terminator.There is significance in the Number 66 which breaks down into 22 + 22 + 22 and its Last Terminator of 22. From 1945 to 2011 is 66 Years. Dropping of the Atomic Bomb in 1945 began the Nuclear Age. The Terminator for these 66 Years is the Last 22 Years. The Last 22 Years itself consists of another 66 Cycles of 120 Days which again breaks down into 22 + 22 + 22. The Terminator for these 66 Cycles is the Last 22 Cycles of 120 Days which is from the 1st Day of the 9th Month on November 15, 2004 to the 30th Day of the 12th Month on March 13, 2012.
Prophetic references in the Bible that hint to these Terminators of 22 and their relative Time can be found in:
a) The 66 Chapters of the Book of Isaiah.
b) The 5 Chapters of the Book of the Lamentations of Jeremiah where each Chapter has 22 Verses except Chapter 3 which has 66 Verses.
c) Psalm 119which is acrostic with 22 blocks of 8 verses where each block of 8 verses starts with one of the 22 Letters of the Hebrew Alphabet in sequence.
d) The Book of Revelation with its 22 Chapters is the Terminator and the Last Book of the Bible.Keep in mind that the Number 22 represents the Messiah, the 22 Letters of the Hebrew Alphabet, as well as the 22 Days of the Fall Feasts of the 7th Month.
3) Third Clock Hand:This Third Clock Hand runs from Fall 2001 (just after 911) to Fall 2011 to the Messiah's return and is 10 Years. These Last 10 Years to the Messiah consists of 120 Months where 10 Years = 12 Months per Year x 10 Years = 120 Months. 10 Years also equals 40 Seasons with 4 Seasons per Year. So the Time Unit for the Third Clock Hand is measured in Months and in Seasons.
4) Fourth Clock Hand:The Last 7 Years to the Messiah consists of 52 Jubilees of Days. The Last 7 Years begin with the Feast of Trumpets on September 16, 2004 and go to the Messiah's return on the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011. The Fourth Clock Hand is measured in Jubilees of Days. 52 Jubilees of Days = 98 Days + 49 Days x 50. Added to this is another 22 Days for the Fall Feasts in 2011 to give 98 + 49 x 50 + 22 Days which is also 98 + 490 x 5 + 22 Days. The First 98 Days + the Last 22 Days = 120 Days where the Last Great Day in 2011 is the 120th Day in the 120th Year. From the 50th Jubilee of Days to the Last Great Day in 2011 is also 120 Days.
The 6000 Years from Adam = 98 + 49 x 120 + 22 Years where the Last Great Year, the Last 22nd Year is the 6000th Year and also the 98 + 22 = 120th Year. The Last 490 Day Cycle in the Last 7 Years ends on the day just before the Messiah returns. The Messiah will return the next day on the Feast of Trumpets. From the Messiah's return on the Feast of Trumpets to the Day of Atonement is 10 Days. The Last 490 Day Cycle + the 10 Days to the Day of Atonement gives us 490Days + 10 Days = 500 Days = 50 x 10 Days. 50 = a Jubilee and 10 = Judgement. The Jubilee Year was celebrated on the Day of Atonement so all this fits perfectly.
6000 Years = 50 x 120 so the 6000th Year is the Last and 120th prophetic Jubilee Year, the Last 50th Year. Man was created on the 6th Day of the Week. He was told that he would die on the Day that he sinned. The 6th Day represents the 6th Millennium which ends on the 6000th Year from Adam (since a Day with Yahuah is as a 1000 Years). The Messiah will Judge the World on the Day of Atonement on September 24, 2011 in the 6000th Year from Adam which is a type of Jubilee Year.
With each Last Day Clock Hand, the Unit of Time shortens. The Last 22 Years are in Years. The Last 10 Years are in Months and Seasons. The Last 7 Years are in Days.
From 1945 to 2011 are the Last 66 Years which breaks down into 22 Years + 22 Years + Last 22 Years. From 1990 to 2011 are the Last 22 Years. From 2001 to 2011 are the Last 10 Years which consists of the Last 120 Months and the Last 40 Seasons. From Fall 2004 to Fall 2011 are the Last 7 Years which consists of 52 Jubilees of Days = 98 Days + 5 x 490 Days then + 22 Days for the Fall Feast Days in 2011. These Last 7 Years are what is described in the Bible as the LAST DAYS. The Last Great Day on the 22nd Day of the 7th Month on October 6, 2011 is the very Last Day of the LAST DAYS. The Last Great Day in 2011 marks the End of Man's Time Limit on Earth to rule the Earth.
The 6000th Year from Adam is a Grand Jubilee, a Jubilee of Jubilees when the Messiah will return at his 2nd Coming and will Rule the World. This Grand Jubilee will be celebrated on the Day of Atonement in 2011 when Yahuah will Judge the World through His beloved Son Yahuahshua. The 6000th Year is the end of the time Limit for Man to rule the Earth.
From the Last Great Day in 2011 Yahuah's Kingdom will be firmly established on Earth as it is in Heaven. Yahuah through His beloved Son Yahuahshua will Rule and Reign on the Earth for the next 1000 Years. After the 1000 Years, Satan will again be let loose for a short time when there will be another Great War against the Messiah and the Righteous. The Messiah will overcome Satan and his wicked followers. Yahuah will then set up His Great White Throne Judgement. At that time, all the wicked that are left will be thrown into the Lake of Fire. The Righteous will be in the Hollow Earth in Yahuah's Holy City while the outside surface of the Earth is cleansed with fire. Then there will be Eternal Peace and Joy as the Earth has never seen before.
Introduction:101.0) Three Distinct Time Systems that affect the Calendar Year:All Three Time Systems of the Solar Year, the Creation Weekly Cycle, and the Sacred Calendar Year have a Terminator of 22 Days.
The Solar Year consists of one complete revolution of 365 1/4 Days per Year = 7 x 49 + 22 Days + 1/4 Day. 365 Days = 7 Jubilees of Days + 22 Days. A problem with the Solar Year is that it is not perfectly divisible by 7 and also has a fraction of a 1/4 Day, so it is not perfectly divisible by whole Days either. But it does consist of perfect numbers such as 7 x 49 + 22 Days which carries a 22 Day Terminator. This is a natural 22 Day Terminator but is unreliable as it is free floating and varies in it's starting and ending point.
The Solar Year is Staticin the sense that it starts with the Spring Equinox and ends with the Spring Equinox every Year. But the Solar Year is also free floating where the Spring Equinox moves throughout the 7 Days of the Week in sequence from Year to Year. The Solar Year began on the 4th Day of the Week in the 1st Year of Creation. The Spring Equinox does return to the 4th Day of the Week every 5 or 6 Years but sometimes it doesn't actually land on it. We Intercalate the Sacred Calendar by One Complete Week every 5 or 6 Years to bring it back in line with the Solar Year when the Spring Equinox is on the 4th Day of the Week, and/or when the 1 1/4 Days lost per Year accumulate to make up 7 Days, and/or when the Fall Equinox is on the Day of Atonement the Year before we Intercalate the Sacred Calendar. Sometimes all three of these criteria have to be taken into account since the Spring Equinox doesn't always land directly on the 4th Day of the Week every 5 or 6 Years, sometimes it by-passes the 4th Day of the Week.
The Creation Weekly Cycles consist of one complete revolution of 364 Days per Year = 7 x 49 + 21 Days. It starts with the 1st Day of Creation on the 1st Day of the Week on the 28th Day of the 12th Month in reference to the Sacred Calendar. The Creation Weekly Cycle is fixed yet Dynamic and is perfectly divisible by 7. What makes it Dynamic is that the Cycles of 7 Days dove tail to create 7 perfect Jubilees of Days + 22 Days. This Jubilee Affect happens when you have a 49 + 1 factor where the 50th is also the 1st of the next 7. For example, 49 + 1 = 1 Jubilee, 49 + 49 + 1 = 2 Jubilees, etc. and 49 + 49 + 49 + 49 + 49 + 49 + 49 + 1 = 7 Jubilees and 21 + 1 = 22 Day Terminator. The 22 Day Terminator is generated by the Jubilee Affect. In this system, 364 Days per Year = 7 x 49 + 21 Days which gives 7 Jubilees of Days + 22 Days. The 22nd Day of the 22 Days is the 1st of the next 7 Days. With the Creation Weekly Cycle the 50th of a Jubilee of Days and the 22nd Day of the Terminator is always on the 1st Day of the Week. All the 7 Days per Week Cycles of the Creation Weekly Cycles start with the 1st Day of the Week (from Saturday sunset to Sunday sunset).
The 22nd Day of the Terminator for the Creation Weekly Cycle is on the 18th Day of the 1st Month. This 22nd Day of the Terminator begins the Harvest of the Agricultural Year. This 22nd Day of the Terminator is the Sheaf Offering of the Barley which begins the Grain Harvest.
With the Creation Weekly Cycle, the 22 Day Terminator begins on the 1st Day of Creation on the 28th Day of the 12th Month, the start of the 7 Jubilees of Days begin on the 22nd Day of the Terminator and end with the 7th Jubilee of Days on the 1st Day of Creation thus completing 364 Days.
Three times in the Year Yahuah commands us to keep a Harvest Festival. According to Exodus 23:14-17 the 1st of these Feasts is the Feast of Unleavened Bread. The 22nd Day of the Terminator is in the middle of the 7 Day Feast of Unleavened Bread.
The Sacred Calendarconsists of one complete revolution of 364 Days per Year = 7 x 49 + 21 Days. It starts with the 5th Day of the Week on the 1st Day of the 1st Month. The Sacred Calendar is fixed yet Dynamic and is perfectly divisible by 7. The Sacred Calendar has exactly the same Jubilee Affect of dove tailing as does the Creation Weekly Cycle. However, with the Sacred Calendar, the 50th of a Jubilee of Days and the 22nd Day of the Terminator are always on the 5th Day of the Week. The 22nd Day of the Terminator is generated by the Jubilee Affect.
The Sacred Calendar begins on the 5th Day of the Week on the 1st Day of the 1st Month. There is a 7 Day Cycle within the Sacred Calendar that starts on the5th Day of the Week and goes to the 5th Day of the Week from Week to Week throughout the Sacred Calendar Year. The 5th Day of the Week is from Wednesday sunset to Thursday sunset. The Sacred Calendar Year = 364 Days = 7 x 49 x 21 Days. The 22 Day Terminator on the Sacred Calendar Time System is the 22 Days of the Fall Feast Days that run from the 1st Day of the 7th Month with the Feast of Trumpets to the 22nd Day of the 7th Month with the Last Great Day.
The Last Great Dayon the 22nd Day of the 7th Month is the 22nd Day of the Terminator of the Sacred Calendar Year. The 22nd Day of this Terminator also ends and begins the Agricultural Year.
With the Sacred Calendar Year, the 22 Day Terminator begins with the Feast of Trumpets on 1st Day of the 7th Month, the 7 Jubilees of Days begins on the Last Great Day on the 22nd Day of the 7th Month and ends on the 7th Jubilee of Days on the Feast of Trumpets to complete 364 Days.
According to Exodus 23:14-17 and 34:22 the Last of the Three Harvest Festivals that we are to keep in the Year is the Feast of Tabernacles which culminates with the 22nd Day of the Terminator on the Last Great Day which is the 22nd Day of the 7th Month. The Feast of Tabernacles is the 7 Day Feast of ingathering at the end of the Year, thus ending the Agricultural Year.
The Creation Weekly Cycle and the Feast of Weeks (Pentecost):
All the Feast Days except for the Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) are on predetermined set Days of the Month during the Sacred Calendar Year. The Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) is based on the Creation Weekly Cycle of 7 Days. The Feast of Weeks is the only Feast that has to be calculated using the Creation Weekly Cycle. In Leviticus 23:9-16 it is very clear that the 50 Day count to Pentecost has to start with the 1st Day of the Week and 7 Weekly Sabbaths (7 x 7 Days = 49 Days) have to be complete and then the 50th Day (the + 1 Day) has to be on the 1st Day of the Week. The 50 Day count to the Feast of Pentecost has to start on the 1st Day of the Week on Sunday on the 18th Day of the 1st Month. The Feast of Pentecost is the 1st of the 7 Jubilees of Days in the Year. The 1st Day of Creation on the 28th Day of the 12th Month is the 7th Jubilee of Days of the 364 Day Creation Weekly Cycles. The Creation Weekly Cycle starts with the 22 Day Terminator and the 7 Jubilees of Days follow it.
There is another way to view the Feast of Weeks in a way that relates to the Last Days and theMessiah's 2nd Coming which is equally valid. The Messiah gives the Parable of the Wheat and the Tares in Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43 in which he says that the Wheat Harvest is the end of the World (Man's and Satan's rule on Earth). The 50 Day count to Pentecost consists of the 28 Days of Barley Harvest and the Last 22 Days of Wheat Harvest. Counting from the 1st Day of Creation on the 28th Day of the 12th Month we count out 50 Days to the 16th Day of the 2nd Month. Then from the 16th Day of the 2nd Month to Pentecost is the 22 Days of Wheat Harvest. This gives the typical 49 + 22 Jubilee affect. Again, notice the connection of the number 22 to the Last Days andto Wheat Harvest.
In Luke 3:16,17 John the Baptist echoes this sentiment when he said, "John answered, saying unto them all, I indeed baptize you with water; but one mightier than I comes, the lachet of whose shoes I am not worthy to unloose: he shall baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire: Whose fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly purge his floor, and will gather the WHEAT into his garner; but the chaff he will burn with fire unquenchable." Note that the Holy Spirit was given on the Feast of Pentecost at the end of Wheat Harvest.
According to Exodus 23:14-17 the Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) is the 2nd of the Three Harvest Festivals that Yahuah commands us to keep in the Year. Pentecost is the 1st of the 7 Jubilees of Days on the Creation Weekly Cycle. Pentecost marks the end of Wheat Harvest. The Holy Spirit was given on the Day of Pentecost. In his parable of the Wheat and the Tares, the Messiah compares the end of Man's and Satan's rule on Earth to the Wheat Harvest.
The Creation Weekly Cycle and the Sacred Calendar are two distinct but related systems of time. The Creation Weekly Cycle starts with the 1st Day of Creation on the 1st Day of the Week. The Sacred Calendarstarts on the 5th Day of the Week on the 5th Day of the Creation Week. The Sacred Calendar is a Solar Calendar based on the Sun. The Sun was created on the 4th Day of the Creation Week. In Genesis 1:14 we are told that thelights in the firmament which were created on the 4th Day of the Week were to be for signs, seasons, days and years. So the Sacred Calendar can not start before the Sun was created.
The 22 Day Terminator of the Creation Weekly Cycle:
The 22 Day Terminator of the Creation Weekly Cycle starts with the 1st Day of Creation on the 1st Day of the Week on the 28th Day of the 12th Month and ends on the 18th Day of the 1st Month on the 1st Day of the Week. The 18th Day of the 1st Month is the Firstfruit Offering of Barley and the Beginning of the Grain Harvest and is also the start of the 50 Day Count to Pentecost. From the 1st Day of Creation to Pentecost is 71 Days = 21 + 49 + 1 Days. Pentecost is the 1st of the 7 Jubilees of Days in the Year, with the 7th Jubilee of Days ending on the 1st Day of Creation. The Messiah rose from the dead on the 7th Day of the Week on the 17th Day of the 1st Month the day just before the 22nd Day Terminator. The Messiah is the First Begotten of the Dead, the First of the Firstfruits. The Last and 22nd Day of the Terminator is synonymous with the Messiah as the perfect sacrifice before Yahuah just after his resurrection from the dead. This scenario is similar to the 22 Day Terminator of the Fall Feast Days which will take place at the Messiah's 2nd Coming.
The 22 Day Terminator of the Sacred Calendar:
The First 22 Day Terminatorof the Creation Weekly Cycle was completed and fulfilled at the Messiah's 1st Coming on the 18th Day of the 1st Month with his death and resurrection in 30CE. This 22 Day Terminator was 22 Days from the 1st Day of Creation.
The 2nd and Final 22 Day Terminator will be fulfilled at his 2nd Coming. The 2nd and Final 22 Day Terminator of the Sacred Calendar will be the 22 Days of the Fall Feast Days in 2011 which will be fulfilled at the Messiah's 2nd Coming and will be complete on the 22nd Day of the 7th Month on the Last Great Day in 2011.
The Jubilees of Days Pattern of the 364 Day Sacred Calendar Year starts with the Jubilees of Days on the Last Great Day and terminates with the Last 22 Day Terminator. The Last 7 Years starts with the Feast of Trumpets in 2004 on the 5th Day of the Week so all the 7 Day Cycles from that point on the Sacred Calendar begin with the 5th Day of the Week for the Jubilees of Days Cycles and the Last 22 Day Terminator for the Last 7 Years. The Sacred Calendar begins on the 5th Day of the Week and so do the major Feast Days such as the 1st Day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, Feast of Trumpets, 1st Day of the Feast of Tabernacles, and the Last Great Day.
So what does this all mean? The Messiah said that he is the First and the Last. The Number 22 always represents the Messiah. From the Beginning, from the 1st Day of Creation we start with a 22 Day Count and then continue with the Jubilee Day Cycles. This indicates that the Messiah was there in the Beginning, from the very First! When the Messiah returns at his 2nd Coming, the Last Days will end with a 22 Day Countagain showing that the Messiah will be there at the End as well!
The 22nd Day of the Terminator of the Creation Weekly Cycle marks the beginning of the Agricultural Harvest with the death and resurrection of the Messiah at his 1st Coming in 30CE.
The 22nd Day of the Terminator of the Sacred Calendar Year on the Last Great Day marks the end of the Agricultural Year and the establishment of Yahuah's Kingdom on Earth with the rule of the Messiah on Earth at his 2nd Coming in 2011.
The Creation Weekly Cycle contains the entire Grain Harvest from the 22nd Day from Creation with the Sheaf Offering of the Barley to the end of Wheat Harvest with the Day of Pentecost. The Grain Harvest contains 2 of the 3 Harvest Festivals commanded by Yahuah for us to keep in the Agricultural Year. The 3rd and Last Harvest Festival was kept on the Sacred Calendar at the Feast of Tabernacles at the ingathering at the end of the Agricultural Year.
The only Feast Day that connects All Three Time Systems of the Solar Year, the Creation Weekly Cycle and the Sacred Calendar is the Day of Atonement. The Day of Atonement is on the 7th Day of the Creation Week, on the 10th Day of the 7th Month on the Sacred Calendar and on the Fall Equinox of the Solar Year every 5 or 6 Years. The 7th Day of the Week marks the end of the 7 Days of Creation. The Number 7 indicates completion while the Number 10indicates Judgement. The Messiah will Judge the World on the Day of Atonement at his 2nd Coming in 2011. The only time in the whole Solar Year that we have equal Day and equal Night are on the Spring Equinox and the Fall Equinox. The Day of Atonement which is the Day of Judgement conjures up the image of the Scale of Justice with the Spring Equinox denoting a Beginning being weighed against the Fall Equinox which indicates an End.
Yahuah has created all things through Yahuahshua His beloved Son and shows His power in all of Creation including His presence that is embedded in the Creation Weekly Cycle and in the Sacred Calendar Year. Yahuah is the Creator of Heaven and Earth and He makes His presence known by His truth in His Creation and in His Time Systems. The Creation Weekly Cycle and the Sacred Calendar with their Jubilees of Days Cycles is a perpetual and dynamic concept of time. The Solar Year on the other hand is free floating and yet is constant with its 365 1/4 Days per Year which we can use as a reference to setup the Sacred Calendar.
Introduction:102.0) The Preparation Year 2007 and the Great Tribulation with Terminators:There are three distinct time systems that affect the Sacred Calendar Year. These three time systems are all different yet related and are:
1) The Creation 7 Day Weekly Cycle: The Creation Week is the building block on which all the other time systems are built. The Creation Weekly Cycle consists of 52 perfect Weeks which equals 364 Days. In relation to the Sacred Calendar, the 1st Day of Creation is on the 28th Day of the 12th Month on Sunday, the 1st Day of the Week.
2) The Solar Year: The Sun was created or reset on the 4th Day of the Week. So the First Solar Year from Creation had to begin on the 4th Day of the Week with the Spring Equinox. The Solar Year is 365 1/4 Days.
3) The Sacred Calendar Year: The Sacred Calendar Year is a Solar Calendar and related directly to the Solar Year. However, the Sacred Calendar begins on the 5th Day of the Week after the Sun was completely created on the 4th Day of the Week. The Sacred Calendar is a 360 Day Calendar with 4 Intercalary Days to give a total of 364 Days per Year.
There is a direct connection between all three of these Time Systems. The 1st Day of Creation on the 1st Day of the Week begins the Creation Weekly Cycles. The First Solar Year began on the 4th Day of the First Week of Creation and is 365 1/4 Days = 7 x 49 Days + 22 Days (whole Days) + 1/4 Day. The Sacred Calendar began the next Day on the 5th Day of the Creation Week and is 364 Days long and which is 1 1/4 Days less than the 365 1 /4 Day Solar Year. From the 1st Day of Creation to the start of the Sacred Calendar on the 5th Day of the Week is 4 Days. Note how this 4 Days plus the 360 Days of the Sacred Calendar = 364 Days to complete the Sacred Calendar Year Cycle. From the 1st Day of the Sacred Calendar Year to the 1st Day of Creation is exactly 360 Days! The Sacred Calendar is a fixed Calendar where each Day of the Year remains fixed on the same Day of the Week and on the same Month every Year. The Sacred Calendar does not change. For example, the Passover on the 14th Day of the 1st Month is always on the 4th Day of the Week every Year. The Messiah was cut off and crucified in the middle of the Week on the 4th Day of the Week thus fulfilling the Passover sacrifice prophesied in Daniel 9:25-27.
The Spring Equinox is the Solar reference point to which the Sacred Calendar and the Creation Week Cycle is connected to for its bearings. The Spring Equinox is a known and constant reference point every year. But the beginning of the Solar Year, the Spring Equinox, is just a reference point and is not part of the true Sacred Calendar itself. The Creation Week Cycle again is not the true Sacred Calendar but aids in determining where the Solar Year and the Sacred Calendar Year begin in relation to each other. The Solar Year begins on the 4th Day of the Week when the Spring Eqinox is on the 4th Day of the Week, while the Sacred Calendar starts on the 5th Day of the Week every Year. The 4 Day spacerbetween the 1st Day of Creation and the Sacred Calendar on the 5th Day of the Week again confirms the correctness of the Sacred Calendar's starting point.
The three Time Systems work together in harmony to keep Yahuah's reckoning of Time accurate and consistent. Because there is a 1 1/4 Day difference between the Solar Year and the Sacred Calendar, the Sacred Calendar has to be Intercalated by One Complete 7 Day Week every 5 or 6 Years to bring it back in line with the Solar Year. This way, the Weekly Cycle from Creation is not disrupted, yet the Intercalation keeps the Sacred Calendar in tune with the Solar Year. The Sacred Calendar and the Agricultural Year are always within 7 Days from the start of the Solar Year.
The beginning of the Solar Year with the Spring Equinox is used as a fixed reference point which helps us to determine where to start the Sacred Calendar. Once we know where the starting point is for the Sacred Calendar, it is easy, since the Sacred Calendar is a fixed Calendar. The Sacred Calendar has a fixed and set template that does not change but is consistent and is the same every year. The Weekly Cycles are also set and fixed within it. The only thing that has to be done is to Intercalate the Sacred Calendar every 5 or 6 Years by One Complete 7 Day Week to bring it back in line with the Solar Year. The Sacred Calendar is a self correcting Calendar that eliminates the confusion and problems associated with any other existing Calendar known to Man.
Placing the 4 Intercalary Days within the Sacred Calendar:
We know from scripture that the true Sacred Calendar has 12 Months with 30 Days per Month which equals a 360 Day Year. But 360 Days is not perfectly divisible by 7 and also loses 5 1/4 Days per Year in relation to the Solar Year. That is why the 4 Intercalary Days have to be added to the 360 Day Year to give 364 Days per Year where 364 Days = 52 perfect 7 Day Weeks and is more in line with the Solar Year.
Now we have to determine where in the Year to place the 4 Intercalary Days. From previous studies on the calendar we determined that the 4 Intercalary Days are used as spacers between each Season. Each Season is 3 Months = 30 Days per Month x 3 = 90 Days. With the added one intercalary Day this becomes 90 Days + 1 Intercalary Day = 91 Days. So each Season is 91 Days x 4 Seasons to give 364 Days per Year. From the numerics we know that this is correct because 91 Days = 13 perfect Weeks = 7 Days x 13 Weeks = 91 Days. The Weeks for the Seasons are Sacred Calendar Weeks which always start on the 5th Day of the Week. The Seasons follow the 7 Day Cycle of the Sacred Calendar and not the Creation Weekly Cycle. But we still observe the 7th Day Sabbath which is the 7th Day of Creation on Saturday which is Yahuah's Day of Rest every Week. The numbers 7 and 13 are perfect numbers where 7 represents the Messiah and 13 represents Yahuah the Father.
From the 1st Day of the 1st Month which is the 1st Day of the Sacred Calendar Year on the 5th Day of the Week to the 1st Day of Creation on the 28th Day of the 12th Month on the 1st Day of the Week confirms that there should be 360 Days in the Sacred Calendar Year. This confirmation shows that there is a 4 Day spacer between the 1st Day of Creation and the 1st Day of the Sacred Calendar Year which again confirms that the Sacred Calendar is a 360 Day Calendar with 4 additional Intercalary Days. However, the mechanics is such that the 4 Intercalary Days are at the end of each Season and not all lumped together at the end of the year. Both ways to understand this are correct where one way is the actual mechanics and the other is a way of confirmation.
The Spring Equinox used as a Reference Point ONLY:
We know that the Spring Equinox is the starting point for the Solar Year. However, the Spring Equinox is not the starting point for the Sacred Calendar. But the Spring Equinox is used to determine the starting point for the Sacred Calendar. We only use the Spring Equinox as a reference point when it is on the 4th Day of the Week at which time we Intercalate the Sacred Calendar Year by One Complete Week. A secondary reference point is the Fall Equinox. The Fall Equinox is usually on the Day of Atonement the Year before the Sacred Calendar is Intercalated. The Spring Equinox is free floating moving throughout each Day of the 7 Day Week in sequence and only returns to its point of origin on the 4th Day of the Week every 5 or 6 Years at which time the Sacred Calendar is Intercalated by One Complete7 Day Week to bring the Sacred Calendar back in line with the Solar Year. The Sacred Calendar on the other hand is a fixed calendar and it's starting point is always on the 5th Day of the Week EVERY YEAR! This Intercalation is necessary because the Sacred Calendar is a Solar Calendar and loses 1 1/4 Days per Year in relation to the Solar Year. The Sacred Calendar is directly linked to the Feast Days with their Agricultural Harvest Festivals which in turn are directly linked to the Solar Year.
The Definition of a Solar Day:
In Genesis Chapter 1 and 2 we are told that Creation or Re-Creation took 7 Days to complete. Now we know from Genesis 1:14-19 that one of the lights was the Sun created on the 4th Day of the Week and the Sun was to be for seasons, days, and years. So how is it possible that we could have 3 Days of Creation before the Sun was created or reset on the 4th Day of the Week? The answer is simple. The true definition of a Day is the Earth making one complete revolution around its axis. Once the Sun was present, then the Earth's revolution would make the roughly 12 Hours Night and roughly 12 Hours Day possible. However, the 1st Solar Year at Creation had to start at the Spring Equinox on the 4th Day of the Week when the Sun was created or reset. After the 1st Year of Creation, the Spring Equinox became free floating moving throughout the 7 Days of the Week in sequence until it came back to it's point of origin on the 4th Day of the Week every 5 or 6 Years.
The Creation Weekly Cycle and the Grain Harvest:
The only Feast Day associated with the Creation Weekly Cycle is the Feast of Weeks (Pentecost). The Feast of Pentecost marks the end of the Wheat and Grain Harvest. The 22nd Day from the 1st Day of Creation is the 18th Day of the 1st Month which is the day just after the resurrection of the Messiah from the dead. The 18th Day of the 1st Month is the Sheaf Offering of the Barley which represents the Messiah as the perfect offering before Yahuah and begins the 50 Day Grain Harvest to Pentecost. Barley and Wheat were the staples of life in the old world to make bread. The Messiah said that he was the Bread of Life and he was born in "Bethlehem" which translated means the "House of Bread". The Feast of Weeks is the only Feast Day that has to be calculated using the Creation Weekly Cycle. The Creation Weekly Cycle always starts on the 1st Day of the Week (Sunday) and each subsequent Week has to start with the 1st Day of the Week.
The Sacred Calendar and the Feast Days:
All the Feast Days with the exception of the Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) are held on predetermined fixed and set Days during the Sacred Calendar Year. The 1st Day of the Sacred Calendar Year starts on the 5th Day of the Week every Year. There are 52 Cycles of 7 Days within the Sacred Calendar Year that start with the 1st Day of the Sacred Calendar Year and continue with each subsequent Cycle of 7 Days also starting with the 5th Day of the Week. The Last 7 Years to the Messiah's 2nd Coming consist of 52 Jubilees of Days that follow this pattern with the 7 Day Cycles all starting on the 5th Day of the Week. The 7 Day Feast of Unleavened Bread follows this Cycle with the 1st Day of the Feast starting on the 5th Day of the Week. The Feast of Trumpets also follows this pattern being on the 5th Day of the Week. So does the 7 Day Feast of Tabernacles which begins on the 5th Day of the Week and ends with the Last Great Day which is also on the5th Day of the Week.
Even though it may seem confusing at times because of our lack of understanding, the Three Time Systems of the Creation Week Cycle, the Solar Year, and the Sacred Calendar do work in harmony and help us to determine Yahuah's reckoning of Time.
The 1st Week of Creation defines and determines the relationship between the 3 Time Systems:
1st Day of the Creation Weekly Cycle started on the 1st Day of the Creation Week.
1st Day of the Solar Year started on the 4th Day of the Creation Week.
1st Day of theSacred Calendar started on the 5th Day of the Creation Week.The Creation Weekly Cycle and the Sacred Calendar both have 7 Day Cycles but they run on different tracks. The Creation Weekly 7 Day Cycle always starts on the 1st Day of the Week. While the 7 Day Cycle on the Sacred Calendar always starts on the 5th Day of the Week.
In our daily lives we observe the Day from sunset to sunset every Day according to the Solar Day wherever we are in the world based on local time.
We keep the 7 Days of the Week which includes the 7th Day Sabbath (from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset) according to the Creation Weekly Cycle. The Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) is the only one of the Feast Days based on the Creation Weekly Cycle.
We keep the Feast Days (except Pentecost), the Days of the Month, the Months, the Seasons and the Year according to the Sacred Calendar.
The Day of Atonement is the only Feast Day that connects all 3 Time Systems. The 1st Day of the Creation Week indicates the start or beginning. The 7th Day of the Creation Week indicates an end or completion. The Day of Atonement is the only Feast Day that is on the 7th Day of the Creation Weekly Cycle. The Day of Atonement is on a Regular 7th Day Creation Week Sabbath which is a Day of Completion. When the Messiah returns at his 2nd Coming, he will Judge the World on the Day of Atonement on September 24, 2011. Thus making an end to Man's and Satan's rule on Earth.
The Day of Atonementis the connection between all 3 Time Systems where the Day of Atonement is on the 7th Day of the Creation Week, on the 10th Day of the 7th Month on the Sacred Calendar, and on the Fall Equinox of the Solar Year every 5 or 6 Years. In 2006 both the Day of Atonement and the Fall Equinox were on Saturday September 23, 2006. The next occurrence when the Day of Atonement and the Fall Equinox will be on the same Day is on Saturday September 22, 2012.
When considering these 3 Time Systems, each is used in its own right. The Sun defines a Day is a unit of time from sunset to sunset when the Earth makes one complete revolution around its axis. The Solar Year is used as a guide to determine the Seasons, the length of a Solar Year, and with the Spring and Fall Equinox the starting point for the Sacred Calendar. The Sun is a consistent, visible, and reliable natural marker of Time that is used to set up a reference point to start the Sacred Calendar and the Creation Weekly Cycle. The definition and concept of the Creation Weekly Cycle and the Sacred Calendar is not found in nature but are revealed to Man from Yahuah. We observe the Day as a Solar Day from sunset to sunset. We keep the 7th Day Sabbath according to the Creation Week Cycle. And we observe the Seasons, the Months, and the Days of the Month according to the Sacred Calendar which is kept in line with the Solar Year by intercalating it by One Complete Week every 5 or 6 Years. That is why it is so important to understand how these 3 Time Systems relate to each other.
We need to know All Three Time Systems and their connection to each other to understand Yahuah's reckoning of Time and to observe Yahuah's Holy Days.
Introduction:103.0) Seasonal Pattern of 21 + 49 + 21 Days and the Last 7 Years to the Messiah:Today is January 1, 2007. We are now just a little closer than 1 Year and 3 Months to the Beginning of the Great Tribulation which will start on March 20, 2008. It is getting critical that we understand the timing for the events that are soon to come to pass. The Terminators of 22 will help us to pin point crucial milestones that will burst upon the stage shortly.
The Year 2007 from Spring 2007 to Spring 2008 is the Last Call before the Great Tribulation begins. This is the Last Warning. The Last 22 Years to the Messiah's return began with a strong warning to the whole World with the collapse of the Iron Curtain in Fall 1989 and with the start of the New World Order. The Last 10 Years to the Messiah's return began with a startling warning with the event of 911 in New York City in the Fall of 2001. The Last 7 Years to the Messiah's return began with a shocking warning with the deadly Tsunami in Indonesia on December 26, 2004. Now we have a Final 1 Year Warning before the Last 3 1/2 Year Great Tribulationto the Messiah's return will begin.
The starting points in the Year 2007 will be the 1st Day of Creation on March 18, 2007; the 1st Day of the Sacred Calendar Year on March 22, 2007; and the 22nd Day of the 1st Month on April 12, 2007 with the 19th Jubilee of Days.
The 19th Jubilee of Daysof the Last 7 Years to the Messiah's 2nd Coming is the Key and the Reference Point to understanding the Preparation Year 2007 just before the Great Tribulation. The 19th Jubilee of Days is on the 22nd Day of the 1st Month on April 12, 2007. Because of its Key position on the Sacred Calendar, the 22nd Day of the 1st Month is a critical part of a chain of events.
The 22nd Day of the 1st Month:
The 22nd Day of the 1st Month is:
- 26 Days from the 1st Day of Creation.
- 22 Days from the 1st Day of the Sacred Calendar Year.
- a 22 Day Terminator at the beginning of the Sacred Calendar Year where 364 Days = 21 Days + 7 x 49 Days using the Jubilee Affect.
- the starting point for the 1st Jubilee of Days of the Sacred Calendar Year.
- a Front End Terminator of 22 Days for the Spring Season which is common to all the 4 Seasons and connected to the Fall Feast Days of 22 Days since the 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th Months on the Sacred Calendar are all identical.
- the end point of the Feast of Unleavened Bread. The Feast of Unleavened Bread is the 1st of the 3 Harvest Festivals on which Yahuah commands all males to appear before Him and not to appear before Him empty handed.
- during the 22 Day Terminator when we have the 18th Day of the 1st Month that begins the Grain Harvest with the Sheaf Offering of the Barley. The Sheaf Offering of the Barley begins the Harvest of the Agricultural Year.
- the beginning of the 7 Jubilees of Days to the start of the Great Tribulation. The Great Tribulation begins on the 1st Day of the 1st Month on March 20, 2008.
Terminators in the Preparation Year 2007 and the Great Tribulation:
The Sacred Calendar Year is 364 Days counting the 4 Intercalary Days. 364 Days = 21 Days + 7 x 49 Days. Because of the Jubilee Affect, this 364 Days per Year can start with 22 Days, or you can have the 22 Days in the middle of the Year during the Fall Feasts at the end of the Agricultural Year, or you can have the 22 Days at the end of the Sacred Calendar Year. The 22 Days is the Terminator and in 2007 it is at the front of the Sacred Calendar Year.
If you put the 22 Day Terminator at the start of the Year then the 22 Days is from the 1st Day of the 1st Month to the 22nd Day of the 1st Month. This is the situation with the 19th Jubilee of Days in 2007. The 19th Jubilee of Days is on the 22nd Day of the 1st Month with the remaining 7 Jubilees of Days of the 364 Days of the Sacred Calendar following. This gives 22 Days + 7 Jubilees of Days = 364 Days right up to the 1st Day of the Great Tribulation.
The 22 Day Terminator at the Front End of the Preparation Year 2007:
In the Last 7 Yearsto the Messiah with its 52 Jubilees of Days, the 19th Jubilee of Days being on the 22nd Day of the 1st Month in 2007 is unique. There is a unique pattern here which is a part of a chain of events. There are 26 Days from the 1st Day of Creation to the 22nd Day of the 1st Month. There are 22 Days from the 1st Day of the 1st Month to the 22nd Day of the 1st Month. From the 22nd Day of the 1st Month in 2007 to the 1st Day of the 1st Month in 2008 = 7 x 49 Days or 7 Jubilees of Days. The 19th Jubilee of Days + 7 Jubilee of Days = 26 Jubilee of Days. The 1st Day of the 1st Month in 2008 is the 26th Jubilee of Days of the 52 Jubilees of Days to the Messiah and is the 1st Day of the 3 1/2 Year Great Tribulation! The Messiah said that the Last Days will be like the Days of Noah. Noah was given 7 Days warning to get into the Ark before the Flood Waters began. We have these Last 7 Jubilees of Days warning before the Great Tribulation will begin.
The Preparation Year of 2007 will begin with a 22 Day Terminator in the Spring of 2007. The Great Tribulation will begin with a 22 Day Terminator in the Spring of 2008. The Great Tribulation will also end with a 22 Day Terminator with the Messiah's return with the 22 Days of the Fall Feasts in 2011.
Similar Pattern between the Creation Weekly Cycle and the Sacred Calendar Year in the Preparation Year 2007:
The Creation Weekly Cycle starts with a 22 Day Terminator from the 1st Day of Creation to the 18th Day of the 1st Month. The 18th Day of the 1st Month is the start of the Grain Harvest and the start of the Harvest of the entire Agricultural Year with the Sheaf Offering of the Barley. Then7 Jubilees of Days follow. This follows the 364 Days per Year = 21 Days + 7 x 49 Days Pattern. These Jubilees of Days always start and end on the 1st Day of the Week. Notice that the Jubilee Affect applies so we start with a 22 Day Terminator, then 7 Jubilees of Days follow.
The Sacred Calendar Year also starts with a 22 Day Terminator from the 1st Day of the Year on the 1st Day of the 1st Month on the 5th Day of the Week to the 22nd Day of the 1st Month which is also on the 5th Day of the Week. Then 7 Jubilees of Days follow. This also follows a 364 Days per Year = 21 Days + 7 x 49 Days Pattern. But these Jubilees of Days always start and end on the 5th Day of the Week. Notice how the Jubilee Affect applies here too where the 7 Day Cycles dove tail to give us a start with a 22 Day Terminator, then 7 Jubilees of Days follow.
The 22 Day Terminators associated with the 3 Harvest Festivals of the Agricultural Year:
Three times in the Year Yahuah commands all males to appear before Him and not to appear before Him empty handed. These 3 Times are Harvest Festivals and include the entire Agricultural Harvest for the Year. The Three Harvest Festivals are the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Feast of Weeks (Pentecost), and the Feast of Tabernacles. Each of the Three Harvest Festivals has a 22 Day Terminator associated with it.
From the 1st Day of Creation to the Sheaf Offering of the Barley in the middle of the Feast of Unleavened Bread is22 Days. The Sheaf Offering of the Barley on the 18th Day of the 1st Month marks the Beginning of the Agricultural Harvest for the Year with the start of the Grain Harvest. From the 1st Day of Creation to the 18th Day of the 1st Month is a 22 Day Terminator.
The Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) marks the End of the 22 Days of Wheat Harvest. So Wheat Harvest has a 22 Day Terminator.
The Feast of Tabernacles celebrates the Ingathering at the End of the Agricultural Year. The Fall Feast Days are 22 Days long and Terminate with the Last Great Day which marks the End of the Agricultural Year. And so the Agricultural Year itself Ends with a 22 Day Terminator.
The 3 Harvest Festivalsare the Feast of Unleavened Bread from the 15th Day to the 21st Day of the 1st Month; the Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) on the 7th Day of the 3rd Month; and the Feast of Tabernacles from the 15th Day to the 21st Day of the 7th Month. The Feast of Unleavened Bread and the Feast of Tabernacles are based on the Sacred Calendar Year and the 5th Day of the Week Cycle. The Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) is based on the Creation Week Cycle and the 1st Day of the Week.
The Last 22 Days of the Fall Feast Days is the Terminator of Terminators and represents the Messiah's 2nd Coming. The Messiah will return on the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011.
22 Day Terminators in the 4 Seasons of the Sacred Calendar Year:
Each of the 4 Seasonson the Sacred Calendar Year consists of 3 Months plus 1 Intercalary Day = 3 Months x 30 Days per Month + 1 Intercalary Day = 91 Days = 13 Weeks.
Each Season = 91 Days = 21 Days + 49 Days + 21 Days. Also the 91 Days = 13 Perfect Weeks so the Jubilee Affect applies. Because of the dove tailing of the Jubilee Affect we get 22 Days + 50 Days + 22 Days = 22 Day Terminator + 1 Jubilee of Days + 22 Day Terminator Pattern.
The 1st Month in each of the 4 Seasons are identical and are the 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th Months. Since each Season has 91 Days then the 1st Month of each Season starts with a 22 Day Terminator. This is easily recognized in the 1st Month of the Year with the Feast of Unleavened Bread running between the 15th Day of the 1st Month to the 21st Day of the 1st Month. The 22nd Day of the 1st Month would be the Terminator. The same can be seen with the Feast of Tabernacles running between the 15th Day of the 7th Month to the 21st Day of the 7th Month. The Last Great Day on the 22nd Day of the 7th Month is the Terminator.
A further demonstration of the perfection of Yahuah's Sacred Calendar related to the Seasons and the Last Days is as follows:
The Last 7 Years to the Messiah's return is 52 Jubilees of Days which can be plotted on a Single Sacred Calendar Year. If you take the Jubilee of Days Numbers for the 1st Month for each Season up to the First 22 DaysTerminator this is what you get. Add the Jubilee of Days Numbers that fall on the 1st, 8th, 15th and 22nd Day of the 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th Months. In each case, the total will add up to exactly 90for each of the 4 Seasons. Since the Sacred Calendar is a 360 Day Calendar = 4 x 90 Days Plus 4 Intercalary Days, Each Season = 90 Days Plus 1 Intercalary Day as a spacer between Seasons. The only exception is the 52nd Jubilee of Days on the Feast of Trumpets which is outside the Last 7 Years and is not counted.
Here is the actual mechanics for the Front End 22 Day Terminators at the start of Each Season to help make this clearer (keep in mind that this is stretched over 7 Years). Note that JD = Jubilee of Days :
1) Spring = 1st Month with 1st 22 Days= 26th JD + 41st JD + 4th JD + 19th JD= 90.
2) Summer = 4th Month with 1st 22 Days = 13th JD + 28th JD + 43rd JD + 6th JD = 90.
3) Fall = 7th Month with 1st 22 Days = 15th JD + 30th JD + 45th JD = 90.Note: The exception is the 52nd JD which is on the Feast of Trumpets in 2011and is not counted because it is outside of the Last 7 Years to his return. The Last and 50th Day of the 52nd Jubilee of Days is on the Feast of Trumpets and is not part of the Last 7 Years leading up to the Messiah's return even though the Messiah will actually come on that very Day on the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011. The 49th Day of the 52nd Jubilee of Days on September 14, 2011 is counted because it falls within the Last 7 Years to his return.
4) Winter = 10th Month with 1st 22 Days = 39th JD + 2nd JD + 17th JD + 32nd JD = 90.
This is just another proof that Each Season has a 22 Day Terminator at the start of each Season and that the true Calendar is a 360 Day Calendar with 4 Intercalary Days. The significance of the Number 22 is that it represents the Messiah. When each Season in the Year has91 Days = 21 Days + 49 Days + 21 Days = 22 Day Terminator + 1 Jubilee of Days + 22 Day Terminator with the Jubilee Affect then it is just another reminder of the presence of the Messiah. The Messiah said that I am the First and the Last. This Pattern begins with a 22 Day Terminator and ends with a 22 Day Terminator. Each Season also consists of 7 Days x 13 Weeks = 91 Days. Here again the Number 7 represents the Messiah and the Number 13 which is the Prime Number of 26 represents Yahuah the Father. This is another confirmation that Yahuah has put His Seal and the Seal of His beloved Son on Time itself! The 7 Day Week is a reminder to Man that Yahuah created all things in 7 Days. The Seasons too are a reminder to us that Yahuah gives us the Seasons and the Fruit of the ground for the sustenance of Life and for our very existence.
The 19th Jubilee of Days on April 12, 2007 is a confirmation of the importance of the Preparation Year which is just before the Great Tribulation and also confirms the pattern of Days for the Last Days. The 19th Jubilee of Days ends the 22 Day Terminator and begins the 7 Jubilees of Days Count to the 1st Day of the Great Tribulation. This follows the 364 Days per Year = 21 Days + 7 x 49 Days pattern using the Jubilee Affect to give 22 Days + 7 Jubilees of Days.
The Numbers 7 and 22 always represent the Messiah. While the Number 26 always represents Yahuah the Father. These perfect Numbers are very present during the Last Days.
The Great Tribulation will also begin with a 22 Day Terminator. But what is interesting is that the Great Tribulation will also end with a 22 Day Terminator namely with the 22 Day Fall Feasts at the Messiah's return in 2011.
Spring 2007 to Spring 2008 is the Preparation Year before the Great Tribulation. From Spring 2007 to the Feast of Trumpets in Fall 2007 is 26 Weeks and from Fall 2007 to Spring 2008 is 26 Weeks. This Preparation Year of 2007 is the 18th Year of the Last 22 Years. The Number 18 represents the 18th Letter of the Hebrew Alphabet of Tsaddi which stands for Righteousness. This 18th Year from Spring 2007 to Spring 2008 is when the Righteous will be sealed with the Name of the Messiah which carries His Father's name. The Righteous will also be sealed with the Holy Spirit of Yahuah. The Sealing of the Righteous has to be complete before the Great Tribulation begins.
The presence of Yahuah the Father is quite obvious with the Number 26. From the 1st Day of Creation to the 22nd Day of the 1st Month with the 19th Jubilee of Days is 26 Days. From the 22nd Day of the 1st Month on April 12, 2007 to the 1st Day of the Great Tribulation on March 20, 2008 is 7 Jubilees of Days. The 1st Day of the Great Tribulation on the 1st Day of the 1st Month in 2008 is the 26th Jubilee of Days of the 52 Jubilees of Days in the Last 7 Years to the Messiah! This 26th Jubilee of Days begins the Great Tribulation and is the mid point of the Last 7 Years to the Messiah's return.
When you factor in the Seasonsof the Last 10 Years to the Messiah's return, you will again see these perfect numbers surface. The Last 10 Years run from Fall 2001 (just after 911) to Fall 2011 with the Messiah's return. 10 Years = 40 Seasons. From Fall 2001 to Spring 2007 is 22 Seasons! From Fall 2001 to Spring 2008 to the start of the Great Tribulationis 26 Seasons! Yahuah's Time is perfect and He is very clearly showing Man His presence and the soon return of His beloved Son Yahuahshua.
Introduction:104.0) Seasonal Pattern of 21 + 21 + 21 + 21 Months in the Last 7 Years to Messiah:The Sacred Calendar has 364 Days per Year counting the 4 Intercalary Days. This 364 Days breaks down into 4 Seasons of 91 Days each. Each Season breaks down into a Seasonal Pattern of 91 Days = 21 Days + 49 Days + 21 Days. Each Season of 91 Days also equals 13 Weeksand as such the Jubilee Affect applies. Therefore you get a Pattern of 22 Days + 50 Days + 22 Days. This Pattern will give us yet another dimension for helping us to understand the Timing for the Last Days.
The Last 7 Years to the Messiah's return has a similar Pattern. 7 Years = 364 Days per Year x 7 Years = 364 Weeks. 364 Weeks = 4 Prophetic Seasons of 91 Weeks for each Season. 91 Weeks = 13 Jubilees of Days per Season. 91 Weeks = 21 Weeks + 49 Weeks + 21 Weeks = 3 Jubilees of Days + 7 Jubilees of Days + 3 Jubilees of Days. The Last 7 Years to the Messiah's 2nd Coming equals 52 Jubilees of Days.
Seasonal Pattern of 21 + 49 + 21 Days in the Sacred Calendar Year:
The Sacred Calendar Year has 360 Days + 4 Intercalary Days which gives a total of 364 Days per Year. This 364 Day Year is broken up into 4 Equal parts to give the 4 Seasons. The 4 Seasons are Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter. Each Season consists of 91 Days which equals 13 Weeks. 91 Days = 21 Days + 49 Days + 21 Days. Because 91 Days equals 13 perfect Weeks we can also apply the Jubilee Affect to give 22 Days + 50 Days + 22 Days. 364 Days per Year also equals 52 Weeks.
Seasonal Pattern of 21 + 49 + 21 Days related to the Feast Days:
Each Season has 91 Days which consists of 3 Months x 30 Days per Month + 1 Intercalary Day. The 1st Month in each of the 4 Seasons are identical. In other words, the 1st Month, 4th Month, 7th Month and 10th Month in the Sacred Calendar Year are all identical. This forms a direct relationship between all the 4 Seasons and the Feast Days.
The 21 Days + 49 Days + 21 Days Pattern is the same in each of the 4 Seasons. In 2 of the 4 Seasons, scripture shows us plainly the connection of the Feast Days to this Pattern. In the 1st Month of the Year in the 1st Month of Spring, the 7 Day Feast of Unleavened Breadends with the 21st Day of the 1st Month following the Pattern. In the 7th Month of the Year in the 1st Month of Fall, the 7 Day Feast of Tabernacles ends with the21st Day of the 7th Monthalso following the Pattern. This begs the question as to what could be the meaning applied to the First 21 Days in the 1st Month of the Summer and Winter Seasons as well? Or is the Pattern complete between the 1st and 7th Months which contains the entire Agricultural Harvest?
The whole Agricultural Year Harvest starts with the 22 Days of the 1st Month and ends with the 22 Days of the 7th Month using the Jubilee Affect. The number 22 being significant at the start and finish of the Harvest as the Number 22 represents the Messiah. The Messiahsaid that he is the First and the Last, the Beginning and the Ending. The Messiah died and rose from the dead during the first 22 Days of the 1st Month at his 1st Coming in 30CE which began the Agricultural Year Harvest beginning with the Barley Harvest. The Messiah will return at his 2nd Coming on the Feast of Trumpets in 2011 during the First 22 Days of the 7th Month at the end of Summer at the end of the Agricultural Year Harvest.
The Seasonal Pattern of 22 + 50 + 22 Days with the Jubilee Affect related to the Messiah:
The 4 Seasons each have 91 Days which equals 21 Days + 49 Days + 21 Days and because 91 Days = 13 Weeks, we can apply the Jubilee Affect. Therefore with the Jubilee Affect of dove tailing, we will get 22 Days + 50 Days + 22 Days. In this way, the Last Day of each Season is the 91st Day but the Last 22nd Day of the Pattern with the Jubilee Affect is actually the 1st Day of the Next Season. For example, Summer is complete with the Intercalary Day immediately after the end of the 3rd Month. This Last Day of Summer is the 91st Day or the 21st Day with the Pattern. With the Jubilee Affect the next Day which is the 1st Day of the next Season becomes the Last 22nd Day to complete the cycle. In this example, this Last 22nd Day is the 1st Day of the Fall Season which is the 1st Day of the 7th Month, the Feast of Trumpets.
In this way, the 1st Day of Each New Season completes the previous Season when using the Seasonal 21 Days + 49 Days + 21 Days Pattern.
The 1st Day of Springwhich is also the 1st Day of the New Year on the 1st Day of the 1st Month of the Year becomes the Last 22nd Day of the Pattern at the end of the Winter Season.
The 1st Day of Summer on the 1st Day of the 4th Month of the Year becomes the Last 22nd Day of the Pattern at the end of the Spring Season.
The 1st Day of Fallon the 1st Day of the 7th Month of the Year with the Feast of Trumpets becomes the Last 22nd Day of the Pattern at the end of the Summer Season.
The 1st Day of Winter on the 1st Day of the 10th Month of the Year becomes the Last 22nd Day of the Pattern at the end of the Fall Season.
At his 2nd Coming, the Messiah will return on the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011. The Feast of Trumpets is on the 1st Day of the 7th Month which is the 1st Day of the Fall Season, but is also the completion of the Summer Season as the Last 22nd Day of the Pattern. So the Feast of Trumpets is the 1st and is also the 22nd, the First and the Last. The Feast of Trumpets is the Last22nd Day of the Pattern but is also the 1st Day of the 22 Day Fall Feast Days. The Messiah said that he is the First and the Last. In scripture it talks about the Summer Fruit, not Spring Fruit nor Fall Fruit. So the Summer Fruit represents the bulk of the Harvest at the end of the Agricultural Year and is representative of the Messiah's 2nd Coming. In Jeremiah 8:20 we read, "The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved." The return of the Messiah on the Feast of Trumpets in 2011 marks the end of Summer, the end of the Great Tribulation, the end of the Summer Harvest, and the Final Judgement of Yahuah!
Seasonal Pattern of 21 + 49 + 21 Weeks in the Last 7 Years to the Messiah's Return:
The Last 7 Years to the Messiah's return is 364 Days per Year x 7 Years = 364 Weeks. This 364 Weeks can be broken down into 4 Equal parts to give 4 Prophetical Seasons. These 4 Prophetical Seasons are Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter. Each Prophetical Season consists of 91 Weeks which equals 13 Jubilees of Days. 91 Weeks = 21 Weeks + 49 Weeks + 21 Weeks. Since 91 Weeks = 13 Jubilees of Days, then 91 Weeks = 21 Weeks + 49 Weeks + 21 Weeks = 3 Jubilees of Days + 7 Jubilees of Days + 3 Jubilees of Days = 13 Jubilees of Days.
The Last 7 Years to the Messiah equals 4 Prophetical Seasons:
Prophetical Spring is 13 Jubilees of Days from the 1st Day of the 7th Month which is the 1st Day of Fall on the Feast of Trumpets on September 16, 2004 to the 13th Jubilee of Days on the 1st Day of the 4th Month which is the 1st Day of Summer on June 15, 2006. The 13 Jubilees of Days of Prophetical Spring = 3 Jubilees of Days + 7 Jubilees of Days + 3 Jubilees of Days.
3rd Jubilee of Days = 27th Day 11th Month on Feb. 10, 2005.
10th Jubilee of Days = 6th Day 11th Month on Jan. 19, 2006.
13th Jubilee of Days = 1st Day 4th Month on June 15, 2006.Prophetical Summer is 13 Jubilees of Days from the 1st Day of the 4th Month which is the 1st Day of Summer on June 15, 2006 to the 26th Jubilee of Days on the 1st Day of the 1st Month which is the 1st Day of Spring and the 1st Day of the Great Tribulation on March 20, 2008. The 13 Jubilees of Days of Prophetical Summer = 3 JD + 7 JD + 3 JD.
16th Jubilee of Days = 27th Day 8th Month on Nov. 9, 2006.
23rd Jubilee of Days= 6th Day 8th Month on Oct. 25, 2007.
26th Jubilee of Days = 1st Day 1st Month on March 20, 2008.Prophetical Fall is 13 Jubilees of Days from the 1st Day of the 1st Month which is the 1st Day of Spring and the 1st Day of the Great Tribulation on March 20, 2008 to the 39th Jubilee of Days on the 1st Day of the 10th Month which is the 1st Day of Winter on December 17, 2009. The 13 Jubilees of Days of Prophetical Fall = 3 JD + 7 JD + 3 JD.
29th Jubilee of Days = 27th Day 5th Month on Aug. 14, 2008.
36th Jubilee of Days = 6th Day 5th Month on July 23, 2009.
39th Jubilee of Days = 1st Day 10th Month on Dec. 17, 2009.Prophetical Winter is 13 Jubilees of Days from the 1st Day of the 10th Month which is the 1st Day of Winter on December 17, 2009 to the 52nd Jubilee of Days on the 1st Day of the 7th Month which is the 1st Day of Fall, the end of Summer and the Feast of Trumpets when the Messiah will return on September 15, 2011. The 13 Jubilees of Days of Prophetical Winter = 3 JD + 7 JD + 3 JD.
42nd Jubilee of Days = 27th Day 2nd Month on May 13, 2010.
49th Jubilee of Days = 6th Day 2nd Month on April 21, 2011.
52nd Jubilee of Days = 1st Day 7th Month on Sept. 15, 2011.Note: In the Last Prophetical Season of Winter before the Messiah's return there are some significant numbers. The 42nd Jubilee of Days is on the 27th Day of the 2nd Month. The 27th Day of the 2nd Month is 40 Days from the time of the Messiah's resurrection from the dead to his ascension into Heaven. From the 27th Day of the 2nd Month to the Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) is 10 Days. The Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) marks the end of Wheat Harvest. In the Messiah's Parable of the Wheat and the Tares (Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43), Wheat Harvest signifies the End of the World System and the Return of the Messiah. The Messiah ascended up into Heavenon the 27th Day of the 2nd Month. From the 42nd Jubilee of Days to the Messiah's 2nd Coming on the 52nd Jubilee of Days is 10 Jubilees of Days. This 10 Jubilees of Days = 70 Weeks!Daniel 9:24-27is a dual prophecy and one of them is these Last 70 Weeks to the Messiah's 2nd Coming! These Last 70 Weeks = 49 Weeks + 21 Weeks of the Pattern. The Number 10 is the number of Judgement. The Messiah will Judge the World when he returns.
In just 2 more Months, the 18th Year of the Last 22 Years of the 6000 Years from Adam will begin. This 18th Year runs from Spring 2007 to Spring 2008 and is the Preparation Year before the start of the Great Tribulation. This will give us 1 Year to prepare for the Great Tribulation.
In these Last Days, there are signs and events that indicate that we are right on schedule for the Messiah's return in 2011. There is always something in the news that warns us of things to come.
Just recently in the past few weeks in December 2006 and January 2007 we have had extreme weather in Norh America. We had the mildest winter in living memory. In the middle of January we had green grass and mild weather when we should have had snow and very cold temperatures. There were even cherry blossoms in Washington, D.C. which is unheard of for this time of Year. There were severe ice storms and cold weather that destroyed 70 to 75 percent of crops in California. There was severe damage to citrus and avocado trees etc. Some of the damage to the trees may take years to recover and others may have to be replaced completely. What this means is that the price of fruits like oranges, etc. could even triple in the next few weeks. The price of food will go up for some time to come. This is in keeping with the opening of the 3rd Seal of Revelation that will happen in the Spring of 2007.
Global warming and climate change is severe all over the world. The very existence of polar bears is threatened in the Arctic because the sea ice is melting to such an extent that the bears fall through the ice and can no longer use the ice as a platform to hunt from and consequently can starve to death.
The Doomsday Clock was moved forward on January 17, 2007 from 7 Minutes to Midnight to 5 Minutes to Midnight because of the possible total annihilation of man due to Nuclear War that could be triggered by Iran and North Korea; as well as Climate Change. China just used a test missile to shoot down one of its own obsolete satellites in space. This is a show of force with China flexing its muscles intended as a warning to the international community and especially to the United States not to side with Taiwan. This could escalate into another arms race and cold war.
Scientists are also predicting an extreme solar storm to peak in 2011. Solar Storms also known as Sunspot Cycles run at an average of 11 Year Cycles. Solar Storm Cycle 22 peaked in 1989. 1989 was the start of the 22 Years to the Messiah's return in 2011. 1989 saw the collapse of the Iron Curtain and the beginning of the New World Order.Solar Storm Cycle 23 peaked in 2001. The event of 911 in New York City occurred in 2001. Solar Storm Cycle 24 is predicted to peak in 2011. Solar Storm Cycle 24 is supposed to start in 2007 or at the latest in early 2008. The Solar Storm Cycle usually starts slow with one or two sunspots then gradually intensifies and builds up to a fever peak of about 174 or more. Scientists predict that Cycle 24 will be significantly stronger than the current one, which may mean big problems for power grids and GPS systems and other satellite-enabled technology. One TV program on the subject is predicting global blackouts with exploding transformers. If that happens, it would take months to years to replace these transformers. Whole cities could be without electricity for months. No power, no water, no heat, would cause massive panic and chaos.
We are truly living in troubled times. But these are also exciting times. The big storm that is coming is the Great Tribulation. But after the storm will come a great calm when the Messiah returns and takes control of the whole World.
So do not be discouraged because of the evil and the trouble that is coming. Yahuah will strengthen us. Yahuah will give us the courage and the strength to bear no matter what we will have to endure. In 1Corinthians 10:13 we read, "There has no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but Yahuah is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that you are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that you may be able to bear it." Also in Proverbs 3:5-6 we read, "Trust in Yahuah with all your heart; and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and He will direct your paths."
Lift up your head, and strengthen those feeble knees. Rejoice, for your King comes with 10,000's of his Saints. The Messiah is coming to restore Peace and Security to this World. Again I say Rejoice, for your King comes and he comes quickly.
Introduction:In the Last 7 Years to the Messiah's return there are 4 Prophetical Seasons where each is 21 Months. 7 Years = 12 Months per Year x 7 Years = 84 Months. 84 Months divided by 4 Prophetical Seasons = 21 Months for each Prophetical Season. These are 30 Day Months using360 Days per Year not counting the 4 Intercalary Days.
From previous studies we learned that 7 Years = 364 Weeks which is similar to the Regular Sacred Calendar Year which has 364 Days. When using Days, Weeks, and Jubilees of Days, we use 360 Days per Year counting the 4 Intercalary Days giving us 364 Days per Year, 52 Weeks per Year, 364 Weeks per 7 Years and 52 Jubilees of Days per 7 Years. The Single Sacred Calendar Year has 4 Seasonsof Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter where each Season equals 91 Days, 13 Weeks, or 3 Months + 1 Intercalary Day. The Last 7 Years to the Messiah's return has 4 Prophetical Seasons of Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter where each Prophetical Season equals 91 Weeks, 13 Jubilees of Days, or 21 Months.
The Last 7 Years to the Messiah's return in Prophecy:
In the Book of Revelation there are prophecies that relate to the Messiah's return and the Last Days that give us specific numbers of time. The 4 references to the number 1260 Days and 42 Months all take place during the Great Tribulation of 3 1/2 Years. 1260 Days divided by 360 Days per Year not counting the 4 Intercalary Days = 3 1/2 Years. 42 Months divided by 12 Months per Year = 3 1/2 Years. Both of these calculations are based on 30 Day Months. In Revelation 11:2 we are told that the Court of the Temple in Jerusalem will be tread under foot for 42 Months by the Nations. In Revelation 11:3 we read that the Two Witnesses will prophesy for 1260 Days. In Revelation 12:6 the Believers will flee into the Wilderness for 1260 Days. In Revelation 13:2-5 Satan gives his power unto the 1st Beast to rule for 42 Months.
These numbers can be simplified and translated into units of time that are more easily understood and that will give us another dimension in understanding the Last Days. The Last 7 Years to the Messiah's return can be split into two parts: the 1st Part is the 3 1/2 Year Beginning of Sorrows; and the 2nd Part is the 3 1/2 Year Great Tribulation. The Last 7 Years = 84 Months = 21 Months + 21 Months + 21 Months + 21 Months. Each of the 4 Prophetical Seasons = 21 Months. So the Beginning of Sorrows is 3 1/2 Years = 42 Months = Spring with 21 Months + Summer with 21 Months. While the Great Tribulation is 3 1/2 Years = 42 Months = Fall with 21 Months + Winter with 21 Months.
This is important to understand because in Matthew 24:20-22 we read, "But pray you that your flight be not in the WINTER, neither on the sabbath day: For then shall be GREAT TRIBULATION, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened." (Mark 13:18-20). The WINTER referred to is the 2nd Half of the Great Tribulation. The Believers would have already gone into the Wilderness before the Great Tribulation begins and before the start of the Prophetical Fall Season. The Believers will not wait until the worst part of the Great Tribulation in the WINTER to flee into the Wilderness.105.0) The Sunspot Cycle and the Intercalation Year of the Sacred Calendar:Timing for the 7 Seals, 7 Trumpets, and the 7 Vials of the Book of Revelation for the Last Days:
The 4th Seal will be open during the 1st Half of the Great Tribulation during the Prophetical Fall Season. The 5th Seal will be open during the 2nd Half of the Great Tribulation during the Prophetical WINTER Season! The 5th Seal in Revelation 6:9-11 talks about Believers that will be killed before the Messiah returns.
The 1st Seal was open in the Fall of 1989 with the fall of the Iron Curtain and the beginning of the New World Order which was 22 Years before the Messsiah's return.
The 2nd Seal was openin the Fall of 2001 with the attack on New York City on September 11, 2001 which was 10 Years before the Messiah's return.
The 3rd Seal will be open in the Spring of 2007 with the High Cost of Food which will be 4 Years before the Messiah's return. Food Rationing is another very real possibility down the road. There are natural disasters all over the world that affect food crops. Australia is experiencing the worst drought in over 100 Years and Australia is one of the food baskets of the world. The destruction of 70 to 75 percent of the citrus and other crops in California by ice storms in December 2006 and January 2007 is a forerunner of the High Cost of Food that is coming. It was in the news that if the U.S. goes to war with Iran, the price of oil will shoot up to over $100.00 per barrel overnight which would skyrocket the cost of food automatically. Add to this the exponential population growth of man, then the shortage and scarcity of food in the near future is very real indeed.
The 4th Seal will be open during the 1st Half of the Great Tribulation which will begin on March 20, 2008.
The 5th Seal will be open during the 2nd Half of the Great Tribulation which will begin on December 17, 2009 on the 1st Day of the 10th Month with the 1st Day of Winter.
The 6th Seal will be open on the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011with the Messiah's 2nd Coming.
The 1st six Trumpets will sound during the 3 1/2 Year Great Tribulation. The Messiah will return with the sound of the 7th Trumpet.
The 1st six Vials will be poured out during the 3 1/2 Year Great Tribulation. The Messiah will return with the pouring out of the 7th Vial.
As you can see, it is critical that we know and understand the timing for the Messiah's 2nd Coming.
Prophetic Seasonal Pattern of 21 + 21 + 21 + 21 Months in the Last 7 Years to the Messiah's return:
The Last 7 Years to the Messiah's return has a Prophetic Seasonal Pattern of 21 Months + 21 Months + 21 Months + 21 Months which are the 4 Prophetical Seasons of Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter. This Prophetic Seasonal Pattern is perfectly divisible by 7 so we can use the Jubilee Affect to give 22 + 22 + 22 + 22 Months. What this means is that the 1st Day of the next Prophetical Season begins the 22nd Month. The 22nd Month in this Pattern for each of the 4 Prophetical Seasons also begins on the 1st Day of one of the 4 Seasons on the Regular Sacred Calendar Year. At the end of the Last Prophetical Season of Winter the 22nd Month of the Pattern will start with the1st Day of the 7th Month on the Feast of Trumpets when the Messiah returns. This is just another confirmation of the coming of the Messiah on the Feast of Trumpets.
Prophetical Spring = 21 Months:
Starts 1st Day of Fall on 1st Day 7th Month Sept. 16, 2004.
Ends on 30th Day 3rd Month June 13, 2006.Prophetical Summer = 21 Months:
Starts 1st Day Summer on 1st Day 4th Month June 15, 2006.
Ends on 30th Day 12th Month March 18, 2008.Prophetical Fall = 21 Months:
Starts 1st Day Spring on 1st Day 1st Month March 20, 2008.
Ends on 30th Day 9th Month December 15, 2009.Prophetical Winter = 21 Months:
Starts 1st Day Winter on 1st Day 10th Month Dec. 17, 2009.
Ends on 30th Day 6th Month September 13, 2011.At the end of the Last Prophetical Season of Winter the 22nd Month of the Pattern will start with the 1st Day of the 7th Month on the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011 when the Messiah returns at his 2nd Coming.
Confirmation that the Messiah will come on the Feast of Trumpets on the 1st Day of the 7th Month at his 2nd Coming:
The Numbers 7 and 22 always represent the Messiah. While the Number 26 always represents Yahuah the Father. It is incredible how many times the Number 22 comes up in connection with the Feast of Trumpets. At the end of the Last 7 Years to the Messiah's return, every unit of time in one way or the other has the Number 22 connected with it in relation to the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011 at his 2nd Coming. The Units of Time of the Day, Week, Month, and Year all have the Number 22 associated with them in connection to the Messiah's 2nd Coming on the Feast of Trumpets:
1)Regular Seasonal Pattern of 21 Days + 49 Days + 21 Days: The Messiah will return on the Feast of Trumpets at his 2nd coming on the 22nd Dayof this Pattern.
2) The 7 Year Prophetic Seasonal Pattern of 21 Weeks + 49 Weeks + 21 Weeks: The Messiah will return on the Feast of Trumpets at his 2nd coming at the start of the 22nd Week of this Pattern.
3) The 7 Year Prophetic Seasonal Pattern of 21 Months + 21 Months + 21 Months + 21 Months: The Messiah will return on the Feast of Trumpets at his 2nd coming at the start of the 22nd Month of this Pattern.
4) The 6000 Years from Adam is 122 x 49 + 22 Years: The Messiah will return on the Feast of Trumpets at his 2nd coming in the Last 6000th Year from Adam in the Last 22nd Year.
5) The Last 7 Years with 52 Jubilees of Days: The Messiah will return on the Feast of Trumpets at his 2nd Coming on the 52nd Jubilee of Days at the end of the Last 7 Years to his return. 52 is 2 x 26 where 26 is synonymous with the Father's Name of Yahuah. The Messiah carries the fullness of his Father's Name in both, his present name of Yahuahshua and in his future name of Yahuahtsadaq. The Number 52 represents the Messiah's Two Names which carry the Father's Name of Yahuah twice and equals 26 + 26 = 52! So when the Messiah returns he will no longer use his 1st and Present name of Yahuahshua. He will use his 2nd and Future name of Yahuahtsadaq. The Messiah will come as Yahuahtsadaq at his 2nd Coming and will come as theKing of Righteousness as the Lion of the Tribe of Yahudah!
There are so many signs of the Messiah's 2nd Coming in the Sacred Calendar and in daily events in these Last Days on the Earth below as well as in the Heavens above.
There is no question that theMessiah will return on the Feast of Trumpets at his 2nd Coming. All our studies related to the Calendar and Time point to the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011 for his return.
Comets are harbingers of special events. Comet McNaught is being called the Comet of 2007 which appeared in January 2007. Comet McNaught is 40 Times brighter than the previous Comet. Could this be the sign for the opening of the 3rd Seal in Spring 2007?
The Messiah is the 1st and the Last. The Messiah is the Beginning and the Ending. The Messiah associates himself with the Hebrew Alphabet which has 22 Hebrew Letters. In Revelation 1:8,10-11 the Messiah said that he is the Alpha and the Omega which in Hebrew equates with the Aleph and the Tau, the 1st and 22nd Letters of the Hebrew Alphabet. The Last Letter of the Hebrew Alphabet is the Hebrew Letter "Tau" which in Paleo-Hebrew script looks like a large "X". In the Winter Season especially in December in the Northern Hemisphere, the Constellation of Orion looks like a very Large "X" in the night sky, a reminder of the Messiah's 2nd Coming. This is a sign in the Heavens that heralds the Messiah's return at the end of the Prophetical Winter Season.
The Feast of Trumpets is the 1st and the 22nd in the Time Systems in the Last Days and represents the Messiah at his 2nd Coming.
In the Prophetical Seasonal Pattern at the end of the Last 7 Years to the Messiah's return, at the end of the Prophetical Winter Season, the 7th Month of the Year is the 22nd Month! The 7th Month of the Year is the Last Month of the Agricultural Year ending on the 22nd Day of the 7th Month with the Last Great Day! The Messiah will return on the Feast of Trumpets on the 1st Day of the 7th Month on September 15, 2011.
We have just over a Year to prepare before the Great Tribulation begins. Praise be to Yahuah for His great love and mercy and for opening our hearts and minds to understand what is coming that we may have the time to prepare.
Praise be to Yahuah the Creator of Heaven and Earth for ever and ever! Praise be to Yahuah the King of the Universe who gives us bread out of the ground, who created us, who sustains us and who gives us the Hope of Eternal life through His beloved Son Yahuahshua and gives us the joy of His Holy Spirit. Let the whole world ring with His praise, for His goodness and for His Blessings. Praise be to Yahuah. HalleluYah, Hallelu Yahuah Abinu.
Introduction:106.0) Intercalation Year 2006/7, Pentecost 2007, Sealing and 1 1/2 Year Prophecy:In Luke 21:25 we are told that just before and during the Great Tribulation that there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars. One important phenomenon discovered by scientists in our time is the Sunspot Cycle. Sunspot Cycle 24 is predicted to peak in 2011/2012. Scientists are already warning that when Cycle 24 peaks, it could knock out satellites and cause massive surges on hydro lines causing global blackouts and chaos with communication systems. The Year 2011 is the tail end of the Great Tribulation when the worst destruction in the history of the world will happen.
There is a direct connection between the Sunspot Cycles and the Sacred Calendar. The Years when the Sacred Calendar is Intercalated every 5 or 6 Years lines up perfectly when the Sunspot Cycle Peaks.
The Intercalation Year of the Sacred Calendar:
The Sacred Calendar Year is 364 Days long which means that it loses 1 1/4 Days per Year in relation to the Solar Year. So every 5 or 6 Years the Sacred Calendaris Intercalated by one complete 7 Day Week to bring it back in line with the Solar Year. In the 1st Week of Creation the Sun was created or reset on the 4th Day of the Week. From Genesis 1:14 we know that the Sun was for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years. So the Sacred Calendar which is a solar calendar has to start once the Sun exists. The Spring Equinox which is 0 Degrees and 360 Degrees is the starting and end point of one complete revolution or cycle of the Earth around the Sun for 1 Solar Year. The Sacred Calendar starts on the 5th Day of the Week every Year. But the Spring Equinox moves away from the 4th Day of the Week and goes through the different Days of the Week until it comes back to the 4th Day of the Week.
The Intercalation of the Sacred Calendar would have been quite easy when the 1st and 2nd Temples existed in Jerusalem. The Temple of Yahuah acted as a Sun Dial and the Priests of Yahuah would have known by observation the Seasons and consequently the starting point for the Sacred Calendar. At the time of the Spring and Fall Equinoxes, the Sun would have been directly East of the Temple Doors. But at the Summer and Winter Solstices the Sun would have shifted to its extreme north or extreme south positions respectively in relation to the Temple Doors.
In our time, we don't have the Temple of Yahuah in Jerusalem to help us. But the Spring and Fall Equinoxes still guide us today in determining when the Sacred Calendar is to be Intercalated to bring it back in line with the Solar Year.
In an Intercalation Year, the Day of Atonement is on the Fall Equinox. The 7 Intercalary Days are added at the end of the Intercalation Year immediately after the regular seasonal Intercalary Day just after the end of the 12th Month. In so doing, the Months of the Year, the Weekly Cycle, and the Creation Week all stay intact without any disruption.
2006 was an Intercalation Year. The Fall Equinox was on Sabbath, the 7th Day of the Week at 6 Hours 4 Minutes Jerusalem Time on September 23, 2006 as was the Day of Atonement. Once the 7 Intercalary Days were added at the end of the Year, the Sacred Calendar was once again in line with the Solar Year for the Year 2007 when the Spring Equinox will be on the 4th Day of the Week on Wednesday March 21, 2007 at 2 Hours 8 Minutes Jerusalem Time.
The 7 Intercalary Days are a buffer between the old and the New Year as in 2006/2007. These 7 added Days also make the Intercalation Year Special. A regular Year of 364 Days = 21 Days + 7 x 49 Days. It takes the Jubilee Affect of dove tailing to give 22 Days + 7 x 50 Days. But in an Intercalation Year those 7 Jubilees of Days become actual 7 x 50 Days because 7 x 49 Days + 7 Intercalary Days = 350 Days = 7 x 50 Days. Consider the importance of the perfect numbers in an Intercalation Year. Notice the connection between the Day of Atonement and the Jubilee Year. The Jubilee Year was celebrated on the Day of Atonement. In an Intercalation Year there are 7 x 50 Days = 7 Jubilees of Days. The 12th Month is also extended and is special in an Intercalation Year. The 12th Month = 30 Days plus the 7 Intercalary Days = 37 Days. 37 Days = 26 Days + 11 Days = 15 Days + 22 Days. Note the perfect numbers. The Day of Atonement is also the only Feast Day and High Sabbath that is on a regular 7th Day Sabbath which marks the end of the 7 Day Creation Week and is a type of completion.
The Day of Atonementis on the 10th Day of the 7th Month. The Number 10 stands for Judgement and the Number 7 for Completion. Then there is the association of the Day of Atonement with the Jubilee Year which is a 50th Year. At the end of an Intercalation Year after adding the 7 Intercalary Days there are 10 Days from the 7th Jubilee of Days just before the seasonal Intercalary Day that separates the Seasons. 10 Days before the Spring Equinox.
Note: All the Feast Days during the Year are during the Spring and Fall Seasons. None of the Feast Days are in the Summer or Winter Seasons. Spring and Fall are connected to the Spring and Fall Equinox. While the Summer and Winter Seasons are connected to the Summer and Winter Solstices. The only time in the year that the length of the Day and the Night are equal is at the Spring and Fall Equinox. The longest Day is at the Summer Solstice and the longest Night is at the Winter Solstice. The Equinoxes represent scales of equal weights, such as the scales of justice.
The High Priest only went into the Holy of Holies on one day in the Year on the Day of Atonement. It is quite possible that the Holy of Holies had a window and a marker that would line up with the rays of the Sun when the Fall Equinox was on the Day of Atonement. Then the High Priest would have known that that was the Year that the Sacred Calendar had to be Intercalated.
The Sacred Calendar is a fixed calendar. The Day of Atonement is always on the 10th Day of the 7th Month on a regular 7th Day Sabbath every Year. The Fall Equinox is on the Day of Atonement in an Intercalation Year. In the following Spring immediately after the Intercalation Year, the Spring Equinox would normally be on the 4th Day of the Week. Because the 2 Years are back to back there is a direct connection between the Fall and Spring Equinox in those Years. Normally the Fall Equinox is on the 7th Day of the Week and the Spring Equinox is on the 4th Day of the Week in those Years. Note that 7 + 4 = 11. The Number 7 always represents the Messiah and the Number 4 represents the Father. There are 7 Hebrew Letters in both of the Messiah's two Names and 4 Hebrew Letters in the Father's Name. At present, the Messiah is our High Priest and he said that he is master even of the Sabbath Day, the 7th Day Sabbath. The 7 Intercalary Days at the end of the Intercalation Year is symbolic of the Messiah and is a bridge that brings the following Spring back in line with the Solar Year. The Messiah is the bridge between Man and Yahuah. Through the Messiah Man is restored and will again have the right to the Tree of Life in the Paradise of Yahuah.
Recent Years of Intercalation of the Sacred Calendar:
1) 1989: Fall Equinoxwas on September 23, 1989 at 3 Hours 20 Minutes Jerusalem Time. The Day of Atonement was on September 23, 1989. September 23, 1989 was on Saturday, the 7th Day of the Week. The Sacred Calendar was Intercalated at the end of the Sacred Calendar Year in the Spring of 1990 by 7 Days.
1990: Spring Equinox was on March 20, 1990 at 23 Hours 20 Minutes Jerusalem Time. March 20, 1990 was on Tuesday but in the evening after sunset (after 18 Hours) began the 4th Day of the Week. The 1st Day of the New Year was on the 5th Day of the Week on March 22, 1990. The Sacred Calendar was back in line with the Solar Year in Spring 1990.
2) 1995: Fall Equinox was on September 23, 1995 at 14 Hours 14 Minutes Jerusalem Time. The Day of Atonement was on September 23, 1995. September 23, 1995 was on Saturday, the 7th Day of the Week. The Sacred Calendar was Intercalated at the end of the Sacred Calendar Year in the Spring of 1996by 7 Days.
1996: Spring Equinox was on March 20, 1996 at 10 Hours 4 Minutes Jerusalem Time. March 20, 1996 was on Wednesday the 4th Day of the Week. The 1st Day ofthe New Year was on the 5th Day of the Week on March 21, 1996. TheSacred Calendar was back in line with the Solar Year in Spring 1996.
3) 2000: Fall Equinoxwas on September 22, 2000 at 19 Hours 29 Minutes Jerusalem Time. September 22, 2000 was a Friday but in the evening after sunset (after 18 Hours) began the 7th Day of the Week (Sabbath). The Day of Atonement was on September 23, 2000. September 23, 2000 was on Saturday, the 7th Day of the Week. The Sacred Calendar was Intercalated at the end of the Sacred Calendar Year in the Spring of 2001 by 7 Days.
2001: Spring Equinoxwas on March 20, 2001 at 15 Hours 32 Minutes Jerusalem Time. March 20, 2001 was on a Tuesday. This is one of those times when the Spring Equinox is actually just before the 4th Day of the Week in 2001. While in 2002 the Spring Equinox was just after the 4th Day of the Week on March 20, 2002 at 21 Hours 17 Minutes Jerusalem Time. So the Spring Equinox missed the 4th Day of the Week completely between 2001 to 2002. The Sacred Calendar has to be Intercalated every 5 or 6 Years and that is why it is so critical to understand the connection between the Fall and Spring Equinox and how they complement each other in determining the Year of Intercalation. The 1st Day of the New Year was on the 5th Day of the Week on March 22, 2001. The Sacred Calendar was back in line with the Solar Year in Spring 2001.
4) 2006: Fall Equinox was on September 23, 2006 at 6 Hours 4 Minutes Jerusalem Time. The Day of Atonement was on September 23, 2006. September 23, 2006 was on Saturday, the 7th Day of the Week. The Sacred Calendar will be Intercalated at the end of the Sacred Calendar Year in the Spring of 2007 by 7 Days.
2007: Spring Equinox will be on March 21, 2007 at 2 Hours 8 Minutes Jerusalem Time. March 21, 2007 will be on Wednesday, the 4th Day of the Week. The 1st Day of the New Year will be on the 5th Day of the Week on March 22, 2007. The Sacred Calendar will be back in line with the Solar Year in Spring 2007.
5) 2012: Fall Equinox will be on September 22, 2012 at 16 Hours 50 Minutes Jerusalem Time. TheDay of Atonement will be on September 22, 2012. September 22, 2012 will be on Saturday, the 7th Day of the Week. The Sacred Calendar will be Intercalated at the end of the Sacred Calendar Year in the Spring of 2013 by 7 Days. Spring 2012 will begin the 1st Year of the 7th Millennium, the 7th 1000 Year Period which will be a type of Sabbath when the Messiah will rule on the Earth for 1000 Years.
2013: Spring Equinox will be on March 20, 2013 at 13 Hours 3 Minutes Jerusalem Time. March 20, 2013 will be on Wednesday, the 4th Day of the Week. The 1st Day of the New Year will be on the 5th Day of the Week on March 21, 2013. The Sacred Calendar will be back in line with the Solar Year in Spring 2013.
Note: The Sacred Calendar is Intercalated every 5 or 6 Years. 5 + 6 = 11 Years.
Sacred Calendar Years of Intercalation match Years when Sunspot Cycles Peak:
Sunspot Cycles on the average are 11 Years long. But because the magnetic polarity reverses when the Sunspot Cycle peaks the Solar Activity Cycle called aHale Cycle is actually 22 Years long. The Years when the Sacred Calendar is Intercalated actually match the Years when the Sunspot Cycles Peak. The Sunspot Cycles peaked in 1989, 2000, and will peak again in 2011/2012. These are the same Years when the Sacred Calendar was and will be Intercalated in 1989, 2000, and 2012. The Last 22 Years to the Messiah's return began in Fall 1989 and will end in Fall 2011. The 11th Year from 1989 was the Year 2000. The Year 2000 was also the 11th Year of the Last 22 Years of the 6000 Years from Adam.
In scripture we are told that there will be signs in the sun, the moon and in the stars before the Messiah returns. The Sunspot Cycle is one of these signs.
The Sunspot Cycle is a sign for our time. Even though sunspots were known to exist since the 1700's, the Sunspot Cycle of 11 Years was only discovered in 1843. In 1904 it was also discovered that these Sunspot Cycles produce a pattern on the surface of the Sun every 11 Years. This pattern is called the "Butterfly Pattern". The Butterfly Pattern looks like two wings of a Butterfly facing left on the surface of the sun. The two wings are almost a mirror image of each other and are equidistant from the equator of the Sun. The top wing runs from 35 degrees North to 0 degrees at the equator of the Sun. The bottom wing runs from 35 degrees South to 0 degrees at the equator of the sun. Notice again the perfect numbers of 35 + 35 = 70! The Last 7 Years to the Messiah also carry these perfect numbers where the 1st 3 1/2 Years = 3.5 Years, while the Last 3 1/2 Years = 3.5 Years and added together you get3.5 + 3.5 = 7! These numbers are also applicable to the 7 Days of Creation and the 4th Day of the Week that relate to the Messiah. For example, the Messiah was cut off in the middle of the Week on the 4th Day of the Week. The mid point of the Week is 3 1/2 Days or 3.5 Days! The sun itself was created or reset on the 4th Day of the Week! The Number 70 is also a reminder of the 70 Weeks of Daniel which are prophetic for the Last Days.
In a regular Sacred Calendar Year there are 7 Jubilees of Days = 7 x 49 Days = 343 Days; 21 Days + 343 Days = 364 Days per Year using the Jubilee Affect. However, in a Year of Intercalation there are 343 Days + the 7 Intercalary Days = 343 + 7 Days = 350 Days = 7 x 50 Days which gives 7 perfect Jubilees of Days without using the Jubilee Affect. Again notice the Number 35 where 350 Days = 35 x 10 or 3.5 x 10 x 10.
Intercalation Years are very special Years along with their following complement Year:
In 1989 we witnessed the fall of the Iron Curtain and the beginning of the New World Order. 1990 was the 122nd and Last Jubilee Year as well as the 1st Year of the Last 22 Years of the 6000 Years from Adam. In August 1990 began the First Gulf War against Iraq.
On September 28, 2000 Ariel Sharon went onto the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and started a new wave of violence between the Palestinians and the Israelis. The name Ariel means "Lion of the Almighty" and is a foreshadow of the Messiah's return. The Messiah is the Lion of Yahudah. On September 11, 2001there was the attack on the Twin Towers in New York City.
A major prediction for 2007 is that the United States will attack Iran either in July 2007 or by the end of the Year in 2007. Iran is quickly acquiring nuclear capability for making nuclear weapons. Both Israel and the United States will not allow or tolerate Iran to have nuclear weapons. This would cause a major crisis world wide with oil production. China and Russia are also backing Iran which could start World War 3.
The Sunspot Cycles also Peaked in 1989 and 2000 as well. Scientists are predicting that the next cycle, Sunspot Cycle 24 will Peak in 2011 or 2012. They also predict that Sunspot Cycle 24 could cause massive satellite and communications damage along with severe global blackouts due to power surges on hydro lines. Cycle 24 is supposed to begin in 2007 or at latest by early 2008. Spring 2008 will begin the Great Tribulation. The Messiah will return in the Fall of 2011 just after the Great Tribulation. This all fits perfectly since the world will experience the worst destruction since the foundation of the world by the end of the Great Tribulation just before the Messiah returns.
The signs are all around us. The warnings are there if we will only heed them. We have the time now to prepare. The preparation we need to do is physical, mental and spiritual. Whatever that can be shaken will be shaken. We will be winnowed like Wheat. The Wind, the Holy Spirit of Yahuah will separate the Wheat from the Chaff. The Wheat is weighty and carries the life of the renewing of the Wheat, the rebirth of the Wheat, while the Chaff is empty and lifeless suited only as fuel for the fire. The Wheat will remain steadfast while the Chaff will be blown away. Pray to Yahuah that we are the Wheat and not the Chaff. Pray to Yahuah to preserve us through the trials and tribulations that are coming upon the whole world. Praise be to Yahuah for His great love and mercy and for giving us the hope of eternal life through His beloved Son Yahuahshua and the gift of His Holy Spirit.
Introduction:107.0) 3 1/2 Year Great Tribulation is Wheat Harvest before the Messiah's Return:Intercalation Year 2006/7 is a major milestone for the Last Days. The mechanism at the end of the Intercalation Year of 2006/7 is critical to understand for End Time Prophecy and is the kickoff for events just before the Great Tribulation.
Mechanism at the End of Intercalation Year 2006/7:
In a Normal Year, the 7th Jubilee of Days (7th 50 Days) is on the 28th Day of the 12th Month and the 1st Day of Creation is also on the same Day. From the 7th Jubilee of Days to the 4th Day of the Creation Week just before the 1st Day of the 1st Month (New Year's Day) is 3 Days. From the 7th Jubilee of Days to Pentecost is 71 Days or 10 Weeks.
In an Intercalation Year, the 7th Jubilee of Days is still on the 28th Day of the 12th Month but the 1st Day of Creation is pushed forward by the 7 Intercalary Days. Now the 7th Jubilee of Days to the Spring Equinox on the 4th Day of the Creation Week which is just before the 1st Day of the 1st Month (New Year's Day) is now 3 Days + 7 Intercalary Days = 10 Days. From the 7th Jubilee of Days to Pentecost is now 71 Days + 7 Intercalary Days = 78 Days or 11 Weeks. Note that 78 Days = 3 x 26 Days! But from the 1st Day of Creation to Pentecost is still 71 Days or 10 Weeks.
The 78 Days from the 7th Jubilee of Days to Pentecost = 3 x 26 Days. The 1st 26 Days ends on the 15th Day of the 1st Month on the 1st Day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread. This 1st 26 Days represents Israel in Egypt. The Children of Israel came out of Egypt on the 15th Day of the 1st Month. The Feast of Unleavened Bread was a time of cleansingafter Israel came out of idolatrous Egypt. The concept of Unleavened Bread is the idea of the absence of leaven which represents sin. Israel had to go through a cleansing process after coming out of Egypt. The 2nd 26 Days represents Barley Harvest. Barley is a poorer and coarser grain. The spikelets and chaff of the Barley is very difficult to remove and is usually beaten or ground off. The 3rd 26 Days represents Wheat Harvest. Wheat is a fine grain. The chaff of the Wheat is easy to remove when the Wheat is fully ripe. When the Wheat is winnowed, the Wheat is thrown into the air then the heavy grain falls straight down, collected and put into the barn for storage. But the chaff of the Wheat is blown away with the wind, collected and burned in the fire.
The 78 Days to Pentecost and the 1 1/2 Year Prophecy:
In these Last Daysthe 78 Days to Pentecost at the end of the Intercalation Year 2006/7= 3 x 26 Days is prophetic and represents 78 Weeks = 3 x 26 Weeks = 1 1/2 Years. The 1st 26 Weeks is from the 1st Day of the 1st Month (New Year's Day) on March 22, 2007 to the Feast of Trumpets on September 20, 2007. This 1st 6 Months is a time of warning to come out of the world. The 2nd 26 Weeks is from the Feast of Trumpets on the 1st Day of the 7th Month on September 20, 2007 to the 1st Day of the 1st Month (New Year's Day) on March 20, 2008 which is the 1st Day of the Great Tribulation. This 2nd 6 Months is a time which represents Barley Harvestand a time of sifting and testing of weak and lukewarm believers. The 3rd 26 Weeks is from March 20, 2008 the 1st Day of the Great Tribulation to the end of the First 6 Months of the Great Tribulation. This 3rd 6 Months is a time which represents Wheat Harvest and a time of sifting and testing of true believers.
Sealing of the Righteous Believers:
From Revelation 7:3 we know that the Great Tribulation can not start until the Servants of Yahuah are sealed. From other scriptures we know that there are two ways in which we will be sealed, with the Holy Spirit of Yahuah and with one of the two Names of the Messiah of Yahuahshua or Yahuahtsadaq both of which carry the Father's full 4 Letter Hebrew Name. This sealing could begin as early as the Feast of Pentecost on May 27, 2007 or possibly during the 2007 Fall Feast Days perhaps on the Day of Atonement.
The Number 10 and 50 prominent in the Intercalation Year and the following Complement Year:
The Number 10 stands for Judgement. The Number 50 represents a Jubilee and Freedom. In the Intercalation Year of 2006/7 the Fall Equinox was on the Day of Atonement. The Day of Atonement is on the 10th Day of the 7th Month. The Day of Atonement is associated with Judgement and the Jubilee Year, the 50th Year. The Jubilee Year was celebrated on the Day of Atonement when slaves and those in bondage were set free.
In the Intercalation Year 2006/7 from the 7th Jubilee of Days on March 11, 2007 to the Spring Equinox on March 21, 2007 is 10 Days. The 7th Jubilee of Days is the 7th 50th Day.
The Messiah ascended up into Heaven 10 Days before the Feast of Pentecost. The believers were commanded to remain in Jerusalem until Pentecost when they received the Holy Spirit. The Feast of Pentecost is the 1st Jubilee of Days of the Year and is a 50th Day. From the 1st Day of Creation to the Feast of Pentecost is 10 Weeks.
We have other confirmations that suggest that this Preparation Year before the Great Tribulationis special. The 22nd Season of the Last 10 Years to the Messiah's return ends on the 1st Day of the 1st Month (New Year's Day) on March 22, 2007. The 26th Season of the Last 10 Years to the Messiah's return will end on the 1st Day of the 1st Month (New Year's Day) on March 20, 2008 on the 1st Day of the Great Tribulation. The 1st 26 Jubilees of Days of the Last 7 Years to the Messiah's return will also end on the 1st Day of the Great Tribulation on March 20, 2008.
Note: From the Feast of Pentecost to the Day of Atonement is exactly 18 Weeks = 126 Days = 50 Days + 50 Days + 26 Days!
This Year 2007/8 just before the Great Tribulation is a time of concern and of joy for believers. Concern, because of the trials and tribulations to come. Joy, for the Messiah is quickly coming back. The Messiah said that he would not leave us comfortless and that he would send his Father's Holy Spirit to be with us forever. What better time to receive Yahuah's Holy Spirit than on the Day of Atonement through our High Priest Yahuahshua before the Great Tribulation begins.
The Testing and the Preparation of Believers:
Believers will be shaken to the very foundation of their being. We will know whether our house is built of straw, wood or stone and whether it is built upon sand or on the bedrock. Only if our faith is anchored and rooted in Yahuah through the Messiah will we be able to stand and to endure. The shakeup will begin with the Household of Yahuah.
The 78 Days to Pentecost in 2007 and the 78 Weeks to the end of the 1st 6 Months into the Great Tribulation is a 2 Stage, 3 Step, cleansing process. The 78 Days is a short version of the 78 Weeks to come and is part of a refining process. The 3 Step process in each Stage allows us to climb out of the worldly gutter step by step into Yahuah's glorious Light. Slavery doesn't have to be merely physical, it can also be mental and spiritual. At the time of the Messiah's 1st Coming, the people were in darkness. When the Messiah came, he came as the Light of the World. The Messiah revealed to us things kept secret from the foundation of the world. The Messiah is the way the truth and the light, no man comes unto Yahuah but by him. We have to get back to keeping the Commandments of Yahuah and forsake the lusts and the evil of this world. We have to get back to studying Yahuah's Word. It is Time for a spiritual bowel cleanse. Just as you have to cleanse the body, you also have to cleanse the spirit.
Starting from the 7th Jubilee of Days on March 11, 2007 begins the 2 Stage, 3 Step,spiritual bowel cleanse of the 78 Days to Pentecost 2007 and the 78 Weeks to the end of the 1st 6 Months into the Great Tribulation. With each of the 3 Steps in each Stage we get Spiritually stronger and cleaner ready and prepared for the Sealing of Yahuah. The 3 Steps in each of the 2 Stages represent levels of cleanliness and Righteousness, from darkness to Light. The 3 Steps go from worldly corruption to spiritual corruption to good spiritual health. Both Stages are also Timetables of events to come.
"Come out of her, my people, that you be not partakers of her sins, and that you receive not of her plagues." Revelation 18:4.
Introduction:108.0) 3rd Seal of Revelation is now Open, Great Tribulation to begin Spring 2008:Secrets that have been hid from the foundation of the world are being revealed to us in these Last Days. One of these secrets is the true meaning of the 78 Days to the Feast of Pentecost at the end of the Intercalation Year. The meaning of these 78 Days is for our Time. As we learned in Topic 106.0) above, the 78 Days from the 7th Jubilee of Days to the Feast of Pentecost at the end of an Intercalation Year is prophetic. The 78 Days = 3 x 26 Days. These 78 Days represent a cleansing process. The 1st 26 Days represents being in sin and the corruption of the world, the 2nd 26 Days is Barley Harvest which represents weak and lukewarm believers, while the 3rd 26 Days is Wheat Harvest which represents true believers.
In the Parable of the Wheat and the Tares in Matthew 13:24-30; 34-43 the Messiah compares the Wheat Harvest to his 2nd Coming and the end of the world system.
The 78 Day Prophecy for the Last Days can be considered as 3 different models. The 3 Models are telescopic in nature where the magnification increases with each Model but all 3 Models carry the same theme and meaning. The 1st Model is the 78 Days itself which explains and carries the true meaning of the Prophecy. The 2nd Model is where the 78 Days represents 78 Weeks which is a time of preparation for the Great Tribulation. While the 3rd Model is where the 78 Days represents 78 Jubilees of Days which is a time of preparation to the Messiah's 2nd Coming.
The 3 Steps of 26 in each Model shows the different stages of the perfection, maturity, and separation of the Saints from the world.
Let us look at each Model more closely in turn.
1st Model: 78 Days to Pentecost at the end of an Intercalation Year:
Every Year, from the 1st Day of Creation on the Sacred Calendar to Pentecost is 71 Days. In normal years the 7th Jubilee of Days and the 1st Day of Creation are on the same Day. However, in an Intercalation Year such as 2006/7 there are 7 Intercalary Days added at the end of the 12th Month which creates a 7 Day gap between the 7th Jubilee of Days and the 1st Day of Creation. The 1st Day of Creation remains 71 Days to Pentecost but the 7th Jubilee of Days gets pushed back by 7 Days. So in an Intercalation Year from the 7th Jubilee of Days to Pentecost is 71 Days + 7 Intercalary Days = 78 Days.
From other scriptures we know that the 78 Days broken down into 26 Days + 26 Days + 26 Days have a very specific meaning. The children of Israel came out of Egypt on the 15th Day of the 1st Month on the 1st Day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread which is the end of the 1st 26 Days. So the meaning here is that the 1st 26 Days represents being in sin and idolatry when the children of Israel were still in Egypt. The 2nd 26 Days was a time of cleansing when the children of Israel came out of Egypt and represents Barley Harvest. The 3rd 26 Days represents Wheat Harvest and the giving and the keeping of the 10 Commandments and the Laws of Yahuah.
This 78 Days is only visible during an Intercalation Year. But it was always there embedded in the Sacred Calendar from Creation and was prophetic of the Messiah's 2nd Coming and the End of the World.
2nd Model: 78 Days representing 78 Weeks in the Last Days:
In the 2nd Model the 78 Days represent 78 Weeks. 78 Weeks = 26 Weeks + 26 Weeks + 26 Weeks = 1 1/2 Years which starts with the 1st Day of the 1st Month on March 22, 2007 and goes to the Feast of Trumpets on September 18, 2008. The 78 Weeks stresses the preparedness for the Great Tribulation and Wheat Harvest. This 78 Weeks is a time of preparation for the Great Tribulation and is the 1st Invitation for the Marriage Feast of the Messiah at his 2nd Coming.
The 1st 26 Weeks runs from the 1st Day of the Year on March 22, 2007 to the Feast of Trumpets on September 20, 2007. This represents being in sin.
The 2nd 26 Weeks runs from the Feast of Trumpets on September 20, 2007 to the 1st Day of the 1st Month on March 20, 2008 which is the 1st Day of the Great Tribulation. This represents Barley Harvest of weak believers and the coming out of sin.
The 3rd 26 Weeks runs from the 1st Day of the 1st Month on March 20, 2008 to the Feast of Trumpets on September 18, 2008. This represents Wheat Harvest and true believers.
These 78 Weeks are an integral part of the larger following 78 Jubilees of Days Model. The 2nd 26 Weeks marks the end of the Barley Harvest and ends on the 1st Day of the Great Tribulation. The 3rd 26 Weeks marks the beginning of Wheat Harvest starting from the 1st Day of the Great Tribulation. The 2nd 26 Weeks of Barley Harvest and the 3rd 26 Weeks of Wheat Harvest can be seen as two equal parts being weighed on a scale for comparison where the 1st Day of the Great Tribulation is the pivotal point. This is part of the refining process where only the finer Wheat will remain. During the Great Tribulation the Wheat will be further refined where it's chaff will be removed leaving only the fine pure Wheat grain. True believers will be tested and tried, purged of any remaining dross before the Messiah's return.
3rd Model: 78 Days representing 78 Jubilees of Days in the Last Days:
The 3rd Model of 78 Jubilees of Days is a time of preparation for the Messiah's 2nd Coming and contains the Last and Final Invitation for the Marriage Feast of the Messiah. The 78 Jubilees of Days = 26 JD + 26 JD + 26 JD = 10 1/2 Years. The Intercalation Year before 2006/7 was 2000/1. The 78 Jubilees of Days begins at the end of Intercalation Year 2000/1. This is significant as in Fall 2000 on September 28, 2000 was the 15th Day of the 7th Month the 1st Day of the Feast of Tabernacles, the same day that Ariel Sharon went onto the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and caused a riot and the violence with the Palestinians that lasts unto this day. Another major event at this time was the tragedy of 911 on September 11, 2001. Spring 2001 also marked the midpoint of theLast 22 Years and the start of the 2nd and Last 11 Years to the end of the 6000 Years from Adam.
The 78 Jubilees of Days begins on the 1st Day of the 1st Month on March 22, 2001 and runs to the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011 to the very Day of the Messiah's 2nd Coming.
The 1st 26 Jubilees of Days = 3 1/2 Years which runs from the 1st Day of the 1st Month on March 22, 2001 to the Feast of Trumpets on September 16, 2004. This represents a time of being in sin.
The 2nd 26 Jubilees of Days = 3 1/2 Years which runs from the Feast of Trumpets on September 16, 2004 to the 1st Day of the Great Tribulation on March 20, 2008. This represents the Beginning of Sorrows and Barley Harvest.
The 3rd 26 Jubilees of Days = 3 1/2 Years which runs from the 1st Day of the Great Tribulation on March 20, 2008 to the Messiah's 2nd Coming on the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011. This represents the Great Tribulation and Wheat Harvest. The Wheat represents true believers. During the Great Tribulation the 1st Beast will make war with the Saints and overcome them as per Revelation 13:7. So the idea of the 3 1/2 Year Great Tribulation being the Wheat Harvest fits perfectly.
The importance of these Last 78 Jubilees of Days which equals 10 1/2 Years is that it is exactly the same as the entire length of the Messiah's Ministry on earth at his 1st Coming. The Messiah was 40 1/2 Years old when he died and he began his Ministry when he was 30 Years old where 40 1/2 Years minus 30 Years = 10 1/2 Years! The whole purpose of the Messiah's Ministry was to prepare a people for Yahuah and to preach the coming Kingdom of Yahuah. The Messiah preached repentance from sin and the glad tidings of the coming Kingdom of Yahuah. It was a cleansing process where he taught people to repent and be baptized and to receive the remission of their sins. To a people that sat in darkness the Messiah came as the Light of the World. In our time now in these Last Days it is the same message for the people to repent of their sins and to get ready for the Kingdom of Yahuah.
When things really heat up during the Great Tribulation, the Chaff will be separated from the Wheat.
"Blow you the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in my holy mountain: let all the inhabitants of the land tremble: for the Day of Yahuah comes, for it is nigh at hand." Joel 2:1.
Throughout the scriptures we are being warned of the Great Tribulation that is coming soon and the return of the Messiah. The Great Day of Yahuah will be on the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011 when the Messiah will return at his 2nd Coming. But before he returns there there will be a time of great trouble such as never was since the beginning of the world which is the 3 1/2 Year Great Tribulation. The Great Tribulation will begin on March 20, 2008.
At the end of an Intercalation Year such as 2000/1 and 2006/7 the 78 Days to Pentecostis a strong reminder of the Great Tribulation and the Messiah's 2nd Coming. There is a bigger picture to the meaning of the 78 Days to Pentecost. The 78 Days also represents 78 Weeks which is a partial but larger view of the Last Days. While the 78 Jubilees of Days is the full picture of what is coming in the Last Days. The 78 Weeks is a preparation for the Great Tribulation (Wheat Harvest) while the 78 Jubilees of Days is the preparation for the Messiah's 2nd Coming.
The Messiah's Ministry at his 1st Coming was 10 1/2 Years = 78 Jubilees of Days. During the Messiah's Ministry there was a cleansing and refining process among believers. In John 6:60-66 we read, "But there are some of you that believe not. For Yahuahshua knew from the beginning who they were that believed not, and who should betray him. ... From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him." At the end, even one of the twelve Apostles, Judas Iscariot, left him. This was all part of the refining process and so it shall be in our time during the Great Tribulation.
The 1st Invitation to the Marriage Feast of the Messiah will be during the 1st 6 Months of the Great Tribulation. The 2nd and Final Invitation will be during the Last 3 Years of the Great Tribulation.
In the world there are signs too that the Great Tribulation is near at hand. In the United States the National Identification Card is scheduled for May 2008 next year in the first part of the Great Tribulation. The National ID Card will be embedded with biometric info. People will not be able to get a Driver's License or other Government Documents or benefits without it. People will not be able to get work without it. People will not be able to even open a Bank Account without it. This fits with the 78 Weeks Prophecy where the 3rd 26 Weeks is the 1st 6 Months of the Great Tribulation and could be the first step before the Mark of the Beast is issued.
Biometric Identification is synonymous with the Mark of the Beast. At some stage, the Biometric ID will become the Mark of the Beast. Government Officials are urgently pushing for mandatory use of Biometric ID Cards to control the flow of people across their borders etc. in the name of security. The cards will mirror a person's unique biological identity. The word Biometric means "Measurement of Life". We know from scripture that the Mark of the Beast will be a Name, Number, Mark, and Image. A Biometric ID Card will have a person's name, Social Security Number, or National ID Number, along with Biometric info as digital finger prints, iris scan, facial recognition image, DNA, voice print, etc. The Card will be used to identify an individual and also to control the movements and activities of that individual. The Biometric Card is not the final form of the Mark of the Beast. But the Biometric Card will eventually lead to the actual Mark of the Beast which could be an implanted microchip or tattoo (computer readable bar code) on the right hand or on the forehead.
In the Prophecy of the 78 whether it is Days, Weeks, or Jubilees of Days, the 1st 26 represents being in sin, the 2nd 26 represents Barley Harvest and the coming out of sin, while the 3rd 26 represents Wheat Harvest and the keeping of the Commandments and Laws of Yahuah. The beginning of Barley Harvest starts with the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Unleavened Bread is bread that has no yeast. Yeast represents sin and lawlessness. So Barley Harvest represents a time of cleansing. While Wheat Harvest represents a transition to Law and Order and the keeping of the Laws and Commandments of Yahuah.
There are horrific things coming but Yahuah is more than able to help us to deal with anything that comes our way. Even when our own strength fails we are assured because our faith and strength is not in ourselves but in Yahuah through Yahuahshua and by Yahuah's Holy Spirit.
As it is written in Romans 8:35-39, "Who shall separate us from the love of the Messiah? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? As it is written, For your sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of Yahuah, which is in the Messiah Yahuahshua our master."
When the Messiah returns at the end of the Great Tribulation and establishes Yahuah's Kingdom on earth, there shall be peace on earth for 1000 Years.
As it is written in Isaiah 2:2-5, "And it shall come to pass in the Last Days ... And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. O house of Jacob, come and let us walk in the Light of Yahuah."
Introduction:109.0) Countdown, 9 Months to the start of the Great Tribulation on March 20, 2008:The earth existed for millions of years before the 7 Day Re-Creation at the time of Adam. The proof of this is the evidence of Dinosaur bones and other remains. From the Creation of Adam to the present is only about 6000 Years. The 7 Day Re-Creation was at the end of an Intercalation Year. At the end of the Intercalary Year the added 7 Intercalary Days gives us the 78 Days to Pentecost from the 7th Jubilee of Days. The 7 Intercalary Days brought back the Sacred Calendar Year to be in line with the Solar Year and the Spring Equinox was on the 4th Day of the Week during the 7 Day Re-Creation!
Now in these Last Days the 78 = 3 x 26 Model which is based on the 78 Days to Pentecost at the end of an Intercalation Year is prominent. The Number 26 in this formula is very significant as it is the numerical value of the Father's Name of Yahuah.
The 78 = 3 x 26 Model for the Last Days:
The 78 Days from the 7th Jubilee of Days at the end of an Intercalation Year to Pentecost gives us a basic meaning and pattern for the Last Days. The 1st 26 Days represents sin. The 2nd 26 Days represents Barley Harvest. The 3rd 26 Days represents Wheat Harvest. The 78 = 3 x 26 Model can also be applied to the Last 78 Jubilees of Days = 10 1/2 Years leading up to the Messiah's 2nd Coming when he will return on September 15, 2011. The 1st 26 Jubilees of Days represents sin = 3 1/2 Years. The 2nd 26 Jubilees of Days represents Barley Harvest = 3 1/2 Years = the Beginning of Sorrows. The 3rd 26 Jubilees of Days represents Wheat Harvest = 3 1/2 Years = the Great Tribulation which will begin on March 20, 2008.
The Messiah was crucified on the Day of Passover on the 14th Day of the 1st Month at the end of the 1st 26 Days. Our sins are washed away by the Messiah's perfect sacrifice for us. The Messiah was also the First of the Firstfruits of the Sheaf Offering of Barley immediately after his resurrection from the dead and the Messiah represents the beginning of Barley Harvest. The 1st Passover on the 14th Day of the 1st Month and the 1st Feast of Unleavened Bread from the 15th Day to the 21st Day of the 1st Month represents the 1st Invitation to the Marriage Feast of the Messiah at his 1st Coming. Barley Harvest is during the 2nd 26 Days.
The 2nd Passover on the 14th Day of the 2nd Month (Numbers 9:1-14) and the 2nd Feast of Unleavened Bread from the 15th Day to the 21st Day of the 2nd Month is during Wheat Harvest. The 3rd 26 Days is Wheat Harvest which ends with the Feast of Pentecost. Wheat Harvest in the Last Days is the 3 1/2 Year Great Tribulation. The Great Tribulation (Wheat Harvest) is the 2nd and Last Invitation to the Messiah's Marriage Feast (Matthew 22:1-14). The Marriage Feast of the Messiah will take place at the end of Wheat Harvest at the end of the Great Tribulation just after the Messiah's 2nd Coming during the 7 Day Feast of Tabernacles from September 29, 2011 to October 5, 2011.
3rd Seal of Revelation is now Open:
The 3rd Seal of Revelation 6:5-6 talks about the weighing out of Barley and of Wheat in a pair of balances for a certain amount of money. This suggests the coming rationing, scarcity and shortages of food and the high cost of them. But when?
We now have a major catastrophe in progress that suggests that the 3rd Seal of Revelation is now OPEN!
Massive populations of honey bees are dying by the billions all over the world. The worst hit country at the moment is the United States. Since last November in 2006, the U.S. has seen a decline in bee populations so dramatic that it eclipses all previous incidences of mass mortality. Beekeepers on the east coast of the United States complain that they have lost more than 70 percent of their stock since late last year, while the west coast has seen a decline of up to 60 percent.
Bees pollinate fruit and vegetable plants, almond trees and animal feed like clover. The impact of the death of the honey bee can not be underestimated. It is and will have dire consequences for all of mankind. Here is a prediction and direct quote from Albert Einstein, "If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe then man would only have four years of life left. No more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more man."
No one knows what is causing the bees to perish, but some experts believe that the large-scale use of genetically modified plants in the U.S. could be a factor.
Scientists call the mysterious phenomenon "Colony Collapse Disorder" (CCD). The symptoms of CCD are the absence of adult bees and no corpses in the hive, along with the presence of both honey and pollen in the hive. The Scientists are also surprised that bees and other insects usually leave the abandoned hives untouched. Nearby bee populations or parasites would normally raid the honey and pollen stores of colonies that have died for other reasons, such as excessive winter cold.This suggests that there is something toxic in the colony itself that is repelling them. Some of the possible causes could be parasitic mites, long cold winters, pesticides, genetically modified crops, etc. Genetically modified, insect-resistant plants are used in 40 percent of cornfields in the United States.
But whatever the cause, it will devastate food production for years to come.
Farmers are also starting to use large portions of good farm land and converting feed and food crops into bio fuels such as ethanol for new green cars coming onto the market. This will just add to the coming shortages and higher food costs.
The 3rd Seal of Revelationtalks about Barley and Wheat. We are now at the end of the 3 1/2 Year Barley Harvest and will begin the 3 1/2 Year Wheat Harvest on March 20, 2008. Albert Einstein's prediction indicates 4 Years of Life left for Man after the death of the bee. From the Feast of Trumpets on September 20, 2007 this year to the Messiah's return on the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011 is exactly 4 Years! The upcoming 3 1/2 Year Great Tribulation will witness the death of approximately 1/2 of the World's population, about 3 Billion people from famine, war, disease, and the beasts of the field. It is all coming together. The signs are there for those whose minds are open to understand.
Signs of the Times that we are in the Last Days:
There are usually signs in nature before a natural disaster. For instance, birds and insects may go silent, animals may flee before an earthquake strikes, etc. Yet in the last few years we have had countless indicators in nature of the doom that is coming. Some of the signs in nature have been for example, almost a total depletion of fish stocks in the oceans, water shortages around the world, climate change causing drought, flooding, forest fires and insect infestations, diseases like bird flu, SARS, etc. Now we can add the devastation of bee populations world wide to the list. There are also signs in man of fear, unrest, and social upheaval in societies globally due to religious, political, and economic differences. The Messiah rebuked those at his 1st Coming for failing to heed warnings of his generation, how much more now just before his 2nd Coming when he said in Matthew 16:3, "O you hypocrites, you can discern the face of the sky; but can you not discern the signs of the times?"
Greed, overpopulation, and the thirst for power through control of oil reserves etc. in places like Iraq, Iran, etc. are additional catalysts that will just intensify the brew that is already boiling.
The Messiah began Barley Harvest at his 1st Coming which was the 1st Invitation to the Marriage Feast of the Lamb. The Messiah will return at the end of Wheat Harvest at his 2nd Coming. The 2nd and Last Invitation to the Marriage Feast is the 3 1/2 Year Great Tribulation which is the Wheat Harvest just before his 2nd Coming.
Today is April 19, 2007 the 29th Day of the 1st Month. The countdown to the Great Tribulation has begun. There are now just 48 Weeks to go before the Great Tribulation begins on March 20, 2008. These 48 Weeks are 22 Weeks to the Feast of Trumpets on September 20, 2007; then 26 Weeks to the 1st Day of the Great Tribulation on March 20, 2008.
A famous saying is that all roads lead to Rome. Well, in these Last Days, all roads lead to Armageddon and the Great Day of Yahuah.
Man's greed and his thirst for power is leading us down a path to destruction.
We keep hearing of increasing problems within our society, with our food and water supply, with the very air we breathe along with other serious concerns that threaten our very existence. Yet to no avail. Most people just turn a deaf ear and pretend nothing is happening. Others just throw up their hands in despair and just give up. These are all signs that we are now living in the End Times. All these things have been prophesied since the beginning of time. The good news is that after the Great Tribulation the Messiah will return and he will restore peace and stability to the earth. During the Messiah's reign on earth there will be peace for 1000 years. So rejoice and be glad for our redemption draws nigh and there will be a great calm after the storm.
Introduction:110.0) Feast of Trumpets 2007 begins the preparation for the Great Tribulation:Today is July 8, 2007 the 18th Day of the 4th Month. We are now just less than 9 Months to go to the start of the Great Tribulation. The Great Tribulation will begin on March 20, 2008, will last 3 1/2 Years, and will end with the return of the Messiah on the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011.
It is time to wake up, clean house, and get our house in order. Once the Great Tribulation begins, you will not have time to plan or to think about what you are going to do or where you are going to go. All the prophecies of 3 1/2 Years of 1260 Days and 42 Months revealed to us in the Book of Revelation will begin on March 20, 2008! The Gentiles (International Forces) will tread on the Temple Mount and Jerusalem for 42 Months (Revelation 11:1-2). The 2 Witnesses (AliYahu = Elijah and Hanuch = Enoch) will prophesy for 1260 Days (Revelation 11:3-12). Believers will flee into the Wilderness for 1260 Days and Satan and his fallen angels will be cast out of heaven unto the earth during this 3 1/2 Years (Revelation 12:1-17). The 1st Beast will rule on the earth for 42 Months (Revelation 13:1-8).
The 4 Seasons before the Great Tribulation begins:
March 22, 2007 was the 1st Day of the 1st Month which began the 12 Months before the Great Tribulation. The Great Tribulation will begin on March 20, 2008. These 12 Months before the Great Tribulation also equals 4 Seasons and they are:
Spring 2007 = 91 Days = 3 Months = March 22, 2007 to June 20, 2007. Complete and Finished.
Summer 2007 = 91 Days = 3 Months = June 21, 2007 to September 19, 2007. Started.
Fall 2007 = 91 Days = 3 Months = September 20, 2007 to December 19, 2007. To Come.
Winter 2007 = 91 Days = 3 Months = December 20, 2007 to March 19, 2008. To Come.
As you can see, the time is flying by very quickly and we do not have too much time left to get ready.
The Time of the Great Tribulation and the Messiah's 2nd Coming will be like in the Days of Noah:
We know from scripture that Noah was warned to prepare well in advance for the Flood that was to come. Noah took heed and built the ark as he was commanded and through his obedience he and his family, a total of 8 Persons were saved. We have had almost 2,000 Years warning to prepare for the Great Tribulation and the Messiah's 2nd Coming. Now it is at the very door! Don't you think that it is high time to wake up and to get ready? This Watchman for the House of Yahuah has not ceased to warn the people for the past 30 Years to get ready.
The Last warning that Noah received before the Flood Waters began was just 7 Days before the rain started. We in these Last Days have been given a final 7 Years warning before the Messiah's 2nd Coming. The 1st 3 1/2 Years of these Last 7 Years is the Beginning of Sorrows which is almost complete. The Last 3 1/2 Years to the Messiah's return is the Great Tribulation which will begin on March 20, 2008. The Great Tribulation will be a time of trouble such as this world has never seen before in history. About one half of the world's population of 6 Billion people, about 3 Billion people will die from war, disease, famine, and the beasts of the field. Even with this massive loss of life, this will only knock back the population to 3 Billion people to the 1963 population level. The fact that the population of the earth has doubled in just 40 Years should be a wake up call that we are in the Last Days and that this world can not sustain such an exponential growth.
The Prophecies in Daniel 12:11-12 of 1290 Days and 1335 Days to begin in the Winter of 2007:
Daniel Chapter 12 talks about the Great Tribulation that is just coming up, the Messiah's 2nd Coming and the Judgement of the World at the Messiah's return.
In Daniel 12:1 we read, "And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which stands for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book."
In Revelation 12:6-9 it is written, "And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared of Yahuah, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and three-score days. And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, ... he (Satan) was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out (of heaven) with him."
Both Daniel 12:1 and Revelation 12:6-9 are describing the same event of Michael casting Satan and the fallen angels out of heaven unto the earth at the start of the Great Tribulation.
Now that we know the context of Daniel Chapter 12 and how it relates to the Last Days, we can figure out the meaning of the time of the 1290 Days and the 1335 Days which are written in Daniel 12:11-12.
The easier of the two to understand is the 1335 Days in verse 12 where it reads, "Blessed is he that waits, and comes to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days." The 1335 Days is the time leading up to the Messiah's 2nd Coming on the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011. The Blessed Time that we all long and wait for is the Messiah's 2nd Coming. So counting 1335 Days back from his return we get 75 Days before the 1260 Day Great Tribulation where 1260 Days + 75 Days = 1335 Days. This 75 Days before the Great Tribulation will begin in the Winter of 2007 on the 16th Day of the 10th Month on January 4, 2008.
The 1290 Day Prophecyis a little more difficult to figure out. There are two possibilities here. The first possibility is 30 Days into the Great Tribulation which is 30 Days after the 1260 Days (3 1/2 Years) Beginning of Sorrows where 1260 Days + 30 Days = 1290 Days. The 30th Day into the Great Tribulation would be the 30th Day of the 1st Month on April 18, 2008.
The second possibility is 30 Days before the Great Tribulation counting 1290 Days back from the Messiah's 2nd Coming on September 15, 2011. In this case, the 30 Days before the Great Tribulation would begin on the 1st Day of the 12th Month on February 18, 2008 in the Winter of 2007.
Of the two possibilities, the more probable is the 30 Days before the Great Tribulation. The Messiah gives us an insight into this in Matthew 24:15-22 (Mark 13:14,18-20). In Matthew 24:15-16,20-21 we read, "When you therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place ... Then let them which be in Judea flee into the mountains. But pray you that your flight be not in the Winter, neither on the Sabbath Day. For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be." If the 30 Days are just before the Great Tribulation then the 30 Days will begin on February 18, 2008 in the Winter of 2007!
Luke 21:20-36 gives us more light on this. Here we read, "And when you shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh. Then let them which are in Judea flee into the mountains; ... and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles (Nations), until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled." This also ties in with Revelation 11:2 where it says, "But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months." In Luke 21 we are told that when we see Jerusalem compassed with armies that the desolation is near. That is when those that are in Judea are to flee into the mountains, before the desolation begins!
There is a direct connection of the 1290 Days to the Abomintion of Desolation. In Daniel 12:11 we read, "And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that makes desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days."
Daniel 9:27 gives us a good idea as to when the sacrifice will cease and the Abomination of Desolation will begin. It will begin in the middle of the Last 7 Years to the Messiah's 2nd Coming with the 1st Day of the Great Tribulation. Daniel 9:27 reads, "And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate."
In Matthew 24:15 the Messiah is referring to the Abomination of Desolation in Daniel 9:27. The 1290 Days in Daniel 12:11 is also referring to Daniel 9:27. The Messiah in Matthew 24:16 then says that once you see the Abomination of Desolation, then those in Judea are to flee into the mountains. In Matthew 24:20 he says, "pray that your flight be not in the winter". And why are believers to flee? Because in Matthew 24:21 the Messiah explains that the Great Tribulation will begin! The Messiah would not tell believers to flee once the tribulation began. He warns us to flee before the Great Tribulation begins. And the 1290 Days shows us exactly when to flee, 30 Days before the Great Tribulation begins!Luke 21:20-36 gives us the key, when you see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh.
We are very close now and it is time to get ready in earnest. From today July 8, 2007 the 18th Day of the 4th Month we are now:
To the 1st Day of the Great Tribulation on March 20, 2008 = 256 Days = 36 1/2 Weeks = 8 1/2 Months.
To the 1st Day of the 1290 Days on February 18, 2008 = 226 Days = 32 Weeks = 7 1/2 Months.
To the 1st Day of the 1335 Days on January 4, 2008 = 181 Days = 26 Weeks = 6 Months.
From the two scriptures in Daniel of the 1335 Days and the 1290 Days, we get two last warnings before the Great Tribulation will begin. The 1335 Days will begin on January 4, 2008, 75 Days before the Great Tribulation, in the Winter of 2007. While the 1290 Days will begin on February 18, 2008, 30 Days before the Great Tribulation, in the Winter of 2007. The 30 Day warning before the Great Tribulation is especially critical for those in Judea to flee into the mountains.
"If therefore you shall not watch, I will come on you as a thief and you shall not know what hour I will come upon you" (Revelation 3:3).
"But of the times and the seasons, brethren, you have no need that I write unto you. For yourselves know perfectly that the day of Yahuah so comes as a thief in the night. ... But you brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. You are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness" (1Thessalonians 5:1-5).
Two Billion Rats have Invaded China: Another sign that we are in the Last Days and that we are soon approaching the Great Tribulation occurred in China recently. When the Yangtze River flooded on June 23, 2007, the water level rose in Dongting Lake. The flooding began flushing out rat holes around the lake forcing the rats to higher ground. Since then farming communities in more than 20 counties near Dongting have been overrun by the rats. About 2 Billion rats have been coursing through the region. Residents in the district of Dahu have killed more than 2.3 million rats or 90 tons of the rodents since the invasion began. The rats have ravaged at least 4 Million acres of farmland by eating the roots and stems of crops. A drought preceding the recent flooding exacerbated the rat problem. The drought exposed land that used to be the lake, and the rats took up residence there. When the land became submerged, the rodents fled to higher ground. While local farmers are killing the rats by hand and by poison, the situation presents a very serious health problem. This brings to mind the plagues of Egypt before the exodus by Moses and the children of Israel. This is also a good example of the disease and death that will come through the beasts of the field during the Great Tribulation.
"Come out of her, my people, that you be not partakers of her sins, and that you receive not of her plagues" (Revelation 18:4).
Introduction:111.0) Trumpets 2007 countdown to Great Trib and the Messiah's 2nd Coming:Today is July 21, 2007 the 1st Day of the 5th Month. There are just 2 Months left in the Summer Season of 2007. The Feast of Trumpets, the 1st Day of the 7th Month on September 20, 2007 marks the end of Summer and is the 1st Day of the Fall Season. The Summer Fruit is harvested in preparation for Winter. The Last Great Day, the 22nd Day of the 7th Month on October 11, 2007 marks the end of the Agricultural Year and the start of the New Agricultural Year. What does this all mean for us in these Last Days?
We should use the next 2 Months of what is left of the Summer Season in 2007 to get our house in order. Then the next 6 Months from the Feast of Trumpets 2007 to the 1st Day of the Great Tribulation should be used to prepare for the Great Tribulation. Also from the Feast of Trumpets 2007 to the Feast of Trumpets 2011 are 4 Years of preparation for the Messiah's 2nd Coming.
Feast of Trumpets 2007 is a Key starting point in preparation for the Great Tribulation and the Messiah's 2nd Coming:
From the Feast of Trumpets the 1st Day of the 7th Month on September 20, 2007 to the 1st Day of the Great Tribulation the 1st Day of the 1st Month on March 20, 2008 is exactly 6 Months. 6 Months = 26 Weeks = 7 Days per Week x 26 Weeks = 182 Days using 364 Days per Year (Counting the 4 Intercalary Days). 6 Months = 180 Days = 10 x 18 Days using 360 Days per Year (Not Counting the 4 Intercalary Days). Notice all the perfect numbers here: 7 represents the Messiah, 26 represents Yahuah the Father, 18 represents the Righteous and Righteousness, and 10 represents Judgement.
From the Feast of Trumpets 2007 to the Messiah's return is 4 Years = 4 Years x 360 Days per Year = 1,440 Days = 10 x 144 Days! The number 144 is also a perfect number that represents the Righteous and Righteousness. While the number 10 again represents Judgement.
The 10 Commandments and the Last 10 Years:
The Last 10 Years to the Messiah's return began on the Feast of Trumpets 2001. The Last 4 Years to the Messiah's return will begin on the Feast of Trumpets on September 20, 2007. The 10 Commandments consists of 2 parts where the 1st 4 Commandments is how we worship Yahuah and the Last 6 Commandments is how we love our fellow man. It is in the Last 4 Years to the Messiah's return that our obedience in keeping Yahuah's Laws will be severely tested, especially in keeping the 1st 4 of the 10 Commandments of Yahuah. During the 3 1/2 Year Great Tribulation, people will be forced to worship the Beast and his image. Those that don't will be killed. Anyone keeping the 1st 4 of the 10 Commandments of Yahuah during the Great Tribulation will be persecuted and killed.
The 1st Commandment is: You shall have no other Mighty Ones before me (Exodus 20:3).
The 2nd Commandment is: You shall not make unto you any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water in the earth: You shall not bow down yourself to them, nor serve them: for I Yahuah your Mighty One am a zealous Almighty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; And showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments (Exodus 20:4-6).
The 3rd Commandmentis: You shall not take the name of Yahuah your Mighty One in vain; for Yahuah will not hold him guiltless that takes his name in vain (Exodus 20:7).
The 4th Commandment is: Remember the Sabbath Day, to keep it holy. Six days shall you labour, and do all your work: But the seventh day is the Sabbath of Yahuah your Mighty One: in it you shall not do any work, you, nor your son, nor your daughter, your manservant, nor your maidservant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger that is within your gates: For in six days Yahuah made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore Yahuah blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it (Exodus 20:8-11).
Note: Keep in mind that in addition to the Weekly 7th Day Sabbath, there are also 7 High Sabbaths during the Feast Days.
The 1290 Day and the 1335 Day Prophecy in Daniel will be the Last 2 Warnings before the Great Tribulation begins:
From the previous Topic 109.0) above, we showed that the 1290 Day and the 1335 Day Prophecy in Daniel 12:11-12 will be the Last 2 Warnings before the Great Tribulation begins. The 1335 Days will begin on January 4, 2008 which will be 75 Days before the Great Tribulation. While the 1290 Days will begin on February 18, 2008 which will be 30 Days before the Great Tribulation. Both the 1290 Day and the 1335 Day Prophecy will begin in the Winter of 2007.
The Feast of Trumpets on September 20, 2007 on the 1st Day of the 7th Month is a keyand major starting point before the Great Tribulation. Things are coming very quickly and much sooner than you think. Time to get your house in order. Time to get ready and prepare for the Great Tribulation.
Introduction:112.0) Messiah's Future Name Key to understanding 1290 Day Prophecy of Daniel:The Feast of Trumpets 2007 is a countdown to the Great Tribulation and the Messiah's 2nd Coming. From the Feast of Trumpets on September 20, 2007 to the 1st Day of the Great Tribulation on March 20, 2008 is 26 Weeks (based on 364 Days per Year counting the 4 Intercalary Days). From the Feast of Trumpets on September 20, 2007 to the Messiah's 2nd Coming on September 15, 2011 is exactly 1440 Days = 10 x 144 Days (360 Days per Year not counting the 4 Intercalary Days). From this point on the Righteous should have their Lamps filled with Oil (the Holy Spirit of Yahuah), trimmed and ready for the Master's return. Remember the Parable of the 10 Virgins.
Signs in 2007 of the Coming of the Great Tribulation:
In the Spring and Summer of 2007, there have been major signs that there are troubled times ahead. The song called "Eve of Destruction" is very appropriate for the present time. Here are some recent foreboding events that point to the coming of the Great Tribulation:
1)Financial Marketsaround the world took a severe beating due to large scale defaults and foreclosures of Housing Mortgages in the United States. Governments have pumped $ 100's of Billions of Dollars into the Financial Markets to stabilize the situation. This is causing a downward spiral and ripple affect in the economy of countries all over the world.
2) Flooding in India, Pakistan, and Nepal has affected over 35 Million people. Flooding in China caused the evacuation of over 900,000 people. While in Korea, 300,000 people have been affected. The floods destroyed crops and the standing water is preventing new crops from being planted. Countless are left homeless, many are sick from drinking the contaminated water. The result is homelessness, hunger and disease on a large scale.
3) Drought in Canada and other parts of the world is causing food shortages and the high rise in food cost. The BBC News reported on August 24, 2007 that the price of wheat is 30 percent higher, the highest price ever due to drought damaged wheat crops in Canada and high demand globally. Price of wheat products have doubled since last year! This is just another confirmation that the 3rd Seal of Revelation 6:5-6 is now open and that the Great Tribulation is coming quickly. The Great Tribulation is right on schedule for the Spring of 2008.
4)Fire in Greece this summer caused the destruction of most of Mount Olympus, in Olympia on the Island of Peloponnisos. There were major forest fires throughout Greece but Mount Olympus is the most significant. Olympia from the earliest times was a center of worship of Zeus and scene of the Olympic Games. Excavation here revealed the great temple which contained the celebrated Statue of Zeus which was one of the Seven Wonders of the World. The major deities of Ancient Greece lived on Mount Olympus including Zeus. Their sanctuary was Olympia, in Elis, where the Olympic Games were held in honor of Olympian Zeus. The Olympic Games were revived in modern times in 1896. The sacred torch of fire of the Olympic Games originated at Mount Olympus and even today, the torch is ignited using reflectors to guide the rays of the sun to create the sacred flame which suggests Sun worship. The fact that the Temple columns on Mount Olympus were singed by fire is very significant. The Olympic Torch relay in 2004 was the 1st Global one and Fall 2004 was the start of the Last 7 Years to the Messiah's 2nd Coming. The Olympic Torch is passed from one capital city to another until it travels around the world and culminates at the Olympic Games. The next Olympic Games which is held every 4 Years will be in China, the country of the Dragon in 2008!
5) War and the Rumours of War are on the horizon. Relations between the United States, Russia, and China have cooled. The major powers are all shuffling for position in grabbing the oil reserves around the world. The focal point is the Middle East where the bulk of the oil is. While the coalition forces are entangled with war in Iraq and Afghanistan; Iran, Russia and China are on the sidelines just waiting for an opening. The whole Middle East is a tinderbox. The trigger could be an attack on Iran by the United States. Iran is defying the whole international community by continuing its nuclear program. There is a rumour that the United States will strike Iran with a 3 Day blitz hitting 1200 strategic targets. Russia and China are both backing Iran, so the reaction to an attack on Iran would be catastrophic and could possibly lead to World War 3!
6) Famine is already showing its ugly face in Africa, North Korea and other parts of the world. Drought, flooding, and global warming are making the situation ripe for global famine. The absence of honey bees to pollinate crops and the conversion of corn to fuel automobiles is not helping. Believe it or not, fossil fuels such as oil and natural gas have made global overpopulation possible. Up to the year 1900, the chief source of power was animal and human labour. With the introduction of fossil fuels the whole situation changed. Labour intensive farming was replaced by cheap mechanical power. Transportation of food extended to a global network due to mechanical powered vehicles. Chemical fertilizers replaced organic ones and increased the food production. Man has reached the peak of cheap readily available fossil fuels. We are now on a downward curve. Fossil fuels are getting scarcer and more expensive to extract. This means less food for an exploding population growth which this world can no longer support.
7) Temple Mount in Jerusalem could be up for grabs very soon. Prime Minister Ehud Olmert may give up the Temple Mount in exchange for peace with the Palestinians. The conditions for a final status agreement could be presented in November 2007 at a U.S.-backed international summit regarding the Middle East. This is another sign that the Great Tribulation is near. The Gentiles will have control of the Temple Mount and the City of Jerusalem during the 3 1/2 Year Great Tribulation. In Revelation 11:1-2 we read, "But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months."
8) Abominable Corruption of Creation is being done by man with the creation of human-animal embryos for research. China has achieved this already and Great Britain has now also legalized such research. Stem cell research using human-animal embryos is now accepted. On the surface it may look good in possibly solving some diseases but in reality man is tampering with forces that could backfire big time!
Yearly Seasons and the 92 Day Jubilee Affect:
There is a Jubilee Affect of the Seasons that affect the Last Days. The Sacred Year is 364 Days. 1 Season = 91 Days where 4 Seasons = 4 x 91 Days = 364 Days. The Jubilee Affect is 49 + 49 + 49 + 1 etc. where the 50th is also the 1st of the next 49. In the same way, 1 Season = 91 Days but with the Jubilee Affect becomes 91 + 91 + 91 + 1 etc. where the 92nd is a type of Jubilee and is also the 1st of the next 91. So the 1st Day of the next Season is like a Jubilee. The number 92 gives us perfect numbers. 92 = 22 + 22 + 22 + 26 = 66 + 26. In this way, the whole Sacred Year is a series of 22's and 26's. The Name of Yahuah the Father has a numerical value of 26. While the Messiah is the Word of Yahuah and is represented by the 22 Letter Hebrew Alphabet. So the number 26 represents Yahuah the Father and the number 22 represents Yahuahshua the Messiah His beloved Son. With this new pattern of 92 Days for each Season using the Jubilee Affect, the whole Sacred Calendar Year is one long series of 22's and 26's showing a clear presence of both Yahuah and Yahuahshua throughout the Year! This Pattern of 92 is very significant in understanding Time for the Last Days.
What is more amazing is that the Feast Days agree with this pattern of 92 = 22 + 22 + 22 + 26 = 66 + 26. In the 1st Season of Spring, all the Spring Feast Days are in the 1st 22 Days. The Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) is the 1st Day of the 26 Days and the 26th Day from Pentecost is the 1st Day of the 4th Month which is the 1st Day of Summer. In the Fall, the Feast of Trumpets is the 26th Day of this pattern and is also the 1st Day of the next 22 Day Fall Feasts. All the Fall Feast Days are in the 1st 22 Days of the Pattern. The Messiah said that he is the First and the Last. The Messiah will return on the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011 on the 1st Day of the 7th Month. The Feast of Trumpets is the 1st Day of the 22 Day Fall Feasts but is also the Last and 26th Day of the 92 Day Seasonal Jubilee Affect Pattern. Keep in mind that when the Messiah returns, he will be using his future name of Yahuahtsadaq = Yahuah is Righteous and which carries the full 4 Letter Hebrew name of Yahuah his beloved Father which has a numerical value of 26!
In this Pattern of 92 = 22 + 22 + 22 + 26, the Last Day, the 26th Day is on the 1st Day of each of the 4 Seasons of the Year. So the 26th Day is on the 1st Day of the Year on the 1st Day of the 1st Month which is the 1st Day of Spring. The 26th Day is on the 1st Day of Summer on the 1st Day of the 4th Month. The 26th Day is on the 1st Day of Fall on the Feast of Trumpets on the 1st Day of the 7th Month. And the 26th Day is also on the 1st Day of Winter on the 1st Day of the 10th Month. The 26th Day is the First and the Last. The 26th Day is the Last of the previous Seasonal Pattern and is also the 1st Day of the next Season.
In this Pattern of 92 = 22 + 22 + 22 + 26 = 66 + 26. The number 66 = 22 + 22 + 22 also represents the Messiah. From the 1st Day of the Year to Pentecost is 66 Days. Then from Pentecost to the 1st Day of Summer is 26 Days. Pentecost is the End of Wheat Harvest. End of Wheat Harvest represents the Messiah's 2nd Coming as clearly shown in the Parable of the Wheat and the Tares (Matthew 13:24-30,34-43). In scripture a Day equates with a Year such as when the Children of Israel searched the Promised Land for 40 Days and were forced to be in the wilderness for 40 Years, a Year for a Day. In the same way, the 66 Days to Pentecost represents 66 Years. The use of the Atomic Bomb in 1945 changed the world forever and was a foreshadow of the end of the age. In 1945 the United Nations also formed. At the Tower of Babel mankind was one and united so Yahuah dispersed mankind by confounding man with a diversity of languages (Genesis 11:1-9). In 1945 mankind was again united under one umbrella, the United Nations. From Fall 1945 to Fall 2011 is 66 Years! This 66 Years represents the 2nd Coming of the Messiah. The Book of Isaiah in the Old Testament has 66 Chapters. The Hebrew name of Isaiah is YeshaYahu = Salvation of Yahu which is the Messiah's present name backwards. The Messiah's present name is Yahuahshua = Yahuah is Salvation and carries the full 4 Letter Hebrew name of Yahuah His beloved Father that has the numerical value of 26. In 1947 the oldest copies of the Hebrew Old Testament were found at Qumran near the Dead Sea and are 1000 Years older than anything that man had to that point. Of all the copies of the books of the Bible, the only complete Book of the Bible found at Qumran was the Great Isaiah Scroll which has 66 Chapters. Most of the prophecies of the Messiah are contained in the Book of Psalms and the Book of Isaiah. We are in the Last Days and no matter which way we turn or which way we twist, we are constantly being confronted by signs of the Messiah's 2nd Coming and the soon establishment of Yahuah's Kingdom on earth when he comes.
Last 7 Year Seasons and the 92 Week Jubilee Affect:
The Last 7 Years to the Messiah's return is from Fall 2004 to Fall 2011. These Last 7 Years = 52 Jubilees of Days = 4 Seasons of 91 Weeks each. Each of these Seasons = 13 Jubilees of Days = 91 Weeks. So we can again apply the 92 Week Jubilee Affect. 92 Weeks = 22 Weeks + 22 Weeks + 22 Weeks + 26 Weeks. Just as in the 92 Day Pattern, the same is true in the 92 Week Pattern. The 26th Week is the 1st Week in each of the 4 Seasons of the Last 7 Years to the Messiah's return.
From the Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) to the 1st Day of Summer is 26 Days. From the 1st Day of Summer to the Day of Atonement is 100 Days = 26 + 26 + 26 + 22 Days (not counting Intercalary Days). From the 1st Day of Summer of the Last 7 Years to the Messiah's return on the Feast of Trumpets in 2011 is 39 Jubilees of Days. 39 Jubilees of Days = 3 Seasons = 13 JD + 13 JD + 13 JD. Each Season of the Last 7 Years = 91 Weeks and using the Jubilee Affect of 92 Weeks per Season we get 92 Weeks = 22 + 22 + 22 + 26 Weeks. The 26th Week in the Winter Season of the Last 7 Years is the 1st Week of the Messiah's return. The 1st Week of his return is the 7 Days from the Feast of Trumpets on Thursday September 15, 2011 the 5th Day of the Week which is the 1st Day of the 7th Month toWednesday September 21, 2011 in the middle of the week on the 4th Day of the Week which is the 7th Day of the 7th Month.
All the signs are there that we are now in the eve of destruction. People have been asking where are we to flee for safety. The safest place to be is under the protection and the wings of Yahuah. So we should be worshiping Yahuah in truth, keeping His Sabbaths, His Feast Days, and His Laws and Commandments. In scripture there are indications that believers will flee into the wilderness and will be there for 3 1/2 Years during the Great Tribulation. The wilderness is outside of cities. We should all be praying for guidance as to when and where to flee when the time comes.
The Last 7 Years to the Messiah's Coming equals 52 Jubilees of Days. As of September 6, 2007 22 Jubilees of Days of these 52 Jubilees of Days have already passed. The time is moving very quickly and the Messiah will return in just 30 Jubilees of Days more.
The whole Sacred Calendar Year is filled with Patterns of 22's and 26's from the beginning to the end of the Year. The number 26 is a signet of Yahuah the Father and the number 22 is a signet of the Messiah. The Sacred Calendar Year starts with a 26th and ends with a 26th showing that Yahuah the Father is all encompassing.
Gold is now over $ 700.00 U.S. per Ounce and the price of Oil is over $ 80.00 U.S. per Barrel and this is just September 2007. Stock Analysts are predicting a value of $ 750 to $ 850 U.S. per Ounce for Gold in 2008 and Oil could reach over $ 100 U.S. per Barrel by the end of 2007. What does this mean for the average person? Due to world demand for Oil especially with China and India buying up huge reserves this could cause a fuel shortage this Winter in 2007. Winter 2007 promises to be a hard Winter. This Winter we can look forward to high prices and shortges in both food and fuel around the world.
Time to get ready folks for the time is at hand.
Introduction:113.0) Understanding the 1335 Day Prophecy of Daniel 12:12:The Messiah's Future Name of Yahuahtsadaq holds the Key to understanding the 1290 Day Prophecy of Daniel 12:1-13. Let us first look at the connection between the Messiah's Present and Future Names to give us a better insight.
The Connection between the Messiah's Present and Future Names:
Just as a reminder, the numbers 7 and 22 always refer to the Messiah, while the number 26 always refers to Yahuah the Father and the number 10 stands for Judgement.
The Messiah's Present Name of Yahuahshua consists of 7 Hebrew Letters that have a total numerical value of 402 and carries the inclusive Full 4 Letter Hebrew Name of Yahuah the Father which has a numerical value of 26.
The Messiah's Future Name of Yahuahtsadaq consists of 7 Hebrew Letters that have a total numerical value of 220 = 10 x 22 and carries the inclusive Full 4 Letter Hebrew Name of Yahuah the Father which has a numerical value of 26.
If you subtract the number of the Messiah's Future name from that of his Present name you get 402 - 220 = 182 where 182 + 220 = 402. On the Sacred Calendar of Yahuah, 182 Days (counting the Intercalary Days) is exactly 6 Months = 182 Days = 7 Days per Week x 26 Weeks. From the 1st Day of the Year to the Feast of Trumpets is exactly 182 Days! So the Messiah's Present name of Yahuahshua has encapsulated in it the timing for the Messiah's 2nd Coming as well as his Future Name. The Great Tribulation will be 3 1/2 Years and the Messiah will return immediately after the last 1/2 Year on the Feast of Trumpets. 3 1/2 Years = 7 x 6 Months = 42 Months = 1260 Days = 26 Jubilees of Days. The Messiah will return immediately after the completion of the 7th block of 6 Months. The Messiah's 2nd Coming will be on the Feast of Trumpets which is 182 Days from the beginning of the Year. The Messiah will be using his Future name of Yahuahtsadaq = 220 (which means Righteousness of Yahuah) at his 2nd Coming on the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011. Then 10 Days later on the Day of Atonement the Messiah will Judge the World.
When we pray using the Messiah's present name of Yahuahshua we acknowledge his 2nd Coming as well as his Future name of Yahuahtsadaq. So every time we say the Messiah's name of Yahuahshua we should also be thinking about his 2nd Coming.
With our fleshly minds it is difficult to even try to understand the beauty and power that is contained in the Messiah's two names. We don't fully appreciate the power that the Messiah's two names yield. In the true name of the Messiah, the Apostles performed miracles, healings, etc.
The 1290 Day Prophecy of Daniel 12:1-13:
Daniel 12:1-13 clearly talks about the the 3 1/2 Year Great Tribulation and the Day of Judgement on the Day of Atonement when the Messiah returns at his 2nd Coming. The 1290 Day Prophecy in verse 11 relates to the Abomination of Desolation that will happen during the Great Tribulation. The Great Tribulation is 3 1/2 Years = 1260 Days = 42 Months. The 1290 Days begins 30 Days before the Great Tribulation where 30 Days + 1260 Days = 1290 Days. The 1st Day of the 1290 Days will begin on the 1st Day of the 12th Month on February 18, 2008 in the Winter of 2007. The 1290 Days will end at the end of the Great Tribulation. Then immediately after the 1290 Days the Messiah will return on the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011.
In Ezekiel 4:1-17 Ezekiel is prophesying the siege of Jerusalem for our time in the Last Days. He was told to lie on his left side for 390 Days for the iniquity of the house of Israel and on his right side for 40 Days for the house of Judah where 390 Days + 40 Days = 430 Days. 1290 Days = 3 x 430. We can figure out the timing for the Abomination of Desolation from Matthew 24:15-31; Mark 13:14-27; Luke 17:24-37; and Luke 21:7-28. Luke 21:20 shows us when the 1290 Day Prophecy will begin, it will begin 30 Days before the Great Tribulation, where we read, "And when you shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh". This indicates that the desolation has not happened yet but is near, namely 30 Days before. From Revelation 11:2 we know that this desolation will last for the full 42 Months = 1260 Days = 3 1/2 Years of the Great Tribulation where we read, "But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months."
From the 1st Day of the 1290 Days on the 1st Day of the 12th Month to the 30th Day of the 3rd Month is 120 Days (not counting the Intercalary Days). 120 = 2 x 49 + 22. From the 1st Day of Summer on the 1st Day of the 4th Month to the Day of Atonement on the 10th Day of the 7th Month is 100 Days (not counting the Intercalary Days). 100 = 3 x 26 + 22. 120 + 100 = 220 which is the numerical value of the Messiah's Future Name of Yahuahtsadaq! So from the 1st Day of the 1290 Day Prophecy of Daniel to the Day of Atonement is exactly 220 Days (not counting the Intercalary Days).
The 1290 Day Prophecy of Daniel runs from the 1st Day of the 12th Month on February 18, 2008 which is 30 Days before the Great Tribulation to the30th Day of the 6th Month at the end of the Great Tribulation (not counting the Intercalary Days). The Messiah will return immediately after the 1290 Days on the Feast of Trumpets on the 1st Day of the 7th Month on September 15, 2011.
1290 Days = (40 + 390) + (40 + 390) + (40 + 390).
1290 Days = (70 + 360) + (70 + 360) + (70 + 360).
1290 Days = (3 x 70) + (3 x 360).
1290 Days = 210 + 1080.The 1290 Day Prophecy leads up to but does not include the Feast of Trumpets in 2011. For the Feast of Trumpets in 2011 when the Messiah returns to the Day of Atonement in 2011 we add 10 Days which gives 1290 Days + 10 Days = 1300 Days.
1290 Days + 10 Days = 1300 Days.
1300 Days = 210 + 10 + 1080.
1300 Days = 220 + 1080.
1300 Days = 1080 + 220.
1300 Days = (1080 Days = 3 x 360 Days = 3 Years) + 220.Here again we have the number of the Messiah's Future Name of 220 to the Day of Atonement in 2011! Now watch carefully. 1300 = 50 x 26! From the 1st Day of the 1290 Days on February 18, 2008 to the 1300th Day on the Day of Atonement on September 24, 2011 we have 26 perfect Jubilees of 50 Days each (not counting the Intercalary Days). The Jubilee Year, the 50th Year was celebrated on the Day of Atonement! The Jubilee Year was a Year of Release from bondage. The Messiah will Judge the World on the Day of Atonement in 2011 when he will come using his Future Name of Yahuahtsadaq which means "Righteousness of Yahuah". The Messiah is our High Priest of the order of Melech Tsadaq (MelchisedecHebrews 5:6,10; 6:20; 7:1-21) which means "King of Righteousness". The High Priest went into the Holy of Holies only once in the Year on the Day of Atonement.
Note: When using the 1300 Days from the 1st Day of the 1290 Days to the Day of Atonement, the 220 Days can be used both at the front or back end of the number combination of 1300 Days = 220 + (1080 = 3 x 360 = 3 Years) or 1300 Days = 3 Years + 220 Days. Keep in mind too that the Number 10 is Judgement and the Messiah's Future Name consists of 22 Tens or 10 Twenty-Twos where 220 = 22 x 10 = 10 x 22.
390 Days = 13 Months (13 x 30 Days per Month not counting Intercalary Days). 390 = 15 x 26. 390 Days = 39 x 10. 10 = Judgement. 1290 Days = (3 x 13 Months) + (3 x 40 Days) = 39 Months + 120 Days. The Messiah received 40 stripes less 1 = 39 stripes (Deuteronomy 25:3; 2Corinthians 11:24). 390 Days = 10 x 39. 120 Days = 2 x 49 + 22. 120 Days = 40 + 40 + 40. 120 = Life span of Man (Genesis 6:3). At his 2nd Coming we will be reminded of the suffering that the Messiah went through for all mankind for we are healed by his stripes (1Peter 2:24). In Isaiah 53:1-12 we read, "But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed."
The Messiah's Future Name and the Completion of the Sacrificial System:
The Sacrifices for the Fall Feast Days relate to the Messiah's Future Name of Yahuahtsadaqand his 2nd Coming. The Messiah's Future Name shows that the Messiah is the Completion of the Sacrificial System. In Numbers 29:1-40 we can sum up the total for the animal sacrifices of each of the Fall Feast Days.
The Feast of Trumpets is on the 1st Day of the 7th Month. The Day of Atonement is on the 10th Day of the 7th Month. The Feast of Tabernacles is the 7 Days between the 15th and 21st Days of the 7th Month.
The Last Great Day is on the 22nd Day of the 7th Month.The following abbreviations are: B = Bulls, R = Rams, L = Lambs, KG = Kid of the Goats, G = Goat.
1st Day 7th Month = 1B, 1R, 7L, 1KG = 10.
10th Day 7th Month = 1B, 1R, 7L, 1KG = 10.
15th Day 7th Month = 13B, 2R, 14L, 1KG = 30.
16th Day 7th Month = 12B, 2R, 14L, 1KG = 29.
17th Day 7th Month = 11B, 2R, 14L, 1G = 28.
18th Day 7th Month = 10B, 2R, 14L, 1KG = 27.
19th Day 7th Month = 9B, 2R, 14L, 1G = 26.
20th Day 7th Month = 8B, 2R, 14L, 1G = 25.
21st Day 7th Month = 7B, 2R, 14L, 1G = 24.
22nd Day 7th Month = 1B, 1R, 7L, 1G = 10.Totals = 73B + 17R + 119L + 10G = 219.
The numerical value of the Messiah's Future Name of Yahuahtsadaq = 220. The Total for all the animal sacrifices for the Fall Feasts is 219, just 1 short of 220. The Messiah is the 220th sacrifice, our sacrificial Lamb who died for the sin of the World. So 219 + 1 = 220! If you add 1 to any of the four totals they are all perfect numbers where 73 + 1 = 74 = 2 x 26 + 22; 17 + 1 = 18 (18 = Righteousness); 119 + 1 = 120 = 2 x 49 + 22; 10 + 1 = 11 (11 is the Prime Number of 22 = 2 x 11 which represents the Messiah).
The Total sacrifices for the 19th Day of the 7th Month is also significant which equals 26. The Last 22 Years of the 6000 Years from Adam correspond to the 22 Days of the Fall Feasts. So the 19th Day of the 7th Month relates to the 19th Year of the Last 22 Years which runs from Spring 2008 to Spring 2009. The Last 10 Years to the Messiah's return = 40 Seasons where the 1st 26 Seasons run to the Spring of 2008. The 1st Day of the Great Tribulation is in Spring 2008 on March 20, 2008. From the 1st Day of the Great Tribulation to the Messiah's 2nd Coming on the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011 is exactly 26 Jubilees of Days.
Perfection of Yahuah's Sacred Calendar and the Last Days:
The truth and genius of Yahuahis there in His Sacred Calendar which has been there since the foundation of the world and revealed to us in these Last Days. The closer we get to the end, the more is being revealed to us. There seems to be no end to the beauty and complexity of Yahuah's greatness that is so evident in Yahuah's Word and in His Sacred Calendar. For instance, from the 1st Day of the Year on the 1st Day of 1st Month to the Last Great Day on the 22nd Day of the 7th Month is 7 x 26 + 22 Days which carries both the perfect numbers of the Messiah of 7 and 22, and of 26 of Yahuah the Father. From the 1st Day of Creation on the 28th Day of the 12th Month to the Last Great Day on the 22nd Day of the 7th Month is 8 x 26 Days where the Last Great Day is also the 8th Day of the Feast. In the 1st 6 Months of the Year which = 7 x 26 Days we have the Spring Feasts = 21 Days plus the Feast of Pentecost = 1 Day where 21 + 1 = 22 Days. The Feast of Pentecost is the end of Wheat Harvest which represents the Messiah's 2nd Coming. The Last 6 Months of the Year = 7 x 26 Days where the Fall Feast Days = 22 Days which also foreshadow the Messiah's 2nd Coming.
When we accept the Messiah's true present name of Yahuahshua we acknowledge his great sacrifice for us at his 1st Coming when he came as a Lamb and died to wash away our sins. By using his present name of Yahuahshua we also proclaim his 2nd Coming on the Feast of Trumpets and acknowledge his Future Name of Yahuahtsadaq which he will use when he comes as a Lion as the King of Kings. There is no salvation in any other for there is no other Name under heaven by which we can be saved (Acts 4:12) for the Messiah carries the fullness of his beloved Father's name of Yahuah in both his present and future names.
Introduction:114.0)Lamentations of Jeremiah and the Great Tribulation:Today is November 6, 2007. Time is quickly running out. From the Feast of Trumpets on September 20, 2007 to the 1st Day of the Great Tribulation on March 20, 2008 is 26 Weeks. Six of those 26 Weeks are already gone. We are now in Week 20 and counting down. The 1st Day of the 1335 Day Prophecy will begin on January 4, 2008. The 1st Day of the 1290 Day Prophecy will begin on February 18, 2008. In Topic 112.0) above, we have discussed the 1290 Day Prophecy in detail. Now let us look more closely at the 1335 Day Prophecy.
The 1335 Day Prophecy of Daniel 12:12:
For the 1290 Day Prophecy there are many possible numeric combinations. However, for the 1335 Day Prophecy of Daniel 12:12 at present at least, there is only one numeric combination that is of any significance. 1335 Days = 1260 Days + 75 Days, where the 75 Days are immediately before the Great Tribulation and the 1260 Days is the 3 1/2 Years Great Tribulation. The 75 Days = 49 + 26 (not counting the Intercalary Days). The 1260 Days = 3 1/2 Years (not counting the Intercalary Days). But we can also view the 3 1/2 Years counting the Intercalary Days = 1260 Days + 14 Intercalary Days = 49 x 26! So the 75 Days before the Great Tribulation = 49 + 26 Days which is a foreshadow of the 3 1/2 Year Great Tribulation (counting the Intercalary Days) = 49 x 26! So the 1335 Days = 75 Days + 1260 Days + 14 Intercalary Days = (49 + 26) + (49 x 26). The 14 Intercalary Days can be visible or invisible at the same time being understood that they are present yet can be counted or not counted. The Sacred Calendar is a 360 Days per Year Calendar yet counting the 4 Intercalary Days we get 364 Days per Year which gives us 52 Perfect Weeks per Year. The Great Tribulation can be viewed as 49 x 26's or 26 x 49's. Both views imply the Messiah and his 2nd Coming on the Feast of Trumpets after the Great Tribulation. The Messiah is the 50th 26 and he is also the 26th 50. The Messiah will return on the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011 which is immediately after the Great Tribulation and is the 26th Jubilee of Days, the 26th 50. By implication the Messiah is also the 50th 26 because he will carry his Father's Name of Yahuah which has the numerical value of 26 in his future name of Yahuahtsadaq at his 2nd Coming.
Another numeric combination for the 1290 Day Prophecy:
The 1290 Day Prophecy of Daniel = 30 Days + 1260 Days which ends just before the Feast of Trumpets the 1st Day of the 7th Month in 2011. The 1260 Days is the 3 1/2 Year Great Tribulation so the 30 Days before plus the 22 Days of the Fall Feast Days after = 30 + 22 = 52 = 2 x 26. The 30 Days at the front end of the 1290 Days is 3 x 10 = 30 which is triple Judgement (10 = Judgement). The 30 Days before the Great Tribulation is a foreshadow of the Great Tribulation and Judgement.
1290 Days = 1260 + 30 = 3 1/2 Years + 1 Month = 3 Years + 7 Months. 1290 Days = 1 Month + 3 Years + 6 Months. 7 Months = 210 Days where the number 7 is completion. 210 Days plus 10 Days = 210 + 10 Days = 220 Days to the Day of Atonement when the Messiah will Judge the World carrying his future name of Yahuahtsadaq which has a numerical value of 220 and stands for Righteousness of Yahuah.
The Last 7 Years to the Messiah's 2nd Coming:
The Last 7 Years to the Messiah's return = 7 Years x 12 Months per Year = 84 Months. 84 Months = 3 x 22 + 18 = 66 + 18 = 3 x 26 + 6 = 78 + 6 = 2 x 39 + 6. The Last 6 Months = 26 Weeks. The Last 6 Months of the 3 1/2 Year Great Tribulation is the First Half of the Last Great Year, the 22nd Year at the end of the 6000 Years from Adam.
The Last 10 Years to the Messiah's Return:
The Last 10 Years to the Messiah's return = 10 Years x 12 Months per Year = 120 Months. 120 Months = 2 x 49 + 22.
The Last 3 1/2 Years to the Messiah's Return + 10 Days to the Day of Atonement after his return:
The 3 1/2 Year Great Tribulation = 1260 Days (not counting the Intercalary Days). Plus 10 Days to the Day of Atonement when the Messiah returns = 1260 Days + 10 Days = 1270 Days. 1270 Days = 48 x 26 + 22 = 32 x 39 + 22.
Perfect Numbers in the 7 Day Weekly Cycle:
The Messiah said that he is the 1st and the Last and he compared himself to the Hebrew Alphabet which has 22 Hebrew Letters. The Messiah also said that he is the Master even of the Sabbath Day (Matthew 12:8). If you lay out the pattern of the 7 Day Weekly Cycle you will see again the presence of the Messiah. If you start the pattern starting with the 7th Day Sabbath and then the 6 Day Work Week and end with the 7th Day Sabbath you get: 1 + 6 + 1 + 6 + 1 + 6 + 1 = 22! And the 3 x 6's in between = 18 which is the number of Righteousness! If you alter the pattern by starting with 6 + 1 + 6 + etc. instead of 1 + 6 + 1 + etc. then you get a different string of numbers. There are two different possible patterns depending on the starting point but both are valid. One half of all the totals in each pattern are divisible by 7 and will appear in both patterns. But the other half of all the totals in each pattern will be different. So you have the presence of numbers like 7 and 22 which represents the Messiah and the number of 26 of Yahuah the Father in totals such as 78 = 3 x 26, 182 = 7 x 26, and 364 = 14 x 26, etc..
Some perfect numbers in the 7 Day Weekly Cycle Pattern are:
1 = 1
1 + 6 = 7
1 + 6 + 1 = 8
1 + 6 + 1 + 6 + 1 = 15
1 + 6 + 1 + 6 + 1 + 6 + 1 = 22
1 + 6 + ... + 6 = 42
1 + 6 + ... + 6 = 49
1 + 6 + ... + 6 + 1 = 50
1 + 6 + ... + 6 = 70
1 + 6 + ... + 6 + 1 = 78 = 3 x 26
1 + 6 + ... + 6 = 84
1 + 6 + ... + 6 = 91 = 7 x 13
1 + 6 + ... + 6 + 1 = 92
1 + 6 + ... + 6 + 1 = 120
1 + 6 + ... + 6 = 126 = 4 x 26 + 22
1 + 6 + ... + 6 = 154 = 7 x 22
1 + 6 + ... + 6 + 1 = 176 = 8 x 22
1 + 6 + ... + 6 = 182 = 7 x 26 = 4 x 39 + 26
1 + 6 + ... + 6 = 210 = 7 x 30
1 + 6 + ... + 6 + 1 = 260 = 10 x 26
1 + 6 + ... + 6 = 343 = 7 x 49
1 + 6 + ... + 6 = 364 = 7 x 2 x 26
1 + 6 + ... + 6 + 1 = 365 = 7 x 49 + 22
1 + 6 + ... + 6 = 1260 = 7 x 180
1 + 6 + ... + 6 = 1274 = 7 x 182Conclusion:
The World is beginning to feel the birth pangs as a woman in travail. The signs are all around us that we are soon to enter into the 3 1/2 Great Tribulation which will begin on March 20, 2008. Recent events are confirming that we are on the threshold.
Turkey has enmassed troops along its northern border with Iraq and is ready to engage the rebel Kurds that take refuge in Iraq.
The United Nations has imposed more sanctions on Iran because Iran still refuses to discontinue its nuclear program. Now there is talk of even possible military action against Iran.
Russia has made a verbal attack on the United States for planning to put missiles into Poland and Czekoslovakia. Russia compares this to the Cuban Missile crises.
The Middle East Conference to be held in the United States scheduled for November 26, 2007 promises to set the stage for the start of the fulfillment of the 42 Month prophecy of revelation 11:1-2 for the Temple Mount and Jerusalem.
The Wildfires in California threatened 68,000 homes, caused the destruction of over 2000 homes, and caused the evacuation of over 1 Million people.
There is flooding in Tabasco, Mexico where again over 1 Million people were forced from their homes. What makes these natural disasters so overwhelming are the large numbers of people that they affect.
The uncertainty of oil supplies has now pushed the price of oil over $97.00 per barrel and the price of gold is now over $840.00 per ounce. And prices are still rising.
What do these indicators mean? It means that we are in for hard times. From the 1st Day of Winter on the 1st Day of the 10th Month on December 20, 2007 we should begin to see some very tangible signs how bad things will get in the coming months and years. We can already see the alliances of the Kings of the East forming. Russia and China had joint military exercises this year. Russia's President Putin visited Iran. The saber rattling has begun.
Bee colonies around the world were devastated by CCD (Colony Collapse Disorder) in Winter of 2006. Bee pollination is critical to produce fruits, vegetables, and nuts. Winter of 2007 will be a deciding factor whether CCD will persist, and if it does, then the global impact on food production around the world will be catastrophic for all of mankind. With fewer fruits and vegetables there will be an increased demand put on alternative food sources such as grain crops like wheat and barley for human survival. The 3rd Seal of Revelation 6:5-6 which is now open talks about a pair of balances weighing out wheat and barley. The scarcity and high cost of food around the world is looking more and more real for the Spring of 2008 with the start of the 3 1/2 Year Great Tribulation on March 20, 2008. The bees can not sustain another hit like the one in the Winter of 2006. So this Winter in 2007 is crucial and will be a deciding factor for the future of man.
Time to get seriously ready.
Introduction:115.0) Rewards and consequences of not taking or taking the Mark of the Beast:Jeremiah is called the weeping Prophet. Jeremiah suffered along with his people, the Children of Israel in his time and also foresaw their suffering far into the future. The future that he saw is our present and the End of Days. His prophecies are recorded for us in the Book of Jeremiah and in the Book of the Lamentations of Jeremiah. The Lamentations of Jeremiah are acrostic and reveal hidden treasures of truth for our time. The Lamentations of Jeremiah point to the 3 1/2 Year Great Tribulation that is soon to come upon all mankind.
Before we analyze the Book of the Lamentations of Jeremiah, we have to understand its connection to the Sacred Calendar. For End Time Prophecy the Sacred Calendar can be viewed in two different ways with or without the Intercalary Days and both ways are correct and valid. The Sacred Calendar is a 360 Day per Year Calendar with 4 Intercalary Days. So we can view the Sacred Calendar as 360 Days per Year (not counting the 4 Intercalary Days) or 364 Days per Year (counting the 4 Intercalary Days). We have to break down the Sacred Calendar Year to a smaller unit of time to see the beauty of Yahuah's handiwork. This smaller unit of time is the 6 Month period of time. 6 Months using 360 Days per Year = 180 Days. While for 364 Days per Year 6 Months = 182 Days. From previous studies we know that 6 Months (counting the Intercalary Days) = 182 Days = 7 x 26 Days = 26 Weeks. Now here is something truly glorious, 6 Months (not counting the Intercalary Days) = 180 Days = 7 x 22 + 26 Days! Notice the perfect numbers of 7 and 22 for the Messiah and the number 26 for Yahuah the Father.
Now let us see the connection to the 3 1/2 Year Great Tribulation. In 7 Years using 364 Days per Year we get 7 Years = 7 Years x 364 Days per Year = 364 Weeks. So 1/2 of 7 Years = 3 1/2 Years (counting Intercalary Days) = 182 Weeks = 7 x 26 Weeks = 7 x 6 Months = 42 Months = 26 Jubilees of Days. Note: These 182 Weeks are perfect 7 Day Creation Weeks with each week starting with the 1st Day of the Week (Sunday) and ending with the 7th Day of the Week which is a regular Sabbath Day (Saturday).
On the other hand, 7 Yearsusing 360 Days per Year we get 7 Years = 7 Years x 360 Days per Year = 360 Weeks. So 1/2 of 7 Years = 3 1/2 Years (not counting Intercalary Days) = 180 Weeks = 7 x 22 + 26 Weeks. Note:These 7 Day Weeks are not 7 Day Creation Week Cycles. These weeks are offset by the absence of the Intercalary Days so they are irregular weeks and should not even be called weeks but 7 Day Units of time.
Now let us explore the Book of the Lamentations of Jeremiah and see how this book refers to the 3 1/2 Year Great Tribulation in the Last Days.
The Book of Lamentations of Jeremiah and the 3 1/2 Year Great Tribulation:
There are things in the Book of Lamentations of Jeremiah that you will only see in the Hebrew and are not noticeable in the English Translation. There are 5 Chapters in the Book of the Lamentations of Jeremiah. The 1st Chapter = 22 Verses. The 2nd Chapter = 22 Verses. The 3rd Chapter = 66 Verses. The 4th Chapter = 22 Verses. The 5th Chapter = 22 Verses. So we basically have 7 x 22 Verses. The Book of Lamentations is acrostic which means that in each case, the22 Verses are directly related to the 22 Letter Hebrew Alphabet. The 1st Chapter is perfect where the 1st Letter of each verse starts with one of the 22 Letters of the Hebrew Alphabet in perfect sequence for all 22 Letters. In Chapter 2 there is a slight distortion but the 1st Letter of each verse still contains the full 22 Letters. The distortion is that the 16th Letter Ayin and the 17th Letter Pe are reversed. So Pe appears first and then Ayin. In Chapter 3 the Letters are in groups of three where the 1st three verses begin with Aleph, the next 3 verses begin with Beth, etc. Again the full 22 Letters are present however the distortion of Ayin and Pe reversed persists. Chapter 4 again has all 22 Letters at the beginning of each verse in sequence with the exception that Ayin and Pe are reversed. Chapter 5 on the other hand even though it has 22 verses does not have the acrostic 22 Letters of the Hebrew Alphabet at the front of each verse in sequence. Chapter 5 is a shadow of the 22 Letters which are no longer present. Keep in mind that the entire Bible of the Old Testament is made up of the 22 Letters of the Hebrew Alphabet.
It is critical to see and understand what is actually there in the Hebrew. A good example of this importance is in Genesis Chapter 1:1 which consists of 7 Hebrew words and two of these words are Aleph,Tau. Alephis the 1st Letter of the Hebrew Alphabet and Tau is the Last and 22nd Letter. So Aleph and Tau represent the 1st and Last Letter but also include all the other of the 22 Letters in between. It is there in the Hebrew but these two words are not translated into the English. The Aleph,Tau represents the Messiah and the 22 Letters of the Hebrew Alphabet.
Here is the interpretation of the 5 Chapters of Lamentations. The 3 1/2 Year Great Tribulation = 180 Weeks = 7 x 22 + 26 Weeks. The 7 x 22 Verses of Lamentations are the 7 x 22 Weeks of the first part of the Great Tribulation. The 5 Chapters of Lamentations with 7 x 22 Verses in appearance resembles a bell curve with 22, 22, 66, 22, 22 which suggests going up to a climax and then plunging down like a roller coaster. The 1st Chapter represents the 1st 22 Weeks of the Great Tribulation and a time when the Law of Yahuah and Yahuah's Holy Spirit are still present. Chapters 2, 3, and 4 are distorted and represent the next 5 x 22 Weeks with the gradual then sudden withdrawal of the Law of Yahuah and Yahuah's Holy Spirit. Chapter 5 indicates a total absence of Yahuah's Word and Holy Spirit, a time of Lawlessness and Chaos. Then the Last 26 Weeks of the Great Tribulation which follow will be a time of real tribulation that will be unimaginable and horrifying.
The Bell Curve of 7 x 22 Weeks = 1078 Days basically the 1st 3 Years of the Great Tribulation starting with the 1st Day of the Great Tribulation on March 20, 2008 and will end on the 1st Day of Creation on March 13, 2011. Then 26 Weeks = 182 Days to the Messiah's return on the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011.
The 7 x 22 Weeks are the 1st 3 Years of the Great Tribulation and can be compared to the parable of the Messiah in Luke 13:6-9, "He spake also this parable; A certain man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard; and he came and sought fruit thereon, and found none. Then said he unto the dresser of his vineyard, Behold, these three years I come seeking fruit on this fig tree, and find none: cut it down; why cumbereth it the ground? And he answering said unto him, Master, let it alone this year also, till I shall dig about it, and dung it: And if it bear fruit, well: and if not, then after that you shall cut it down." The Last 26 Weeks are in the 4th Year of the Great Tribulation in the Last Year of the 6000 Years from Adam in the Last and 22nd Year. This parable of the fig tree is a continuation of a theme from Luke 13:1-5 where the Messiah says twice "except you repent, you shall all likewise perish."
Connection between the 22 Letters of the Hebrew Alphabet and the Last 22 Years:
The Last 22 Years at the end of the 6000 Years from Adam are directly related to the 22 Letters of the Hebrew Alphabet and the 22 Days of the Fall Feasts. In Lamentations Chapters 2, 3 and 4 the distortion begins with the 16th Letter Ayin and 17th Letter Pe being reversed. The sequence of the 1st 15 Letters in Chapters 2, 3, and 4 are still in perfect order, the 15th Letter being the Letter Samech. Samech represents the 15th Year of the Last 22 Years and the 15th Day of the 7th Month. The 15th Day of the 7th Month is the 1st Day of the 7 Day Feast of Tabernacles. The 15th Year the 1st of the 7 Tabernacle Years is 2004. The Last 7 Years to the Messiah's return starts on the Feast of Trumpets in 2004 in the middle of the 15th Year and ends on the Feast of Trumpets in Fall 2011 in the middle of the 22nd Year.
The Great Tribulation will begin on March 20, 2008 on the 1st Day of the 1st Month in the 19th Year. The 19th Year represents the 19th Letter Qoph = 100. The 3 1/2 Year Great Tribulation will essentially cover the Last 4 Years of the Last 22 Years. If you add together the numerical value of the Last 4 Letters = the Last 4 Years you get 19th Letter Qoph = 100 + 20th Letter Resh = 200 + 21st Letter Shin = 300 + 22nd Letter Tau = 400 which totals 100 + 200 + 300 + 400 = 1000 = 10 x 10 x 10 which equals Triple Judgement!
Perfect Number Combinations for the 3 1/2 Year Great Tribulation:
The 6 Month Unit of Timeis a major building block for the 3 1/2 Year Great Tribulation which contains 7 of these 6 Month Units of Time where 3 1/2 Years = 12 Months per Year x 3 1/2 Years = 42 Months = 7 x 6 Months. Keep in mind that with the Sacred Calendar, we can count or not count the Intercalary Days and either way is valid. 1 Year = 360 Days (Not counting the 4 Intercalary Days). 1 Year = 360 Days + 4 Intercalary Days = 364 Days (Counting the 4 Intercalary Days). So 6 Months counting the Intercalary Days we get 6 Months = 6 Months x 30 Days per Month + 2 Intercalary Days = 182 Days = 7 x 26. If we do not count the Intercalary Days then 6 Months= 6 Months x 30 Days per Month = 180 Days = 7 x 22 + 26! Notice the Perfect Numbers with the Messiah's numbers of 7 and 22, along with Yahuah the Father's number of 26! Now if we extend this for the full 3 1/2 Year Great Tribulation then we get: 3 1/2 Years = 42 Months = 7 x 6 Months = 7 x (7 x 22 + 26) Days = (49 x 22) + (7 x 26) Days = 1260 Days = 180 Weeks (not counting the 4 Intercalary Days)! If we count the Intercalary Days then 3 1/2 Years = 7 x 6 Months + 14 Intercalary Days = 1274 Days = 49 x 26 Days or 26 x 49 Days = 26 Jubilees of Days. The entire 3 1/2 Year Great Tribulation is a continuous run of 7's, 22's and 26's!
From the 1st Day of the Year on the 1st Day of the 1st Month to the Last Great Day on the 22nd Day of the 7th Month (counting the Intercalary Days) = 180 Days + 2 Intercalary Days + 22 Days = 204 Days = 7 x 26 + 22 Days!
From the 1st Day of the Year on the 1st Day of the 1st Month to the Feast of Trumpets (not counting the Intercalary Days) = 180 Days = 7 x 22 + 26 Days! Keep in mind that the Messiah will return on the Feast of Trumpets.
The 3 1/2 Year Great Tribulation (not counting the Intercalary Days) = 1260 Days = (49 x 22) + (7 x 26) Days = 1078 Days + 182 Days. The 1078 Days = 49 x 22Days = 7 x 22 Weeks runs from the 1st Day of the Great Tribulation on the 1st Day of the 1st Month on March 20, 2008 to the 1st Day of Creation on the 28th Day of the 12th Month on March 13, 2011 which is also the final and 7th Jubilee of Days on the Yearly Calendar. The 182 Days = 7 x 26 Days runs from the 29th Day of the 12th Month on March 14, 2011 to the 30th Day of the 6th Month on September 13, 2011 just before the Feast of Trumpets which will be on September 15, 2011 when the Messiah will return at his 2nd Coming. The Last 6 Months of the Great Tribulation will begin with the 1st Day of the 1st Month on March 17, 2011 and will end with the 30th Day of the 6th Month on September 13, 2011 = 180 Days = 7 x 22 + 26 Days just before the Feast of Trumpets when the Messiah will return.
The Number 10 of Judgement for the Great Tribulation:
The Number 10 which is the number of Judgement is prominent throughout the Great Tribulation. The 1290 Day Prophecy begins 30 Days before the Great Tribulation where 30 = 10 + 10 + 10 a Triple Judgement. The first 1000 Days of the Great Tribulation is 1000 = 10 x 10 x 10 a Triple Judgement. The 1st 10 Days of the Great Tribulation = 1 x 10 is on the 10th Day of the 1st Month on the 10th Day of Spring. The 1st 100 Days of the Great Tribulation = 1 x 10 x 10 is on the 10th Day of the 4th Month on the 10th Day of Summer. The 1st 1000 Days of the Great Tribulation = 1 x 10 x 10 x 10 is on the 10th Day of the 10th Month on the 10th Day of Winter. Note 1000 = 45 x 22 + 10. Notice how the 10th Day of the 7th Month which is the 10th Day of Fall and also the Day of Atonement is missed. The reason for this is simply that the Messiah will Judge the World on the Day of Atonement when he returns which will be the Ultimate Judgement.
The Great Tribulation will be 1260 Days. After the 1st 1000 Days = 10 x 10 x 10 there is still 260 Days to go where 260 Days = 10 x 26 Days or 26 x 10 Days! Note that the siege of Jerusalem for the destruction of the 1st Temple, the Temple of Solomon began on the 10th Day of the 10th Month. The importance of the number 1000 is that it stresses the intensity by which the tribulation will increase by factors of 10 during the 1st 1000 Days of the Great Tribulation.
The Hebrew Alphabet which is a counting system also has a three tiered level of intensity built into it. Each Letter of the Hebrew Alphabet has a numerical value. The 1st 9 Letters are x 1 from 1 to 9. The next 9 Letters are x 10 from 10 to 90. And the Last 4 Letters are x 100 = 10 x 10 from 100 to 400. The Last 4 Letters = 100 + 200 + 300 + 400 = 1000. The Last 22 Years of the 6000 Years from Adam can be equated with the 22 Letters of the Hebrew Alphabet. So the 19th Letter Qoph = 100 and begins the 19th Year with Spring 2008 which is the start of the Great Tribulation. The 20th Letter Resh = 200 representing the 20th Year starts in Spring 2009. The 21st Letter Shin = 300 representing the 21st Year starts in Spring 2010. The Last and 22nd LetterTau = 400 representing the 22nd Year starts in Spring 2011. The Great Tribulation will end in the middle of the 22nd Year just before the Feast of Trumpets in 2011. The Last 4 Letters which represent the Last 4 Years = 1000 = 10 x 10 x 10 which is a Triple Judgement. The 1st 18 Letters represent the 18 Years leading up to the Great Tribulation. 18 is the number of Righteousness. These 18 Years were a grace period, a last chance for Man to repent of evil. The Last 4 Years will be a Time of Judgement.
Yahuah in His great love and mercy has warned man to repent and has given him thousands of years to do so. That grace period will end with March 20, 2008. March 20, 2008 is the 1st Day of the 1st Month and the 1st Day of the 3 1/2 Year Great Tribulation. The Great Tribulation will be a Time of Judgement. The theme throughout the Old and New Testaments is for all men to repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.
Just as Jeremiah prophesied of things for our time, we also have recent developments that confirm that we are in the Last Days and that we are now close to the Great Tribulation.
One major sign for the Jewish people occurred earlier this year. Shortly before he died, Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri one of Israel's most prominent rabbis wrote the Name of the Messiah on a small note which he requested would remain sealed until 1 Year after his death. When the note was opened, it revealed that the name of the Messiah is YAHUSHUA. Yahushua was the name of the Messiah when the Messiah was still alive in the flesh on the earth at his 1st Coming. The note was written in September 2005. The rabbi died in January 2006 and the note was revealed in 2007. The rabbi's funeral was held in Jerusalem and was attended by over 200,000 people, one of the largest funerals in Israeli history. The rabbi was claimed by some to be the most important rabbi of the 20th century. The rabbi had told his disciples that he had actually met the Messiah in a vision just a few months before he died.
This revelation has caused an uproar in Judaism because the Jewish people do not believe in the Messiah of the New Testament.
The Messiah Note was written in Hebrew and it's English translation is as follows: [Regarding the Reishei-Tivot of Mashiach: "The people shall lift up and verify that his word and his Torah stand". Written with my signature in the month Rachamim [Elul], 5765, Yitzchak Kaduri.]. The term Reishei-Tivot is a reference to a common mode of kabbalistic 'coding'. The name of the Messiah was revealed in the following acronym: "He will lift the people and prove that His word and law are valid." The first letter of each of the words in the above sentence was strung together to form the name of the Messiah. In Hebrew, that sentence was made up of six words whose first letters formed the name YAHUSHUA. The first letter of each of the six words is Yod, He, Vav, Shin, Vav, Ayin.
It is also written that there shall be signs in the sun, the moon, and the stars in the Last Days. A recent night sky phenomenon is the appearance of Comet Holmes. Comet Holmes unexpectedly burst and brightened dramatically overnight on October 24, 2007 assuming one-fourth of the size of the moon. The comet, which follows an unusual orbit between Mars and Jupiter, is a million times brighter than normal and it is coming nearer to the orbit of Mars. Comet Holmes exploded in size and luminosity within hours because of some still unexplained event that caused it to belch out a huge cloud of material. The comet's eruption has almost quadrupled the size of the cloud which is estimated to be one million kilometres across. It is expanding every night and just keeps getting bigger and bigger. The comet appears in the northeastern sky as a yellowish, fuzzy ball and can be seen by the naked eye even in cities.
In other News, China has over$1.43 Trillion U.S. dollars and has stated that it will exchange it for other stronger world currencies. This will further weaken the already weak U.S. dollar.
How bad will the Great Tribulation get? It will get so bad that the hearts of men will fail them for fear (Luke 21:26). It is even the time of Jacob's Trouble. In Jeremiah 30:7 we read, "Alas! for that day is great, so that none is like it: it is even the time of Jacob's trouble."
It is time to get back to worshipping Yahuah the Creator of Heaven and Earth by keeping His Laws, His Commandments, and His Holy Days! You can start getting ready by doing what is right, praying, and by reading and studying His Holy Word the Bible.
Introduction:116.0) The Great Tribulation began of March 20, 2008 but the Signs are subtle:Today is Tuesday January 29, 2008 which is the 11th Day of the 11th Month, the 26th Day of the 1335 Day Prophecy of Daniel. Wednesday January 30, 2008 will be 49 Days to the end of the Year and 50 Days to the Great Tribulation (not counting the Intercalary Days). 26 Days + 49 Days = 75 Days before the Great Tribulation of the 1335 Day Prophecy of Daniel. Sunday January 27, 2008 was the 6th Jubilee of Days on the Sacred Calendar and 50 Days to the 1st Day of Creation. Thursday January 31, 2008 will be the 25th Jubilee of Days of the Last 7 Years to the Messiah's 2nd coming and 50 Days to the 1st Day of the Great Tribulation (counting the Intercalary Days). Thursday January 31, 2008 begins the Last 7 Weeks to the start of the 3 1/2 Year Great Tribulation. From tomorrow to the 1st Day of the Great Tribulation on March 20, 2008 the 1st Day of the 1st Month is 50 Days (not counting the Intercalary Days). Notice the significance of the pattern for this week: 50 + 26 + 50 = 126 = 4 x 26 + 22! The count from this week to the 1st Week in the Year will include 3 Jubilees of Days, one to the 1st Day of Creation and two to the 1st Day of the Great Tribulation.
The signs and warnings are all around us. Yet the people refuse to wake up. On January 21, 2008 a Global Market Crisis shook the world when Financial markets around the world lost Trillions of Dollars in falling stocks. People were running to and fro in panic and fear of losing their life savings and looking for a safe haven to invest but found none. The sub-prime mortgage crisis is also deepening. Some Analysts have already confirmed that the United States is in a recession and threatens to trigger a Global Recession. The cost of food and fuel have risen dramatically. On January 2, 2008 for the 1st time ever, Oil hit $100 U.S. per barrel. Yesterday Gold was at a new high of $927 U.S. per ounce. Now Analysts are already talking of $120 - $150 U.S. per barrel for oil and $1200 - $1500 U.S. per ounce for Gold in this Year alone!
Can you not see the signs of the times? Is your heart so hard that you can not understand that we are at the very door? It is time to get ready to choose between the Kingdom of this World or the Kindgom of Heaven. Before you is life and death, choose you which way you will go.
It is time to seriously consider the rewards and consequences of not taking or taking the Mark of the Beast. The 1st Beast of Revelation 13:1-18 will rule for 42 Months = 3 1/2 Years. This 3 1/2 Years is the Great Tribulation. Sometime during this 3 1/2 Year rule of the 1st Beast, an image of the Beast will be set up and those that will not worship the image will be killed. Sometime during this same 3 1/2 Years the 1st Beast will cause all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads. And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. So there are 4 things that as believers we will have to avoid during the reign of the Beast, the Image, Mark, Name, and Number of the 1st Beast.
The obvious benefits of accepting the Image, Mark, Name and Number of the Beast is that those who do so will not be killed, and will be able to buy and sell in the Beast System. The down side is that those who do accept will not be allowed into the Kingdom of Yahuah and will be thrown into the Lake of Fire for all Eternity.
The believers who refuse to accept the Image, Mark, Name, and Number of the Beast will be killed, and will not be able to buy and sell in the Beast System. The up side for believers is that by refusing they will be allowed into the Kingdom of Yahuah and will not be hurt by the second deathof being thrown into the Lake of Fire.
The whole Book of Revelation consists of 22 Chapters and represents the Last 22 Years of the 6000 Years from Adam. The Book of Revelation is addressed directly to believers especially in the Last Days. The Last 22 Years began in the Spring of 1990 and will end in the Spring of 2012. The Last and 22nd Year will run from Spring 2011 to Spring 2012. The 1st Seal of Revelation 6:1 was open in 1990 with the start of the New World Order. The 2nd Seal was open in Fall 2001 with 911. The 3rd Seal was open in 2007 with the rising cost of Wheat, Food in general, and Oil along with the Sub-Prime Mortgage crisis of the United States affecting the entire world. The 4th and 5th Seals will be open during the 3 1/2 Year Great Tribulation along with the 1st 6 Trumpets and 1st 6 Vials. The opening of the 6th Seal, the 7th Trumpet and the 7th Vial are all one and the same event, namely the return of the Messiah on September 15, 2011 on the Feast of Trumpets at his 2nd Coming.
The Book of Revelation is addressed to the believers in the Last Days. As believers we are being warned not to take the Mark, Name and Number of the Beast or to worship his Image. The rewards for overcoming are listed in the Book of Revelation along with the consequences for those who fail to overcome.
Rewards for Overcoming the Mark, Name, Number and Image of the Beast:
In the 1st three Chapters of the Book of Revelation the Messiah is talking to the 7 Churches or Assemblies of Believers in the Last Days giving them a list of rewards that they will obtain if they overcome. Each believer that overcomes will obtain all of these rewards:
1) Revelation 2:7 - "To him that overcomes will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of Yahuah."
2) Revelation 2:11 - "He that overcomes shall not be hurt of the second death."
3) Revelation 2:17 - "To him that overcomes will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knows saving he that receives it."
4) Revelation 2:26-28 - "And he that overcomes, and keeps my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations: And he will rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father. And I will give him the morning star."
5) Revelation 3:5 - "He that overcomes, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels."
6) Revelation 3:12 - "Him that overcomes will I make a pillar in the temple of my Mighty One, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my Mighty One, and the name of the city of my Mighty One, which is new Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from my Mighty One: and I will write upon him my new name." Note:The future name of the Messiah and of New Jerusalem is YAHUAHTSADAQ (Jeremiah 23:6; 33:16)."
7) Revelation 3:21 - "To him that overcomes will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne."
Those that overcome will enter into the Kingdom of Yahuah. In Revelation 15:2-3 we read, "And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire: and them that had gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name, stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of Yahuah. And they sing the song of Moses the servant of Yahuah, and the song of the Lamb ..."
Revelation 20:4 reads, "And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgement was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Yahuahshua, and for the word of Yahuah, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with the Messiah a thousand years."
Consequences for taking the Mark, Name, Number and Image of the Beast:
The consequences for taking the Mark, Name, Number and Image of the Beast will be severe!
In Revelation 14:9-11 we read, "If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of Yahuah, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascends up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receives the mark of his name."
The 1st Vial and Revelation 16:1-2, "And I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the seven angels, Go your ways, and pour out the vials of the wrath of Yahuah upon the earth. And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image."
Total Control and Global Domination by the New World Order:
We the people have been conditioned and deceived to accept the soon coming Beast System. For years now our whole way of life has been funneled from one of independence and happiness to one of control and zombie like by the powers that be. The main element of this control is and will be DIGITAL and will lead to the Mark, Name, Number and the Image of the Beast System.
The older electronic signals were analog with a smooth round curve sine wave that was soothing to the human mind. But the new DIGITAL signals are square sine waves that are hard on the human mind. By definition Digital means "relating to fingers and toes", "any one of the ten Arabic numerals, 0 to 9", "relating to numbers or calculation by numbers","providing a readout or display by numbers". An example of an analog deviceis the old rotary telephones that had a pulse signal which are just about extinct. The new telephones with push button key pads are digital that use tone signals. The new radiosare digital such as car radios that are satellite fed. The new TV are digital. Cell phones and other new communication devices are all digital. The FCC currently has a February 17, 2009, deadline for the transition to all digital broadcasting. On this date, all analog broadcasting will stop and consumers will need to buy converter boxes to receive programming on their older TV's. This means anyone without a digital TV or converter box will not be able to watch TV. As of 2006 TV digital converter boxes have had two way communication capability. Some have hidden microphones that can be used for surveillance on private conversations in your home. Telephones too can be used to tap into personal conversations at home even if the telephone receiver is down on the hook. New Digital Computers also have built-in microphones that when linked to the internet can expose the user to unwanted intrusion from the outside world. In this Digital Age, people are allowing Trojan Horses in the form of Digital Devices into their homes not realizing how destructive they are until it is too late.The simple fact is that all digital signals with a link to the outside world can be monitored, tracked and controlled!
Recognizing the Mark, Name, Number and Image of the Beast:
The deception is so strong that many will accept the Beast System without even questioning it. As children in school we can all recall when we all had to line up to receive vaccinations. We trusted those in authority that they were doing it for our own good so we just rolled up our sleeves and accepted it. Now as adults we are doing exactly the same thing accepting the digital age as necessary for our and our Family's safety and security. Most people are and will gladly give up their freedoms because of fear of terrorism etc.
Telephone companies are now using voice recognition and require a voice print for customer identification.
New computers are using finger print scanners for personal computer security so only the owner can activate the computer.
ATM Machines etc. are using facial recognition for security.
Cell Phones, Telephones, Cable TV, Transponders to access toll highways, Onboard GPS Devices, etc. are all trackable and linked to a person's ID by wire, wireless, and satellite telecommunications.
The structure of the Beast System already exists, all that is required now is that it be fully integrated with all the fragmented pieces into one functioning system and be turned on and that is coming soon.
We are constantly being bombarded by electronic signals without even realizing it. Electromagnetic energies such as RF (Radio Frequency), ELF (Extremely Low Frequency), microwave, infrared, radiation, etc. waves are ever present in the city environment. You can not smell, taste, hear, see, or sense these harmful forces. Cancer can result from overuse of cell phones close to the head. Constant exposure to photocopiers, TV, computer monitors, etc. can also affect the mind. Our brains are being fried without our even noticing. So when believers flee into the Wilderness during the Great Tribulation they will leave Digital Devices behind and Analog Devices will be useless because of the Law that will be passed on February 17, 2009.
Clue to the Image of the Beast from the Messiah's Words:
The Pharisees said unto the Messiah to tempt and to get him in trouble with the Roman authorities, "Is it lawful to give tribute unto Caesar, or not?" (Matthew 22:15-21). But Yahuahshua perceived their wickedness, and said, "Why tempt you me, you hypocrites?" "Show me the tribute money. And they brought unto him a penny. And he says unto them, Whose is this image and superscription (inscription)? They say unto him, Caesar's. Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto Yahuah the things that are Yahuah's." Notice, Yahuah made the metal of the coin. The only part of the coin that man made is the IMAGE and INSCRIPTION!
When you sit down and think about it, the DIGITAL AGE that we are now in is built on electronically created IMAGES, VIDEO and AUDIO! For the most part we are no longer working with pencil and paper. We are now working with a keyboard and screen creating electronic DATA, IMAGES, AUDIO, and VIDEO with computers, digital cameras, ipods, video games, cell phones, fax machines, photocopiers, cash registers, etc. etc. All the Digital Data whether Data, Image, Audio, or Video is just a string of numbers of 0's and 1's because the info is binary. The ELF (extremely low frequency) and RF (radio frequency) signals that these digital devices give off are harmful and sometimes deadly to human beings after long exposure causing cancer. In the city we can't get away from these signals that are all around us continually. We are constantly being bombarded by frequency waves in our homes, business offices, stores, cars, planes, hospitals, etc.. We are so conditioned that we no longer even notice the deadly consequences of being exposed.
The World is now fully ripe for the End Time Harvest. The birth pangs for the Messiah's return will start in earnest on March 20, 2008 with the 1st Day of the 3 1/2 Year Great Tribulation. With the Great Tribulation fast approaching settle it in your mind now not to take the Mark, Name, Number of the Beast or to worship his Image.
If you are using any kind of electronic plastic for payment eg. credit card, debit card, prepaid card, or bonus cards for points etc. then your purchases and movement is being tracked and profiled. Even use of Library Cards, membership cards, etc. are all tracking your hobbies and activities. Our movements are also being tracked by surveillance cameras, facial recognition devices, satellites, etc. There are also hand held listening devices that can evesdrop at 250 Feet away. Big Brother is watching us.
The only way to escape from the Beast System is to flee into the Wilderness away from the city. Sooner or later we will all have to make the choice of either accepting the Mark of the Beast to satisfy our creature comforts or to refuse to take the Mark and suffer persecution and privation for a short time.
A direct result of the recommendations from the 911 Report was the Real ID Act which is enforced by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS). On May 11, 2008, State Driver's Licenses and Identification Cards will not be accepted for Federal purposes unless DHS determines a State is compliant with the Real ID Act or a Statehas been approved for an extension by DHS.
The Mark of the Beast will definitely be DIGITAL and BIOMETRIC. At first it could take the form of a biometric driver's license, National ID card, etc. then eventually would lead to a tatoo and/or a microchip on the body combined with a digitized finger print, Iris scan, facial recognition, DNA, voice print, etc.
Perfect Numbers in the 1260 Days of the Great Tribulation:
1260 Days = (40 x 26) + (10 x 22) = 1040 + 220.
360 Days = 13 x 26 + 22.
364 Days = 14 x 26.In the 1260 Days of the Great Tribulation notice the perfect number combinations: 1260 Days = (40 x 26) + (10 x 22) = 1040 + 220. 40 = a time of cleansing. 26 = Yahuah the Father. 10 = Judgement. 22 = the Messiah. 10 x 22 = 220 = numerical value of the Messiah's Future name of Yahuahtsadaq. The Messiah will use his future name of Yahuahtsadaq when he returns at his 2nd Coming on the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011.
The only 22 Day blockon the Sacred Calendar is the 22 Day Fall Feasts. So with 360 Days = 22 + 13 x 26. The number 22 represents the Messiah. The Messiah is the 1st and the Last. The Messiah will return on the Feast of Trumpets in 2011 on the 1st Day of the 22 Day Fall Feast Days. In the Last 7 Years to the Messiah we started the count with the Feast of Trumpets in 2004 with the 22 Day Fall Feasts then 13 x 26 Days for each of the Last 7 Years and will end with the Feast of Trumpets in 2011. The Fall Feast Days have never been fulfilled but will be when the Messiah returns.
The Sacred Calendar is a 360 Day Calender with 4 Intercalary Days so we can use both 360 Days per Year (not counting the 4 Intercalary Days) or 364 Days per Year (counting the 4 Intercalary Days) both are valid. The 3 1/2 Year Great Tribulation which is 1260 Days = 3 1/2 Years x 360 Days is based on the 360 Day Year not counting the 4 Intercalary Days.
The 1st Day of the Year is on the 1st Day of the 1st Month on the 5th Day of the Week in Spring. The 1st Day of Creation on the 1st Day of the Week begins the 7 Day Weekly Cycle in Spring. The 1st Day of the 7th Month begins the pattern where 360 Days = 22 + 13 x 26 Days which is a reminder of the Messiah's 2nd Coming in the End of Days, the Last Days.
If you plot out the 360 Days = 22 + 13 x 26 the 1st 100 Days = 22 + 3 x 26 which lands on the 10th Day of the 10th Month. While the next 3 x 26 = 78 Days lands on the 1st Day of Creation on the 28th Day of the 12th Month. Then the last 182 Days = 7 x 26 Days leads up to the Feast of Trumpets. So the 360 Days = (22 + 3 x 26) + (3 x 26) + (7 x 26) = 100 + 78 + 182 = 360 Days. So the 360 Days relates to the Messiah who is represented by 22 and Yahuah the Father who is represented by 26. While 364 Days = 14 x 26 = 2 x 7 x 26 still relates to the Messiah represented by7and the Father represented by 26.
From the time the Messiah returns on September 15, 2011 on the Feast of Trumpetsto the end of the 6th Millennium from Adam to the 1st Day of the 1st Month on March 15, 2012 is 6 Months = 182 Days counting the Intercalary Days. However, when using 360 Days per Year and starting 22 Days from the Feast of Trumpets in 2011 then 22 + 6 x 26 = 178 Days where the 178th Day lands on the 1st Day of Creation on March 11, 2012 on Sunday the 1st Day of the Week.
In Daniel 9:20-27 the 70 Weeks = 52 Weeks + 18 Weeks = 1 Year + 18 Weeks. 70 Weeks = 70 Weeks x 7 Days per Week = 490 Days. 490 Days = 360 Days + 130 Days. 130 Days = 5 x 26. Counting back from September 15, 2011 from the Messiah's return 1 Year back = Feast of Trumpets 2010. Then 18 Weeks back again gives 27th Day 2nd Month 2010. Note: the Messiah ascended up into heaven on the 27th Day of the 2nd Month in 30CE. In Daniel 9:27; 12:11; Matthew 24:15 the 70 Weeks relates to the Abomination of Desolation that takes place during the 3 1/2 Year Great Tribulation that is just coming up starting this Spring in 2008!
As it is written in scripture, the Great Tribulation will be a time of Great Tribulation. We still have 7 Weeks before it starts and we are already seeing signs that it is close at hand.
In the Financial World on January 2, 2008 for the first time ever, Oil hit $100 U.S. per barrel. On January 28, 2008 Gold also rose to a record high of over $927 U.S. per ounce. Now analysts are speculating that Oil will go up to $120 to $150 per barrel and Gold to $1200 to $1500 per ounce in 2008. Cost of Food in stores has already gone up and so has gasoline and heating fuel.
Climate Change is reeking havoc around the world with global warming. There are Floods, Forest Fires, Bizzare Weather Patterns, Drought, Insect Infestations, etc..
China today experienced the worst winter weather in 60 Years that affected more than 100 Million people. The people in China are experiencing power outages, water shortages, food shortages, disruption of travel etc. Millions of Chinese are on the move trying to get home to observe the Lunar New Year celebrations with their Families. There was over 1 Million peoplestranded at one train station alone!
Pestilence is just over the horizon. Scientists have confirmed that the Avian Flu will hit and will become pandemic. The Swine Flu virus of World War I killed about 50 Million people but for some unexpected reason eventually mutated and became harmless. The characteristics of the Avian Flu virus in contrast is such that it will continue to kill without abating.
January 4, 2008 began the 1335 Day Prophecy of Daniel 12:12 which will end with the Messiah's return on September 15, 2011. From January 4, 2008 to the 1st Day of the Great Tribulation is 75 Days = 26 + 49 Days. The Last Warning to the World before the Great Tribulation, will take place on February 18, 2008. February 18, 2008 is the 1st Day of the 12th Month and the 1st Day of the 1290 Day Prophecy of Daniel. From February 18, 2008 to the start of the Great Tribulation is 30 Days then 1260 Days to the Messiah's return on the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011.
Scholars up to now have understood that December 2012 would be the end of the Mayan Calendar. But some scholars now believe the end of the Mayan Calendar will be October 28, 2011. Many see the end of the Mayan Calendar as the End of the World or a Time of Cataclysmic Change. From September 15, 2011 when the Messiah will return on the Feast of Trumpets according to the Sacred Calendar to October 28, 2011 is 44 Days = 2 x 22 Days.
Who is Satan going to make war with in the Last Days in the End of Times, during the Great Tribulation that is just coming up? The answer is in Revelation 12:17 where we read, "And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of Yahuah, and have the testimony of Yahuahshua the Messiah." Again in John 15:10 the Messiah said, "If you keep my commandments, you shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in his love". For all will know who we are when we keep Yahuah's Sabbaths, Feast Days, Food Laws, etc. and when we confess that Yahuah is the Creator of Heaven and Earth, and that Yahuahshua His beloved Son is the Messiah. "Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city" (Revelation 22:14).
For Believers the Great Tribulation will be a time of severe testing and trial. Believers that overcome the Mark, Name, Number and Image of the Beast will receive rewards, Eternal Life and will not be hurt by the 2nd Death. Those that fail to overcome are doomed to Eternal Damnation.
As Believers we have Yahuah's Word and His Holy Spirit to comfort and strengthen us to help us through the tough times ahead and through the Messiah we have the Hope of Eternal Life.
Introduction:117.0) Last Invitation for Marriage Feast sent out and Wheat Harvest has begun:Today is April 23, 2008. Most people expected the 3 1/2 Year Great Tribulation to start on March 20, 2008 with a big bang and great fanfare which didn't happen. Instead the Great Tribulation began uneventfully with little or no sign at all in a very subtle way. The Great Tribulation did begin on March 20, 2008 but you have to look at the events and signs collectively to get a sense that it did indeed begin. Let us look at world events more closely and start piecing together what is really happening in the world today.
Summary of Biblical Signs and Indicators that the Great Tribulation has started:
7 Seals: the3rd Seal of Revelation is open and has been confirmed by the sharp rise and high cost of Wheat and other Food Prices since 2007.
7 Trumpets:No Sign or Indicator yet.
7 Vials: No Sign or Indicator yet.
3 1/2 Year Blocks:
1) Jerusalem trodden down by the Nations: No Sign yet.
2) Two Witnesses:Assume they are here but not sure yet.
3) Believers Flee into the Wilderness: Some are already in the Wilderness.
4) Satan booted out of Heaven and now on the Earth: Yes, we now have some subtle Signs and Indicators.World Events and Signs that have occurred and are happening now:
1) Because of the increasing evil, the hearts of many are growing cold.
2) Believers are falling away from the faith.
3) 3rd Seal of Revelation open: food riots in Haiti, Egypt, Philippines, India, Africa, etc. due to exponential rise of food prices.
4) Global Financial crisis and recession: worst will hit this summer in 2008 when close to 1 Trillion U.S. Dollars of sub-prime mortgage defaults will be written off by Banks and Financial Institutions.
5) Climate Change: Massive chunks of Arctic ice shelf have broken off, some the size of a large country due to global warming.
6) High cost of fuel such as oil which hit a record $118 U.S. per barrel and gold reached a high of $1022 U.S. per ounce.
7) Wars and rumours of wars.
8) Social unrest around the World. Even the Olympic Torch which normally symbolizes peace and harmony had to be protected by more police in San Francisco than a Head of State.
9) As the cost of living skyrockets, job losses mount, fear and despair sets in, violence increases with each passing day.
10) Hearts of many failing them for fear of what has come and what is coming.
11) Massive Data Bases are being created for Biometric Info in the U.K., the U.S., and in other parts of the World in preparation for the Mark of the Beast.
12) Global Water Crisis.The Great Tribulation has started on March 20, 2008 and we are now in it! Rejoice for Yahuah in His great love and mercy will cut this evil time short to a mere 3 1/2 Years. Then the Messiah will return and restore Peace and Order to a weary and tired World.
Let us explore some of the major crises that are facing our World today:
Global Water Crisis:
80 Percent of China's water is not drinkable as is 75 Percent of India's water. China and India combined have 1/3 of the World's Total Population. 36 States in the U.S. have a water crisis. Both surface and ground water around the world is being used up faster than it can be replenished. There is a water crisis in other parts of the world as well in such places as the Middle East, Australia, Africa, etc. There is a severe water shortage in China for clean drinking water for over 300 Million people. China is in the process of diverting water from glaciers in Tibet and the Himalayas that will affect the flow to 4 major rivers which in turn will affect other countries. This is a sure recipe for war! Water is now in importance globally only next to energy such as oil. Most of the world's poor are drinking polluted and toxic water. The misuse of water by man is creating a shortage, pollution and desertification on a massive scale that is affecting all living creatures on the face of the planet.
Global Food Crisis:
The combination of many factors is causing a global food crisis. Climate Change is causing severe flooding and drought and other natural disasters around the world resulting in crop failure. Increasing human population growth, channeling food crops like corn to biofuels, the dramatic increase of the price of oil for transporting food to market and fertilizers such as potash which has tripled in price recently, all add to the shortages and high cost of food in the last 12 Months.
The Food Crisis is severe. From March 2007 to March 2008 the price of grains and cereals have increased dramatically. The price of Corn went up 31 Percent, Rice 74 Percent, Soya 87 Percent, and Wheat 130 Percent. The poorest of the poor are hardest hit. The poor pay 50 to 80 percent of their income on food. Rice is the staple for 2.5 to 3 Billion people around the world. There are now food riots in Haiti, Egypt, Philippines, India, and Africa over high food prices. This social unrest is just beginning and spreading quickly worldwide. One angry person in Haiti on the news said he would rather die by a bullet than by hunger. What is startling is that wheat prices have skyrocketed by 20 Percenteach Month since January 2008.
Changing eating habits are also putting pressure on resources. For example, meat consumption in China per capita went from 20 Kg in 1980 to 50 Kg in 2007. It takes 1,000 to 2,000 litres of water to produce 1 Kg of wheat, while 10,000 to 13,000 litres of water is required to produce 1 Kg of beef.
Global Financial Crisis:
The Sub-Prime Mortgage Crisis and Credit Crunch is putting stress on Financial Institutions and on all parts of Society. Companies are finding it hard to get loans to expand and some are defaulting loans resulting in increasing mass job losses and layoffs. The high cost of oil and fuel is seriously affecting the bottom line of many companies.
Investors and Manufacturers are abandoning the U.S. Dollar in droves as it continues to weaken and are investing more and more in other foreign currencies and commodities like oil and gold for a safer haven. When the U.S. Dollar is weak enough, the New North American Currency of the Amero will be introduced backed by the United States of America, Canada, and Mexico.
Massive job losses and layoffs have already begun in Banks and Financial Institutions around the world.
The 2008 Olympic Games in China and the preliminary run of the Sacred Solar Flame of the Olympic Torch relay:
In Revelation 12:7-12 we are told that Satan and his fallen angels will be cast out of heaven onto the earth. There are now indications that this has already happened on March 20, 2008 with the start of the 3 1/2 Year Great Tribulation. Satan is known as the DRAGON. China is represented by the symbol of the Dragon. Satan was also called Lucifer, an angel of Light before his fall. The preliminary event to the 2008 Olympic Games in China is the Olympic Torch relay. The Olympic Torch relay is symbolic of bringing Light, Peace and Harmony to the World.
On March 24, 2008 the 2008 Olympic Torch was lit in Olympia, Greece using a solar reflector to catch the rays of the Sun (Sun Worship). Olympia, Greece is sacred to the Greek god Zeus. The sacred flame of the torch was lit by an actress dressed as a high priestess of Ancient Greece. The runners of the Olympic torch will carry it to 20 different countries before arriving in China on August 8, 2008.
On March 29, 2008 on the 10th Day of the 1st Month after sunset the world celebrated Earth Hour. Earth Hour was observed by turning off artificial lights for 1 Hour all over the world. For example, in Toronto, Canada lights were turned off from 8PM to 9PM. Notice the contrast of Global Darkness for 1 Hour, then compare it to the Sacred Solar Olympic Torch Light of the Sun come to light the whole world! The Olympic Torch is supposed to symbolize and promote peace and harmony worldwide. But instead wherever the torch has gone it has brought riots and turmoil as a protest against China's abuse of human rights toward the people of Tibet. In San Francisco the Olympic Torch was given more protection than a head of state.
Satan always has a counterfeit to Yahuah's Holy things. From scripture we know that the Messiah is the Light of the World. But Satan wants that honour in the form of the Olympic Torch that is being paraded around the world. The Messiah made his triumphal entry into Jerusalem on the colt of an ass on the 10th Day of the 1st Month. With the contrast of Darkness of Earth Hour verses the Solar Light of the Olympic Torch, Satan too makes his entry onto the world stage as theLight of the World on March 29, 2008 on the 10th Day of the 1st Month. It is Satan's triumphal entry onto the Earth after being booted out of Heaven.
Earth Hour was symbolic in that the artificial light was put out and now Satan, the real light has come down to earth to replace the artificial one. In Isaiah 14:12-15 we read, "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer (or Day Star as some Bibles have in the marginal reference), son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of Yahuah: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit." Lucifer (Satan) is linked to Sun worship and the rising of the Sun in the morning. The Olympic Torch was lit at the rising of the Sun at first sunlight due to cloudy conditions forecast for March 24, 2008 later in the day. Earth Hour was a confirmation that Lucifer the natural light has arrived. The Olympic Torch was lit at Olympia, Greece local time near the Temple of Zeus at the rising of the Sun (at the resurrection of the Sun).
The Olympic Games is supposed to promote peace around the world. However, this year in 2008 the Olympic Torch relay is being disrupted by protesters because of China's human rights violations especially in Tibet. China is represented by the Dragon and the Dragon is symbolic of Satan. The Olympic Torch is supposed to represent world peace and harmony among Nations. But the 2008 Olympic Torch relay is spreading unrest, rioting, and fear around the world. Peace is being taken away from the earth. It is as if Satan's shadow is following the Olympic Torch runner until it engulfs the whole world. Satan has arrived and is making his presence known. Satan's time on earth is a short 3 1/2 Years and he aims to make life for all mankind as miserable as he can especially for believers before he is imprisoned in the bottomless pit for 1000 years.
The Chinese symbol for King or Emperor is 3 horizontal lines of equal length and equally spaced with a 4th line vertically through the middle of all 3 horizontal lines. This Chinese symbol is called "wang" and means "The one who connects heaven, humanity and earth"! This same symbol is found on the bottom of a picture of a U.F.O. flying saucer. The Baha'i faith has a similar symbol called the ring stone symbol, so called because it is worn on rings by many of their believers. In the Baha'i faith, the three horizontal lines represent the three basics of Baha'i belief - the world of God, the World of God's manifestation, and the world of man. The vertical bar represents the connection of these worlds.
There is a an abbreviated form for the Messiah's name in the Greek that could be turned into a similar symbol and monogram. The Messiah's name when he was on the earth at his 1st Coming was Yahushua (Joshua) and was translated into the Greek 300 Years before his coming in the Greek Old Testament Septuagint as "IHCOYC". One way that "IHCOYC" was abbreviated was "IH". It is possible that there may be Monogram inscriptions where the Greek uncial letter "I" (capital letter) could have been superimposed unto the Greek uncial letter "H" (capital letter) to give the symbol of 3 vertical lines and the 4th line running horizontally through the 3 vertical lines.
Number of Bones in the Human Body relevant for the Last Days in our Time:
On the average the adult human body has 206 bones. There are 26 bones in each foot and 154 bones in the rest of the body. The 2 feet = 26 + 26 bones = 52 bones. The rest of the body = 154 bones = 7 x 22 bones. 206 bones = (2 x 26) + (7 x 22). Notice the perfect numbers where 26 represents Yahuah the Father while 7 and 22 represent the Messiah. Keep in mind that Yahuah created man and Yahuah's signet is in man in the form of these perfect numbers.
In our time the Last Days are represented by the Feet of the Great Image of Nebuchadnezzar of Daniel 2:31-45. Each of the two feet has 26 bones. Each of the Messiah's two names has the fullness of the Father's name which has a numerical value of 26. We call upon the Messiah using his present name of Yahuahshua until he returns and then we will call upon him using his future name of Yahuahtsadaq at his 2nd Coming. The 10 Toes represent the Final Judgement where the number 10 = Judgement. The Messiah will judge the world when he returns.
But how is this relevant for our time? Remember the prophecy in Daniel 2:31-45 of the Great Image of Nebuchadnezzar? The prophecy starts with the head of gold which was Nebuchadnezzar and ends with the feet iron and clay for our time. The stone which represents the Messiah at his 2nd Coming will smite the feet and brake them in pieces so that the whole image will be broken to pieces. In Daniel 2:35 we read, "Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold, broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff of the summer threshing floors; and the wind carried them away, that no place was found for them: and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth."
The Great Tribulation will end with the end of Summer in 2011 and the Messiah will return on the 1st Day of the 7th Month, the 1st Day of Fall, on September 15, 2011. The Great Tribulation is the time of Harvest in the Last Days. The English word "Tribulation" comes from the Latin word "Tribulum" which means "threshing sledge". In Matthew 13:24-30; 36-43 the Messiah gives the parable of the Wheat and the Tares and Wheat Harvest where he says, "Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather you together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn."
The Messiah further explains in Matthew 13:39-43 "the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels. As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world. The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity; ... Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father."
The "Image of the Beast" in Revelation 13:14-15 like the "Great Image of Nebuchadnezzar" is another reminder of the soon coming Wheat Harvest and the Messiah's Return.
Indications that the 1335 Day Prophecy of Daniel 12:12 began on January 4, 2008:
There are subtle signs that the 1335 Day Prophecy of Daniel did start on January 4, 2008. The price of grain like wheat skyrocketed at a staggering rate of 20 Percent per Month every Month since January 2008.
President Bush made a historical visit to Jerusalem and Israel on January 9, 2008. A few days before his visit 3 leaders of the Jewish community made a supplication to him in the Name of the Creator and in the Name of the Jewish people in a document called "The Bush Scroll" dated January 6, 2008. In this document President Bush is called, "Esteemed Mr. George W. Bush, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal (Ezekiel 38:1), leader of the West!" and is asked to make a declaration to reestablish the Holy Temple, the "house of prayer for all nations" (Isaiah 56:7). We know from Revelation 11:1-2 that the Temple of Yahuah has to be reestablished during the Great Tribulation and before the Messiah returns. The Temple Mount Faithful in Jerusalem have already prepared the furnishings necessary for the Temple and have a database with the names of "Kohen", priests for the Temple service. Everything is ready, they just need the go ahead to go unto the Temple Mount.
More Perfect Sacred Numbers:
Yahuah comforts the Righteous in many different ways. Yahuah protects His own. The Righteous are precious in His sight. It is comforting to know that the number 144 is directly related to the Righteous and that this number contains the Messiah's and the Father's Sacred numbers. The number 22 represents the Messiahand 26 the Father. 22 + 26 = 48 and 3 x 48 = 144. (3 x 22) + (3 x 26) = 66 + 78 = 144.
The Last 4 Years of the 6000 Years from Adam are perfectly divisible by 144 Days. From Spring 2008 to Spring 2012 are these Last 4 Years. 4 Years x 360 Days per Year (not counting the 4 Intercalary Days) = 4 x 360 Days = 1,440 Days = 10 x 144 Days. The half way point of these Last 4 Years is Spring 2010 which is 2 Years into the Great Tribulation. The first 2 Years of the Great Tribulation from Spring 2008 to Spring 2010 = 2 Years x 360 Days = 720 Days = 5 x 144 Days. 720 Days = 5 x 144 = (15 x 22) + (15 x 26) = 330 + 390 Days.
The 5th and 6th Trumpets of Revelation make up the 18 Months = 1 1/2 Years remainder of the 3 1/2 Year Great Tribulation which ends with the Messiah's return on September 15, 2011. The 3 1/2 Year Great Tribulation = 1260 Days (not counting the 4 Intercalary Days). 1260 Days = (40 x 26) + (10 x 22) = 1040 + 220. Notice the perfect numbers of 22 and 26 as well as the number for the Messiah's future name of Yahuahtsadaq = 220 when he returns!
There are more perfect numbers in the Sacred Calendar of Yahuah as well. There are only 3 unique Months in the Sacred Calendar namely the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Months which constitutes the 1st Season of Spring then they repeat for each consecutive Season. Now if you add the number of the Month of the 1st month in each of the 4 Seasons together you get 1 + 4 + 7 + 10 = 22. Where the 1st Month of the Year is the 1st month of Spring, the 4th Month of the Year is the 1st month of Summer, the 7th Month of the Year is the 1st month of Fall, and the 10th Month of the Year is the 1st month of Winter. Then you do the same with the 2nd month for each of the 4 Seasons to get 2 + 5 + 8 + 11 = 26. Again do the same for the 3rd month for each of the 4 Seasons to get 3 + 6 + 9 + 12 = 30. Notice the perfect total number of 22 for the Messiah in the 1st Series and the perfect total number of 26 for the Father in the 2nd Series. The total number for the 3rd Series = 30 = 3 x 10 where 10 is the number of Judgement. The Messiah said that he is the 1st and the Last so if you add the total of the 1st Series and the3rd (Last) Series you get 22 + 30 = 52 = 2 x 26! The 2nd Series of Months all start with the 7th Day of the Week and the total is 26. Notice the perfect numbers of 7 and 22 for the Messiah and 26 for Yahuah the Father!
The significance of the perfect number 52 in the Last Days is completion. 52 = 2 x 26. There are 52 Weeks in the Year with 26 Weeks in the 1st Half of the Year and 26 Weeks in the Last Half. The Messiah will return on the Feast of Trumpets on the 1st Day of the 7th Month which begins the Last 26 Weeks of the Year. The Messiah's return begins the Last 26 Weeks of the 6000 Years from Adam. 26 Weeks = 7 Days per Week x 26 Weeks = 182 Days = 180 Days + 2 Intercalary Days = 6 Months = 1/2 Year. 180 Days(not counting the Intercalary Days) = 10 x 18. Notice all the perfect numbers in the Last 26 Weeks once the Messiah returns. 7 = Messiah, 10 = Judgement, 18 = Righteousness, 26 = Yahuah the Father, 52 = Completion.
There are 52 bones in the Feet of an adult human being, with 26 bones in each foot. There are 52 bones in the Feet of iron and clay of the statue of Nebuchadnezzar which represents our time, the End of Days and the Messiah's 2nd Coming.
The Messiah's 2 Names both have the fulness of Yahuah the Father's Name of 26. So the Messiah's 2 Names have 2 x 26 = 52. The Messiah's present name of Yahuahshua represents his 1st Coming. The Messiah's future name of Yahuahtsadaq represents his 2nd Coming at the end of the 3 1/2 Year Great Tribulation.
The Mesiah was 40 1/2 Years old when he died. 40 1/2 Years = 22 Years + 18 Years + 26 Weeks. In the Year 11CE the Messiah was 22 Years old. 11CE was the 4000th Year from Adam. Then 18 Years + 26 Weeks later the Messiah was crucified in 30CE. Notice the perfect number of 22 = Completion, 18 = Righteousness, and 26 = Perfection of Yahuah the Father. The Messiah will return on September 15, 2011 in the 22nd and Last Year of the 6000 Years from Adam which is again Completion.
The earth is now ripe for the Harvest. We can see the signs in nature, the climate, and in the populations of the world with fear of War, Financial instability, overpopulation, food and water shortages, and with the ever increasing cost to survive.
The 7 Seals of Revelation are being opened one by one on schedule. The 3rd Seal was open in 2007 with the increased price of food, especially with Wheat. The next to be opened will be the 4th Seal which is War, Famine, Pestilence, and the Beasts of the earth. The 4th Seal could be open as early as the Summer of 2008 possibly triggered by a war with Iran.
The Time Period that we are now in is called the "Great Tribulation". It is a time when trouble and tribulation will increase ever so sharply and rapidly. The term "Tribulation" is so appropriate for our time. The English word "Tribulation" comes from the Latin word "Tribulum" which means "threshing sledge" a wooden platform with iron teeth underneath used for threshing grain. Although the Tribulum is a violent instrument which cuts and thrashes the wheat sheaves, it is a necessary part of the process in separating the precious wheat grain from the chaff during the time of harvest. The conditions around the world are now ripe for the End Time Harvest and the Messiah's soon return!
We are now experiencing high fuel and high food prices. Companies are cutting back on their work force to meet their bottom lines. Fewer people will be able to afford consumer goods which in turn will escalate the situation. People will be hungrier and more desperate leading to violence. Nations will compete for water, food, fuel and other resources for survival. This will lead to war. Climate Change is causing floods and droughts leading to more shortages of food resulting in famine and disease. We have now entered into the Time of the Great Tribulation. However, Yahuah in His great love and mercy will shorten the time and He gives us hope and comfort through His beloved Son Yahuahshua, by His Holy Spirit, and by His written Word.
The Great Tribulation is a time of testing, a time of refining for all the peoples of the World, a time of trial by fire as gold is tried in the fire to purify it. The Great Tribulation will make the Great Depression of the 1930's look like a walk in the park. During World War II, 50 Million people died. During the Great Tribulation 3,000 Million people, about one half of the entire population of the world will die from War, Famine, Disease and the Beasts of the Field.
When EliYahu (Elijah) was here the first time, he prayed that it would not rain and it didn't rain for 3 1/2 Years. The Messiah reminds us in Luke 4:25 "in the days of EliYahu, when the heaven was shut up three years and six months, when great famine was throughout all the land". Now that EliYahu has come and is somewhere on earth right now with Enoch (Hanuch) we can expect the same again.
The opening of the 4th Seal of Revelation is very possible for Summer or Fall 2008. The 3rd Seal which is the high cost of wheat, barley and other food staples will lead to the opening of the 4th Seal of war, famine and disease.
The opening of the 5th Seal of Revelation is possible for Spring 2010. The combination of the 5th and 6th Trumpets of Revelation = 5 Months + 1 Year + 1 Month + 1 Day + 1 Hour = 18 Months + 1 Day + 1 Hour where 18 Months = 1 1/2 Years. The 7th Trumpet is the Messiah's return in Fall 2011 so 18 Months before his return is Spring 2010.
The 5th Seal of Revelation 6:9-11 is about the believers that will be slain for the word and testimony of Yahuah and about their fellow brethren who will be killed as they were. The 5th Seal will be open once the Mark of the Beast is issued and can not be later than Spring 2010. By Spring 2010 believers have to be sealed and unbelievers will have the Mark of the Beast. With the 5th Trumpet, those that do not have the Seal of Yahuah will be tormented for 5 Months. The 1st Vial of Revelation 16:2 can not be poured out until the Mark of the Beast exists which again can not be later than Spring of 2010.
Even though the 1st Beast will rule for 42 Months = 3 1/2 Years, the Mark of the Beast will probably be issued toward the end part of the Great Tribulation. The Mark of the Beast has to be issued no later than Spring 2010 which is 2 Years into the Great Tribulation.
Today is April 23, 2008 the 5th Day of the 2nd Month. The 1st Month of the 42 Month Great Tribulation has already come and gone. We now have 41 Months to go to the end of the Great Tribulation and the Messiah's 2nd Coming on September 15, 2011.
During the Great Tribulation Yahuah will shake Heaven and Earth and whatsoever is still standing will stand. Satan and his fallen angels are now driven out of Heaven and are cast down onto the earth. If it were possible, even the very elect will be deceived so turn to Yahuah with all your heart and hang on for dear life for whatever can be shaken will be shaken.
The closer we get to the end, the clearer the timing for the upcoming events will be. Things are happening right under our very noses and many are none the wiser. The Watchman for the House of Yahuah is sounding the alarm loud and clear. So it is time to wake from your slumber and the deception that is so strong in the world today.
What we are seeing now with the high cost of food and fuel, the signs of a global recession, shortages of food and water, climate change, etc. are all the start of the birth pangs and are clear signals that the Great Tribulation has begun!
The Messiah comforts us and warns us of the hard times ahead for all believers especially during the Great Tribulation in Luke 6:20-26 when he said to his disciples, "And he lifted up his eyes on his disciples, and said,
Blessed be you poor: for your's is the kingdom of Yahuah.
Blessed are you that hunger now: for you shall be filled.
Blessed are you that weep now: for you shall laugh.
Blessed are you, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of Man's sake. Rejoice you in that day, and leap for joy: for, behold, your reward is great in heaven: for in like manner did their fathers unto the prophets.But woe unto you that are rich! for you have received your consolation.
Woe unto you that are full! for you shall hunger.
Woe unto you that laugh now! for you shall mourn and weep.
Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! for so did their fathers to the false prophets."The deception is strong and if it were possible even the very elect would be deceived.
This Summer in 2008promises to be extraordinary to say the least.
Introduction:118.0) World preparing to receive Extraterrestrials - Satan and his Fallen Angels:Today is May 22, 2008 the 4th Day of the 3rd Month just 3 Days before the Feast of Weeks (Day of Pentecost) which is on Sunday May 25, 2008 on the 1st Day of the Week. The Great Tribulation began on March 20, 2008 on the 1st Day of the 1st Month New Year's Day. The Two Witnesses are here and doing their work somewhere in the world. Satan is now on the earth and is making life a living hell for believers. But be comforted in this you Sons of Light and those that are remaining faithful and loyal to Yahuah through Yahuahshua, Yahuah will not leave us comfortless. Yahuah has given to us the joy and comfort of His Holy Spirit along with His Written Word to guide us through the darkness that has now come upon the whole earth.
The 2nd and Last Invitation for the Marriage Feast of the Lamb has gone out into all the earth. In Matthew 22:1-14 the Messiah gives us the parable of a certain King who made a Marriage for His Son. In this parable, two invitations were sent out, an early invitation and a final invitation. The 1st Invitation was sent out but those who were bidden made light of it and refused to come. Then the King sent forth other servants sending a 2nd and Last Invitation saying "Behold, I have prepared my dinner: my oxen and my fatlings are killed, and all things are ready: come unto the Marriage." But they still refused to come. This parable is for our time. The 1st Invitation was sent out in 2004. Fall 2004 began the Beginning of Sorrows, the 1st 3 1/2 Years of the Last 7 Years to the Messiah's return. The 2nd and Last Invitation was sent out just recently in 2008. Spring 2008 began the Great Tribulation, the 2nd and Last 3 1/2 Years of the Last 7 Years before the Messiah's return.
1st Invitation to the Marriage Feast of the Lamb sent out in 2004:
The Feast of Trumpets on September 16, 2004 began the Beginning of Sorrows, the 1st 3 1/2 Years of the Last 7 Years to the Messiah's 2nd Coming. In 2004, December 25 was on the 10th Day of the 10th Month. The siege for the destruction of the 1st Temple in Jerusalem began on the 10th Day of the 10th Month. 10 is the number of Judgment. From the Feast of Trumpets to the 10th Day of the 10th Month is exactly 100 Days (not counting the Intercalary Day). 100 = 10 x 10 = 3 x 26 + 22! Note the perfect numbers of 26 which represents Yahuah the Father and 22 which represents the Messiah. The very next day on December 26, 2004 the Tsunami hit killing over 200,000 people in Asia and leaving more than 5 Million homeless. The Tsunami was the 1st Invitation and a reminder to all people around the world to repent and to turn to Yahuah. The 1st Invitation was a confirmation that the Last 7 Years to the Messiah had begun.
2nd and Last Invitation to the Marriage Feast of the Lamb sent out in 2008:
March 20, 2008 the 1st Day of the 1st Month began the Great Tribulation, the 2nd and Last 3 1/2 Years of the Last 7 Years to the Messiah's return. The 1st Day of Creation in 2008 was on Sunday March 16, 2008. The 2nd Passover was on Friday May 2, 2008 on the 14th Day of the 2nd Month. From the 1st Day of Creation to the 2nd Passover is 48 Days (counting the Intercalary Day). 48 = 26 + 22! Notice the perfect numbers. Compared to the 100 Days of the 1st Invitation this is 52 Days = 2 x 26 shorterbecause we are starting to run out of time. The very next day on May 3, 2008 on the 15th Day of the 2nd Month Cyclone Nagris hit Burma (Myanmar). According to British Officials, this Cyclone caused an estimated 200,000 deaths and 2.5 Million homeless needing immediate assistance. Cyclone Nagris was the 2nd and Last Invitation reminding people around the world to repent and to turn to Yahuah. Since then, there was a 7.9 Earthquake in China with an estimate of 50,000 dead and 5 Million homeless. The 2nd and Final Invitation was a confirmation that the Great Tribulation, the Last 3 1/2 Years to the Messiah's return has begun.
The significance here is that the 2nd and Last Passover is the last opportunity to accept the Messiah our Passover and to get ready for his 2nd Coming. Yahuah in His great love and mercy has given us a 2nd opportunity to turn to Him. Even the Messiah's 2nd and Last Coming is an extension of Yahuah's love and mercy to Man.
The next day after the Cyclone was Sunday May 4, 2008 the 16th Day of the 2nd Month which began the 22 Day Wheat Harvest. Wheat Harvest ends with the Feast of Weeks (Pentecost). The Messiah compared the Last Days to Wheat Harvest. The 2nd and Last Invitation of 48 Days is shorter by 52 Days than the 1st Invitation which has 100 Days. Just as a woman in travail, the birth pangs are sharper and closer together as we come to the birth; so is the time just before the soon return of the Messiah at his 2nd Coming.
What is happening in World Events:
Oil is now over $135 U.S. per barrel with OPEC and Economists predicting that it will be over $200 U.S. per barrel by the end of 2008.
If things were not bad enough with the Cyclone in Burma that destroyed one of the rice baskets of the world and the high cost of food, now there is a killer fungus which spells disaster for Wheat! A wheat disease that could destroy most of the world's main wheat crops could strike south Asia's vast wheat fields two years earlier than research had suggested, leaving millions to starve. The fungus, called Ug99, has spread from Africa to Iran, and may already be in Pakistan. If so, this is extremely bad news, as Pakistan is the gateway to the Asian breadbasket. The only real remedy will be new wheat varieties that resist Ug99, and they may not be ready for 5 Years. There could be more unpleasant surprises in store. On mature wheat, the fungus reproduces asexually to release billions of identical spores. If the spores drift onto a barberry bush, however, they switch to sexual reproduction, and so could swap genes with other stem rusts to produce completely new variants. Iran is a hotspot for barberry. (Source: New Scientist)
The Wheat Fungus Ug99 is being carried by the wind. In the Old Testament scriptures the word wind and spirit is the same word "ruach". It is written, "not by power nor by might but by My Spirit (Wind) says Yahuah." In Egypt there were 10 Plagues before the exodus of the children of Israel. The plagues for the Last Days may now have already started. The Year 2008 is ripe for the start of the Wheat Harvest of Yahuah. The Ug99 Fungus is unique in attacking the Wheat. Satan is now beginning to attack the believers who are synonymous with Wheat. The opening of the 5th Seal of Revelation is looking more and more possible for Spring 2010. The 5th Seal is the killing of the Righteous believers.
It was strange to see in the News the headline, "U.S. Food Crisis". How is it possible to have a food crisis in the land of plenty and in one of the major food baskets of the world? Low income and middle class Americans are finally feeling the pinch of high food and oil prices. Food Banks can not keep up with the demand and Families are cutting back on food and have to work 2 or even 3 jobs to make ends meet. If this is happening in the Land of Plenty how has this impacted the rest of the world, especially the poorer Nations? The answer is food riots and civil unrest. The Tsunami of 2004 and the Cyclone of 2008 are related both spiritually and physically, even the News Media draws a comparison between the two. There are now 37 Countries in the world that are in a Food Crisis and 21 of them are in Africa.
Lots of strange lights seen in the sky and unusual sightings since January 2008. There has been large numbers of lights in the sky and dramatically increased activity with sightings of strange lights since January 2008 worldwide.
The Roman Catholic Church is now willing to accept that Extraterrestrials do exist but who do not belong to the race of Adam therefore do not have original sin. If Satan and his fallen angels are now on the earth, then they would be considered Extraterrestrials. How appropriate that the Roman Catholic Church has come out with such a recognition now after a couple of thousand years of not recognizing them. Why now?
The Start of the Great Depression of 2008:
We are now in a Global Recession and are heading into a Global Depression. As job losses mount and bite hard into the economies of the world we will be in a Global Depression unparalleled in human history. The Great Depression of the 1930's preceded World War 2. We can count on history to repeat itself. The Global Depression coming up is going to lead to World War 3. This Global Depression will probably hit this Summer or Fall in 2008. Most likely in Summer of 2008 when the Global Economy tanks due to the colossal write-offs of up to 1 Trillion U.S. Dollars of sub-prime mortgages. We are headed for a Global meltdown. Some people are already preparing for the worst. People are starting to hoard food in the Philippines, the U.S. and in other parts of the world. Like the canary in the coal mine we have already received plenty of warnings of what is in store for us in the Summer of 2008.
More Perfect Numbers for the Last Days:
The Great Tribulation is 3 1/2 Years = 42 Months before the Messiah returns. But once the Messiah returns, there is still 6 Months to the Spring of 2012 which will end the 6000 Years from Adam. So 42 Months + 6 Months = 48 Months = 26 + 22!
There are 24 elders before the throne of Yahuah. The most natural way to look at the number 24 is to divide it into 12 + 12 = 24. But there is another way to view this number where 11 + 13 = 24 where 11 is the prime number for the Messiah and 13 is the prime number for Yahuah the Father. Also with multiples of these perfect numbers we have 2 x 24 = 48 = 26 + 22 and 3 x 48 = 144 = (3 x 26) + (3 x 22).
In Revelation 21:1-27 we have a description of New Jerusalem. New Jerusalem has 12 Gates, is 12 Foundations high, the shape is square, and each side is 12,000 furlongs. The wall is 144 cubits. The area is 12,000 x 12,000 = 144,000,000 square furlongs.
Another way to look at the number 144 = (3 x 26 = the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; as all three carry the fulness of Yahuah the Father's name) + (3 x 22 = the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; as the number 22 is also a number of completion). Note: Yahuah the Father, the Messiah the Son, and the Holy Spirit are 3 distinct separate and individual members of the same Family of Heaven. In Revelation 14:1 we are told that the 144,000 believers of the 12 Tribes of Israel will have the Messiah's and the Father's Name written in their foreheads (namely the Messiah's future name of Yahuahtsadaq which does carry the full 4 Letter Name of Yahuah the Fathter). In scripture we are told that believers will be sealed in two ways: they will be sealed with the Name of the Messiahwhich carries the Father's Name and also sealed with Yahuah's Holy Spirit. So the sealing will consist of the seal of Yahuah the Father, the Messiah and the Holy Spirit.
Just as a point of interest, Canada became a Nation in 1867 and in 2011 Canada will be 144 Years old when the Messiah returns.
In the city of Babylon in modern Iraq archeologists found that each brick of the city had a personal stamp of Nebuchadnezzar on them. Doesn't it make sense that New Jerusalem will have the signet of Yahuah the Father throughout the whole structure of His glorious city?
The Great Tribulation is the Time of Wheat Harvest:
The 3 1/2 Year Great Tribulation is Wheat Harvest. Satan has sown the Tares among the Wheat. From scripture we know that as the Wheat grows, so do the Tares. Both the Wheat and the Tares will grow until they both mature for the Time of Harvest. Yahuah has allowed this for our testing. As it is written, the Righteous will have Tribulation and we shall suffer for His Name sake.
The Great Tribulation is a time of evil so do not be overcome of evil but overcome evil with good. If you can not be positive, then be neutral, but not evil. Even as they give you evil for good know for certainty that there is real justice and everyone will reap what they sow -- good for good and evil for evil. Revenge is mine says Yahuah, I will repay. So trust in Yahuah, be at peace with yourself and with those around you. Look forward to the Messiah's soon return. The Messiah will rule this world with a rod of iron rewarding the evil doers. When the Messiah establishes his Father's Kingdom on this earth, we will have peace. For Satan will be bound for 1000 Years in the bottomless pit.
So how can we best prepare for the Great Tribulation? We have to put on the whole spiritual armour of Yahuah. In Ephesians 6:10-18 we are told to put on the whole armour of Yahuah, that we may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness (wicked spirits) in high places. "Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; and your feet shod with the preparation of the glad tidings of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith you shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of Yahuah." Also in Isaiah 26:3 we read, "You wil keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on you: because he trusts in you."
The Apostle Paul shows us by example how to deal with the evil. Paul suffered many things but in 2Corinthians 12:7-10 we are told that he was given a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet him. Paul besought Yahuah 3 times that it might depart from him. The answer he received was, "My grace is sufficient for you: for my strength is made perfect in weakness." Then Paul rejoiced and said, "Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of the Messiah may rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for the Messiah's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong."
Another possible symbol for Satan and a link to the Number 666:
In the last Topic 116.0) above we discussed some possible symbols for Satan for the Last Days. One was the Chinese symbol for King or Emperor which consists of three horizontal lines and one vertical line conecting all three. This Chinese symbol is called "wang" and means "The one who connects heaven, humanity and earth"! Well now there is also an identical Hebrew Letter that looks exactly the same in the Paleo-Hebrew script. That letter is the 15th Letter of the Hebrew Alphabet the Letter "Samech". Samech has a numerical value of 60.
Searching the Hebrew there is one Hebrew word that starts with the Letter Samech and has a numerical value of 666. The Hebrew word is "Satur" which means "hidden" and is the Strong's Number 5639. "Satur" is spelled Samech,Tau,Vav,Resh = 60 + 400 + 6 + 200 = 666. "Satur" comes from Strong's Number 5641 "Satur" spelled Samech,Tau,Resh and means to hide (by covering); be absent, keep close, conceal, hide (self), (keep) secret, etc. The Chaldean "Satar" spelled Samech,Tau,Resh Strong's 5642 corresponds to 5641 and means to conceal; fig. to demolish: destroy, secret thing.
Note: A similar word to the Hebrew "Satur" is the Latin "Saturn". "Saturn" is the Roman deity of Agriculture. December 25, Christmas Day, was celebrated by the Romans as "Saturnalia". The Dictionary defines "Saturnalia" as "Any season or period of license or revelry. Feast in honour of the deity Saturn". The Week Day Satur-Day (Saturday) was called dies Saturni, "Saturn's Day", by the ancient Romans in honour of Saturn. In Anglo-Saxon: "Sater Daeg". Now, at the time of winter solstice (December 25 in the Julian calendar), Saturnus, the deity of seed and sowing, was honoured with a festival. The Saturnalia officially was celebrated on December 17 and in Cicero's time, lasted 7 Days, from December 17-23. The Saturnalia was the most popular holiday of the Roman year. It was an occasion for celebration, visits to friends, and the presentation of gifts. The Saturnalia did continue to be celebrated as Brumalia (from bruma, winter solstice) down to the Christian Era, when, by the middle of the 4th Century AD, its rituals had become absorbed in the celebration of Christmas.
Note: "Satur" spelled Samech,Tau,Vav,Resh Strong's Number 5639 only appears once in the Old Testament Hebrew Masoretic Text in Numbers 13:13 and in the King James Bible is spelled "Sethur". Yahuah commanded Moses to send one chief head of every one of the 12 Tribes of Israel to search out the Land of Canaan (the Promised Land). Satur was the head of the Tribe of Asher, the son of Michael. Of the 12 Head Rulers only Joshua (Yahushua) the son of Nun (a type of the Messiah) of the Tribe of Ephraim and Caleb the son of Jephunneh of the Tribe of Judah (Yahudah) had the courage to urge the people to go in and possess the Land. The other 10 Head Rulers including Satur were afraid and terrified the people by their report and urged them not to enter into the Land. Note, 10 is the number of Judgment as in the 10 Plagues of Egypt and the 10 Commandments.
Satan's Death grip on Man:
Prior to the Industrial Revolution in the 1700's and 1800's Man lived on Family farms and in small villages and was self-sufficient. Now in these Last Days 80 to 90 Percent of all the people on the planet live in cities. Man is now totally reliant on centralized feeding centres like large grocery chains that feed the masses. Man no longer even knows how to grow its own food anymore. Multinational Corporations own and control most of the food supply in the world. Man no longer controls his destiny or way of life. We are now like docile domesticated sheep herded into these cities or holding pens just waiting for the slaughter.
The Great Tribulation has started and Satan and his fallen angels are now on the earth taking full control. There is no safe place to hide or to run to. The only true safe haven we can even hope to have is to be as close to Yahuah the Creator and His beloved Son as possible. For Yahuah can protect and save us no matter where we are or for that matter whatever peril or danger confronts us or our families. When the children of Israel were fleeing from Egypt they were boxed in and had no way out. Then Yahuah gave them a miraculous exit.
The Spirit says come and put on robes of Righteousness.
Come out of her, my people, that you be not partakers of her sins, and that you receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and Yahuah has remembered her iniquities. Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loves and makes a lie. The Spirit and the bride say, Come. Let him that hears say, Come. Let him that is athirst come. Whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely. Behold I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.
Introduction:119.0) The Seven 6 Month Semesters of the Great Tribulation:Today is August 8, 2008 the 21st Day of the 5th Month. Today is the 1st Day of the 2008 Olympics in Beijing China. This is an historical event and many consider it the coming out party for China as a New Superpower. How is this significant from a Biblical point of view? The symbol of Chinais the Dragon, and a snake like dragon at that. Satan in scripture is called the Serpent, the Great Red Dragon! (Revelation 12:3-4,7-17).
However, China is not Satan. But Satan is in the shadows and the celebrations in Beijing are reflecting Satan and his Fallen Angels onto the World Stage. As of March 20, 2008 (the 1st Day of the Great Tribulation), Satan and his Fallen Angels have been kicked out of Heaven and are now on the Earth! 204 Nations have come together to celebrate Oneness at the 2008 Olympics. But in reality it is a coming out party for Satan and his Fallen Angels who are now on the Earth! The theme for the 2008 Olympics is "One World, One Dream".
The World Nations are now united under one umbrella with global organizations like the United Nations, World Council of Churches, the Olympics, etc. The World is now ONE like at the Tower of Babel!
A major event happened today that was overshadowed by the Opening Ceremonies of the 2008 Olympics. War has begun between Russia and the Republic of Georgia and is escalating. If not cut in the bud this could trigger World War 3. The U.S.A. backs and supports the Republic of Georgia. The Republic of Georgia wants to join NATO and is therefore a threat to Russia. This situation is very dangerous and can easily get out of control.
Satan will be on the Earth for the full 3 1/2 Year Great Tribulation which began on March 20, 2008. The prophecy of Revelation 12:7-9,12 is now fulfilled where it is written, "And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceives the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels with him. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knows that he has but a short time."
The whole world is deceived and has been conditioned in recent years to believe in and to expect Extraterrestrials to come to the earth.
The world has been prepped to receive Extraterrestrials for quite some time. Now the world is ripe for such an encounter between Man and these Aliens.
The deception is so strong that if it were possible even the very elect would be deceived. With all the ills and woes that plague the earth today, these Aliens will be received with open arms and hailed as Saviours! Man does not care that these pretenders are Satan and his Fallen Angels as long as they offer solutions to Man's horrific problems and promise relief from the pain and trouble that is spiraling out of control.
Signs already exist which have preceded the Coming of these Aliens:
It has taken thousands of years to condition Man mentally to prepare him to accept Satan as a conquering hero. Earth is the only planet in the Universe that we know of which supports life. Man had to be taught and trained to accept life beyond Earth. Air and Space Travel in recent years makes it possible for Man to accept Aliens. Here are some phenomenon that makes it possible for Man in our time to believe in Extraterrestrials:
1) Air and Space Travel.
2) Global Telecommunications and High Tech.
3) Nuclear Technology.
4) Recent Exploration of Mars and other Planets.
5) Man made Satellites.
6) Space Station orbiting the Earth.
7) Hubble Telescope.
8) Human Cloning.
9) Science and Scientific Discoveries.
10) Etc., Etc., Etc.
In religious circles 2008 is the First Time in History that the Roman Catholic Church now officially accepts the possible existence of Extraterrestrials!
The Media has been flooded in recent times with movies, documentaries, testimonials, etc. related to Extraterrestrials and encounters with Aliens.
Modern global telecommunications and High Tech make the unification of the world and the introduction of the Mark and Image of the Beast possible and inevitable right now! The World is ripe for the End Days (the Last Days) prophesied in the Bible thousands of years ago. The current global Food, Fuel, Water, Financial and other crises are uniting the World as never before. The Nations of the World are so tightly bound together now by modern technology that governs our whole way of life whether Financial, Transportation, Resources, Telecommunication, Social, etc. that we share a common fate. It will now be easy for Satan to take the reins of power to dominate all of Mankind. All aspects of human existence is now controlled by modern technology!
These are truly exciting and historic times. To witness Satan and his Fallen Angels descend upon the earth as Extraterrestrials -- WOW!!! And all the World welcoming him with open arms as the Saviour of the World!
The stage is now set. The Actors have taken their places. The Show now begins with Act 1 of the End of Times. The prelude to the Messiah's entry unto the Stage has begun. The Messiah is the leading Actor and the Star of the Show who will come with the Angels of Heaven at the Finale and Conclude the Show.
Other Things in the News:
On July 11, 2008 Oil hit new high of $147 U.S. per barrel.
Subprime Mortgage Crisis deepens in the U.S.. Some Banks and Mortgage Companies are in crisis. U.S. Bank Indymac suffered one of the biggest bank closures in U.S. history. The Fed had to also step in when Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac suffered a crisis of confidence. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are two of the largest Mortgage Companies in the U.S. and have become so big that their failure could put the whole U.S. economy at risk. These two institutions own or guarantee $5.3 trillion in outstanding U.S. home loans - nearly half of all the mortgages issued in the country. Their collapse could drag down a U.S. banking system dependent on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac issued bonds. These are just two more cracks in the Financial dike while 150 other U.S. Banks are on a watch list for potential problems.
June 13, 2008: State of Iowa suffered a 500 Year Flood with 9 major rivers overflowing all at the same time. Iowa is a major corn producer in the U.S. Mid-West. It is now estimated that 2.5 to 5 million acres of the corn crops have been destroyed due to flooding in Iowa and in nearby States. This has affected the already tight supply of corn for food, feed and biofuels, pushing up the price of corn sharply. Six States along with Iowa were affected by the flooding. Levees broke all along the overflowing Mississippi River threatening many communities and submersing farm land.
Recent flooding in China caused the displacement of about 1.6 Million people and the flooding of more than 5 million acres of food producing farm land. This is the 3rd major disaster to hit China this year just before the 2008 Olympics. A devastating snow storm and a major earthquake were the other two previous disasters that has plagued China.
In 2008 Israel has run National Emergency Drills in preparation for nuclear attack. Israel has even obtained permission to use Turkish air space to do air excercises in preparation for retaliation attack on Iran if Israel were threatened or attacked.
June 28, 2008: Global Pride Parade Day was even held in Jerusalem, in the Holiest City on Earth! June 28, 2008 was the 10th Day of Summer, the 10th Day of the 4th Month. 10 is the Number of Judgment.
July 8, 2008: Iran tested long range missiles in the Persian Gulf. Later Iran did a second test of long range missiles just to aggravate the International community and continues to defy the world by pursuing a nuclear program. This spiked the price of oil to go even higher.
Australia is a major bread basket of the world and the devastating drought down under is adding to the global food crisis.
More Perfect Numbers and the Sacred Calendar:
This 1st Year of the Great Tribulation is special in many ways. It is interesting to note how the numbers on the Sacred Calendar and on the Roman Gregorian Calendar line up to form the perfect Number 26 from the start of this year. This Year has a series of perfect numbers.
The Last Day of the 12th Month, the 30th Day of the 12th Month was on March 18, 2008 where 18 + 8 = 26.
The Last Day of the 1st Month, the 30th Day of the 1st Month was on April 18, 2008 where 18 + 8 = 26.
The Last Day of the 2nd Month, the 30th Day of the 2nd Month was on May 18, 2008 where 18 + 8 = 26.
The Last Day before the 1st Day of Summer was on the Intercalary Day on June 18, 2008 where 18 + 8 = 26. This Intercalary Day is the buffer or spacer between Spring and Summer marking the end of Spring and the beginning of Summer. The Intercalary Day before the 1st Day of Summer on the Sacred Calendar exhibited an out of the ordinary extra large Full Moon. It was a Solstice Moon, the Full Moon closest to the start of Summer.
The 1st Day of Summer is exactly 26 Days from the Feast of Pentecost (Feast of Weeks).
From the 1st Day of Creation on March 16, 2008 to the Firstfruit Offering of the Barley (start of the Barley Harvest) on April 6, 2008 the 18th Day of the 1st Month is exactly 22 Days. (Note: the Messiah rose from the dead the Day before and became the perfect Firstfruit Offering).
From the 19th Day of the 1st Month on April 7, 2008 to the 14th Day of the 2nd Month on May 2, 2008 (2nd Passover) is exactly 26 Days.
From the 15th Day of the 2nd Month on May 3, 2008 to the Day before Pentecost on the 6th Day of the 3rd Month on May 24, 2008 is exactly 22 Days.
From the Day of Pentecoston May 25, 2008 the 7th Day of the 3rd Month to the 1st Day of Summer on June 19, 2008 the 1st Day of the 4th Month is exactly 26 Days.
From the 1st Day of Creation to the 1st Day of Summer = 96 Days = 2 x 48 = 22 + 26 + 22 + 26!
Note: The most commonly used grade or composition of Stainless Steel is designated 18-8 where 18 + 8 = 26. The 18-8 designation is 18 percent chromium with 8 percent nickel.
144 = 3 x 48 = (3 x 22) + (3 x 26) = 66 + 78 = 18 x 8. Even the 18 x 8 carries Yahuah's perfect number of 26 where 18 + 8 = 26. Note: Psalm 119 is acrostic and its 176 verses breaks down into the22 Letter Hebrew Alphabet with each 8 verses representing One Letter. Each block of 8 verses starts with that particular Hebrew Letter in sequence. The Hebrew Letter Tsaddi is the 18th Letter of the Hebrew Alphabet. The 18th Block of 8 verses in Psalm 119 all start with the Letter Tsaddi. This 8 verse block for Tsaddi ends with the 144th verse! The 18th Hebrew Letter Tsaddi stands for Righteousness and so does the Sacred Number 144!
The Pivot Point of the Great Tribulation:
The Great Tribulation is 3 1/2 Years long = 42 Months. But to the end of the 6000 Years from Adam is an additional 6 Months. So 42 Months + 6 Months = 48 Months. 48 = 22 + 26 = 26 + 22.
If we use the 22 + 26 = 48 Months formula then we count 22 Months from March 20, 2008 the 1st Day of the Great Tribulation + 22 Months which takes us to the 1st Day of the 11th Month on January 16, 2010.
If on the other hand we use the 26 + 22 = 48 Months formula then we count 26 Months from March 20, 2008 the 1st Day of the Great Tribulation + 26 Months which takes us to the 1st Day of the 3rd Month on May 17, 2010.
The difference between starting with 22 Months or 26 Months is 4 Months or 120 Days. From the 1st Day of the 11th Month on January 16, 2010 to the 1st Day of the 3rd Month on May 17, 2010 is 120 Days (not counting the Intercalary Days). This 120 Days will be the true turning point during the Great Tribulation. This 120 Days will be like a funnel leading into the depths of hell, the likes of which this world has never seen before.
From Genesis 6:3 we know that the number 120 is a perfect number related to the lifespan of Man of 120 Years. We also know from other scriptures that Yahuah equates 1 Year with 1 Day where 120 Years = 120 Days. So this 120 Days in 2010 will be a Last and Final Witness to Man that Man's rule on earth is ending and Judgment Day is near at hand.
Satan has confronted Man from the very beginning and has continually plagued him since. Now in these Last Days, Satan and his Fallen Angels have repackaged themselves to deceive the whole world as an Alien 1st Encounter with Man.
As the time approaches, it is looking more and more like the opening of the 4th Seal of Revelationand the revealing of Satan and the Fallen Angels will take place this Summer or Fall in 2008.
We know that there are very unusual things happening in the world today with problems related to the global economy, Food, Water, and natural disasters. It is almost as if the whole world is holding its breath and just waiting for that other shoe to drop. When things get so bad and desperate that all of Mankind will pray and seek for a saviour, then Satan and his Fallen Angels will magically appear reasuring the world that he can turn things around if only all of Mankind would just fall down and worship him.
The answer and solution to most modern problems is to do things in reverse as opposed to the status quo. We have to get back to growing our own food. We have to get back to living in smaller sustainable, independent and self-sufficient units called villages. It is the greed of large multinationals that is destroying Man and this beautiful planet. As it is written, "The love of money is the root of all evil." Well managed small villages away from the big cities will help secure our future and preserve us from the evil that will destroy so many. But ultimately without Yahuah and His protection all our efforts are for naught.
How do we know that Satan is finally here on the earth? A sure sign is that joy and peace has been taken from the earth. Fear and uncertainty is on every side. This is the picture that the people of the world see. As believers, we see a different picture. We know this time of evil must come to pass but we also know that our redemption draws nigh with the soon return of the Messiah. The earth will lament but we will rejoice for the Messiah is returning soon and he will bring real peace to the earth. Satan will be bound for 1000 Years and the earth will rest.
Satan's goal is to dominate and rule the earth for the little time that he has left during these Last 3 1/2 Years of the Great Tribulation. Satan will take out most of his wrath on the believers as much as he can. Satan wants to prevent anybody from accepting and believing in Yahuahshua. For by believing in Yahuahshua and by keeping Yahuah's Laws and Commandments we have the hope of Eternal Life. Satan will do everything in his power to keep us from entering into Yahuah's Kingdom.
The Messiah told us that the Righteous will have tribulation and that we will suffer for his Name's sake. We will go through much suffering and tribulation before we enter into the Kingdom of Yahuah. When you suffer for Righteousness sake rejoice and be glad for the Prophets and Believers also suffered such things before you.
The time is short and the deception is strong but Yahuah is stronger. Yahuah will protect His own that love Him and keep His commandments.
Yes, it is true that the world is going through a time of major turmoil at present and it will get worse. But Yahuah in His great love and mercy will shorten these evil days and limit it to the 3 1/2 Years of the Great Tribulation. Then immediately after the Great Tribulation the Messiah will return, he will conquer and rule this world and restore peace, joy, and security to a troubled world.
Put your trust in Yahuah and believe also in Him. Seek you the Kingdom of Yahuah and all else will be added unto you. Let your treasure be in Heaven where rust and moths do not corrupt. Look forward to the Messiah's return with great joy for when he returns we shall all receive our reward -- some to Eternal Life and some to Eternal Fire.
Are you looking for a place of refuge and a place of safety in an uncertain world? Then make Yahuah your refuge and fortress as it is written in Psalm 91:1-16.
Introduction:120.0) Progressive Intensity of the 7 Semesters of the Great Tribulation:Today is October 26, 2008 the 9th Day of the 8th Month. The Great Tribulation is 3 1/2 Years long which is 7 x 6 Months = 42 Months. These 7 Blocks of 6 Months are 7 Semesters. The term "Semester" comes from the Latin word "Semestris" which means "6 Months". The Great Tribulation began on March 20, 2008. So the 1st Semester of 6 Months of the Great Tribulation is now complete. The Feast of Trumpets on September 18, 2008 began the 2nd Semester of 6 Months of the Great Tribulation.
The world is now in a full blown Global Financial Crisis. The U.S. has injected over $800 Billion, the U.K. $700 Billion, and Germany another $630 Billion to shore up Financial Markets. Leaders have announced that we can expect more Banks to fail and we can expect things to get worse before they get better. The Great Depression of 2008 has begun and is just an appetizer of the Great Tribulation! If you had any reservations as to whether the Great Tribulation has already started, you should have none now.
The Last 22 Six Month Semesters at the end of the 6000 Years from Adam:
The Fall Feast Days of 22 Days is a pattern for multiple units of time for the Last Days and the Messiah's 2nd Coming. These units of time can be 22 Days, 22 Months, 22 Years, as well as 22 Six Month Semesters, etc. The Last 22 Years at the end of the 6000 Years from Adam can be split into two 11 Year Periods. The Last 11 Years consist of 22 Six Month Semesters. These Last 22 Six Month Semesters carry the pattern of the 22 Day Fall Feast Days.
These Last 11 Years started on March 22, 2001 and will end on March 15, 2012 and consists of 22 Six Month Semesters. The tragic event of September 11, 2001 in New York City happened during the 1st Semester of these 22 Semesters. The 1st Semester is symbolic of the Feast of Trumpets. The 15th to the 21st Semesters are the 7 Semesters of the 3 1/2 Year Great Tribulation and represent the 7 Day Feast of Tabernacles. The 22nd Semester represents the Last Great Day and the 6 Months when the Messiah will be on Earth. The Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011 is the Day when the Messiah will return and is the 1st Day of this 22nd Semester of 6 Months.
During this Last Great Day 22nd Semester the Messiah will conquer the world and clean it up in preparation for the start of the 7th Millennium in March 2012. The Fall Feast Days will be fulfilled when the Messiah returns:
Feast of Trumpets 2011- Messiah returns.
Day of Atonement 2011- Messiah will Judge the World.
Feast of Tabernacles 2011 - 7 Day Marriage Feast of the Lamb of Yahuah.
Last Great Day 2011 - End of Agricultural Year.
23rd Day of 7th Month 2011 - clean up of Earth begins in preparation for the 7th Millennium.The Seven 6 Month Semesters of the Great Tribulation:
Of the 7 Semesters of 6 Months the 4th Semester of the Great Tribulation is the deciding one. If you think of the 7 Lamp Menorah, the 4th Lamp is the middle and critical one which feeds the other six. In the Messiah's two Names of Yahuahshua and Yahuahtsadaq, it is the 4th Hebrew Letter that gives power to his two Names. The 4th Hebrew Letter carries the full weight of the Father's Name of Yahuah. In the same way the 4th Semester is the pivotal one that will introduce the Last 3 Semesters that carry the full weight of the Great Tribulation. The 1st three Semesters are the Light Weights while the Last 3 Semesters will be the horrific and deadly Heavy Weights. The 4th Semester of the Great Tribulation will be the 6 Months from the Feast of Trumpets on September 17, 2009 to the1st Day of the next year on March 18, 2010. This 4th Semester will consist of 3 Months of the Fall Season and 3 Months of the Winter Season. You can also think of this 4th Semester as the pivot point of theScales of Justice.
If you think about the Messiah's two Names, the 1st 4 Hebrew Letters carry the full 4 Letter Hebrew Name of Yahuah the Father, while the Last 3 Hebrew Letters of his two names stand for Salvation and Righteousness which refer to the Messiah and to his 2nd Coming. In the same way, during the Last 3 Semesters of 6 Months of the Great Tribulation all believers will have to rely on the Salvation and Righteousness of Yahuah to get through the worst time in Man's history.
In Daniel 5:1-31 we are given an indication as to what we can expect during the 4th Semester of the Great Tribulation. In Daniel Chapter 5 we are told that King Belshazzar of Babylon made a great feast. At this feast he commanded to bring out the holy vessels of Yahuah that were taken from Jerusalem. He and his servants drank out of them. They drank wine, and praised the gods of gold, and of silver, of brass, of iron, of wood, and of stone! (Daniel 5:4). In the same hour there was a hand writing on the wall over against the Lampstand. This is the writing on the wall, "MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN." This is the interpretation of the writing:
MENE: Yahuah has numbered your kingdom and finished it.
TEKEL: You are weighed in the balances, and art found wanting.
PERES: Your kingdom is divided, and given to the Medes and Persians.
A Mene (Mina) was 50 Shekels. So Mene + Mene = 50 + 50 = 100 = 3 x 26 + 22. Notice the perfect numbers where 26 represents Yahuah the Fatherand 22 represents the Messiah.
The Great Tribulation is 42 Months. If you split the Great Tribulation into two equal parts then 42 Months = 21 Months + 21 Months. The 2nd 21 Months begins on the 1st Day of the 10th Month on December 17, 2009, the 1st Day of Winter.
The Great Tribulation is 3 1/2 Years which also equals 26 Jubilees of Days. So December 17, 2009 the 1st Day of the 10th Month is also the 13th Jubilees of Days or midpoint of the Great Tribulation.
Of the Last 7 Years to the Messiah's return, December 17, 2009 is the 39th Jubilee of Days. The Last 7 Years = 52 Jubilees of Days. So from December 17, 2009 there is still 13 Jubilees of Days to go to his 2nd Coming where 39 JD + 13 JD = 52 Jubilees of Days.
The 4th Semester of the Great Tribulation consists of 3 Months of the Fall Season plus 3 Months of the Winter Season. The exact midpoint of the 4th Semester is December 16, 2009 an Intercalary Day. December 17, 2009 is the 1st Day of Winter and begins the 2nd half of the Great Tribulation.
A regular Year has 52 Weeks where each of the 4 Seasons consists of 13 Weeks. The Last of the 4 Seasons is Winter and equals 13 Weeks. The Last 7 Years to the Messiah's return has 52 Jubilees of Days which can also be broken down into 4 Seasons of 13 Jubilees of Days each where the Last Season is Winter consisting of 13 Jubilees of Days. December 17, 2009 will begin this Last and Winter Season of 13 Jubilees of Days. December 17, 2009 begins the 2nd half of the Great Tribulation. December 17, 2009 is the 1st Day of the 10th Month, the 1st Day of Winter on the Regular Calendar Year as well as the 1st Day of Winter of the Winter Season of the Last 7 Years to the Messiah.
Believers should take December 17, 2009 very seriously. December 17, 2009 is the 39th Jubilee of Days and is the 1st Day of Winter. This could start the persecution of believers in earnest. The number 39 is significant because the Messiah received 40 stripes less one = 39 stripes. The Apostle Paul received 40 stripes less one three times. Also the Messiah said, "Pray that your flight be not in Winter neither on the Sabbath Day! The Messiah said that the world shall hate us and that we will be persecuted for his name's sake. He also said that the Righteous will have Tribulation. In the Book of Revelation we are told that Satan will seek to wear out the Saints and will seek to kill and to overcome them.
Summary of the 1st Semester of 6 Months of the Great Tribulation:
Russia attacks Georgia on the 1st Day of the 2008 Olympics.
The World celebrates Olympics 2008 as the coming out party of China as a New Superpower.
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, two Giants in the U.S. mortgage industry owning and servicing over 1/2 of U.S. mortgages worth more than $12 Trillion of debt is taken over by the U.S. Fed..
3 Hurricanes - Gustave, Hannah, and Ike cause massive damage. 1.9 Million people evacuated from New Orleans, over 1 Million in Florida, and over 1 Million in Cuba. Haiti hit by all 3 Hurricanes, flooding most of the country. In Haiti over 800,000 people need immediate assistance of clean drinking water, food, blankets, etc.. In Texas over 1 Million evacuated and resulting in over 2 Million people without power for weeks.
Flooding in Northern India and Nepal has affected over 1 Million people.
Largest man made Particle Accelerator by CERN turned on September 10, 2008. It took more than 14 Years and $8 Billion by more than 10,000 Scientists to build this Large Hadron Collider. It is 15 Miles long. Also called the Big Bang Experiment, Scientists are looking for the "God Particle", the origin of life and the origin of the Universe. Man is turning to the Creation for answers of his existence instead of the Creator who made him. The fact that Man, and this beautiful life supporting planet of Earth even exist is proof that Yahuah is our maker and Creator.
Peace has been taken from the Earth, Satan is now on the Earth with his Fallen Angels. The Seas and Waves are roaring. Millions of people are being affected by Hurricanes, flooding, fires, droughts, war, social unrest, fear and uncertainty. Financial Markets are uncertain and wavering. High price of food and fuel is being felt worldwide. Huge job losses by the tens of thousands is accelerating. Hearts of many are growing cold because of the evil. This is what we have experienced so far during the 1st 6 Months of the Great Tribulation. Now that the 2nd 6 Months has started, the Great Depression of 2008 has begun.
More Perfect Numbers:
A) The Number of the Days of the High Sabbath Days of the Fall Feast Days:
If you add the number of the Days of the High Sabbath Days of the Fall Feast Days you will get the perfect number of Yahuah the Father = 26 and the perfect number of the Messiah = 22:
Feast of Trumpets - 1st Day 7th Month = 1
Day of Atonement - 10th Day 7th Month = 10
1st Day Feast of Tabernacles - 15th Day 7th Month = 15
Last Great Day - 22nd Day 7th Month = 22The numbers of the Days of the High Sabbaths added together = Day of the Feast of Trumpets + Day of Atonement + 1st Day Feast of Tabernacles = 1 + 10 + 15 = 26. While the number of the Day of the Last Great Day = 22. Add all the numbers together = 1 + 10 + 15 + 22 = 48. Notice how the number 48 = 26 + 22 which adds up to the perfect numbers for Yahuah the Father and the Messiah. The number 48 = 26 + 22 is also indicative of the Messiah and his 2nd Coming because 22 always refers to the Messiah and he carries the fulness of his Father's Name of Yahuah = 26 in both of his two names.
B) From the 1st Day of the Feast of Tabernacles on October 2, 2008 to the Messiah's Return in 2011 is 22 Jubilees of Days:
The Last 7 Years to the Messiah's return = 52 Jubilees of Days. The 30th Jubilee of Days was on the 1st Day of the Feast of Tabernacles on October 2, 2008 the 15th Day of the 7th Month. From the 1st Day of the Feast of Tabernacles this Fall in 2008 to the Messiah's return in 2011 is still 22 Jubilees of Days to go.
Regardless of how you view time, it is all pointing to the Messiah's 2nd Coming. This Fall the numbers of the Feast of Trumpets, Day of Atonement plus the 1st Day of the Feast of Taberncales = 1 + 10 + 15 = 26. Then + 22 for the Last Great Day and + 22 Jubilees of Days to the Messiah's return in the Last Great Year, the 22nd Year on the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011.
C) The Last 4 Years = 48 Months at the end of the 6000 Years from Adam:
The Fall Feast Days have never been fulfilled but will be fulfilled in our time now in these Last Days. The Great Tribulation = 3 1/2 Years = 42 Months = 7 x 6 Months. After the Great Tribulation there is still an additional 6 Months to the end of the 6000 Years from Adam. This additional 6 Months will be an 8th 6 Months corresponding to the Last Great Day of the Fall Feast Days. The Feast of Tabernacles is 7 Days which is synonymous with the 7 x 6 Months of the Great Tribulation. Then the Last Great Day, the 8th Day of the Feast is synonymous with the 8th 6 Months at the end of the 6000 Years from Adam. This 8th 6 Months is from the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011 when the Messiah returns to the start of the 7th Millennium in Spring 2012. The numbers 7 and 22always relate to the Messiah. The Last Great Day is on the 22nd Day of the 7th Month. The Messiah will return in the middle of the Last Great Year, the 22nd Year, the Last Year, in the 6000th Year from Adam. The Messiah will be here on Earth during the full 8th 6 Month period which is synonymous with the Last Great Day of the Fall Feast Days. The Last Great Day of the Fall Feast Days marks the end of the Agricultural Year and the end of the Harvest of Believers.
If you equate each of the 22 Days of the Fall Feast Days with 6 Months per Day you get 22 x 6 Months = 11 Years. This Last 11 Years started with March 22, 2001. The Feast of Trumpets in 2001 was on September 20, 2001. So the tragic event of 911 in New York City happened on September 11, 2001 in the 1st of these 22 Six Month periods. The 10th 6 Month period was from Spring 2005 to Spring 2006. The 15th 6 Month period started on the 1st Day of the Great Tribulation on March 20, 2008. If we equate these 22 Six Month periods to the 22 Days of the Fall Feast Days, then the 7 Days of the Feast of Tabernacles equate with the 15th to the 21st 6 Month periods. The 15th to the 21st 6 Month periods are the 7 Six Month periods of the Great Tribulation! The 22nd 6 Month period equates with the Last Great Day of the Fall Feast Days. The 22nd 6 Month period runs from the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011 when the Messiah returns to Spring 2012 when the 7th Millennium will begin.
So the Great Tribulation plus 6 Months = 42 Months + 6 Months = 48 Months = 26 Months + 22 Months. From the start of the Great Tribulation on March 20, 2008 to the start of the 7th Millennium on March 15, 2012 = 48 Months = 4 Years. Notice how 48 = 26 + 22 where 26 represents Yahuah the Father and 22 represents the Messiah and 48 represents the Messiah's 2nd Coming.
The 6000 Years from Adam consists of 122 Jubilee Years plus 22 Years remainder where6000 Years = (49 x 122) + 22 = 5978 + 22. These Last 22 Years are synonymous with the 22 Days of the Fall Feast Days and with the 22 Letter Hebrew Alphabet. The Last 4 Years = 48 Months. The Last 4 Years are synonymous with the Last 4 Letters of the Hebrew Alphabet of Qoph = 100, Resh = 200, Shin = 300, Tau = 400. 100 + 200 + 300 + 400 = 1000 = 10 x 10 x 10 where 10 is the number of Judgment. The 10th Year (1999) of the Last 22 Yearswas the Atonement Year when comparing it to the Fall Feast Days. Then there are 12 Years left = 4 Years + 4 Years + 4 Years = 48 Months + 48 Months + 48 Months = 144 Months! Note that the number 144 is the number of Righteousness = (3 x 26) + (3 x 22)!
We are now in the Last 4 Years = 4 Years x 12 Months per Year = 48 Months of the 6000 Years from Adam. The way these Last 4 Years breaks down in sacred perfect numbers will give us an idea of the timing for the Last Days. Since these Last 4 Years = 48 Months, we can view these 48 Months as 48 = 22 + 26 or 26 + 22. If 22 + 26 then the 22nd Month ends at the end of the 10th Month ending on January 14, 2010. If 26 + 22 then the 26th Month ends at the end of the 2nd Month ending on May 16, 2010. The overlap between the two ways is 4 Months from January 14, 2010 to May 16, 2010. These 4 Months = 11th Month, 12th Month, 1st Month,2nd Month. Note how 11 + 12 + 1 + 2 = 26! The midpoint of the Last 4 Yearsof the 6th Millennium is March 18, 2010. The First 2 Years = 2 Years x 360 Days per Year (not counting Intercalary Days) = 720 Days = 5 x 144 Days! So the Last 2 Years also = 5 x 144 Days! The Last 4 Years = 10 x 144 Days where 10 = Judgment and 144 = Righteousness. 144 = 48 + 48 + 48 = (26 + 22) + (26 + 22) + (26 + 22) where 26 represents Yahuah the Father and 22 represents the Messiah while 48 represents the Messiah's 2nd Coming.
D) The Handwriting on Wall of Daniel also relates to the Last 4 Years of the 6000 Years from Adam:
You can also compare these Last 4 Years to the handwriting on the wall in Daniel 5:25-29. In Daniel 5:25 the handwriting was "MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN". Mene = 50 Shekels, Mene = 50 Shekels, where 50 + 50 = 100 = 10 x 10 = 3 x 26 + 22. What does this all mean? The 1st 2 Years are weighed against the Last 2 Years. Daniel gives us the interpretation: MENE = Yahuah has numbered your Kingdom and finished it. TEKEL = You are weighed in the balances, and are found wanting. PERES = Your Kingdom is divided, and given to the Medes and Persians. This prophecy has a dual meaning, one for Daniel's time and one for our time in these Last Days.
In Daniel's handwriting on the wall, if the two Mene of 50 shekels each were perfect then the scale would be equally balanced. However, the two Mene were weighed and found wanting so they are not equal. There is a spiritual side to the meaning of the handwriting. Mene + Mene = 50 + 50 = 100 shekels. 100 = 3 x 26 + 22 = (26 + 26) + (26 +22) = 52 + 48. Numerically 52 is not equal to 48 so when weighed would be found wanting. Spiritually on one side is (26 + 26) = 52 which represents the perfection of Yahuah. On the other side is (26 + 22) = 48 which represents the Messiah, the Salvation and Righteousness of Yahuah. "Found wanting" means out of balance or unequal yet Mene + Mene = 50 + 50 is a perfect balance and of equal weight. On the other hand 52 + 48 is unbalanced yet = 100 = 50 + 50 which is a perfect balance. The Messiah is the Key to perfectly balancing the Scales of Justice. The Number 48 = 26 + 22 represents the Messiah, the Salvation and Righteousness of Yahuah.
In other words on the Day of Judgment we will all be judged and we will be weighed in the balances. When the Messiah returns he will judge the world on the Day of Atonement in 2011. It is only through the Messiah who is the Salvation and Righteousness of Yahuah that we will be made clean and Righteous. We are washed and cleansed by the precious blood of Yahuahshua the Lamb of Yahuah who gave himself for us. We will be judged by Yahuahtsadaq the Righteousness of Yahuah. There is only one way into the Kingdom of Yahuah and that is through His beloved Son Yahuahshua through whom we have the forgiveness of our sins. There is no other way. On the Day of Judgment if we try to get in by our own righteousness we will be found wanting and will not be able. It is not by our righteousness which are like filthy rags before Him but by Yahuah's Righteousness through the Messiah that we will be saved.
The Messiah is our High Priest of the Order of Melechtsadaq, King of Righteousness. Consider the clothing of the Levitical High Priest. He had a breastplate with 12 gemstones representing the 12 Tribes of Israel. Behind the breastplate in a pouch close to his heart was the Urim and Thummim. The Hebrew word Urim = Lights and the Hebrew word Thummim = Perfections (complete truth).
You can just picture the scales of justice and Daniel's handwriting on the wall relating to the Urim and Thummim. Mene + Mene = 50 + 50 = 100 = (26 + 26) + (26 + 22). Where (26 + 26) = Perfections representing Yahuah the Father. While (26 + 22) = Lights representing the Messiah. The Messiah said that he was the Light of the World. The Messiah = 26 + 22(the Messiah carries the Father's Name of Yahuah = 26). The Messiah = 22 (completion) and he makes up for our imperfection and equalizes out our unrighteousness and we have mercy with Yahuah. The High Priest went into the Holy of Holies to appear before Yahuah once in the Year on the Day of Atonement (Day of Judgment) and not without a sacrifice of blood for his own sins and for the sins of the people.
E) The 4 Months in the Middle of the Last 4 Years:
The Last 4 Years = 48 Months = (26 + 22) or (22 + 26) and the difference between two ways to view it is 4 Months. This 4 Month difference in the middle of the Last 4 Years = 120 Days = the number of Man's Life Span. These 4 Months are from January 14, 2010 to May 16, 2010 = 120 Days. The midpoint is March 18, 2010. This too can be compared to a scale where the 1st 60 Days is weighed against the Last 60 Days.
Everything points to these Last 4 Years = 3 1/2 Years Great Tribulation + 6 Months to the end of the 6000 Years from Adam. March 20, 2008 began these Last 4 Years which will end in Spring 2012.
F) The Fall Feast Days are a complete Unit of 22 Days:
It is true that there are four different parts to the Fall Feast Days consisting of the Feast of Trumpets, Day of Atonement, Feast of Tabernacles, and the Last Great Day. But these 4 parts form one complete Unit of 22 Days. So when keeping the Fall Feast Days we should not be thinking about them as separate entities but parts of a whole. The Number 22 represents the Messiah. The Fall Feast Days will be fulfilled and complete at the Messiah's 2nd Coming during the 22nd 6 Month period. The Messiah will return on the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011. He will Judge the World on the Day of Atonement. We will celebrate the Marriage Feast of the Lamb during the Feast of Tabernacles for 7 Days. The Last Great Day on the 22nd Day of the 7th Month indicatescompletion and the end of the Agricultural Year, the end of the Harvest of Believers.
G) The Sun rotates on its axis approximately once every 26 Days:
Here is a point of interest. The Sun rotates on its axis approximately once every 26 Days! The Earth rotates around its axis approximately once every 24 Hours. If the earth was closer to the Sun we would burn to death. If the earth was farther from the Sun we would freeze to death. How beautiful and perfect is Yahuah's Creation! Note that the Number of Yahuah's Holy Name is 26!
H) The Numbers 26 + 22 = 48 and 144 in the Creation Week:
From Genesis Chapters 1 & 2 we know that Yahuah created or re-created the earth in 6 Days and rested on the 7th Day. 1 Day = 24 Hours. 2 Days = 2 x 24 Hours = 48 Hours = 26 + 22. 6 Days = 6 x 24 Hours = 144 Hours = 48 + 48 + 48. 144 Hours = (3 x 26) + (3 x 22) = (26 + 22) + (26 + 22) + (26 + 22)!
With Yahuah 1 Day is like 1000 Years. So 2 Days is like 2000 Years. 2 Days = 48 Hours = 26 + 22. The 1st 4000 Years from Adam ended in 11CE when the Messiah was 22 Years old at his 1st Coming. He was born 22 Years before the end of the 4000 Years from Adam. Now at the end of the 6000 Years from Adam there is another 22 Years. From the time that the Messiah was 22 Years old at his 1st Coming to his return at his 2nd Coming in 2011 the 22nd Year is 2000 Years. This 2000 Years represents 2 Days = 48 Hours = (26 + 22) the time between his 1st and 2nd Coming!
The 6 Day Creation equates with the 6000 Years of Man. Each 2000 Years equates with 2 Days = 48 Hours = (26 + 22). As 6000 Years = 2000 + 2000 + 2000, so 6 Days = 2 Days + 2 Days + 2 Days = 48 Hours + 48 Hours + 48 Hours = (26 + 22) + (26 + 22) + (26 + 22) = 144 Hours. 144 = Righteousness. At the end of the 6000 Years from Adam the Messiah will return using his Name of Yahuahtsadaq = Righteousness of Yahuah!
From the Creation of Adam to the birth and 1st Coming of the Messiah is 60 Generations. The Messiah's 1st Coming and 2nd Coming is celebrated in the Yearly Calendar. The Sacred Calendar = 360 Days (not counting the 4 Intercalary Days). 6 Days = 144 Hours. 360 Days per Year divided by 6 Days = 60 times. So 1 Year = 360 Days = 60 x 6 Days = 60 x 144 Hours. 144 Hours = 3 x 48 = (3 x 26) + (3 x 22). Where 26 represents Yahuah the Father, 22 represents the Messiah, and 144 stands for Righteousness. While the Number 48 = 26 + 22 represents the Messiah, the Salvation and Righteousness of Yahuah
I) Last 3 Years from Feast of Trumpets 2008 to Feast of Trumpets 2011:
The Last 3 Years to the Messiah's return is from Feast of Trumpets 2008 to Feast of Trumpets 2011. The midpoint of these 3 Years is Spring 2010 or 1 1/2 Years = 18 Months before his 2nd Coming. This 18 Months is equivalent to the 5th Trumpet of Revelation 9:1-12 which is 5 Months plus the 6th Trumpet of Revelation 9:13-21 which is 1 Year + 1 Month + 1 Day + 1 Hour. Added together we get 1 Year + 1 Month + 5 Months = 12 Months + 1 Month + 5 Months = 18 Months (plus 1 Day and 1 Hour). Spring 2010 will begin the Last and worst part of the Great Tribulation.
J) The U.S. Presidential Election on November 4, 2008 and the Sacred Calendar:
The U.S. Presidential Election is a major event that will affect the whole world and will be held on November 4, 2008. On the Sacred Calendar, November 4, 2008 is on the 18th Day of the 8th Month where 18 + 8 = 26! 18 = Righteousness, 8 = New Beginning, and 26 = the Number of Yahuah's Name.
Financial Crisis Looms on the whole World:
On September 7, 2008 the U.S. Fed took over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to stabilize U.S. Financial Markets at the tune of $200 Billion. This after already bailing out Bear Stearns and later allowing Lehman Bros. to go under. On September 16, 2008 the U.S. Fed bails out AIG with $85 Billion. AIG is the largest insurance company in the world. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac represent about one half of the U.S. Mortgage Industry and own or guarantee over $12 Trillion Debt in the U.S.. Since then the U.S. Congress has now approved a $800 Billion bailout package for U.S. Financial Markets. The British have also approved a $700 Billion bailout package for their Financial Market.
It has been quite a roller coaster ride on the Financial Markets and this is only the beginning of the 2nd 6 Months (2nd Semester) of the Great Tribulation. There have been buy outs, bailouts, propups, and bankruptcies. We are now starting to look at Trillions of Dollars being pumped into the World Markets and to no avail. Governments are at their wits end on how to stop the slide and how to solve the ever deepening Depression of fear and uncertainty.
Yes my dear friends, we are now in the Great Tribulation prophesied in the Bible. Still not convinced? Only the 1st of the Seven 6 Month Semesters is complete. There are still Six more 6 Month Semesters to go to the end of the Great Tribulation and to the 2nd Coming of the Messiah: the worst will be the Last 3 Semesters of 18 Months.
With all the bailouts in the Financial Market, the U.S. Fed is printing more and more money which will cause hyper inflation.
Like a row of Dominos Financial Institutions around the world are being hit one after the other with no end in sight. The same thing happened on October 29, 1929 with the crash of the Stock Market that started the Great Depression.
If you study history, you will find that the deception was very strong even during the Great Depression of the 1930's. The best Financial minds of the Dirty Thirties did not grasp the severity or full impact of the Financial Crisis of their time. Most of those Financiers lost everything. Most people think that the Wall Street crash happened in just one day on October 29, 1929. Not so. It took place over a span of 4 Years from 1929 to 1932. While the Great Depression lasted 10 Years from 1929 to 1939. Unemployment was rampant during the Great Depression. The only thing that pulled the world out of the tail spin of the Great Depression was a Global War -- World War 2. World War 2 created instant employment world wide.
Recently the Stock Markets around the world have been losing heavily. On Friday October 10, 2008 the G7 met to deal with the Financial Crisis. The only thing that they could come up with is to agree that there is a crisis. The Financial Markets were expecting some serious solutions to this serious problem. The World is holding its breath waiting to see how the Markets will react in the near future.
If the U.S. Dollar crashes, then the Amero will be introduced to bring back value and confidence to the North Americian currencies of the United States, Canada and Mexico. The Amero will rival the European Euro.
With the Financial Crisis in full bloom many Financial Analysts are crying out for an International Financial Control System to stabilize world Financial Markets. The Beast System will be that New Global Financial System. So this Financial Crisis will restructure the present archaic and broken down Global Financial System into a super new all controlling Beast System mentioned in Revelation 13:1-18.
What we are witnessing is the emergence of the New World Order Banking System which is Global. This is the Beast System mentioned in Revelation 13:18. In the midst of this chaos the Mark of the Beast will be forced unto the people. When people will be faced with starvation or accepting the Mark, most will opt to take the Mark of the Beast to survive. As it is written in Revelation 13:16-18, "And he causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that has understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six."
With this Financial Crisis men are running to and fro looking for a safe haven to put their life savings but find none. Like the Messiah said, "where your heart is there will your treasure be also". The Messiah also said, "lay up your treasure in Heaven where thieves can not break through and steal and where moth and rust do not corrupt." If we keep Yahuah's Laws and Commandments then we are under His protection. Like the Messiah said, "if you love me, keep my commandments even as I have kept my Father's commandments."
On Friday October 10, 2008 the G7 Financial Ministers met to discuss the Financial Crisis. They came up with a one page list of possible steps to avoid a meltdown but not enough to sooth fear and uncertainty in Global Markets. On Monday October 13, 2008 after a weekend of meetings by the G7, EU, IMF, World Bank, etc. plans and stimulus packages were introduced to stem the downward slide of the World Financial Markets. The U.S. announced a bailout package of $810 Billion, the U.K. $700 Billion, Germany $630 Billion, along with other Governments around the world. Just three of these major countries have pumped over $2 Trillion into their economies! So the Markets responded positively by spiking upward of about 1000 points in just one day. But just as suddenly dropped dramatically the next day. All this week the Stock Markets had a Yo-Yo effect, up one day and down the next with unheard of very steep drops and very steep rises. This indicates how volatile and fragile the Markets are. These stimulus packages are a temporary band-aid solution to a Global Financial Crisis with no end in sight. Wild unpredictable fluctuations in the Financial Markets are the norm for the present time. High level brain storming among world government leaders heats up as the Financial Crisis continues.
On November 15, 2008 U.S. President Bush will host a Global Financial Summit in Washington, D.C.. Leaders of the G20 countries will gather to draw up an action plan to deal with the Global Financial Crisis. We could witness the emergence of the Beast System - a New World Financial Body powerful enough to deal with the Global Financial Crisis that we are now in.
We are now in the 2nd 6 Month Semester of the Great Tribulation.
The Global Financial Crisis of today will lead to the Mark of the Beast.
The sophisticated electronics of our time will lead to the creation of and worship of the Image of the Beast.
During the Great Depression of the 1930's there was one luxury that even the poor did not give up. That luxury was going out to the movies. The movies was a way to escape the reality of hopelessness and despair brought about by the Great Depression. As the Great Depression of 2008 is now upon us, exactly the same phenomenon is happening. People are using T.V., Video Games, the Internet, and all kinds of new electronic gadgets as an opiate to pacify the sting of reality.
The deception is so strong that if it were possible, even the very elect would be deceived.
As it is written in 2Timothy 4:3-4, "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables."
Isn't this exactly what is happening today. People are turning to virtual reality in one form or another. People are turning to mind controlling substances and devices. The use of alcohol and drugs is up. Even food is being used to try to fill a spiritual void and obesity is rampant. The new plague that is now upon us and especially on the young is the tsunami of new video and audio electronics all used to escape the pain and fear of uncertainty of a troubled world.
As believers we have the same mandate as the Apostle Paul, when the Messiah sent Paul to the Nations and said to him: "To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto Yahuah, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me. ... that they should repent and turn to Yahuah, and do works meet for repentance." (Acts 26:15-20).
Sure signs that we are now in the Great Tribulation are that evil is increasing:seducers are waxing worse and worse; fear, anxiety, hate, violence, stealing, cheating, and murdering is spreading like wildfire; neighbour hating neighbour. The evil presence of Satan and his influence is palpable. The storm has come and will get ever worse until the Messiah will finally return. When the Messiah returns and rules with a rod of iron, then we will have peace, peace for 1000 Years! We can not avoid the evil. We have to confront it. Do not be overcome of evil but overcome evil with good. Do not let Satan pull you down to his level. Rise above it. Do that which is right. Learn to love those that hate you and do all manner of evil towards you. Be loving as Yahuah is love. Do not let Satan beguile you into hating one another. By their fruits you shall know them. For the fruit of the Righteous is a Tree of Life. The Messiah, the Apostle Paul, and all the other Righteous are an example for us.
When these things come upon you do not think that some strange thing has happened to you, for such things must come to pass. Seek you the Kingdom of Yahuah and His Righteousness and all things will be added unto you. Do not be surprised if the world hates you, for so did they to the Messiah and to the Prophets before you. Be of good comfort for it is your Heavenly Father's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom of Heaven.
Introduction:121.0) 70 Weeks of Daniel and the Opening of the 5th Seal of Revelation:Today is November 22, 2008 the 6th Day of the 9th Month in the 2nd Semester of the Great Tribulation. The Financial Crisis continues. Job losses escalate. The Big 3 Auto Makers of GM, Ford, and Chrysler are in crisis and asking the U.S. Government for financial help. If the Auto Industry goes under, many other parts of the economy will be affected and 3 to 5 Million jobs could be lost. The affects on the U.S. economy would be catastrophic. This is just the latest problem to surface as the Global Financial Crisis deepens. Stock Markets are still plunging. Oil is $48 U.S. a barrel. The talk is no longer about inflation, but rather deflation. Deflation is what happened during the Great Depression of the 1930's when prices were lower than cost and many businesses went bankrupt. Like a ripple in a pond, these crises are ever widening and increasing in intensity.
As we go from one Semester to the next in the Great Tribulation, the trials and tribulations are increasing in intensity. If you consider the value of each Semester as a weight, then the weight becomes accumulative with the passing of each Semester. From scripture we can even determine the Weight Value or Intensity of Each of the 7 Semesters of the Great Tribulation.
Accumulative Multipliers of Intensity of the 7 Semesters of the Great Tribulation:
The 1st Day of the Great Tribulation on March 20, 2008 began the Last 4 Years of theLast 22 Years at the end of the 6000 Years from Adam. These Last 22 Years are synonymous with the 22 Letters of the Hebrew Alphabet. The Last 4 Years take on the value of the Last 4 Letters of the Hebrew Alphabet. March 20, 2008 began the 19th Year which represents the 19th Letter of the Hebrew Alphabet. The 19th Letter Koph has a numerical value of 100, the 20th Letter Resh = 200, the 21st Letter Shin = 300 and the Last and 22nd Letter Tau = 400. Therefore, the 19th Year = 100, 20th Year = 200, 21st Year = 300 and the 22nd Year = 400.
Now since the 7 Semesters of the Great Tribulation are all 6 Month periods, we split each year into two 6 Month periods to get the appropriate value. For instance, the 19th Year = 100 = the 1st and 2nd Semesters so the 1st Semester = 50 and the 2nd Semester = 50. The 20th Year = 200 = 3rd and 4th Semesters so the 3rd Semester = 100and the 4th Semester = 100. The 21st Year = 300 = 5th and 6th Semesters where the 5th Semester = 150 and the 6th Semester = 150. The Last Year the 22nd Year = 400 = 7th and 8th Semesters where the 7th Semester = 200 and the 8th Semester = 200. Note that the numerical value of the Last 4 Letters of the Hebrew Alphabet are all multiples of 50! So now we can summarize the accumulative multiples of each Semester using the 1st Semester as the Base Unit and Standard of 50.
1st Sem. = 50 = 1x 50.
2nd Sem. = 50 + 50 = 2 x 50
3rd Sem. = 50 + 50 + 100 = 4 x 50.
4th Sem. = 50 + 50 + 100 + 100 = 6 x 50.
5th Sem. = 50 + 50 + 100 + 100 + 150 = 9 x 50.
6th Sem. = 50 + 50 + 100 + 100 + 150 + 150 = 12 x 50.
7th Sem. = 50 + 50 + 100 + 100 + 150 + 150 + 200 = 16 x 50.So what does this all mean? From these accumulative multipliers we now have some idea as to how severe each Semester will be in comparison to the 1st Semester. We also can appreciate how great Yahuah's love and mercy is towards Man. In Matthew 24:21-22 we are told, "For then shall be Great Tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened."
Keep in mind that after the Great Tribulation there is still the 8th Semester which will be cut short with the return of the Messiah. So Man will be spared the 8th Semester which would be:
8th Sem. = 50+50+100+100+150+150+200+200 = 20 x 50!
Now consider how perfect these numbers are. The number 50 indicates a Jubilee. The 50th Year, the Jubilee Year was a Year of release when those that were in bondage were released. See how perfect these accumulative multipliers are from the 1st Day of the Great Tribulation to the Messiah's return. The multipliers for the 7 Semesters of the Great Tribulation when added together = 1 + 2 + 4 + 6 + 9 + 12 + 16 = 50!
Now the Parable of the Wheat and the Tares also begins to make sense for the Last Days. In this Parable the Messiah said that the Wheat Harvest will be the end of the World System. The end of Wheat Harvest was celebrated on the Feast of Pentecost on the 50th Day. The Wheat are the believers and the Tares are the wicked. Wheat Harvest will be complete with the Messiah's return.
Now consider Yahuah's mercy. When the children of Israel sinned they were punished and sent into captivity in Babylon for 70 Years. If the Great Tribulation was not cut short then it would have continued into the 8th Semester where the multipliers of the 1st Seven Semesters = 1 + 2 + 4 + 6 + 9 + 12 + 16 = 50 plus the 8th Semester of 20 would equal 50 + 20 = 70! The Last 4 Years when equated with the Last 4 Letters of the Hebrew Alphabet = 100 + 200 + 300 + 400 = 1000 = 50 x 20! Notice again the perfect numbers of 50 and 20 which is suggestive of 50 + 20 = 70! The accumulative multipliers for the Last 4 Years = 50 + 20 = 70. While the total numerical value for the Last 4 Years = 50 x 20 which again carries the perfect numbers of 50 and 20 and suggests 50 + 20 = 70.
From these accumulative multipliers we can clearly see how terrible and severe each Semester will progressively get compared to the one before it. The 7th Semester will be 16X (times) worse than the 1st Semester. The end of the Great Tribulation will be so severe that if Yahuah did not cut the time short, no flesh would be left alive.
If you read the scriptures the only reason why Yahuah even punished Israel and sent them into Babylon for the 70 Years is because they would not repent of their wickedness. It was a 50th Year, a Jubilee Year when Yahuah commanded Israel to let those in bondage go free. At first Israel repented and let those in servitude go. But then relented and took those Hebrew servants back into bondage. Then Yahuah was angry with Israel and caused Israel to go into captivity for 70 Years as punishment as we read in Jeremiah 34:1-22; Leviticus 25:1-55; Jeremiah 25:1-38.
Accumulative Multipliers point to the Middle of the Great Tribulation:
The 4th Semester is the Middle of the 7 Semester Great Tribulation. The sum of the Multipliers for the 1st Four Semesters is 1 + 2 + 4 + 6 = 13. The Great Tribulation consists of 26 Jubilees of Days. The midpoint of the Great Tribulation is 13 Jubilees of Days. The Midpoint of the Great Tribulation is December 17, 2009 which is the 1st Day of the 10th Month, the 1st Day of Winter. December 17, 2009 is also the 39th Jubilee of Days of the 52 Jubilees of Days of the Last 7 Years to the Messiah's return. These 52 Jubilees of Days can be broken down into 4 Seasons of 13 Jubilees of Days each. The Last Season of 13 Jubilees of Days is Winter which will run from December 17, 2009 to the Messiah's return on the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011.
Accumulative Multipliers also point to the Spring of 2010:
The 7 Trumpets of Revelation 8:1-13; 9:1-21; 10:1-11 give us a time-line just before the Messiah's return. The 7th Trumpet is the Messiah's return. The 5th Trumpet of 5 Months and the 6th Trumpet of 1 Year + 1 Month + 1 Day + 1 Hour gives 18 Months (plus 1 Day + 1 Hour) before the Messiah's reurn. These 18 Months are the 5th, 6th, and 7th Semesters of the Great Tribulation. Now consider the multipliers for the 7 Semesters of the Great Tribulation and the perfect numbers of their combinations. The 1st Three Semesters = 1 + 2 + 4 = 7! The 1st Four Semesters = 1 + 2 + 4 + 6 = 13! The 1st Five Semesters = 1 + 2 + 4 + 6 + 9 = 22! The number 22 indicates completion. The 5th Semester of the Great Tribulation begins in Spring 2010. The 5th Trumpet begins in Spring 2010. Spring 2010 begins the Last 3 Semesters or Last 18 Months of the Great Tribulation = 5th and 6th Trumpet of Revelation.
So what does this all mean for the average Person on the Street Globally:
We can see the 1st Semester was hard hitting especially on the poor with fast rising cost of food, fuel, etc. The 1st Semester was the start of the Financial Crisis sparked by the sub-prime mortgage fiasco.
The 2nd Semester is now in full swing with a full blown Financial Crisis. Major Financial Institutions are failing and there is a threat of a total Financial meltdown. There are now Massive Job Layoffs which started in the Financial Sector and has spread quickly to manufacturing such as the Auto Sector. Sales for the busiest season in the year in December 2008 looks bleak. Now oil prices and the stock markets are plunging sharply. The Credit Crunch still has a death grip on the economy and things are getting worse.
Here is an analogy of what this gradual increase in Tribulation means. If you put a frog in a pot of cold water it does not move. You turn up the heat a little the water becomes luke warm and the frog gets used to it. Turn up the heat again to warm and the frog is getting accustomed to it. Turn up the heat to hot and by this time the frog is too fearful and dazed to move. Now finally ratch up the heat to boiling and the frog is toast. The frog never knew what hit it.
Here is another analogy but this time from a scriptural point of view. At the time of the Exodus of the Children of Israel from Egypt, Moses approached Pharaoh to let the Israelites go. Pharaoh refused. Then Yahuah brought 10 Plagues upon Egypt. For the first few plagues the Egyptian Magicians told Pharaoh that they were just tricks. As the plagues progressed the Magicians realized that it was the very hand of Yahuah the Creator. But Pharaoh's heart was hardened that he would not let them go. But when the Last and Final Plague was unleashed which killed all the 1st Born of Man and Beast then Pharaoh thrust them out in a great hurry fearing total annihilation.
In both analogies the heat had to reach a boiling point before any action occurred. In the case of the frog inaction caused its death. In the case of the Exodus of the Children of Israel, they obeyed Yahuah and Yahuah protected them. They believed in Yahuah and were thrust out and released from over 400 Years of bondage.
With the 7 Semester Great Tribulation things will dramatically get worse and increase in intensity. People even in this early stage of the 2nd Semester are already lost for direction because their hope is in themselves and in their material goods. The only true hope of Salvation and Righteousness is in Yahuah through His beloved Son Yahuahshua and by His Holy Spirit. Yahuah gives us life, He sustains our life and He gives us the Hope of Eternal Life through the Messiah Yahuahshua. Moses came before the people and said in Deuteronomy 30:1-20, "I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both you and your seed may live: That you may love Yahuah your Almighty, that you may obey his voice, and that you may cleave unto him: for he is your life, and the length of thy days ..."
Summary of the Jubilee Number of 50 during the Last 4 Years:
The Number 50 designates a Jubilee and is a number of completion and celebration. The Number 50 is dominant especially during the Last 4 Years of the 6000 Years from Adam. The Number 50 points to the Messiah's 2nd Coming on the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011. From the 1st Day of the Great Tribulation on March 20, 2008 to the Messiah's return is exactly 50 Accumulative Multipliers (50X) = a Jubilee of Multipliers. The Messiah's return will be a real Jubilee Celebration to celebrate the reign of the King of Kings on Earth. The Messiah will establish Yahuah's Kingdom on Earth with great power and majesty. Heaven and Earth will rejoice at his coming. The series of 50's prophesied in scripture and related to time and the calendar all point to the Messiah's 2nd Coming.
The Last 4 Years equate with the Last 4 Letters of the 22 Letter Hebrew Alphabet. The Last 4 Letters have a numerical value of 100, 200, 300 and 400 respectively which are all multiples of 50. These Last 4 Years began with the 1st Day of the Great Tribulation on March 20, 2008.
The accumulative multipliers of the 7 Semesters of the Great Tribulation add up to 50. The accumulative multipliers for these 7 Semesters are 1 + 2 + 4 + 6 + 9 + 12 + 16 = 50. The Messiah will return immediately after the Great Tribulation.
The Messiah gave the Parable of the Wheat and the Tares. The Wheat Harvest represents the end of the World and his 2nd Coming in this Parable. The End of the Wheat Harvest was celebrated on the Day of Pentecost the 50th Day.
The Messiah will return on the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011 in the 6000th Year from Adam. In Genesis 6:3 Yahuah limits Man's time to 120 Years. 6000 Years = 120 x 50!
The whole earth groans for the redemption of the World. When the Messiah returns Heaven and Earth will rejoice. The Messiah's 2nd Coming will be a colossal and majestic event, a Jubilee of Jubilees!
"Go to now, you rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you. Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten. Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. You have heaped treasure together for the Last Days. Behold, the hire of the labourers who have reaped down your fields, which is of you kept back by fraud, cries: and the cries of them which have reaped are entered into the ears of Yahuah. You have lived in pleasure on the earth, and been wanton; you have nourished your hearts, as in a day of slaughter. You have condemned and killed the just; and he does not resist you." James 5:1-6.
These Last 4 Years all point to the Messiah's return with their multiple numerical values of 50. The sacred number 50 stands for Jubilee, release from bondage and Judgment. The Messiah will usher in a Jubilee of Jubilees at his 2nd Coming. Satan will be bound for 1000 Years and we will have Peace and Joy as this world has never experienced before.
The 7 Semesters of the Great Tribulation are an upward movement of ever increasing intensity and tribulation. Each succeeding Semester from the 1st to the 7th Semester will be ever so more intense than the previous one. The 1st Semester has an intensity of 1X (1 times) while the Last and 7th Semester will culminate with an intensity of 16X (16 times) more intense than the 1st Semester.
The very stamp and ever present Number 50 in these Last Days is a form of rejoicing, preparation, and constant reminder of the coming grand celebration of the Messiah's 2nd Coming and soon return. It is a prelude and a form of fireworks, if you will, celebrating his return. It is heralding Yahuah's coming righteousness and justice through His beloved Son Yahuahtsadaq the King of Kings.
"Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust does corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust does corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. But seek you first the kingdom of Yahuah, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." Matthew 6:19-21,33.
Introduction:122.0) The 4 Phases of the Great Tribulation:Today is December 16, 2008 the 30th Day of the 9th Month. The 70 Week Prophecy of Daniel 9:24is the key to understanding the timing for the Opening of the 5th Seal of Revelation 6:9-11. Daniel 9:24 reads, "Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon the holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy." This verse clearly talks about the Messiah's 2nd Coming and that 70 Weeks are determined upon the believers which are his people just before his return.
The Messiah's 2nd Coming will be on September 15, 2011 on the Feast of Trumpets on the 1st Day of the 7th Month. If we count back 70 Weeks from there, we go back to the 27th Day of the 2nd Month on May 13, 2010. To understand the importance of the 27th Day of the 2nd Month we have to go back in time to the Messiah's 1st Coming.
The 27th Day of the 2nd Month in 30CE was the 40th Day after the Messiah's resurrection from the dead and the very day that he ascended up into heaven (Acts 1:3,9-11). From the 27th Day of the 2nd Month to the Feast of Pentecost was 10 Days. So from the Messiah's resurrection from the dead to his ascension was 40 Days then 10 Days to Pentecost where Pentecost is the 50th Day (40 + 10 = 50). To understand this properly we have to further research the time of the Messiah's 1st Coming.
The meaning of Time during the Messiah's 1st Coming:
From the 1st Day of Creation on Sunday the 28th Day of the 12th Month to the Sabbath on the 6th Day of the 3rd Month one day just before Pentecost is 70 Days = 10 Weeks. The Day of Pentecost is the 71st Day. These 70 Days break down into 22 + 26 + 22 = 70 Days. The 1st 22 Days run from the 1st Day of Creation to the 18th Day of the 1st Month. The 18th Day of the 1st Month was the day after the Messiah's resurrection, the Sheaf Offering of the Barley, the start of the Barley Harvest, and the 1st Day of the 50 Day count to Pentecost. The next 26 Days was Barley Harvest. and the Last 22 Days was Wheat Harvest.
From the Sheaf Offering of the Barley on the 18th Day of the 1st Month to the ascensionof the Messiah up into Heaven on the 27th Day of the 2nd Month is 40 Days. From the 28th Day of the 2nd Month to Pentecost on the 7th Day of the 3rd Month is 10 Days. The Grain Harvest started with the Sheaf Offering of the Barley and went to the Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) consisting of 50 Days. 40 + 10 = 50. The Messiah's 1st Coming represents the start of the Barley Harvest and the Last 10 Days to Pentecost represents the end of Wheat Harvest of Believers just before his 2nd Coming.
The meaning of Time during the Messiah's 2nd Coming:
The Messiah's 2nd Coming will be on September 15, 2011 on the Feast of Trumpets. If we count back the 70 Weeks of Daniel from his 2nd Coming we backtrack to the 27th Day of the 2nd Month on May 13, 2010. In the Last 7 Years to the Messiah's 2nd Coming, May 13, 2010 on the 27th Day of the 2nd Month is the 42nd Jubilee of Days. The Last 7 Years to the Messiah's return = 52 Jubilees of Days. So from the 27th Day of the 2nd Month on May 13, 2010 to the Messiah's return is 10 Jubilees of Days where 42 Jubilees of Days + 10 Jubilees of Days = 52 Jubilees of Days. The Messiah will return on the 52nd Jubilee of Days on September 15, 2011 which is a 50th.
70 Weeks = 70 Weeks x 7 Days per Week = 490 Days = 10 x 49 Days = 10 Jubilees of Days. So from the 27th Day of the 2nd Month on May 13, 2010 to the Messiah's return on September 15, 2011 is 490 Days. From his return to the Day of Atonement is an additional 10 Days. Now we have 490 Days + 10 Days = 500 Days = 10 x 50 Days. So the Messiah returns on a 50th (52nd Jubilee of Days) and 10 Days latter he Judges the World on the Day of Atonement which will be the 500th or 10 x 50th Day. Note the Number 10 represents Judgment. This makes sense as the Jubilee Year was always celebrated on the Day of Atonement. The Day of Atonement was a Day of Judgment as well as a Day of Release for those in bondage. Notice also how the numbers 10 and 50 keep coming up in relation to his 2nd Coming. 10 = Judgment. 50 = Jubilee. The Messiah will Judge the World when he returns and there will be Great Jubilation, a time of great rejoicing and celebration both in Heaven and on Earth at his return, a time of Jubilee of Jubilees.
Significance of the Number 70:
The Children of Israel were in bondage in Babylon for 70 Years because of the evil that they did. In the Jubilee Year they refused to let their fellow Israelites go free from servitude. So Yahuah was angry with them and put them into bondage. When they should have been rejoicing in the Jubilee Year, instead they reaped Judgment. In a similar way the 70 Weeks Prophecy of Daniel for our time is determined upon believers (upon Yahuah's people) for a time of testing, refining, and purifying just before the Messiah's 2nd Coming.
In Daniel 9:24 the 70 Weeks are a Judgment determined upon the people of Yahuah and on the Holy City of Jerusalem. The 5th Seal of Revelation 6:9-11 will be open on the 1st Day of these 70 Weeks on the 27th Day of the 2nd Month on May 13, 2010. During these 70 Weeks believers will be killed for the Word of Yahuah and for their testimony. Believers can expect their baptism by fire to begin with the start of these 70 Weeks on May 13, 2010 on the 27th Day of the 2nd Month.
The 2 Witnesses (Elijah = EliYahu and Enoch = Hanuch) will be killed in the 70th Week as they are the Last sacrifice and oblation before the Messiah returns. Their bodies will be on display for 3 1/2 Days (Revelation 11:3-12). Then the Messiah returns (Revelation 11:13-19). These 70 Weeks are based on the Jubilees of Days Cycles and the 7 Day cycles which start on the 5th Day of the Week (Wednesday Night to Thursday Night). These are not regular Weekly Cycles.
The Feast of Weeks (Feast of Pentecost) marked the end of Wheat Harvest. Even the Hebrew Name "Feast of Weeks" could refer to the 70 Weeks of Daniel as both terminate Wheat Harvest, the former Grain Harvest and the latter the Final Harvest of Believers. The 10 Days after the Messiah's ascension into Heaven were the Last 10 Days of Wheat Harvest. In the Parable of the Wheat and the Tares the Messiah compares the Wheat to believers and the end of Wheat Harvest to the time of his 2nd Coming. The Number 10 represents Judgment. The 70 Weeks before his 2nd Coming = 490 Days = 10 x 49 = 10 Jubilees of Days. The 5th Seal of Reveleation 6:9-11 is the time when believers will be slain for the Word of Yahuah, and the testimony which they held just before the Messiah's return. The 6th Seal is the Messiah's 2nd Coming.
70 Weeks = 52 Weeks + 18 Weeks = 26 Weeks + 26 Weeks + 18 Weeks. The 70 Weeks back from the Messiah's 2nd Coming = 1 Year + 18 Weeks back to the 27th Day of the 2nd Month in 2010. The 18 Week remainder moving forward amazingly is again the exact distance from the 27th Day of the 2nd Month in 2011 to the 1st Day of the 7th Month in 2011 to the Messiah's Coming. 18 Weeks = 18 Weeks x 7 Days per Week = 126 Days = 4 x 26 + 22! In Acts 1:10-11 the two Angels said to the Believers that as they saw the Messiah go up into Heaven so shall he come in like manner as they saw him go. The Messiah will descend from Heaven on the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011 just 70 Weeks after the 27th Day of the 2nd Month in 2010 which represented his ascension into Heaven at his 1st Coming. The 18 Weeks from the 27th Day of the 2nd Month to the Feast of Trumpets every year is a constant reminder of his ascension into Heaven at his 1st Coming and his descending from Heaven at his 2nd Coming. The Number 18 represents the 18th Hebrew Letter Tsaddi and stands for Righteousness. At his 2nd Coming the Messiah will no longer be called Yahuahshua (Salvation of Yahuah) the Lamb of Yahuah but will come in the full power of his New Name of Yahuahtsadaq (Righteousness of Yahuah) as the Lion of the Tribe of Yahudah and as King of Kings.
The end of Wheat Harvest is celebrated on the Feast of Pentecost on the 71st Day after the 1st Day of Creation. In the Last Days the Harvest of Believers will be celebrated at the start of the 71st Week after the end of the 70 Weeks of Daniel with Messiah's 2nd Coming. The Feast of Pentecost is a Jubilee of 50 Days. The Messiah's 2nd Coming will be on the 52nd Jubilee of Days, a 50th Day Jubilee.
The 6th Seal, 7th Trumpet, and 7th Vial of Revelation are all the same event, namely, the 2nd Coming of the Messiah. (Note: The 7 Seals run independent of the 7 Trumpets and the 7 Vials. While the 7 Trumpets and 7 Vials run parallel to each other). Keeping this in mind let us summarize the timing for these events so far:
The 7 Seals of Revelation:
The First three Seals are already open.
The 4th Seal will be open on December 17, 2009 with the 1st Day of Winter on the 1st Day of the 10th Month.
The 5th Seal will be open on May 13, 2010 on the 27th Day of the 2nd Month.
The 6th Seal will be open on September 15, 2011 on the Feast of Trumpets on the 1st Day of the 7th Month with the Messiah's 2nd Coming.
The 7 Trumpets and 7 Vials of Revelation:
The 7 Trumpets and 7 Vials of Revelation run parallel to each other and occur at the same time to each other.
The First four Trumpets and First four Vials will occur sometime from now to the 1st Day of the 1st Month on March 18, 2010. These First four Trumpets and Vials will take place soon during the 2nd Year of the Great Tribulation in 2009.
The 5th Trumpet and 5th Vial will take place in the Spring of 2010 on March 18, 2010 on the 1st Day of the 1st Month and will last 5 Months.
The 6th Trumpet and 6th Vial will occur on August 16, 2010 on the 1st Day of the 6th Month and will last 1 Year, 1 Month, 1 Day and 1 Hour.
The 7th Trumpet and 7th Vial will happen on September 15, 2011 on the Feast of Trumpets on the 1st Day of the 7th Month with the Messiah's return.
Current Events:
As unemployment skyrockets, we are seeing violence boiling over all over the world. Immigrant workers are targeted who are seen as taking jobs from locals. We are seeing seething riots erupting in countries like France, Germany, Russia, South Africa, etc.
Now that we are going from Global Recession into Global Depression, massive job losses will compound the problem. Fear, frustration, anger and a sense of helplessness will prevail.
These conditions will be ripe for the introduction of a worldly saviour -- the 1st Beast of Revelation 13:1-18 who will promise stability in exchange for total domination of all mankind. The Beast will impose the Mark of the Beast and a total control of buying and selling thus solving the Global Financial Crisis.
The Beast will make it mandatory to worship his image and compulsory to take his Name, Mark and/or Number.
Note: World Wide, the Stock Markets lost more than $30 Trillion in 2008 during the 1st Year of the Great Tribulation.
Whatever you understand or believe, the reality is that Judgment is at the door and knocking!
Be prepared to meet your maker and to stand before the Judgment Seat of Yahuah in the face of Yahuahtsadaq His beloved Son.
Introduction:123.0)The 4 Elements of the Beast System are quickly creeping upon us:Today is April 8, 2009 the 21st Day of the 1st Month, the 7th Day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread on the Sacred Calendar. The 1st Year of the Great Tribulation is now complete. We have now begun the 2nd Year of the Great Tribulation. During the 1st Year of the Great Tribulation the world lost 40 to 50 percent or about $40 Trillion of its wealth with the Global Financial Crisis. Yet the Financial Crisis still has not reached bottom. Jobs are still being lost on a massive scale. In the United States alone 4.4 Million jobs have been lost in the past year. In China, over 20 Million jobs are gone.
Once the pain, suffering, fear and frustration of countless millions kicks in, then we can excpect mass demonstrations, riots, looting, and civil unrest world-wide. The boiling point for this unrest is looming for this Summer in 2009 probably in July or August of 2009.
The 3 1/2 Year Great Tribulation can be broken down into 4 Phases. The 1st Phase is the 1st Year of the Great Tribulation which was one of shock and unbelief. The 2nd Phase is the 2nd Year which will be one of anger, frustration and violence because of fear of losing jobs and homes. In Third World countries the high cost of food has still not subsided. The 3rd Phase will be the 3rd Year when the Governments will have to take control to prevent mass hysteria and to restore law and order to their populations. The 4th Phase will be the Last 6 Months when Satan and the Beast will have total control of the World when the Mark, Name, Number and Image of the Beast will be forced unto all Mankind.
The 4 Phases of the Great Tribulation:
1st Phase, Year 1:
Phase 1 of the Great Tribulation is now complete. Phase 1 was from Spring 2008 to Spring 2009. The 1st Year of the Great Tribulation was one of shock and bewilderment.
The Mortgage Crisis, the Credit Crunch, High Unemployment, and high cost of Food all have taken their toll on the peoples of the World on the rich and poor alike.2nd Phase, Year 2:
Phase 2 of the Great Tribulation has now begun. Phase 2 will be from Spring 2009 to Spring 2010. This 2nd Year of the Great Tribulation will be one of violence, crime, and civil unrest. Mismanagement of world economies and misuse of taxpayer money is causing resentment and outrage especially by the poor who are suffering the most. Phase 2 will see the frustration and rage of the people unleashed. Desperate people do desperate things. Summer 2009 will reach a boiling point. Violence and crime will spill unto the streets especially in poorer Nations. Despair, frustration and anger has already resulted in demonstrations and riots throughout the World. Millions of people are losing their homes and jobs. This is causing despair and helplessness resulting in crime and suicide, the hearts of men failing them for fear of what is coming.
With the loss of over 4.4 Million jobs in the U.S. alone in just the past year, we are now clearly at the Front end of a Great Depression. Many more job losses are predicted for 2009. With so many people hurting and fearful of losing their jobs the powers that be will push through major reforms especially in the Financial Sector. You can count on the Mark of the Beast as being part of the upcoming change.
Not since the Tower of Babel has the whole World been forced by circumstance to come together and to act with singleness of purpose to tackle such problems as the Financial, Food, Armed Conflict and Climatic Change Crises.
3rd Phase, Year 3:
The 3rd Phase will be the 3rd Year of the Great Tribulation. Phase 3 will be from Spring 2010 to Spring 2011. Because of the civil unrest, Governments will be forced to take control of their populations by use of Martial Law, Financial Controls, Rationing, and even introducing Internment Camps. Financial Controls will see the introduction of the Mark, Name, and Number of the Beast System. This could be in the form of a tatoo or microchip implant on the hand or forehead. No Man will be able to buy or sell except they have the Mark, Name, or Number of the Beast.
The only thing that got the World out of the Great Depression of the 1930's and created mass instant employment was World War 2. Everything is pointing to Spring 2010 when the shit (pardon the expression) will hit the fan and things will accelerate.
4th Phase, Last 1/2 Year:
Phase 4 is the Last 6 Months of the Great Tribulation from Spring 2011 to Fall 2011. These Last 6 Months is the conclusion of the Beast System and will culminate with the return of the Messiah on the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011. The World will see the enthronement of Satan through the 1st and 2nd Beast of Revelation 13. These Last 6 Months will be horrific with all the vengeance of Satan and the wrath of Yahuah being unleashed upon the whole World. The total control of the World by the 1st and 2nd Beast (essentially enthroned) will bring down the wrath of Yahuah upon the Beast System. The 7 Vials of Revelation 16:1-21 will be poured out some time during the Last 1 1/2 Years of the Great Tribulation from Spring 2010 to Fall 2011.
Financial Crisis Continues:
The World Financial System is like a runaway train. It will take time to slow its destruction and to change its direction. One thing for sure there is no turning back. We are at the end of an era in the Financial World. There are birth pangs of a new form of capitalism. Major changes are on the horizon. The World Global Economic System is in transition. In London, England the G20 Nations met to find solutions to the Financial Crisis. They came up with another $1 Trillion stimulous package to pump into the World Economy. They are discussing new rules to revamp the Global Financial System. But no sure way to stop the slide.
On a documentary about the current Financial Crisis it was stated that "we will not go back to the old banking system." If that is the case what is the New Banking System and will it incorporate the Mark of the Beast? Financial Analysts are now talking about the necessity to revamp and update the entire Global Financial System. And when this happens you can be sure that the Mark of the Beast wil be an integral part of this New World Order Financial System.
Summer 2009 will begin civil unrest enmasse worldwide. This will give Governments the excuse to incorporate bio identification systems to control the Masses. These bio identification systems will be integrated into the New Financial System as the Mark of the Beast. The violence of 2009 will force Governments to control their populations with bio metric identification systems. From the outside the introduction of the Mark of the Beast will look like a necessary, progressive and natural development that wil come in stages. And because of the fear and violence, the people will readily accept it.
The 5th Trumpet of Revelation will begin Spring 2010. Those that do not have the Seal of Yahuah (the Name of the Messiah and Yahuah's Holy Spirit) will be tormented for 5 Months. The opposite to the Seal of Yahuah is the Mark of the Beast.
China is now talking about a need for a New World Currency because of its concern for the devaluation of the U.S. Dollar of which it holds over $2 Trillion plus its possession of other forms of U.S. debt.
Invisible Corral to Control the Masses:
With the fear of job losses, down sizing of the economy, recession, depression, etc. more and more Families are heavily investing in home entertainment. The home is becoming their bunker and safe haven. Satan is using the old strategy to divide and conquer. People no longer have the security of a collective community. Home entertainment and electronic devices are booming in sales while the rest of the economy is suffering, and there is a reason. Modern man is duped and hooked on the addiction of worshipping the Digital Image of the Beast. The Number, Name and Mark of the Beast is coming soon too, very, very, soon; as early as December 17, 2009.
The Image of the Beast is being established first. Just as an animal is dazed by a strong headlight at night on the road, so all of mankind is dazed, manipulated, seduced, and his mind conquered by the Image of the Beast.
All the 7 Vials of Revelation will be poured out once the Beast System introduces the economic Number, Name, and Mark of the Beast for buying and selling. This is due shortly, once the Financial Crisis becomes so severe and catastrophic that the Governments of the World will have no other option but to inforce new laws to establish the Number, Name, and Mark of the Beast System.
The Image, Number, Name, and Mark of the Beast System are being implemented in stages. March 20, 2008 started the Great Tribulation and the Beast began his rule through the Financial Crisis where Governments no longer had control of their individual National destinies. All Nations have been pulled into the crisis and no Nation on Earth has any control. All Nations have to conform to the whim of the Global oneness of the Beast System or suffer the consequences. Catastrophe is the catalyst for change. This Financial Crisis is the means by which the Number, Name, and Mark of the Beast will come to realization.
Even remote 3rd World villages have satellite T.V. and computer hook-up even if they do not have access to a hydro line for their electricity. They use solar or wind power, or have portable generators.
The Great Tribulation did not come in with a bang. Instead it came in with stealth and was almost unnoticed. The same is happening with the introduction of the Image of the Beast. We have been conditioned by stages. First came the analog T.V. with its crude form of rabbit ears, T.V. antenna towers, and snowy signals. Now with cable T.V. we are getting sharp, crisp images. With the new digital T.V. it seems so real that it feels like you can almost walk into the image. The image seems so real because of High Definition and High Resolution imaging. Analog signals were soothing and relaxing sinewave signals which produced a cruder and more primitive image. Digital signals produce a sharp high definition and very real image but are square sinewaves that are hard on the human mind.
The people are so hooked on new technology that Satan and the Beast System will control the individual through electronic means. The new bank cards are smart cards with a computer chip. Credit Cards and Debit Cards are used to purchase food, fuel, merchandise, pay bills, etc. which is tracked. The new cars have GPS (Global Positioning System) on board to track your movements. The T.V., cell phones, video games, and other electronic gadgets are affecting our minds and our whole way of life. There is no escape. Cameras track our movements wherever we go, security cameras are everywhere. If you think for one moment that you are in control of your life, you are sadly mistaken.
The Mark of the Beast:
The structure for the Mark of the Beast already exists. It just has to be implemented. Whenever official documents are signed there is usually an "X" mark where the signature has to go. Many officials will put an "X" where you are to sign your Name for identification. The reason and history behind using the "X" mark was due to illiteracy. People who could not read or write their name usually just put an "X" as a marker for their name. In some institutions like prisons or medical institutions a number is used instead of a name. So for identification, we commonly use a Mark, Name, or Number to identify a person, even today. Years ago most documents were hand written. Then with the invention of the typewriter it was typed. Then electronic records came into existence using analog or digital signals. Now we are in the final phase where everything is being forced to use DIGITAL signals to record and display info whether by computer, T.V., Video, telephone, etc.
Members of Parliament in Italy have been caught regularly voting for absent Members. The Government has now introduced a security system where Members have to use a Smart Card in conjunction with a finger print scan to vote.
We have now come full circle where the people are so conditioned to readily accept these new forms of tracking, recording and identifying that it will only be a very small step to forcing people to accept the FINAL STAGE: The Mark, Number, or Name of the Beast on the hand or forehead.
The U.S. Congress has set June 12, 2009 as the final deadline for terminating analog broadcasts. Under the Law, on February 17, 2009 some full-power broadcast television stations in the United States may stop broadcasting on analog airwaves and begin broadcasting only in digital. The remaining stations may stop broadcasting analog sometime between April 16, 2009 and June 12, 2009. Note, June 12, 2009 on the Sacred Calendar is the 26th Day of the 3rd Month. The Image of the Beast is Digital. Most people around the world are already addicted to T.V. and other types of electronic devices big time.
At the Time of the Tower of Babel -- Man united against Yahuah and acted in Unity. So Yahuah scattered Man with confusion by inflicting Man with diversity of languages. Now Man again is united by a common cause, this time a Global Financial Crisis which affects every Nation on Earth. Man again is united in the form of the New World Order and is ready to select a leader to lead them. This new leader will be the 1st Beast of Revelation 13. All Nations will bow down and be subservient to the Beast.
The Nations will gladly accept any conditions to prevent a catastrophe in their respective countries, even making their own citizens take the Name, Number, or Mark of the Beast and worship his Image. Once in power, the 1st Beast will forge a One World Government. To create total global security the Beast will force all both great and small to take a Mark to identify them as citizens of the New World Order. Once tagged, each individual will be under the total control of the Beast System. Just think, the Beast will promise no more crime, and total stability and security at the price of your freedom and at the loss of your eternal soul.
The world will be unified under the 1st Beast as a one world Government but will be fragile as the 10 toes of clay mixed with iron as prophesied in the Book of Daniel (see Daniel 2:31-35).
The electronic devices of our age have stupefied the people into mindless zombies, apathetic and helpless -- spiritually, mentally, and physically destitute. A people chasing their own tails not knowing where to turn. Having no direction, having rejected and abandoned their Creator. Rejecting their sustainer, guide and hope.
The Microchip is the Most logical choice for the Mark of the Beast:
The New Bank and Credit Cards are Smart Cards which have a microchip to identify the user. The most natural next step will be to implant a microchip into the hand or forehead of the user for security and identification. It will be a small step to go from a microchip on the card to a microchip on the human hand or forehead.
Domestic farm animals and pets are already microchiped. The natural next step is to implant microchips into all human beings in the name of security and control.
In one form or another all human beings will be controlled and tracked. To be able to function in this New World Order most people have at least one or more forms by which they are wired into the system. Most people have a Library Card, Driver's License, Bank Card, Credit Card, Debit Card, Health Card, Citizenship Card, Passport, National ID Card, Store Cards and Gas Cards to collect points, cars with GPS, trackable Cell Phones, etc. which will all lead to biometric identification of each Human Being on the Planet Earth. The end goal is to tag every Human Being with the Mark of the Beast. The technology is here now and has been gradually implemented in recent years.
It is a small step from a Smart Card chip to a chip on the body. It is not a question of if, but when and what kind of chip. An RF (Radio Frequency) chip can be detected and monitored within 30 Feet and then relayed by receivers to a central computer.
More Perfect Numbers:
The Children of Israel were in Egypt for 430 Years (Exodus 12:40-41). 430 = (14 x 26 = 364) + (3 x 22 = 66). After 430 Years of bondage in Egypt, the Children of Israel came out with a high hand in triumph over their oppressors. This also applies to our time. We too can overcome the evil of our day by trusting in Yahuah through His beloved Son Yahuahshua.
If you count back 430 Years from Fall 2011 (the Messiah's 2nd Coming) you go back to the beginning of the age of the printing of the Bible using a printing press. The printing of the Bible came with the invention of the printing press. This made the Bible available to the masses. The printing press made it possible to spread the Word of Yahuah into all the World. The Last 66 Years to the Messiah's 2nd Coming began in 1945 with the dropping of the Atomic Bomb, the start of the Nuclear Age and the formation of the United Nations. With the invention of the computer and the internet the Word of Yahuah has now reached the four corners of the Globe where none has any excuse of not hearing or reading His Word of Salvation and Righteousness.
There was also a siege of Jerusalem prophesied for 430 Days for the iniquity of Israel and Yahudah (Judah) in Ezekiel 4:1-17. Ezekiel was to lie on his left side for 390 Days for the iniquity of the House of Israel. He was to lie on his right side for 40 Days for the iniquity for the House of Yahudah (Judah). 390 Days + 40 Days = 430 Days. The siege of Jerusalem would be so severe that the food had to be weighed out by measure indicating famine. The water also had to be measured out indicating drought. This is also a prophecy for our time when we will have famine and drought becasue of man's destruction of this beautiful planet Earth, Yahuah's Creation.
Daniel's prophecy of 1290 Days for our time (Daniel 12:11) = 3 x 430 Days. This is how the 1290 Day prophecy of Daniel looks for the Last Days. 1290 Days = 3 x 430 Days. 430 Days = 360 Days + 70 Days. 1290 Days = (3 x 360 Days) + (3 x 70 Days). 1290 Days = 3 Years (360 Days per Year not counting Intercalary Days) + 210 Days (3 x 70 Days). This 1290 Days is immediately before the Messiah's return. From the time the Messiah returns on the Feast of Trumpets to the Day of Atonement is another 10 Days. So after the first 3 Years there is a remainder of 210 Days + 10 Days = 220 Days. 220 is the numerical value of the Messiah's future name of Yahuahtsadaq. The Messiah will rule and Judge the World on the Day of Atonement in Fall 2011 on September 24, 2011.
Note: The 70 Weeks of Daniel will begin on May 13, 2010 and will continue for 70 Weeks up to the Messiah's return on September 15, 2011 on the Feast of Trumpets. 70 Weeks = 490 Days. From the Messiah's return to the Day of Atonement is another 10 Days. 490 Days + 10 Days = 500 Days = 10 x 50 Days. So the Day of Atonement just after his return will be a Jubilee of Jubilees, a Day of Judgement and a Great Day of Jubilation for the Righteous.
Satan has already come down unto this world and is controlling it partly through addiction and fear. Addiction control is through alcohol, drugs, gambling, tobacco, caffeine, sugar, junk food, compulsive buying, video games, T.V., cell phones, etc. Fear control is through the fear of loss of jobs, homes, and the artificial fabricated comforts of modern living. The people are hooked, helpless, and herded like cattle in whatever direction that Satan wants to drive them.
Peace and Safety has been taken from the world. They say peace but there is no peace. Satan has come down to you and is full of wrath because he knows that his time is short. The simple pleasures of living is gone. People are sick because of bad eating habits. Overeating is causing obesity and too much sugar is causing diabetes. This unhealthy life style is killing the people enmasse. Addiction to video games, T.V., etc. is making zombies of the people so they can be driven as mindless animals by Satan at his will.
The people have forgotten the simple and wholesome way of life like strong Family ties that would normally give strength, stability, security, love, and true comfort in uncertain times like these. The people have forgotten the simple joys of kindness, courtesy, and respect for others. The joy of watching a sunset or sunrise or a stroll in the park with a friend or spouse is forgotten for fear of going out.
What has happened to this beautiful world that Yahuah has created? Satan has corrupted the world through lust and greed which was substituted for justice and righteousness. Man has sown to the wind being caught in the grip of Satan's demonic influence and will reap the whirlwind. Satan has blinded the eyes of the people to the truth and has deceived them. The deception is so strong that if it were possible even the very elect would be deceived. "Come out of her, my people, that you be not partakers of her sins, and that you receive not of her plagues." (Revelation 18:4).
"Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand."
The joy is gone and is taken from the Earth for Satan has come down to you. Even so come Yahuahshua and restore Peace and Joy to the World. The whole Earth groans for your coming.
Today is May 27, 2009 the 10th Day of the 3rd Month.124.0) 2300 Day Prophecy of Daniel and the Messiah's 2nd Coming:The 4 Elements of the Beast System are the Mark, Name, Number and Image of the Beast. Satan will take control of the whole world by these 4 Elements. Satan has given his power unto the Beast and Satan will rule through the Beast System (Revelation 13:2). We are now beginning to see the first signs of these 4 Elements put into Law. The whole purpose of these 4 Elements is to control the masses.
A form of the 1st Element, the Image of the Beast has been around for some time but is now taking its final form which is Digital. On June 12, 2009 all T.V. broadcasting in the U.S. has to be Digital. Analog signals will no longer be available. Other countries will be following suit.
The 2nd Element, the Number of the Beast is the Number of a Man (Revelation 13:18). Computer chips embedded in such items as credit cards, bank cards, Passports, the Enhanced Driver's License, etc. contain the unique Identification Number of a Man. On June 1, 2009 all people crossing the border into or out of the U.S. must have a valid Passport or other authorized form of Identification. These new Passports have embedded flexible chips. The new Enhanced Driver's License will be available starting June 1, 2009 for border crossing by land and sea but not by air. These EDL (Enhanced Driver's License) have an RFID chip which only has one item in it, a unique Identification Number to ID the user. The RFID (Radio Frequencey Identification) chip is remotely accessible and detectable.
The 3rd Element, the Name of the Beast is not yet apparent. However, the Name of the Beastis in some way directly connected to the New World Order.
The 4th Element, the Mark of the Beast will be the most deadly. The Mark of the Beastwill be put onto the human body on the hand or the forehead. In ancient times slaves and bond servants were identified with a visible mark on the human body. The Mark of the Beast will serve the same purpose. We can expect the introduction of the Mark of the Beast starting just before the Spring of 2010.
Biblical References:
1) Image of the Beast: Revelation 13:14-15; 14:9-11; 15:2; 16:2; 19:20; 20:4 (Image).
2) Mark of the Beast: Revelation 13:16-17; 14:9-11; 15:2; 16:2; 19:20; 20:4 (Mark, Mark of his Name).
3) Name of the Beast: Revelation 13:17; 14:11; 15:2 (Name, Number of his Name, Mark of his Name).
4) Number of the Beast: Revelation 13:17-18; 15:2 (Number, Number of his Name).
Note: In the oldest Greek New Testament Manuscript P47 of Revelation 13:18 "666" is written as 3 Greek Letters of Chi, Xi, Sigma with a line over them indicating a Number, Name or Word (see Topic 3.2) above).
In Topic 3.2) we have shown that 666 in the Roman Counting system is represented by the combination of all 6 Roman Letters that can also be used as Numbers. The 6 Roman Letters = 666 which can be arranged as DICLUX = which means "Gods of Light". This makes perfect sense for our time. The images, writing, and numbers appear on TV, Computer screens, cell phone screens, etc. as Images of Light. Our whole modern system is based on computers that generate information and images using a binary numbering system and digital signals. We live in a world of illusion. A fantasy world created by Satan to deceive the whole world.
As you can see the 4 Elements of the Beast System are creeping upon us quickly. We have been conditioned to slowly accept these Elements without even realizing what is happening to us.
Don't be fooled or deceived. By accepting and embracing the 4 Elements of the Beast, people will lose their Eternal Life. In Revelation 14:9-11 we are clearly warned about the consequences of accepting the 4 Elements of the Beast: "If any man worship the Beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of Yahuah, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascends up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day or night, who worship the Beast and his image, and whosoever receives the Mark of his Name."
The RFID (Radio Frequency ID) microchip:
The Enhanced Driver's License is just the first of many ways in which the RFID chipwill be embedded and used for identification. Other forms will be Health Cards, Passports, National ID Card, Credit Cards, Debit Cards, Bank Cards, Employee Cards, Social Security Card, Library Cards, etc. Eventually it will be embedded on the hand or forehead of the user.
The first example of the use of the Number of the Beast will become a reality on June 1, 2009 with the introduction of the RFID chip for ID with the use of an official government ID device.
With mandatory Digital Broadcasting on June 12, 2009 the reality of the Image of the Beast will blend in with virtual reality of the Image World of the Beast System.
The Enhanced Driver's License also doubles for a National ID Card as the Ontario EDL has "CAN" on one corner to identify the holder as a Canadian Citizen.
Current Passports have a built-in chip in the jacket. As of June 1, 2009 all border crossings between Canada and the U.S. will require a Passport (for Air, Land, and Sea). If the Border Crossing is by Land or Sea then the Enhanced Driver's License will also be acceptable. Eventually other forms of Bio-Metric ID equivalents will also be used.
Image of the Beast:
The Image of the Beast has to be visual not audio. But subliminal messages can be inserted into both video and audio devices. All one-on-one electronic devices that have a video screen such as T.V., Computer monitors, cash registers, game machines, cell phones, etc. which are all Digital will all be linked to the Image of the Beast. The only question now is the use or misuse of these electronic devices. In scripture it talks about the worship of the Image of the Beast. At what point does using these electronic devices become an act of worship? Does worship mean an addiction to these image machines? Compulsive watching of T.V., Video Games, cell phones, etc. is a form of worship on a one-on-one basis. Can these devices be used legitimately on a limited basis for work as a cashier, computer operator, etc. or for using a computer for any kind of work?
Watching T.V. has an hypnotic affect that draws the mind and spirit into the image. So can the misuse of computers, cell phones, Video Game machines, etc. be addictive. But can using these devices as a tool for work be allowed? This is open for prayer and debate. The worship of the Image of the Beast can be a question of use or misuse of all video equipment. Question is, where is the cutoff point? Is it OK to watch T.V. for news, weather and other useful info without being drawn into it for mindless addictive viewing hour upon hour? This is an open debate for all believers to pray about because it seriously affects every aspect of our daily lives. We shouldn't throw out the babe with the bath water because we don't understand the proper use or misuse of these new technologies. Limited use of these technologies may be allowed if used properly with selfcontrol. Question is where to draw the line!! The key word is "WORSHIP" of the Image of the Beast and at what stage does it become a form of worship.
What does worshiping the Image of the Beast involve? Does a workaholic qualify? Does someone addicted to T.V., Video Games, etc. qualify? Is using electronic devices as tools for a short and specific purpose such as to get info, news, weather reports OK? At what point does it become worship?
Why is worshiping the Image of the Beast of Revelation 13 so deadly? Because it breaks the 1st and 2nd Commandments of the 10 Commandments of Yahuah!! "You shall have no other Elohims before me. You shall not make unto you any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: You shall not bow down yourself to them, nor serve them: for I Yahuah your Almighty One am a zealous Almighty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me." (Exodus 20:3-5; Deuteronomy 5:7-9).
In this modern world of technological wonders we live in a virtual reality world created in the Image of Satan. Just as the Messiah revealed to us in Matthew 22:17-21 about the Image of Caesar. Watching T.V. is on a one-on-one, so is watching a computer screen, a video screen, etc. People are dazed and in ignorance bow down to the Image of the Beast without even realizing it. We are so duped and conditioned in using these modern man made image devices that we are totally deceived without being aware of it. 70 Percent of the world's buying and selling is done electronically. In most parts of the world, you can not buy or sell without looking at a sales terminal or computer screen when purchasing or selling. All must bow down to the Beast and Satan to receive goods and services in the Beast System.
There is a company on the internet that is a very good example on the way things are going and how soon the Beast System will have a strangle hold on all of mankind. The government has given one particular private company sole rights to a digitized database that countless number of people in the public must use to do research. However, this particular company has set terms and conditions that makes it impossible to access the data accept by using a credit card or debit card online to pay for access. The rules of use, the terms and conditions of use make the user a slave to the system. The term "bondage" means "to be bound by" for example by the rules, terms, and conditions for use etc. Ever notice the pages and pages of fine print you have to agree to to be able to use software, programs, and databases online? They are binding contracts! You are bound by and enslaved by the terms and conditions to gain access!!!
The New Generation of the New World Order:
Satan is using the young of the New Generation to mold humanity into his New World Order. The whole purpose and goal of blanketing the world with Digital Electronic Devices is to be able to remotely control the masses from one central point. That point is the head of the Beast System namely the 1st and 2nd Beast of Revelation 13 and Satan who is lurking in the shadows. The most vulnerable and most susceptible are the young people of the world, who have been immersed from birth into this Digital Age. The Digital Age is a quiet revolution, an invisible revolution which has taken Mankind by storm. The Digital Age has flooded the mind of Man with countless forms of electronic devices which affect the visual and audio senses, which in turn control the mind.
Electronic Devices on the surface seem to ease the burden of Man but in reality are imprisoning and controlling him. Remember the words of the Messiah in Matthew 7:14 "Enter you in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leads to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leads unto life, and few there be that find it."
All the Governments of the world have to bow to the Beast System (a.k.a. the "New World Order") or perish.
The Beast System now exists and is in place. The Beast System touches every aspect of our lives. We are fully integrated into the Beast System World Wide.
We now have in place World Wide:
e-Education (Electronic Education).
ICT (Information and Communication Technology at Home).
International ICT.A good example of the invasive presence of the New Digital Technology in our lives today is the use of GPS that will be a vital part of the U.S. 2010 Census. GPS (Global Positioning System) will identify the location of every person in the U.S. geographically. There is no place to run and no place to hide. There is no privacy any more. The Beast System wants total control of its subjects.
The only thing that is missing is the implementation of the Mark of the Beast onto the hand or the forehead of all human beings that are not of Yahuah. Satan wants to identify, isolate, separate and destroy true believers that will not worship him.
Satan's Counterfeit versus Yahuah's Original:
In Genesis 1:26,27 it is written, "And Elohim said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness... So Elohim created man in his image, in the image of Elohim created he him..." Yahuah will seal his people with the Messiah's Name of Yahuahshua and Yahuahtsadaq as well as with His Holy Spirit.
Satan in turn wants to re-create man in his image. To do this Satan has in these Last Days deceived Man and has created a virtual world. Satan has brain washed Man to come into his virtual world. Satan will seal his people with the Name, Number and Mark of the Beast, and will entice them to worship his Image.
That is why the deception is so strong. We see yet we don't see or understand the final motive or purpose of all these forms of control (eg. T.V., computer, cell phone, RFID, biometric ID, etc.).
We will see and understand Satan's intentions once he has total control but by then it will be too late. Welcome to Satan's virtual world of bondage and slavery. Are you hooked yet?
Do you feel trapped with no way out? You are not alone. Welcome to Satan's Imaginary World of lies and deception.
This Digital Age of technical marvels is woven into every fabric of our modern society in medicine, law enforcement, military, government, business, food and water supply, transportation, communication, social interaction, etc. Into every aspect of our being.
We are led as a bull is led by a ring in its nose. Man craves a life of ease and pleasure and in so doing has accepted total domination by Satan. Man has sold his soul to Satan for the pleasures and ease of Satan's virtual world. The miracles of science and technology have blinded our eyes to what is really going on.
The Messiah's parable of the 10 Virgins in Matthew 25:1-13 has already begun in these Last Days. The oil (Light) in their lamps is the Holy Spirit of Yahuah. With all the evil that is now in the world Satan's desire is to snuff out the Light of Yahuah by quenching the Holy Spirit of Yahuah. The Light is already fading. Because of the evil the hearts of many is growing cold. We have to feed the Holy Spirit of Yahuah by reading and studying Yahuah's Word, by keeping the Laws and Commandments of Yahuah, by witnessing the truth of Yahuah to the world. Be not overcome of evil but overcome evil with good. In many weak and foolish believers the Holy Spirit is fading and dying out with the cares of this life.
Satan is conquering the world from within, from within the human mind using Digital Technology. The young have grown up Digital. While the older generation is struggling to make sense of what is happening.
Key to understanding the Beast System:
The Messiah gives us the Key to understanding the Beast System in Matthew 22:17-21; Mark 12:14-17; and Luke 20:22-25 where they asked him, "Is it lawful to give tribute unto Caesar, or not?" The Messiah replied, "Show me the tribute money. And they brought unto him a coin. And he says unto them, Whose is this IMAGEand INSCRIPTION?" "They say unto him, Caesar's. Then says he to them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto Yahuah the things that are Yahuah's." We know that all of creation belongs unto Yahuah. So the metal that the coin is made of is Yahuah's. The only thing that is Caesar's is Caesar'sIMAGE and INSCRIPTION.
This is true today. All of Creation still belongs to Yahuah. So Satan has created a virtual world made up of IMAGES and INSCRIPTIONS. The New World Order, the Beast System, is made up of a Digital Electronic World of IMAGES and INSCRIPTIONS used for socializing, banking, buying and selling, telecommunications, working, and that affects our whole modern way of life in these Last Days. All aspects of our life is controlled electronically. Computers are used to control the delivery of food, water, electricity, fuel, telecommunications, health services, government services, business and financial services, goods that we buy and sell.
Satan is the deceiver and he has deceived the whole world. Satan has deceived the people to buy into an illusion, a virtual world. At one time real gold and silver backed money. Now the electronic monetary system works on credit and debit. A personal bank balance is a number on a computer screen which can be altered or disappear at the touch of a Key on the Keyboard. If you recall the fable of the "Emperor and his New Clothes" in which the Emperor bought into the illusion that he had bought new clothes but in reality was totally naked.
Through the Messiah, Yahuah offers us real hope and security. In Revelation 3:17-18 the Messiah says, "Because you say, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that you are wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked: I counsel you to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that you may be rich; and white raiment, that you may be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint your eyes with eyesalve, that you may see". Again in Revelation 16:15 the Messiah says, "Behold I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watches, and keeps his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame."
Virtual Reality in the Beast System:
Our modern societies are built on sand and not on rock, on virtual images and not on reality. The only reason the sub-prime mortgage bubble burst is because the people stopped believing in and started to question the validity of the structure on which it was built, and the foundation was not sound so it collapsed.
We now live in a virtual world with virtual values that can not stand for long. Hard assets are hard to come by as most people have amassed mountains of debt and have become slaves to the system. Most people have bought into the lie of credit and instant pleasure and gratification.
In the past, there was real love, joy, and peace in Family and Community living. People would come together to celebrate life. They would sing and socialize together. Now the love, joy and peace is gone. People now live empty unsatisfied virtual lives dependant on virtual music and virtual entertainment to fill the gap in their empty lives. Kids no longer go out to play with their friends. Family gatherings are rare. Everyone is isolated in their own peer group. The young in school, the adults at work, the elderly in seniors and nursing homes. There used to be strength and purpose in the Family Unit. The elderly would look after the very young, the mature children would look after their parents. Now the children are too busy in their virtual world and ship off the elderly into institutions. The very young are sent to day care, etc.
Give unto the Beast which is the Beast's and unto Yahuah the things that are Yahuah's.
Satan's purpose in having the Beast System:
The only purpose of Satan in forcing the Image, Number, Name and Mark of the Beast onto the people is to have total control and sole worship of the human population of the world. Satan wants to be worshiped as the Almighty and he wants all of mankind to bow down to him and to be his servants (slaves).
Man will not be able to buy or sell without the Mark of the Beast. To buy the essentials of life like food, water, heat, shelter, clothing, etc. people will be forced to take the Mark of the Beast. The only exceptions will be the true believers who will reject Satan and Satan's Mark choosing to die instead. Those that do not take the Mark of the Beast will be killed. The Saints who will be martyred will receive Eternal Life from Yahuah and will live forever in the Kingdom of Yahuah. Those that accept the Mark of the Beast will be cast into the Lake of Fire for all Eternity. When the time comes, each one of us will have to make a life or death decision. Before you is life and death choose you which way you will go. As for me and my house we choose Yahuah, we choose Eternal Life by not taking the Mark, Name, Number, or by worshiping the Image of the Beast.
Living in the Beast System:
We can not buy or sell without some interaction with the modern day Beast System. Many stores even use self-serve electronic cashier machines at the check-out. You can pay using a credit card, debit card, or cash which is all detectable and accepted by the machine. At the bank, whether we or the bank teller takes out the cash for us, it is still processed through the Beast System electronically. The transaction whether deposited, or withdrawn is done through the Beast System. Most utility bills can be paid electronically either through the Bank or even online from a personal computer at home. ATM machines are everywhere. Most stores will accept credit cards or debit cards by the cashier at the check-out.
There is a city in Europe where sensors detect bar coded or embedded magnetic strip items that as the customer walks out of the store the cost of the items are automatically debited off the customer's bank account.
Most people use the Beast System on a daily basis without recognizing or even understanding its existence.
Utility meters monitor our home consumption by automatically recording telephone, gas, hydro, etc. use. The Beast System affects every aspect of our lives. You can buy or sell and do banking using the internet from anywhere in the world. The Beast System touches the lives of every human being on the planet in one way or another. You can not exist without the support of the Beast System in any city in the world. All aspects of resources are controlled and monitored by the Beast System -- water, food, fuel, electricity, social life, etc. The Last Nail in the coffin will be the Mark of the Beast, the final piece of the puzzle for these Last Days before the Messiah returns. Directly or indirectly we are all connected to the Beast System in one way or another.
As believers we can and do use the Beast System. However, the cutoff point for all believers will be when the Mark of the Beast will be made compulsory. At that point we have to refuse to take the Mark of the Beast or be rejected by Yahuah. The Mark of the Beast is the Last and Final Step. Those that accept the Mark of the Beast will be damned for all Eternity. Those that reject the Mark of the Beast will be killed by the Beast System but will obtain Eternal Life in Yahuah's Kingdom through Yahuahshua the Messiah.
The Mark of the Beast will bring closure to the Total Domination of Mankind by Satan.
December 17, 2009 will start the Winter Season of the Great Tribulation:
1) December 17, 2009 is the 1st Day of Winter on the 1st Day of the 10th Month on the regular Calendar Year in 2009.
2) December 17, 2009 is the midpoint of the 3 1/2 Year Great Tribulation.
3) December 17, 2009 is the start of the Last and 4th Season of Winter of 13 Jubilees of Days of the Last 7 Years to the Messiah's return.
4) December 17, 2009 is the 39th Jubilee of Days of the Last 7 Years to the Messiah's return.
5) From December 17, 2009 to the Messiah's return is 13 Jubilees of Days.
Up to December 17, 2009 is all up hill. From December 17, 2009 to the Messiah's return is all down hill. December 17, 2009 is the point of no return.
December 17, 2009 is the start of the fulfilment of the Messiah's prophecy in Matthew 24:20-21, "But pray you that your flight be not in the WINTER, neither on the sabbath day: For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be."
Opening of the 4th Seal and the sounding of the 5th & 6th Trumpet:
There are two prophecies in the Book of Revelation that point to nuclear war for our time and that will kill Billions of people. The opening of the 4th Seal in Revelation 6:7-8 will kill 1/4 of the world's population with war, hunger, death, and the beasts of the field. The sounding of the 6th Trumpet in Revelation 9:14-15 will slay 1/3 of Man by war. These two prophecies combined will kill 7/12 or just over 1/2 of the world's 6 Billion people or about 3 Billion of Mankind. In Revelation 9:16 it talks about an army of 200 Million soldiers. Only nuclear war can cause such devastation. China and India combined make up over 1/3 of the world's population so they definitely will be involved. China is backing North Korea and will get involved in Asia. While Indiawill get involved on the Pakistan-India Border.
There are 3 main hotspots in the world today that can trigger a nuclear war and are: 1) Middle East.2) North Korea. 3) Pakistan-India Border.
1) War in the Middle East:We know exactly when and where the war in the Middle East will occur with the sounding of the 6th Trumpet. In Revelation 9:13-21 we know that the 4 angels will be loosed from the Great River Euphrates on the border between Iran and Iraq. We know the time because the 4 angels were loosed and prepared for an hour, a day, a month, and a year. So counting back this time from the Messiah's return on September 15, 2011 we get Sabbath August 14, 2010 on the 29th Day of the 5th Month.
Prelude to the war started by the 6th Trumpet will be the sounding of the 5th Trumpet. In Revelation 9:1-11 with the sounding of the 5th Trumpet those that have not the seal of Yahuah in their foreheads will be tormented for 5 Months. The 5th Trumpet will sound on the Last Day of the Year in the Year 5998 on the Sacred Calendar on the 30th Day of the 12th Month on Tuesday March 16, 2010.
It is not likely that the 4th Seal will occur at the same time or place as the 6th Trumpet. So we can assume the 4th Seal will happen sometime before the 6th Trumpet and not in the Middle East. It is not likely that the big boys like Russia or the United States would even think of starting a nuclear war. It would most likely be one of the smaller nuclear states. So 2) North Korea. and 3) Pakistan-India Border are real possibilities for triggering a nuclear war and the opening of the 4th Seal.
To figure out the timing of the 4th Seal we have to consider the timing of the 5th Seal. The 5th Seal in Revelation 6:9-11 talks about the killing of the Saints. The Saints will have the Seal of Yahuah in their foreheads which ties it in with the timing of the 5th Trumpet. The opposite to the Seal of Yahuah is the Mark of the Beast. So now we can also tie in the 1st Vial with the 5th Seal and the 5th Trumpet. The 1st Vial in Revelation 16:2 talks about a grievous sore upon the men which had the Mark of the Beast and upon them that worshiped his image.
We know the timing of the 5th Trumpet which will sound on the Last Day of the Year in the Year 5998 on the Sacred Calendar on the 30th Day of the 12th Month on Tuesday March 16, 2010. So we can connect the 5th Seal and the 1st Vial to also begin on March 16, 2010. Now we can assume that the 4th Seal has to be open some time between now and March 16, 2010.
December 17, 2009 the 1st Day of the 10th Month, the 1st Day of Winter is a perfect fit for the opening of the 4th Seal and the start of the fulfilment of the Messiah's prophecy in Matthew 24:20-21, "But pray you that your flight be not in the WINTER, neither on the sabbath day: For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be."
In Revelation 16:12-16 the 6th Vial is poured out upon the Great River Euphrates and the water was dried up that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared. This is in preparation for the battle of the Great Day of Yahuah, at Armageddon(near Mount Carmel, Israel). The 7th Vial is the Messiah's return on September 15, 2011. Armageddon will be the great clash between the Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness.
Once all 4 Elements (Image, Mark, Name, and Number of the Beast) are present as a package then the Beast System will be complete. The 4 Elements of the Beast are the Last pieces to complete Satan's Domination of the World.
If the 5th Trumpet, 5th Seal, and the 1st Vial of Revelation are all linked with the presence of the Mark of the Beast, then the Mark of the Beast has to exist on March 16, 2010 with the sounding of the 5th Trumpet.
The reason that we do not see what is happening is because we are in it and are a part of it. If we did not have Yahuah's Word and Yahuah's Holy Spirit to act as a map and to guide us, we would be totally lost and would not know what is going on.
The Creator of Heaven and Earth has been replaced by ego and material things. Yahuah's Holy Spirit of love, joy and peace has been replaced by selfishness and greed.
Dearly beloved in Yahuah, quench not the Spirit of Yahuah that dwells in you. Do not let the deception of Satan which is so strong stifle Yahuah's Holy Spirit that abides in you. Feed Yahuah's Holy Spirit by studying and keeping Yahuah's Holy Word and commandments in your heart. Be ever vigilant in this evil time and be always ready to meet your Master Yahuahshua at his soon return.
Satan is very cunning and has deceived the whole world. Satan has achieved his main objective to get people to worship his image, which is the 1st Step of his world domination plan. Notice how worshiping the Image of the Beast is the breaking of Yahuah's 1st and 2nd Commandment of the 10 Commandments.
Satan wants your soul but he can not force you to accept him. Every person has the free will to choose. Satan uses seduction to entice man into self destructive addictions to enslave him and to separate him from Yahuah.
Satan is strong, but Yahuah is stronger! As it is written, "Greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world." (1John 4:4). So take comfort in Yahuah, be filled with Yahuah's Holy Spirit, be refreshed reading and feeding on Yahuah's Word. Be comforted in knowing that "The Angel of Yahuah encamps round about them that fear Him, and delivers them." (Psalms 34:7).
We are quickly running out of time. This is a wake-up call to all believers to turn back to Yahuah before it is too late. It is like the parable of the lost sheep: of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15:11-32 who wasted his inheritance with riotous living. It is time to repent and to turn back to Yahuah with all our heart. Seek you first the Kingdom of Yahuah and all else shall be added unto you. Repent and be baptized for the Kingdom of Yahuah is at hand. Time to put your house in order!
Introduction:125.0) The 4th Semester of the Great Tribulation:Today is July 22, 2009 the 5th Day of the 5th Month.
The 2300 Day Prophecy of Daniel 8:13-14 is connected to the Last Days and the Messiah's 2nd Coming. This is the time of desolation just before the Messiah's 2nd Coming. The Key to understanding this prophecy is not the visible 2300 Days, but rather the 220 Days that are invisible. 2300 Days is just 220 Days short of forming 7 complete Years. 2300 Days + 220 Days = 2520 Days. 2520 Days divided by 360 Days per Year = 7 Years (not counting the Intercalary Days).
The numerical value of the Messiah's future name of Yahuahtsadaq = 220! The 2520 Days = 2300 Days + 220 Days = 7 Years is the Last 7 Years to the end of the 6000 Years from Adam. These Last 7 Years are from Spring 2005 to Spring 2012. The Last 220 Days starts on the 21st Day of the 5th Month on August 5, 2011 just 40 Days before the Messiah's return on the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011. The 40 Days before his return represents a time of cleansing. The Last 220 Days = 10 x 22 where 10 = Judgment and 22 = completion. From the Messiah's return to the end of the 6000 Years from Adam = 180 Days = 10 x 18 where 10 = Judgment and 18 = Righteousness. 220 Days = 40 Days + 180 Days. Note: the Messiah's future name of Yahuahtsadaq has a numerical value of 220 and means "Yahuah is Righteous".
40 Days + 10 Days before Pentecost and the Messiah's 2nd Coming:
Counting the 220 Days back from the end of the 6000 Years from Adam we get 40 Days just before the Messiah's 2nd Coming. Then there is still 10 Days from his return on the Feast of Trumpets to the Day of Atonement. 40 Days + 10 Days = 50 Days. The 50th Day, the Jubilee Day would be on the Day of Atonement. The Messiah will Judge the Worldon the Day of Atonement when he returns.
This pattern is synonymouswith the count to Pentecost. From the Sheaf Offering of the Barleyto the Messiah's ascension up into Heaven on the 27th Day of the 2nd Month is 40 Days. Then another 10 Days to Pentecost. 40 Days + 10 Days = 50 Days. The 50th Day, the Jubilee Day was on the Day of Pentecost. The 50 Day count to Pentecost was the grain harvest with the 1st 28 Days = Barley Harvest and the Last 22 Days = Wheat Harvest. Pentecost marked the end of Wheat Harvest. The Messiah gave the parable of the Wheat and the Tares where the Wheat Harvest marked the end of the world and his 2nd Coming.
The 70 Week Prophecy of Daniel 9:24-27 is 70 Weeks before the Messiah's 2nd Coming and begins on the 27th Day of the 2nd Month. 70 Weeks = 70 x 7 Days = 490 Days. 490 Days = 10 x 49 Days = 10 Jubilees of Days. These Last 10 Jubilees of Days is from the 42nd Jubilee of Days on the 27th Day of the 2nd Month on May 13, 2010 to the Messiah's return on the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011. 490 Days to the Messiah's 2nd Coming then + 10 Days to the Day of Atonement. 490 Days + 10 Days = 500 Days = 10 x 50 Days where 10 = Judgment and 50 = a Jubilee. The 500th Day will be on the Day of Atonement when the Messiah will Judge the World. Note: The Jubilee Year (50th Year) was always celebrated on the Day of Atonement (Leviticus 25:8-14).
Peter asked the Messiah in Matthew 18:21-22 , "How often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? till 7 times?" The Messiah answered, "I say not unto you, Until 7 times: but, Until 70 times 7. 70 x 7 = 490. The 70 Weeksof Daniel is that grace period of 490 Days which will end with the Messiah's return. Once the Messiah returns we will either be with him or against him.
The Abomination of Desolation:
There is a connection between the Desolation and the Abomination of Desolation in:
1) Daniel 8:13-14 "How long shall be the vision concerning the daily sacrifice, and the transgression of desolation, to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden under foot? And he said unto me, Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed."
2) Daniel 9:24-27 "Seventy Weeks are determined upon your people and upon your holy city, to finish the transgression ... "
3) Matthew 24:15,20,21 "When you therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet (Daniel 9:27). But pray that your flight be not in the winter ... For then shall be great tribulation."
4) Luke 21:20,24 "And when you shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh. ... Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled."
5) Revelation 11:2 "But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months."
Overview of the Last Days that we are now in:
As it is written, "Be still and know that I am Yahuah." Take a minute out from your busy schedule, just sit still and take census of the present state of the world. The one thing that stands out in poor and rich countries alike is that there is no peace or joy any more. They say, "Peace, peace" and there is no peace. Fear, insecurity, and uncertainty is global. People are losing their jobs. The economy is in tatters. The powers that be are ever tightening their grip on the people. Our freedoms are gone.
The Beast System is here and Satan is pulling the strings in the background. It is almost as if we are on a merry-go-round that is speeding up. We got on because of the ease, comforts, security, and pleasures that it offered on getting on. But once we got on, it slowly speeded up to a point where we are now too fearful to get off. The only way off is to jump off. To get off will take real courage and sacrifice. Satan wants total control and he will have it once the Mark of the Beast is implemented. It will cost us dear to deny the Mark of the Beast. It will cost us our fleshly life because Satan will kill those believers that refuse to take the Mark of the Beast. On the other hand believers that have the faith and courage not to take the Mark of the Beast will be spared the wrath of Yahuah that will come upon the Beast and those that have his Mark and worship his Image. (see Revelation 9:1-11 -- 5th Trumpet; Revelation 16:1-21 -- 7 Vials).
How do we know that it is the Last Time? It is written, "the hearts of many shall grow cold." Joy shall cease. There is no peace. The difference between Yahuah and Satan is that Yahuah rules with love while Satan rules with fear. Look around -- there is fear on every side. So you know that Satan is now on the Earth and ruling the world temporarily until the Messiah returns.
And do you know how Satan is ruling the world? You guessed it, through technology. For most people going digital was seamless, they didn't even know that there has been a major change from analog to digital. On June 12, 2009 T.V. Broadcasting in the U.S. went Digital. Only 3 to 5 Million people with older T.V. sets would have even noticed the change. We are so immersed into digital technology already that most people won't even realize the change. As it is written, "if it were possible even the very elect would be deceived." Be on the watch for you know not when the Beast System will snare you.
The Beast System is taking the whole world by storm through a silent revolution. Laws are being passed to control the populous. Fear and disease will do the rest. The Swine Flu is now officially a pandemic. The economic crisis still has a death grip on the world. Satan is controlling the world through the Beast System. The creation of plastics and chemicals through petroleum products has made our modern way of life possible and is also the cause of destroying it by polluting our air, water, food and the human body. Make no mistake, there is a very high cost man is paying for the luxury of high living.
Satan is doing his best to control the minds of the people through drugs, alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, electronic and high tech devices. Satan is attacking the comfort zone of the believer to discourage and destroy the followers of Yahuah. Satan knows that his time is short. The closer we get to the Messiah's return the more Satan will turn up the heat in anger against the children of Yahuah. Satan comes only to destroy and to kill. Now that Satan has been kicked out of heaven (Revelation 12:7-17) and is now on the earth he will reek havoc on believers for the duration of the 3 1/2 Year Great Tribulation.
But there is good news. The Messiah will restore the world at his 2nd Coming. Yahuah in His great love and mercy has given us a way out of this mess through the hope He gives us by the coming of His beloved Son Yahuahshua.
These things must come to pass. The storm will come first, then the calm after the storm. So be you ready. Trust in Yahuah. Take shelter under His wings for He is more than able to protect and help us through the trials and the tribulations that are now surely upon us.
Every person will have to choose whether to enjoy the protection of the Beast System for a short time during the Winter Season of 13 Jubilees of Days from December 17, 2009 to the Messiah's return on September 15, 2011, or to have the Hope of Eternal Life through Yahuahshua. Either way there will be no sitting on the fence. We will have to be either hot or cold for if we are lukewarm, the Messiah will spit us out of His mouth. Most people will be dumbfounded when they will be forced to make the decision to either accept or reject the Mark of the Beast. The deception will be so strong leading up to the Mark that if it were possible even the very elect would be deceived. To give you a recent example how strong the deception is: On June 12, 2009 the Law was passed that all T.V. Broadcasting had to be in Digital only and Analog signals ceased to exist. The change only affected 3 to 5 Million people in the U.S. who still had old T.V. sets. To the other over 300 Million people the change was seamless and uneventful because they already had new T.V. sets and cable service which are designed for Digital reception and transmission.
Two-Faced Cherubim in Ezekiel represents the Messiah:
In Ezekiel 41:18-26we are shown that the Temple of Solomon had two-faced cherubim and palm trees throughout the temple. The two-faced cherubim represent the Messiah. The face of a man was toward the palm tree was on the one side. Man through Adam's fall lost the hope to access the Tree of Life. The Messiah at his 1st Coming came as a Man making it possible for us through his death and perfect sacrifice to have the right to the Tree of Life (Palm Tree). The face of a young lion toward the palm tree was on the other side. The Messiah at his 2nd Coming will come as the Lion of the Tribe of Yahudah and he will make it possible for us to have the right to the Tree of Life (Palm Tree). In the desert the Palm Tree was a symbol and a source of the Food of Life (dates) and of the Water of Life. The promise of the Messiah's Coming and the right to the Tree of Life was symbolic throughout the Temple of Yahuah and a constant reminder to the children of Israel.
In Roman mythology "Janus" had 2 faces, one looking back to the past and the other looking forward to the future. New Year's Eve is the celebration of Janus on the Roman Calendar marking the end of the old year and the start of the new year. We get the name of "January" the 1st Month on the Roman Calendar from "Janus".
The 2 faced cherubimand the palm trees of the Temple were central to and a very powerful form of symbolism to the people of Israel. Most people were illiterate but most could relate to the visual symbolism of the Messiah's Coming and of the Tree of Life.
The Christian misconception of the term "Anti-Christ":
There are only 4 scriptures in the New Testament with the word "Antichrist" or "Antichrists". These can be found in 1John 2:18,22; 4:3 and 2John 7.
1John 2:18,22 reads, "Little children, it is the last time: and as you have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time. Who is a liar but he that denies that Yahuahshua is the Messiah? He is antichrist, that denies the Father and the Son."
1John 4:3 reads, "And every spirit that confesses not that Yahuahshua the Messiah is come in the flesh is not of Yahuah: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof you have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world."
2John 7 reads, "For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Yahuahshua the Messiah is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist."
So you can see that scripture does not talk of an individual person or being as being the antichrist. The antichrist is anyone or any being that denies and is against the Messiah.
Mark of the Beast just one short step away:
As more and more credit cards and bank cards are now being issued with a microchip we know that the time for the Mark of the Beast is very near indeed. These new chip Credit Cards are readily being accepted worldwide.
There are 3 partsto the function of the chip cards:
1) Credit Card with microchip.
2) Chip enabled terminal to accept the card.
3) PIN Number (Personal Identification Number) used instead of a signature to complete the transaction.There are 3 parts to the Buying and Selling in the Beast System:
1) Mark of the Beast System.
2) Name of the Beast System.
3) Number of the Beast System.These chip cards are not the Mark of the Beast yet. The actual Mark of the Beast will be a bar code tatoo or microchip in the right hand or in the forehead.
The introduction of the actual Mark of the Beast is now a reality and could start as early as Spring 2010 or even sooner. The technology is in place. All we need now is for the people to accept the Mark on their body. Fear will drive the people to accept the Mark of the Beast. The powers that be will pressure the people to accept the Mark using the argument that the Mark of the Beast will porvide more security and protection.
The Swine Flu Pandemic to escalate in Winter of 2009:
It is official that the Swine Flu is now a Pandemic. However, it is not as severe yet as most have feared. That could change in a heart beat once the Flu Season beings this Fall in 2009. Most authorities admit that they are not ready or even have the resources to cope with a full blown pandemic. The Financial Crisis and the high unemployment is causing a lot of families around the world to cut back on proper nutritious meals. Most can't afford a healthy diet that would normally keep their body and immune system strong and healthy. The weak and compromised immune system is more prone to disease. The poor are also more at risk as they can not afford medical treatment. People around the world are more vulnerable now than they have been in recent memory.
The Swine Flu could be catastrophic this Winter. Officials around the world are bracing and preparing for the worse. It is common knowledge that the resources will not be adequate to deal with the global health crisis. Swine Flu could have a devastating impact on the Global Economy starting as early as October 2009.
These Last Days are Days of evil. However, no matter what the situation Yahuah is more than able to guide and protect us as long as we are keeping His commandments and doing His will. Make no mistake about it, the Righteous will have persecution and tribulation. We will suffer for keeping Yahuah's Laws and Commandments and for His Name's sake. The Righteous will be persecuted by friends, family, the people in the world, and by Satan and his fallen angels. But through it all Yahuah will give us the strength and the means to endure whatever suffering that lays ahead.
Our focus has to be Yahuah, His beloved Son Yahuahshua, His Holy Spirit, His Kingdom, His Word, His Love, His Righteousness, His Hope, His Peace. We have to constantly re-focus to make sure that we are steadfast and on target. We are the Sons and Daughters of Light and we have to manifest the fruits of Righteousness.
Even in the den of hell the power and love of Yahuah can shine. Daniel in the den of lions is proof and so is the Messiah, the prophets, the Apostles, and the early believers as examples for us. The Apostle Paul suffered enormously yet he did not lose sight of Yahuah in all his tribulations.
This fleshly body will die even if we live to be 120 Years old. Most people will die some time between birth and 60 Years old. But our spirit will live even after death. Question is where will our spirit end up -- in Heaven or in Hell, with Yahuah in His Kingdom or in the Lake of Fire prepared for Satan and his followers!!
Don't kid yourself it is not all roses and good times for believers all the time. With the blessings and revelations will come trials and tribulations. Even the Messiah suffered and he did not sin. From the time that the Messiah was an infant to the time of his death Satan sought to destroy and to kill him. But the Messiah continued to do his Father's will and to please Yahuah throughout his life even unto death. The Messiah never lost sight of who he was and where he was going -- going back into the Kingdom of Yahuah. Yahuah will help us through all our tribulations as long as we do not lose sight of Him and we continue in His love by keeping His Laws and Commandments.
We cannot oppose or defeat Satan on our own. But we can with Yahuah's help and with Yahuah's Holy Spirit. As it is written in Ephesians 6:10-18 where we read, "Put on the whole armour of Yahuah, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil." Be filled with the fruit of Yahuah's Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). We are more than conquerors through the Messiah who loves us and gave himself for us (Romans 8:35-39). Do not be overcome of evil but overcome evil with good (Romans 12:21).
The Messiah said that he will not leave us nor forsake us. He will not leave us orphans. But he will send Yahuah's Holy Spirit to help us and comfort us.
Look up and rejoice for your redemption draws nigh!!
Introduction:126.0) Sealing of the 144,000 on the Day of Atonement on September 26, 2009:Today is August 22, 2009 the 6th Day of the 6th Month.
The Great Tribulation is 3 1/2 Years = 7 x 6 Months = 7 Semesters. Each Semester = 6 Months. From the start of the Great Tribulation in Spring 2008 to Fall 2009 is the 1st 3 Semesters. From Fall 2009 to Spring 2010 is the 4th Semester. From Spring 2010 to Fall 2011 is the Last 3 Semesters. There are two ways to look at these 7 Semesters. Either 3 + 4 = 7 Semesters or 4 + 3 = 7 Semesters and both are viable. The 4th Semester is in the middle of the Great Tribulation.
We can compare these 7 Semesters to the 7 Letters of each of the Messiah's 2 Names. The Messiah's 2 Names breaks down into 4 + 3 = 7 where Yahuah the Father's Name is the 1st 4 Letters and the Last 3 Letters is the Messiah's unique Name of Shua or Tsadaq. Even the 7 Trumpets of Revelation breaks down into 4 + 3 = 7 where the Last 3 Trumpets are the 3 Woes. The Last 3 Trumpetsare the 5th, 6th and 7th Trumpets.
The 4th Semester of 6 Months in the Middle of the Great Tribulation:
The Great Tribulation is 3 1/2 Years from Spring 2008 to Fall 2011. These 3 1/2 Years consists of 7 Semesters of 6 Months each which is 7 x 6 Months = 3 1/2 Years. The 4th Semester of 6 Months is from Fall 2009 to Spring 2010. This 4th 6 Months is the Middle of the Great Tribulation.
The occurrence of the Number 4 in Revelation 7:1-3 is pointing to the 4th Semester of 6 Months in the Middle of the Great Tribulation. Notice how in Revelation 7:1 it talks about the 4 Angels, 4 Corners of the Earth, and the 4 Winds of the Earth! The Feast of Trumpets on September 17, 2009 on the 1st Day of the 7th Month begins the 4th Semester of 6 Months and ends on March 17, 2010 on the Intercalary Day just before the 1st Day of the 1st Month.
The midpoint of this 4th Semester is the Intercalary Day on December 16, 2009. The next Day on December 17, 2009 is the 1st Day of the 10th Month, the 1st Day of Winter on the regular Sacred Calendar Year. December 17, 2009 is also the 1st Day of the 4th Season of Winter in theLast 7 Years to the Messiah's return. December 17, 2009 is again the39th Jubilee of Days of the Last 7 Yearsto the Messiah's return. From December 17, 2009 to the Messiah's 2nd Coming on September 15, 2011 on the Feast of Trumpets is 13 Jubilees of Days.
The 4th Semester of the Great Tribulation completes the Number 4 as if it were the 4 Letters of the Father's Name of Yahuah. Then will come the Last 3 Semesters of the Great Tribulation which will complete the Messiah's 2 Names of Shua (Salvation) and Tsadaq (Righteousness) culminating with the Messiah's return on the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011.
The 4th Semester is pivotal and will be a time of major change globally.
The opening of the 4th Seal of Revelation 6:7-8 will occur sometime during the 4th Semester of the Great Tribulation as declared by the voice of the 4th Beast.
The 1st 4 Trumpets will have to be open during the 4th Semester. The 7 Vials of Revelation 16:1-21 will be poured out once the Mark of the Beast is issued and the people begin to worship the Image of the Beast.
The Last 3 Semesters will be the last leg of the journey for believers before the Messiah returns. These Last 3 Semesters will be a time of Salvation and Righteousness for Believers, a time of real testing and trials.
Timeline for the Sealing of Believers and the 7 Trumpets of Revelation:
We can figure out the Timeline leading up to the Messiah's 2nd Coming by working backward from his return. The 7th and Last Trumpet of Revelation 11:14-19 is the Messiah's return. But the 7 Trumpets can not begin to sound until the Sealing of the Believers of Revelation 7:1-17 is complete.
1) Based on our understanding of the 6000 Years from Adam, we know that the Messiah will return with the sounding of the 7th Trumpet on the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011 on the 1st Day of the 7th Month. We also know that the Messiah will return at the 6th Seal, 7th Trumpet, and the 7th Vial which are all one and the same event.
2) If the Messiah's 2nd Coming is the 7th Trumpet on September 15, 2011 then we can count backward from there to calculate the timing for the 6th Trumpet which will last for 1 Year, 1 Month, 1 Day, and 1 Hour. The 1 Year (12 Months) + 1 Month = 13 Months which brings us to the 1st Day of the 6th Month on August 16, 2010. The 1 Day and 1 Hour we will discuss later.
3) The duration of the 5th Trumpet is 5 Months. So we can count back 5 Months from August 16, 2010 which will bring us to the 1st Day of the 1st Month on March 18, 2010 the 1st Day of the Year on the Sacred Calendar.
4) The 1st 4 Trumpets have to start sometime during the 4th Semester of the Great Tribulation between the Feast of Trumpets on September 17, 2009 to the 1st Day of the Year on March 18, 2010.
5) Before the 7 Trumpets of Revelation can begin however, the Sealing of the Believers of Revelation 7:1-3 has to be complete. From the Feast of Trumpets on September 17, 2009 to the Messiah's return on the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011 is exactly 2 Years. 2 Years x 360 Days per Year (not counting the Intercalary Days) = 720 Days = 5 x 144 Days! Notice the perfect 5 x 144 Days! 144,000 will be sealed from the 12 Tribes of Israel plus a great multitude which no man can number of all Nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues (Revelation 7:4-17). So the Sealing of the Righteous Believers will begin on the Feast of Trumpets September 17,2009. The Sealing has to be complete by the Last Great Day on the 22nd Day of the 7th Month on October 8, 2009 which marks the end of the Agricultural Year. Then the 1st Trumpet can begin to sound but when?
6) There seems to be a pattern where the 5th, 6th, and 7th Trumpets all begin to sound on the 1st Day of the Month. We can extend this pattern to the 1st 4 Trumpets. The next and nearest 1st Day of the Month closest to the Last Great Day is the 1st Day of the 8th Month on October 17, 2009. So the 1st Trumpet will sound on October 17, 2009. The 1st Trumpet will sound on the 7th Day of the Week a regular Sabbath Day on October 17, 2009.
The pattern of sounding the Trumpet on the 1st Day of each Month is solid scripture. In Numbers 10:10 we read, "Also in the day of your gladness, and in your solemn days, and in the beginnings of your months, you shall blow with the trumpets over your burnt offerings, and over the sacrifices of your peace offerings; that they may be to you for a memorial before your Elohim: I am Yahuah your Elohim." See also Numbers 28:11 "And in the beginnings of your months you shall offer a burnt offering ...". Note: "New Moon" in the Old and New Testament means "New Month" and in that light again the emphasis is on the 1st Day of the Month in countless scriptures such as 1Chronicles 23:31; 2Chronicles 2:4; 2Chronicles 8:13; 2Chronicles 31:3; Ezra 3:5,6; Ezekiel 45:17;46:1-11; Hosea 2:11; Colossians 2:16.
7) We still have to determine the starting point for the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Trumpets. But there are 4 possible 1st Day of the Month left in the 4th Semester to choose from for the 3 Trumpets. The 1st Day of the 10th Month on December 17, 2009 will definitely be one of them because of its significance in the Last Days and because it is the 1st Day of Winter. That still leaves the 1st Day of the 9th, 11th, and 12th Months to choose from. We have to pick 2 more with 3 possible combinations: (9th + 11th Month), (9th + 12th Month), or (11th + 12th Month) but which combination?
There is a way to help us to choose. Let us look for perfect numbers in combinations of sequences by adding up the number of the month for each Trumpet. For 5 of the 7 Trumpets we have already determined the appropriate Months. Then we just add the last 2 Months with 3 possible combinations:
1st Trumpet = 1st Day 8th Month.
2nd Trumpet = ? 1st Day 9th or 10th Month.
3rd Trumpet = ? 1st Day 10th or 11th Month.
4th Trumpet = ? 1st Day 11th or 12th Month.
5th Trumpet = 1st Day 1st Month.
6th Trumpet = 1st Day 6thMonth.
7th Trumpet = 1st Day 7th Month.1st Combo: 8+9+10+11+1+6+7= 52 = 2 x 26.
2nd Combo: 8+9+10+12+1+6+7= 53 = ?
3rd Combo: 8+10+11+12+1+6+7= 55 = 7 + 22 + 26.The Best Combination is the 3rd one even though the 1st one has the perfect numbers of the Father's Name but none for the Messiah. The 3rd Combo has all the perfect numbers for both Yahuah the Father and the Messiah where 55 = 7 + 22 + 26! Therefore the best possible dates for all 7 Trumpets are as follows:
1st Trumpet = 1st Day 8th Month October 17, 2009.
2nd Trumpet = 1st Day 10th Month December 17, 2009.
3rd Trumpet = 1st Day 11th Month January 16, 2010.
4th Trumpet = 1st Day 12th Month February 15, 2010.
5th Trumpet = 1st Day 1st Month March 18, 2010.
6th Trumpet = 1st Day 6th Month August 16, 2010.
7th Trumpet = 1st Day 7th Month September 15, 2011.The Last 1 Day and 1 Hour of the 6th Trumpet of Revelation:
In Revelation 9:13-21 when the 6th Trumpet sounds then the 4 Angels will be loosed from the River Euphrates which are prepared for an Hour, and a Day, and a Month, and a Year, for to slay the third part of men. The 5th Trumpet of Revelation 9:1-12 lasts 5 Months and those that have not the seal of Yahuah are tormented. The 5th and 6th Trumpets added together is 5 Months + 1 Year + 1 Month + 1 Day + 1 Hour = 18 Months plus 1 Day + 1 Hour. These 18 Months or 1 1/2 Years is from Spring 2010 to Fall 2011. But what about the 1 Day and 1 Hour? The answer for the 1 Day is in Revelation 18:8 when the plagues come upon Babylon the Great which is fallen, "Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is Yahuah the Almighty who judges her." Then we find the 1 Hour in Revelation 18:10,19 which reads, "Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas, that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is your judgment come." This 1 Day and 1 Hour is at the end of the Great Tribulation just immediately before the Messiah returns or when he returns.
The East Gate open on the Sabbath Day and on the 1st Day of the New Month:
The East Gate also known as the Golden Gate on the wall of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is the Gate that the Messiah will pass through at his 2nd Coming. Today the Golden Gate is sealed and there is a cemetery deliberately put in front of it to prevent the Messiah from entering the Temple Mount at his 2nd Coming. In Old Testament times the East Gate was closed the six working days, but on the Sabbath Day and on 1st Day of the New Month it was open. In Ezekiel 46:1 we read, "Thus says Yahuah; The gate of the inner court that looks toward the east shall be shut the six working days; but on the sabbath it shall be opened, and in the day of the new moon it shall be opened."
The Messiah made his triumphal entry into Jerusalem by way of the Golden Gate at his 1st Coming when he rode on the foal of an ass and entered into the city on the 10th Day of the 1st Month which was a regular Sabbath Day. The Golden Gate will be open again the very Day that the Messiah will return on the 1st Day of the 7th Month on the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011 at his 2nd Coming.
The Temple itself faced East and the Temple Doors lined up directly with the East Gate (Golden Gate). The East Gate acted like a sundial to determine the start of the Sacred Calendar Year and the Seasons. The East Gate was also used to herald the Days of the Regular and Feast Day Sabbaths along with the start of each of the 12 Months of the Year. So there were two ways that the people knew when the Sabbaths,Feast Days and the 1st Day of each Month started was by the sounding of the trumpet and by the opening of the East Gate. The people were alerted to the start of each Sabbath and the start of each Month by the blowing of the trumpet on those Days. The people in those Days did not have clocks and calendars as we do today. To calculate time they depended on the Temple Priests to show them.
Both the Feast of Trumpets and the Day of Atonement are the only two Feast Days that receive a double emphasis. The Feast of Trumpets is on the 1st Day of the 7th Month and is a Feast Day Sabbath. The Day of Atonement is on a regular Sabbath Day and is also a Feast Day Sabbath. From Numbers 10:10 we know that the trumpet was blown on both the Feast of Trumpets and on the Day of Atonement. We also know from Ezekiel 46:1 that the Golden Gate was open on both of these Days as well. Both these Days point to the Messiah's 2nd Coming. The Messiah will return on the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011 and he will Judge the World on the Day of Atonement on September 24, 2011. Note: the Feast of Trumpets is the only Feast Day on the 1st Day of the Month and the Day of Atonement is the only Feast Day on a regular Sabbath Day.
The only 4 Months to have their 1st Day of the Month on a regular Sabbath Day on the Sacred Calendar are the 2nd Month, 5th Month, 8th Month, and the 11th Month. If you add up the number of these Months you get 2 + 5 + 8 + 11 = 26! Note again how perfect Yahuah's Sacred Calendar is!
Global events for Fall 2009:
Swine Flu, high Unemployment, along with the high cost of food and fuel will hit hard this Fall around October 2009 and will severely impact the Global Economy.
One Million people have been affected by the Swine Flu in the U.S.. Authorities are now saying that the Swine Flu will affect over 2 Billion people worldwide in just 2 Years. This is the fastest moving Flu in human history.
We could see mandatory Global mass vaccinations this Fall in 2009 for Swine Flu. This would be unprecedented in history, with those that refuse to be vaccinated being quarantined. Forced vaccinations will be the new norm for the New World Order.
If Health Reform is passed in the U.S. this Fall then all Health Records will be digitized and the whole system will be controlled by computer. Will the Health Reform save money or increase the U.S. debt by Trillions? How will the Health Reform impact the Global Economy?
An active hurricane Season, wild fires, drought, and other natural disasters will add to the misery of many around the world.
The threat of war sparked by North Korea, Iran, Russia (over Georgia), and unrest in the Middle East and Asia will heighten fear and tension worldwide.
Credit and Bank Cards with microchip and PIN Number should be in place this Fall. The Beast System is becoming more powerful and more visible. It is now just one short step from Chip on the Card to a Chip on the Human Body. Pets and Farm animals have had Identification Chip implants for quite some time. The people are so conditioned that most will readily accept a Chip on the hand or forehead without too much trouble.
The people are oblivious to the signs of our time in these Last Days. As it is written in Luke 17:26-37, "And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of Man. They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all."
Knowing that the time is at hand, why don't the people prepare for the storm that is now upon us? Why don't the people heed the warnings? The people mock the warnings and they mock their Creator!
More Perfect Numbers:
40 = 18 + 22. 18 is the number of Righteousness and 22 is the number of the Messiah and Completion.
From the 18th Day of the 7th Month in the middle of the Feast of Tabernacles to the 18th Day of the 1st Month (the Sheaf Offering of the Barley) in the middle of the Feast of Unleavened Bread is 180 Days. From the 18th Day of the 1st Month to the 27th Day of the 2nd Month when the Messiah ascended up into Heaven is 40 Days. 180 Days + 40 Days = 220 Days!
The Atomic Age and the 66 Years to the Messiah's 2nd Coming:
Ever since the Atomic Bomb was dropped on Japan in August 1945 Man has had a Damocles Sword hanging over his head not knowing when a nuclear war could erupt. From 1945 to the Messiah's return in Fall 2011 is 66 Years. These 66 Years can be broken down into 3 x 22 Years. From the 1st 22 Years to the Last 22 Years is a sequence of +11 Years with each number breaking down into further perfect numbers. Note how adding up all the numbers gives the perfect number of 220 which is the numerical value of the Messiah's future Name ofYahuahtsadaq which he will use at his return.
22 = 2 x 11 = 22 = 1 x 22 the 1st 22 Years.
33 = 3 x 11 = 7 + 26.
44 = 4 x 11 = 18 + 26 = 2 x 22 the 2nd 22 Years.
55 = 5 x 11 = 7 + 22 + 26.
66 = 6 x 11 = 18 + 22 + 26 = 3 x 22 the 3rd 22 Years.
220 = 22 + 33 + 44 + 55 + 66.Note the Sunspot Cycle is every 11 Years. Also note the breakdown of each number into perfect numbers where 7 and 22 represents the Messiah; 18 is Righteousness, and 26 represents Yahuah the Father. Notice how the Messiah will return in the 66th Year where 66 = 18 + 22 + 26. In the 66th Year the Messiah will come using his future Name of Yahuahtsadaq which means Yahuah is Righteous or Righteousness of Yahuah which carries the fulness of the Father's Name of Yahuah. The sequence starts with 22 which represents the Messiah and ends with 66 = 18 + 22 + 26 which is Perfection and Righteousness.
1945 + 22 Years = 1967 - Yom Kippur War resulting in access to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and the Wailing Wall.
1967 + 22 Years = 1989- Fall of the Iron Curtain and start of the New World Order.
1989 + 22 Years = 2011 - Messiah returns on the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011.
The Messiah's 2nd Coming hidden in the Sacred Calendar:
There is a new confirmation within the Sacred Calendar that confirms the 360 Day + 4 Intercalary Day Calendar is the true Sacred Calendar of Yahuah which is perfect. Remember how we showed in previous studies how when the numbers of the 12 Months of the Year added together = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 = 78 = 3 x 26 where 26 is the numerical value of Yahuah's Name? And if you pair off the 1st and Last number of each of the 12 Months in sequence and add them together you always get the Prime Number 13 of Yahuah's Name. 1 + 12 = 13; 2 + 11 = 13; 3 + 10 = 13; 4 + 9 = 13; 5 + 8 = 13; and 6 + 7 = 13 (Note that the Messiah said he is the 1st and the Last, the beginning and the end). Now there is a new sequence in the Sacred Calendar that points to the Messiah's 2nd Coming!
If you multiply each Month in sequence with the Number of Days per that Month and add up the sum of all 12 Months you get 2340 = 90 x 26!
1st Month x 30 Days = 1 x 30 = 30
2nd Month x 30 Days = 2 x 30 = 60
3rd Month x 30 Days = 3 x 30 = 90
4th Month x 30 Days = 4 x 30 = 120
5th Month x 30 Days = 5 x 30 = 150
6th Month x 30 Days = 6 x 30 = 180
7th Month x 30 Days = 7 x 30 = 210
8th Month x 30 Days = 8 x 30 = 240
9th Month x 30 Days = 9 x 30 = 270
10th Month x 30 Days = 10 x 30 = 300
11th Month x 30 Days = 11 x 30 = 330
12th Month x 30 Days = 12 x 30 = 3602340 = 30 + 60 + 90 + 120 + 150 + 180 + 210 + 240 + 270 + 300 + 330 + 360.
2340 Days = 90 Days x 26! Where 90 Days = 1 Season and 26 is the numerical number of the Name of Yahuah! 2340 Days = 360 Days per Year (not counting the Intercalary Days) x 6 1/2 Years. 2340 Days = 26 Seasons! 2340 Days = 6 1/2 Years. The Messiah's 2nd Coming is exactly 6 1/2 Years into the Last 7 Years of the 6000 Years from Adam. At the end of the 6000 Years from Adam we have 7 Years but only 6 1/2 Years to the Messiah's return. Once the Messiah retruns on the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011 there is still another 6 Months to go to Spring 2012 whcih marks the end of the 6000 Years from Adam.
Opening of the 5th Seal of Revelation and the 4th Beast of Daniel 7:1-28:
The opening of the 5th Seal of Revelation 6:9-11 and the 4th Beast of Daniel 7:1-28 will take place sometime between Spring 2010 and Fall 2011. The 4th Beast of Daniel 7:7 which has the 10 Horns is the 1st Beast of Revelation 13:1 which has the 7 Heads and 10 Horns.
It is quite clear from scripture that Satan and the 1st Beast of Revelation 13:1-18 will make war with the Saints and will prevail against them during the last 1 1/2 Years of the Great Tribulation until the Messiah returns. These Last 1 1/2 Years are the 3 Woes, the 5th, 6th, and 7th Trumpets.
Daniel 7:21 "I beheld, and the same horn made war with the Saints, and prevailed against them."
Revelation 6:9 "And when he had opened the 5th Seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the Word of Yahuah, and for the testimony which they held."
Revelation 12:11,17 "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death." "And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of Yahuah, and have the testimony of Yahuahshua the Messiah."
Revelation 13:7-8 "And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations." "And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world."
It is true that the Righteous will be overcome and slain. But it is just as true that those that receive the Mark of the Beast and worship his Image will receive the wrath of the 7 Vials of Yahuah and they will not enter into the Kingdom of Yahuah but will be thrown into the Lake of Fire that burns for ever.
Revelation 14:9-13 "If any man worship the Beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of Yahuah, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascends up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the Beast and his Image, and whosoever receives the Mark of his Name. Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of Yahuah, and the faith of Yahuahshua. And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in Yahuah from henceforth: Yea, says the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them."
Revelation 15:1-8;16:1-21 (7 Vials) "And I saw another sign in heaven, great and marvellous, 7 Angels having the 7 Last Plagues; for in them is filled up the wrath of Yahuah." "And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire: and them that had gotten the victory over the Beast, and over his Image, and over his Mark, and over the number of his name,stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of Yahuah." The 1st Vial: "And the First went, and poured out his Vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the Mark of the Beast, and upon them which worshipped his Image." etc.
Man with Satan's influence is destroying this beautiful and unique planet Earth. In Revelation 11:18 Yahuah said that He will destroy those that destroy the Earth: "And the nations were angry, and your wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that you should give reward unto your servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear your name, small and great; and should destroy them which destroy the earth."
A new phenomenon has Scientists alarmed all over the world. Frogs and in many cases entire species of frogs are going extinct. The frogs are like another canary in the coal mine, a dire warning to the world that the world is severely polluted and contaminated with man's modern chemicals. Man's destructive greed for money and power shows his disregard for the sanctity for life. Satan's time is short and he is willing to destroy everything and anything in his path to achieve world power and domination. Man is paying the price for his arrogance and his disregard for life. Yahuah's wrath will be leashed out upon Man because Man is neglecting his sacred trust to take care of this precious world, the only planet that we know of that sustains life.
Scientists are also gravely concerned about man made climate change and the depletion of fish stocks in the oceans.
This world can no longer support the exponential growth of the human population that is now over 6 1/2 Billion people.
The drinking water supply is also quickly becoming scarce. Drought and water pollution is threatening the water supply of the world. Water shortages are already a real problem worldwide for drinking, growing crops, and supporting all forms of life.
The growing scarcity of food, water, fuel, and other necessities for life should be a wake-up call for all of humanity.
Man's destructive attitude towards the earth is having dire consequences. We are already seeing some of the signs with disease, drought, abnormal severe weather conditions, earthquakes, etc. It is no longer business as usual, Nature is fighting back!!
Man is being deceived through the miracles of technology and modern drugs (legal and illegal). In the New Testament scriptures the word "sorceries" as in Revelation 18:23 which reads, "for your merchants were the great men of the earth; for by your sorceries were all nations deceived" The word "sorceries" is Strong's #5331 the Greek word "pharmakeia" from #5332; medication ("pharmacy"), i.e. (by extension) magic: sorcery, witchcraft.
The whole Earth groans for the Messiah's return when he will restore stability, sanity, and peace to this troubled world. Even so come Yahuahshua, the sooner the better.
A comfort in these troubled times is that the truth is getting out to the people. In 1999 there were only 2 hits when doing a search on the internet for the Father's Name of "Yahuah" while today there are 99,600 hits. In 1999 there were zero hits when doing a search on the internet for theMessiah's Name of "Yahuahshua" while today there are 3,500 hits. It is incredible how in just 10 Years the truth about Yahuah's and Yahuahshua's Name have spread all over the world.
The Day of Judgment is coming for both the good and the bad, and each will receive their just reward. The Time is sooner than you think with just a little over 2 years to go to the Messiah's return.
Introduction:127.0) December 17, 2009 marked the midpoint of the Great Tribulation:Today is September 15, 2009 the 30th Day of the 6th Month.
The 4th Semester of the Great Tribulation which is the 6 Months from the Feast of Trumpets on September 17, 2009 to the 1st Day of the New Year on March 18, 2010 will be decisive. During these 6 Months the Sealing of the Righteous will be complete, the 1st Four Trumpets of Revelation 8:1-13 will sound, and the 4th Seal of Revelation 6:7-8 will be open.
Sealing of the 144,000 Righteous:
From the Feast of Trumpets 2009 to the Feast of Trumpets 2011 is 2 Years = 360 Days x 2 = 720 Days = 5 x 144 Days (not counting the Intercalary Days). Notice the perfect number of 144! From the previous study we determined that the Sealing has to be complete before the 7 Trumpets of Revelation 8:2-13; 9:1-21; 11:14-19 can sound. The 1st Trumpet will sound on October 17, 2009 on the 1st Day of the 8th Month. The Sealing has to be complete during the 2009 Fall Feast Days but when?
Yahuah says in His word that He will not despise those of a humble and contrite spirit (Psalms 34:1-22; 51:17; Isaiah 57:15; 66:2). From Leviticus 23:26-32 we know that there is only one Day in the whole Year that we are commanded to afflict our soul and to humble ourselves before Yahuah. That Day is the Day of Atonement! The Day of Atonement is also the Day of Judgment when Yahuah will sever the Righteous from the Wicked. The Seal of Yahuah will be upon His Sheep when He separates His Sheep from the goats. The Seal of Yahuah will be upon His people. So the Sealing of the 144,000 of the 12 Tribes of Israel plus the great multitude of Righteous will be complete on the Day of Atonement on September 26, 2009. Then the 1st Trumpet can sound on the 1st Day of the 8th Month on October 17, 2009.
There are two ways that the Righteous will be Sealed. The Righteous will be sealed with the Future Name of the Messiah and by Yahuah's Holy Spirit. The Messiah's Future Name is Yahuahtsadaq which means "Yahuah is Righteous" or "Righteousness of Yahuah". The Name Yahuahtsadaq carries the full 4 Letter Name of Yahuah the Father. The Righteous will be sealed with the Messiah's Name of Yahuahtsadaq in their foreheads. See Revelation 7:1-3; 14:1; 22:4. The Righteous will also be sealed with Yahuah's Holy Spirit. See 2Corinthians 1:22; Ephesians 1:13; 4:30.
The Sealing itself is a form of Judgment since only the Righteous will be Sealed. The Kings of Israel had signet rings with their name engraved on the ring. The King used the ring to seal laws, decrees, and property. Yahuah the King of Kings will seal His people with the Future Name of His beloved Son with the Name Yahuahtsadaq which means "Yahuah is Righteous"or "Righteousness of Yahuah".
The Sealing of the Righteous will be complete on the Day of Atonement on September 26, 2009. Then the Harvest Festival of the Feast of Tabernacles will be celebrated for 7 Days. After that the Last Great Day the 22nd Day of the 7th Month will complete the Fall Feast Days terminating the end of the Agricultural Year. We can expect things to happen immediately after the the Last Great Day. The 1st Trumpet will sound 10 Days after the Last Great Day on the 1st Day of the 8th Month on October 17, 2009. The Number 10 = Judgment.
In Revelation 7:1-3 we are told that the 4 Angels will hold back the 4 Winds of the Earth until the Servants of Yahuah are Sealed. Once the Sealing is complete then the 1st Trumpet can sound. Then the 4 Angels will release the 4 Winds. These 4 Winds could unleash Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Cyclones, and Typhoones around the World.
After the Fall Feast Days, the New Agricultural Year will begin. The new crop of wheat and tares will be planted. The Wheat are the Righteous of Yahuah, while the Tares are the Wicked of Satan. Both will grow together until the Harvest when the Messiah returns at his 2nd Coming on September 15, 2011.
More Perfect Numbers that confirm the Sacred Calendar is the True Calendar of Yahuah:
The True Calendar of Yahuah is a 360 Day per Year Calendar with 4 Intercalary Days = 360 Days + 4 intercalary Days = 364 Days. This Calendar conists of 12 Months with 30 Days per Month = 12 Months x 30 Days per Month = 360 Days. There are 4 Seasons per Year where each Season has 3 Months + 1 Intercalary Day = 90 Days + 1 Day = 91 Days. 4 Seasons = 4 x 91 Days = 364 Days = 52 Weeks x 7 Days per Week. Each Season = 91 Days = 13 Weeks.
A) Confirmation that the True Calendar has 30 Day Months:
Each Season has 3 Months, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Month of each Season. If you add the Number of the Month for the 1st Month of each of the 4 Seasons you get:
1 + 4 + 7 + 10 = 22!If you add the Number of the Month for the 2nd Month of each of the 4 Seasons you get:
2 + 5 + 8 + 11 = 26!If you add the Number of the Month for the 3rd or Last Month of each of the 4 Seasons you get:
3 + 6 + 9 + 12 = 30!Notice the perfect number of 22 for the Messiah, 26 for Yahuah the Father, and 30 for the Number of Days per Month! If you add the Number of the Month for all 12 Months you get: 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12 = 78 =22 + 26 + 30 = 78 = 3 x 26! Note that there are 3 in the Family of Heaven that carry the Father's full Name of Yahuah:Yahuah the Father, the Messiah, and the Holy Spirit of Yahuah. So the Numbers 22, 26, and 30 are the seal of the Messiah and of Yahuah the Father that the True Calendar of Yahuah has12 Months of 30 Days per Month.
B) Confirmation that the True Calendar has 91 Days per Season:
The 7 High Sabbaths have hidden truths about the true Calendar of Yahuah. If you take the Number of the Day of each of the 7 High Sabbaths and add them together you get:
15th Day 1st Month = 1st Day Unleavened Bread.
21st Day 1st Month = 7th Day Unleavened Bread.
7th Day 3rd Month = Feast of Weeks (Pentecost).
1st Day 7th Month = Feast of Trumpets.
10th Day 7th Month = Day of Atonement.
15th Day 7th Month = 1st Day Feast of Tabernacles.
22nd Day 7th Month = Last Great Day.15 + 21 + 7 + 1 + 10 + 15 + 22 = 91!
This confirms that the True Calendar of Yahuah has 91 Days per Season and that the Intercalary Day is at the End of Each Season! 91 Days = 3 x 30 Days per Month + 1 Intercalary Day. There are 4 Seasons per Year = 4 x 91 Days = 364 Days. 364 Days = 12 Months x 30 Days per Month + 4 Intercalary Days. 364 Days = 52 Weeks = 4 x 13 Weeks = 4 x 91 Days.
This sequence of numbers of the 7 High Sabbaths also confirms that we have the Feast of Weeks on the right Day as well. 6 of the 7 High Sabbaths we know exactly on which Day and Month they are on which are given in scripture. However, the Feast of Weeks is the exception which has to be calculated. From the time of the Sheaf Offering which has to be on the 18th Day of the 1st Month 7 Sabbaths shall be complete = 7 Weeks x 7 Days per Week + 1 Day = 49 Days + 1 Day = 50 Days (Leviticus 23:15-16). It is impossible for this sequence to add up to 91 unless the Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) is on the 7th Day of the 3rd Month. It will not work if it is on any other Day of the Month! This confirms that the Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) is on the 7th Day of the 3rd Month and is calculated correctly by starting the 50 Day count to Pentecost from the 18th Day of the 1st Month! How perfect and how beautiful are the ways of Yahuah!
If you add the sum of the numbers from 1 to 13 you get 91!
1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13 = 91! There are exactly 13 Weeks = 91 Days in Each Season!Yahuah's Time and Calendar are perfect and are confirmed to us time and time again!To further confirm that these are Yahuah's Sabbaths and Calendar we have the Seal of the Number of Yahuah's Name of 26 and the Number22 of theMessiah. If you take the Number of the Day of each of the 4 High Sabbaths in the 7th Month you get:
1 + 10 + 15 = 26 for the 1st 3 High Sabbaths in the 7th Month. Then the Fall Feast Days and the Agricultural Year ends with 4th High Sabbath of the 7th Month which is the Last or 7th High Sabbath of the Year with the Last Great Day = 22! The Messiah said that he is the 1st and the Last, the Beginning and the Ending! (see Revelation 1:8,10-11).
Perfect Numbers in the Sacred Calendar leading up to the Sounding of the 1st Trumpet:
There is a recurring pattern of the Numbers 22 and 10 around the Fall Feast Days that lead up to the Sounding of the 1st Trumpet on the 1st Day of the 8th Month on October 17, 2009.
From the 22nd Day of the 6th Month to the Feast of Trumpets on September 17, 2009 = 10 Days (counting the Intercalary Day).
From the Feast of Trumpets to the Last Great Day = 22 Days. So from the 22nd Day of the 6th Month to the Last Great Day = 10 Days + 22 Days.
From the Feast of Trumpets on the 1st Day of the 7th Month to the Day of Atonement on the 10th Day of the 7th Month = 10 Days.
From the Day of Atonement on the 10th Day of the 7th Month to the sounding of the 1st Trumpet on the 1st Day of the 8th Month on October 17, 2009 = 22 Days. The 22 Day count from the Day of Atonement to the 1st Trumpet indicates completion, the end of the Sealing of the Righteous so the 7 Trumpets can begin to sound. The Number 22 always represents the Messiah.
From the Last Great Day on the 22nd Day of the 7th Month to the sounding of the 1st Trumpet on the 1st Day of the 8th Month = 10 Days. The 10 Day count from the Last Great Day to the 1st Trumpet indicates the beginning of Judgment.
The 1st Trumpet is connected to the Fall Feast Days and the Sealing of the Righteous. The 7 Trumpets of Revelation can not begin until the Sealing is complete. The next 3 Trumpets namely the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Trumpets will sound beginning with the 1st Day of Winter on December 17, 2009 and are connected to the Winter Season. The 2nd Trumpet will sound on the 1st Day of the 10th Month the 1st Day of Winter on December 17, 2009. The 3rd Trumpet will sound on the 1st Day of the 11th Month on January 16, 2010. The 4th Trumpet will sound on the 1st Day of the 12th Month on February 15, 2010. The 9th Month belongs to the Fall Season and acts like a spacer between the 1st and 2nd Trumpets.
Current Events:
There is now an epidemic of Bed Bugs in major cities in North America, Europe, Australia and in other parts of the World that began in 2007. This sudden spread of these pests is due to restrictions in the use of strong insecticides and increased global travel. Experts say Bed Bugs have been virtually dormant since World War 2. There has been a sharp rise of Bed Bug infestation since Summer of 2007.
In Matthew 24:20 we are told, "pray that your flight be not in the Winter, neither on the Sabbath Day." Could this be on January 16, 2010 which is on the 1st Day of the 11th Month this Winter which is also on a regular Sabbath Day? There is only one of the 3 Months of Winter that starts on the Sabbath Day and that is the 1st Day of the 11th Month. Also the 1st Day of the 11th Month will sound the 3rd Trumpet.
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 "To every thing there is a Season, and a Time to every purpose under the Heaven:
A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;
A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;
A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;
A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace."
Introduction:128.0) End of Wheat Harvest and the Coming of the Messiah in the Last Days:Today is January 1, 2010 the 16th Day of the 10th Month. Yesterday December 31, 2009 the 15th Day of the 10th Month was the Day of a Blue Moon. A Blue Moon happens every 2.5 Years. A Blue Moon can happen anytime during the year and it is rare that it would land exactly on New Year's Eve. The Blue Moon on New Years Eve happens only once every 19 years. The next one will be in 2028. The Last one was on New Year's Eve in December 1990. 1990 was the Last Jubilee Year of the 6000 years from Adam. 1990 was also the 1st Year of the Last 22 Years at the end of the 6000 years from Adam. New Years Eve December 31, 2009 is the 1st Full Moon of the Winter Season, Day of a Blue Moon, and the Day of a partial Lunar Eclipse. The fact that the Blue Moon happened on New Year's Eve is ominous and is a portent for the New Year of 2010.
December 17, 2009 the 1st Day of the 10th Month marked the midpoint of the Great Tribulation and the point of no return. December 17, 2009 was the 39th Jubilee of Days. December 17, 2009 was the 1st Day of Winter on the regular calendar year as well as the 1st Day of the Winter Season of the Last 7 Years to the Messiah's 2nd Coming. This Winter Season before the Messiah's return is 13 Jubilees of Days long.
The Messiah prophesied of this Winter Season during the Great Tribulation in Matthew 24:20-21 where we read, "But pray you that your flight be not in the Winter, neither on the Sabbath Day: For then shall be Great Tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be."
Satan's strategy to control the World:
Have you ever seen a bull fight? The Matador does not attack the bull head-on. The bull is too strong and powerful. Instead the Matador wears down the bull gradually. At first the Matador thrusts a series of sharp pointed sticks into the bull's muscles with each charge the bull makes. This weakens and wears down the bull. When the bull is weak enough then the Matador uses a sharp sword to finish it off. This is exactly the same tactic that Satan is using against Man.
Satan is wearing down Man by first separating him from his Creator. Then through addiction and modern High Tech Satan separates Man from his Family and close friends. When Satan has totally weakened and isolated Man then he moves in for the kill.
This process that Satan is using is now in the end stage.
This is also happening on a National level. The countries of the World are so integrated together into a global network that it is now impossible to survive without being a member of the New World Order. Once the New World Order is complete no government or country will be able to confront it or to get away from it.
Satan's noose is ever tightening as he establishes the Beast System:
On December 25, 2009 on Christmas Day a young radical terrorist detonated a bomb just before landing in Detroit, U.S.A.. The plane carried nearly 300 people and fortunately the bomb failed to destroy the plane.
Due to this one incident, new security procedures and restrictions are now in place. A new screening device is being installed worldwide which can see through clothing and expose the nakedness of the person being screened. This is clearly against the laws and commandments of Yahuah. In Leviticus 18:1-30 Yahuah commands us not to uncover the nakedness of others. When we willingly submit to this type of screening we break Yahuah's laws and commandments and Satan knows this only too well. Satan wants to destroy man and will do anything in his power to get man to separate himself from Yahuah. Sin is the transgression of the Law and our sins are what separate us from Yahuah. In Revelation 12:17 we read, "And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of Yahuah, and have the testimony of Yahuahshua the Messiah." The 1st Beast will also make war with the saints as we read in Revelation 13:7-8 "And it was given unto him (the 1st Beast) to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him,whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world."
After 911 national security was introduced big time all over the world. Then with each terrorist attack the noose tightened. After the shoebomb terrorist all shoes were checked. After the carry-on liquid bomber all carry-on liquids were banned. Now with this recent underwear bomber see through clothing screening with full-body scanners are being introduced that will show the person naked. Pat down procedures are also in place to further demoralize and degrade the air traveller.
Are you beginning to see Satan's end game here? This naked screening will be extended to sea and land. Tracking of individuals is also taking place with gps (global positioning systems) being installed in cars, cell phones, etc. Micro chips are already standard in pets and livestock. But once screening becomes too expensive, and terrorist attacks become more daring and frequent then you can count on RFID (Radio Frequency Indentification) chips being implanted into every person on earth. These RFID chips are detectable within 100 Feet of a chip reader. RFID are already being used on medical patients and are being proposed on people with dementia and alzhiemers. The chiping of the rest of the populous will follow soon after. The end game is forcing people to take the Mark of the Beast in the form of an RFID chip. The people will not be able to buy or sell without this Mark. Indications are that the movements and rights of all citizens will be severely restricted or nonexistent unless they take the Mark of the Beast and worship the Image of the Beast.
Image of the Beast here now?:
Every Digital electronic device with moving images could be used to project the Image of the Beast. Amazing how deceived we are without even knowing it!
The Image of the Beast is very near. The recent introduction of 3D Cameras, 3D T.V. and Holograms courtesy of High Tech is making the Image of the Beast even more powerful (Revelation 13:1-18).
We are now down to the 10 Toes of Daniel 2:1-49. We are now in the Digital Age. By definition the word "Digit" from the dictionary means: Noun - 1) a finger or toe. 2) any one of the Ten Arabic numeral symbols, 0 to 9. By definition the word "Digital" means: Adjective - 1)relating to fingers or toes. 2) relating to numbers or calculation by numbers. 3) providing a readout or display in numbers; eg. a digital watch.
The heart of a computer, the computer semi-conductor processing chip is made with iron and clay. We are at the 10 Toes or 10 Digits of the IMAGE of Daniel 2:1-49 which is made partly with iron and partly with clay, partly strong and partly weak. Everything is run by computers in these Last Days. The computer is a very powerful tool and yet is also very vulnerable. The greatest threat to computers is an EMP (Electro Magnetic Pulse) attack. An atomic blast causing an EMP a few miles up over a country can totally neutralize and paralyze an entire Nation's computer systems!
In Daniel 3:1-30 Nebuchadnezzar set up an image of gold which was 60 cubits high and 6 cubits wide. Notice how 60 + 6 = 66. The 1st Atomic Bomb was detonated in 1945. From 1945 to 2011 = 66 Years.
On June 12, 2009 Analog Signals in the U.S. ceased for T.V. Broadcasting. Now all Broadcasting is Digital!
Moving images on T.V., Movie Theaters, Video Games, Computers, Cell Phones, etc. are addictive and are the opiate of the masses.
Satan knows that his time is short so he is using High Tech to speed things up to control the world. Satan caused the fall of Adam almost 6000 Years ago by seducing him to break Yahuah's laws. Now at the end of this 6000 Years here he goes again to trip up all of mankind by breaking the Laws of Yahuah.
The worship of the Image of the Beast and taking the Mark of the Beast breaks the 2nd of the 10 Commandments of Yahuah. In Exodus 20:4-5 and Deuteronomy 5:8-9 we read, "You shall not make unto you any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: you shall not bow down yourself to them, nor serve them."
By worshiping the Image of the Beast and taking his Mark, Man is also breaking the 1st of the 10 Commandments of Yahuah. In Exodus 20:3 and Deuteronomy 5:7 we read, "You shall have no other mighty ones before me." It is Satan that gives his power to the 1st Beast. So in essence it is Satan that Man worships. Man is the servant to whomsoever he obeys. And Satan has the whole world by the tail with his deception.
Moses said it very well in Deuteronomy 30:15-20 when he said, "See, I have set before you this day life and good, and death and evil; In that I command you this day to love Yahuah your Almighty, to walk in his ways, and to keep his commandments and his statutes and his judgments, that you may live and multiply: and Yahuah your Almighty shall bless you in the land where you go to possess it. But if your heart turn away, so that you will not hear, but shall be drawn away, and worship other mighty ones, and serve them; I denounce unto you this day, that you shall surely perish, and that you shall not prolong your days upon the land, where you pass over Jordan to go to possess it. I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both you and your seed may live: That you may love Yahuah your Almighty, and that you may obey his voice, and that you may cleave unto him: for he is your life, and the length of your days."
Countering Satan's attacks:
Satan has hoodwinked us into believing that we can achieve joy and fulfilment in our lives by the accumulation of materialistic things. By doing so we have completely abandoned the wholesome and true joys in life, namely the spiritual fulfilment that we really need. When our spiritual needs are not met, we get frustrated, resentful, and depressed. Not being able to satisfy our spiritual hunger which we would get through the love of Family and friends and the true worship of Yahuah our Creator we turn to empty addictions to satisfy our hunger and cravings.
We need to get back to the basics of true living. We need to have balance in our lives. A start would be to get back to eating fresh fruits, vegetables, and wholesome foods. Then get back to daily excercise, get plenty of sleep, and surround ourselves with Family and good friends. Stay away from worldly addictions. Get back to the true worship of Yahuah by reading His Word daily, being filled with Yahuah's Holy Spirit, and by fellowshiping with believers.
Satan's deception is so strong that if the Messiah didn't overcome it would seem impossible. Yet the Messiah said it so simply when in John 16:33 he said, "These things I have spoken unto you, that in me you might have peace. In the world you shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have over the world."
An Evil and an Adulterous Generation seeks after a Sign:
People are looking for asign that we are in the Last Days, and that we are in the Great Tribulation. People are expecting some great catastrophes before they will believe or turn to Yahuah. People are disappointed. Yet major things are happening just the same. We have the economic crisis, food crisis, climate change crisis, etc. yet the people still cannot see or accept the truth.
In this 4th Semester of the Great Tribulation we are in the eye of the storm!! No wonder we are not feeling the full brunt of the Great Tribulation. However, we will not be disappointed for too long. Starting in the 5th Semester of the Great Tribulation in Spring 2010 the impact will be much stronger. We will experience the further weakening of the U.S. Dollar if not a collapse of it, more job losses, higher prices for food, utilities, taxes, etc., global threat of war, droughts, floods, and other natural disasters, etc. The Last and 7th Semester of the Great Tribulation in the 1st Half of 2011 will be the worst.
Regional Currencies and a New World Order Currency coming in 2010?:
Oil rich countries are losing enormous amounts of money due to a weak U.S. Dollar. These countries are poised to de-link from the U.S. currency and have banded together to create their own unique Petro-Currency dubbed the "Gulfo". Other new regional currencies are ready in the wings and will be patterned on the existing well known European Currency the "Euro". In North America: Canada, the United States and Mexico will come together to form the "Amero". The "Amero" already exists and can be viewed online. We know that there will be 10 Kings (the 10 Horns of Revelation 17:12) which will represent 10 Regions around the world. These 10 Kingswill give their power unto the Beast (Revelation 17:16-17). From Revelation 12:3 and 13:1-2 we know that it is Satan that has the 7 Heads and 10 Horns which he gives unto the Beast in the Last Days.
The 10 Regional Currencies will pave the way for the ultimate One World Currency in all likely hood to be called the "UNO". In Latin the word "uno" means "one" as in one global currency. Also "UNO" could be the acronym for "United Nations Organization" which represents all the Nations of the World.
In 2010 Regional Currencies will pop-up like mushrooms as countries around the world begin to de-link from the U.S. Dollar.
Satan's lure into the easy life of the City:
Satan controls the world through fear, pleasure, and greed. Satan has lured Man into the Cities with the promise of an easy life. Satan first takes away our independence and makes us dependent on him. Once he has achieved that then he starts to really turn on the thumb screws and to turn us every which way he wants at his whim just as a horse is turned by a slight pull on the reins. Yahuah commanded Man to work by the sweat of his brows. Man was strong, had purpose, and was happy working on the land. The whole Family unit worked together. Satan has destroyed the Family unit by coaxing Man to leave the satisfying labour of growing his own food to moving into the easy life of the city.
The City offers an easier life with many conveniences and luxuries. Man has been deceived. Satan has led Man away from the Family farm and into the City. The easy life in the City comes at a very high price: loss of freedom, loss of happiness, loss of Family love and joy, loss of neighbourly respect and kindness. The City imposes chains in the form of laws, control, and is a form of slavery.
Man doesn't even know what hit him! After just one or two generations Man has been conditioned to accept life in the City. He doesn't know why he is so unhappy. He doesn't understand that he has been conned out of his happiness with the promise of easy living.
If you take a baby elephant while he is weak and vulnerable and tie him to a stake he is so conditioned that once he is mature and strong he no longer has the will left to fight the stake that controls him. Make no mistake about it Satan controls this world. Satan has enticed about 90 percent of the world's population into the cities to control Man. This only happened in the last mere 100 Years!! At the turn of the century in 1900 you would be amazed to know that in downtown New York City the apartment buildings still had rows of outhouses outside for people to do their business.
In the City you cannot get away from the High Tech which is so dominant and powerful. Satan has had thousands of years to hone his skills to dominate Man and he has put it all together in a tsunami tidal wave to overwhelm Man in these Last Days. Satan manipulates and controls at every turn. Satan always counterfeits Yahuah's Holy things. Yahuah says in His Word, "Not by power nor by might but by my Spirit says Yahuah." Satan too uses the spirit, but an evil spirit of deception.
Just to give you an idea how powerful and yet how deceptive the technology is just take the common T.V. set. You can have a group of people in the same room but if a T.V. is present, the people become zombie-like individually glued to the T.V. screen. It is a form of hypnotism. A form of control and domination that defies common reason. It is the combination of sound and vision together that stupefies the victim. Just as an animal in the dead of night is stunned by car headlights and is frozen in its tracks. So the dumb T.V. viewer is dazed by the sound and visual combo affect of T.V. Here is a simple test you can do in your own home. While watching T.V. just turn off the sound and make the T.V. mute. All of a sudden the desire and pleasure of watching T.V. vanishes!! You get the same affect if you have just sound but no picture. T.V. stimulates 2 of our senses, namely hearing and seeing. It is a form of pleasure. A snake charmer does the same thing to control a venomous snake.
These days are truly evil. Satan's goal is to kill, to destroy, and to do evil continually. Satan is dominating the world through addictions and technology. The common Man alone doesn't stand a chance against Satan. Only by Yahuah's help can we defeat Satan. It is through the Messiah and by Yahuah's Holy Spirit that we can even hope to overcome this evil world.
The Farm life was reliant on Yahuah for providence of food and shelter. Yahuah provided the rain and good weather for bountiful crops, a cause of great joy. Yahuah's Harvest Festivals have been replaced with pagan customs. Is it not a wonder that the peace, joy and bounty is no longer with us? We have turned our backs on Yahuah and now He in turn has deserted us. Man is now reaping his just reward by following Satan and by adapting Satan's way of life.
Countries of the World are preparing for something:
In 2009 the U.S. ordered its Embassies around the world to buy up $100's of Millions of local currencies to tide them over. India purchased 200 Tons of Gold worth over $6.7 Billion. China is using up its massive $2 Trillion U.S. by buying up raw materials around the world in Australia, Africa, Canada, etc. Russia is buying up Canadian $ to diversify its reserves which now consist of 43 percent U.S. $, 41 percent Euros, 10 percent British Pounds, and 2 percent Yen. In 2009 Gold went over $1200 U.S. per ounce and is still hovering around $1100 U.S.. Analysts are predicting Gold to go up to between $1500 to $2000 U.S. per ounce in 2010 as the U.S. $ continues to weaken. It is very clear that all Nations are concerned and are looking for a safe haven for their reserves.
When the U.S. Health Care Reform passes sometime in January 2010 it will add $2.5 Trillion to the U.S. debt. This will further weaken the U.S. economy by adding to its debt load. Interestingly enough on November 7, 2009 the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Health Care Reform Bill by exactly 220 votes. Note: The numerical value of the Messiah's future name of Yahuahtsadaq = 220 exactly!
More Perfect Numbers:
The Number 40 is connected to a time of cleansing but it also breaks down into other perfect numbers. Examples of the number 40 in scripture are the Flood rains of Noah was for 40 Days and 40 Nights; Moses was on Mount Sinai for 40 Days before receiving the 10 Commandments; Israel was in the Wilderness for 40 Years; the Messiah fasted for 40 Days before Satan tested him. The number 40 breaks down into 18 + 22 = 40. 18 = Righteousness. 22 = represents the Messiah. 40 = time of cleansing.
The Number 44 has an interesting combination. 44 = 18 + 26 = 2 x 22. 18 = Righteousness. 26 = represents Yahuah the Father. 22 = represents the Messiah. If you add the number of the Day of all the High Sabbathsfrom the beginning of the Year to the Feast of Trumpets you get 15 + 21 + 7 + 1 = 44. The Spring Feast Days reflect the Messiah's 1st Coming and the Feast of Trumpets reflects the return of the Messiah at his 2nd Coming. 44 = 22 + 22. The number 22 represents the Messiah. The 1st 22 = his 1st Coming while the 2nd 22 = his 2nd Coming. The double 22 confirms his 2nd Coming on the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011. Then if you add the number of the Day for the first 3 High Sabbaths of the Fall Feast Days together you get 1 + 10 + 15 = 26. At his 1st Coming the Messiah did not carry the full 4 Letter Name of Yahuah while he was still in the flesh. It was only once he rose from the dead that he was able to use his Father's full 4 Letter Name of Yahuah = 26. The sum of 26 on the 15th Day of the 7th Month starts the 7 Day Feast of Tabernacles the Marriage Feast of the Lamb. Then the Last Day of the Fall Feast Days concludes with a perfect 22 for completion on the Last Great Day on the 22nd Day of the 7th Month.
The Number 66 is especially relevant for the Last Days. There are 66 Books in the King James Bible consisting of 39 Books in the Old Testament and 27 Books in the New Testament. The Last Book of the Bible is the Book of Revelation with exactly 22 Chapters! The Book of Isaiah has 66 Chapters. The name Isaiah is YeshaYahu (Salvation of Yahu) which is the Messiah's present name of Yahuahshua (Yahuah is Salvation) backwards less one Hebrew Letter. The Great Isaiah Scroll is the only complete Book of the Bible found at Qumran (Dead Sea Scrolls). Another Book of the Bible for the Last Days is Lamentations. Lamentations is acrostic and has 7 x 22 verses. Chapter 3 has 66 verses. The Last Days are from 1945 to 2011 = 66 Years. 1945 = Atomic Bomb used on Japan; and United Nations formed. 2011 = Messiah returns on September 15, 2011. 66 = 18 + 22 + 26! 66 = 3 x 22! 18 = Righteousness. 22 = represents the Messiah. 26 = represents Yahuah the Father.
If you add the numbers between 22 and 26 you get 22 + 23 + 24 + 25 + 26 = 120! Man's life span was limited to 120 Years in Genesis 6:3. Moses lived to be 120 Years old = 3 x 40 Years.
If you add the numbers between 7 and 13 you get 7 + 8 + 9 +10 + 11 + 12 + 13 = 70! As punishment for their evil, Israel was in captivity in Babylon for 70 Years (Jeremiah 25:11-12). There is a prophecy of 70 Weeks for these Last Days in Daniel 9:24-27 which is tied in with Matthew 24:15-22 and the Great Tribulation.
If you add the numbers between 7 and 26 you get 330 = 15 x 22. Between 7 and 26 you get the number 22 fifteen times! Where 7 and 22 = the Messiah and 26 = Yahuah the Father.
Another facet of perfect numbers in the Sacred Calendar:
Every 4 Months = 4 x 30 Days = 120 Days.
Each Month has a 7th, 22nd, and 26th Day which when added together = 7 + 22 + 26 = 55.
4 Months of 55 per Month = 4 x 55 = 220.
4 Months x 30 Days per Month = 4 x 30 Days = 120 Days.
12 Months of 55 per Month = 12 x 55 = 660 = 3 x 220.
12 Months x 30 Days per Month = 12 x 30 Days = 360 Days = 3 x 120 Days.In the 12 Months of the Year, Days of the Month with:
26th Day = 12 Months x 26th Day of the Month = 312.
7th Day = 12 Months x 7th Day of the Month = 84.
22nd Day = 12 Months x 22nd Day of the Month = 264.
312 + 84 + 264 = 660 = 3 x 220 = 30 x 22.
660 Days = 30 Days x 22 Months.
220 is the numerical value of the Messiah's future name of Yahuahtsadaq.The 4th Semester of the Great Tribulation from Sept. 17, 2009 to March 17, 2010 and the opening of the 4th Seal of Revelation 6:7-8:
More and more people in the rich Nations are drawing on Food Banks because of ever increasing unemployment and the high cost of food and other essentials. In the poorer Nations the high cost of Food is causing malnutrition and more loss of life.
The 3rd Seal of Revelation is open without a question. But when will the 4th Seal be open? It will be open before Spring 2010!! Nations are shuffling for positions of power. A good example is the closer ties between China and the U.S.. China is now an upcoming new super power to contend with. China is getting rid of its huge Trillions of $ of surplus by buying up raw materials and fuels like oil.
The EU Treaty has finally been signed by all 27 members and has opened the door to elect the First EU President. This is a major development. On November 19, 2009 the New and First President of the EU was chosen: Herman Van Rompuy, Prime Minister of Belgium. The EU is now a united entity. The EU now has a central head of government represented by one person.
November 9, 2009 was the 20th Anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall. Heads of State for Germany, Russia, Poland, U.S., France, Britain were all present. This was another indication and stepping stone for the further completion of the New World Order.
There is an environmental crisis around the world which will only get worse in 2010. There is drought in China and India. Bush fires in Australia. Drought in the horn of Africa is affecting 7 Countries: the worst hit is Ethiopia affecting 10's of Millions of people. There were 3 typhoons in the Philippines with a volcano ready to erupt at any time. There was an earthquake in Indonesia, and a tsunami in Samoa.
Nature is turning on Man. In the southern U.S. States weeds are resistant to herbicides, destroying crops and machinery which could cause Man to reap crops by hand. In India Millions are affected by floods where just months before they had drought. Infestation by bed bugs is making a big comeback in major cities in Western Nations.
Wars are intensifying in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. Civil unrest in Iran could cause a Civil War. Iran is still a threat with developing nuclear weapons. The Euphrates River between Iraq and Iran which is in prophecy will soon hear the sound of the 6th Trumpet of Revelation 9:13-21 on August 16, 2010 on the 1st Day of the 6th Month.
In Matthew 24:1-22 the Messiah prophesied of the opening of the 4th and 5th Seal of Revelation 6:7-11. The 4th Seal will be open sometime between now and Spring 2010.
Believers are already experiencing tribulations in their life. Forced vaccinations and forced acceptance of the Mark of the Beast will confirm when the 5th Seal will be open.
We are now on the eve of the unveiling of the Beast System. How fitting that a Blue Moon on December 31, 2009 has ushered in the eventful New Year of 2010! The Year 2010 promises to be a special year with the birth of the Beast System.
The Beast System is a closed society where the freedoms and rights of the individual will be tightly controlled and will be almost non-existent.
Satan's master plan is to demoralize all Nations by corrupting the world and by breaking the Laws and Commandments of Yahuah. Modern Man is plagued with addictions caused by Modern Technology, Drugs (legal and illegal), and a virtual way of life. Addictions are destroying the human body which is supposed to be the Temple of Yahuah's Holy Spirit. Addictions have replaced the core values of a wholesome and happy Family life style. It will be easy to coerce Man to worship the Image of the Beast with T.V., computer screens, cell phones, video games, etc.
The Peace and Joy that this world once enjoyed is gone and has been replaced with fear and uncertainty. People no longer enjoy living their lives with hope for a brighter future. People now just exist trying to keep their heads above water and due to terrorism and other global problems wait with anxiety for the other shoe to drop. The High Tech ID and tracking systems around the world have stolen our privacy and freedom. The people will bow to the Beast System all in the name of security and for fear of terrorist attacks against their Nations.
We have to get back to the basics of Yahuah's Word and promises for Yahuah's protection and help. We have to draw closer to Yahuah and He will draw closer to us.
Ephesians 6:10-17 "Put on the whole armour of Yahuah, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."
1John 4:4 "You are of Yahuah little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world."
Zechariah 4:6 "Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, says Yahuah of armies."
2Timothy 1:7 "For Yahuah has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."
Romans 8:35-39 "Who shall separate us from the love of the Messiah? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of Yahuah, which is in the Messiah Yahuahshua our Master."
We have so much more knowledge and understanding of Yahuah and of His Holy Things today than even the Prophets of old had. Yet we still can not get our act together to worship Yahuah in Spirit and in truth. The influence of Satan and the world is wearing down even the Saints of Yahuah. The sooner you come Yahuahshua the better. We are in the Great Tribulation and the deception is so strong that if it were possible even the very elect would be deceived.
Satan's purpose is to destroy and to steal. Satan wants to prevent as many from entering into the Kingdom of Yahuah as he can. All the more reason that we have to fight and resist the devil that he will flee from us. Learn to do good and avoid the evil. Do not be overcome of evil but overcome evil with good.
Thank you Father Yahuah for the joy of your Word, your Promises, and your Holy Spirit. Thank you for the strength to live and to keep going. We long for your beloved Son Yahuahshua's return and your reign on this Earth.
The time when we will be able to live in peace with joy again will be when the Messiah returns at his 2nd Coming.
Introduction:129.0) Satan's Mind Control through Digital Technology & Final push for Power:Today is July 26, 2010 the 10th Day of the 5th Month. How do we know that we are now in the Great Tribulation? We know because of the EVIL and because of Satan's use of TECHNOLOGY to control, track, and enslave the whole Human Race! Satan and his fallen Angels have been kicked out of Heaven and are now on the Earth. Satan knows that his time is short and is making war with the Believers who keep the commandments of Yahuah and have the testimony of Yahuahshua the Messiah. Look over the fields of the World for the Wheat and the Tares are ripe for Yahuah's Harvest just before the Messiah's return.
Numbering the People using the 2010/2011 Census and the Opening of the 4th Seal:
In 2Samuel 24:1-25 Satan moved King David to NUMBER the People. This angered Yahuah and David was asked to choose between 3 plagues that would come upon Israel. The three plagues were:
1) 7 Years of Famine.
2) 3 Months War - fleeing from the enemy.
3) 3 Days Pestilence.The 3rd Seal of Revelation 6:5-6 was open in the Fall of 2007 with the sharp rise of the cost of food worldwide.
The 4th Seal of Revelation 6:7-8 will be open in 2010 and 2011. The 2010 Census (Numbering) of the people is already taking place in the U.S.A. In 2011 there will be a Census in the British Commonwealth of Nations such as the United Kingdom, India, Canada, Australia, etc. There are 54 Member States in the British Commonwealth with a combined population of about 1.4 Billion people. The British Monarch serves as the symbolic head of the British Commonwealth. The British Commonwealth is a powerful global block.
India is already working on its 2011 National Census for its over 1 Billion population taking pictures and fingerprinting each person for National Identity. The picture is probably digital for face recognition and the fingerprinting most likely digital as well to prepare for the Mark of the Beast.
The 4th Seal of Revelation won't be a choice of only one plague. The 4th Seal will carry the full weight of all the plagues that King David had to choose from for NUMBERING the People and more. The 4th Seal will affect the fourth part of the World which is more than 1.6 Billion people!
In Revelation 6:7-8 we read, "And when he had opened the Fourth Seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see. And I looked and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given to him over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with:
1) sword (WAR), and with
2) hunger (FAMINE), and with
3) death (PESTILENCE?), and with the
4) beasts of the earth."We can expect the opening of the 4th Seal of Revelation sometime in 2010/2011!
The Wheat and the Tares are ripe for the Harvest of Yahuah!
The Feast Days are a mini version and pattern of things to come. Grain Harvest and especially Wheat Harvest was a sign by Yahuah for the restoration of Israel. Wheat Harvest was a time of rejoicing, the middle and 2nd of the three Harvest Festivals on the Sacred Calendar Year of Yahuah. We have examples of Yahuah's great love and mercy for His people marked by Barley and Wheat Harvest. Barley Harvest represents the Messiah's 1st Coming and Wheat Harvest represents the Messiah's 2nd Coming.
The 1st Passover on the 14th Day of the 1st Month is the sign for the start of the Barley Harvest.
The 2nd Passover on the 14th Day of the 2nd Month is the sign for the start of the Wheat Harvest.
The Feast of Pentecost marks the end of Wheat and Grain Harvest.
From the 1st Day of Creation on the 28th Day of the 12th Month to the start of Barley Harvest on the 18th Day of the 1st Month = 22 Days.
From the 1st Day of Creation on the 28th Day of the 12th Month to the start of Wheat Harvest on the 16th Day of the 2nd Month = 50 Days!
From the 16th Day of the 2nd Month the start of Wheat Harvest to the Feast of Pentecost on the 7th Day of the 3rd Month = 22 Days of Wheat Harvest.
The Feast of Pentecost = 50th Day of the Grain Harvest.
In recent Days it has been announced in the News that remains of Noah's Ark has been found on Mount Ararat. At the time of Noah it was on the 27th Day of the 2nd Month that the earth was dry and Noah and his Family could finally leave the safety of the Ark (Genesis 8:14-22). Noah immediately made an altar to Yahuah and offered up sacrifices. The 27th Day of the 2nd Month is the 12th Day of Wheat Harvest and the 40th Day of Grain Harvest. Barley Harvest began with the Sheaf Offering of the Barley on the 18th Day of the 1st Month. The Messiah was seen for 40 Days after his resurrection from the dead and he ascended up into Heaven on the 27th Day of the 2nd Month during Wheat Harvest. From the 28th Day of the 2nd Month to the Day of Pentecost is the Last 10 Days of Wheat Harvest. These Last 10 Days represent the Last 10 Years of Wheat Harvest in the Last Days. These Last 10 Years are from the Feast of Trumpets on September 20, 2001 to the Messiah's 2nd Coming on the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011. 911 on September 11, 2001 was a wake up call to the World of these Last 10 Years of Wheat Harvest.
In July of 2010 we are now in the end of these Last 10 Years of Wheat Harvest. On the yearly Sacred Calendar the Wheat Harvest is 22 Days long. At the end of the 6000 Years from Adam the Wheat Harvestis 22 Years long from Spring 1990 to Spring 2012. Just as the 22nd Day of Wheat Harvest is the Day of Pentecost the 50th Day of Grain Harvest, so the Last and 22nd Year marks the end of Wheat Harvest. This 22nd Year is from Spring 2011 to Spring 2012. The Messiah will return in the middle of this 22nd Year on the 1st Day of the 7th Month on September 15, 2011 on the Feast of Trumpets.
Here are some examples in scripture of Yahuah's restoration during the Wheat Harvest.
1) Gideon - during Wheat Harvest was called of Yahuah to deliver Israel. (Judges 6:1-40).
2) Ruth and Naomi came back to Israel at the beginning of Barley Harvest and Ruth was married to Boaz at the end of Wheat Harvest. Boaz and Ruth are the great grandparents of King David and direct ancestors of the Messiah. Ruth and Naomi went back to Bethlehem. "Bethlehem" means "House of Bread". The Messiah said, "I am the bread of life, he that comes unto me shall never hunger." The Messiah was born in the town of Bethlehem.
3) The Ark of Yahuah was returned to Israel by the Philistines during Wheat Harvest.
4) State of Israelwas re-established on May 14, 1948 in Wheat Harvest.
Biblical Events during Barley Harvest:
The Children of Israelcame out of Egypt after 430 years at the Beginning of Barley Harvest on the 15th Day of the 1st Month.
The Children of Israel went into the Promised Land at the Beginning of Barley Harvest on the 10th Day of the 1st Month after wandering for 40 Years in the Wilderness.
1) 1st Day 2nd Month: Moses - the people numbered during Barley Harvest (2nd Year in the Wilderness) . (Numbers 1:1).
2) 2nd Day 2nd Month: Solomon - Solomon begins to build the 1st Temple during Barley Harvest (4th Year of his reign) (1Kings 6:1,37; 2Chronicles 3:2).
3) 10th Day 2nd Month: Noah - Noah's Family and animals enter the Ark during Barley harvest (600th Year of Noah's life) (Genesis 7:4,10).
Biblical Events during Wheat Harvest:
1) 16th Day of 2nd Month: Moses - Manna given on the 1st Day of Wheat Harvest in 1st Year of 40 Years in the Wilderness (Exodus 16:13,1,12-15).
2) 17th Day of 2nd Month: Noah - Waters of the Flood begin on the 2nd Day of Wheat Harvest (600th Year of Noah's life) (Genesis 7:11).
3) 27th Day of 2nd Month: Messiah - Messiah ascends up into Heaven during Wheat Harvest, 40 Days after his resurrection from the dead (Acts 1:3,10).
4) 27th Day of 2nd Month: Noah - earth dry after the Flood during Wheat harvest (601st Year of Noah's life) (Genesis 8:13).
5) -- 2nd Month: Zerubbabel - Zerubbabel begins the work on the 2nd Temple during Grain Harvest (2nd Year - 537 BCE) (Ezra 3:8).
6) During Wheat Harvest: King David - David numbered the people and Angel of Yahuah sent to destroy. Angel with sword over Jerusalem between earth and heaven. (1Chronicles 21:1-30).
Yahuah blessed the people during Grain Harvest but He also punished them when they did evil. In 1Samuel 12:17-25 Yahuah punished Israel with rain during Wheat Harvest because they chose a man as King to rule over them instead of Yahuah their Creator. Again in Joel 1:11,1-20 the Wheat and the Barley will perish in the Last Days for the Day of Yahuah is come.
Satan's battle for the Mind, to control all of Mankind:
How will Satan take over the World and conquer all of Mankind? Satan has to control the mind to take over a human being. First he must subdue the mind to control the body. How does he do this? Satan creates something or a situation where you have to go through him to get what you want. Satan does this through addictions. It is already happening. That is what addiction and High Tech is all about. First Satan gives you a taste or at least an illusion of a taste of the so called good life, then you are hooked.
As believers we have to put on our spiritual armour to combat Satan and his influence: In Ephesians 6:10-18 we read, "Put on the whole armour of Yahuah, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of Yahuah, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith you shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the spirit, which is the word of Yahuah: Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints."
It is now just a question of time before a person will have to take the Mark of the Beast to be able to function in the New World Order. Most people will gladly take the Mark of the Beast to get the basic necessities of life -- of food, shelter, medical care, etc.
How is Satan moving closer to the total domination of the World? By terror and fear! Terror attacks and the fear of Financial collapse and other threats are forcing governments around the world to change laws in the name of security to submitt to Satan's rule. It will take just a few more devastating terror attacks on a massive scale for Satan to finally introduce the Mark of the Beast and to enforce it onto every individual on the planet. Satan has already enticed the populous by addicting them to the Image of the Beast through High Tech imaging and wizardry. Satan wants your mind! Will you give it to him or will you fight back with the Word of Yahuah? The Word of Yahuah is the sword and only weapon we have to fight back with. We also have Yahuah's protection and the comfort of Yahuah's Holy Spirit.
Major institutions are no longer working for us, they are working against us, because of the bottom line and the love of money. The joy and the peace is gone. The security of Family and the neighbourhood which we enjoyed so much is gone. Everyone is fearful and looking out for themselves.
In the New World Order it is all about ID (Identification) and control of the individual. In this New World Order you will not be able to buy or sell without the Mark of the Beast. The carrot that Satan puts before us are the essentials of life of food, water, shelter, and social contact with Family and society. If you want it you will have to jump through Satan's hoops to get it -- you will have to take the Mark of the Beast and you will have to worship the Image of the Beast. Most credit cards and bank cards already have microchips. Most pets and domestic animals are already chipped. It is a very small step to inject a microchip into the hand or forehead of human beings.
We are on schedule. Once the world gets hit with a few more major catastrophes then all the powers of Satan's arsenal will be put in gear overnight eg. RFID chip implant, GPS tracking, concentration camps, etc. The High Tech is already in place, we are now just waiting for the trigger to set things in motion by Satan. Then Man will see the true evil genius of our real foe -- Satan himself glorified as the Saviour of the World with his fallen Angels taking full control of this once beautiful planet.
Fear not you that believe in Yahuah, for in a short time Satan will be cast into the bottomless pit for 1000 Years and after the 1000 Years into the Lake of Fire for all eternity. Be not deceived, Satan's time and control on the Earth in these Last Days is for a very short time, at most 3 1/2 Years of which we are now past the half way point.
We are not ignorant of Satan's tricks to deceive and to control. If you want something in the world, you will have to pay Satan whatever toll fee he asks for. Human Freedom is a thing of the past. We are now herded and controlled like penned up cattle for the slaughter. Once Satan has corralled all of Mankind in a holding pen, then he will brand his cattle with the Mark of the Beast. Then he will force all to worship the Image of the Beast.
High Tech bringing Mark of the Beast closer to reality:
In Japan they are developing 3D Facial Recognition Profiling that will eliminate the need for ID Cards and Passwords. This is another sign that the technology is moving toward more biometric ID and the soon coming of the Mark of the Beast.
The introduction of "Cloud Technology" will make it possible to have a more secure form of ID online. There will be a major shift from Personal Computers to Dumb Terminals. The applications and personal info that once was on the Hard Drive of the Personal Computer will be on a Virtual Hard Drive on Servers somewhere else in the world in the "Cloud". This will shift the control of Personal Info from the Individual to the Beast System. The Dumb Terminal will have a fingerprint scanner or smart card reader for positive ID. Some new computers already have these new security features.
Some phone companies are already using Voice Recognition Technology for positive ID for customers to access their Account data. The voice print of the customer is matched with the one stored in the company database for confirmation.
New Cars have built-in Voice Recognition in order to remotely access the GPS, Radio, and other functions of the car. Some of these new cars can actually seek out a parking space and park themselves using sensors without any input from the driver.
As hackers and ID theft becomes more and more of a problem, the Mark of the Beast will become more appealing and ideal as a solution. The Beast System is a virtual world created with High Tech. The Real World is Yahuah's Creation. To be a part of the Beast System you will have to pay and the price for admission will be the Mark of the Beast. You will not be able to function or even exist in the Beast System without the Mark of the Beast.
All it will take is one very big terrorist attack to put the whole world on its ear and to introduce compulsory biometric ID which will be incorporated as part of the Mark of the Beast.
In this New World Order of the Beast, personal freedom will be a thing of the past. The goal of the Beast and Satan is total control and domination of all Mankind. For Satan knows that his time is short and is speeding things up with every passing day.
Satan's Virtual World:
Satan's world is artificial which he is creating to deceive the whole world. It is a virtual world and is unnatural at that. So it is written in 2Timothy 4:3-4 where we read, "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables." Turned to Satan's world of Virtual Reality.
Satan's world is a Virtual World which Satan created. Yahuah's world is the Natural World which Yahuah created. Man today has one foot in Satan's Virtual World and one foot in Yahuah's Natural World. The danger is that we are split and divided between these two worlds. Sooner or later we will have to choose which world we want to be solidly in. Like the person who had one foot in the boat and one foot on the dock. When the boat started to drift away from the dock, the person had to very quickly decide otherwise he would fall into the water and would have neither. So we too have to make a very hard decision. To be wholly committed to Satan's World or to Yahuah's World.
We are servants to whomsoever we obey. So choose Yahuah, choose Life and Live.
Satan truly has deceived the whole world with his fancy new High Tech gadgets. People are just foaming at the mouth and rushing to get their hands on the latest High Tech toys.
The Digital Age has brought the majority of the world's population into the cities. These cities are now controlled by computers to deliver water, food, fuel, electricity, security and other essentials for life in our modern world. Satan has coaxed Man into the cities with the promise of an easier life. By controlling Mankind in these cities it is now possible for the prophecies of the Last Days to take place. No other time in Man's history has this ever been possible as it is now.
The telecommunications of our modern world is becoming fully integrated into one Digital Network. Cell Phones, T.V., regular telephones, computers and other electronic devices are being solidly interconnected with the banking, government, and business systems. Once this is complete, the Mark of the Beast will be introduced for security reasons. The Mark of the Beast will include biometric identification such as iris scan, digitized fingerprinting, facial recognition, voice recognition, DNA, etc.
Satan has to break Yahuah's Laws to achieve world domination. By doing so, he will incur Yahuah's wrath upon Man.
Only the true Believers will obey and keep the Laws and Commandments of Yahuah. Believers will incur Satan's wrath and will not be able to function in the Beast System. We have examples of retribution when going against the powers that be. In China to punish a rebelious minority group, the internet and cell phone communication was cut off. Most people in this case were using the internet and cell phones for doing business. As a result most businesses went bankrupt. We are so intricately connected to the Digital World that the people will not be able to buy or sell once the Mark of the Beast is introduced.
More Perfect Numbers:
22 divided by 7 = 3.14 which is Pi to 2 decimal places. The perfect numbers of 7and 22 always refer to the Messiah.
18 + 22 + 26 = 66 = 22 + 22 + 22. From 1945 to 2011 = 66 Years. Where 18 = Righteousness, 22 = the Messiah, and 26 = Yahuah the Father. There are 66 Books in the King James Bible with 39 Books in the Old Testament and 27 Books in the New Testament.
Other Events:
1) Eclipses: In 2010, there will be two central eclipses of the sun: an annular eclipse on January 15, 2010 and a total eclipse on July 11, 2010. This total solar eclipse on July 11 will be seen by very few people as it will be largely over the Pacific Ocean. The major land in its path is a very unusual island, Easter Island which is covered with giant idol statues. Even though Easter Island is some 4000 miles west of Chile, it still belongs to Chile. July 11, 2010 is on the 25th Day of the 4th Month which is the 2nd Jubilee of Days on the Sacred Calendar, the 25th Day of Summer.
2) Major Earthquake: 7.0 Magnitude Earthquake hits Haiti on Tuesday January 12, 2010 on the 27th Day of the 10th Month. On January 15, 2010 the 30th Day of the 10th Month was the solar Annular Eclipse which could be seen from Africa and Asia. By January 18, 2010 in Haiti, there were about 200,000 dead, 250,000 injured, 1.5 Million homeless, and about 3 Million people still in desperate need of basic essentials such as clean drinking water, food, shelter and medical aid.
3) Major Earthquake: 8.8 Magnitude Earthquake hits Chile on February 28, 2010 and sends Tsunami waves right across the Pacific Ocean. This earthquake has caused more than 700 deaths and has affected more than 2 Million people.
4) Volcanic Eruption: On April 15, 2010 volcanic ash from Iceland grounds planes in most of Europe. More than 95,000 flights were cancelled costing $200 Million per day and over $2 Billion while the planes were grounded. This caused major distress to travellers and airtravel chaos worldwide. It also has affected climate and agricultural change globally. It has disrupted the delivery of mail, fresh produce, etc. worldwide.
5) Major Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico: On April 27, 2010 the 11th Day of the 2nd Month during Barley Harvest this Major Oil Spill Disaster occurred. An oil platform in the Gulf of Mexico exploded allowing oil to gush into the surrounding waters and could not be shut off. With over 150 Million gallons of oil now spilled into the Gulf of Mexico and counting this is the worst such disaster in U.S. history. It may take another few months or longer to cap the leak completely. Or it may not even be possible to stop it at all because now there are also cracks on the ocean floor that may make it even worse. This disaster has affected the livelihood of Millions of people and has spread to 5 U.S. States. From the air the oil slicks look like reddish brown blood.
Could this be the start of the fulfillment of the prophecy in Revelation 8:8-9 which reads, "And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood; And the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died; and the third part of the ships were destroyed." The huge oil platform looks like a mountain on the sea and it was destroyed by fire. About a third part of the Gulf of Mexico is now covered by reddish brown blood coloured oil slicks and is killing the wildlife in and out of the water. Most of the ships and fishermen that used to fish in the area are now tied up on shore with their livelihoods destroyed for generations to come. The 2nd Trumpet of Revelation 8:8-9 has now sounded!
6) Stock Market Plunges: On May 6, 2010 the Stock Market plunged nearly 1000 points in just 1/2 Hour causing panic worldwide. Turns out it was just a technical glich fueled by uncertainty over the Financial Crisis in Greece and in the EU Euro. Financial problems still overshadow the EU starting with Greece but also threatening to have a spill over dominos affect on other weaker Nations such as Portugal, Spain, Ireland, Italy and now even the United Kingdom because of huge deficits. The price of Gold is hovering around $1200.00 an Ounce U.S. showing the depreciation of money and the higher cost of living.
7) Heat Wave and Drought in Russia: July 23, 2010. Russia is suffering its worst drought in 130 Years since 1880! A month long heat wave is shriveling crops and forcing up food prices. Heat is being funneled up from North Africa. Russia is the 4th largest wheat producer in the world. Experts are forecasting a 20 percent drop in the Nations grain harvest. This report has caused a 25 percent spike in wheat prices in July. Across Russia fires are twice that of normal.
With drought comes the burning up of the grass and due to the dryness, forest fires increase burning up of the trees. Severe drought has affected many parts of the world in recent years: Africa, North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia. This is another confirmation that the 1st Trumpet of Revelation has already sounded.
In Revelation 8:7 we read, "The First Angel Sounded, and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth: and the third part of the trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up."
At present there is a smoke screen that gives the impression that nothing is happening. But clearly by the major catastrophes that are occurring around the world we are in the Great Tribulation. As it is written, "If it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect." (Matthew 24:24).
The Spiritual Alignment of 2010:
In 2010 the Christian Holidays line up with Yahuah's Holy Days and other significant days on the Sacred Calendar.
1) Easter Sunday (April 4, 2010) is on the 18th Day of the 1st Month of the Sheaf Offering of the Barley and the Beginning of the Grain Harvest. This is another reminder by the Messiah in his Parable of the Wheat and the Tares that we are in the Harvest at the End of the World.
2) Christian Pentecost (May 23, 2010) is on the same day as the Sacred Pentecost on the 7th Day of the 3rd Month which marks the end of Wheat and Grain Harvest.
3) Christmas Day (December 25, 2010)will be on the 10th Day of the 10th Month which traditionally signifies double judgement! For example the siege for the destruction of the 1st Temple in Jerusalem began on the 10th Day of the 10th Month!
The Cashless Society and the Mark of the Beast:
The World is already running on a cashless system of electronic debit and credit. However, cash is still used temporarily. Once cash is totally eliminated then the system will have total control of the populous. The people will not be able to defraud the government of taxes, no more monetary theft, and no more counterfeiting, for every transaction will be trackable.
This will ensure security but at what cost? Privacy and the freedoms of the individual will be a thing of the past. The movement of each person and their buying and selling habits will be tracked and recorded electronically. This will be the perfect system to achieve Satan's goal of Global Domination.
Once this cashless system is in total control, then the Mark of the Beast will be introduced and the 1st Beast of Revelation 13:1-2 will clearly reign.
In 2010 Governments around the world will introduce ways to reduce their huge deficits with tighter monetary controls. Controls that will enable the government to collect taxes and fees that people would normally defraud the government of.
Nature is fighting back:
Man's continuous meddling has disturbed the balance of Nature with severe consequences. Another recent example is the Lion Fish which are now out of control and are consuming the Atlantic Ocean. Man has introduced them into the wild out of their normal habitat. These diabolical Lion Fish are consuming everything that they can put into their mouth. They are venomous to Man and have venomous spikes. They produce 37,000 eggs every 4 Days. TheseKing Fish are another sign of the Last Days when Men will be killed by the Beasts of the Earth (4th Seal of Revelation 6:4-8). Man is destroying Nature and Nature will destroy Man.
The Iracongi (Irukandji) jellyfish is mostly around Australia but is moving to other oceans of the world. This tiny jelly fish is only 1 centimeter wide but has a deadly sting. The venom of this jellyfish is 100 times more potent than that of a cobra.
Scientists warn explosive growth of jellyfish populations in oceans and seas around the world are a sign of marine ecosystems being devastated by overfishing, nutrient pollution, global warming, and the introduction of non-native species.
Japan was hit by an invasion of giant Nomura jellyfish in 2009. The Nomura jellyfish can be 6 to 8 Feet in Diameter, weighing up to 660 pounds the size of a washing machine or larger. In 2005 at the peak of another invasion, an estimated 300 to 500 million monster jellyfish passed through the Tsushima Strait into the Sea of Japan each day! Japan relies heavily on its fishing industry for food and these jellyfish have caused extensive damage to its fishing fleet and to fish stocks. Making even the few fish caught inedible because of the stings of the jellyfish. There is an estimate that 20 Billion Nomura jellyfish have passed through the Tsushima Strait since 2002. This is a 100 year bloom growing in larger and larger swarms.
Man's pollution is causing jellyfish blooms in the world's oceans creating dead zones around the world mostly near highly densely populated areas.
Man's destruction of Nature by pollution and mismanagement is reaping his downfall in these Last Days according to scripture and prophecy. Part of the 4th Seal in Revelation 6:7-8 shows that the fourth part of the earth will be killed with sword (War), hunger (Famine), with death (Disease?), and with the beasts of the earth (jellyfish, killer bees, etc.). Satan has seeded the world with evil and Man's obedience to Satan is causing him to reap a whirlwind of destruction.
Man has destroyed the natural balance of Nature. We have examples all over the world of Man's interference with Nature resulting in catastrophe and plague. Take for example the plagues of the Cane Toad and Rabbit in Australia to mention just two.
The Earth is imploding on itself and as a result food sources are drying up which will lead to global FAMINE. For the past 150 years Man has cut down forests all over the world. Trees take in carbon-monoxide and give out oxygen in return. Air pollution is killing millons of people every year. Man's interference with weather patterns are also causing flooding and drought worldwide.
What is Man doing about this impending doom? Man is sticking his head in the sand by watching T.V. and surrounding himself with a virtual world of electronics. Satan has deceived the world! Do the Math: Human overpopulation combined with devastating dwindling food stocks = FAMINE, DISEASE, and WAR! A sure recipe for the annihilation of Mankind. The evil that Man now faces is by Satan's design for world power and domination. Satan's time is short and he wants to destroy Man and this beautiful world.
Energy is not destroyed but merely converted into another form. The earth has been dormant for millions of years with its resources. Now in these Last Days the release of these mineral, oil, ground water, and other resources has unleashed the plagues upon Man and beast that we are now facing. It is almost as if the Earth is crying out because of the plunder, destruction and pollution of her resources.
Nature is now out of balance due to Satan's influence on Man and is causing Man's destruction and downfall.
More Insights from the Sacred Calendar:
A) Perfection and Completeness:
At the end of the Sacred Calendar Year there is a sign of perfection and completeness.
The 7th Jubilee of Days on the 28th Day of the 12th Month = 7th and Last cycle of 50 Days in the Sacred Calendar Year.
The 29th Day of the 12th Month = 51st Day.
The 30th Day of the 12th Month = 52nd Day and the Last Day of the Sacred Calendar Year. Note: there are 52 Weeks in the Year and the Last Day of the Year is a 52nd Day! The 52nd Day marks the end of the 52 Weeks! How perfect and how complete are Yahuah's ways.
Note: 52 = 2 x 26 where 26 represents Yahuah the Father and 2 x 26 represents the Messiah's 1st and 2nd Coming. The Messiah represents his beloved Father and the Messiah carries the fulness of his Father's Name of Yahuah which has the numerical value of 26.
B) The 10th Day of the 1st and 7th Months a sign of the Beginning and End of Judgment:
The Spring Feast Days represent the Messiah's 1st Coming. The 10th Day of the 1st Month marks the beginning of Judgment. Events that happened on the 10th Day of the 1st Month:
1) Most of the 10 Plagues of Egypt complete by the 10th Day of the 1st Month, with the 10th Plague on Passover Day on the 14th Day of the 1st Month.
2) Passover Lamb selected on the 10th Day of the 1st Month. The Messiah was the Passover Lamb at his 1st Coming.
3) Israel crosses the Jordan River and passed into the Promised Land on the 10th Day of the 1st Month.
4) The Messiah makes his triumphal entry into Jerusalem on the 10th Day of the 1st Month.
The 1st Month was the start of a New Year and a new beginning, a reminder of the beginning of Creation.
The 7th Month is a time of completion, a reminder of Judgment and the 2nd Coming of the Messiah. The Messiah will return on the 1st Day of the 7th Month on the Feast of Trumpets. He will judge the world on the 10th Day of the 7th Month on the Day of Atonement.
C) Proof that "New Moon" in Scripture means "New Month":
Yahuah's true Calendar is Solar. However, there are many that insist on using a Solar-Lunar Calendar because of the misunderstanding of the term "New Moon" in the Bible. There is proof in 1Samuel 20:5,18,27,34 that the term "New Moon" = "1st Day of the Month" clearly indicating a New Month and not the observance of a "New Moon" of a Lunar Calendar.
Drunk on New Tech in the Last Days:
The people are addicted to the New Technology. They are hard wired into the Beast System and have no rest day or night. Their brains are constantly being fed electronically with info and messages. At first it seemed a little funny or even a little strange to hear or see someone sitting on the toilet or at a urinal relieving themselves telephoning or texting oftentimes with hands-free devices.
Before High Tech, if a person walked down the street seeming to be talking to themselves they would have been labeled crazy. Now it is commonplace because of hands-free devices.
Is it a wonder that people are dying from being stressed out? They have no rest day or night. They can not turn off the wheels of Satan that have been set in motion in these Last Days. Like a rodent on a treadmill that can not stop, the people burn themselves out. Heart attacks, ulcers, stress disorders, obesity, and other chronic diseases are commonplace and are a direct result of living in the fast lane of this present Satanic Age and Beast System.
It is hard to see what is going on when you are a part of it and are caught up in the Beast System. This way of living is not natural and contradicts the Laws and Commandments of Yahuah the Creator who made us. We were created in Yahuah's image but now Satan has turned us away from our Creator. Satan has re-created us, changing and deceiving us into living in a virtual world of make believe created in Satan's image.
Satan is using our natural and wholesome good nature to destroy us by funneling us to do his bidding through deception. Like a moth flies to the flame so we too draw closer to our destruction. The snack foods that are loaded with too much salt and sugar are destroying our beautiful bodies. The processed foods are devoid of the necessary vitamins and nutrients that our bodies need for good health. Is it such a wonder that so many people in the world are sick and dying? The air, water, and food are all polluted due to the unnatural way man is living. Satan uses the greed and the lust for power to deceive, destroy, and to control Mankind.
As soon as a person turns their back on the evil of this world then they become odd and they no longer fit into the norm of this world anymore. They are ridiculed and ostracized from the society of Satan and the Beast System. The deception is so strong because Satan has had 6000 years to mold his New World Order. In these Last Days Satan knows that his time is short and that he is quickly running out of time. That is why things are speeding up through the use of High Tech. So fast is it moving now that the hearts of many are failing them. Man is bewildered by the speed and by the wizardry of these new and exciting addictions that are destroying him.
As long as the people are on the treadmill Satan does not care because he has the people under his total control through addictions. However, as soon as a person comes to their senses and starts to get off or even tries to get off then they become a threat to all the others that are still going round and round at an intoxicating speed. Just think of it for a moment. If the people were to suddenly come to their senses and go back to living a normal life as the Creator intended, then Satan's virtual world would come crashing down and would cease to exist. This is exactly what will happen when the Messiah returns. Satan will be bound for 1000 years. Then this beautiful world will recover, revive, and bloom as the Garden of Eden as it was originally intended.
If people would stop buying high tech gadgets, processed foods, luxury items, etc. and go back to living a simple natural more wholesome lifestyle then Satan's System would fall apart. The Family Unit and the strength of Community would revive so we could live a happy, safe, and more meaningful life. High unemployment in the big city is making people desperate to survive causing crime to escalate. Why not put people back on the land to be productive and to live a happier life. Yes, working on the land would be harder but more rewarding and healthier. The easy living in the city is killing us.
The Messiah said it very clearly in Matthew 7:13-14 "Enter you in at the strait (hard) gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leads to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait (hard) is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leads unto life, and few there be that find it."
The whole world is dazzled and mesmerized by the new wonders of technology. The people flock together to bow before the wizard.
Can Human Beings see Angels?:
Insects can see things that Human Beings can not because of the different frequencies of light. Is it such a wonder that Angels have been able to be invisible due to the ability to change to a different frequency of light. Because Angels are Angels of light unlike us fleshly mortal beings. (2Kings 6:16-17). So next time that you are out on a warm summer night, why not take a pair of infrared binoculars and you just might spot an Angel or two!!
Satan is in the process of changing History Digitally!!!:
There is a major shift to e-libraries where hard cover books are being replaced by e-books. And it is not just books that are being digitized. Photographs and other records are also archived on computer databases. The danger here is that if all info goes digital then there will be opportunity to abuse and corrupt info to conform to government manipulation to be more politically correct. There is a project underway right now to digitize every book in existence on this planet. This has the potential power to change History. Most people no longer read hard cover books anymore but rely totally on the info that is online. Do you see the DANGER!! Not only can the Beast System now profile each person based on the info that they access but can also change the truth to suit their political agenda if they so desire.
The ALARM BELLS are ringing loud and clear!!! Do you hear them? Do you see where this New World Order is headed? We see the miraculous power and convenience of this New Age but do we see the DANGER?!!! Are we right now worshipping the Image of the Beast without even knowing it? By sitting in front of a T.V., or computer monitor, or using a hand held cell phone screen for hours. Are we so mesmerized, conditioned, and intoxicated that we are oblivious to what it is doing to us? Day in and Day out this exposure must have a deadly affect on our minds, bodies, and spirits!!!
As our outside world turns more dangerous and contentious many are turning inward to the false security of the 4 walls of their home. Once inside the home, the only form of social activity or entertainment is the electronics and digital comforts!!
We are duped and deceived big time without even noticing it!!!
First comes the sugar coating with the wonder of this New Age, then comes the HOOK with the loss of our freedoms and total servitude to worship Satan!!!
Summary of the Seals, Trumpets, and Vials of the Book of Revelation:
As of today, July 26, 2010 here is the Summary of the Seals, Trumpets, and Vials of Revelation:
A) 7 Seals: The 1st three Seals are open. The 4th Seal should be open sometime in 2010/2011.
B) 7 Trumpets: The 1st two Trumpets have sounded. We are now waiting for the sounding of the 3rd Trumpet.
C) 7 Vials:None of the Vials have been poured out yet. The 1st Vial will be poured out once the Mark of the Beast is issued.
All the evidence still points to Fall 2011 for the Messiah's return but this could change. Yahuah only knows for sure. So we have to rely on Yahuah's great love and mercy to help us through these difficult times. The closer we get to the actual return of the Messiah the more certain the time will be and the greater the deception by Satan.
During the Last 10 Years from September 20, 2001 to the Messiah's return on September 15, 2011 Satan is making war with the Saints of Yahuah. Ever since 911 Satan has been making war with the Saints by changing the laws and by taking away the rights and freedoms of individuals. There is no more peace, no more joy, but relentless and depressing control of the minds of the people through digital high tech. For example, GPS tracking, surveillance cameras, constant use of T.V., Cell phones, e-mail, etc. for virtual communications. There is less and less person to person physical contact or gathering in Families and Communities. Satan's aim is to divide and conquer, to isolate us from our Families and Communities. Satan seeks only to destroy and he is doing it by destroying the Community and the Family Unit where there used to be security and strength.
With Satan's influence Man is systematically legalizing those things that are an abomination to Yahuah. Satan is ruling Man through vices and addictions. The once prominent markers and reminders of Yahuah's Commandments and Laws are being removed from Public Places. The pillars of faith for Believers are the Laws and Commandments of Yahuah and having the testimony of Yahuahshua the Messiah (Revelation 12:17). There are many Christians today that have been deceived into believing that the Laws and Commandments of Yahuah have been done away with. Without Law we will have Chaos and Lawlessness which is quickly becoming the norm around the world with rioting, wars and civil strife. The real battle is spiritual warfare, Satan's battle for the Soul of Man. As it is written in Ephesians 6:12, "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."
Do not kid yourself, there is spiritual warfare going on right now of the Sons of Darkness against the Sons of Light. If we do not have the Holy Spirit of Yahuah then we are none of His. By their fruits you shall know them. We will overcome by the Word of Yahuah and by Yahuah's Holy Spirit through the Messiah Yahuahshua. "For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loves and makes a lie." (Revelation 22:15).
Satan's only desire is to exploit and to enslave all of Mankind so he himself can declare himself as the Almighty. By taking advantage of Man's weaknesses he is achieving his ultimate goal in these Last Days as prophesied in the Old and New Testaments of the Bible.
We are living in the Last Days. Expect the introduction of Biometric Identification with the 2010 - 2011 Census' around the world geared to produce National ID cards and/or implantable ID microchips into the Human Body.
The alarm bells are already ringing and bringing to pass the prophecies in Revelation 13:1-18 where we read, "And he deceives them that dwell on the earth ... " Of Revelation 12:17 which reads, "the Dragon was wroth with the woman ... " which is already happening and has been for a couple of years now. The Image of the Beast is here now in the form of Digital T.V., Cell Phones, Computers, Video Games, etc. All that we are waiting for now is the Mark of the Beast which is imminent.
The signs are all around us that we are in the Great Tribulation, even though we can not at present clearly identify the Two Witnesses, etc. It is quite possible that the Two Witnesses are triggering natural disasters and other events around the world. We may not recognize or see the Two Witnesses but their presence can be felt.
We are now at the end of Wheat Harvest in these Last Days. The Messiah's 1st Coming began Barley Harvest. The Messiah's 2nd Coming will end and complete the Wheat Harvest in the Last Days. In the last 2 verses of the Old Testament in Malachi 4:5 we read, "Behold, I will send you Eliyahu the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful Day of Yahuah." Eliyahu is one of the Two Witnesses, Enoch is the other.
The Signs and Disasters in these Last Days are a reminder to all of Mankind that Yahuah the Creator is still in control. These disasters are disrupting and inconveniencing the people of the New World Order. It is reminding Man how fragile Satan's temporary control over the world really is. Satan's lease on the World is abruptly coming to an end with the soon return of the Messiah. Satan knows that his 6000 years of terror is coming to an end and he is angry making war with the Saints of Yahuah. It is written that the Righteous will have tribulation and it will begin with the Household of Yahuah. It has already begun and Satan is now on the Earth causing havoc forging the Nations into his New World Order so he can rule the World putting himself above the Creator.
The wonders of New High Tech gadgets are pacifying the people into mindless zombies so Satan can control the World. Satan is using fear, chaos, and the wonders of High Tech to mold the New World Order into his own Image. The New World Order will be born out of Chaos.
Satan's Great Deception is that his New World Order is being forged and yet no one seems to see or understand that it is even happening. The technique that Satan the Great Wizard and Magician is doing is that he is pulling Order out of his self made hat of Chaos (Global Financial Crisis, Social Unrest, Wars, Food Crisis, Natural Disasters, etc.). Satan is coercing and orchestrating the weak human governments of this world to do his bidding.
The 1st and 2nd Beast of Revelation 13 are here now on the Earth. Satan and his fallen Angels are also here now on the Earth using High Tech to pacify and subdue Man to bring about his New World Order. Revelation13:16-17 "And he causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their forehead: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the Beast, or the number of his name."
The present days are evil and will wax worse and worse until Satan achieves his purpose to conquer and control the whole Earth. That is why there is no peace or joy any more, only fear and uncertainty. This will all change once the Messiah returns and does a major cleanup of this corrupt and polluted Earth.
Satan is controlling Man through a plague of addictions such as has never been seen before in history. Everything has been altered. The junk, processed, and genetically modified foods that we are consuming are weakening our immune systems. Watching too much T.V., Video Games, etc. are further weakening us through lack of excercise. The social structure has broken down and many have lost hope. The Financial Crisis and loss of jobs is making life miserable for many. The whole purpose of Satan is to bring Man to his knees. Then Man will be forced to accept whatever conditions that Satan proposes, namely to accept the Mark of the Beast and to Worship the Image of the Beast.
The Signs of the End of Wheat Harvest are all around us and it will just intensify the closer we get to the Messiah's return. It really doesn't matter if you believe the Messiah will come in 2011 or 2012 or even later. The facts speak for themselves. We are at the brink now. This world can not sustain the explosive human population growth or man's devastating destructive impact on Planet Earth. The Day of Reckoning is now and the Messiah's return is imminent. The closer we get to the Messiah's return the clearer the picture will get.
If our understanding of these Last Days is correct then the worst will take place during the Last 6 Months of the Great Tribulation namely between Spring 2011 and Fall 2011 with the Messiah returning on the Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011. If not then we have to reassess. Regardless of how we look at it the time is near, at the very door and all the signs in the world back it up.
What is coming, is coming hard and fast. There is a famine in the Land not for bread but for the Word of Yahuah.
Romans 13:11-14 "And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light. Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying. But put you on the Master Yahuahshua the Messiah, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof."
"Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear Yahuah, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. For Yahuah shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil." (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14).
Yahuah is our life, purpose, joy, song, defense, and hope, and there is no other. Wide and broad is the way to destruction; narrow and hard is the way to Eternal Life.
Look up and rejoice for the time is at hand.
Introduction:130.0) 4th Seal of Revelation now Open and the Pale Horse is Riding:Today is the 7th Day of the 9th Month, November 21, 2010. The strength of the United States has further declined because the Fed has injected another $600 Billion into the U.S. Economy. This has pushed the value of Gold over $1400 U.S. per Ounce. On the other hand the Chinese Currency, the Yuan is undervalued and is under Global pressure to increase its value. This is all part of Satan's plan to bring all Nations under ONE Economic Umbrella to control the World.
At the same time Satan's Plan to Control the Mind of Man is right on schedule. The Minds of the New Generation of young people has already been altered. Their minds have been in essence totally rewired through conditioning by Digital Technology. These young people have been conditioned to multitask say 7 tasks at a time using short term memory with astonishing speed. Yet their long term memory is wanting, many not able to do simple addition and multiplication. The older generation can only do say about 3 tasks at a time but they have stronger mathematical and analytical skills to solve complex problems using long term memory. The Younger Generation is lost without a calculator and is driven by Digital Technology being intoxicated by High Tech Toys. A moral and thinking generation is just about extinct paving the way for total Domination of the World by Satan.
Spiritual Battle for the Mind and Soul of Man:
In the Book of Revelation Chapters 2 and 3 we are given a list of promises and benefits that those who overcome will inherit. Overcome what? Overcome Satan's addictions and vices which are contrary to the laws and commandments of Yahuah. In Ephesians 6:12 we are told, "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."
So what can we do to fight back? The answer is there in Ephesians 6:10-18 where we read, "Finally, my brethren, be strong in Yahuah, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of Yahuah, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of Yahuah, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; And your feet shod, with the preparation of the glad tidings of peace; Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith you shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the WORD OF YAHUAH: Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all the Saints."
Here is a very simple formula you can use to discern and check what state you are in at any one time:
PERSON (Individual) + Demons = VICES.
Addiction is an outward sign of Demon possession. The stronger the addiction, the more control the Demon(s) have over a person.
1Timothy 4:1-2 "Now the Spirit speaks expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron."
We are all vulnerable if we allow demons to come into our life to control us through addictions of any kind. Addiction can be anything that totally controls and consumes our lives. Some well recognized addictions are alcohol, drugs, gambling, and smoking. But addiction is not limited to these. Some people are addicted to sex, some to caffeine (coffee, tea, chocolate, pop drinks), some are workaholics, while many young people to video games and the internet.
It is written in James 4:6-10 "Yahuah resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble. Submit yourselves therefore to Yahuah. RESIST THE DEVIL, and he will flee from you. Draw nigh to Yahuah, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double minded. Be afflicted, and mourn, and weep: let your laughter be turned to mourning, and your joy to heaviness. Humble yourselves in the sight of Yahuah, and he shall lift you up."
Revelation 22:14-15 "Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loves and makes a lie."
In 2Chronicles 23:19 it reads, "And he set the porters at the gates of the House of Yahuah, that none which was unclean in anything should enter in." In the Books of Enoch it is the Messiah who is the gate keeper of the 7th Hall of the 7th Heaven where the presence of Yahuah and the Throne of Yahuah is. In John 10:9 the Messiah says, "I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture." In John 15:10 it reads, "If you keep my commandments, you shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in his love."
Where are we now today in the timeline of Biblical history? Satan has been kicked out of Heaven and is now on the Earth. That is why there is so much evil on the Earth. With Satan's presence there is an absence of peace and joy on the Earth. In Revelation 12:9,12,13,17, it reads: "And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceives the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knows that he has but a short time. And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman which brought forth the man child. And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of Yahuah, and have the testimony of Yahuahshua the Messiah."
Digital Technology Re-Programming our Minds:
Experts are now saying that the great exposure to Digital Technology is actually re-configuring or re-programming our brains. With the old fashioned reading of books we thought about and put the knowledge of what we read into long term memory. But with digital online reading we process things faster and scan for info. Most of this scanning puts the info into our short term memory for faster processing but results in very little retention of the info. Experiments have been done which noted how quickly our eyes and minds jump from one bit of info to another online but retain so little of it.
Satan is re-programming the Human Brain to suit his own ends using Digital Technology. Yahuah naturally setup our brains to function in the same way as a computer does. In a computer the RAM is the working short term memory. The HD (Hard Drive) stores the long term permanent memory. With the conditioning by Digital Technology almost all of the memory used is short term memory so very little is stored in long term memory. With Digital Technology we scan info and we jump from one bit of info to another, retaining very little info in long term memory. In essence we have become Zombies, brain washed and led by the nose at Satan's every whim.
The Mind of the New Generation works differently being exposed to High Tech. The New Generation are conditioned to function in this New High Tech environment from birth. Consequently they can multitask say 7 things at once as compared to the older Generation which can say multitask 3 things at a time.The New Generation brain is wired differently from constant conditioning and exposure to the Beast System environment.
Originally our brains were conditioned for the Natural World and the Natural Creation of Yahuah. That is why the older Generation has such problems adjusting to the New Technology. The Minds of the young is like a blank sheet ready to be programmed. Satan has taken advantage by conditioning the young by programming their minds for the Digital World, the Artificial World of Satan.
Satan constantly on the Attack to wear down the Saints:
Thanks to Satan's deception and manipulation through convenience living, Man's immune system is shot to hell with processed foods, junk food, high salt and high sugar intake, inactivity from watching too much T.V., sitting in front of a computer screen for hours at a time, etc. The social structure is broken down. People are engorged with the hoarding of materialistic stuff. The poor, sick, elderly and homeless are neglected even within one's own family. The compassion is gone, so is the joy and peace of wholesome Family and Community Living. Satan has crippled us, subdued us and enslaved us to worship him.
In the cities Man is totally reliant on Satan for his sustenance. When Man lived on the Farm he was reliant on Yahuah his Creator for his bounty and well-being.
RFID Chip infiltrates the Private Life of the Individual:
One of the World's largest Department Store and Grocery Store chains is pressuring it's suppliers to provide RFID Chips in their products. The power this will provide is phenomenal. This will provide an inside employee the ability to walk down a store isle and with a scanner remotely know exactly how many of any one item is in stock. This would be inventory heaven, but also the reality of the presence of the Beast System.
There is also talk that these RFID chips could be put into clothing that would remain embedded while the customer wears it. This would give the store the power to track a customer in the store, to track a customer's buying and shopping habits.
There is a grander plan to use RFID chips. RFID chips are remotely trackable. Mixed with GPS (Global Positioning System by satellite), the movements and activities of the individual can be tracked and recorded wherever the person goes or does, all in the name of security. If you have any RFID chips on your person or in your wallet, then BIG BROTHER is watching you!!!
Current Events:
1) July 29, 2010: Worst flooding in Pakistan in 100 Years with more than 800 dead and 1 Million people displaced.
2) August 1, 2010: Flooding in Pakistan - now 1100 dead, 1.5 Million people affected, Cholera is now emerging with waterborne diseases.
3) August 3, 2010: Flooding in Pakistan - 3 Million people now affected.
4) August 3, 2010: Wheat Prices up 50 Percent in just one month. Good grain crops in the U.S. and Europe but disasterous droughts and flooding affecting crops in other parts of the world. Food prices are going up.
5) August 6, 2010: Flooding in Pakistan - 12 Million people now affected. Food producing fields flooded. Urgent need for food for sometime to come.
6) August 7, 2010: Flooding in Pakistan - 14 Million people affected with 1600 dead.
7) August 9, 2010: In China - Mud slides and flooding kills 330 people with 1000 missing.
8) August 10, 2010: Super Bug - from India and Pakistan spreads to the U.K., U.S., Canada, Europe, etc. This Super Bug only reacts to one or two last resort antibiotics.
9) August 14, 2010: Pakistan - Cholera outbreak.
10) August 14, 2010: Pakistan - 20 Million people affected by the flooding.
Flooding in Pakistan is a good indication that the 4th Seal of Revelation is now open. Food producing areas in Pakistan are under water. Food prices have sharply gone up. Food availability is in critical short supply. Waterborne diseases are spreading among the 20 Million people affected by the Flooding. The new Super Bug is coming out of Pakistan and India. Pakistan is at war with the Taliban. Malaria from mosquitos is increasing.
11) August 17, 2010: Bolivia - 6 Million fish and aquatic animals dead and floating down Bolivian Rivers.
12) August 20, 2010: Israel and the Palestinians to make an Historical Peace Deal within 1 Year.
13) August 24, 2010: Country of Niger in Africa hit by drought then by flooding leaving 110,000 homeless with 8 Million people facing starvation.
14) August 27, 2010: North America - The Little Brown Bat, the most common bat in North America is being devastated by white nose fungus. These bats have been around for 52 Million years but now face extinction. These bats are very beneficial to Man as they keep insects in check. The white nose fungus has been attacking the bats in the last 4 years since 2006.
15) August 27, 2010: Space Quake felt even deep in the Earth. Relates to the magnetic field around the Earth and the Northern Lights. In scripture we are told that Yahuah will shake the Heavens and the Earth in the Last Days.
16) October 5, 2010: Worst severe snow blizzards in living memory in New Zealand. 100's of thousands of lamb have died. The cold is preventing the snow from melting, not allowing the sheep to feed.
17) October 6, 2010: Red sludge disaster in Hungary. The wall of an industrial reservoir containing slurry from an alumina factory near Ajka broke. The surrounding area was inundated with more than one million cubic metres of the poisonous chemical sludge. Several hundred tonnes of plaster were being poured into the Marcal River to bind the toxic sludge and to prevent it from flowing on. One official called the spill, "an ecological disaster" that may threaten the Danube River and other key rivers.
18) October 24, 2010: Haiti - Cholera outbreak kills 250 people and affects 3,000 people.
19) October 24, 2010: Benin, Africa - Flooding displaces 660,000 people, worst in decades. Also now fears of a Cholera outbreak.
20) November 4, 2010: U.S. Federal Reserve - just injected another $600 Billion into the U.S. Economy. This has pushed the price of Gold to nearly $1400 U.S. per ounce.
21) November 5, 2010: Gold at $1405 U.S. per ounce.
22) November 14, 2010: San Francisco - beaches around San Francisco are being invaded by jellyfish.
Bizarre Disasters are happening all over the world like the snow blizzards in New Zealand, sludge disaster in Hungary, mud slides, floods, forest fires, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis, bed bug epidemic, Superbug outbreak, etc. Could these disasters be caused by the 2 Witnesses?
The Feast Days related to the Messiah's 1st and 2nd Coming:
Since the Messiah is returning soon, we should get a sense of the meaning of the Feast Days that relate directly to the Messiah's 1st and 2nd Coming:
A) Spring Feast Days and the Mesiah's 1st Coming:
The Spring Feasts related to the Messiah's 1st Coming:
1) Feasts of Passover, Unleavened Bread, and Pentecost.
2) 3 High Sabbaths.
3) 1st 6 Months of the Year = 26 Weeks.
4) Related to the Messiah's present name of Yahuahshua = Salvation of Yahuah.
5) The Messiah as the Lamb of Yahuah.
6) the 1st Adam = Fleshly.
7) 1st 6 Months = 1st 6 Days of creation; Adam created on the 6th Day of the Week; Adam died within the 6th Day because Adam lived to be almost 1000 Years old where 1 Day with Yahuah is as 1000 Years. From Adam to the Messiah's 2nd Coming = 6 Days = 6000 Years.B) Fall Feast Days and the Messiah's 2nd Coming:
The Fall Feasts related to the Messiah's 2nd Coming:
1) Feast Days of Trumpets, Day of Atonement, Tabernacles, and the Last Great Day.
2) 4 High Sabbaths.
3) 7th Month as the 7th Day of the Week is like a Sabbath Month and indicates completion.
4) Start of 2nd 6 Months of the Year = 26 Weeks.
5) Related to the Messiah's future name of Yahuahtsadaq = Righteousness of Yahuah.
6) The Messiah as the Righteousness of Yahuah.
7) The Last and 2nd Adam (the Messiah) = Spiritual.
8) The 7th Month represents the 7th Day of the Week, a Sabbath.
9) The Messiah will usher in the 7th Millennium with his 2nd Coming after a 6 Month = 26 Weeks cleanup of this polluted Earth.C) Conclusion: Combining the Spring and Fall Feasts:
The Spring and Fall Feasts represent the Beginning and the End, the 1st and the Last, the 1st and 2nd Coming of the Messiah:
1) Spring Feasts = 3 High Sabbaths, Fall Feasts = 4 High Sabbaths, where 3 + 4 = 7 High Sabbaths.
2) The Number 7 is a number of Completion and always relates to the Messiah.
3) 1st 6 Months represents the 1st 6 Days of the Week while the 7th Month represents the 7th Day of the Week, the Sabbath Day.
4) Both of the Messiah's 2 Names each have 7 Hebrew Letters. Present Name of Yahuahshua = 3 Letters (Shua = Salvation) + 4 Letters (Yahuah = Father's Name). Future Name of Yahuahtsadaq = 3 Letters (Tsadaq = Righteousness) + 4 Letters (Yahuah = Father's Name).
5) 1st Adam = Fleshly, 2nd Adam = Spiritual.
6) Father's Name of Yahuah = 26 (Numerical value of the 4 Hebrew Letters of his Name). 1st 6 Months = 26 Weeks. Messiah's 1st Name carries Father's Name = 26. 2nd 6 Months = 26 Weeks. Messiah's 2nd Name carries Father's Name = 26. Full Year = 6 Months + 6 Months = 26 Weeks + 26 Weeks = 52 Weeks. The Messiah's 2 Names = has 26 + 26 = 52. 1 complete Year = 7 Days per Week x 52 Weeks = 364 Days. Sacred Calendar Year = 360 Days + 4 Intercalary Days = 364 Days.More Perfect Numbers:
1) 5 x 18 = 90. 90 Days = 1 Season. Number 18 = Righteousness. 18th Day of the 1st Month = First Fruit Offering, the Sheaf Offering of the Barley = the Messiah. The Messiah rose from the dead at the start of Barley Harvest. 18th Day of 1st Month = middle of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the 4th Day of the 7 Day Feast. 18th Day of 7th Month = middle of the Feast of Tabernacles, the 4th Day of the 7 Day Feast.
2) In the Spring Feast Days if you add the number of the Day of the Feast Days together you get: Passover = 14th Day; 1st Day Unleavened Bread = 15th Day; Last Day of Unleavened Bread = 21st Day you get:
14 + 15 + 21 = 50! where 50 = Jubilee.3) Numbers in the 2 Names of the Messiah: the numerical values of the Messiah's 2 names are:
Yahuahshua = 402.
Yahuahtsadaq = 220.
402 + 220 = 622 = (7 x 22) + (18 x 26) = 622!
Notice all the perfect numbers: 7= completion.22 = completion. 18 = Righteousness.26 = the Father's Name of Yahuah. The numbers 7 and 22 always relate to the Messiah; as does 18; and 26 because the Messiah carries his Father's Name of Yahuah.4) From the 1st Day of Creation to the Last Great Day = 26 Days! 22nd Day of the 7th Month is the 26th Day from the 1st Day of Creataion if you count the 1st 4 Days in the 1st Week of the 7th Month. The 1st and 7th Months are identical and are templates of each other so you can transfer the meanings of the similarity of these 2 Months. The Number 26 represents Yahuah the Father but also the Messiah who carries the fulness of his Father's Name of Yahuah in his two names of Yahuahshua and Yahuahtsadaq.
The Fall Feast Days = 22 Days. From the 1st Day of the Week to the Feast of Trumpets on the 5th Day of the Week = 4 Days. The 1st and 7th Months are templates of each other and are identical. The 1st Month begins 4 Days after the 1st Day of Creation. Similarly we can add the 4 Days before the start of the 7th Month which is synonymous to the 1st Month. The Spring Feasts are not complete but the Fall Feasts are perfectly complete. From the 1st Day of the Week (Sunday) to the 1st Day of the 7th Month = 4 Days. Then from the 1st Day of the 7th Month to the Last Great Day of the 7th Month = 22 Days. Therefore 4 Days + 22 Days = 26 Days!
5) 22 + 26 + 22 = 70. The Children of Israel were in captivity in Babylon for 70 Years. From the 1st Day of Creation to the Feast of Pentecost is 70 Days. From the 1st Day of Creation to the 18th Day of the 1st Month is 22 Days. The 18th Day of the 1st Month is the First Fruit Offering of the Barley and the start of Barley Harvest. The Messiah rose from the dead the Day before and became the perfect Offering. Next 26 Days = Barley Harvest. Then Last 22 Days = Wheat Harvest. In the Parable of the Wheat and the Tares, the Messiah uses Wheat Harvest to represent the End of the World System and the start of Yahuah's Kingdom on Earth.
6) Only 4 Months on the Sacred Calendar have the 26th Day of the Month on the 4th Day of the Week: the 2nd, 5th, 8th, and 11th Months. 2 + 5 + 8 + 11 = 26. Importance of the 4th of a 7 is always linked to the Messiah. Messiah was crucified on the 4th Day of the Week. In the Messiah's 2 Names it is the 4th Letter of the 7 Letters that makes it unique and powerful carrying the 4th Letter of Yahuah the Father's Name = 26. On the 7 Lamp Menorah it is the 4th Lamp that feeds the other 6 Lamps. The Sun was created on the 4th Day of the Week which is essential for life. Grain Harvest began on the 18th Day of the 1st Month which is the 4th Day of the 7 Day Feast of Unleavened Bread. On the 18th Day of the 1st Month was the Sheaf Offering of the Barley (First Fruit Offering = the Messiah's perfect sacrifice) just after the Messiah rose from the dead.
Subliminal Programming: SSSS Technology:
(Ref. April 23, 2010 by Gary Rea)Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (SSSS) and the All-Digital TV Broadcast Signal: Connection?
The Department of Defense calls it Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (SSSS), and it also goes by the name of S-quad or Squad. In the private sector, the technology goes by the name of Silent Subliminal Presentation System and the technology has also been released to certain corporate vendors who have attached catchy brand names like BrainSpeak Silent Subliminals to their own SSSS-based products.
Whatever you call it, SSSS is a technology that uses subliminal programming that is carried over Ultra-High Frequency (UHF) broadcast waves, planting inaudible messages directly into the subconscious human mind.
Perfected more than twenty years ago by the Department of Defense and battlefield-tested upon unwitting Iraqi soldiers serving in the army of Saddam Hussein in the Gulf War during 1991, SSSS is a sinister weapon that may have been developed for a specific mission: the total subjugation of the American people.
Whether SSSS is coupled with the new all-digital TV signal as its means of delivery into the minds of an unsuspecting U.S. populace or not, it can be deployed by many different devices, including HAARP and GWEN towers, which would effectively blanket the entire nation at once. In fact, Judy Wall says that "there is evidence that the U.S. Government has plans to extend the range of this technology to envelop all peoples, all countries. This can be accomplished, is being accomplished, by utilising the nearly completed HAARP project for overseas areas and the GWEN network now in place in the U.S. The U.S. Government denies all this."
But the most insidious aspect of SSSS is that it is completely undetectable by those being targeted. Because it delivers its subliminal programming directly to the human brain via the auditory sense at frequencies that humans are incapable of perceiving as sound, there is no defense against it. Everyone on the planet is equally susceptible to mind control via SSSS and there isn't any escape from it, as the UHF waves can be transmitted over very long distances from remotely located sources and will pass through walls and other objects as if they are not there. UHF is the frequency (100mhz) that has been used for television and radio broadcasting for as long as these media have existed. SSSS is designed to utilize UHF as a carrier wave.
Even more insidious, though, is the fact that, coupled with the use of supercomputers, an individual's unique electroencephalographic (EEG) patterns can be digitally altered and then stored for rebroadcast via digital UHF. According to Judy Wall, editor and publisher of Resonance, the newsletter of the Bioelectromagnetics Special Interest Group, these computer-enhanced EEG's "can identify and isolate the brain's low-amplitude 'emotion signature clusters,' synthesise them and store them on another computer. In other words, by studying the subtle characteristic brainwave patterns that occur when a subject experiences a particular emotion, scientists have been able to identify the concomitant brainwave pattern and can now duplicate it." These modified emotion signature clusters can then be broadcast over UHF carrier frequencies (i.e., regular TV and radio signals) directly into the brain where they can then "silently trigger the same basic emotion in another human being." In other words, if the emotional signature cluster for, say, a feeling of hopelessness and despair is being fed directly into your brain via unseen radio waves, you will feel those emotions. The implications of this are, quite literally, mind boggling.
Day of Atonement is the Gateway into the Kingdom of Heaven:
It will be on the Day of Atonement when the Messiah will judge the world. Then the Messiah will separate the sheep from the goats.
The Messiah is the way, the truth and the life, and no man comes unto Yahuah the Father but by him. The Messiah has broken down the middle wall of partition which separated us from Yahuah. It was the High Priest who went into the Holy of Holies once in the Year on the Day of Atonement. The Messiah is our High Priest after the order of Melech Tsadaq = King of Righteousness through whom we can enter into the Holy of Holies directly into the presence of Yahuah the Father and into the Kingdom of Heaven.
The Messiah said in John 10:9, "I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture."
In Hebrews 6:19-20 we read, "Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and stedfast, and which enters into that within the veil; Whither the forerunner is for us entered, even Yahuahshua, made an high priest for ever after the order of Melchi Tsadaq."
Again in Hebrews 10:19-21, "Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Yahuahshua, By a new and living way, which he has consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, his flesh; And having an high priest over the house of Yahuah."
Note: In 2012 the Fall Equinox will line-up with the Day of Atonement on the 10th Day of the 7th Month on September 22, 2012 at 16 Hours 50 Minutes Jerusalem Time on the Sabbath Day, the 7th Day of the Week.
The Day of Atonementis figuratively speaking the "Eye of the Needle." In actuality the "Eye of the Needle" was a small door which was close to the Main Gate of the Walls of Jerusalem. So when the Main Gate was shut for security, the travellers had to use the small Gate or Door. But the small Gate was so small that travellers would have to unload their camels in order for their camels to crawl through the small opening. That is why the Messiah said in Matthew 19:24, "And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of Yahuah."
Yahuah is in the 7th Hall of the 7th Heaven. The Messiah is the Porter (the Gate Keeper) who allows or blocks all who try to enter into the presence of Yahuah. We can not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven and into the presence Yahuah the Father without going through the Messiah!!! Yahuahshua said in John 14:6, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes unto the Father, but by me."
The Temple of Yahuah represents Heaven and Earth. The Holy Place represents Earth and the Holy of Holies represents Heaven. It was only the High Priest that entered into the Holy of Holies once in the Year on the Day of Atonement and not without blood sacrifice. We too can enter into the Holy of Holies by our High Priest through Yahuahshua who is our Passover Lamb who shed his blood for us.
The Messiah said in Matthew 7:13-14, "Enter you in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leads to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leads unto life, and few there be that find it."
Major push to change from Magnetic Stripe to Microchip on Plastic Cards:
The Financial World is making a major push to switch from the magnetic stripe to the microchip. The new credit and bank debit cards are being re-introduced big time with the microchip. This microchip has a unique ID Number. Merchants all over the world are being forced to upgrade their card readers to accept the new microchip cards with the intention to totally eliminate the magnetic stripe altogether.
New Passports, National ID Cards and other forms of ID are also being fitted with embedded RFID chips that can be read from a distance.
This new technology is now in the fast lane paving the way for the Mark of the Beast. Cats, dogs, and farm animals are already microchiped. To implant the microchip in Man is next on Satan's agenda. The microchip will be inserted under the skin on the right hand or on the forehead of all human beings. So Satan's age old dream to control all Mankind is finally becoming a reality, fulfilling prophecy and scripture in these Last Days. The Mark of the Beast is at hand!
As Satan fufils his destiny, so come Yahuahtsadaq to fulfil yours. Come Yahuahtsadaq and take your legal place on the world stage to set up your Father Yahuah's Kingdom on Earth. That all men may know that they are but men and that you alone Yahuah rule the Heavens and the Earth.
Even so, come Yahuahtsadaq for the whole world groans for your coming!! The sooner the better!!!
December 25, 2010 falls on the 10th Day of the 10th Month in 2010:
An important date in 2010 is December 25, 2010 which will fall on the 10th Day of the 10th Month. The last time this happened was in 2004 when December 25, 2004 was on the 10th Day of the 10th Month. In 2004 the Tsunami that struck Indonesia on the next Day on December 26, 2004 killed more than 200,000 people.
The siege of Jerusalem for the destruction of the 1st Temple (Solomon's Temple) began on the 10th Day of the 10th Month.
The Number 10 = Judgment. The 10th Day of the 10th Month in the Bible was a Day of Judgment.
The 10th Day of the 10th Month is connected to the 10th Day of the 1st Month of each of the 4 seasons. The 1st Month of each of the 4 Seasons are all identical and are templates of each other on the Sacred Calendar. The 10th Day of the 1st Month of each of the 4 Seasons is always on a regular Sabbath Day.
At the Messiah's 1st Coming, the Messiah made his triumphal entry into Jerusalem on the 10th Day of the 1st Month sitting on the foal of an ass. This was prophesied in Zechariah 9:9 and the Messiah fulfilled it in Matthew 21:1-13.
The Messiah will return at his 2nd Coming on the Feast of Trumpets on the 1st Day of the 7th Month and descend from Heaven onto the the Mount of Olives. However, it will take the Messiah 10 Days to conquer the world. Then on the Day of Atonement on the 10th Day of the 7th Month the Messiah will enter into Jerusalem through the Golden Gate on the East side of Jerusalem. This East Gate has been sealed for about 3000 Years waiting for the Messiah's 2nd Coming as stated in Ezekiel 44:1-3. That is why this year when December 25, 2010 will be on the 10th Day of the 10th Month is so significant and is a reminder of the Messiah's soon 2nd Coming.
The Messiah will enter through the Golden Gate (the East Gate) on the Feast of Trumpets on the 1st Day of the 7th Month when he returns at his 2nd Coming. Again on the Day of Atonement on the 10th Day of the 7th Month when he has finished conquering the World he will sit down on the Ark of the Covenant on the Mercy Seat to Judge the World.
The Day of Atonement is the only Feast Day High Sabbath that is on the 7th Day of the Week on a regular Sabbath Day. The Feast of Trumpets is the only Feast Day High Sabbath that is on the 1st Day of the Month. According to Ezekiel 46:1-2 the gate of the inner court that looks toward the EAST shall be shut the 6 working days; but on the sabbath it shall be opened, and on the 1st Day of Each New Month it shall be opened. And the Prince shall enter by the way of the porch of that gate without.
The 10th Day of the 1st Month of each of the 4 Seasons relates to the Messiah's 1st and 2nd Coming:
1) Spring: On the 10th Day of the 1st Month: a) the Passover Lamb was chosen, b) the Messiah made his triumphal entry into Jerusalem, and c) the Children of Israel entered into the Promised Land when they crossed the Jordan River.
2) Summer: On the 10th Day of the 4th Month the City of Jerusalem was captured by the King of Babylon. The Siege of Jerusalem ended on the 9th Day of the 4th Month in 586 BCE. (2Kings 25:2-3; Jeremiah 39:2; Jeremiah 52:6-7).
3) Fall: On the 10th Day of the 7th Month is the Day of Atonement when the Messsiah will Judge the World. The Jubilee Year was also celebrated on the Day of Atonement.
Once Solomon completed the 1st Temple the priests placed the Ark into the Holy of Holies on the Day of Atonement (2Chronicles 5:7-14). The Glory of Yahuah filled the House of Yahuah. 120 Trumpeters sounded with the Trumpets. The Jubilee Year was celebrated on the Day of Atonement (Leviticus 25:9-10). The captives were set free in the Jubilee Year on the Day of Atonement.
4) Winter: On the 10th Day of the 10th Month the siege of Jerusalem for the destruction of the 1st Temple began in 588 BCE.
The 1st Month of each of the 4 Seasons are identical on the Sacred Calendar. These are the 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th Months. If you add the number of these months together you get: 1 + 4 + 7 + 10 = 22! Where the number 22 always refers to the Messiah and is a number of completion. So in these Last Days we can expect things connected to the Messiah to happen on the 10th Day of the 1st Month of Each of the 4 Seasons related to his 2nd Coming. The Number 10 is the number of Judgment. Yahuah will make his judgments known to Satan and Man during the Great Tribulation and with the Messiah's 2nd coming. The Messiah said in Matthew 24:20, "But pray you that your flight be not in the Winter, neither on the Sabbath Day." December 25, 2010 this year will be on the 10th Day of the 10th Month in Winter on the Sabbath Day!
The increased exposure in the News and in the Media about Aliens and the Year 2012 indicates the presence of Satan and his fallen Angels on Earth now and the Finale soon to come. The increase in cataclysmic events in the weather, nature, and man made accidents on a large scale also indicates we are approaching a major climax in Human History. The introduction of chaos and fear is necessary to achieve major changes and the acceptance by man of the Beast System, especially the Mark of the Beast:Consequently the total control of the entire world by Satan and his fallen Angels. This must come to pass according to scripture before the Messiah's 2nd Coming.
Notice even how traditions like Halloween are spreading fear. TV shows are increasing violent content of death and fear. This is to numb the people to the death, pain, and suffering of others. We are being conditioned without even noticing it.
At the same time our resistance to disease is being knocked down with poor nutrition, and the pollution of our air, water, and food. Our immune systems are being weakened. The fast pace of modern living is burning us out. Lack of sleep, lack of excercise, the destruction of the Family Unit, and the demoralizing and the putting down of our religious values are all having a devastating affect on our minds and bodies. The peace and joy is gone, replaced by fear and uncertainty.
Wake up, sound the trumpet, in my most Holy Mountain! The time is at hand. Repent of the evil. Be prepared to meet your Maker. For the Kingdom of Yahuah is at hand with the soon return of Yahuahtsadaq the King of Kings.
The Messiah said in John 16:33, "These things I have spoken unto you, that in me you might have peace. In the world you will have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." Again in Isaiah 26:3 we read, "You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on you: because he trusts in you."
Satan wants to control and dominate the whole world so he can be worshiped by all of Mankind. Now in these Last Days as his time is quickly running out he is achieving just that through technology.
On the surface it may seem like there is not much happening in the world. However, the evil undercurrents tell the true tale. Things are waxing worse and worse. How do we know that we are in the Last Days and in the Great Tribulation? Because the Tares and the Wheat are white for the Harvest. The Tares are exceedingly evil and wicked, doing evil continually.
In John 8:24 the Messiah said, "I said therefore unto you, that you shall die in your sins: for if you believe not that I am he, you shall die in your sins."
Satan is the Master Deceiver of All Time. Satan is re-programming the Mind of the whole Human Race using Digital Technology. The most affected are the new young Generation who have been immersed into this New High Tech Digital Technology from Birth. People no longer talk to each other, they text each other, sometimes even when in the same room!
Satan has had 6000 Years to prepare for his grand exit via the glamour and enticement of High Tech wizardry to deceive and conquer the world before he is chained up in the bottomless pit for 1000 Years. Satan has mesmerized the whole world with his electronic gadgets by seducing and addicting the people to willingly accept his mind control. As believers we have to fight back with the Word of Yahuah and by putting on our Spiritual Armour. As it is written, "Resist the Devil and he will flee from you."
The 2010 Fall Feast Days could be the last Fall Feast Days we celebrate if indeed the Messiah returns in the Fall of 2011. The time is close, even at the very doors. Look up and rejoice for the time is at hand!
So come Yahuahshua for we long for your return. We long for your Father's Kingdom and your rule for 1000 Years on this Earth! Blessed be thou Yahuah for yours is the Kingdom of Heaven and Earth! Great is Yahuah and greatly to be praised! HalleluYAH! HalleluYAH YAHUAH abinu!
Introduction:131.0) 10 Toes of Daniels's Prophecy is the Digital Age of Today:Today is May 22, 2011 the 7th Day of the 3rd Month on the Feast of Pentecost at the End of Wheat Harvest. The World Economy continues to weaken. Gold is over $1500 U.S. per Ounce and Oil is over $100 U.S. per barrel. Analysts are predicting that when Oil is over $150 U.S. per barrel the World Economy will be seriously affected and that could be this Summer in 2011.
The 4th Seal of Revelation 6:7-8 is now Open. The Pale Horse is now riding. The Massive Earthquake in Japan that spawned a destructive Tsunami and the spreading Arab Uprising in the Middle East and in North Africa are just two indicators that the 4th Seal is open.
The countdown has begun! Whether the Messiah comes this Feast of Trumpets on September 15, 2011 or later, time will tell. One thing is for sure, the stage is set, the characters are on the stage, and the play has begun. The technology is now in place for the Mark of the Beast. When it comes it will come suddenly and without warning even though the signs are all around us!
Believers have experienced personal attacks by Satan since 2008 which has intensified and has increased ever since. 2008 is when Satan's presence was truly felt. Satan has been kicked out of Heaven and is on the earth for the full 3 1/2 Years Great Tribulation. It is possible that our understanding of the Messiah's return could be out by 1 Year or even more.
In Fall 2012 the Day of Atonement will line up with the Fall Equinox on Sabbath (Saturday) September 22, 2012. Notice the perfect numbers even on the Roman Calendar where September is the old 7th Month + 22nd Day = 7 + 22 which are the perfect numbers that represent the Messiah!! On the Sacred Calendar the Day of Atonement is on the 10th Day of the 7th Month = 10 (Judgment) + 7 (Completion). Regardless of when the Messiah will return, everything in the news indicates that the time for his return is soon and it is at the very doors!
Unusual disasters like Flooding in Queensland, Australia; 1000's of birds falling down deadout of the sky in Arkansas, Sweden, and in Italy; fish dying in the rivers; etc. are all signs that the plagues are upon us.
Man is destroying Nature and Nature is fighting back. Even natural disasters are increasing in number and intensity. A good example are the crippling snow storms this Winter in Europe when heavy snow storms hit Europe which caused 1000's of flight cancellations and disruptions worldwide.
Do not get discouraged because of the evil that must come to pass, which is but for a short time. Take courage in Yahuah. Take hold on Eternal Life. Seek Yahuah with all your heart. Keep His commandments and rejoice in your Creator.
4th Seal of Revelation Now Open and 5th Seal to Open Soon:
The 4th Seal of Revelation 6:7-8 is now open. The 3rd Seal has been open since the price of food spiked in 2007. The 5th Seal has not occurred yet which is the martyrdom of the Believers but is coming up fast. Right now we are beginning to see the persecution of the Righteous around the world. In recent times there has been an escalation of attacks on Christians in Non-Christian countries where they are a minority. Now with the 4th Seal open, we are seeing the unrest and violence in places like the Middle East and North Africa where the Arab Uprising is having a dominos affect on many countries.
2012 and Daniel's interpretation of the Handwriting on the Wall:
In Daniel 5:1-31 the hand writing on the wall was, "MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN." This was Daniel's interpretation:
MENE = Yahuah has numbered your Kingdom, and finished it.
TEKEL = You are weighed in the balances, and are found wanting.
PERES = Your Kingdom is divided, and given to the Medes and Persians.
Note: Mene (Mina) = 50 Shekels. There are two Mina weighed against each other in this prophecy where 50 + 50 = 100 = 3 x 26 + 22. Notice the Perfect Numbers where 50 = a Jubilee, 22 = represents the Messiah, and 26 = represents Yahuah the Father.In a Jubilee Year there are two Feast Days related to a 50th. The Feast of Pentecost (Feast of Weeks) is a 50th and is a Jubilee of Days (50th Day). The Day of Atonement is also related to a 50th and the Jubilee of Years (50th Year). The Jubilee Year is celebrated on the Day of Atonement (Leviticus 25:8-13) in the 50th Year.Pentecost is the End of Wheat Harvest in every Sacred Calendar Year. The Day of Atonement will be the Day of Judgment and the End of the World (System) at the time of the Messiah's 2nd Coming.
So the Day of Pentecost (50th) is weighed against the Day of Atonement (50th) in a Year of Jubilee, especially the year when the Messiah will return. Right now, our understanding is that the Year 2011 is the 6000th Year from Adam. However, it is possible that we could be out by 1 Year, which would make 2012 the 6000th Year from Adam. Note: 6000 Years divided by 50 = 120 x 50 Years. The Fall Feast Days have never been fulfilled but will be when the Messiah returns at his 2nd Coming. We know from Scripture that the Messiah will return on the Feast of Trumpets and he will Judge the World on the Day of Atonement.
Notice the Perfect Numbers related between the Day of Pentecost and the Day of Atonement. From the Day of Pentecost to the Day of Atonement is exactly 18 Weeks (counting the 2 Intercalary Days). 18 Weeks = 18 Weeks x 7 Days per Week = 126 Days = 4 x 26 + 22! Where 18 = Righteousness, 7 and 22 represent the Messiah Yahuahshua, and 26 represents Yahuah the Father.
In 2012 there is a special event on the Sacred Calendar. In 2012 the Day of Atonement will line up with the Fall Equinox on Sabbath (Saturday) September 22, 2012. This could suggest the year that the Messiah will return.
This Prophecy in Daniel is symbolic of the Scales of Justice with the idea of good being weighed against evil, the Righteous versus the Wicked, the Wheat and the Tares. In the Parable of the Wheat and the Tares in Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43 the Wheat Harvest is compared to the End of the World.
If the Messiah does not come in 2011 then he could come in 2012. Whenever he comes it is soon! The Day of the Messiah's return is at hand and he will not tarry. Even so come Yahuahshua, the sooner the better.
Current Events:
1) November 22, 2010: Ireland - economic bailout with $ Billions.
2) November 23, 2010: Airports - Pat downs and full body screening at airports clearly a violation of human dignity all in the name of security and Big Brother.
3) December 3, 2010: Europe - Worst December Winter in European History.
4) December 3, 2010: Israel - Worst Forest Fire in Israeli History around Mount Carmel, Israel. 12 Countries have given aid and equipment to Israel to fight the fires.
5) December 5, 2010: Bosnia - Worst flooding in Bosnia in over 100 Years.
6) December 5, 2010: Australia - Severe flooding in N.S.W. Australia.
7) December 21, 2010: Winter Solstice - 1st time in almost 400 Years a Total Lunar Eclipse is on the Day of the Winter Solstice and is blood red.
8) December 31, 2011: Australia - N.E. Australia experiences severe flooding covering an area greater than that of France and Germany combined. Over 200,000 people displaced.
9) January 2, 2011: U.S.A. - 5000 birds fall out of the sky dead, near Little Rock, Arkansas and about 100,000 fish dying in the Arkansas River.
10) January 8, 2011: Magnetic North - Magnetic North is wondering causing a Polar Shift in the Magnetic Field. Airports are adjusting their calibrations accordingly.
11) January 10, 2011: 3D Imaging - Electronics and Communications Show for 2011 full of vendors displaying 3D imaging incorporated into their products such as a telephone with pop-up interactive hologram of image of your choice of for example a picture of a Family Member, etc.
12) January 14, 2011: Tunisia - riots and demonstrating. Demonstrations against the high cost of food.
13) January 14, 2011: Brazil - mudslides and flooding.
14) January 14, 2011: Queensland, Australia - Flooding has now displaced more than 200,000 people and has reached into Brisbane the 3rd largest city in Australia.
15) January 26, 2011: Creation - On Coast to Coast Radio a guest said that a Scientist has closely examined the formation of rock under a super microscope and found that the rock was created instantly rather than developed over millions of years when it was formed. This indicates a Creator rather than evolution.
16) January 28, 2011: Egypt - In Cairo, street riots could topple the government. Egypt is the corner stone for the Peace process in the Middle East. It could also be the start for the unravelling of it too. The riots in Dictator States like Algeria, Tunisia, and now Egypt could have a dominos affect throughout the whole Middle East that could quicken a solution between Israel and the Palestinians which could usher in the 3rd Temple in Jerusalem.
17) February 2, 2011: Egypt - Protesters clash in Cairo. Demonstrators on the streets now for 9 Days demanding Mubarak to step down. New clashes caused one death and over 500 hurt.
18) February 2, 2011: Australia - Queensland, Australia hit by Category 5 Cyclone Yasi with winds of up to 300 Miles per Hour and causing the evacuation of 10's of thousands of people.
19) February 2, 2011: Yemen - Demonstrations in Yemen demanding the Prime Minister to step down. This is the dominos affect that has seen dictator states like Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt and now Yemen to topple the government. People want freedom, jobs and improved living standards.
20) February 3, 2011: Amazon - Scientists sound the alarm due to drought in the Amazon Rainforest.
21) February 3, 2011: Queensland, Australia - Cyclone Yasi hits Queensland, the worst in Australian History.
22) February 8, 2011: Magnetic Pole Reversal - Scientists are sounding the alarm as to the devastating affect this phenomenon will have on the earth. This will seriously weaken the Magnetic Field that surrounds the earth and acts as a shield to protect the earth from harmful solar radiation.
23) February 10, 2011: Global Financial Scheme - New York Stock Exchange to merge with the German Stock Exchange headed by a German Director. Toronto and London Stock Exchanges to merge as well to compete on the Global stage.
24) February 10, 2011: Egypt Crisis - Mubarak to step down as head of Egypt.
25) February 11, 2011: Egypt - Mubarak steps down as President of Egypt and the Army takes control of the country.
26) February 15, 2011: Pakistan - Demonstrations in Pakistan for Sharia Law for Death Penalty for those who blaspheme.
27) February 18, 2011: The Earth - On Coast to Coast Radio - Existence of Lay Lines & Grids, and energy points around the earth. Crop circles could be caused by the programming of the earth's surface thousands of years ago. Also found on ice and sand as well as on crops around the earth.
28) February 23, 2011: Price of Oil hits $100 U.S. per barrel, the 1st time since 2008. This is a direct result of the civil unrest in the Middle East and in North Africa, especially in Libya which is an oil producing country.
29) February 23, 2011: Gold at $1414 U.S. per Ounce.
30) February 23, 2011: Technology - On Coast to Coast Radio - talk of holographs and virtual situation capability by the Military. This rings like the events to take place in our time, prophesied in the Book of Revelation with respect to the 1st and 2nd Beast having powers and the ability to perform miracles.
31) March 2, 2011: Middle East - The Arab Uprising is a major event happening in the Middle East and in North Africa that is affecting the whole world. The price of oil has spiked due to the conflict in Libya. The uprising in Libya is leading to civil war. There are already about 1 Million stranded foreign workersin Libya waiting for a way to get home (mostly Egyptian workers). The price of Oil is now over $100 U.S. per barrel and Gold is over $1430 U.S. per ounce. Price of food is also sharply rising caused by the high cost of transportation and due to poor harvests all over the world.
32) March 11, 2011: Japan - 8.9 Earthquake hits near Japan followed by a massive Tsunami. Hundreds dead, thousands missing. Extensive damage. Largest earthquake to hit Japan in history. 7th largest Earthquake in recorded world history, 5th largest since 1900. As a result of this earthquake there was a Tsunami warning for Hawaii and even for as far as the West Coast of the U.S.A..
33) March 13, 2011: Japan - Japan Earthquake upgraded to 9.0. Millions without electricity and water. Food running out. Two Nuclear Reactors could suffer meltdown. New threat of Volcanic eruptions add to the misery of the people of Japan.
34) April 10, 2011: Japan - Japanese Earthquake Update - 13,000 dead, 15,000 missing, with approximately $300 Billion damage.
35) April 11, 2011: U.S.A. - Over 300 Tornados hit southern U.S. causing severe damage and over 300 deaths. One of the worst tornado seasons.
36) April 20, 2011: Gold = $1506 U.S. per Ounce, Silver = $45.23 U.S. per Ounce, and Oil = $111 U.S. per Barrel. These are strong indicators: how weak our currency is; how inflation is eating away at our meagre financial resources; how quickly the cost of living is rising; and how fearful people are about their living standards and are investing in commodities and have lost confidence in paper money.
37) April 26, 2011: Middle East - Hamas in Gaza and Fatah in the West Bank have agreed in principle to rejoin and to present a united Palestinian front. This is another sign that a solution with Israel may be close.
38) May 1, 2011: United Nations - United Nations proposing to pass a law on blashphemy? Why now? Believers would be directly impacted by this law. Using the Messiah's two true names would be in the eyes of some as blasphemous because both of the Messiah's names carry the Father's full 4 Letter Hebrew name of Yahuah. Once passed this law would correspond to the opening of the 5th Seal of Revelation 6:9-11 which is the martyrdom of the Saints of Yahuah.
39) May 2, 2011: Pakistan - Osama Bin Laden killed by American Special Forces in a Mansion in Pakistan.
40) May 3, 2011: New Zealand - Tornado touches down in New Zealand.
41) May 3, 2011: Financial - Gold = $1531 U.S. per Ounce and Oil = $110 U.S. per Barrel.
42) May 13, 2011: Pakistan- Attacks have begun in Pakistan to avenge the death of Osama Bin Laden, 80 dead and over 100 injured.
43) May 1-18, 2011: Canada - Severe Flooding in Manitoba and the Maritimes. The Army called out to help.
44) May 8-18, 2011: U.S.A. - Severe Flooding all along the Mississippi River affecting 4 or more States. Worst flooding of the Mississippi River since the 1930's. The flood waters are again threatening New Orleans in the coming days.
45) May 19, 2011: U.S.A.-U.S. President Obama gave a speech on the Middle East. For a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian Problem he suggested a Two State Solution going back to 1967 borders. This speech along with Hamas and Fatah starting to reunite to form a common Palestinian front in conjunction with the Arab Uprising in the region suggests something big is about to happen in the Middle East!
46) May 20, 2011: Financial - Gold = $1508 U.S. per Ounce, while Oil = $100 U.S. per Barrel.
47) May 21, 2011: Religion - In the U.S.A. a preacher proclaimed the Rapture would take place today warning of Judgment and Believers taken up into Heaven. This did not happen. However, this is just another indicator that we are close to the Messiah's return as there will be false prophets and false Messiah's just before his 2nd Coming.
48) May 22, 2011: Iceland - Volcanic eruptions in Iceland cause Flight Cancellations. Plumes of ash headed to Scotland, England, and other parts of Europe.
The Arab Uprising:
The Arab Uprising is engulfing the whole Middle East and North Africa. The Arab political landscape has changed big time. This change is finally enabling the thorny issue of the Palestinian Problem and the question of Jerusalem to be settled once and for all. Israel is under increasing pressure to cave in to Palestinian demands.
Nuclear Crisis:
First came the Financial Crisis in 2007. Then came the Food Crisis with food shortages caused by drought and flooding in different parts of the world along with the high cost of oil. Natural Disasters are ever increasing the fear and anxiety of Man worldwide. "Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken (Luke 21:26)".
Now comes the Nuclear Crisis brought on by one of the worst 9.0 Earthquakes in History and the Tsunami which followed both devastating Japan. Four Nuclear Power Reactors have been damaged in Japan causing explosions, partial meltdown, and radiation leakage which is affecting the whole world.
People are panicing all over the world for fear of radiation fallout. Many are scrambling to buy Potassium Iodide to counter radiation which could attack the thyroid gland. Many Nations are shutting down their Nuclear Plants and Upgrading others to alleviate the fear of the Masses.
All 4 Horses of Revelation 6:1-8 are now riding. We are witnessing the opening of the 4th Seal and the riding of the 4th Horse. "And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon earth distress of Nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring (Luke 21:25)."
More Perfect Numbers:
a) Perfect Numbers related to the Messiah's Crucifixion:
Messiah crucified at the 6th Hour = 12 Noon = 18th Hour of the 24 Hour Day where 18 = Righteousness.
Messiah died at the 9th Hour = 3 PM = 21st Hour of the 24 Hour Day where 18 Hours + 21 Hours = 39 Hours. The Messiah was on the torture stake for 3 Hours between the 18th and 21st Hour before he died. We are healed by the stripes of the Messiah (1Peter 2:24). By law the person received 40 less 1 = 39 Stripes (Deuteronomy 25:3). The Apostle Paul was also beaten by 40 less 1 stripes (2Corinthians 11:24).
18th Letter of the Hebrew Alphabet = Tsaddi = Righteousness.
21st Letter of the Hebrew Alphabet = Shin = Salvation.
The Messiah's Name at his 1st Coming and his Present Name = Yahuah SHUA = SALVATION of Yahuah.
The Messiah's Name at his 2nd Coming and his Future Name = Yahuah TSADAQ = RIGHTEOUSNESS of Yahuah.
Satan's Electronic and Virtual World:
The New World Order, the Beast System, and Satan's Kingdom are all one and the same. Satan has used Electronics to create his modern virtual world. You can not succeed in this New World Order financially unless you are hard wired to it electronically. GPS (Global Positioning System) is being integrated into cell phones, cars, trucks, airplanes, boats, and anything else that moves for tracking purposes. Identification and tracking is being used as a very big part of this New World Order to control the Masses by Satan. Satan is the King and Supreme Leader of this New World Order and he makes no bones about it. When Satan tempted the Messiah after the Messiah fasted for 40 Days, Satan said in Matthew 4:8 "Again, the devil takes him up into an exceeding high mountain, and shows him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; And says unto him, All these things will I give you, if you will fall down and worship me." If you read Revelation 12:3 and Revelation 13:1-2 you will see that it is Satan that gives his power to the 1st Beast. Satan works behind the scene and gives his power to the Beast to establish the Beast System.
We are experiencing electronic harassment more and more. This harassment is invisible to the naked eye but deadly to those targeted and is used to punish, supress, and to bring in line those that oppose Satan's Rule.
Satan is herding the Masses to go in the direction he has planned proding the people using electronic harassement. Satan wants the whole world to worship him. He is achieving this using electronics in every form to control the mind, body, and spirit of Man. Like cattle we are tracked, herded, and manipulated to do Satan's bidding at his every whim.
Satan is attacking and controlling Man through Technology. That is why Satan seems to be invisible to us. But make no mistake about it, Satan only temporarily controls the World until the Messiah will return at his 2nd Coming.
The Magnetic Pole Reversal of the Earth:
The earth is in the process of Magnetic Pole Reversal which is accelerating. Scientists are linking this to the iron core of the earth. In reality in the centre of the earth is the House and Kingdom of Yahuah (Philippians 2:10). If indeed this reversal is being caused from the centre of the earth then it is Yahuah that is causing it. This shift is a sign to Man of the soon Judgment of Yahuah upon the Earth from Yahuah.
When the magnetic field is strong then the magnetic lines run through the centre of the earth coming out at the two poles and form a shield in the shape of a donut around the outside of the earth. However, when the poles shift, these magnetic lines break up forming many small separate pockets of magnetic fields all over the earth. Broken up, the magnetic fields are no longer effective to protect the earth from the harmful rays of the Sun. We can expect a scorching of the earth's surface by the Sun. The powerful solar radiation will also knock out satellites, disrupt electric power grids and computer systems.
These disruptions in the magnetic field are affecting all living things including the human mind. We are witnessing civil unrest all over the world. Man made and natural navigation systems are being disrupted. Honey bees and birds use the magnetic pole for a reference point which is changing. Airports are recalibrating their navigation instruments. GPS (Global Positioning System) is being severely affected which is now in cars, cell phones, airplanes, etc.
Beast System of Revelation 13 up and running:
The structure of the Beast System is now in place. In no other time in human history has the Mark of the Beast ever been possible as it is today. However, the fine tuning and the actual Mark of the Beast System is yet to come. The modern wonders and miracles of High Technology make the Beast System possible through computers, GPS, RFID Chips, surveillance cameras, cell phones, and biometric identification systems such as electronic finger printing, Iris scan, facial recognition, DNA, etc..
We are blinded by the artificial technology which is so part of our daily lives. We are getting further and further away from Yahuah's natural creation. We are constantly monitored, tracked, and manipulated by a world of High Tech. We are at the 10 Toes of Daniel 2:31-45 which are partly iron and partly clay. The iron of the 10 Toes is very strong but the mixed clay is very vulnerable, and so is the modern computer chip. Our whole modern world is running on these very powerful chips. However, these chips are very fragile. Solar radiation from the Sun or heaven forbid a terrorist attack with the use of an EMP (Electro Magnetic Pulse) bomb can wipe out the computer systems of entire cities or even countries. The disruption of our computer systems will affect our whole way of life.
1) Image of the Beast is any electronic device with a digital screen. It can be a T.V., Computer Monitor, Cell Phone, or any other device with a digital screen. All these electronic devices produce flicker that has a hypnotic effect and can deliver subliminal messages without the user even knowing. These devices all have a unique ID Number that links the device directly to a specific home or individual. Hence a subliminal message(s) can be targeted at a specific person or to the masses all at once.
Note: Alternating Current produces flicker that can be used to hypnotize. This effect could be easily seen in early street lights. That is why the frequency was changed to 60MHZ so the flicker would still be there for the subconscious to pick up but not noticeable by the human conscious mind.
In scripture it talks about the danger of worshipping the Image of the Beast. Is it OK to have limited use to get info such as News, Weather, etc.? Information content is so intermixed with junk that it is difficult to separate out the good from the bad. It is so easy to get addicted to image watching. People use it as a drug to numb their minds from the pain and stress of real life. Use at your own risk!!!
Digital signals are directable and trackable to and from individual electronic devices. That was the importance of passing the Law in the U.S. in June 2009 to ban all analog broadcasting in favour of total Digital Communications Broadcasting.
2) Number of the Beast is incorporated into every aspect of our modern world. Most microchips embedded into Passports, Credit Cards, Bank Cards, and other forms of personal identification usually consists of only a single unique ID Number that links the number to an Individual and to his/her personal file. The number is used for identification, security and control by the system.
3) Name of the Beast is present in the form of the Name of the Government, Financial Institution, or other Organization that enables individuals to enjoy benefits, privileges, and rights through their organization.
4) Mark of the Beast is the last and most dangerous aspect of the Beast System which is not yet present. The Mark of the Beast will be a mark put on the hand or forehead of the individual in the form of a microchip or bar code tattoo. This Mark will give the individual the power to buy and sell in the Beast System. It will also give the individual the ability to move freely within the Beast System. Satan will use the Mark of the Beast to enslave and control his subjects all in the name of easy living and so called security.
Nourishing the Holy Spirit of Yahuah that dwells within us:
Satan is not interested in the individual soul. He is interested in ousting the Holy Spirit of Yahuah that is in the individual. Once the Holy Spirit leaves the person then Satan has the power to control that person at his whim. In other words, another human soul on the trash heap and Satan wins. But we are not ones to allow Satan to defeat us. For Great is Yahuah who dwells within us by His Holy Spirit! So we have to do everything in our power to nourish and take care of Yahuah's Holy Spirit that dwells within us.
Remember, it is not you that Satan is attacking. Satan is attacking the Messiah who dwells in you. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Satan is making war with the Saints of Yahuah who keep Yahuah's commandments and who have the testimony of Yahuahshua the Messiah.
We are now at the end of Wheat Harvest. We can now identify the matured Wheat and Tares by their fruit or lack of fruit. Satan's presence is palpable in theseLast Days by the evil that is so prevalent in the world today. The Children of Righteousness will do that which is righteous. The Children of wickedness will do wickedly. So don't fret yourself because of the ever increasing evil. It must come to pass. But trust in Yahuah and be prepared for the soon return of the Messiah. Don't be overcome of evil but overcome evil with good.
In the Parable of the Sower and the Seed in Matthew 13:3-8,18-23: the Messiah said 1) some seed fell by the way side, and the fowls came and devoured them up;2) some fell upon stony places, where they had not much earth, and forthwith they sprung up, because they had no deepness of earth, and when the sun was up, they were scorched, and because they had no root, they withered away; 3) And some fell among thorns, and the thorns sprung up, and choked them; 4) But other fell into good ground, and brought forth fruit, some an hundredfold, some sixtyfold, some thirtyfold.
Hear you therefore the Parable of the Sower: 1) When any one hears the Word of the Kingdom, and understands not, then comes the wicked and catches away that which was sown in his heart. This is he which received seed by the way side. 2) But he that received the seed into stony places, the same is he that hears the Word, and anon with joy receives it. Yet has he not root in himself, but endures for a while, for when TRIBULATION or persecution arises because of the Word, by and by he is offended. 3) He also that received seed among the thorns is he that hears the Word, and the care of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, choke the Word, and he becomes unfruitful. 4) But he that received seed into the good ground is he that hears the Word, and understands it, which also bears fruit, and brings forth, some an hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.
In the Parable of the Wheat and the Tares in Matthew 13:24-30, the Messiah explains how it is the enemy (Satan) that sowed the Tares among the Wheat. But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the Tares also. The Master said, Let both grow together until the Harvest, and in the time of Harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather you together first the Tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them, but gaher the Wheat into my barn.
The Messiah declared the Parable of the Wheat and the Tares in Matthew 13:36-43 to his disciples in private: He that sows the good seed is the Son of Man. The field is the world, the good seed are the children of the Kingdom, but the Tares are the children of the wicked. The enemy that sowed them is the devil. The Harvest is the end of the world, and the reapers are the Angels. As therefore the Tares are gathered and burned in the fire, so shall it be in the end of this world. The Son of Man shall send forth his Angels, and they shall gather out of his Kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity. And shall cast them into a furnace of fire. There shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Then shall the Righteous shine forth as the Sun in the Kingdom of their Father.
We are all in these Parables. Question is, are we the Wheat or the Tares? We are all struggling internally and externally until the time of refreshing comes when we will be born again from above. Satan will do everything in his power to discourage and destroy us. Be of good comfort for the Messiah has overcome the world. We too can overcome with Yahuah's help, through His beloved Son, by His Holy Spirit and by His Word.
As believers, we have taken a lot of crap from Satan. Now it is time to fight back with the Word of Yahuah. Time to join ranks with the Spiritual Army of Yahuah. So put on the whole spiritual armour of Yahuah (Romans 13:12; 2Corinthians 6:7; Ephesians 6:11-17).
The best defence is a good offence. Do not be overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.
We are now feeling the birth pains because we are soon coming to the birth!!
Satan has deceived Mankind by the power of deception through addictions such as video games, T.V., alcohol, drugs, caffeine, nicotine, gambling, virtual reality, etc. Through these compulsive behaviours Satan has dumbed down Man and has kept him away from his true Creator and Saviour. Satan is keeping Man from observing the Laws and Commandments of Yahuah thereby preventing Man from obtaining Eternal Life.
In Revelation 2:1-29; 3:1-22 the promises will be given to those who overcome. Overcome what? Overcome the World and the deadly addictions that are swallowing up Man. The Messiah has shown us by example how to overcome the world. The Messiah said in John 15:10, "If you keep my commandments, you shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in his love."
Satan only seeks to destroy. Satan wants to conquer the whole world at any price and does not care for human life.
The Messiah came to save, that we may have life and have life more abundantly.
So lift up those feeble hands that hang down and rejoice for your King comes. He comes with power and with an Army of Angels to take back control of this earth. That the earth may again enjoy her Sabbaths and rejoice before her Maker.
We are no longer on the defensive, now we are in the attack mode, fighting the good fight with love, joy and peace!!!
Always rejoice in Yahuah, especially in all our tribulations, no matter whatever Satan throws at us. We are not alone. We have the whole Army of Yahuah backing us up!
Introduction:132.0) 2012 the Year of the Dragon:Today is January 9, 2012 the 26th Day of the 10th Month. Most people will agree that we are now in the Digital Age. We used to be able to get Analog Signals for the T.V. using rabbit ear antennae. All you would get now is snow on the T.V. screen if your T.V. is not digital. In June 2009 the U.S.A. passed a law making all broadcasting signals digital. Canada followed suit by passing the same law on September 1, 2011. Analog Signals are extinct. Welcome to the Digital Age!! Computers, cell phones, and most electronic devices are digital. Now how does this tie in with scripture and prophecy?
There is a scripture in the Book of Daniel for the Last Days and the 2nd Coming of the Messiah. In Daniel 2:31-40:41-45 the 10 Toes will be at theEnd of the Age and the stone that smites them will be the Messiah at his 2nd Coming.
If you check the meaning of the word "DIGIT" in a good English Dictionary you will find that it refers to the NUMBER 10 and fingers and TOES!!! Hence the connection between the 10 Toes of Daniel and the present dayDigital Age. In Daniel, the 10 Toes are also iron mixed with clay. This is the only time in History that the computer semi-conductor chipwas possible. These computer chips are a mix of iron and clay!!! Today, electronic devices have a semi-conductor chip which is the brain of the device. Although very powerful processors, these chips are extremely vulnerable and fragile to electro-magnetic-pulse.
Our whole modern world is now run using computers. These computers control financial, governmental, industrial, and commercial systems. We get our food, heat, water, and every other distribution of these necessities through computer controlled systems. EMP (electro-magnetic-pulse) caused by a nuclear blast or a solar wind from the sun can wipe out satellites, and every computer device on the planet earth. Due to our dependency on these digital devices our whole way of life is vulnerable and fragile as are the 10 Toes of Daniel's prophecy.
Note:Article 27.0) on this web page has been updated to include the Dates for the Feast Days from 2012 to 2016.
Walking down Memory Lane:
Let's take a walk down memory lane. Remember that cartoon show the Jetsons years ago. The Jetsons was a window into the future. It showed a time in the future when we would conquer our environment. It was to be a time of electronic gadgets. People would be flying around in space cars and everyone would be in the space age having every conceivable convenience. It was to be a time of leisure and when we could be carefree and enjoy a form of paradise. This is the vision that Satan has now enticed us with the second time.
The first time Satan seduced Man was when he got Adam and Eve to eat of the forbidden fruit of the tree of good and evil. By obeying Satan instead of Yahuah Man was kicked out of the Garden of Eden. Now here we go again. Satan has deceived Man again. Satan has promised us Paradise through Digital Technology, miracles and marvels in medicine, technology and science. Yes, again we are awe struck but at what price. We see the bait but not the hook! We have the conveniences but at what price. These new gadgets have GPS and are trackable. We are paying the price with our freedom, with our health and with our happiness.
Satan has neglected to tell us to read the fine print. He failed to inform us that there are consequences for these luxuries and conveniences. There is a Day of Judgment coming. We will be held accountable for destroying this beautiful planet. We have received the conveniences and comforts at a very high price. In order to maintain such a luxurious life style we have polluted the water, the air, the land, and destroyed most living things on this planet. There is a day of reckoning and it is near at hand. Repent of the evil. Turn back to Yahuah and to His righteousness.
The 10 Toes of Daniel is the Digital Age now:
The 10 Toes of Daniel represents the culmination and the end of Satan's rule on earth. It signifies the soon return of the Messiah at his 2nd Coming.
No one will dispute that we are now in the Digital Age. But what does it really mean from a scriptural point of view. Check and look-up the word "DIGIT" in a good English Dictionary. The word "DIGIT" means the "number 10" (Judgment), it also means "fingers and toes"!!!
Calling All Believers! This is a Wake-up Call!!
Time to wake up! The call has gone out that the Bridegroom is coming! The foolish virgins are still asleep. The wise virgins have filled their lamps with oil (Holy Spirit of Yahuah) and trimmed their lamps to meet the Bridegroom. The foolish virgins slumber with the cares and riches of this life. The wise virgins are diligent in seeking the Kingdom of Yahuah. The wise are studying and sharing the Word of Yahuah following the path of Righteousness walking in the footsteps of Yahuahshua the Messiah.
The U.S. is the Keystone in the Global Financial System:
The U.S. is the Keystone in the Global Financial System. The U.S. is the horse engine that drives the world economic system. 70 percent of the world is using the American Dollar. So the drama of raising the U.S. Debt Ceiling and now the downgrading of the U.S. Credit Rating are both signs of early cracks in the Global Economic System that could lead to a global recession.
China says the world needs a new world reserve currency where no one country can influence global markets like the U.S. Dollar does. Russia already suggested the "UNO" a few years ago as a substitute for the U.S. Dollar and actually minted a few for a demonstration.
What we could be witnessing are the birth pains for the forging of the 1st New World Order Currency connected with the Beast System and the soon coming Mark of the Beast.
Life comes from Life:
If you look at anything that is alive in Nature, you will find that Life comes from Life. We too as human beings came from Life. We originated from Yahuah. Yahuah gives us Life. He sustains our Life. Yahuah gives us the Hope of Eternal Life through His beloved Son Yahuahshua, by His Holy Spirit, by His Word and by His Promises.
Our Affluent Life Style is killing us:
The affluent life style of the 1st World Nations is destroying us. The diseases are rampant. Never in history has such diseases as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and other diseases have so ravaged Mankind. We are dying like flies and are sick because of poor nutrition in our diet (too much salt, sugar, processed foods, junk foods, fat, etc.), lack of excercise, lack of sleep, too much stress, violence, fear, and uncertainty; lack of a good conscience and love toward our beloved Creator Yahuah and toward our fellow Man.
Do you not hear the warnings and the shouts of the prophets. Flee the pleasures and lusts of the flesh that this modern way of life caters to.
"Come out of her, my people, that you be not partakers of her sins, and that you receive not of her plagues." Revelation 18:4.
Satan has deceived the Whole World:
Satan has deceived the whole world. Satan is replacing the natural beautiful world of Yahuah with an artificial one created in Satan's image. This New World Order of Satan is Digital. The Financial System is no longer based on a solid rock foundation of solid values. This new Financial System is based on like the Emperor's New Clothes on nothing but thin air, on Satan's imaginary artificial world that he has created. This new financial system is no longer based on real physical assets gained by hard honest work. It is based on intangible illusionary digital numbers kept in computers and created out of nothing. Why do you think the price of gold has skyrocketed so high in these last few years? Because the global debt is so high, paper money and credit is generated and backed by nothing, but by misplaced confidence by sheepish and deceived Mankind.
Satan is in control for now. He knows that his time is short. He wants all the power and glory that he can possibly get before he is thrown into the bottomless pit for 1000 years! Satan's rule of terror is coming to an end and the Messiah's return is at hand.
Come Yahuahshua, the sooner the better, to finally rule this world in righteousness. That is why the Messiah will return using his new name of "Yahuahtsadaq" which means "Yahuah is Righteous". When confronted about giving to the powers that be at the Messiah's 1st Coming, he was asked, "Is it lawful to give tribute unto Caesar, or not? But Yahuahshua perceived their wickedness, and said, Why tempt you me, you hypocrites? Show me the tribute money. And they brought unto him a penny. And he says unto them, Whose is this IMAGE and superscription? They say unto him, Caesar's. Then says he to them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto Yahuah the things that are Yahuah's." Matthew 22:17-21. Yahuah created Heaven and Earth and everything contained in them. Therefore give unto Yahuah the praise and the glory due unto His Name!!!
Satan forging the New World Order through Digital Technology:
Man's natural inclination is to resist change. Satan knows this. So to introduce change away from Yahuah's natural creation to Satan's artificial one, Satan does it through deception. Satan uses the ice-cube theory. The ice-cube theory is a way to introduce change. The people are naturally frozen in their natural state. So to melt this state Satan uses manipulation. First Satan creates a fearful situation that the people will want change. This change lately has been the crisis in the Financial and Political Systems (eg. current Financial Crisis and the current Arab Spring), Crisis in the environment (eg. Gulf of Mexico oil spill; natural, man or Satan made catastrophes in nature such as floods, forest fires, tsunami, etc.), and Civil unrest etc.
Once the natural human condition is melted then Satan shapes and molds it locking it into his New World Order. Satan has gradually conditioned Man in the past 100 years through technology. Digital Technology is the last step that will introduce the Mark of the Beast. This last phase of his plan is happening now with all the upheaval in the world he has terrorized Man into submission. This change is seamless. For example, in Canada the Broadcasting system is now digital. We were weaned on analog T.V. but now are locked into digital T.V. and into all the other forms of digital communication and control.
We are now at Daniel's prophecy of the 10 Toes at the end of time. The word "DIGIT" means related to the number "10" and "fingers and toes". Everything in our modern world is going digital. The 10 Toes prophecy of Daniel and the current Digital World is the Last and Final State of Man before the Messiah's 2nd Coming!!! Welcome to the New World Order!!! Satan's New World Order!!!
Satan has to rule the world before the Messiah returns and he is doing it through Digital Technology. Satan is here on earth and he is ruling and controlling Man through Digital Technology. Digital Technology is incorporated into the control systems of every aspect of our modern world. Digital controls are in transportation, communications, satellite tracking, clocks, appliances, shopping, medicine, and in the smallest nook and cranny of our daily lives. The deception is so strong that if it were possible, even the very elect would be deceived.
Satan's influence on all of Mankind in these Last Days:
Satan controls Man through manipulation using our own nature against us. In this modern age Satan influences our environment through technology, drugs, and mind control techniques developed by the powers that be, to seduce, addict, and enslave us if we let them. Subliminal messages are bombarding us in everything that we hear and see in our modern cities and homes.
Unless you are a hermit living in a remote wilderness without any contact with civilization, you are directly affected. Even in the wilderness we are bombarded with invisible sound waves generated by electronic devices that we can not see or have any defense against. Satan has the power to control and manipulate Man and his environment. These are the miracles spoken of and prophesied in Revelation 13:11-15 where we read, "And deceives them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast...". The miracles of this present Digital Age as performed by the 2nd Beast of Revelation 13 are now upon us.
T.V., Video Games, music, and other forms of communication and entertainment devices have the power to change our physiology. The constant exposure to these powerful devices cause the human mind and body to release natural chemicals to stimulate our bodies. In effect, we are being doped and drugged without even noticing it.
In Revelation Chapters 2 and 3, the Messiah and Yahuah give us promises if we overcome. Overcome what? Overcome these dastardly and deadly addictions by Satan who polutes our environment and our whole way of Life in these Last Days.
Even simple things like colour in our environment has a direct affect upon us. The colour orange on the walls and furniture in a restaurant will urge us to eat more. The colour blue is calming and cold. Darker colours and poor lighting are used in company washrooms deliberately to discourage employees from staying in there too long. We are being manipulated without even noticing it. At some grocery stores the cash register chimes and mimics the sound of slot machines to entice customers to go gambling. These are subtle but deadly devices and techniques that Satan uses against us and which companies use to fatten their bottom line. We are herded like cattle by Satan at his every whim.
Overcoming Addictions:
Addictions no matter what they are, are an endless loop. When we choose to break free from an addiction we change the equation and the loop is broken. When we break free is what in scripture is called overcoming. The Messiah said, "Be of good cheer for I have overcome the world!" They say that if you refrain from an addiction for 21 Days you can actually overcome it. Satan wants to enslave us and to keep us dumbed down with addictions whether it is electronic or substance abuse.
To break free from an addiction we have to choose a positive alternative that changes the reality that we are in. Then are we free indeed of that particular addiction. In these Last Days Satan enslaves us and controls Man through addictions. As it is written, "Come out of her my people and be not partakers of her sins and of her plagues." The her is the Beast System with its drug like addictions. If you want to change, you have to change the equation to break the never ending cycle of the addiction. You have to break the chains of addiction to be free. Then the Hope of Eternal Life becomes a reality. Then we can keep the commandments and laws of Yahuah as a free people. Free from the tyranny and domination of Satan and Satan's deadly addictive influences.
Don't be overcome of evil but overcome evil with good. Choose a healthy and positive lifestyle. Before you is life and death, choose which way you will go. As for me and my household we choose Yahuah and His commandments, we choose Life Eternal.
Satan Conditions and Controls us from Birth in these Last Days:
Satan conditions and controls us from birth through electronic media, visually through watching T.V., by audio through sound devices like music etc.. We can not get away from Satan's electronic devices in the home, car, shopping malls, billboards, children's toys, etc.. Every aspect of our life is being bombarded and controlled through digital electronics!! Satan is behind it all!!
The only way to get away would be to live as a hermit in the wilderness. Nowadays, even that seems impossible because of satellite tracking, chem trails, invisible electronic attacks by HARP and other weapons whether it be biological, or environmental. It just seems like there is nowhere to run or hide. Satan has the whole world bottled up and has total control of it until the soon return of the Messiah!! Praise be to Yahuah who has given us hope, protection, and guidance by His Holy Spirit and His Word in these Last Days.
Satan is swallowing up Mankind by replacing the Natural World in our lives with an artificial one through technology. There is a disconnect of Man from Creation and from His Creator. Satan has achieved his ultimate goal to make Man forget his Maker. We have to reverse this by getting out more, by interacting with nature, with our fellow Man, and with our beloved Creator Yahuah.
Satan is strong but Yahuah is stronger. As it is written, "greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world." Even so come Yahuahshua for the whole world yearns for your return. Hallelu Yah, Hallelu Yahuah Abinu.
The sooner your rule is established on this earth Father Yahuah, through your beloved Son Yahuahshua, the better. Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done Father Yahuah our Almighty, the King of the Universe.
More Perfect Numbers:
1) 120 = 22 + 23 + 24 + 25 + 26 where the number 22 represents the Messiah and the number 26 represents the Father. The Messiah also carries the fullness of His Father's Name of Yahuah which has a numerical value of 26. The Messiah is called the first and the last, the beginning and the end. Man's life span was limited to 120 years.
2) 24 = 11 + 13 where in heaven there are 24 elders before the Throne of Yahuah. The number 22 represents the Messiah and 11 is a prime number of 22. The number 26 represents the Father and 13 is a prime number of 26. Again the Messiah carries the fullness of His Father's Name of Yahuah. The Messiah is the first and the last, the beginning and the end where 11 (prime of 22) + 13 (prime of 26) = 24.
The Seasons, the Equinox, and the Feast Days:
All the Feast Days are in only 2 Seasons, in Spring and Fall. The Equinox are also in these 2 Seasons with the Vernal Equinox in Spring and the Autumnal Equinox in the Fall. The only time in the year that you will have equal day and equal night is during the Spring and Fall Equinox. The Equinox are the only 2 times in the year when the Door of the Temple in Jerusalem lined up with the Golden Gate of the Temple Mount. The Equinox are the two reference points that the High Priest could use to determine the Sacred Calendar and the Feast Days of Yahuah.
3 of the Feast Day High Sabbaths are in the Spring and 4 are in the Fall. The midpoint of the 7 Feast Day Sabbaths is the 4th and middle one which is the Feast of Trumpets when the Messiah will return at his 2nd Coming.
The Spring Feasts represent the Messiah's 1st Coming and his present Name of Yahuahshua = Yahuah is Salvation.
The Fall Feasts represent the Messiah's 2nd Coming and his future Name of Yahuahtsadaq = Yahuah is Righteousness.
The Spring Equinox is used to determine the start of the 1st Day of the Sacred Calendar Year when the Spring Equinox lines up with the 4th Day of the Week Jerusalem Time and to keep the Sacred Calendar in sync with the Solar Year. The Sacred Calendar is intercalated by exactly one week of 7 days every 5 or 6 years so the weekly cycle is not interrupted since creation. The next time the Spring Equinox will line up with the 4th Day of the Week will be in 2013 when the Sacred Calendar will be intercalated.
The Fall Eqinox acts as a balance to confirm the exactness of the Sacred Calendar. This is achieved when the Fall Equinox lines up with the Day of Atonement every 5 or 6 years and the Fall Equinox is on the 7th Day of the Week Jerusalem Time. The next time this alignment will happen will be on the Day of Atonement on September 22, 2012 on the 10th Day of the 7th Month on 7th Day of the Week on a regular Sabbath Day.
The Spring and Fall Equinox act as a balance as do the Feast Days. The Feast Days can also be seen as the Scales of Justice. The 3 High Sabbaths of Spring on one scale, the 4th High Sabbath of the Feast of Trumpets as the fulcrum or mid point, and the last 3 High Sabbaths of Fall on the other scale.
So on one scale the Spring Feasts, Salvation and the Messiah's 1st Coming. On the other scale the Fall Feasts, Righteousness and the Messiah's 2nd Coming. The one weighed against the other: Salvation weighed against Righteousness which balances out. Yahuah the Father is our Salvation and our Righteousness through His beloved Son Yahuahshua at present and Yahuahtsadaq at his 2nd Coming. The Messiah said that judgment is tempered with mercy. Yahuah is showing us mercy and will execute judgment both through His beloved Son. Yahuah is Righteous and has given us a way out through the suffering and death of His beloved Son Yahuahshua.
At the Summer Solstice we have the longest day. At the Winter Solstice we have the longest night. But at the Spring and Fall Equinox we have Equal Day and Equal Night perfectly balanced.
The Temple of Yahuah in Jerusalem was perfectly aligned to the 4 points of the compass with the Front Doors of the Temple facing directly East. The Temple acted as a sundial by which the Priests of Yahuah could calculate time and the calendar. During the Spring and Fall Equinox the Temple Doors and the Golden Gate would be perfectly lined up. When the Spring Equinox lined up with the 4th Day of the Week then the start of the Calendar Year could be determined. Remember that the Sun was created on the 4th Day of the Week. So you can not start the Sacred Calendar which is based on the Solar Year without the Sun. This method is self-correcting. Whenever the Spring Equinox lined up with the 4th Day of the Week the Priests of Yahuah knew that the Sacred Calendar of Yahuah could be perfectly aligned. (Note: The Feast Days of Yahuah are directly linked to the Agricultural Year which is in turn directly linked to the Solar Year.)
Current Events:
May 27, 2011 - Leopard Sharks washing up on shore dead in large numbers. This is unprecedented.
May 28, 2011 - China - Worst drought in 50 years affecting more than 35 Million people.
June 2, 2011 - Germany - Deadly outbreak of Ecoli bacteria kills 22, makes over 1700 ill. Cause points to bean sprouts grown locally in Germany.
June 5, 2011 - Chile - Chain of volcanos erupt in Chile.
June 5, 2011 - Golan Heights - Pro-Palestinians demonstrate near border between Israel and Syria, 12 dead and over 200 injured.
June 8, 2011 - Ontario, Canada - Severe Storm in Ontario, Canada with heavy rain, wind and large hail stones - the worst in 30 to 40 years.
June 9, 2011 - Ontario, Canada - Photo ID will be available for those who don't have a Driver's License.
June 28, 2011 - East Africa - Drought and high food prices are affecting more than 10 Million people especially in Somalia where wells are drying up and drinking water is becoming scarce.
July 11, 2011 - U.S.A. - Drought and severe water shortages affects 14 States in the U.S.A. causing forest fires. Farmers are selling off cattle because they can't feed them. Millions of acres are affected.
July 18, 2011 - Gold hits new high of $1606 U.S. per ounce.
July 18, 2011 - U.S.A. - The U.S. has to raise the debt ceiling to avoid bankruptcy. The National Debt is now $14 Trillion, with an additional $4 Trillion anticipated for a whopping $18 Trillion!! As a result China is pushing for a new world currency.
July 20, 2011 - Horn of Africa - U.N. declares Famine in Somalia affecting Millions of people and warns that it could spread.
July 20, 2011 - Canada - Canadian Telecommunications going Digital by September 1, 2011. This will affect T.V. signals directly. No more rabbit ear antennae. No more Analog signals.
July 26, 2011 - Gold hits new high of $1622 U.S. per ounce due to Debt Crisis in the U.S., with due date to raise debt ceiling by Aug. 2, 2011.
August 2, 2011 - Gold hits new high of $1640 U.S. per ounce.
August 2, 2011 - U.S.A. Debt Ceiling Crisis - Law passed to raise the U.S. Debt Ceiling of $14.3 Trillion with an additional $2 Trillion. Gold moves higher again to $1660 U.S. per ounce.
August 3, 2011 - Gold at $1671 U.S. per ounce.
August 5, 2011 - U.S.A. - U.S. Credit Rating downgraded from AAA to AAPlus, first time since 1917.
August 8, 2011 - Gold hits new high of $1710 U.S. per ounce.
August 8, 2011 - Stock Markets around the world drop dramatically in response to the downgrading of the U.S. Credit Rating. Gold spikes at $1727 U.S. per ounce.
August 8, 2011 - United Kingdom - More unrest in England with riots in London, England.
August 10, 2011 - Gold at new high of $1776 U.S. per ounce.
August 10, 2011 - Gold hits new high of $1810 U.S. per ounce.
August 18, 2011 - Gold at $1828 U.S. per ounce.
August 19, 2011 - Gold at $1850 U.S. per ounce.
August 22, 2011 - Gold at over $1900 U.S. per ounce.
August 23, 2011 - U.S.A. - 5.8 Earthquake hits Virginia, U.S.A. Affects East Coast of U.S. and Canada. Worst in 100 years. As a precaution buildings are evacuated in Washington, D.C. such as the Federal Buildings in the Capitol and the New York Stock Exchange in New York City. First reports suggested that the foundation of the Washington Monument could have been affected causing a tilt in the structure.
August 28, 2011 - North America - Hurricane Irene causes over $2 Billion of Damage along the North East Coast of North America with high winds and flooding.
September 5, 2011 - Gold is $1904 U.S. per ounce.
September 5, 2011- The World - Severe Weather around the World with flooding, forest fires, drought, hurricanes, typhoons, etc..
September 9, 2011 - U.S.A. - U.S. West Coast power failure leaves 5 Million people in the dark.
September 14, 2011 - Pakistan - Over 1 Million homes destroyed by Flood in Pakistan.
September 19, 2011 - Canada - Canada starts to issue e-Passports with an embedded micro chip.
September 23, 2011 - New York City, U.S.A. - Palestinians go to the United Nations to seek statehood.
September 23, 2011 - Gold drops more than $100 to $1638 U.S. per ounce as the Global Financial Crisis hits a new snag with Greece getting closer to default and Stock Market investors seek financial shelter in the U.S. Dollar.
September 22, 2011 - Global Stock Markets plunge as the world nears double dip recession.
September 26, 2011 - Palestinians have asked for recognition for statehood making East Jerusalem their capital. In Zechariah 14:1-2 it is prophesied that half of the city shall go into captivity. Is this prophecy for our time now when West Jerusalem will be the capital of the Jewish people and East Jerusalem for the Palestinians?
September 26, 2011 - India - 2 Million people affected by flooding.
September 27, 2011 - U.S.A. - Washington, D.C. - Engineers checked the Washington Monument for damage from the earthquake on August 23, 2011. The earthquake caused cracks and gaping holes exposing the structure to water damage inside. This tourist attraction has been closed since the earthquake. The Washington Monument is the largest Egyptian obelisk (phallus symbol) in the world.
September 28, 2011 - Europe - Members of the E.U. are pushing for more and complete integration to survive the Euro Zone Financial Crisis. The Mark of the Beast will be the end result not just in Europe but globally due to the Global Financial Crisis.
September 28, 2011 - The World - Stock Markets around the world have plunged dramatically due to fear and uncertainty sparked by the possibility of Greece defaulting on its financial debts. This is also pressuring The EU Members to be more fully integrated. The value of gold has dropped from an all time high of over $1900 to $1600 U.S. per ounce. People are desperate and panicing. As it is prophesied in Luke 21:25-26 where it reads, "And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken."
October 15, 2011 - The World - The Financial Crisis sparks protests in Financial Capitals all over the World to fix the Global Financial System.
October 15, 2011 - Thailand - Massive flooding in Thailand.
October 18, 2011 - China - A 2 year old girl was run over by a car, then run over by a second car. Passers-by refused to help the little girl. This is just another example that we are in the Last Days when the hearts of many shall grow cold according to scripture (Matthew 24:12).
October 20, 2011 - Lybia - After months of civil war the Dictator Omar Qadafi was killed. The whole country celebrated his death. Lybia is now free to determine its future.
October 23, 2011 - Stars Falling from Heaven - Man made Satellites fall back to earth once they cease to function. In recent years several have re-entered the earth's atmosphere, broken up and burned up in the re-entry with some pieces actually hitting the surface of the earth. As more and more countries send up satellites, more will come back down. This is partly a fulfilment of Bible Prophecy of Stars falling to the earth in the Last Days.
October 23, 2011 - Nano Technology - Nano Technology is here and will take total control of Mankind. Nano Technology will be able to monitor and control all human activity. A virtual world will give the illusion of happiness and security without actually giving it. New Miracles of Nano Technology will impact human health. All you will need to access this new technology is to accept the Mark of the Beast and give up your soul. Man will cease to be the beautiful creation of Yahuah and will become a desensitized virtual zombie controlled by Satan. Human emotions will be a thing of the past. Yes, Nano Technology promises to bring all kinds of miraculous benefits but at what price and at what loss of our freedoms? We are being given the illusion that things are getting better but in reality things are deteriorating on every level of human existence. Satan wants total control and to be worshiped as the Creator. The superficial benefits are there but the true joy, peace, and purpose of wholesome living is gone. Turn back to Yahuah and live!!
October 29, 2011 - Thailand - Floods destroy about 14 percent of Rice production. Thailand is the world's largest rice producer supplying about 31 percent of the world's rice. The floods are also causing $ Billions in lost revenue in the manufacturing sector as well.
October 31, 2011 - Population of the World reaches 7 Billion people.
November 7, 2011 - Europe - Mechanisms are now in place to protect Greece from defaulting on its Financial Debt. Greece is a small country. However, Italy which is the 3rd largest economy in Europe is now also at risk of defaulting. So here we go again with another potential global financial crisis looming. If any EU country defaults, it could have a chain reaction which could get out of control and cause a domino affect plunging the world into a global recession.
November 9, 2011 - The World - Stock Markets drop as Italy's Debt rises to $1.9 Trillion. The EU is not big enough to bail out Italy. This Financial Crisis could plunge the world into a global recession having a domino affect on the other countries around the world.
November 9, 2011 - U.S.A. - Alaska is hit by a massive storm with 40 foot waves, 100 mph winds, blinding snow and flooding. The storm is 3 times the size of Alaska.
November 17, 2011 - Global Financial Crisis - First it was Greece that rocked the Global Stockmarket, then Italy, and now Spain. Once a country hits the magic number of 7 percent interest on it's 10 year government Bonds (on its repayment debts), then it is feared that it won't be able to meet its debt obligations. What country is next and what impact will it have on the confidence in the global stockmarkets? We are in for a real roller coaster ride this Winter and in 2012.
November 23, 2011 - Cell Phones used for making purchases. A special chip in upgraded cell phones can now be used in some countries like a credit card for payment. This has been used in Turkey for some time now. The person's cell phone is placed on top of a reader so the cell phone probably has an RFID chip. This is already being used to get away from using cash especially for small purchases. This hasn't caught on in North America yet. But the younger generation is more keen on using electronic payment as opposed to the older generation that prefers to use cash.
December 6, 2011 - Europe - Standard and Poor's Credit Rating Agency has put 17 European countries on a Warning Watch including Germany!! This is dangerous as most Bond Market Brokers can only buy Triple 'AAA' Credit Bonds. This Warning Watch means that there is a 50 percent possibility that the credit rating will be downgraded in the next 90 Days!! This could put the EU under more Financial Stress in an already volatile Global Stock Market.
December 18, 2011 - North Korea - North Korean leader Kim Jong Il dies. The stability of this rogue Nuclear Nation is causing concern for the rest of the World.
December 31, 2011 - Horn of Africa - Iran threatens to close the Strait of Hormuz which is the shipping lane for one third of the world's oil. The U.S. retaliated with a strong warning that it will not tolerate any disruption to the flow of oil.
January 2, 2012 - Nigeria - Gas prices double as the government retracts an $8 Billion subsidy. Many protesting as the high gas prices are hitting hard.
January 3, 2012 - China - 2012 will be celebrated as the Year of the DRAGON!!!
January 9, 2012 - Gold is at $ 1614 U.S. per ounce.
January 9, 2012 - U.S.A. - 12 dead from the new swine flu strain H3N2v. Officials fear new outbreak.
January 9, 2012 - U.S.A. - Some communities in Alaska have seen up to a whopping 26 feet of snow this winter!! This is more snow than since records have been kept and there are still a few months of winter to go.
The Messiah is the portal (the door) into the Kingdom of Yahuah. The Messiah said in John 14:6 where it reads, "Yahuahshua said unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes unto the Father, but by me."
When everything and everybody around you is determined to destroy you, then stand strong in the faith. Don't give up. Satan only came to destroy. Yahuahshua the Messiah came to heal and to give life that we may have life more abundantly. Though the pace seems slow keep trucking, don't quit.
As you see the Global Economy go to hell because of the greed and corruption, don't be afraid, trust in Yahuah. As people are becoming more fearful of losing their jobs, their homes, and as prices are going through the roof for the basics of life like food, trust in Yahuah. As people start to panic and become more violent for fear, trust in Yahuah. As it is written in Philippians 4:6-7 we read, "Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto Yahuah. And the peace of Yahuah, which passes all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through the Messiah Yahuahshua."
The deception is strong but Yahuah is stronger. Don't let the fear, frustration, and anger overwhelm you. Trust in Yahuah.
It is interesting, we are awash with Satan's influence yet we can not see it. We are blinded by the technology and the affluence of easy living. Satan feeds us by his hand at his whim. We are helpless and totally dependent on Satan in these modern cities.
Ever notice how in Satan's world almost everything is reconstituted! Satan has taken Yahuah's beautiful world and has given it a total make over in his own image. Very few things retain their natural form or constitution. Simple things like bread should have just 4 ingredients - flour, yeast, salt, and water. Yet if you look at the ingredients label for bread in your local grocery store you will see that it has not 4 words, but 4 or 5 lines of the different ingredients and chemicals that it is made of. Bread is no longer natural and our bodies are suffering as a result. Yahuah commanded Adam after his fall to work by the sweat of his brow for his food. As Adam's descendants we no longer keep Yahuah's commandments. Consequently we are open to all kinds of disease such as cancer and heart disease. Couch potatoes are the norm in our modern world. It is no wonder that we are turned into zombies by Satan and to go in whatever direction he wants us to go.
"Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy; break up your fallow ground: for it is time to seek Yahuah, till he come and rain righteousness upon you." Hosea 10:12.
Look upon the fields for they are white and ripe for the Wheat Harvest. The tares are also ready for the harvest. How do we know? Because of the evil and the Digital Technology. We are beholding the wonders and miracles of our modern age. The power is awesome. With the touch of a button man can wipe out a whole city. Wealth can be created or lost in a moment with the stroke of a single key on a keyboard.
The Mark of the Beast is at the door not just in Europe but all over the world. When we see a truly united financial world then you will see the completion of the Beast System. You will see the Mark of the Beast take hold. The New World Order is upon us. Satan's iron hold on Man is prophesied and it is happening now as we speak. Satan knows that his time is short and he will speed things up through digital technology.
The year 2012 promises to be one very exciting and challenging year. We can expect more government control with the use of high tech surveillance. The use of Biometric Identification will dominate all aspects of daily life. Man will run to and fro with anxiety and fear. There will be an overhaul of the whole economic system with the possible introduction of the Mark of the Beast. There will be signs in the heavens and on the earth the distress of Nations with perplexity. There will be upheaval in Nature, and in the social order of Man. Great changes will occur in the Financial, Social, Political, and environmental structure of this planet earth with the seas and the waves roaring. It will be a very exciting time in human history to live but fear and anxiety will rule the masses. It will be a time of trouble, even Jacobs trouble. The hearts of many shall grow cold. Satan will rule with an iron fist. There will be signs in the sun, the moon, and the stars. Signs of the Messiah's soon return. Better hunker down and get ready!!!
The Mark of the Beast can become a reality in 2012. The Financial Crisis combined with the marvels of modern digital technology could bring about the Mark of the Beast in 2012. Once the Mark of the Beast is enforced then the 5th Seal will be open. Then Believers will be persecuted and killed for their faith because they will refuse to take the Mark of the Beast. Many will be thrown into prison and killed for refusing to take Satan's Mark. Don't be surprised when they persecute and kill you for they have done this to the Saints and the Prophets in the past. They have even killed the Messiah to try to silence the truth. Be you comforted in this. Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. He that endures unto the end shall be saved. We are not fighting flesh and blood, but principalities and corruption in high places. Fear not for it is your Heavenly Father's good pleasure that you inherit the Kingdom of Heaven.
In 2012 the Financial Crisis will continue to deepen and the Arab Uprising will draw in the whole world as the Middle East erupts. The oil is in the Middle East and the most powerful Nations will be there to defend their own National interests. The major players will flex their muscles soon.
The Global Financial Crisis in 2012 will result in a totally electronic system that will force the underground economies of the world to the surface where the governments can collect $ Trillions in undeclared revenues. This will result in the Mark of the Beast!!! The people will not be able to buy or sell without going through the Beast System process!! The governments are deep in debt and hurting. The people are out of work and losing their homes. The only feasible answer is the Mark of the Beast which the people and the governments of the world will gladly embrace.
Don't be distracted by the pain and the trouble. Keep your heart and mind on Yahuah and he will give you peace of mind. Rejoice and be glad in Yahuah in all your tribulations. Our time in these fleshly bodies is but for a moment, then we will ever be with Yahuah for all Eternity!! Turn the frustration, anger and helplessness into strength, hope, joy and peace in Yahuah. When you get lemons, make lemonade. Have a positive attitude. Learn to see the glass half full instead of half empty. Put a positive twist to a negative situation. Always see the good and avoid the evil. See beyond the earthly flesh and embrace the spirit of heaven. Not by power nor by might but by My Spirit says Yahuah. Yahuah gives us life. He sustains our life. Yahuah gives us the hope of Eternal Life through His beloved Son Yahuahshua.
Break loose. Break the chains that bind you. Seek Yahuah and His Righteousness. Seek the Kingdom of Yahuah. Study Yahuah's Word. Let Yahuah's truth and Righteousness ring throughout the whole world. Make known the praises of Yahuah. Hallelu-Yah, Hallelu-Yahuah abinu.
Introduction:Today is July 8, 2012 the 25th Day of the 4th Month, the Day of the 2nd Jubilee of Days. The Year 2012 is the Year of the Dragon on the Chinese Calendar, how appropriate! It is written that there shall be signs in the Heavens in the Last Days. This year has several of these signs.
The Feast of Pentecost is the 1st of the 7 Jubilee of Days in the Sacred Calendar Year. Pentecost marks the beginning of these Jubilees. So having the Annular Solar Eclipse on the Feast of Pentecost on May 20, 2012 is a sign of things to come.
Also in 2012 the Day of Atonement will line up with the Fall Equinox on September 22, 2012. The Jubilee Year was always celebrated on the Day of Atonement. So Pentecost which is a type of Jubilee, a 50th is connected to the Day of Atonement especially this year in 2012.
Sometimes we forget how fragile we are as human beings, especially in these Last Days. Most of all, we forget how important our beloved Creator Yahuah and His beloved Son Yahuahshua can be in helping us in these troubled times. So let us remember who holds the Keys of Life and let us give them the love, obedience and praise that they deserve as we face these trials and tribulations. Hallelu-Yah, Hallelu Yahuah abinu.
Current Events:
January 13, 2012: India - Biometrics: There is a program underway in India where each person will be Finger printed and/or Iris scanned to develop a National ID program. It is called the "Universal ID Project" which will introduce a "Unique ID Number", "UIN" for short.
Note: The Mark of the Beast is inevitable because:
1) The Global Population Explosion requires control.
2) Because of Security concerns there is a necessity for ID and Tracking of potentially dangerous persons.
3) Financial transactions require ID and Tracking for Government revenue and benefit distribution.
With two of the world's most populous countries, namely China and India, pushing for a Unique Identity Biometric System, you can be sure that the world will follow. These two Nations are the new emerging economies that the world is depending on to bring it out of the financial slump and are the new global Financial Drivers. The Mark of the Beast will be integrated into the Global Financial System where no one will be able to buy or sell without it. The Global Financial Crisis and the fast paced introduction of New Digital Technology is pushing us ever closer to the Mark of the Beast!!133.0) 2013 the Year of the Snake:January 13, 2012: Europe - Standard & Poors downgrades the Credit Rating for 9 European countries including France.
January 23, 2012: China - Today is the Chinese Lunar New Year. The Year of the Dragon!
February 2, 2012: Israel - Rumours are in the News that Israel will attack Iran in the Spring.
February 2, 2012: Europe - Freezing temperatures and heavy snow blankets Europe from Siberia.
February 14, 2012: U.S.A. - New prospective Head of China Xi Jinling makes his first and introductory visit to the U.S.. Note the first letter of his name of "X". This is also the Year of the Dragon in China. "X" can stand for "Christ", as in "X-mas", etc.. The constellation Orion forms a huge "X" in the Winter evening sky.
February 29, 2012: Telecommunication companies are all bundling Internet, Telephone, and T.V. services into one package. These 3 main forms of communication will quickly become one device resulting in more tighter control by Satan.
March 2, 2012: Sun - Super Sunspot Cycle Year peaks. It is assumed that this is the cause of devastating tornadoes in the U.S.A..
March 2, 2012: Australia - Severe flooding in Australia.
March 10, 2012: U.S.A. - Unprecedented weird weather hits Hawaii with severe storms, hail, and a tornado.
March 24, 2012: Canada - Cable companies are urging their customers to pick up and install a Digital Adapter for each T.V. set older than 2006. Once the system goes totally Digital, customers will no longer be able to watch T.V. unless they convert their older sets to Digital. These communication companies are also bundling Telephone, Internet, and T.V. into one Digital Package. Once this is complete you will not be able to function in this Digital Society unless you submit and bow down to Digital Rule!! Look around you, can you not see Satan's final domination through these Digital Devices?!!
Do you not see how Satan is totally dominating and enslaving Man. These new Digital Adapters on each T.V. set will enable the system to identify, profile, and track the thought patterns of each individual by what they watch and when. This is just another nail in the coffin of our freedom.
March 29, 2012: India - BRICS Summit was held in India today. BRICS stands for Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa which represents 45 percent of the World's population. There were indications that they may form a New Bank to counter Western Nations like the EU and the U.S.A..
About 70 percent of the World's Financial System is run by using the U.S. Dollar. The U.S. National Debt is about $18 Trillion. This is a real predicament, how long can the world run on using a bankrupt currency? China which holds the largest amount of U.S. green backs, is pushing for a New World default currency.
April 18, 2012: Canada - Toronto - The majority of the people have rejected large scale gambling for years but now the city is pushing for a Casino to generate funds. Legalized prostitution has also come up in the discussion. Moral decay is rampant all over the World. This is Satan's doing. Satan's ways are subtle but deadly and the deception is strong. Satan wants to destroy and to control Man through evil and corruption. The Messiah came that we may have life and that we may have life more abundantly. In Revelation 18:4 we read, "Come out of her, my people, that you be not partakers of her sins, and that you receive not of her plagues."
May 4, 2012: Moon - Full Moon closest approach to earth will cause extreme high and low tides around the world.
May 5, 2012: Financial System - There is a push to a fully integrated Digital Monetary System by merchants. Merchants want to get away from handling coin and cash bills which is proving to be costly and cumbersome. The Canadian Mint has now officially stopped minting the One Cent Coin because it is too costly. The push is on to use the computer chip in cards and cell phones as the more convenient and economical way to go for most purchases. This is one small step for Man and one giant leap for Mankind to accept the Mark of the Beast. Once the Beast System is fully implemented, people will no longer be able to buy or sell without the Mark of the Beast which will be Digital.
May 6, 2012: France - New President elected.
May 6, 2012: Greece - The people are rejecting austerity measures to reduce the National Debt. Most oppose bailouts from the E.U. There are riots and demonstrations around the world against austerity measures.
May 10, 2012: Sun - Monster Sun Spot erupts on the Sun's surface, about 60,000 miles in diameter causing solar flares.
May 18, 2012: Europe - Euro Financial Crisis continues with the possibility of Greece opting out of the Euro. This could trigger a crisis with Spain, Portugal, Italy, and Ireland as well.
May 20, 2012: Sun - Annular Solar Eclipse is on the Day of Pentecost on May 20, 2012. Will be seen across South East Asia and South West North America.
June 5, 2012: Sun - The Transit of Venus starting on June 5 is a rare solar event where Venus will cast a shadow on the Sun. This won't happen again for another 105 years.
June 11, 2012: Spain - Spain asks for a $125 Billion Financial Bank bailout. Italy can't be too far behind.
June 16, 2012: Greece - Greeks prepare to vote on whether to stay in or to get out of the E.U..
June 16, 2012: The World - Expedition planned for July 2013 to prove scientifically that the Earth is Hollow or not. A Russian Ice Breaker has already been commissioned and $1.5 Million has been sponsored for the Expedition. 100 Scientists, Journalists, etc. will spend 15 Days in the Arctic gathering proof. And maybe, just maybe these 100 observers will witness and declare to the world the Sounding of the 5th Angel of Revelation 9:1-11 with the opening of the Bottomless Pit!!!
July 1, 2012: U.S.A. - Storms hit the North East U.S. downing power lines causing over 2 Million people to be without power. The Heat Wave is adding to the misery of those affected.
July 6, 2012: U.S.A. - 60 percent of the U.S. has drought conditions. The U.S. is suffering from a Heat Wave.
July 6, 2012: Europe - Europe is suffering from a Heat Wave.
July 7, 2012: Russia - Flooding in Russia with over 150 deaths.
Satan's Digital Control:
Satan has seduced Man into using Digital Technology with its marvels of tech wizardry. Now that we rely so heavily on this modern technology, our very existence in this society is dependant on being subservient to Satan and his rule. Our food, water, power and other necessities are controlled by computers. So is social interaction, communication and entertainment. Even security and law enforcement is wrapped up in it. Personal Digital Devices can be used to profile, track, and control the life of each individual. So our freedoms are out the window and our life is now in the vise grip of Satan. In the name of security and financial stability the Mark of the Beast will be introduced and Satan will appear as the the saviour of the world. Satan is using Digital Technology as his Man-Trap to catch his prey -- meaning us, the human beings, Yahuah's Creation.
In Timothy 4:1-2 we read, "... in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; ..." This prophecy is for our time now when the abominable addictions of Digital Technology is destroying Man.
Remember when the Financial System was Analogue? Remember when you went to the Bank and deposited or withdrew money, it was recorded by hand into your bank book. Now it is done digitally by computers. So when did this Financial Digital System start? Remember when we used to get our paper paycheques? Now it is mostly done as an automatic deposit digitally into our bank account.
This Digital System has creeped in upon us slowly and gradually. To the point now that it has overwhelmed us and we are totally engulfed in it. There is no escape from it. Our whole way of life is being completely immersed into this Digital System. There is only one thing left that has not happened yet and that is the introduction of the Mark of the Beast.
In the name of Security the Mark of the Beast will be introduced in the coming months and years. All it will take will be one major catastrophe like 911. It will come as sure as the Sun will rise tomorrow morning.
The stage is set and everything is in place. All it will take now is some form of trigger. It will be Satan himself that will pull the trigger. Satan will create order out of chaos. Satan will rule the world for a short time just before the Messiah's 2nd Coming. Then the Messiah will return to establish Yahuah's Kingdom on earth. Consequently Satan will be bound for 1000 Years and the earth will again enjoy her Sabbaths, especially her 7th Millennium Sabbath.
We can already see how we are tracked and monitored by GPS in our cell phones, cars, etc. The use of merchandising points and reward systems track our buying, spending, and movement patterns. The use of Credit and Debit cards track and monitor where, when, and what we buy. On the telephone and internet our conversations and subject matter are tracked and monitored so our privacy and freedoms are violated.
No matter what Satan throws at us, no matter how he wants to dominate us, we are still free in Yahuah through Yahuahshua by Yahuah's Holy Spirit and by Yahuah's Word and Promises. Satan may try to control our flesh but he certainly can not control our spirit that is in Yahuah. As it is written in 1John 4:4, "You are of Yahuah, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world." So trust in Yahuah, for He is our shield, defense and hope. Walk in the light and you won't stumble in the dark. Praise be to Yahuah for His great love and mercy that He showers upon us every day. Hallelu-Yah, Hallelu-Yahuah abinu.
More Perfect Numbers:
1) Here is another indication of the perfection of the Sacred Calendar of Yahuah. At the end of the Sacred Calendar Year we have the 7th Jubilee of Days which is a 50th Day on the 28th Day of the 12th Month. Plus 2 more Days with the 29th and 30th Day marks the end of the 12th Month and the Calendar Year. So we have the 50th Day + 2 Days = 52 Days at the end of the Year. The Sacred Calendar Year = 52 perfect Weeks!! At the end of the Year we have 52 Days! This is just another confirmation that we have the right calendar. Note how 52 = 26 + 26 where 26 is the Hebrew Numerical value of Yahuah's name. The Messiah also carries his Father's full name of Yahuah in his two Present and Future names = 26 + 26 = 52!! The 1st 26 Weeks in the Year represents the Messiah's 1st Coming while the Last 26 Weeks represents his 2nd Comingwhere 26 Weeks + 26 Weeks = 52 Weeks.
2) More meaning in the number 39. 40 = a generation. 40 less 1 = 39 stripes. We are healed by the stripes, suffering and sacrifice of the Messiah. 39 = 13 + 13 + 13 where 13 is the prime number of the nameof Yahuah the Father. 39 = 26 + 13 = 1.5 x 26 where 26 is the numerical value of the name of Yahuah the Father.
3) 118 = 100 + 18 = (3 x 26) + 22 + 18 = 78 + 22 + 18.
118 = (2 x 26) + (3 x 22) = 52 + 66.
Where 26 represents Yahuah the Father, 22 represents the Messiah, and 18 represents Righteousness.4) 144 = (3 x 26) + (3 x 22) = 78 + 66.
144 = 26 + 26 + 26 + 22 + 22 + 22.
144 = (22 + 26) + (22 + 26) + (22 + 26).
144 = 48 + 48 + 48.5) 26 = 18 + 8. Where 26 = the numerical value of Yahuah's name, 18 = Righteousness, 8 = New Beginning. The Messiah's Future Name at his 2nd Coming will be Yahuahtsadaq = Yahuah is Righteous = 220 = 10 x 22. Where 22 represents the Messiah and completion, and 10 = Judgment.
6) 44 = 18 + 26 = 22 + 22.
40 = 18 + 22 = 10 + 10 + 10 + 10.
40 represents a generation.7) 48 = 22 + 26.
48 = 4 x 12.
48 = 2 x 24.
The number 12 and 24 comes up several times in scripture such as: 12 Tribes of Israel, 12 Apostles, 12 Months of the Year, etc., 24 Courses of the Priests, 24 Elders before the throne of Yahuah, etc..8) 1260 Day Prophecy for the Last Days (Revelation 11:2-3; 12:6; 13:1-5) with another perspective. If you take the number 1260 and stretch it you get 1 -- 26 -- 0. Notice how you have 26 the number of Yahuah in the center and on the two ends the 1 and 0 = 10 = Judgment! Combineded you have Yahuah's Judgment for the Last Days!
You can take this one step further. Notice how the number 10 is split. So we have 10 = 5 + 5. Like the Hand Writing on the Wall in Daniel 5:25-28 where MENE + MENE = 50 Shekels + 50 Shekels on the Scales of Justice. Yahuah's justice!
This ties in perfectly with what Hilary Clinton said this past week about the Syrian President. She said, "Assad needs to understand that his days are numbered ... the hand writing is on the wall"! Latter on in the week she repeated that the "Hand Writing was on the Wall".
50 Shekels + 50 Shekels = 100 Shekels.
100 = 26 + 26 + 26 + 22!9) The Numbersof the 7 Days of the Creation Week:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
The 1st 3 Days = 1 + 2 + 3 = 6 = incomplete.
From the 4th Day to Sabbath the 7th Day = 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 = 22 = complete.
From the 1st Day to the 4th Day = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10 = Judgment.
Keep in mind that the Messiah was crucified on the 4th Day of the Week, in the middle of the Week.
The Sun was created/reset on the 4th Day of the Week.
With the 7 Lamp Menorah the 4th Lamp feeds the other 6.The Statue Image of Nebuchadnezzar of Daniel for the Last Days and the 2nd Coming of the Messiah:
The great Statue Image of Nebuchadnezzar of Daniel 2:31-45 is for our time now in these Last Days. We are now at the bottom of the Image and at the End of the Age, at the 10 Toes. The 2 Legs represent Rome split into East and West. The 10 Toes are also split into East and West. We can clearly see this East - West split in world situations today. Take for example the Crisis in Syria: the world is deadlocked into East and West. In the East we have Russia and China opposing the West with the U.S.A., Britain, etc. So strong is the split that the poor people of Syria are in limbo and are suffering a murderous tyrant because there is no unity in the U.N. Security Council.
These are all signs that the Messiah is coming soon.
Look upon the Wheat fields of the World for they are now white for the Harvest. The Wheat are the Righteous and the Tares are the evildoers. Both are ripe for the Harvest.
Satan's influence on the World is to do evil continually. But keep in mind that Yahuah's eye is over the Righteous and His ears are open to their prayers. So do not be discouraged because of the evil. Do not be overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good. Trust in Yahuah and He will strengthen your heart. Be patient for the Messiah's return for the time is at hand and he will not tarry. Be of a good courage, be steadfast in Yahuah.
In 2Thessalonians 2:3 we read, "Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition." Some believers are falling away and the lamps of the 5 foolish virgins are going out fast. The coming of the Messiah is near.
Acquaint now yourself with Yahuah while He may be found. Don't wait until it is too late. Behold today is the Day of Salvation. In Jeremiah 9:24 we read, "But let him that glories glory in this, that he understands and knows me, that I am Yahuah which exercise lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth: for in these things I delight, says Yahuah." Unless Yahuah protects, the watchman watches in vain. There shall be a famine in the land, not for bread but for the Word of Yahuah! And that famine has already started.
Do you know the difference between a Believer and an Unbeliever? Answer: The Believer is going Home into the Kingdom of Yahuah for all Eternity. While the Unbeliever is at Home on the Earth for a short time.
May your Name be written in the "Book of Life".
Introduction:134.0) 2015 is 2600 Years since the destruction of the 1st Temple in 586BCE:Today is April 4, 2013 the 15th Day of the 1st Month, the 1st Day of the 7 Day Feast of Unleavened Bread. The Year 2013 is the Year of the Snake on the Chinese Calendar. In scripture Satan is called that Old Serpent and the Great Dragon. The Dragon is a prominent symbol of China. Last Year, 2012 was the Year of the Dragon on the Chinese Calendar, how appropriate! Both the Dragon and the Snake are symbolic of Satan. Keeping these things in mind, the prophecy in Revelation 12:7-9 is taking place even as we speak.
In Revelation 12:7-9 we read, "And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceives the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him."
The flash point for the start of World War III are the three rogue Nations of Iran, Syria, and North Korea. China along with Russia is backing all three of these Nations that threaten the world with nuclear war. Just in the last few days, North Korea has stepped up its rhetoric against the United States with threats of nuclear attack.
China is one of the Kings of the East. In Revelation 16:12 we are told that when the 6th Angel pours his vial upon the Great River Euphrates then the waters thereof will be dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared. Well folks, we are much closer to this reality then you can imagine. There are serious signs that North Korea could be the trigger. Then through Iran and Syria the prophecy of the Battle ofArmaggedon will begin. The current civil war in Syria is spilling over into neighbouring countries including Israel. Israel has already warned Iran not to complete its aim to produce nuclear weapons. The danger of all out world war is brewing in all three of these countries: North Korea, Syria and Iran. (Note: Har Meggido which is the Mountain of Meggido is the Biblical Armaggedon which is just outside of Mount Carmel in Israel. This can all come to a head this year!
Current Events:
July 13, 2012: Sun - Large Comet with companion heading toward the Sun.
July 13, 2012:Sun - More flares on the Sun.
July 14, 2012: World - Space "X" named their craft into space as the "Dragon".
July 27, 2012:United States - Alaska - On Coast to Coast Radio - Guests revealed that a nuclear test detonation on May 21, 1992 in China has enabled Scientists studying the Earth Crust to the finding of a large underground Pyramid in Alaska with the surrounding area blocked out on survey maps.
July 31, 2012: India - 600 Million people without power due to blackouts.
August 8, 2012: Philippines - Manila - 1.2 Million people affected by flooding from heavy Monsoon rains.
August 8, 2012: China - 2 Million people displaced due to Typhoon.
August 12, 2012: U.S.A. - Blackouts affect 4 Million people in California, Arizona, and New Mexico. Heat Wave is also making life miserable for many who do not have air conditioning.
August 17, 2012: U.S.A. - A Computer Company will introduce a new T.V. controllable by a hologram image where you can touch the air and move your arms and fingers like a wand to control the T.V..
August 31, 2012: Astronomy - On August 31, 2012 there was a Blue Moon. A Blue Moon is when there are 2 Full Moons in one Month and the Blue Moon is the second Full Moon in that Month. 7 times in 19 Years there are 13 Full Moons in a Year (Note: 7 + 19 = 26!). This gives 11 Months with one Full Moon each and one Month with two Full Moons. The last Blue Moon was in March 2010, and the next one after August 31, 2012 will occur on July 31, 2015.
Can there be two Blue Moons in a single Calendar Year? Yes. It happened in 1999 when there were 2 Full Moons in January and 2 Full Moons in March and no Full Moons in February. The next year of double Blue Moons is coming up in 2018.
The Old Farmer's Almanac defined a Blue Moon as an extra Full Moon that occurred in a season. One Season (Spring, Summer, Fall, or Winter) typically has 3 Full Moons. If a season has 4 Full Moons, then the 3rd Full Moon may be called a Blue Moon. The next Blue Moon by this definition will fall on August 21, 2013.
September 17, 2012: Islam - Riots and demonstrations all over the Muslim World took place due to a Film which defames the Prophet Mohammed. This event has stirred up Muslims pushing for an International Law on Blasphemy for the 3 Great Religions: Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.
October 29, 2012: U.S.A. - "Sandy" the Largest Atlantic Ocean Storm in history hit all along the Eastern Seaboard of the U.S.A.. This combined 3 powerful systems: in the East, "Sandy", a tropical storm to make Hurricane status; in the West a Winter Storm System; and a Full Moon with High Tides. It affected 14 States and over 50 Million people.
October 30, 2012: U.S.A. - The City of New York and New Jersey hit hard by Storm Sandywhich caused about $20 Billion damage by flooding and destruction. About 5 Million people without power and about 40 people dead. Note:This is prophecy coming to pass according to the Book of Revelation because Man is destroying the earth and refusing to acknowledge Yahuah as the Creator of Heaven and Earth.
November 17, 2012: Sun - huge eruptions on the Sun's surface.
November 17, 2012: U.S.A. -New York City - Super Storm Sandy flooded the New York Stock Exchange with 2 - 3 feet of water. This is now the 2nd largest disaster to hit New York City. 911 was the 1st.
November 29, 2012: United Nations - U.N. approves Palestinian Statehood.
November 29, 2012: U.S.A. - 33 days to U.S. Financial Fiscal Cliff.
Note: SANTA has exactly the same letters as SATAN but arranged differently.
December 2012: Antartica - Wtih global warming, a critical division of frozen ice will start to melt that for millennia has divided two species of rats. Once these two species come together, scientists fear that a special super rat will emerge that could threaten the world.
This could be the start of the fulfilment of the prophecy in the Book of Revelation 6:7-8 with the opening of the 4th Seal and reads, "... Behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them (him) over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth."
January 1, 2013: U.S.A. - A Global Financial crisis has been avoided. Lawmakers in the U.S. avoided the Financial Fiscal Cliff by passing last minute laws. This just kicked the can further down the road for future generations and did not solve the problem. The U.S. keeps getting deeper into debt and this chaos will have to be dealt with again in another 2 months. So the fear of the American people and the teetering of Global Markets will start all over again in an unending cycle unless the problem is tackled in earnest.
January 11, 2013: China - According to Coast to Coast Radio, China is stock piling rice, powdered milk, baby formula, iron ore, precious metals, etc. Are the Chinese preparing for something that we are not aware of?
February 10, 2013: China - On the Chinese Calendar this is the Year of the Snake. In scripture, Satan is called the Dragon and a Serpent (Revelation 12:7-9). The 2013 Lunar Chinese New Year, the Year of the Snake takes over from the Dragon read one news caption; since 2012 was the Year of the Dragon and 2013 is the Year of the Snake on the Chinese Calendar.
February 11, 2013: Rome - Vatican - The Pope anounces his resignation by the end of February. This has not happened in 600 Years! Usually the Pope dies in office. Also amazing is that lightning struck the Vatican when he made his announcement.
February 13, 2013: U.S.A. - A Computer Company is due to come out with a brand new T.V. product which will have voice recognition with a virtual keyboard, etc. This is a sure sign of Satan's miracles in the Last Days. Is this the final Image of the Beast? T.V. has been called the opiate of the masses. These new Digital Devices are all geared for mind control and ultimately the worship of the Beast.
February 14, 2013: Russia - Once in a century event. Meteor hits Russia. Surviving fragments have an estimated value of $4 Billion in precious metals. 1000 people hurt, mostly by flying glass caused by a super sonic boom when the meteor exploded just above the ground. As it is written, "And there shall be signs in the Sun, and in the Moon, and in the Stars; and upon the earth distress of Nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring (Luke 21:25-28)."
February 15, 2013: Global - Asteroid the size of 1/2 of a football field passed over Indonesia and came very close to the earth but just passed by without impact. See Luke 21:25-28.
February 19, 2013: United Kingdom - Person dies from SARS like virus which now can be transmitted from human to human.
March 13, 2013: Italy - Rome - New Pope selected. The first Jesuit Pope, Pope Francis I. This is the first time that 2 Popes are alive at the same time. First time in 600 Years that a Pope has resigned. March 13, 2013 was the 1st Intercalary Day on the Sacred Calendar separating the old and new Year.
March 20, 2013: 1st Day of Spring (Spring Equinox) - Jerusalem - President Obama in Jerusalem. 8th Intercalary Day on the Sacred Calendar separating the old and new Year. This Year in 2013 there is the regular 1 Day Intercalary Day between Winter and Spring, plus 7 Intercalary Days to bring the Sacred Calendar back in line with the Solar Year.
Note: Sacred Calendar Intercalated. In 2013 the Sacred Calendar is Intercalated by an additional 7 Days. Normally there is always 1 Intercalary Day separation between each of the 4 Seasons. This Year there is the regular Intercalary Day plus 7 Intercalary Days separating the Season of Winter and Spring. So there are in fact 1 + 7 = 8 Intercalary Days in 2013 separating Winter from Spring. The Last Day of Winter was the 30th Day of the 12th Month on March 12, 2013. March 13, 2013 is the 1st of the 8 Intercalary Days. March 20, 2013 is the 8th Intercalary Day, the 1st Day of Spring, the Spring Equinox, and the 1st Day of President Obama in Israel and Jerusalem.
March 20, 2013: Spring Equinox - March 20, 2013 at 13 Hours, 3 Minutes, Jerusalem Time.
March 28, 2013: Cyprus - Financial Crisis hits Bank Depositors. All Bank Depositors with over 100,000 Euros will have to lose up to 20 percent and some up to 46 percent or more of their deposit. There was a run on the Banks. Depositors were desperate to get as much of their money out of the Bank as possible. Banks were shut for 2 weeks. Banks reopened today. Fallout from panicked depositors: this has caused a ripple affect of fear and uncertainty around the world, especially in Europe.
March 28, 2013: North Korea - North Korea threatens the U.S. with long range missiles. This is a desperate but very real threat by North Korea to get more financial aid and compensation. North Korea's posture threatens the whole region.
April 3, 2013: North Korea - North Korea steps up its rhetoric to attack the U.S. with nuclear missiles. Stock Market takes a dive in response to these threats.
April 5, 2013: World - Digital Currency now exists on the Internet. The unit is called, "Bitcoin". This virtual currency has existed for 4 years. 21 Million Bitcoin are in circulation on the Internet. The value is about $147.00 U.S. per Bitcoin. The Total Circulation Value is about $300 Million at present and growing. Note: There is nothing tangible backing this virtual currency!!
International Law on Blasphemy:
Riots and demonstrations have taken place all over the Muslim World due to a Film which defames the Prophet Mohammed. This event has stirred up Muslims pushing for an International Law on Blasphemy for the 3 Great Religions: Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.
What has this to do with believers? Plenty. This marks the imminent opening of the 5th Seal of Revelation 6:9-11 which is the persecution of believers. The Blasphemy Law carries the Death Sentence. No more sitting on the fence. If believers use the Father's Name of Yahuah or the two names of the Messiah which carry the fullness of Yahuah's name then believers could be killed. Some people believe that the Father's Name is too Holy to use and those that don't believe in the Messiah of the New Testament consider using the Messiah's two names which carry Yahuah's Fulll Name as blasphemy. Believers will have to choose who they worship at the pain of death.
The Blasphemy Law will also use reverse discrimination. In Revelation 13:5-8 the 1st Beast will blaspheme against Yahuah and will make war with the Saints.
In the 7 Laws of Noah also known as the 7 Noahide Laws, one of these laws is against Blasphemy. According to this Law of Blasphemy, an Israelite would be stoned to death, while a Gentile would be beheaded. This fits perfectly with the prophecy in Revelation 20:4 where it says, "... I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Yahuahshua, and for the word of Yahuah, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands ..."
As Believers, we have no other choice but to call upon Yahuah and Yahuahshua using their true names. But in the eyes of some, this is a form of blaspheme. So be of good courage fellow Saints and keep on worshipping Yahuah in Spirit and in truth. Search the scriptures and see how even the Messiah was accused and condemned for blaspheme (John 10:36; Mark 2:7; Luke 5:21; Mark 14:64; Matthew 26:65-66; John 10:33).
Hallelu-Yah, Hallelu-Yahuah Abinu!!
If we deny Him, He will deny us.
So let us embrace Him in Spirit and in truth.More Perfect Numbers:
1) 74 = 22 + 26 + 26 = 30 + 22 + 22.
The Messiah began his ministry at age 30. 22 is a number of completion and represents the Messiah. 2 x 26 represents the Father's Name twice which is in both the Messiah's Present and Future Name, and represents the Messiah's 1st and 2nd Coming.2) The Messiah said this generation shall not pass away until these things be fulfilled. In Scripture 1 Generation = 40 Years.
The Messiah was 40 1/2 Years old when he died. The Messiah began his ministry at age 30. Those that mocked him said that he was not yet 50 Years old. King David began his reign at age 30 Years old. In one scripture it is written that King David ruled for 40 Years while in another that he ruled for 40 1/2 Years.
The number 40 is also a number of cleansing. Moses was on Mount Sinai for 40 Days. The Messiah was fasting in the wilderness for 40 Days. The Children of Israel were in the wilderness for 40 Years. The reason that this number 40 is so important is because 40 = 10 + 10 + 10 + 10. The number 10 represents Judgment. If you add the numbers 1 to 10 in series you get 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 = 55 = 7 + 22 + 26 ! Since there are 4 of these 10's in 40 you get 4 x 55 = 220!!!
The numerical value of the Messiah's Future Name of Yahuahtsadaq = 220!!! 220 = 10 x 22 where 10 = Judgment, and 22 represents the Messiah and completion. Also, 55 = 7 + 22 + 26 where 7 and 22 represents the Messiah and 26 represents Yahuah the Father.
From the Messiah's Death in 30CE to the destruction of the 2nd Temple and Jerusalem by Titus in 70CE = 40 Years = 1 Generation which fulfils the first application of the Messiah's two prophecies of this scripture when he said "this generation shall not pass away until these things be fulfilled." While the second application of this prophecy is for our time now. This second application is the Messiah's 2nd Coming when he will come using his new Name of Yahuahtsadaq = 220 = Yahuah is Righteous (Righteousness of Yahuah) and Judge the World. 10 = Judgment. 40 = 4 x 10. 55 = 7 + 22 + 26. 4 x 55 = 220 = 10 x 22.
Note: Also how 55 is 5 + 5 = 10. 5 + 5 can also represent the Meni + Meni = (5 x 10) + (5 x 10) Shekels in Daniel's Hand Writing on the Wall = Scales of Justice. In recent times, the U.S. Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton quoted Daniel's Hand Writing on the Wall and used it against the Syrian President. 5 + 5 = split between the East and the West. This is especially true in our time now with the U.S. and the West on the one hand; and Russia, China and the East on the other.
3) More interesting numbers from the Bible:
a) 6 Days x 24 Hours = 144 Hours. 144 = Righteousness as in the 144,000 Sealed Righteous from the 12 Tribes of Israel. Psalm 119:144 is acrostic with verses 137 to 144 = Hebrew Letter Tsaddi = Righteousness. Tsaddi is the 18th Letter in the Hebrew Alphabet. 18 = Righteousness.b) The 1st and Last Letters of the Hebrew Alphabet represent the Messiah = Aleph and Tau. Tau = Last and 22nd Letter of the Hebrew Alphabet = 400. 400 = 40 x 10. 400 x 22 = 8800 = 220 x 40.
c) The Months of the Scared Calendar Year of Yahuah when broken down and grouped together based on the 4 Seasons looks like this numerically:
1st Month: 1 + 4 + 7 + 10 = 22.
2nd Month: 2 + 5 + 8 + 11 = 26.
3rd Month: 3 + 6 + 9 + 12 = 30.
(of Season) ------- --------- -------- -------------- -------
6 15 24 33 = 78
Spring Summer Fall WinterNote: The Months grouped: 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Months of the Year = Spring; 4th, 5th, & 6th Months = Summer, etc. The First Month of each Season when grouped together: 1st, 4th, 7th, & 10th Month = 22. The Second Month of each Season when grouped together: 2nd, 5th, 8th, & 11th Month = 26. The Third Month of each Season when grouped together: 3rd, 6th, 9th, & 12th Month = 30. All three of these sub-totals added together = 22 + 26 + 30 = 78. All these numbers relate to the Messiah and 26 relates to Yahuah the Father. The number 30 relates to the Messiah's age when he began his ministry. King David was 30 years old when he began to reign. 78 = 3 x 26 where 2 x 26 relates to the Messiah's 1st and 2nd Coming, to his Present and Future Names of Yahuahshua (Salvation) and Yahuahtsadaq (Righteousness) and the 3rd 26 relates to Yahuah the Father.
4) In some way the Last Days has to do with the perfect number 40. In Genesis 6:3 Yahuah limits Man's time to 120 Years. 120 = 40 + 40 + 40. The number 40 is a time of cleansing and a number of completion. Man's timeline is clear from scripture:
Adam to Abraham - 40 x 50 = 2000 Years.
Abraham to the Messiah - 40 x 50 = 2000 Years.
Messiah's 1st to 2nd Coming - 40 x 50 = 2000 Years.
----------- ---------------
120 x 50 = 6000 Years.We see this pattern again in the life of Moses:
Moses was 120 Years old when he died, just before Israel passed into the Promised Land.Moses in Egypt - 40 Years.
Moses in Midian - 40 Years.
Moses in the Wilderness - 40 Years.
120 Years.5) Here is a wonderful and beautiful way of seeing the 7 Lamp Menorah. There are 3 Lamps on the Left side, 1 center Lamp, and 3 Lamps on the Right side of the Menorah. The center Lamp feeds the other 6 Lamps. Numerically, you can see it this way: 3 - 1 - 3. Now as you look at these numbers, look from the center to the right = 13. Then from the center look to the left = 13. Now add the two numbers together = 13 + 13 = 26! 26 is the numerical value of Yahuah the Father's Name! Yahuah is the center of the Universe!
6) 70 = 26 + 26 + 18.
Usually the number 26 by itself represents Yahuah the Father. While a double 26 (26 + 26) represents the Messiah and completion. For example, 1 Year = 26 Weeks + 26 Weeks = 52 Weeks. And 18 = Righteousness.7) The Messiah said, "I am the Light of the World" (John 8:12). The Menorah has 7 Lamps. The number 7 represents the Messiah. The Messiah's Present Name of Yahuahshua and his Future Name of Yahuahtsadaq both have 7 Hebrew Letters.
The 1st Tabernacle in the wilderness had only one 7 Lamp Menorah which represented the Messiah's 1st Coming and his present name of Yahuahshua. In Solomon's Temple there were two 7 Lamp Menorahs which represented the Messiah's 1st and 2nd Coming; and his present and future Names. At the Messiah's 1st Coming he came as a sacrificial Lamb and used his present name of Yahuahshua = Yahuah is Salvation = Salvation of Yahuah. At the Messiah's 2nd Coming he will come as the Lion of Yahudah and use his future name of Yahuahtsadaq = Yahuah is Righteousness = Righteousness of Yahuah. Both of the Messiah's two names carry the full power and might of Yahuah the Father's full 4 Letter Hebrew Name of "YAHUAH".
The 1st Tabernacle with 1 Menorah represented the Messiah's 1st Coming = 1st 26 = 1 x 26 = 7 Hebrew Letter Name of Yahuahshua. Solomon's Temple with 1 + 1 = 2 Menorahs represents the Messiah's (1st) + (2nd) Coming = (1st 26) + (2nd 26) = 2 x 26 = (7 Hebrew Letter Name of Yahuahshua) + (7 Hebrew Letter Name of Yahuahtsdaq) = 52. 52 = Completion as 1 Year = (26 Weeks) + (26 Weeks) = 2 x 26 = 52 Weeks. The Spring Feasts in the 1st 26 Weeks of the Year represent the Messiah's 1st Coming and have been fulfilled. The Fall Feasts in the Last and 2nd 26 Weeks of the Year represent the Messiah's 2nd Coming which will be fulfilled when he returns.
The Jews captured Jerusalem in 1967 with access to the Temple Mount where Solomon's Temple once stood. This opens the way to the building of the 3rd Temple and the Messiah's 2nd Coming.
8) 144 = 26 + 26 + 26 + 22 + 22 + 22 = 78 + 66 = 48 + 48 + 48.
66 = 26 + 22 + 18 = 22 + 22 + 22.9) The Fall Feasts are a block of 22 Days. The 4 High Sabbaths during the Fall Feasts are Highlights. If you take the number of the Day of each of the 4 High Sabbaths and add them up you get: 1 + 10 + 15 = 26; 26 + 22 = 48. Note: Up to the 1st Day of the 7 Day Feast of Tabernacles = 26! The Last Great Day, the Last Day of the Fall Feast Days = 22!
10) 100 = 10 x 10 = (3 x 26) + 22 = 78 + 22.
1000 = 10 x 10 x 10 = (30 x 26) + (10 x 22) = 780 + 220.10 = Judgment. 26 = Numerical value of Yahuah the Father's Name. 22 = represents the Messiah. 10 x 22 = 220 = Numerical value of the Messiah's Future Name of Yahuahtsadaq. Yahuahtsadaq is the Future Name the Messiah will use during the 1000 Year 7th Millennium when he rules on the Earth and when Satan will be bound for that 1000 Years.
With Yahuah 1 Day is like a 1000 Years, and 1000 Years like 1 Day. The first 6 Days of Creation represents 6000 Years. The Last and 7th Day of Creation was a Sabbath of rest which represents the Last and 7th Millennium from Creation. During the 7th Millennium the Messiah (the Last Adam) will rule for 1000 Years.
11) 78 = 39 + 39 = 3 x 26.
39 = 40 less 1 which represents the Messiah's sufferings for us. For he received 40 less 1 stripes and was crucified for our transgressions that we may have remission of our sins. 3 x 26 = the Family of Heaven = Yahuah the Father + the Messiah + the Holy Spirit of Yahuah, who all carry the Father's Name of Yahuah.
12) 50 = 24 + 26 = 11 + 13 + 26.
11 = Prime number of 22 which represents the Messiah.
13 = Prime number of 26 which represents Yahuah the Father.
24 = the 24 Elders about the Throne of Yahuah.
24 = the 24 coursesof the Levitical Priesthood.
26 = Numerical value of Yahuah's Name.
50 = Jubilee.Conclusion:
Satan has been booted out of heaven and is now upon the earth. We know this to be true because of the increase in the evil in recent days. Satan knows that he has just a short time left on the earth, so he is making war with the Saints.
"Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knows that he has but a short time. And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman which brought forth the man child." (Revelation 12:12-13).
"Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you: But rejoice, inasmuch as you are partakers of the Messiah's sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, you may be glad also with exceeding joy. If you be reproached for the name of the Messiah, happy are you; for the spirit of glory and of Yahuah rests upon you: on their part he is evil spoken of, but on your part he is glorified." (1Peter 4:12-14).
In the Book of Revelation we are given promises if we overcome (Revelation 2:1-29; 3:1-22). But overcome what? The Messiah gives us the answer in John 16:33 where he says, "but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." So the answer is that we have to overcome the world!!! Again, the Messiah says, "And you shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endures to the end shall be saved (Matthew 10:22)."
The Saints will overcome the world and Satan. Here is how: "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death". (Revelation 12:11). " "Submit yourselves therefore to Yahuah. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw nigh to Yahuah, and he will draw nigh to you." (James 4:7-8).
In these Last Days, truly many are the tribulations of the Righteous, but Yahuah delivers him out of them ALL!!!
So be of good courage and "Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom (Luke 12:32)." The Angel of Yahuah camps round about them that love Him. His compassions fail not, they are new every morning. This is the Day that Yahuah has made, we shall rejoice and be glad in it. Again, the joy of Yahuah is our strength. As you can see, Yahuah comforts us daily with His Word, His Promises, and by His Holy Spirit.
Introduction:135.0) War of the Sons of Light versus the Sons of Darkness:Today is August 18, 2013 the 30th Day of the 5th Month.
The siege of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar began in the 9th Year of King Zedekiah in 588BCE on the 10th Day of the 10th Month (Jeremiah 52:4; Ezekiel 24:1; 2Kings 25:1). In scripture the number 10 represents Judgment. The siege of Jerusalem ended in the 11th Year of King Zedekiah in 586BCE on the 9th Day of the 4th Month (2Kings 25:2-3; Jeremiah 39:2; Jeremiah 52:6). According to 2Kings 25:8-9 on the 7th Day of the 5th Month, the 1st Temple and Jerusalem were burnt with fire and the walls broken down. But according to Jeremiah 52:12 this destruction took place on the 10th Day of the 5th Month. In scripture the Number 10 represents Judgment. Since the siege of Jerusalem began on the 10th Day of the 10th Month (Double Judgment). It makes more sense that the actual destruction of the 1st Temple was complete on the 10th Day rather than on the 7th Day of the 5th Month.
Now how does the destruction of the 1st Temple relate to our time now. The Year 2015 will be exactly 2600 Years from the destruction of the 1st Temple!! Do you see the significance of the number 2600? It is 26 x 10 x 10! Note the perfect number 26 which is the numerical value of Yahuah the Father's Name and the 10 x 10 represents Double Judgment! This perfect number of 2600 also points to the Last Days and the Messiah's 2nd Coming!!
Year 2015 is exactly 2600 Years from the Destruction of the 1st Temple and also relates to the Timing for the 2nd Coming of the Messiah:
First, let us make sure that we understand the accuracy for the calculation from the destruction of the 1st Temple in 586BCE to the present. Keep in mind that there is no year Zero ("0"). For example the span of time from 1BCE to 1CE is 1 Year = 1 + 1 - 1 = 1. From 2BCE to 2CE is 3 Years = 2 + 2 - 1 = 3. So from 586BCE to 2015 = 586 + 2015 - 1 = 2600!!
This 2600 Years from the Destruction of the 1st Temple in 586BCE on the 10th Day of the 5th Month to 2015 is a very special and unique Anniversary. The exact date will be on July 27, 2015 on the 10th Day of the 5th Month according to the Sacred Calendar.
We have already noted that 2600 breaks down into the perfect Number 26 of Yahuah's Name plus 10 x 10 which represents Double Judgment. Note also 2600 = 26 x 100's.
We know from previous studies that the Messiah will return on the Feast of Trumpets in the middle of the Year in the Last 6000th Year from Adam. Since 6000 = 122 x 49 + 22 Years, the Last 22 Years have to deal with the Messiah and his return. The numbers 7, 22 and 26 all represent the Messiah. The Last 4 Years of the Last 22 Years will include the 3 1/2 Year Great Tribulation. Then the Messiah will return immediately after the Great Tribulation.
Since the number 22 represents the Messiah we can also relate the 22 Letter Hebrew Alphabet and the Last 22 Years of the 6000 Years from Adam directly to the Messiah. The Messiah's Future Name of Yahuahtsadaq ends with the Hebrew Letter "Qoph" which is the 1st Letter of the 100's series of numerical value in the Hebrew Alphabet. The Messiah's Future Name which consists of 7 Hebrew Letters has a total cumulative value of 220 = 22 x 10 where 22 represents the Messiah and completion; and where 10 represents Judgment.
Now if we take the Last 4 Letters of the Hebrew Alphabet which are the only 4 Letters that represent numerical values in 100's, we get:
Qoph = 100, Resh = 200, Shin = 300, Tau = 400.
Qoph = 1 x 100's, Resh = 2 x 100's, Shin = 3 x 100's, and Tau = 4 x 100's.
Since 2600 Years = 26 x 100's. Do you begin to see the connection?
The 2600 Years from the Destruction of the 1st Temple is pointing to the 1st Year of the Great Tribulation which will begin in the Spring of 2015! All four of the Last 4 Hebrew Letters carry a value of 100's = 10 x 10 = Double Judgment. If you add the value of all 4 of these Last Letters together you get: 100 + 200 + 300 + 400 = 1000 = 10 x 10 x 10 = Triple Judgment!
Now if these Last 4 Hebrew Letters represent the Last 4 Years we can see a few more interesting things. Note the Messiah's Future Name of Yahuahtsadaq ends with the Hebrew Letter "Qoph". The Letter Qoph represents the start of the Great Tribulation. The Messiah's Future Name means Yahuah is Righteous or Righteousness of Yahuah.
The Last 4 Letters of the Hebrew Alphabet represent the Last 4 Years of the Last 22 Years of the 6000 Years from Adam where:
Qoph = 2015, Resh = 2016, Shin = 2017, and Tau = 2018.Here are more indications that these Years are correct:
1) If you add the Last Digit of each of these 4 Years together you get: 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 = 26 !!!!!! 5 + 6 + 7 = 18 where 18 = Righteousness and 8 = New Beginning and 18 + 8 = 26. The Messiah's Future Name has the Father's Name of Yahuah = 26 + Righteousness.2) If you take the Last 2 Digits of each of the Last 4 Years you get:
15 + 16 + 17 + 18 = 66 = 3 x 22. Again we get the perfect number of 22 which represents the Messiah 3 times.3) If you take All the Digits of each of the Last 4 Years added together you get:
(2 + 15) + (2 + 16) + (2 + 17) + (2 + 18) = 74 = 2 x 26 + 22.
Whenever we get 2 x 26 this represents the Messiah with his Present and Future names of Yahuahshua and Yahuahtsadaq both of which carry the fulness of his Father's Name of Yahuah which has the numerical value of 26. And 22 always represents the Messiah and completion.4) If you look at the number of the Year 2018, even the Last 2 Digits = 18 = Righteousness.
The Last Letter of the Hebrew Alphabet is the Letter "Tau" which is the Last and 22nd Letter of the Hebrew Alphabet. The Messiah said that he is the First and the Last, the Alpha and the Omega; the Aleph and the Tau in the Hebrew Alphabet. The Letter "Tau" is the 22nd and Last Letter of the Hebrew Alphabet and represents the Messiah and completion.
When the Messiah Returns:
In 2Peter 3:13 we read, "We, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwells righteousness." This promise will be fulfilled when the Messiah returns and establishes his Father's Kingdom on the earth. Satan will be put in chains in the bottomless pit for 1000 Years. Notice again the Last 4 Hebrews Letters add up to 1000 = 10 x 10 x 10 = Triple Judgment. During this 1000 Years, the Messiah will rule on the earth with Righteousness from Jerusalem. The City of New Jerusalem will carry the same future name of Yahuahtsadaq as will the Messiah. At his 2nd Coming the Messiah will use his new name of Yahuahtsadaq = Yahuah is Righteousness = Righteousness of Yahuah.
There are 8 Gates leading into the Old City of Jerusalem today. 3 Gates are to the North (Herod's Gate, Damascus Gate and New Gate); 1 Gate to the West (Jaffa Gate); 2 Gates to the South (Zion Gate and Dung Gate); and 2 Gates to the East (Lion's Gate also called St. Stephen's Gate, and the Golden Gate). The Golden Gate at present is sealed and will only be opened when the Messiah returns at his 2nd Coming. When the Messiah returns he will descend onto the top of the Mount of Olives (Acts 1:11-12). At the Messiah's return the Mount of Olives will cleave in half (Note: the Mount of Olives is on a natural fault line) (Zechariah 14:2-4). The Messiah will come from the East from the top of the Mount of Olives, will go down the Mount of Olives across the Kidron Valley and enter into the Old City of Jerusalem through the Golden Gate.
The Golden Gate used to be lined up with the Front Door of the 1st and 2nd Temples when they still stood. The 2 times in the Year when the Sun lined up with the Golden Gate and the Front Door of the Temple was during the Spring and Fall Equinox. The only one of the 7 High Sabbaths during the Year that lines up with one of these 2 Equinox is the Day of Atonement in the Fall. The next time that the Fall Equinox will line up with the Day of Atonement will be in 2017. In 2017 the Fall Equinox will be on Friday September 22, 2017 after sunset at 22 Hours 2 Minutes Jerusalem Time. The Day of Atonement will start on Friday night after sunset and end on Saturday September 23, 2017 at sunset.
Current Events:
May 18, 2013: Nigeria - Nigeria is one step closer to a cashless society. The Nigerian Government is planning on issuing ID to its citizens which will be directly linked to Financial Services.
June 29, 2013: The World - Activity in the Earth's Core is increasing according to Scientists and Linda at Coast to Coast Radio. Could this be the War in Heaven prophesied with Michael the Archangel fighting against Satan and the Fallen Angels? Satan will be booted out of Heaven and come down to the Earth. Satan will wreak havoc on the Earth for he knows that he has but a short time before the Messiah returns.
July 29, 2013: Jerusalem - on the Sacred Calendar the 10th Day of the 5th Month was on July 29, 2013. The 10th Day of the 5th Month was when the 1st Temple was destroyed in 586BCE. Note: 10th Day of 5th Month = 40th Day of Summer. 10th Day of 5th Month = 130th Day from the 1st Day of the Year from 1st Day of 1st Month. 130 = 5 x 26.
August 8, 2013: The Sun - On Coast to Coast Radio, a guest was predicting scorching heat from the Sun and from Planet X in 2015.
The 7 Spirits of Yahuah and the 7 Lamp Menorah:
The 7 Lamps of Fire before the Throne of Yahuah in Heaven are the 7 Spirits of Yahuah. The Menorah in the 1st Temple represented those 7 Spirits of Yahuah and the Messiah. See Revelation 1:4; 3:1; 4:5; 5:6; and Ezekiel 1:13.
More Perfect Numbers:
1) 70 = 22 + 26 + 22 = 26 + 26 + 18.
Israel will no doubt have a special Anniversary scheduled for the Year 2015 in remembrance of the destruction of the 1st Temple in Jerusalem. But how many can see the true significance of the Year 2015 as the start of the Great Tribulation? 2015 will also be the 70th Anniversary of the dropping of the Atomic Bomb on Japan in 1945. Note: 70 = 22 + 26 + 22 = 26 + 26 + 18.
Note how with all those perfect number combinations that we have discussed, the Last 4 Letters of the Hebrew Alphabet represent the Last 4 Years of 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 locked in as a block of time. These Last 4 Years of the 6000 Years from Adam will include the 3 1/2 Year Great Tribulation. The 2600 Year Anniversary of the Destruction of the 1st Temple in connection with the Last 4 Letters of the Hebrew Alphabet and the Last 4 Years of the Last 22 Years from Adam point to the Year 2015 as the start of the Great Tribulation.
Based on this reasoning, the Great Tribulation will begin in the Spring of 2015 on the 1st Day of the 1st Month on Thursday March 19, 2015. The Great Tribulation will last 3 1/2 Years and will end in 2018 on the 30th Day of the 6th Month on Tuesday September 18, 2018. The Messiah will then return immediately after the Great Tribulation in the Fall of 2018 on the 1st Day of the 7th Month on the Feast of Trumpets on Thursday September 20, 2018.
Introduction:136.0) Opening of the Golden Gate at the Messiah's 2nd Coming:Today is September 18, 2014 the 1st Day of the 7th Month, the Feast of Trumpets (Yom Taruah).
The Sons of Light are those that have and keep alive the Spirit of Yahuah within themselves. They obey and keep the Laws and Commandments of Yahuah. The Sons of Darkness are the spiritually dead who have not the Spirit of Yahuah. The Sons of Darkness are zombies who are overcome by the world and seek only the things of the world. The Righteous overcome the world, even as our beloved Master Yahuahshua did. In John 16:33 we read, "These things I have spoken unto you, that in me you might have peace. In the world you shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."
The Parable in Matthew 25:1-11 talks about the 10 Virgins. 5 of the Virgins were wise, and 5 were foolish. The 5 wise Virgins represent the Sons of Light while the 5 foolish represent the Sons of Darkness. The wise Virgins took oil in their lamps (the Light of the Holy Spirit). While the 5 foolish Virgins are the Sons of Darkness who have not the Light of Yahuah (the Holy Spirit of Yahuah).
In Revelation 12:1-17 we read that there was war in Heaven between Michael the Archangel along with the Angels of Yahuah against Satan and his fallen angels. Michael prevailed and Satan and his fallen angels have been booted out of Heaven. Satan is now on the Earth making War with the Righteous who keep the Laws and Commandments of Yahuah. The War between the Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness has begun in earnest on the Earth. The return of the Messiah is now imminent.
Satan only comes to destroy and to kill. The Messiah came that we may have life and to have life more abundantly (John 10:10). Satan knows that he has just a short time now. So Satan has intensified his war with the Saints (Revelation 12:17; 13:7).
The events around the world point to the 4th and 5th Seals of Revelation 6:7-11 being now open. The terrorist group ISIS is gaining strength in Syria and Iraq with an estimated strength of about 30,000 fighters. ISIS is also a very serious threat to the rest of the world through their recruits who come from all over the world. Christians are being targeted and persecuted. The Ebola virus is out of control in Africa and spreading. Russia has invaded the Ukraine and threatens to draw in the rest of the world into the conflict. The fighting in Gaza by the Israelis and Palestinians further fuels resentment and anger throughout the Arab world. Things are heating up and the Harvest is ripe!
The Name of Yahuah in Modern Day Jerusalem:
The Holiest site in the whole world is the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Jews will not go unto the Temple Mount because it is too Holy. However, there is one spot which is the closest point to the Holy of Holies without going onto the Temple Mount where the women come to pray. This place is in a tunnel that runs along the Western Wall (Wailing Wall) under ground and is about mid way along this wall. This tunnel is only about 10 Feet wide at this point. At this point on the west face of the tunnel, opposite the western wall is Yahuah's Name in 4 Hebrew Letters (Yod, He, Vav, He) and below it is a 7 Lamp Menorah!!!
It is too bad, because those that come here to pray are facing the East (the rising Sun) and have their backs to Yahuah's Holy Name. This insult to Yahuah also happened about 3000 years ago. So it is written in Ezekiel 8:15-18 "And he brought me into the inner court of Yahuah's House, and, behold, at the door of the temple of Yahuah, between the porch and the altar, were about five and twenty men, with their backs toward the temple of Yahuah, and their faces toward the east; and they worshipped the sun toward the east." So you see, history repeats itself and things haven't changed over time.
Blood Red Moons in Prophecy and the Return of the Messiah:
One of the signs in the Last Days will be Blood Red Moons before the Great Day of Yahuah come and the Messiah returns.
Joel 2:31 "The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible Day of Yahuah come." (Joel 1:1-20; 2:1-32; 3:1-21).
Joel 3:13-15 "Put you in the sickle, for the harvest is ripe: come, get you down; for the press is full, the fats overflow; for their wickedness is great."
Acts 2:16-21 "But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel: And it shall come to pass in the last days, says Yahuah: . . . . And I will show wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke: The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and notable Day of Yahuah come: And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of Yahuah shall be saved."
Revelation 6:12-17 "And I beheld when he had opened the 6th Seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; . . . . hide us from the face of him that sits on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?"
A Blood Red Moon happens when the Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon during a Total Lunar Eclipse. The occurrence of 4 Blood Red Moons in sequence is a fairly rare event and is now happening. In 2014 and 2015 there will be a sequence of 4 Total Lunar Eclipses called a Tetrad. A Tetrad is a group or collection of 4 of anything. All 4 of these Total Lunar Eclipses will be Blood Red Moons. The 1st one began on April 15, 2014. The 2nd will be on October 8, 2014. The 3rd will be on April 4, 2015. And the 4th and Last will be on September 28, 2015. Note that there will be approximately a 6 Month interval between each of the 4 Total Lunar Eclipses (Blood Red Moons). 6 Months = 26 Weeks and the Sacred Number 26 is the number of Yahuah's Holy Name!!
Keep in mind that a Tetrad of Lunar Eclipses (Blood Red Moons) are relatively rare. From 1600 to 1900 there were no tetrads at all! During the 21st Century there are 8 sets of Tetrads. After 2014/15 the next Tetrad will be in 2032 starting with the 1st Total Lunar Eclipse on April 25, 2032. The next Tetrad after2032 will be in 2043/44.
Another amazing thing about the 2014/15 Tetrad is that they all fall near or on the Jewish Calendar Holy Days (keep in mind that the Jewish Calendar is a Solar Lunar Calendar):
1) 1st Blood Moon on April 15, 2014 = Jewish Passover April 15-22, 2014.
2) 2nd Blood Moon on October 8, 2014 = Jewish Sukkot (Tabernacles) October 9-15, 2014.
3) 3rd Blood Moon on April 4, 2015 = Jewish Passover April 4-11, 2015.
4) 4th Blood Moon on September 28, 2015 = Jewish Sukkot (Tabernacles) September 28, 2015 to October 4, 2015. (Note: September 28, 2015 will also be a Super Moon).
Note: a Super Moon can be a New or Full Moon closely coinciding with perigree, the moon's closest point to Earth in its orbit. A Super Moon looks larger than normal, and affects the Earth's tides. There are 5 Super Moons in 2014: 2 are New Moons in January 2014, while the other 3 are Full Moons on July 12, August 10 and September 9, 2014. In 2015 there will be 6 Super Moons: January 20, February 18, March 20, August 29, September 28, and October 27, 2015.
Current Events:
October 23, 2013 - England - Prince George, the 3rd in line to the Throne of England was baptized with water from the Jordan River.
November 8, 2013 - Philippines - Typhoon Haiyan hits the Philippines. Typhoon Haiyan is the strongest storm with the strongest winds in recorded history. This deadly storm has left more than 10,000 dead in its wake: with 11 Million people affected leaving 600,000 homeless.
November 15, 2013 - Philippines - Typhoon Haiyan now leaves 2 Million homeless.
November 28, 2013 - Celestial - Comet ISON is on a close encounter with the Sun on November 28, 2013 which is Thanksgiving Day in the U.S.A..
December 28, 2013 - United States of America - Appearance of 192 Crop Circles.
January 6, 2014 - North America - Polar Vortex (Cyclone) puts most of North America into a deep freeze. Coldest temperatures not seen in 100 years.
January 23, 2014 - U.S.A. - Pig virus (PED) kills millions of pigs in the U.S. since April 2013 which has spread to more than 22 States.
March 1, 2014 - Ukraine - The people of the Ukraine want to be a part of the European Union but the President of the Ukraine refused and sided to join with Russia instead. This has created a crisis. Russia has decided to send Russian troops into the Crimea which is a part of the Ukraine. The Crimea has strategic water ports. Russia supplies all of Europe with natural gas which runs through the Ukraine. If this crisis is not contained, this could create a threat to Global peace. In prophecy Russia and Chinarepresent the Kings of the East.
March 29, 2014 - Celestial - Blood Red Moons in 2014 and 2015 on Passover and Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot). This is so rare that this has only happened just 7 times since 1CE. 2014 and 2015 will be the 8th time this will occur.
August 7, 2014 - Africa - Ebola epidemic spreads in Africa.
August 7, 2014 - Ukraine - Russia masses troops on the eastern border of the Ukraine.
August 7, 2014 - Israel - Temporary cease-fire declared after Israeli troops kill over 1000 Palestinians.
August 10, 2014 - Celestial - Tonight is one of 3 Full Moon Super Moons of 2014. The next one will be on September 9, 2014.
August 22, 2014 - Global - Storm clouds on the Horizon:
1) Africa - oubreak of Ebola spreading in Africa. More than 1400 people dead.
2) Middle East - Conflict between Hamas in Gaza and Israel continues. More than 2000 dead.
3) Ukraine - Russia has taken the Crimea from the Ukraine by force. Now pro-Russian rebels threaten eastern Ukraine. Russia is aiding the rebels with over 100 trucks of supplies plus shelling Ukrainian troops from within the Ukraine.
4) Middle East -ISIS, the Islamic State terrorist group is threatening the region around Syria and Iraq with possible strikes within the U.S.A. itself. U.S. may strike back at the roots of ISIS in Syria.These are all signs that the 4th Seal of Revelation 6:7-8 is now open or opening. The birth pains have begun (Matthew 24:6-8; 32-34).
August 29, 2014 - Africa - Ebola outbreak continues to spread.
August 29, 2014 - Ukraine - Over 1000 Russian troops invade eastern Ukraine with the intention of creating a land bridge from Russia to the illegally obtained Crimea.
More Perfect Numbers:
1) The numerical perfection of the 10 Days leading up to and including the Day of Atonement:
The Messiah will return on the Feast of Trumpets on the 1st Day of the 7th Month. From the Feast of Trumpets to the Day of Atonement are 10 Days, with the Day of Atonement being on the 10th Day of the 7th Month. These 10 Days represent Judgment as the Messiah will Judge the World on the 10th Day, the Day of Atonement. Now if you take the numbers of each of the 10 Days and add them up in sequence, you will get:
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 = 55.
55 = 7 + 22 + 26.
Where all three of these perfect numbers of 7, 22 and 26 represent the Messiah.2) 50 = 11 + 39 = 11 + 13 + 13 + 13 = 24 + 26.
3) 144 = 22 + 22 + 22 + 26 + 26 + 26.
144 = 48 + 48 +48 = 22 + 26 + 22 +26 +22 + 26.4) 120 = 24 + 48 + 48 =12 + 12 + 22 + 26 + 22 + 26.
5) 1/3 of the Angels are Fallen Angels (Revelation 12:3-4).
Therefore 2/3 of the Angels are True Angels.
2/3 = 66 percent = 3 x 22 = 22 + 22 + 22.6) 78 = 39 + 39 = 3 x 26 = 26 + 26 + 26.
7) 44 = 18 + 26 = 22 + 22.
Could the birth pangs felt around the world these days be a prelude to the 3 1/2 Year Great Tribulation or be already a part of it? Could this be the beginning of Sorrows mentioned in Matthew 24:6-12?
Matthew 24:6-12 reads, "And you shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that you be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows. Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and you shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake. And then shall many be offened, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold."
The Messiah Yahuahshua is the way, the truth and the life and no man comes unto Yahuah the Father but by him (John 14:6). The Messiah also said in John 10:9, "I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture." The Messiah is the door keeper in the 7th Hall in the 7th Heaven which leads directly to the Throne of Yahuah in Heaven. Can you now begin to see how precious and critical is Yahuah's Holy Word for Salvation? For the Messiah is the Word of Yahuah. And through the Messiah we have the Spirit of Yahuah. Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says Yahuah (Zechariah 4:6).
We have life and the Hope of Eternal Life from Yahuah through His beloved Son Yahuahshua, and by His Holy Spirit. Praise be to Yahuah for His great Love and Mercy. Hallelu Yah, Hallelu Yahuah abinu!!
Introduction:137.0) Joseph is the Biological Father of the Messiah:Today is August 1, 2015 the 15th Day of the 5th Month, the 45th Day of Summer on the Sacred Calendar.
Both Jews and Christians believe that when the Messiah returns he will descend onto the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem. Then he will go down the Mount of Olives, cross the Kidron Valley and enter the Temple Mount by the Golden Gate (the East Gate) which presently is sealed. This is a major sign of his 2nd Coming. Once the Messiah enters the Golden Gate and goes onto the Temple Mount, then the judgment of the World will begin and terminating with the Day of Atonement, 10 Days later. The Messiah will rule the World from the 3rd Temple on the Temple Mount.
From Ezekiel 46:1 we know that the Golden Gate (the East Gate) will be open on the Sabbath and on the 1st Day of the Month. The Feast of Trumpets is the only one of the 7 High Sabbath Days of the Year which is both a Sabbath Day and is on the 1st Day of the Month (the 1st Day of the 7th Month). In the next verse of Ezekiel 46:2,8,12 we are told that the Prince (the Messiah) will enter by that gate (Golden Gate, the East Gate).
Only 4 of the 12 Months of the Year on the Sacred Calender have the 1st Day of the Month on a regular Sabbath. These 4 Months are the 2nd, 5th, 8th and 11th Months. Note: 2 + 5 + 8 + 11 = 26! The only other Day that meets this criteria of both being on a Sabbath and on the 1st Day of the Month is the Feast of Trumpets.
Note: the total number of Days in the Year that the Golden Gate was open was 65 Days = 13 + 26 + 26! Also 65 Days = 7 + 10 + 22 + 26! To get a running total of the Days that the Golden Gate was open in one Year: We have 52 Regular Sabbaths in the Year. We have 8 Days that are on the First Day of the Month not counting those that are on Regular Sabbath Days (not to duplicate the count). The 1st Day 2nd Month, 1st Day 5th Month, 1st Day 8th Month, and 1st Day 11th Month are already counted which are all on a regular Sabbath. There are 5 High Sabbaths which have not been counted yet (which are High Sabbaths but not regular Sabbaths and are not on the 1st Day of the Month). The Feast of Trumpets and Day of Atonement have already been counted, where one is on the 1st Day of the Month and the other on a Regular Sabbath. Total number of Days that the Golden Gate was OPEN are 65 Days = 52 Days (regular Sabbath Days) + 8 Days (1st Day of the Month) + 5 Days (High Sabbaths).
When the Messiah was crucified on Wednesday at 12 Noon on the 4th Day of the Week on the 14th Day of the 1st Month the Golden Gate was CLOSED. But after the Messiah's death on the next Day on the 15th Day of the 1st Month which was a High Sabbath the Golden Gate was OPEN signifying that the veil of the Temple between the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies was broken down through the shedding of the blood of the Messiah (Mattew 27:50-51; Hebrews 6:19-20; Hebrews 10:19-21).
In John 7:37-39 we read, "In the Last Day, that great day of the feast (Last Great Day on the 22nd Day of the Feast of the 7th Month) ..." the Golden Gate was OPEN. The Messiah talks about living waters coming out of the belly. The body represents the Temple of the Holy Spirit. In Ezekiel 47:1-12 and Revelation 22:1-2 it talks about living waters that will come out of the Sanctuary from the Temple of Yahuah through the East Gate (Golden Gate), and down the Kidron Valley into the Dead Sea that will be healed by these living waters. This will happen when the Messiah returns at his 2nd Coming.
10 Days to Judgment once the Messiah Returns:
Once the Messiah returns he will restore the world in Righteousness. The Kingdom of Yahuah will be firmly established in the 10 Days from the Feast of Trumpets to the Day of Atonement. The Messiah is our High Priest after the Order of Melech Tsadaq = King of Righteousness. The High Priest went into the Holy of Holies once in the Year on the Day of Atonement and not without blood.
The Day of Atonement symbolizes the Great Day of Yahuah, the Day of Judgment when all will be judged according to their works.
When the Messiah returns at his 2nd Coming, he will judge the world in righteousness. He will sort and separate the sheep from the goats, the just from the wicked. As our High Priest he will enter into the Holy of Holies on the Day of Atonement and sit on the mercy seat and judge the world.
The Messiah will return on the Feast of Trumpets. In the 10 Days from the Feast of Trumpets to the Day of Atonement the Messiah will conquer the world. Satan will be cast down into the bottomless pit for 1000 years and the Messiah will rule the world for that 1000 years.
Future Name of the Messiah points to the End:
Another sign of the Messiah's 2nd Coming is directly connected to his future name of Yahuahtsadaq = Righteousness of Yahuah. The name Yahuahtsadaq carries the full four letter Hebrew Name of Yahuah which has the numerical value of 26. While the whole 7 letter Hebrew name of Yahuahtsadaq equals 220. 220 = 10 x 22. Where 10 = judgment and 22 is a number of completion. It is critical to understand these numbers related to both Yahuah the Father and the Messiah to understand future events. Note: the Messiah Is currently our High Priest of the Order of Melechtsadaq = King of Righteousness.
Numerical Values for the Name of Yahuah the Father and the Messiah's Future Name of Yahuahtsadaq (this is also another confirmation that Yahuahtsadaq is the true future name of the Messiah):
Yahuah = Yod + He + Vav + He
Yod = 10
He = 5
Vav = 6
He = 5
Total = 26Yahuahtsadaq = Yod + He + Vav + He + Tsaddi + Daleth + Qoph
Yod = 10
He = 5
Vav = 6
He = 5
Tsaddi = 90
Daleth = 4
Qoph = 100
Total = 220The Great Tribulation will last 3 1/2 Years and then the Messiah will return. 3 1/2 Years = 42 months of 30 Day Months = 1260 Days. See Revelation 11:2 for 42 Months; Revelation 11:3 for 1260 Days; Revelation 12:6 for 1260 Days; and Revelation 13:5 for 42 Months for the time of the Great Tribulation.
Now this is where it gets interesting. 1260 Days = 40 x 26 + 220!!! Notice how this number of 1260 carries 40 times the Father's Name of Yahuah represented by the number 26 and 1 times the Messiah's future name of Yahuahtsadaq which has a numerical value of 220!!! The Messiah will return at the end of the Great Tribulation of 1260 Days.
When the Messiah returns he will rule on the Earth for 1000 Years, the 7th Millennium from Adam at the end of the age. Again, we see the same pattern of numbers where 1000 Years = 30 x 26 + 220!!!! 30 times the numerical value of the Father's name of Yahuah of 26 and the numerical value of 220 of the Messiah's future name of Yahuahtsadaq.
26 = Perfection. 220 = Righteousness.
In the breastplate of the High Priest there was the Urim and the Thummim. Urim = Lights. Thummim = Perfections. Yahuah the Father is both Light and Perfection. The Messiah is our High Priest and represents his Father Yahuah. The Messiah is our High Priest of the Order of Melech Tsadaq = King of Righteousness. "Yahuah is Light, and in Him is no darkness at all" (1John 1:5).The Great Tribulation is a time of preparation for the Messiah's 2nd Coming. The Great Tribulation of 1260 Days will lead up to the Messiah's 2nd Coming and then the Messiah will rule the World for 1000 Years using his future name of Yahuahtsadaq! Both the Messiah and New Jerusalem will carry this future name of Yahuahtsadaq (Jeremiah 23:6, Jeremiah 33:16, Revelation 3:12).
Yahuah is revealing His time for the end by stamping it with the seal of His Holy Name and with His Son's Future Name of Yahuahtsadaq.
More Perfect Numbers:
1) Numbers within Numbers: In Revelation 1:8 the Messiah said, "I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, says Yahuah, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty". Of course, the Messiah is referring to the Hebrew Alphabet and not the Greek. So he is saying that he is the Aleph and the Tau. The Hebrew Alphabet has 22 Hebrew Letters. So the number 22 refers to the Messiah himself. In Genesis 1:1 the entire verse has only 7 Hebrew words and 2 are not translated into the English. These two words are identical and consist of only two Hebrew Letters, the Aleph and the Tau, the 1st and Last Letter of the 22 Hebrew Letter Alphabet. So when we see the number 22 we should always think of the Messiah. Keeping this in mind, let us take a closer look at the number 22.
22 = 9 + 13.
Notice how 9 is 1/2 of 18 where 18 = Righteousness.
Where 13 is 1/2 of 26! Where 26 = Name of Yahuah the Father.
And 22 = Completion. The Messiah is the 1st and the Last.In other words, the number 22 carries the numbers 18, 22, and 26 within it. 18 + 22 + 26 = Yahuah is our Righteousness, our completion, and our existence. Of course this perfect number of 22 also points to the Messiah's Future Name of Yahuahtsadaq = Yahuah is Righteousness = 220 = 10 x 22! Where 10 = Judgment and 22 = Completion.
Notice how in this series of numbers of 18 + 22 + 26 if we add the number 4 to 18, we get 4 + 18 = 22 the next number in the series. Then if we add 4 to 22, we get 4 + 22 = 26! The Father's Name of Yahuah = 4 Hebrew Letters. So Yahuah the Father is always present in all things. The number 4 times twice also represents the Messiah's present and future name which both carry the Yahuah the Father's full name of Yahuah. See how Numbers can tell a story without words? Also, if you add these 3 numbers you get 18 + 22 + 26 = 66 = 22 + 22 + 22! Where the Messiah is the first and the last, the beginning and the ending; and the completion (22) stressed over and over again!
So the Messiah appears in the beginning, in the very first verse of the Bible as Aleph (1st Letter of the Hebrew Alphabet) and Tau (Last and 22nd Letter of the Hebrew Alpabet) times twice. The Messiah carries his Father's full name twice, once in his present name of Yahuahshua = Salvation of Yahuah and the second time in his future name of Yahuahtsadaq = Righeousness of Yahuah. The Messiah also appears in conclusion and completion of the Last and Final Chapter of the Bible in Revelation Chapter 22.
2) 1 Year = 360 Days = 5 x 72 = 2 x 144 + 72.
2 Years = 720 Days = 5 x 144.
There are 360 Days + 4 Intercalary Days in 1 Sacred Calendar Year.3) 144 = (3 x 22) + (3 x 26).
144 = 22 + 22 + 22 + 26 + 26 + 26.
2 Years = 5 x 144.
2 Years = 144 + 144 + 144 + 144 + 144.
Where: 144 = Righteousness. 22 = Completion. 26 = Father's Name. 144, 22, and 26 all represent the Messiah.4) 120 = 11 + 13 + 22 + 26 + 22 + 26.
Where: 120 = Life span of Man. 11 = 1/2 of 22 which is not complete. 13 = 1/2 of 26 which is not complete. The flesh which is temporal will die and is only 1/2 of Man's existence. The other 1/2 of Man is spirit which is eternal. The numbers 11 and 13 are temporal and are not complete. But the numbers of 22 and 26 are complete and are eternal.5) The Family of Heaven:
The Family of Heaven consists of three unique, individual and distinct beings: Yahuah the Father, Yahuah the Son, and Yahuah the Holy Spirit. Who are all unique and yet one Family.The Messiah said, "... for my Father is greater than I" (John 14:28). "Who (the Messiah), being in the form of Yahuah, thought it not robbery to be equal to Yahuah" (Philippians 2:6).
Yahuah the Father is above all. Yet the Messiah carries the fullness of his Father's Name of Yahuah which has a numerical value of 26, in both his present name of Yahuahshua and in his future name of Yahuahtsadaq.
26 = 18 + 4 + 4.
Yahuah the Father = 26.
Righteousness = 18.
Yahuah the Son = 4 = Yahuahshua (carries all 4 Hebrew Letters of the Father's Name of Yahuah.
Yahuah the Son = 4 = Yahuahtsadaq (carries all 4 Hebrew Letters of the Father's Name of Yahuah.Yahuah the Son = Salvation of Yahuah.
Yahuah the Son = Righteousness of Yahuah.Believers perfected during the Great Tribulation:
The Saints will be perfected during the Great Tribulation by the trials and tribulations that they will have to endure. Just as a diamond is plain in the rough, so is a babe in the faith. However, once the Creator starts to cut the diamond, then the true light starts to shine through and the true beauty and brilliance will shine through the gem stone. The more cuts, the brighter the stone. Each stone is unique and only the Creator can cut the stone to its true perfection. As we go through life each trial and tribulation acts as a cut and lets in more light. When a stone is cut to perfection and you look down into it, there is so much light that you won't be able to see the bottom. Keep in mind that even though a diamond is one of the hardest gem stones, it is still just made of pure carbon. So that if it starts to burn, the diamond will burn until it totally consumes itself.
The master craftsman will use great skill to maximize the brilliance of each gem stone and at the same time minimize the flaws of the stone. When perfected, the light will be so bright that the flaws won't be visible.
Yahuah the Father is Light. The Messiah Yahuahshua is the Light of the World. And as believers we will be created in His image and we will become the Children of the Light!
Introduction:138.0) Last 7 Years to the Messiah's Return began with Feast of Trumpets Fall 2019:Today is June 14, 2019 the 26th Day of the 3rd Month on the Sacred Calendar.
Joseph is the Biological Father of the Messiah. Which makes the Messiah a direct descendant of King David as prophesied in Scripture, as Joseph is a direct descendant of King David (Luke 2:4; Matthew 1:1-16; Luke 3:23-38).
The Christian Myth that the Messiah did not have a biological natural Father has caused many to turn away from the New Testament of the Bible for we know that the Messiah has to be a direct descendant of King David. For without a biological Father, it is not possible to determine the Messiah's true lineage. For in scripture, the lineage is always determined by a direct line through the male side, and not from the female side.
Jacob (Israel) had 12 Sons and 1 Daughter. The 12 Tribes of Israel came from the 12 Sons of Jacob. The genealogy is through the male seed. We know that the Messiah is the offspring and root of King David of the Tribe of Yahudah (Judah) through the male line. In Matthew 1:1 we read, "The book of the generation of Yahuahshua the Messiah, the son of David, the son of Abraham."
Note: There is no tribe through Dinah, the Daughter of Jacob! The genealogy is always through the male line! (Genesis 30:20-21; 34:1)
The origin of this Christian Myth stems from Matthew 1:18-25. Note that we don't have any early Manuscripts of Chapter 1 of the Book of Matthew. All the other scriptures in both the Old and New Testaments weigh heavily that the Messiah had a natural birth and that Joseph is the biological Father of the Messiah.
The Messiah came into this world in the flesh to help us, which does not diminish from his pre-existence and being the first begotten of Yahuah, the son of the Most High. The Messiah came in the flesh and suffered to show us that we too can overcome in the flesh, when he said in John 16:33, "... be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." He could have come as a supernatural and all powerful being but rather humbled himself and came as a Lamb.
The Messiah came as a sacrificial Lamb. In Hebrews 2:7,9,14-18 we read, "Thou made him a little lower than the angels; ... But we see Yahuahshua, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, ... that he by the grace of Yahuah should taste death for every man. Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil; And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage. For truly he took not on him the nature of angels; but he took on him the seed of Abraham. Wherefore in all things it behoved him to be made like unto his brethren, that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to Yahuah, to make reconciliation for the sins of the people. For in that he himself hath suffered being tempted, he is able to succour them that are tempted."
Through the shedding of his blood our sins are forgiven. For without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins. So the Messiah had to die in the flesh that we may have life and that we may have life more abundantly. Yahuah has given us a way out through His beloved Son. Yahuah the Father gave the Messiah the power to lay down his life in the flesh and also to take it up again in the form of a glorious body (1Peter 3:18).
In Revelation 22:16 the Messiah clearly states, "I Yahuahshua have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the assemblies. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star."
Old and New Testament Prophesies concerning the birth and genealogy of the Messiah:
1) The Messiah has to come from one of the Tribes of Israel - Deuteronomy 17:15.
2) The Messiah has to come from the tribe of Yahudah (Judah) and he has to be a direct descendant of King David - Isaiah 11:1-5.
3) The Messiah came from the Tribe of Yahudah (Judah).
Hebrews 7:14 "For it is evident that our Master sprang out of Yahudah (Judah); of which tribe Moses spake nothing of priesthood."4) Acts 2:29-30 "Men and brethren, let me freely speak unto you of the patriarch David, that he is both dead and buried, and his sepulchre is with us unto this day. Therefore being a prophet, and knowing that Yahuah had sworn with an oath to him, that of the fruit of his loins, according to the flesh, he would raise up the Messiah to sit on his throne."
5) Hebrews 10:5 "Wherefore when he comes into the world, he says, Sacrifice and offering you would not, but a body have you prepared me."
6) John 1:1-14 "And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us ..."
7) Luke 24:39 "Behold my hands and my feet, that it is myself: handle me, and see; for a spirit has not flesh and bones, as you see me have."
8) Romans 8:3 "... Yahuah sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh."
9) Galatians 4:4 "Yahuah sent forth his Son, made of a woman, under the law."
10) 1Timothy 3:16 "Yahuah the Son, was manifested in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory."
The Messiah has to be a direct descendant of King David:
The words used in scripture all point to the Messiah being of the male line with no mention of a female line! Such words as: Seed of David, Son of David, Offspring of David, and Fruit of the Loins are being used.
Note: the Greek word for "seed" in the New Testament is the Greek word Strong's #4690 "SPERMA" from #4687; something sown, i.e. seed (including the MALE "SPERM"); by implication offspring.
1) Seed of David, Son of David, Offspring of David:
- John 7:42 "Has not the scripture said, That the Messiah comes of the seed of David, and out of the town of Bethlehem, where David was?"
- Matthew 1:1 "The book of the generation of Yahuahshua the Messiah, the son of David." (Mark 10:47-48; Luke 18:37-38).
- Romans 1:2-4 "Which Yahuah had promised afore by his prophets in the holy scriptures, concerning His Son Yahuahshua the Messiah our master, which was made of the seed of David according to the flesh. And declared to be the Son of Yahuah with power, according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead."
- 2Timothy 2:8 "Remember that Yahuahshua the Messiah of the seed of David was raised from the dead according to my gospel:"
- Revelation 5:5 "the Lion of the tribe of Yahudah, the Root of David, has prevailed to open the book ..."
- 1Chronicles 17:11-14 "And it shall come to pass, when thy (King David's) days be expired that you must go to be with your fathers, that I will raise up thy seed after you, which shall be of thy sons; and I will establish his (Messiah's) kingdom. He shall build me an house, and I will stablish his (Messiah's) throne for ever. I will be his (Messiah's) father, and he (Messiah) shall be my son: and I will not take my mercy away from him, as I took it from him that was before you. But I will settle him in mine house and in my kingdom for ever: and his (Messiah's) throne shall be established for evermore."
- Matthew 22:42-45 The Messiah is both the Son of Yahuah and the Son of David. The Messiah asked: "What think you of the Messiah? whose son is he? They say unto him, The son of David. The Messiah says unto them, How then does David in spirit call him Master, saying, Yahuah said unto my Master, Sit you on my right hand, till I make thine enemies your footstool? If David then call him Master, how is he his son?"
Note: the word "seed" in both the Old and New Testaments only comes from the Male.
- Acts 13:22-23 "... he (Yahuah) raised up unto them David to be their king; to whom also he gave testimony, and said, I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after mine own heart, which shall fulfil all my will. Of this man's seed has Yahuah according to his promise raised unto Israel a Saviour, Yahuahshua."
- Luke 1:31-32 "... thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name Yahushua. He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and Yahuah shall give unto him the throne of his father David."
- Isaiah 7:13-14 "Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel." Note: Joseph married a virgin. The Messiah was the first born son of Joseph and Mary (Miriam)..
2) Son of Joseph:
- Matthew 1:1-16 "The book of the generation of Yahuahshua the Messiah, the son of David ... And Jacob begat Joseph the husband of Mary (Miriam), of whom was born Yahuahshua.
- Matthew 13:55-56 (Mark 6:3) "Is not this the carpenter's son? is not his mother called Mary? and his brethren, James, and Joses, and Simon and Judas? And his sisters, are they not all with us?
- Luke 3:23 "And Yahuahshua himself began to be about thirty years of age, being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph, which was the son of Heli."
- Luke 4:22 "... is not this Joseph's son?"
- John 1:45 "... We have found him, of whom Moses in the law, and the prophets, did write, Yahuahshua of Nazareth, the son of Joseph."
- John 6:42 "... is not this Yahuahshua, the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know? ..."
- Luke 2:4 "And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; (because he was of the house and lineage of David:)"
- Luke 1:27 "To a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David ..."
2John 7 "For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Yahuahshua the Messiah is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an anti-Messiah."
According to 1John 4:2-3, "Hereby know you the Spirit of Yahuah: Every spirit that confesses that Yahuahshua the Messiah is come in the flesh is of Yahuah: And every spirit that confesses not that Yahuahshua the Messiah is come in the flesh is not of Yahuah: and this is that spirit of anti-Messiah, whereof you have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world."
Introduction:139.0) March 16, 2023 began the Great Tribulation with the return of Enoch and Elijah:Today is January 8, 2021 the 23rd Day of the 10th Month on the Sacred Calendar.
We finally have a starting point for the Last Days. The starting point is the start of the COVID-19 PANDEMIC!!
This Pandemic is global and something that this world has never seen before! This Pandemic is causing chaos worldwide, destroying the global economy. Globally there has been over 80 million cases with close to 2 million dead so far.
Scientists have debated when this Pandemic began. They believe that it began sometime between August 2019 to December 2019.
If the starting point for the Last Days was in Spring, then there would be only 1 x 3 1/2 Year Block to the Messiah's Return, for the Messiah has to return in the Fall. But because we now know that the starting point and end point are both in the Fall, then the duration has to be 2 x 3 1/2 Year Blocks = 7 Years to the Messiah's Return.
From scripture we know that the Messiah has to Return in the Fall on the Feast of Trumpets on the 1st Day of the 7th Month. The Messiah has to fulfil the Fall Feast Days at his 2nd Coming which have not been fulfilled yet. We also know from the Book of Revelation that the Last Days are marked by 3 1/2 Year Blocks of Time (Rev.11:2,3 = 42 Months, 1260 Days; Rev.12:6 = 1260 Days; Rev.13:5 = 42 Months).
We now have a starting point for the Last Days in the Fall of 2019 with the start of the Pandemic. To get a complete 3 1/2 Year Block of Time, the starting point has to be on the Feast of Trumpets. So the starting point has to be on the Feast of Trumpets on Thursday September 19, 2019 on the 1st Day of the 7th Month.
We also know that the end point for the Messiah's Return has to be in the Fall on the Feast of Trumpets. We know that the Last Days are in 3 1/2 Year Blocks. So we are locked into 3 1/2 Year Blocks of Time to work with. So there are only two possibilities to end up in the Fall with 3 1/2 complete Blocks of Years:
1) Spring to Fall = 3 1/2 Years.
2) Fall to Fall = 7 Years = 2 x 3 1/2 Years.
Now that we know the starting point is Fall 2019 it can not start with Spring. Since the end point has to be in the Fall and we have to use 3 1/2 Year Blocks, then we know that the Time Span can only be 7 Years. These Last 7 Years consist of 2 x 3 1/2 Years.
There are two parts to the Last Days that the Messiah tells us about. The 1st is the Time the Messiah calls the Beginning of Sorrows = 3 1/2 Years (Matthew 24:8; Mark 13:8). The 2nd is the Great Tribulation = 3 1/2 Years (Matthew 24:21; Mark 13:24; Revelation 7:13-17).
The Last 7 Years to the Messiah's Return simplified:
1) The Beginning of Sorrows:
1st Year - Fall 2019 to Fall 2020.
2nd Year - Fall 2020 to Fall 2021.
3rd Year - Fall 2021 to Fall 2022.
Last 1/2 Year - Fall 2022 to Spring 2023.2) The Great Tribulation:
1st Year - Spring 2023 to Spring 2024.
2nd Year - Spring 2024 to Spring 2025.
3rd Year - Spring 2025 to Spring 2026.
Last 1/2 Year - Spring 2026 to Fall 2026.Notice the numerical value of Yahuah's Holy Name of 26!!!
The Spring Feasts represents the Messiah's 1st Coming when he came as Yahuahshua = Yahuah is our Salvation which carries his Father's full name of Yahuah = 26. The Fall Feasts represent the Messiah's 2nd Coming when he will come as Yahuahtsadaq = Yahuah is our Righteousness which again carries his Father's full name of Yahuah = 26!!!.The Last 6 Months of the Last 3 1/2 Years Great Tribulation is also important. 6 Months = 26 Weeks!! Again you see Yahuah's Holy Number of 26!
1 Year = 52 Weeks. 1/2 Year or 6 Months = 26 Weeks.
At the Messiah's 1st Coming, the 1st 6 Months = 26 Weeks, All the Spring Feasts were fulfilled.
At the Messiah's 2nd coming, the Last 6 Months = 26 Weeks, All the Fall Feast Days will be fulfilled.
At his 1st Coming, the Messiah used his Name of Yahuahshua = Yahuah is Salvation. He came as a Lamb.
At his 2nd Coming, the Messiah will use his Name of Yahuahtsadaq = Yahuah is Righteousness. He will come as a Lion. Yahuahtsadaq has a numerical value of 220 = 22 x 10 where 22 = completion and 10 = judgment.
Signs in the Sun, the Moon and the Stars in the Last Days:
Rare planetary alignment: 1st Time in 800 Years! Saturn and Jupiter lined up on Monday December 21, 2020 on the Day of the Winter Solstice. The event is also called the "Christmas (Xmas) Star".
U.S. Presidential Election and Yahuah's Perfect Number of 26!
Date of U.S. Presidential Election = November 3, 2020.
Date of Inauguration of New U.S. President = January 20, 2021.
Difference between November 4, 2020 to January 20, 2021 = exactly 78 Days = 3 x 26!1st 26 Days = from November 4, 2020 to November 29, 2020.
2nd 26 Days = from November 30, 2020 to December 25, 2020.
3rd 26 Days = December 26, 2020 to January 20, 2021.
Note:2nd 26 Days exactly on December 25, 2020, Xmas Day!!From November 4, 2020 to December 25, 2020 = 2 x 26 = 52.
December 26, 2020 (Boxing Day) was on 10th Day 10th Month = Judgment.
Note: 1st Temple (Solomon's Temple) in Jerusalem was beseiged on the 10th Day 10th Month = Judgment in 588 BCE and destroyed on 10th Day 5th Month in 586 BCE.
On Wednesday January 6, 2021 rioters attacked and beseiged the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C.. 5 people were killed and there was much destruction to property. People refer to the Capitol Building as the Temple of Democracy! The Last and only other time the Capitol Building was ever attacked was in 1812 by the British!
More Perfect Numbers:
1) 22 + 22 + 26 = 70.
The Beginning of Sorrows has begun:
The COVID-19 Pandemic has triggered the Beginning of Sorrows and has started the countdown of the Last 7 Years to the Messiah's 2nd Coming.
Because Man has broken Yahuah's Laws on clean and unclean food, Yahuah will break Man (Leviticus 11:1-47). It seems that Man will never learn. In Africa they had the Ebola Virus outbreak because people were eating unclean bush meat.
The Covid-19 Virus outbreak is the direct result of people in China eating bats which are unclean.
To combat the disease, governments have locked down whole countries. Because of the lockdown, people are staying at home, businesses have closed. People are turning to online purchasing, work, school, and socializing which is digital. The Digital Age of our time now is all geared for the Mark of the Beast. It will come to a point where you will not be able to buy or sell without the Mark of the Beast.
The Digital System and the Mark of the Beast:
In History, we are now down to the 10 Toes (10 Digits) of the Statue in Daniel's Prophecy (Daniel 2:28-45). We are now in the Digital System of the Beast, just before the Messiah's 2nd Coming.
Could the 10 Toes or Digits also represent 10 Plagues? Plagues such as the Covid-19 Virus to kick off the soon coming Great Tribulation?
Because of the Covid-19 Virus stay home policy, domestic violence has increased, most people lost their jobs, most can't pay their rent, people are going hungry, people are stressed out. Hearts of people failing them for fear (Luke 21:25-28). Anxiety and depression has set in, mental illness has increased.
We can see the efforts to push for the Mark of the Beast in controlling the people. Governments want to control the people to be able to monitor contact tracing through Digital Apps in cell phones. Some countries are introducing ID Systems to show who had the Virus Vaccine and to give these people special status because they have immunity.
Cash is drying up. Many stores are not accepting cash. Many stores are only accepting credit or debit cards to avoid physical contact. Again, tracing can be achieved through digital monitoring using debit and credit.
The Messiah will return on the Feast of Trumpets in 2026:
We know from prophecy and scripture that the Messiah has to return on the Feast of Trumpets to complete the fulfilment of the Fall Feast Days.
In the Fall of 2026, the Feast of Trumpets will be on Thursday September 17, 2026.
The Messiah will come back descending upon the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem (Acts 1:9-12).
The Messiah will come back at 12 Noon (Jerusalem Time), the same time as when he was crucified (Matthew 27:45; Mark 15:33; Luke 23:44-45; John 19:14-18). For every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him (Revelation 1:7).
Daniel prophesied in Daniel 2:28-45 that the Messiah will come back at the time of the 10 Toes (10 Digits). We are now in that time frame of the 10 Toes or 10 Digits. We are now in the Digital System.
The Covid-19 Pandemic began in the Fall of 2019. This pandemic is pushing for the Mark of the Beast which has to be Digital (Revelation 13:16-18). When the Digital System is fully implemented then the people will not be able to buy or sell without the Mark of the Beast.
The joy and the mirth has ceased, the grinding wheel has stopped. Worship in public places has ceased. The gathering for worship has been banned. So it is written (Amos 8:11) "Behold, the days come, saith Yahuah, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine for bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of Yahuah".
Respect for authority is deteriorating. Police authority is being minimized. People are getting more violent. Mob rule, chaos and anarchy is plaguing the world, lawlessness rules.
All these things are a sign of the Messiah's soon return and the Beginning of Sorrows. Lawlessness will increase in the Last Days. The hearts of many shall fail for fear of what is coming to pass (Luke 21:26).
Man is destroying the earth and Yahuah will destroy those that destroy the earth (Revelation 11:18).
What is the difference between Believers and Unbelievers? Believers are going Home! Unbelievers are at Home!
"Come out of her, my people, that you be not partakers of her sins, and that you receive not of her plagues" (Revelation 18:4).
"And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draws nigh" (Luke 21:28).
Introduction:Today is April 5, 2023 the 21st Day of the 1st Month on the Sacred Calendar.
March 16, 2023 was the 1st Day of the 1st Month on the Sacred Calendar which began the 3 1/2 Year Great Tribulation. The Messiah's 2nd Coming will be immediately after the Great Tribulation, in the Fall, on the 1st Day of the 7th Month on the Feast of Trumpets on Thursday September 17, 2026.
Enoch (Hanoch) and Elijah (EliYahu) have never died (Genesis 5:23-24; Hebrews 11:5; 2Kings 2:11). It is appointed onto all men to die once, so they have to come back to die. They both will be killed at the end of the 3 1/2 Year Great Tribulation and their dead bodies will be on display for 3 1/2 days (Revelation 11:3-13). They will witness and prophesy for 3 1/2 years during the Great Tribulation(Revelation 11:3-12).
Enoch used the Solar Hebrew Calendar:
Enoch was the 7th from Adam and he lived 365 Years before he was translated, which indicates a solar year of 365 Days.
Enoch used a solar calendar and not a lunar calendar. The calendar Enoch used is stated in the Book of Enoch and had 364 Days = 52 perfect weeks of 7 Days per week and which includes 4 Intercalary Days; 360 Days + 4 Intercalary Days = 364 Days per year. This is the Sacred Calendar which we as believers use to determine the Feast Days of Yahuah. This is the same Calendar used by the Essenes at Qumran.In Revelation 11:3-13 it is clear that the 1,260 Days = 3 1/2 Years x 360 Days per Year is the Sacred Calendar being refered to (the Intercalary Days understood but not shown). And the Two Witnesses and the Two Olive Trees are Enoch (Hanoch) and Elijah (EliYahu) who will prophesy for 3 1/2 Years during the Great Tribulation.
Enoch and Elijah are forerunners of the Messiah:
In Malachi 4:5 we read, "Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful Day of Yahuah."
In Prayer we recite, "Eliyahu the Prophet, Eliyahu the Tishbite, Eliyahu the Giladite, will soon come to us with the Messiah, the Son of David."
In Jude 1:14-16 in the New Testament we read, "And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, Yahuah (the Messiah carrying his Father's Name of Yahuah) comes with ten thousands of his saints, To execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are unrighteous among them of all their unrighteous deeds which they have unrighteously committed, and of all their hard speeches which unrighteous sinners have spoken against him."
Signs in the Sun, the Moon, and the Stars:
We celebrated the Passover Meal this year on the 14th Day of the 1st Month on March 28, 2023 just after sunset.
On March 28, 2023 just after sunset there was a 5 Planetary Alignment with Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Uranus and Mars lining up near the Moon in the night sky.
4th Seal of Revelation 6:7-8 Open as of March 16, 2023:
March 16, 2023 was the 1st Day of the Year on the Sacred Calendar and began the 3 1/2 Year Great Tribulation. It also was the opening of the 4th Seal of Revelation 6:7-8.
Revelation 6:7-8 reads, "And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, come and see. And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto him over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth."
Other Signs that the Great Tribulation has begun March 16, 2023:
April 9, 2023: The first time in 30 Years, all 3 Great Religions of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam coincide in keeping their Holydays in Jerusalem in Spring 2023. With clashes on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Rocket attacks into Israel from Lebanon, Syria and Gaza.
Kings of the East are preparing. War with Russia and the Ukraine intensifies. China flexes its muscles with intensions to take Taiwan. The USA backs Taiwan. No wonder as Taiwan is the source of 92 percent of the World's semi-conductors and all the World now runs of computer chips.
How appropriate the Messiah will return in 2026!
The Father's Holy Name of Yahuah has a numerical value of 26! The Messiah carries the fulness of His Father's Name in both his Present Name of Yahuahshua and his Future Name of Yahuahtsadaq. The year 2026 carries the Holy Number of 26!
Messiah's 2nd Coming as King Priest and King of Righteousness:
At the Messiah's 1st Coming, he came as our Passover Lamb and has been carrying the Name of Yahuahshua = Yahuah our Salvation. But when he comes at his 2nd Coming he will come as the Lion of Yahudah and will carry his Future Name of Yahuahtsadaq = Yahuah our Righteousness.
The Messiah also is now our High Priest of the order of Melech-Tsadaq = King of Righteousness (Hebrews 5:10; 7:1-28; 8:1-13).
When the Messiah returns at his 2nd Coming he will come as a Priest King judging the World in Righteousness.
Even New Jerusalem will carry the same Name as the Messiah's Future Name of Yahuah-Tsadaq = Yahuah is our Righteousness.
In Jeremiah 23:6 we read, "In HIS (Messiah's) days Yahudah shall be saved, and Israel shall dwell safely: amd this is HIS Name whereby HE shall be called, Yahuah our Righteousness".
In Jeremiah 33:16 we read, "In those days shall Yahudah be saved, and Jerusalem shall dwell safely: and this is the Name wherewith SHE shall be called, Yahuah our Righteousness".
The Future Name of the Messiah and of New Jerusalem is confirmed in Revelation 3:12 where we read, "... and I will write upon him the Name of my Almighty (Yahuah), and the Name of the city of my Almighty, which is New Jerusalem (Yahuah-Tsadaq), which comes down out of heaven from my Almighty: and I will write upon him my New Name (Yahuah-Tsadaq).
As these troubled times have come we should be as close to Yahuah and to His beloved Son Yahuahshua as possible. We have the comfort of Yahuah's Holy Spirit and Yahuah's Word. We rely on Yahuah's protection and help and not in our own strength and wisdom.
Look up and rejoice for your redemption draws near.
The Trumpet of Yahuah is Sounding!!!
Do you not hear it?
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The Lion of the Tribe of Yahudah